Holiday Breads Our Bread is Heavenly 2014

Our Bread is Heavenly
A fundraising event of the
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Order bread for pickup on
December 6, 13, and 20
9:30-12 Noon
Saint Luke’s Lutheran Church
Norton Avenue and Lake Harbor Road
The Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS)began in 1995 as the Shoah Remembrance
Committee of Muskegon. Our partnership with the leadership in the Muskegon Area Intermediate School
District and Muskegon Community College over the past 20 years led us to create the CHGS in an effort
to encourage awareness of and study of issues of racism. The Holocaust and subsequent genocides of the
20th Century have made us aware that racism is a universal and on-going issue which will always need to
be addressed.
Holiday Breads began as a fund raiser for the CHGS seven years ago and has steadily grown. Thanks to
the leadership of First Baptist Church, we have been able to increase our baking capacity through the use
of their licensed kitchen facility. Members of that congregation have seen the value of this program as a
ministry for the Christian church.
The breads we bake come from ethnic traditions in Europe and are used especially during the Chanukah
and Christmas Seasons.
A description of breads is given here and also online at
The order form may be sent to :
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
PO Box 452
Muskegon, Michigan 49440
You may also send your order by email to the following: or use the link on the web page.
You may call, leaving your name and phone number: 231-722-2702
Please note: some varieties of bread are not available for order but may be purchased on the order-pickup Saturdays, December 13 and 20. We always have extra bread which may be purchased on those days
and we also offer bread tastings on those days. Bread tastings are offered on pick up Saturdays.
Holiday Bread Offerings
Sweet breads and Coffee breads
Cardamom Braid: the recipe has the flavor of that delicious spice and is extremely good toasted
with a cup of coffee. It is a Lea Majors bread.
Julekage is Norwegian Christmas bread. It has a slight taste of cardamom and has candied
lemon, citron and golden raisins.
Dresden Stollen is the Christmas bread of Germany and has many variations. This is raised
dough with currants and orange and lemon peel.
Almond Stollen does not have fruit or raisins just the rich flavor of almond throughout.
Kolach also comes in many forms but our version is from Pastor Michnay and is a bread roll
with either poppy seed or walnut filling.
Mandelbrod is an eastern European biscotti-like cookie made in Jewish households. They have
no dairy products in them and they are not as hard as biscotti. They come in Cherry-Pecan,
Orange-Craisin, Chocolate Chip and Walnut, Chocolate and Apricot.
Chocolate covered Coconut Macaroons are a large cookie that can be shared if you share well
with others.
Order for December 13 and 20 only:
Pepparkakor is a thin, crisp Ginger cookie baked at Christmas time in Sweden.
For Sale on December 13 and 20
Vetelängder is a long sweet bread roll with either raspberry, apple, apricot, lemon, or raspberry
and cheese. It is made from a cardamom flavored dough and is braided. They are about 15 inches
long and are a treat for the tongue and eyes. This bread will be available for sale on Saturday mornings
during pick up and not pre-ordered.
Table breads
Bohemian Hoska is a two-and-a-half pound loaf that is packed with flavor and is the centerpiece of the Christmas table with its three levels of braiding. It explodes with the flavors of
ginger, nutmeg, orange and anise and has walnuts and raisins in it.
Rye Breads:
Irv’s Swedish Rye: Irv was a long time resident of Muskegon and member of Samuel Lutheran
Church. He spent years perfecting this recipe and it became a favorite among a lot of people. It
has the flavor of anise and fennel and is best eaten with a mild cheese like Havarti or a Bond-Ost.
The bread has a nice medium texture.
Swedish Limpa Rye: There are many recipes for this bread but all contain the essence of
orange with caraway, anise and fennel. Serve with a mild cheese like Bond-Ost and a slice of
ham . It is a medium-dense textured bread.
Grandma Johnson’s Overnight Swedish Rye: This recipe comes from Margaret Tyler’s family. It
is raised overnight, has the essence of orange, with caraway, anise and fennel with the addition
of oats. This is a soft bread. Some people prefer this bread to be made in a loaf pan. Please mark
that on your order form.
White breads:
Challah: a braided loaf sometimes known as “egg bread”. It is served on the Sabbath.
Containing no dairy, it can be served with either meat or dairy meals. One thing for sure: it
makes excellent French toast.
Sourdough: a hearth bread, Matt Scott from First Baptist Church has made hundreds of loaves
and it is a favorite there.
For sale on December 13 and 20
Weissbrod mit Kummel-White bread with caraway: a German bread that is unique. Its first
rising is under water. My kids called it submarine bread.
It is a two-and-a-half pound loaf and is excellent with ham and Swiss cheese, or
sausage. It has a wonderfully crisp crust.
Bohemian Rye is a very dense bread and is sliced very thin. It is made with caraway and a rye
dough starter which adds a sourdough flavor to the bread . Good with a mild goat cheese, Havarti
or Bond-Ost. You can have a shaved piece of ham on it with mustard.
Danish Rye: a traditional rye with no added spices. A dense bread, it is sliced thinly and is
served with soup, cheese and ham. It is formed in a loaf pan whereas the other rye breads are
traditionally round or oval.
Bread not for ordered for pickup will be in limited supply.
Orders for:
Must be received by:
December 6
December 2
December 13
December 9
December 20
December 16
Breads available for order
Sweet Bread
Cardamom Braid
Julekage (Norwegian Christmas Loaf)
Dresden Stollen
Almond Stollen
Poppy seed Kolach
Walnust Kolach
Cherry –Pecan Mandelbrod
Chocolate Chip-Walnut Mandelbrod
Craisin-Orange Mandelbrod
Apricot-Chocolate Chip Mandelbrod
Chocolate covered Coconut Macaroon (large)
Pepparkakor (Order for Dec. 13 and 20)
Table Breads
Bohemian Christmas Loaf (Hoska)
Irv’s Swedish Rye
Swedish Limpa
Grandma Johnson’s Ovenight Swedish Rye
Available for sale on December 13 & 20 at pickup time
Swedish Vetelängder
Raspberry, Apple-Cinnamon, Almond, Apricot
Weissbrod mit Kummel
(White bread with Caraway)
Bohemian Rye
Danish Rye
Holiday Bread Order Form 2014
Swedish Cardamom Bread
Norwegian Julekage
Julekage w/o raisins
German Stollen
Almond Stollen
Slovak Kolach - Walnut
Slovak Kolach- Poppy Seed
Slovak Kolach- ½ of each
Mandelbrod- Cherry/pecan
Mandelbrod-Walnut/chocolate chip
Mandelbrod- Apricot/Chocolate Chip
Mandelbrod- A mix of the above
Bohemian Hoska
Norwegian Fattigmann Cookies
Swedish Pepparkakor
Chocolate covered Coconut Macaroons
Swedish Limpa
Irv’s Swedish Rye
Grandma Johnson’s Overnite Rye
Sour Dough
If you are thinking about ordering Vetelangder,
what kind of �illing would you like most?
$8.00 13oz
$8.00 13oz
$8.00 13oz
$8.00 13oz
$8.00 13oz
$12.00 (2.5-3 lb.)
$6.00 Per dz
$4.00 Per 2 dz
$1.50 each
NAME ___________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________ Email _________________________
Pick up(Circle one):
Dec 6 (Order by 12/2)
Dec 13 (Order by 12/9)
The order form may be sent to :
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
PO Box 452
Muskegon, Michigan 49440
Dec 20 (Order by 12/16)