The Strategic Planning Implementation Process Welcome New Members Morris & Mirjana Freilich

November-December 2014 / Heshvan-Tevet 5775
145 Hartford Street
Welcome New Members
Morris & Mirjana Freilich
Scott & Melissa Ginsberg
Emma, Ethan and Hannah
Richard & Jill Glaser
Mark & Diana Lerman
Ted Weesner &
Ravit Reichman
Nadav and Boaz
David & Jennifer Wolff
Aaron and Noah
Cindy Rubin
Michael Sullivan
Pamela Cole
Daniel & Racheline Allen,
Maya and Jacoby
Dani Ruran & Wanda
Phipatanukul, Hana and Jack
In This Issue:
Rabbi’s Desk
Cantor’s Voice
Presidential Ponderings
Adlut Education
Hakol Deadline
Men’s Club
Nursery School
Religious School
Youth / USY Updates
In The Community
Mazal Tov
Volume 38; Issue 2
Natick, MA 01760
The Strategic Planning Implementation Process
As many members of our kehillah (community)
are aware, Temple Israel of Natick has been
engaged in a Strategic Planning process for the
past year and a half. Our clergy and lay
leadership have engaged with the membership
in a variety of formats and forums, including a
congregational wide survey and a “town
meeting” styled breakfast, in order to plan short,
medium- and long-term goals to best serve the
diverse needs of our community. These goals
were broken down into various categories:
“Chesed-Tzedakah,” “Community-Welcoming
and Engaging.” “Financial SustainabilityFundraising and Endowments,” “Leadership,”
“Tefillah-Spirituality” and “Torah-Learning.”
For each of these categories, the Strategic
Planning Steering Committee charged six small
task forces with analyzing the data from the
congregation. These task forces mapped out
the methods, costs and time frames for
achieving these goals. The task forces included
clergy and temple staff professionals, as well as
a mixed representation of temple members.
Each of the task forces submitted reports to the
steering committee, and the steering committee
prepared a final report for submission to the
Temple Israel Board of Directors. A total of 116
strategic recommendations have come out of
this process, which form the basis of a road
map for the future of Temple Israel of Natick.
An Implementation Team formed with the
objective of helping the Temple Israel
community implement these recommendations.
The current membership of the Implementation
Team is Avi Finder, Erez Azaria and Stuart
Alford. In the next few weeks, this team will be
reaching out to Temple Israel vice-presidents,
committee chairs, clergy, staff members and
other members of our kehillah, who will be
working to ensure that the goals of our strategic
planning process will be realized.
Upcoming issues of HaKol will include updates
on this process, including specific details of
specific strategic planning goals and the status
of their implementation. The future of Temple
Israel looks bright and exciting, and there are
many opportunities for congregants to help
make this future a reality.
If you would like to help, or if you would like
additional information, please contact Stuart
Alford at, or speak with any of
the Implementation Team members when you
see us in Temple.
Pre-Order Your Copy of Like Dreamers by Nov. 11
For The Temple-Wide Book Read in April
We’ll be reading and discussing Yossi Klein
HaLevi's fascinating book, Like Dreamers: The
Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited
Jerusalem and Divided a Nation, on April 12
and April 26, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. at Temple Israel
in our first-ever Temple-wide Book Read. If
you're interested in seizing this unique
opportunity to come together as a kehillah to
engage with each other in discussion of this
book, or even if you simply want to take
advantage of our reduced price and help
support Sisterhood, pre-order your copy of the
paperback by November 11. At $13, the book
is a bargain and makes for a great gift. We will
be distributing the books on Sunday, November
23 at the Sisterhood Judaica Shop.
email to place your order or
for more information about the book and the
Book Read. We may be able to place an
additional order later this year or early next
year if there is sufficient interest, but for now we
have only one bulk order planned and we must
adhere to our deadline to ensure timely
Book overview from In Like
Dreamers, acclaimed journalist Yossi Klein
Halevi interweaves the stories of a group of
1967 paratroopers who reunited Jerusalem,
tracing the history of Israel and the divergent
ideologies shaping it from the Six-Day War to
the present. Featuring eight pages of blackand-white photos and maps, Like Dreamers is
a nuanced, in-depth look at these diverse men
and the conflicting beliefs that have helped to
define modern Israel and the Middle East.
From The Rabbi’s Desk
Each of the Holidays has its
own central theme: Pesach
celebrates Freedom, while
commitment. Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur invite us to
practice introspection and self-reflection, while
Sukkot opens us up to gratitude and joy. Living
the flow of the holiday cycle from year to year,
we see our lives reflected upon the background
of these themes.
With the conclusion of Sukkot, and as we look
forward to Thanksgiving (which was very likely
inspired by the biblical festival), I find myself
sitting with a profound sense of gratitude for the
myriad gifts in our lives, and for life itself. We
have a unique Hebrew term for the moral virtue
of gratitude: Hakarat hatov, literally,
“recognizing the Good.” Our tradition teaches
that our very first words upon waking in the
morning should be “Modeh Ani: I am grateful.”
My colleague, David Wolpe, puts it this way:
“Hakarat Hatov, gratitude, is a profound
religious emotion. We sit in the sukkah and are
grateful for our homes. We begin the Torah
anew and are grateful for the gift of God’s word.
At a time of loss, we mourn; but all the time that
precedes it, when we are in possession of
blessing, of life, of love, should we not be
The simple act of saying thank you to the
people in your life can be very powerful. Let me
suggest that we elevate our consciousness of
Hakarat Hatov to a communal level. I am so
glad that our annual Shabbat dinner welcoming
new members has been transformed into a
community celebration that honors volunteers.
Thank you, to our membership Vice President,
Mike Richmond, and to his wonderful
committee, for continuing this new tradition.
Two years ago, we honored our minyan
captains, for their tireless work in insuring the
success of our daily minyanim, every morning
and evening of the year. Last year, we honored
our Caring Committee, those volunteers who
are the angels who step in when you really
need an extra helping hand --driving you to a
doctor’s appointment, preparing a meal for your
family during a period of illness or babysitting in
a crisis.
This year, we are honoring the Sisterhood of
Temple Israel, whose unflagging commitment
to building and sustaining community can
always be counted on. Sisterhood’s Leagrams
keep us connected through our sorrows and
simchas. They encourage a culture of learning
through their monthly programs, Sisterhood
Shabbat and financial support for Religious
School projects, and students’ summer
experiences in Jewish camps and on Israel
summer programs. And, consistently through
the years, they lend financial support to the
operating budget of the temple, and to the
support of undergraduate life at the Jewish
Theological Seminary of America. Their
dedication is so inspiring, and I look forward to
thanking them publically. And I hope you will be
there too, to share Shabbat dinner, to practice
hakarat hatov and to be inspired!
The next time you are in the temple, drop by the
office and say thank you to Carole Lechan for
the gracious way in which she fields phone
calls, solves problems and keeps our office
humming. Thank Bill McCarthy for the diligence
and zeal with which he oversees the
administration of Temple Israel. Thank Bari
Weiss for getting bills out to us accurately and
on time. Thank Eddie Falone, and his wonderful
maintenance staff, for going above and beyond
any job description in keeping our temple clean,
attractive, and in good repair.
I’m just getting started. When you think about it,
the web of volunteers and professionals who
sustain our lives, our community and our world
is immense. The well of gratitude, however,
never runs dry.
Rabbi Daniel Liben
508.650.3521 x100
Shabbat Services &
Candle Lighting
Friday Evening - 5:45 p.m.
Saturday Morning - 9:15 a.m.
Mincha - 5:30 p.m.
See calendars for all
candlelighting times and events
Temple Israel of Natick
Business Office(508) 650-3521, x100
Fax Number(508) 655-3440
School Office(508) 650-3521, x124
Nursery School(508) 650-3521, x122
Youth Programs(508) 650-3521, x105
Daniel Liben
Ken Richmond
Harold Kushner
Rabbi Laureate
Robert Scherr
Cantor Emeritus
Karen Hayett
Education Director
Cindy Sandler
Nursery School Director
Bill McCarthy
Temple Director
Michelle Weiner
Michelle Nelson
Youth Programming
Davida Dinerman
HaKol Editor
Suzzette F.
Designer’s Spot
HaKol Designer
RSVP TO THE TEMPLE OFFICE 508-650-3521 X 100 or
HaKol is published from September through
August. Temple Israel of Natick is affiliated with
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.
The Cantor’s Voice
I wanted to write this month about the evolution of Friday
night services at Temple Israel and something new that
we’re trying this year. A decade or two ago, and for the
previous generation, at Temple Israel and other
Conservative temples, the Shabbat service balance was
somewhat the opposite of what it is now. Friday night
services were very popular and well attended, and Saturday morning
services less so. Friday night services were late services, with a sermon,
and often a choir singing. This was the case for many years at Temple Israel.
Several years ago (before I arrived), the temple was building up a stronger
cadre of Shabbat morning daveners and more people were choosing to stay
home and have Friday night dinners instead of coming to shul at night. We
instituted the system that was in place until this year: the general week-toweek Friday night service was early, so that people could go home and eat
dinner afterwards. Once a month, on the First Friday, we preserved the
tradition of a late service with a speaker. Last year in particular, we noticed
that it was often hard to get more than a couple dozen people here on Friday
nights, even for some of our fantastic scholars.
With this feedback in mind, we are only holding two late (7:45 p.m.) Friday
night services this year, one on December 5, when Rabbi Kushner will be
the featured speaker, and the other on May 1. The Temple Israel of Natick
Singers are singing for both of these Shabbatot. On all other First Fridays,
we are sticking to our regular 5:45 p.m. start time and doing our usual
service that takes under an hour and includes lots of singing. We are
continuing our Family Friday night dinner series, mostly on the second
Friday of the month, chaired this year by Yael Katzman and Samantha
We also are trying an experiment this year, based on some feedback from
the Tefillah (prayer) group in our strategic planning process. Many Reform
and Conservative congregations, have been trying out some Friday night
services with a band. B’nai Jeshurun in New York City was one of the first,
and synagogues around the country have tried out different combinations of
musical styles. We are rolling this out for one of our First Fridays on
November 7. The service will include many of the upbeat melodies that we
use from week to week, along with a few new ones, and we will be backed
up by a band of talented musicians. This service is followed by a Hazak
dinner (for 50+), and we are scheduled to do one more such service on
March 13, which will be followed by the congregation-wide Shabbat Across
America dinner.
We hope you will come, lend us your voices, and give us feedback about
how you like the service. We also welcome ideas about how to implement
the service in the future, including logistics, timing and how often you might
attend a service like this. You can hear some of our regular Friday night
melodies at: We hope you will
join us on November 7 and March 13 and some of the Friday nights in
Cantor Ken Richmond
508.650.3521 x107
70th Anniversary Celebrations Kick Off A Great Year
On Sunday, October 26, members and friends
joined together to honor Rabbi Laureate Harold
Kushner for his years of service to Temple Israel
and to celebrate Temple Israel’s 70 years in the
MetroWest community. Our social hall was filled
with warmth, spirit and pride as the community
paid tribute to Rabbi Kushner with a Lifetime
Achievement award. A lively musical
performance by the ShenaniGanns - the first-rate
student a capella group from Gann Academy –
entertained the guests. The performance was
only sweeter this time since both Carl and Chila
Haber, Rabbi and Mrs. Kushner’s grandchildren,
sang together on stage. Rabbi Liben presented
to Rabbi Kushner a beautiful tzedakah box made
out of Jerusalem stone which included a quote
from Pirkei Avot: the world stands on three
things: on Torah, on worship, and on deeds of
loving kindness. Thegift befits Rabbi Kushner
who has shown us all how to lead a meaningful
life through his example. You may view Rabbi
Liben’s lovely presentation to Rabbi Kushner
The 70th anniversary committee has started to
develop a 70th Anniversary presence on our
temple’s website where all “things 70” can be
found throughout the year. We have added a few
highlights and more will be forthcoming. Check
the website – for upcoming
program details.
November is a busy month with equally spirited
programs that I hope you will all support and
attend. On Friday, November 21, the
membership committee sponsors our annual
Community Dinner welcoming our new members
and honoring our dedicated Sisterhood. Your
invitations have arrived and I look forward to
seeing you at this special evening complete with
a delicious meal.
Another great meal awaits us on Sunday,
November 23, at the Men’s Club annual
congregational breakfast. Come for a great
morning program and hear from Men’s Club
member and guest speaker, Ralph Korenstein. I
am sure that you will be thoroughly captivated.
Let’s show our support and wear something
Kicking off December, the Ark Builders will be
sponsoring a breakfast on Sunday, December 7
for the release of their new and beautiful book,
Ark Builders: Worship through Woodworking.
This lovely book will make a great Hanukah
present so please mark your calendars for
another special program. Copies are now
available in the Sisterhood Judaica shop.This will
be a program for all to enjoy. Learn about a truly
unique piece of our temple’s history as we
continue to celebrate throughout the year.
Michelle Weiner Taylor
Coming to a temple nearest and dearest to you and beginning in
November is a wonderful fall semester of Adult Education:
Jewish Aerobics—Israeli Dancing every Thursday at 8 p.m.
Getting “Unstuck” In My Daily Life-Rabbi Liben – Wednesdays
November 5, 12, 19 at 7 p.m.
Parenting Through a Jewish Lens- beginning November 9 at 10 a.m.
Jews in the Pews in collaboration with Hebrew College - November
9 at 7:00 p.m.
Chassidism-Mystical or Practical with Rabbi Levi Fogelman Lunch
and Learn - November 10 at noon.
Basic Hebrew with Carolyn Goodman 10 sessions beginning
November 13 at 7 p.m.
Sacred And Profane Doubt-Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Alan
Ullman - November 24, December 1 and 8 at noon.
Don’t miss out. Register today. For information go to the Temple Israel
website and click on Learning or call the temple office at 508-650-3521
Circle of Friends
The Chaverim Club is a group of 20-, 30- and 40-somethings (with and
without children) who get together regularly. Our agenda is simple: Let’s
have fun and make new connections! Many of our events are kid-friendly.
Others are for just the adults. And all involve food! We had a wonderful
brunch in September at Dallas and Michal Kennedy’s home, and next up
is an evening of wine and dessert at Rob and Charna Westervelt’s home
(Nov. 15). Stay tuned for more details on all of our upcoming events this
The Chaverim Club is just one of the many ways that Temple Israel
continues to be a warm and welcoming community of friends. To be
added to our email list or to our Facebook group, please contact Ali
Bluestone ( or Charna Westervelt
We look forward to connecting with you soon!
Each month, Temple Israel has taken on the
responsibility of donating 50 four-packs of toilet
paper to JF&CS' Family Table, in support of
more than 400 needy Jewish families in the
Boston area. Don't forget to bring a four-pack of
toilet paper to contribute the next time you are in
the Temple building. Contact site coordinator Daphne Blacker at or 508-405-2853 for more information.
Family Table
Ark Builders: Worship Through Woodworking
coming soon to a gift shop near you!
Advance copies have arrived of the longawaited book Ark Builders: Worship Through
Woodworking. It’s beautiful – and one was
presented to Rabbi Kushner at his Lifetime
Award breakfast on October 26. The main
shipment is expected to arrive in Natick in early
November, and they'll be available through the
Sisterhood Judaica shop and online at
Want a copy signed by the authors and the Ark
Builders themselves? Then come to the free
Ark Builders breakfast and lecture on
December 7, where co-author David Ball will be
speaking about Building Community: Sacred
and Secular. David is an engaging speaker,
and breakfast will be prepared by some of the
finest chefs (names withheld for reasons of
security) ever to have graced the TI kitchen.
Want to win a free copy to give as a Hanukah
gift? Just find a typo (there's at least one in the
book's 51,569 words) and it's yours!
Want to learn what these two Ark Builders
projects had in common? The answer is on
page 99!
Temple Israel’s Calendar
is accessible to you on your
internet browser!!
Just type in your browser
Favorite it and have the Temple’s
up-to-date calendar at your fingertips
wherever you are!
Maintenance Issues at TI?
As you have probably noticed, we are striving to improve and keep on top of all maintenance issues
for our facility. If you are aware of any issue that needs to be addressed, please inform our VP of
Administration, Bob Smith, by putting a note in his Temple office mailbox or by sending email to
Minyan Moments: You
Daven… I Bring the
Cream Cheese
Every minyan has its own unique
characteristics. The Friday morning minyan,
captained by Mark Needleman, features a
bagels-and-lox breakfast prepared by Mark,
Ron Balk and Jay Ball and augmented by
something delicious-- every week's treat is
different -- baked by Fran Elovitz.
Norm Shufrin's contribution is a mixture of
cream cheese and lox bits that he prepares
each Friday morning in a hemispherical mound
that echoes the shape of the bowl in which it
was made. To honor his generosity and effort,
as well as his faithful (pun intended)
attendance, Norm was presented at the
October 24th minyan with a lox-colored
Hazak News
HAZAK’S first major
road trip headed west on
a glorious sunny day in
September and took 38
Temple Israel members
to the Yiddish Book
Center in Amherst, MA.
For those participants
who were first time visitors, it was an eye-popping experience. As we
toured the beautiful and amazing museum, we were welcomed to “a
lebedike velt,” a lively world of centuries old Jewish culture. We “kvelled”
at the amazing collection of over a million Yiddish books and artifacts
collected from all corners of the world in an attempt to preserve, educate
and display the Jewish culture of our ancestral bubbes and zaydes. After
our tour of the museum and archive room, we enjoyed a delicious lunch
provided by the local Black Sheep Deli. We send a “sheynim dank” to all
Archive Update
Please take a moment the next time you are in
our building to check out our archives display.
During the 70th year celebrations, we will bring
you decade by decade displays that will teach
you some of the history of our congregation -from our founding on October 16, 1944 to the
present day. We are fortunate to have an
extraordinary collection of documents and
photos from most our past. We will display as
many of these items as practical.
If you have photos or documents you would like
entered into the archives, please deliver them to
the temple office for our collection. Please be
sure to supply the names of everyone appearing
in the photos you submit.
We hope you enjoy our offerings and welcome
any and all participation in this project.
Gretchen and Stew Brandt
those who made this event possible, especially those folks who
graciously helped with the driving.
The positive response that HAZAK has received from our Temple
membership aged 50+, has been quite exciting. Our first program for this
new year (5775) will be “Friday Night Live” on November 7 at 5:45 p.m.
We will join together for a lively Shabbat service that will include a
musical concert followed by a delicious dinner in the social hall.
We hope to see many of you there.
HAZAK members initiate and organize all our future programs. It’s
gratifying that so many of you have been energetically involved and have
helped HAZAK become “THE PLACE TO BE” for our mature adults! For
those of you who haven’t joined us yet, NU?,,why are you waiting? For
more information, please call the temple office and we will add your name
to our growing list of HAZAK members.
Zay gezundt, The Feinbergs, the Marmers and the Richmonds
Membership Happenings
Our Community Dinner will take place on
Friday, November 21. It will be preceded by a
Kabbalat Shabbat service at 5:45 p.m. Julie
Blasbalg and her committee have been
working diligently to ensure the success of this
event where we will welcome new Temple
Israel members and honor Sisterhood. The
Sisterhood will be recognized with the 2014
Membership Appreciation Award for the
dedication, hard work and contributions of its
members that have so richly benefitted all of
us. The invitation for the Community Dinner has
been sent out and we urge you to reply as soon
as possible. This event has been very popular
in the past and reservations will need to be
closed once seating capacity has been
reached. I hope that you will join us that
Mike Richmond
VP of Member Relations
HaKol January Issue Deadline
December 10th
A month of a lifetime: Abby Dinerman’s experience in Dor L’Dor 2014 this summer
What comes to your
mind when you
think of Israel?
Tourism? History?
Those are all the
things that I thought
of before I went on
my four-week Israel
journey with the
Cohen Camps Dor
L’Dor program. I really did not know what to
expect even though I had heard stories from
past experiences. Hearing a story is nothing like
living in it.
My name is Abby Dinerman. I am 16-years-old,
and this essay is about my Israel journey. On
June 22, 2014, 120 kids from Camp Tel Noar,
Camp Pembroke and Camp Tevya joined
together in anticipation of a life-changing
experience, not knowing what was ahead of us
except for a very long travel day. Even though
we were all very tired when we arrived in Tel
Aviv, so much excitement filled our bodies as
we stepped off the plane and took that first
breath of Israel air. I was assigned to Bus 2,
also known as Havaya. All three camps were
mixed up so we could make new friends and
still keep the old. We then drove to our first
location on the itinerary, Jerusalem.
During the two-hour bus ride, I got my first
glimpse of Israel. I had only seen Israel in
pictures so being able to experience it first-hand
was simply incredible. The first week in Israel
we spent in Jerusalem. Seeing the Western
Wall was my favorite part of Jerusalem. We
visited on Shabbat, and it was packed. People
were praying and crying. The soldiers who
returned home from war were singing and
dancing, and we got pulled into a dance circle.
It was wonderful to be able to join the fun and
immerse ourselves in the culture. I put a note
into the Western Wall. It was amazing to touch
the wall and to think that millions of other
people have touched the same spot.
Week two included the Negev Adventure. We
stayed there for three days and two nights and
hiked long hours. My muscles were sore, and I
was dehydrated and extremely tired, but I knew
that was all part of the experience. I climbed tall
cliffs that were narrow, steep and windy. The
blistering weather cooled off at night, and we
watched the stars and even saw shooting stars.
At that moment, I felt so connected to Israel and
the people around. I just stared at complete and
utter darkness with just stars in the sky. You
could hear a pin drop, that’s how quiet it was.
On the night of June 30, the three Israeli boys
were found dead. A somber mood hit everyone.
Little did we know of the future of the country.
That was the last time Israel was at peace. In
the middle of the night there was a loud boom.
The next morning we learned that the sound
was bomb planes flying overhead. I had no idea
what this was going to turn into, but we
continued our trip and hiked the next day for 12
hours. I was scared and at the same time, I
have never felt so accomplished my whole life.
Israelis are a proud people and they welcome
others into their homeland with spirit. They try
hard to protect everyone in their country. It is a
shame these wonderful people must channel
their energy into conflict against those who do
not seem to take pride in or protect their people.
As we move into a new year, let's all pray
for health, happiness and peace.
ISRAEL ACTION: Combatting Bias in the Media
I was not surprised to find anti-Israel bias in Massachusetts newspapers
when I moved to Natick and joined Temple Israel two summers ago,
having dealt with similar bias as president of PRIMER-Connecticut
(Promoting Responsibility in Middle East Reporting). But I was surprised
by how little was apparently being done to combat it.
I began systematically keeping track of opinion pieces in The Boston
Globe (editorials, op-eds and letters) at the start of June, 2014 and noting
whether they were pro-Israel, anti-Israel or neutral. Between that time and
mid-October, I counted 21 pro-Israel letters versus 18 anti-Israel letters.
This suggests an anti-Israel bias since it does not reflect the tremendous
support the general population gives Israel.
During the same period, The Boston Globe published four relevant
editorials, all biased against Israel, with some containing blatant factual
errors the editors refused to correct even after the errors were pointed out
to them. There were 11 relevant op-eds, of which eight were anti-Israel,
two were pro-Israel and one was relatively neutral.
I did not track the pervasive bias in news articles because they come from
the wire services and are in the radar of CAMERA (Committee for
Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America,
The Globe's bias was documented in an article in The Jewish Advocate
on September 12. That article also referred to PRIMER-Massachusetts,
a new group I started to combat bias in The Boston Globe and other
Modeled after PRIMER-Connecticut, PRIMER-Massachusetts uses three
main tools: volunteers, a website ( and an email
list ( PRIMER's volunteers are on the lookout for
items biased against Israel. When one is found, an email alert, usually
containing an analysis with references to sources, is sent out to the email
list, asking the subscribers to write letters to the editor of the newspaper.
A significant proportion of recent pro-Israel letters in The Boston Globe,
the Boston Herald and the MetroWest Daily News have come from
PRIMER activists.
On a local level and as a totally volunteer effort, PRIMER duplicates the
core agenda which CAMERA promotes on a national level. CAMERA
provided the materials for the letter writing workshop held at Temple
Israel in July. The participants learned that writing an effective letter is
easier than most people think.
This summer's round with Hamas appears over and the barrage of
articles, editorials, op-eds and letters about Israel has quieted down, but
the never-ending battle for responsible Middle East reporting continues.
If you can write an English sentence, you're needed in that battle.You can
sign up for both the CAMERA and PRIMER email response teams on
their respective websites, or by sending emails to
On July 29, Einat Wilf, a former member of the Israeli Knesset, spoke at
an AIPAC program at Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley. During her talk,
she expressed confidence that Israel was finally taking the battle for
public opinion seriously and would succeed in turning the media tide. To
do that, Israel needs us. Let's all help make 5775 the year Israel starts
turning the media tide back in its favor.
By Alan Stein
Israel and Iron Dome
Did you know that AIPAC saved the lives of
hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Israelis this
past summer during Operation Protective
Edge? Yes, AIPAC lobbied our Congressmen
and Congresswomen, both this summer and in
the many years before, to ensure the US
government funding necessary to pay for Iron
Dome because Israel could not afford it on its
own. As we now know, Iron Dome shielded the
Israeli citizenry from the deadly barrage of
rockets sent from Gaza toward Israel’s
population centers. Operation Protective Edge
may be over but our job is not done; the threat
to Israel continues to exist. And the rockets
which one day, sadly, will be launched by
Hezbollah in the north—to strike Haifa,
Jerusalem, Tel Aviv—will be more numerous
and more sophisticated and more deadly.
Israel must have additional financial aid from
TI Israel Film Club
TI’s Israel Action Committee is proud to
show the latest in Israeli Films. Israeli films
have garnered international recognition in
the last decade and have provided for us a
window of opportunity to better understand
the complexities of Israeli society. Email
Dubi Gordon to be added to our mailing list
the US to develop the more advanced antimissile systems needed to protect the country
against Hezbollah’s rockets.
US aid to Israel is not guaranteed. Congress
and President Obama are always being asked
to consider other competing needs and there
are always anti-Israel detractors opposing aid
to Israel. But we can help AIPAC in its work to
keep Israel safe.
We can participate in AIPAC-organized letter
writing and phone call campaigns to our
Congresspeople and to our President in
support of Israel aid bills when they come
before Congress. Our elected representatives
and the President need to know that the
American people support Israel. We can also
contribute what we can to help pay for AIPAC’s
work in Washington, which requires a large and
Do you know about
Passport to Israel and
receiving free money for your
child’s teen trip to Israel?
If yes, time to Enroll!
If no, time to ask--For more information, contact:
Gary Rosenberg 508-620-0116
skilled staff in DC and throughout the US.
Without AIPAC’s continuing advocacy for Israel
in Congress and in the administration, bills to
aid Israel will not pass.
If the American Jewish population doesn’t help
support Israel against the mounting threats to
its existence, can we expect others to do it for
us? If we are not for ourselves, who will be?
By Maurie and David Sachs
Condolences To
Dov and Miriam Shazeer on the death of Dov’s
mother Alta Frohman, also the
grandmother of Rabbi Shira Shazeer.
The family of long-time Temple member Alvan
Levenson on his death.
Arnold and Brenda Zaltas on the death of
Arnold’s brother Harvey Raider.
The family of long-time Temple member Rita
Seavey on her death.
Edna Perlmutter on the death of her brother
Nathan Matz.
Edna and Fred Glass on the death of Edna’s
sister Claire Finstein.
PAID-UP SUPPER – November 18 On Tuesday, November 18, we will
hold our annual Paid-up Supper at 6:30 p.m. in the Temple Israel social
hall. We will enjoy Sophie et Adam singing a repertoire of Yiddish songs,
American Folk Songs, French songs and tango music. This event is open
to all Sisterhood members who have paid their dues for this year. We will
accept payment will at the door.
AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB – November 10 and December 8 The
Sisterhood Afternoon Book Club meets on the 2nd Monday of each
month at 1:30 p.m. in the temple chapel. On November 10, we will
discuss Unorthodox by Devorah Feldman. On December 8, we will
discuss The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman. All Sisterhood members are
welcome to attend. For information please contact Edna Mae Schneider
at 508-653-5396 or
EVENING BOOK CLUB – December 9 The Sisterhood Evening Book
Club’s next book is: The Invention of Wings by Susan Monk Kidd and will
meet to discuss it on December 9 at 7:00 p.m. at TI. If you have any
questions, please contact Marci Landis at
DONATIONS For those wishing to make donations to Sisterhood, we
have several funds available: the General Fund (also where the money
goes if you do not specify); the Silver Simcha fund; In Memoriam (this
money is used for educational programming); and the new Scholarship
Fund (to subsidize Sisterhood Board members attending conferences,
conventions, and training institutes). Thank you for your support.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Temple Israel of Natick Membership
Committee has chosen to honor Sisterhood for its contributions to the
community at the Community Dinner on Friday, November 21. We thank
the committee for the recognition and the honor.
a Shabbat kiddush on any Saturday morning that does not already have
a sponsor, such as a Bat/Bat Mitzvah family. If you are interested in
sponsoring a kiddush, please contact Shosahana Savitz at 508-6553925 or ssavitz@verizon.ent.
SISTERHOOD LEAGRAMS Why buy birthday, anniversary, and other
greeting cards when you can send a Leagram and support Sisterhood at
the same time? Remember family and friends on special occasions with
a Leagram. Sisterhood thanks you for supporting this wonderful
fundraising program.
THANK YOU A big thank you to all synagogue members and arms who
responded to Sisterhood’s drive to help supply Domestic Violence
Shelters with items for the women forced to take refuge there. We have
received wonderful, heartfelt notes from the shelters and wanted to
share excerpts.
The Second Step Shelter note read: “… Because of you, we were able
to provide life-changing, comprehensive services to more than 250 adult
and 400 child survivors of domestic violence each year, helping them
transition from a life of violence to one of safety, stability and wellbeing…”
The note from Voices Against Violence read: “…When families come to
us, they often come with just the clothes on their backs. Thanks to you,
we were able to provide them with food and supplies, not only to sustain
their basic needs, but to also provide them with tools to help them rebuild
their lives…Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts, thank you so very
The TI of Natick Men’s Club is enjoying another stellar year of
programming from our board and participation from our membership.
Our upcoming programs are:
breakfast is free for paid-up Men’s Club members, $10 for nonmembers. (Membership can be paid at the door). This event is open to
the entire Temple Israel of Natick congregation.
Serving / Cleanup at Open Door – Nov. 13 Men’s Club, along with the
Sisterhood, will be serving meals to the community at Open Door.
Serving is from 5:30-6 p.m.; clean-up from 6-6:30 p.m. We need three to
four members to help, especially with cleanup. This will be the first of
three times we are scheduled during the year. If you are available to
help, RSVP to .
Book Club- Dec. 7 Join Men’s Club members for our next Book Club
discussion at 8:00 p.m.The novel for the fall is People of the Book by
Pulitzer Prize-winner Geraldine Brooks.
Texas Hold-em night / Patriots game – Nov. 16 We will be holding our
next Texas Hold-em with the added highlight of watching the Patriots
play on the ‘big screen’ in the social hall. Join us for cards or, to just
watch the game, and to share in the camaraderie and refreshments.
Cost is $20 (Men’s Club members receive an extra blue chip –
membership can be paid at the door) or $5 to watch the game. Snacks
will be provided. Prizes for the top three winners will again be $100,
$50, and $25 (½ in cash and ½ in Scrip Cards) and a $10 Dunkin’
Donuts Scrip Card for 4th place.
Kiddush Cleanup – Nov. 22 Men’s Club will once again help the
Sisterhood by cleaning up at the conclusion of the Kiddush.
** Congregational Breakfast Sponsored by the Men’s Club** Nov. 23 Men’s Club will be hosting its annual Congregational Breakfast.
This year’s guest speaker will be the our own Ralph Korenstein, who will
be speaking on growing up Jewish in Cuba and his experiences as a
Payload Specialist candidate for the Space Shuttle program. The
Dessert and Discussion – Dec. 11 The Men’s Club’s annual Dessert
and Discussion Speaker Series. Details to be announced.
Kiddush Cleanup – Dec. 13 Men’s Club will once again help the
Sisterhood by cleaning up at the conclusion of the Kiddush.
Hanukah Latkes/Cider Parties – Dec. 21 Men’s Club will sponsor
Hanukah latkes and cider parties for Temple families and the Religious
School from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Men’s Club Donations In honor of Joel Pravda receiving the award as
Temple Israel of Natick Men’s Club’s 2014/5775 ‘Keeper of the Flame’
recipient by Warren Manning / Sue Rodgin.
Having a life cycle event? You can help ensure that the Men’s Club
continues to perform its important functions in our Temple Israel
community by making a donation to commemorate your event to the
Temple Israel Men's Club.
Any questions or would you like to help with an event?
Please contact Men's Club President John Sudenfield at
Our world, in the lower level of the temple, is a wonderful
place filled with imagination, laughter, friendship and
As fall ends, we celebrate Thanksgiving by talking about
the pilgrims, Native Americans and turkeys. We learn
songs, poems and finger plays. We make wonderful
Thanksgiving creations to display on our holiday table, and the children
talk about giving thanks. We also listen to many wonderful books about
Thanksgiving. Some of the classes even make homemade cranberry
sauce to bring home to have at Thanksgiving.
Hanukah is a wonderful time of year for the children at the Judy Gordon
Nursery School. During Hanukah, we think about the five senses.
Smelling and tasting all of the delicious foods for the holiday, and, of
course, making and eating latkes. The children enjoy singing Hanukah
songs and listening to the story of Hanukah through role playing and
storytelling with their teachers and Cantor Ken. They learn the blessings
over the Hanukiah as we light the candles and watch them burn. Touching
the dreidels and making them spin is always so much fun. The children
enjoy making decorations and gifts for their families. All of us at the Judy
Gordon Nursery School wish you a very happy and healthy holiday.
Cindy Sandler, Director
508-650-3521 ext. 122
2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
November 1 to November 20, 2014
Preferential enrollment status is offered to:
• Children presently attending JGNS
• Siblings of children currently enrolled
• Members of Temple Israel
• Toddlers for 2016-2017
• Public enrollment will take place beginning in January 2015.
For information or to schedule a visit:
Please contact: Cindy Sandler, Director
(508) 650-3521 X122 •
I hope you enjoyed the wonderful fall holidays. The
religious school is now back to its regular schedule.
The Aleph class students begin each session with a
choice of multiple learning stations to start their day. We
find the Gan class engaged in learning Hebrew letters
and words and making new friends. The Dalet and Hey
classes are working hard on their Hebrew language skills. Gimel students
continue to enjoy morning meeting where students share and learn from
one another. Our “Gesher buddies” have been working with the Gan and
Aleph students on a variety of projects since the beginning of the year.
Gesher students have also been exploring Jewish values and
During Sukkot, the Vuv class built the smallest “legal” sukkah, according
to Jewish law, in the classroom and shared it with the Aleph class. Our
Bet class families joined together for a sukkot program where families
shared favorite holiday memories and received their own lulav and etrog.
And Hey class students built sukkah dioramas at home and brought them
in for display.
After sixteen years as a teacher in the religious school and twenty three
years as Education Director, this will be my last year at Temple Israel.
These years have been full of great programs, and the most wonderful
teachers, parents and students. I look forward to this year being the
Karen R. Hayett
Education Director
508-650-3521 x114
Our Youth Programs are off to a fantastic start. I am thrilled to see so
many kids attending events and having a fantastic time. Students in
grades 6-12 have enjoyed the fall weather playing mini-golf and joining
kids around the region at NERUSY’s Launch where we tied for the
chapter with the most participants. Thirty students joined us for Friday
night services and a Shabbat dinner at the end of September. Students in
grades 3, 4 & 5 kicked off their year at a regional event in Framingham
followed by one of our popular movie nights. Our senior USY board has
expanded with the addition of several general board positions, opening up
additional leadership opportunities for our youth. It truly has been an
amazing year.
Save the Dates for Some Great Events: Tentative Activities
Grades 3, 4 & 5: Movie Night: December 13, Tubing: January 3,
Regional Event: January 11
Grades 6, 7 & 8: Paintball
November 23; 5 Wits: December 14; Tubing: January 3
High Schoolers:
Movie Night: November 22, Turkey Dance: November 26,
Laser Tag: December 13, Tubing: January 3
Youth Lounge for grades 8-12 will take place on
November 20, December 4, December 18 and January 8
Our annual Hanukah Candle Sale is now under way. Please use the
insert in this issue of HaKol to place your order. All proceeds from this
fundraiser benefit youth programming and help to provide free or
reduced-rate events for students to enjoy throughout the year. I would like
to thank you in advance for your support of youth programming.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns
about any of our youth programming.
Michelle Nelson, Youth Programming Coordinator
USY Hanukah Candle Sale
Choose from three different candle styles.
Regular $3.00
Hand-Dipped $7.00
Beeswax $12.00
Get your orders in by Nov. 23rd.
Candles will be available for pick up in early December.
Proceeds benefit USY Programming
See order form enclosed
Youth Registration! Registration for our Youth Groups for grades 3-12
is now online here:
Featuring “Stump Trivia”
Saturday, January 10, 2015, @ 7:30PM
At Temple Israel of Natick
To Benefit: All proceeds to benefit T.I. Youth Programming
Fun Trivia, Friends, Appetizers, Dessserts, & Drinks
$18.00 per person/adult or
$160.00 for a reserved table of 10
Watch your email for sign up information
and an easy link to RSVP!
Please plan to join us for this awesome “Night Out”!
MetroWest Jewish Day School
Solomon Schechter Day School
Schechter Open House Dates: 60 Stein Circle, Newton
Wednesday, November 12 at 7:30 p.m.
Friday, December 12 at 9:30 a.m.
Schechter invites prospective students and their families to an Open
House. Families will be able to meet members of the school community,
visit Lower School classrooms, hear about financial assistance
programs and learn about how Schechter's rigorous dual language
curriculum and emphasis on Jewish values foster critical thinking and a
strong sense of Jewish identity. Babysitting is provided. For more
information, or to RSVP, please contact Carol Rumpler at 617-6304608 or Schechter is a premier Jewish
independent school in the Boston area, for children ages 18 months
through eighth grade.
UPCOMING PALS (Pre Schoolers and Little Siblings) Program
Boston Jewish Film Festival @ AMC Framingham Orange People
Wednesday, November 12th at 7pm Introduction by Rav Hazzan Scott
Sokol. Q&A with Director Hanna Azoulay Hasfari following the film.
Dessert reception following the screening sponsored by MWJDS.
Advanced tickets are available through MWJDS for $12 per person.
Tickets will also be sold at the door for $14 per person. Call 508-6205554 or email to purchase advanced tickets.
MWJDS Open Houses: Tuesday, November 18th at 7pm
Tuesday, December 9th at 10am, Temple Beth Am, 300 Pleasant
Street, Framingham. Prospective families are invited to attend
MetroWest Jewish Day School’s Open Houses. Come meet our teachers
and parents, visit our classrooms, and check out our brand new
playground. MWJDS is a vibrant pluralistic Jewish community and offers
individualized instruction by experienced teachers. Our program is multilingual and includes Hebrew and Spanish instruction in all grades.
Financial Aid, after-school programming, and transportation options are
available. Please contact Beth Null to RSVP or for more information,
508-620-5554 or
MetroWest Maccabees (4-6 years)
Sunday November 23rd 2-4pm – Being Thankful
Temple Beth Sholom, 50 Pamela Drive, Framingham
MetroWest Maccabees is a monthly Sunday afternoon program for
families with children between the ages of 4 and 6 years. Younger and
older siblings are always welcome. Activities will include math, science,
art, music and Hebrew and will be led by the talented MWJDS teachers.
MetroWest Maccabees activities are always FREE. Please RSVP by
contacting Beth Null, 508-620-5554 or
MWJDS B’Nei Mitzvah Gala Celebration
Sunday, December 14th, 2014 at 5pm
Temple Reyim, 18630 Washington St. Newton. MWJDS will hold its
annual Winter Lights Gala on Sunday, December 14th at Temple
Reyim, where we will honor Dr. Daniel Margolis and Francine Ferarro
Rothkopf for their contributions to Jewish Education and MetroWest
Jewish Day School. Esteemed community member and long time board
member Donald M. Bloch will receive the Keter Shem Tov Award. Join
us for a wonderful evening of celebration, dinner and dancing. Contact or 508-620-5554.
MWJDS Chanukah Carnival Tuesday, December 23rd 1-3pm
Temple Beth Am, 300 Pleasant Street, Framingham Join us for a
community holiday celebration. We will have Chanukah themed games
and activities for kids of all ages. This event is FREE and open to the
entire community. For more information, please contact Solomon
Rosenberg, or 508-620-5554
PALS is a program of Solomon Schechter Day School that provides a
range of FREE activities and events for preschoolers and their families.
Please join us! All PALS programs are held at 60 Stein Circle, Newton.
You can never have too many PALS! For more information, contact
Sunday, November 23 • 4:00-5:30 p.m.: Josh and the Jamtones
Thanksgiving Family Concert and Pizza Dinner
In honor of Plimouth Rock and all things pilgrim, let’s rock out to a highenergy, foot-stomping Josh & the Jamtones concert. After the concert,
enjoy an untraditional Thanksgiving dinner of pizza.
Monday, December 15 • 4:00-5:30 p.m.: For the Love of Latkes!
You’ll light up when you see the games, crafts and food at our preHanukkah kick-off party!
JCC Events
PJ Library Story Soup – November 16
Join the PJ Library® for a fun, interactive storytelling performance of the
popular Jewish folktale Bone, Button, Borscht at the Leventhal-Sidman
Jewish Community Center on Sunday, November 16 at 11 a.m.
Refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market. In partnership with PJ
Library. Geared for families with young children. Cost is $15/family.
Register at For more information, contact or 617-965-5226. All JCC arts and humanities
offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts.
The Stacey Peasley Band in Concert at the JCC Early Learning
Center, Wayland
Be entertained by Stacey Peasley on Tuesday, November 11 (10 am
school open house/tour, 10:30 am concert) at the JCC Early Learning
Center, Wayland, located at Temple Shir Tikva (141 Boston Post Road)
in Wayland. Geared for all ages. Co-sponsored by Wayland Children &
Parents Association (WCPA). Tickets are $8/general admission, $7/JCC
families and WCPA members, $30/maximum per family, and no charge
for children under ages 2. All JCC arts and humanities offerings are
programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. Purchase
tickets in advance at or at the door. For more
information, contact 508-358-5331.
1 8 Heshvan
Shabbat Morning Services
9:15 am
Bar Mitzvah of Sam Waltzman
Youth Services (3) 10:30 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45– 5:30 pm
2 9 Heshvan
Religious School PA Meeting
(Sanctuary) 9:00 am
Rummage Sale Drop off
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal 7:00 - 9:00 pm
9 16 Heshvan
Parenting Through a Jewish
Lens 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Adult Education Panel:
Judaism at the Crossroads
(Social Hall) 7:00 pm
16 23 Heshvan
Kindergarten Shabbat Program
9:00- 12:00 pm
Sisterhood Designers' Circle
10:00 am
Choir Rehearsal 6:00-8:00 pm
Men’s Club Texas Hold'em
Night/Patriots Football 8:00 pm
23 1 Kislev
Men's Club Breakfast
Parenting Through a Jewish
Lens 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Choir Rehearsal (Social Hall)
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
3 10 Heshvan
Rummage Sale (Social Hall)
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Adult Education: Lunch &
Learn noon - 1:30 pm
10 17 Heshvan
Adult Education: Lunch &
Learn noon - 1:30 pm
Sisterhood Book Group
(chapel) 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
17 24 Heshvan
4 11 Heshvan
Rummage Sale (Social Hall)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Qi Gong (rm. 14 - 15) 10:00
am - 11:00 am
Sisterhood Board (Social
Hall) 8:00 pm
11 18 Heshvan
Veteran's Day
No Religious School
Nursery School Closed
18 25 Heshvan
Adult Education/JFS Lunch
and Learn: "Benefits of
Meditation" noon - 1:30 pm
Qi Gong (Social Hall) 10:00
am - 11:00 am
Sisterhood Paid-up Supper
(Social Hall) 6:30 pm
24 2 Kislev
25 3 Kislev
Adult Education: Lunch &
Learn noon - 1:30 pm
Israeli Film Club 8:00 pm
(Social Hall)
Temple Board of Directors
Meeting 8:00 pm
5 12 Heshvan
Adult Education: Ayekah
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Meah 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm
12 19 Heshvan
Qi Gong 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Adult Education: Ayekah 7:00
pm – 9:00 pm
Meah 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm
19 26 Heshvan
Qi Gong 9:00 – 10:00 am
Adult Education: Hebrew
Reading 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Adult Education: Ayekah 7:00
pm – 9:00 pm
Meah 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm
26 4 Kislev
No Religious School
Nursery School
Closed at Noon
Office Closed at noon
6 13 Heshvan
Youth Lounge 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Adult Education: "Safe &
Afraid: The American Jewish
Experience" 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Youth Committee Meeting
(rm. 14 - 15) 7:30 pm
Israeli Dancing 8:00-9:00 pm
13 20 Heshvan
Adult Education: Hebrew
Reading 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Adult Education: "Safe &
Afraid: The American Jewish
Experience" 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Israeli Dancing 8:00-9:00 pm
Youth Lounge 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Framingham/Natick Hebrew
Cemetery Annual Meeting
(Social Hall) 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Education Committee Mtg
7:00 pm
Adult Education: Hebrew
Reading 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Israeli Dancing 8:00-9:00 pm
27 5 Kislev
Thanksgiving Day
Nursery School Closed
Office Closed/No
Maintenance Staff
7 14 Heshvan
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm
Hazak Shabbat Dinner
Candle Lighting 4:15 pm
14 21 Heshvan
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm
Family Friday Dinner
Candle Lighting 4:07 pm
21 28 Heshvan
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm
Community Dinner
Candle Lighting 4:01 pm
28 6 Kislev
Nursery School Closed
Office Closed
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm
Candle Lighting 3:57 pm
8 15 Heshvan
Shabbat Morning Services
9:15 am
Bat Mitzvah of Payton Ahola
Shabbat Morning Babysitting
10:00 am - noon
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
USY Event 7:00 pm
1522 Heshvan
Shabbat Morning Services
9:15 am
Bar Mitzvah of
Micah Rothkopf
Youth Services (3) 10:30 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
Chaverim Club Evening Event
29 Heshvan
Shabbat Morning Services
9:15 am
Babysitting 10:00 am - Noon
Religious School Family
Service 10:15 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
Senior USY Movie Night
7:00 pm
29 7 Kislev
Shabbat Morning Services 9:15 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
30 8 Kislev
No Religious School
Choir Rehearsal (Social Hall)
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
1 9 Kislev
Adult Education: Lunch &
Learn noon - 1:30 pm
Membership Committee
Meeting 8:00 pm
7 15 Kislev
Ark Builders' Breakfast
No Religious School
(Limmud Conference)
14 22 Kislev
8 16 Kislev
Adult Education: Lunch &
Learn noon - 1:30 pm
Sisterhood Book Group
(chapel) 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
15 23 Kislev
Wimpel Workshop (Social
Hall) 9:00 am
Parenting Through a Jewish
Lens 10:00 am - 11:30 am
21 29 Kislev
2 10 Kislev
Sisterhood Board
(Social Hall) 8:00 pm
22 30 Kislev
Israeli Film Club 8:00 pm
28 6 Tevet
29 7 Tevet
Nursery School Closed
3 11 Kislev
Adult Education: Ayekah 7:00
pm – 9:00 pm
Meah 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm
9 17 Kislev
10 18 Kislev
Sisterhood Evening Book
Club (rm. 13) 7:00 pm
Executive Board Meeting
8:00 pm (chapel)
Qi Gong (rm. 11-12)
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Adult Education: Ayekah
7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Meah 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm
16 24 Kislev
17 25 Kislev
Temple Board of Directors
Meeting (Social Hall)
8:00 pm
Hanukkah Party - Families
with young children
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
No Religious School
23 1 Tevet
30 8 Tevet
No Religious School
Nursery School Closed
Qi Gong 9:00 – 10:00 am
Adult Education: Ayekah
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Meah 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm
24 2 Tevet
No Religious School
Nursery School Closed
4 12 Kislev
Youth Lounge 6:00-7:30 pm
Youth Committee Meeting
(rm. 14-15) 7:30 pm
Adult Education: Hebrew
Reading 7:00–8:30 pm
Israeli Dancing 8:00-9:00 pm
11 19 Kislev
Adult Education: Hebrew
Reading 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Israeli Dancing 8:00-9:00 pm
Men's Club Dessert &
Speaker 8:00 pm
18 26 Kislev
Youth Lounge 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Education Committee
Meeting 7:00 pm
Adult Education: Hebrew
Reading 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Israeli Dancing 8:00-9:00 pm
5 13 Kislev
6 14 Kislev
Kabbalat Shabbat/
First Friday Service 7:45 pm
Rabbi Kushner/TI Singers
Candle lighting 3:55 pm
Shabbat Morning Services
9:15 am
Bar Mitzvah of Garrett Barth
Youth Services10:30 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
12 20 Kislev
13 21 Kislev
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm
Family Friday Dinner
Candle Lighting 3:55 pm
19 27 Kislev
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm
Candle Lighting 3:57 pm
Shabbat Morning Services
Synaplex 9:15 am
Shabbat Morning Babysitting
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Religious School Family
Service 10:15 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
Shabbat Morning Services
9:15 am
Bar Mitzvah of
Benjamin Strunsky
Youth Services (3) 10:30 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
25 3 Tevet
26 4 Tevet
27 5 Tevet
Nursery School Closed
Office Closed/
No Maintenance Staff
Chaverim Club Chinese
Dinner (off site) 5:00 pm
Nursery School Closed
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 pm
Candle Lighting 4:01 pm
Shabbat Morning Services
9:15 am
Adult Education: Talmud in
Translation 4:45 – 5:30 pm
31 9 Tevet
New Year's Eve
No Religious School
Nursery School Closed
Office Closed at noon
Please support our
Hakol advertisers!
No One Markets A Home Like Hammond.
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JFS Healthy Aging
You value your independence, help others
keep theirs. Join the JFS Patient Navigator
corps of volunteers that provides access to
vital health services. Patient Navigators are
trained volunteers who accompany frail older
adults to medical appointments, facilitate
communication with medical staff, and
provide practical and emotional support. CJP
funds JFS to provide this important service to
Jewish seniors in MetroWest.
If you have an interest in helping frail older
adults maintain their independence, contact
JFS ( at 508-875-3100 x110
to learn more about this flexible, rewarding
The next one-day training is scheduled for
Monday, November 10 from 9:00 a.m.-3:30
p.m. at 475 Franklin Street, Framingham.
Lunch will be provided. Space is limited. Sign
up at:
These lists represent the yahrzeits as listed in the Temple database. If we have missed a name, call the Temple Israel office at 508.650.3521 x100
and we will update our records.
This November (Heshvan/Kislev) we remember:
Edith Abrams
Gertrude Alpert
Max Amkraut
Abraham Bernstein
Ethel Bernstein
Joseph Blue
Betty Blumenthal
Dora Blumenthal
Julius Brandt
Abraham Bressler
Janet Cantor
Adacie Caplan
Seymour Casdin
Martha Cherwin
Melvin A. Cherwin
Esther Clarke
Isaac Cohen
Shirley Cohen
Irwin Cohn
Lili Cukor
Nancy Dersofi
Samuel Eisen
Jessie Elovitz
Simon Eventov
Barry Fern
Benjamin Figur
Helen Aresty Fine
Elsie Friedman
Liliann Fuchs
Lillian Gerrin
Lena Gilboard
Samuel Gilboard
Herbert Ginsburg
Sydney Glass
Gladys Glickman
Marion Goldberg
Dr. Melvin Golden
Bessie A. Goldstein
Maurice Goldstein
Henry Gordon
Thelma Gordon
Robert Green
Peter Gross
Leon Hendelmen
Jack W. Jacobs
Martha Jaffe
Rhoda Kagan
Martin Theodore
Gertrude Kauffman
Frank Kessler
Bertha Khesman
Sarah Kimmel
Benjamin B. Kirschtel
Samuel H. Kominsky
Joseph Korenstein
Isadore Kravitz
Matthew Kreevoy
Aaron Z. Kushner
Rose Landau
Samuel Lebovich
Samuel Lechan
Pearl Sundook
Gertrude Lesser
Terry Levin
Dora Levitz
Herman Levitz
Frances Mary
Hannah Luftman
Joel Luria
Lillian Siegel Luther
Ida D. Marks
Morris Matuson
Debra Meneley
Freida Miller
Jack Morgenbesser
Betty Neiderman
David Nesvet
Hyman Nider
Ethel Noah
Pearl Norris
Carl H. Padover
Edith Katzowsky Penn
Esther Poires
Bernice Raider
Ethel Raider
Louis Real
Rose Real
Leonard Rittner
Sam Rosenberg
Sumner Rosenberg
Anna Rosenbloom
Nathan Rosenblum
Martin Rosendorf
Rebecca Rosenthal
Doris J. Rosnov
Solomon Rozowsky
Samuel Saber
Lee Sack
Lena Yetta Sandler
Paul Sandler
Leo Savage
Allen Saxe
Anne Schneidman
Anna Schoenfeld
Gitla Schuman
Hyman Schwartz
Sophie Schwartz
Rose Sharp
Dr. Joseph Donald
Esther Siegal
Jacob J. Siegel
Samuel A. Sigalove
David Silver
Alfred H. Simon
Rose Palatnick Simon
Frances Judith Singer
Martin Singer
Beatrice Smith
Sadie Smith
Max Steckler
Moises Steremberg
H. William Stoklishky
Norma Stolper
Rose Stone
Joseph Strauss
Lawrence Sugarman
Helen Tarutz
Hyman Bertram Ullian
Julia Valinsky
Morris Valinsky
Anna Wallenstein
Harry Waters
Edwin White
Irving Wise
Leopold Otto Wolf
Henry Wyner
Mollie Zafron
This December (Kislev/Tevet) we remember:
James H. Albert
Pola Aresty
Rose Doxer Asnes
Barbara Baritz
Barbara K. Baron
Bertha Berger
Israel M. Bernstein
Rose Bernstein
Hyman Blank
Jedan Blank
Joseph Blum
Barbara Brenner
Samuel Bretner
William Brodie
Joseph Cerel
Morris Chotiner
Anna Chuker
Marcia Radmons Cohen
Marilyn Cohen
Minnie Cohen
Roberta Cohen
Sadie Cohen
Esther Cooper
Max Cymerman
Janet C. Davis
Jacob Elbirt
Herbert Engel
Millie Featherman
Anna Feigen
Ella Feinberg
Samuel Feldman
Florence Fern
Mollie Fine
Morris L. Finkel
Ida Finkelstein
Joseph Simeon Finstein
Myrna Finn
Maurice Fisher
Joshua Max Fishman
Judith Fishman
Martin Freier
Ida Frohlich
Florence Frye
Gerald Gershon
Eleanor Gilbert
Ida Gilvarg
Bessie Glazer
Lois Goff
Arthur Goldberg
Norman Goldfarb
Saul Marc Goldfarb
Ruth Goldin
Godfrey V. Goldman
Myer Goodwin
Abraham W. Goose
Nathan Gordon
Abram Green
Abraham Greenberg
Bessie M. Greenberg
Emanuel Grodman
Rosalie Gubb
Albert Hanzel
Albert Heffez
Lillian Hendelman
Clarence Hersh
Gertrude Homonoff
Arnold Saul Hurvitz
George Hurwitz
William Victor Joress
Harry B. Kaftan
Arthur Kagan
Lester Kaiser
Esther Kaitz
Morris S. Kaplan
Elizabeth Kauffman
Bertha Klein
Henry Julius Knopf
Dr. Oscar Kogan
Lillian Konowitz
Tibey Kopelow
Gladys Kramer
Micki Laiken
Louis Lebewohl
Marshall Lebowitz
Dora Lefkoff
Judith Levenson
Marvin Levenson
Anna Levin
Ely Levine
Morris Levine
Sidney Levine
Emanuel Litwak
Robert Lushan
Marilyn Marcia Markow
Israel Matz
Riva Mehr
Fannie Mordis
Isadore Moskowitz
Morton Moskowitz
Ruth Murman
Charles Nauert
Jean Nider
Isaac Nitzani
Samuel Noah
Max Novick
Yaakov Leib Ordis
Richard Perlmutter
Jacob Poires
Sidney Polansky
Edward J. Pons
Louis A. Priceman
Morris Pritzker
Beatrice Reine
Solomon Richmond
Ruth Rodman
Rae Rogers
Henry Reuben Rose
Frima Rosen
Leah Rosenberg
Ruth Rosenberg
Simon Rosenrauch
Jack Rowe
Ruth Rubenstein
Samuel Sallus
Samuel Sandberg
Paula Diane Schultz
Arthur Schwenk
Max Joseph Shrier
Edna Shuman
George K. Shumrak
Louis Siegel
Henrietta Silver
Ben Silverstein
Harry Smith
Hyman Smith
Joseph Smith
Rachel Smith
Helen Snyder-Pike
Solomon Stein
Neil Stepner
Reiza Steremberg
Perry Stone
Max Stuchins
Paul Stuchins
Harry Telegen
Gertrude Terr
Abraham Thomas
Isadore Wallenstein
Meyer Wartofsky
Sarah Weener
Samuel Weinberg
Minnie Wiener
Muriel Winston
Sarah Yaffe
Reva Rachel Yoffe
Tillie Zimbel
We gratefully acknowledge these thoughtful donations to our Temple Israel funds
In honor of:
The 60th wedding anniversary of Leah and Donald
Golden, from Carolyn and Stephen Goodman
Marilyn and Joel Feinberg’s wedding anniversary, from
Mary Jane Flower
In memory of:
Bertha Jonas, sister of Reva Weisman, from Arlene
and Jack Miller
Esther Ann Shufrin, mother of Norm Shufrin, from
Arlene and Jack Miller
Beloved aunt Irene Kahn, from Sandy Shufrin
Beloved mother Annette Shindler, from Lorraine
Beloved father Nathan Toby Shindler, from Lorraine
Beloved father Sam Simon, from Evelyn Siegel
Meyer Lightman, from Arlene and jack Miller
Beloved mother Mildred Wise, from Linda and Larry
Beloved mother Anne Kallman, from Marilyn and Joel
Adult Education Fund
In honor of:
Mary Jane Flower’s first anniversary at Temple Israel,
from Marilyn and Joel Feinberg
Aliyah/Yizkor Fund
Donation from:
The Bass, Greenberg and Winn Families
In appreciation of Fall Holiday honors, from:
Alan Nelson; Marvin Sandler; Marsha and Harvey
Chasen; Mark Blumenthal; Laurie and Stuart Alford;
Nancy Kaftan; Adam Engle; Charles Morse; Carole
Lechan; Judy and Jeff Fishman; Dalia and Zvi Ron;
Michael Konowitz; Lee and Vic Blumenthal; Debra
and Philip Druker; Harold Weiss; Marsha and Murray
Jaros; Julie and Jake Barth; Ruth Levy; Jane and
Joel Kamer
Ark-Builders Fund
(Jonathan Astor Memorial)
In memory of:
Hyman Merkowitz, from Harriet and Fred Merkowitz
Mother Gertrude Saunders, from Arthur Perlmutter
William Ball, from Erica and Jay Ball
Bima Beautification Fund
In memory of:
Friend Dina Gerlovin, from Beth Homonoff Prater
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Donation from:
Sandy and Sheldon Bass
In appreciation of:
Cantor Ken’s assistance during the arrangements for
Ed’s funeral, as well as his wonderful remarks at the
funeral, from Sue Salamoff and family
Cantor Ken’s participation in the unveilings for Bernie
Sigalove and Ann Jayne McCabe, from Ellen and
David Bernardi
In memory of:
Anna Gross, from Brenda and Arnold Zaltas
Shirley Levenson, from Lauren and Richard Langevin
and family
Alta Frohman, mother of Dov Shazeer and
grandmother of Rabbi Shira Shazeer, from Adele
Wolfson; Sandy and Mark Challant; Esther Cohen &
Jonathan Amerikaner; Nancy and Donald FriedTanzer
Harvey Raider, brother of Arnold Zaltas, form Mary
and Larry Litwak
Father Sy Frank, from Ellen Frank and Michael
Cantor’s Fine Arts Fund
In appreciation of:
Our High Holiday honors, from Marilyn and Joel
In memory of:
Beloved mother and grandmother Freda Cohen, form
Marlene and Morton Cohen
Morris Ulman, from Brenda and Arnold Zaltas
Alta Frohman, mother of Dov Shazeer and
grandmother of Rabbi Shira Shazeer, from Sue
14Rodgin and Warren Manning; Lisa and Alan AveryPeck; Heather, Allen, Samuel , Benjamin, Harriet
and Stuart Magulis
Goody Raider, from Lisa and Alan Avery-Peck
Lawrence Sugarman, from The Sugarman Family
Dr. Fine Choir Enhancement Fund
In memory of:
Jacob Levin, from Jean and Mort Levin
Tillie Kessler, from Muriel Kessler
Beloved father Samuel Abramson, from Esther Fine
Beloved mother-in-law Mary Fine, from Esther Fine
Harold Golan, from Da-Shih Hu
Alvan Levenson, from Jean and Mort Levin
Freedman B’nai Mitzvah Fund
In appreciation of:
Phyllis Rotberg’s generous Shabbat meal during my
recovery, from Marsha Chasen
Fried-Tanzer Hiddur Mitzvah Fund
In honor of:
Donald Fried-Tanzer’s Hatan Bereshit honor, from The
Nelson Family; Phyllis and Joe Chartor; Ellen Frank
and Michael Herzberg
The marriage of Abraham Fried-Tanzer and Arielle
Feit, from The Lechan Family; Barbara Sohn;
Brenda and Arnold Zaltas
General Fund
In appreciation of:
High Holiday services, from Carole Aaron; Marilyn and
Charles Friedman; Diane and Len Fogelman;
Marion and Ronald Gold, on behalf of the Copaken
The kind assistance to Cindy, during Rosh Hashanah
services, of Warren Manning, Benzi Miller, Jen
Novick, Arthur White, Marc Blumenthal, Ron
Lechan, Michael Franklyn and Alan Cole, from
Cindy and Steve Lutch
In honor of:
The marriage of Jed Greenberg, son of Karen
Greenberg and of Ben Greenberg, to Adelle
Linhardt, from The Lechan Family
Simchat Torah honorees Donald Fried-Tanzer, John
Sudenfield and Suzzette Freedlander, from The
Lechan Family
The birth of Fran and Rabbi Daniel Liben’s 7th
grandchild, Meirav Aliza , from The Lechan Family
In memory of:
Ed Salamoff, from Sue Salamoff; Jane and Joel Kamer
Father Frank Gerrin, from Howard Gerrin
Mitch Barlas, from Sherrie Barlas
Mother Sara Jakubowicz, from Bernard Jakubowicz
Beloved mother and best friend Janet Drukarsh, from
Roberta Seligman
Mother Phyllis T. Abramson, from Gail and Barry
Dr. Myra Ellis, from David Ellis
Alvin Ellis, from David Ellis
Alvan Levenson, from Rosalie and Stephen Snyder;
Darrell Gurevitch; Victor Duarte and the “Spielo
Team”; Ann McCauley; Rae and Howard Mintz; Julie
Goodman; Ruth and Don Weiner; Sandy and Steve
Shapiro; Debbie and Mark Gladstone; Judith
Yalowchuk; The Legal Team at GTECH Corporation;
Lander & Lander P.C.; Eleanor Samuels and family;
The Prescotts; Sue Rodgin and Warren Manning;
Chris Greco; Marilyn Cioffi; Jean and John
O’Connell; Susan Johnson; Jules Godes; Debbie
Daley; the family of Steffi and Eric Karp; Sarah and
Saul Goldberg and family; R. Curtis Molley
Morris J. Gordon, from Barbara Schwab
Rita Seavey, from Rebecca Gerard; Phyllis Basile
Israel Action Fund
In memory of:
Bertha Jonas, sister of Reva Weisman, from Marilyn
Goldberg and family
Beloved husband Alberto Fischman, from Betty
Aharon Tau, from Irit Tau-Webber and David Webber
Beloved father Salomon Steremberg, from Betty
Michael Franklin, from Carol Franklin
Charlotte Jaffe, Mitchell Jaffe and Michael B. Yaffe,
from Francine Jaffe
Alvan Levenson, from Susan, Stephen, Eric and Diana
Jacob & Ethel Raider Fund
In memory of:
Goodwin Raider, brother of Arnold Zaltas, from
Deborah and Gregory Winfield; The Sullivan Family
– Dorothy, James, Paula and Maureen; Phyllis and
Joe Chartor; Ruth Levy
Beloved mother Elsie Levenson, from Alvan
Levenson z”l
Jacob Raider, from Brenda and Arnold Zaltas
Donna, Jacob and Paul Sandler, from Marvin Sandler
Harvey Raider, brother of Arnold Zaltas, from Lee and
Vic Blumenthal; Sandy and Mark Challant; Elizabeth
and Peter Levine; Orrin Doxer; Shirley Woods;
Greenberg, Bass, Sayre and Winn Families; Phyllis
and Irving Medoff; Sylvia and Lew Medoff; The
Nelson Family; Judy and Jeff Fishman; Marlene and
Alan Rubin; Jodi and Michael Rubin; Ann Parker;
Bernice Saxe; Edna Perlmutter
Beloved mother Mollie Zola, from Edna Albert
Brother-in-law Michael Albert, from Edna Albert
Judy Gordon
Nursery School Fund
In memory of:
Bertha Jonas, sister of Reva Weisman, from Pearl and
Lee Sherman
Beloved grandmother Molly Katzman, from Michael
Beloved aunt Tillie Gidez, from Michael Franklyn
Mother Isobel Kane, from Joanne Kane
Alta Frohman, mother of Dov Shazeer and
grandmother of Rabbi Shira Shazeer, from Roberta
and Nate Cooper
Beloved husband and father Gregory Vilidnitsky, from
Olga, Boris and Ariel Vilidnitsky
Judy Gordon, from David, Michelle, Karen and
Keruv (Outreach) Fund
In memory of:
Parents Tema and Henry Wolfson and all those we
remember at Yizkor, from Adele Wolfson
Kitchen Renovation Fund
In appreciation of:
Marjory Aarons’ help with the kiddush on August 9th,
from Irit Tau-Webber and David Webber
In memory of:
Cherished mother Helen Kostelac, from daughters
Rosemary Kostelac Zir and Diana Kostelac Rosen,
and son Thomas Kostelac
Henrietta Rotberg, stepmother of Richard Rotberg,
from The Nelson Family
Beloved mother and grandmother Bertha Khesman,
from Olga, Boris and Ariel Vilidnitsky
Living Memorial Fund
(Aaron Kushner Memorial)
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Kushner’s D’var Torah, from Mary Jane Flower;
Fay and Pariz Janfaza
In honor of:
Rabbi Harold Kushner’s Lifetime Achievement Award,
from The Nelson Family
In memory of:
Parents Heinrich and Flora Hamburger, from Ruth
Joan Custin, sister of Barbara Poverman, from Fay
and Parviz Janfaza
Beloved son, brother and uncle Alan Stuchins, from
Marion and Burt Stuchins and family
Minyan Fund
In appreciation of:
Temple Israel’s daily minyan at the time of the yahrzeit
of my father Robert Kaitz, from Nathan Kaitz
Rosh Hashanah aliyah, from Linda and Larry Wise
In honor of:
Bertha Bornstein, from Barry Bornstein
The B’nai Mitzvah of Arlie, Sam and Kendra, children
of Kathy and David Burg, from Lorraine and Arthur
John Sudenfield’s Hatan Torah honor, from The Nelson
The engagement of Karen Mael and Ralph Korenstein,
from Susan, Stephen, Eric and Diana Weinstein;
The Lechan Family; Charlotte and Harold
We gratefully acknowledge these thoughtful donations to our Temple Israel funds
In memory of:
Beloved father Irving Krute, from Sharron and Neil
Samuel H. Puder, from The Nelson Family
Beloved father Nathan Goldstein, from Barbara and
Evans Carter
Beloved mother Charlotte Goldstein, from Barbara and
Evans Carter
Esther Ann Shufrin, mother of Norm Shufrin, from
Marla and Michael Winer
Bernice Nelson, from The Nelson Family
Norman Nelson, from The Nelson Family
Larry Nelson, from The Nelson Family
Alvin Caplan, from Marla and Michael Winer
Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Shirley
Levenson, from Alvan Levenson z”l; Ruth, Andrew,
Leah and Jacob Levenson
Lillian Gordon, beloved mother and grandmother, from
Alvan Levenson z”l
Beloved sister Myra Lurie, from Irene Perlmutter
Irene Kahn, daughter, sister, aunt and beloved wife,
from Murray Kaftan
Brother Mitchell Levin, from Edith Yorks
Father Herman Yorks, from Charles Yorks
Harvey Raider, brother of Arnold Zaltas, from Ruth and
Andrew Levenson; Marilyn Feinberg
Beloved friend Barbara Stein, from Linda and Larry
Beloved father Irving Wise, from Linda and Larry Wise
Beloved mother Pearl Sundook Leibovitz, from Linda
and Larry Wise
Rita Seavey, from Ruth and Andrew Levenson; Marilyn
Charles Bornstein, from Barry Bornstein
Father Sy Frank, from Ellen Frank and Michael
Archie Kamer, from Jane and Joel Kamer
Nathan Matz, brother of Edna Perlmutter, from Marilyn
Passport to Israel
(Harry & Betty Blumenthal)
In memory of:
Mother Cyma Ullian Weinbaum, from Lee and Vic
Passport to Israel (Needleman Fund)
In appreciation of:
Mary Jane Flower’s commitment to Temple Israel, from
Sue Rodgin and Warren Manning
Warren Manning’s leading High Holiday services, from
The Lechan Family
Our High Holiday honor, from Maurie and David Sachs
In honor of:
The birth of Ilana Rivkah, daughter of Rachel and
Jeremy Arcus-Goldberg, from Sue Rodgin and
Warren Manning
The birth of Lois and Art Finstein’s granddaughter
Alyza Claire Finstein, from Sue Rodgin and Warren
The engagement of Karen Mael and Ralph Korenstein,
from Sue Rodgin and Warren Manning
Simchat Torah honorees John Sudenfield, Donald
Fried-Tanzer and Suzzette Freedlander, from Sue
Rodgin and Warren Manning
The Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Klopman, son of Shlomit
and Zachi Klopman, from Sue Rodgin and Warren
In memory of:
Rachel Daitch Karlin, from Herb Daitch
Alvan Levenson, from Sue Rodgin and Warren
Beloved father Kenneth Rosenberg, from Eileen
Winston and Gary Rosenberg
Henrietta Rotberg, stepmother of Dick Rotberg, from
Sue Rodgin and Warren Manning
Harvey Raider, brother of Arnold Zaltas, from Sue
Rodgin and Warren Manning
Rita Seavey, from Sue Rodgin and Warren Manning
Beloved father and grandfather Herman Markowitz,
from Maurie and David Sachs
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Donation from:
Sandy and Sheldon Bass
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Liben’s participation in the unveiling from Jeffrey
Rabbi Liben’s beautiful blessing on the occasion of our
10th wedding anniversary, from Irit Tau-Webber and
David Webber
The honor of blowing shofar on Rosh Hashanah, form
Andrea Nadolney
Temple Israel’s hospitality for Yom Kippur, from Mr. &
Mrs. Richard Gray
Yom Kippur aliyah, from Harvey Moskowitz
In honor of:
The birth of Meirav Aliza Liben, granddaughter of Fran
and Rabbi Daniel Liben, from Phyllis and Joe
Chartor; Sue Rodgin and Warren Manning
In memory of:
Sister Mollie Kravitz, from Elizabeth Levenson
Mother Rosa Aschman, husband Saul Rozowsky and
father Max Aschman, on their yahrzeits, from
Pauline Rozowsky
Brother Steven Ira Stern, from Muriel Stern Riseman
Moshe Levenson, from David Levenson
Maurice Seiniger, loving father, grandfather and fatherin-law, from Roberta, Joel and Michael Aronson
Dina Gerlovin, from Paula and Hal Homonoff and
family; Ellen and Donald Bloch; Herbert Stacks;
Phyllis and Joe Chartor
Solomon Rozowsky, from Pauline Rozowsky
Religious School
(Ida and Charles Gilvarg Memorial)
In honor of:
The birth of Dean Solomon Levy, grandson of Russell
Finer and great-grandson of Allen Finer, from
Richard Baritz
John Sudenfield’s Simchat Torah honor, from Ellen
Frank and Michael Herzberg
In memory of:
Jacob Aronson, father of Cantor David Aronson, from
Richard Baritz
Jason Rubin, beloved husband, father and
grandfather, from Beverly, Alan, Carol, Sarah and
Wishing a speedy recovery to:
Laura Kreditor, from Alison and Ken David, Ethan and
Rosenthal Mitzvah Fund
In memory of:
Rashi Fein, from Bonnie and Joel Rosenthal
Andor (Apu) Cukor, from Adele Cukor
Harvey Raider, brother of Arnold Zaltas, from Bonnie
and Joel Rosenthal
Sanctuary Capital Improvement Fund
In honor of:
The marriage of Tali Cantor, granddaughter of Omi and
Paul Cantor, and Mike Feldman, from Natalie and
Gary Waleik
In memory of:
Husband Albert Perlmutter, from Edna Perlmutter
Brother Hanan Matz, from Edna Perlmutter
Grandmother Pearl Bretner, from Sheldon Bass
Sarah Cohen Testamentary Fund
(Bimah Accessibility)
In honor of:
Dr. Warren Manning’s leading High Holiday services,
from Elaine and Burt Marmer
The Silverman Family
Community Service Fund
In honor of:
The engagement of Tali Silverman, daughter of Linda
and Ari Silverman, to Gary Spencer, from The
Lechan Family; Sue Rodgin and Warren Manning
Caring Committee Fund
In memory of:
Barry Woods, from Shirley Woods
Rabbi Harold and Suzette Kushner
Prozdor Scholarship Fund
In memory of:
Mark Drew, from Leonard Drew
Al Doxer, from Orrin Doxer
Nathan and Rhoda Levine
Scholarship Fund
In memory of:
Mother Mollie Schneiderman, from Rhoda Levine
Aunt Rose Katz, from Rhoda Levine
USY Activity Fund
In honor of:
Suzzette Freedlander’s Kallat Maftir honor, from The
Nelson Family; Ellen Frank and Michael Herzberg
In memory of:
Gertrude Soodek, from Marci Landis
Alvan Levenson, from Debby and Ron Iken
USY Pilgrimage/Wheels Scholarship
In memory of:
Helmut Brandt, from Gretchen and Stewart Brandt
Henry Brandt, from Gretchen and Stewart Brandt
Charles Kaplan, a great uncle, from Sandy Shufrin
Grandfather Benjamin Kaplan, from Sandy Shufrin
Beloved father Abraham Shufrin, from Norm Shufrin
We truly appreciate each and every leagram, In
Memoriam, call, visit, support and donation from the
Temple Israel community, following the death of my
husband Ed Salamoff, father and grandfather.
Susan Salamoff and family
In memory of father Efim Pergamin,
from Sofia Khlyap
Thank you to the Temple community for the
leagrams, In Memoriams and kind phone calls at
the time of the death of Harvey’s sister
Ruth Kane Goldman.
Diane and Harvey Cooper
Thank you to the Temple Israel community for the
leagrams, donations and kind expressions of
sympathy on the passing of Reva’s sister
Bertha Jonas.
Reva and Sumner Weisman
Are You Receiving TI
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Call the office at 508-651-3520 x100 or send
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Upcoming Events
December 13 Synaplex
January 9 Family Friday Dinner
January 10 Synaplex
Adult Trivia Night
January 24 USY Shabbat
January 25 Deanne Stone
Memorial Breakfast
Mazal Tov To
Lois and Art Finstein on the birth of a granddaughter, Alyza Claire, to Josh and Jayme
Karen Mael and Ralph Korenstein on their engagement.
Edna and Fred Glass on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Andrew Gottlieb, son of
Beth and Marc Gottlieb.
Nancy and Donald Fried-Tanzer on the marriage of their son Abraham to Arielle Feit.
Jean and Mort Levin on the birth of their first great-grandchildren, Dillon Irving, son of Mary and
David Levin, and Isaac Samuel, son of Jamie and Josh Orkin.
Michael Sullivan, on completing his conversion to Judaism.
Ann and Mark Schneider on the birth of a granddaughter, Natalia Belen, to Josh and Maru
Linda and Ari Silverman on the engagement of
their daughter Tali to Gary Spencer.
B’nai Mitzvah
Sam Waltzman, son of
Amy and Alan, will be
called to the Torah as a
Bar Mitzvah on
November 1, 2014
Micah Rothkopf, son of
Francine and David, will
be called to the Torah
as a Bar Mitzvah on
November 15, 2014.
Payton Ahola, daughter
of Cara and Aaron, will
be called to the Torah
as a Bat Mitzvah on
November 8, 2014.
Garrett Barth, son of
Julie and Jake, will be
called to the Torah as a
Bar Mitzvah on
December 6, 2014.
February 1 Worldwide Wrap
Fran and Rabbi Dan Liben on the birth of a
granddaughter, Meirav Aliza, to Micah and
Deborah Liben.
Harriet and Alan Cole on the birth of a grandson
Micah Evan, to Rebecca and Adam Lurie.
Ronnie and Tamir Luria on the birth of their son
Eyal Ori.