Happenings at Grace OCTOBER 30, 2014 CONTENTS Day Light Saving Time Ends .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Expand Your Sunday, Expand Your Life .......................................................................................................................... 1 Filling the Hole in Our Gospel ............................................................................................................................................ 1 ASP Trip – May 2015........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Armed Forces Veterans ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 Grace Place........................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Prayer List ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Sunday Volunteers ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Last Sunday’s Attendance .................................................................................................................................................. 3 This Week at Grace ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 DAY LIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS This weekend, remember to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night. EXPAND YOUR SUNDAY, EXPAND YOUR LIFE Dear Church…Sincerely, Jesus The New Testament book of Revelation contains letters from Jesus to seven churches located in seven cities in what is today western Turkey. These letters continue to speak powerfully to the church today. Sandy and Belinda Hull travelled in October to these seven cities to study the ruins left from the first century and gain insight into the meaning of the seven letters in Revelation. Sandy will show pictures of the seven cities and walk us through each of the letters. There will also be opportunity for discussion. (Read more here.) Coffee and refreshments will be available in the Palmer Room beginning at 9:15 a.m. Classes will begin at 9:30 a.m. FILLING THE HOLE IN OUR GOSPEL Food Drive for Local Food Pantries – Through November 23 Our local food pantries are always in need, but at this time of year Grace is increasing our efforts to help stock two local food pantries for the holiday season. We regularly support Loaves & Fishes Food Cupboard in Jenkintown, and Interfaith Food Pantry in Abington. Food donations can be dropped off in the bin at the Vista Road entrance, across from the church office. Needed items include: peanut butter, canned tuna, 100% fruit juice, canned fruit (in juice), canned hearty soup, canned stew. Food bags available, let’s see if we can fill them! Questions? Please contact Marylouise Still at 215-680-3308 or mlstill562@gmail.com. Thank you to all who have already filled bags! The chart below shows what a great job our congregation has done so far. Fall 2014 Food Drive Update: Soup Beans, Chili, Stew Vegetables Tuna Peanut Butter 88 74 23 57 43 TOTAL items collected as of 10/28/14 Fruit Drinks/Juice Cereal/Oatmeal Pasta/Rice Miscellaneous 51 15 13 7 11 382 Election Day Opportunity… Elect to help serve a meal at Broad Street Ministry! Have a lighter schedule on Tuesday, November 4? Willing to give some time and energy to those in need in Philly? BSM serves their Breaking Bread dinners on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Prepared in their wellstocked kitchen by trained chefs, dinners are served restaurant style by volunteers like YOU. We will meet at Broad Street Ministry (315 S. Broad St., across from the Kimmel) at 3 and be finished by 6. 1618 year olds can join us without parents but students 14-16 need a parent to accompany them. Questions please contact Sandy DiGiulio 267-252-2019 or digiulio@comcast.net. Sign up on the bulletin board! Holiday Turkey Baskets We are pleased to support the Presbytery Care Closet in providing baskets of food for Thanksgiving and Christmas for our hungry neighbors. Just $30.00 provides an entire family dinner – turkey, stuffing, onions, potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, canned vegetables, gravy, sweet potatoes and a pie! We will receive donations through December 14 with donations received by November 16 going toward Thanksgiving meals! Please make checks out to Grace Presbyterian Church, marked ‘Turkey Basket.’ ASP TRIP – MAY 2015 It’s not too late! Missed the meeting but still want to know about the Appalachia Service Project (ASP) trip in the spring? Read more here. We’ll be completing our registration and beginning the planning and preparing process in the next few weeks. Will you be a part of making homes warmer, safer and drier? (www.asphome.org) Please contact Jen Haley at jhaley@gracejenkintown.org with questions or for more information. ARMED FORCES VETERANS If you are a veteran and have NOT yet given your name to the church office in previous years, please email (office@gracejenkintown.org) or call (215-887-6117) by Tuesday, November 4 and give us your name and branch of service so that we can recognize you in our service on Sunday, November 9. GRACE PLACE Grace Place, a drop in center for older adults, meets every Friday from 10:15 – 2:00 in the Palmer Room offering fellowship, serving lunch and providing activities. All are welcome. October 31 – Cookie decorating with EB Kelly November 7 – Being Married to a Pastor, with Belinda Hull All programs are subject to change. PRAYER LIST Please join our congregation in praying for the following concerns: Christians who are being persecuted today, our country and unspoken requests. Alexander Nancy Huttlin Colleen McKeever Dot Southrey Canfield Family Randy Krause Fred & Rita Schwing *Steve Stanton Craig Family Fontaine Mayers Fred Sellers Jack Thomas Michael & Lorie Higgins Michelle & Jeannette Anita Showell Gretchen Van Buren *New concerns. If you have a prayer request, please contact Joel Wagoner at joelwagoner@comcast.net or Ray Mayers at rsmayers@aol.com. SUNDAY VOLUNTEERS This Week Nov. 2 Greeters 8:30 am Tom Erwine 10:30 am Gordon and Darlene Reeves & Family Ushers Debra Adair, Peter Davis, Kurt Heiselmoyer, Chai Hutapea, Joel Wagoner, Jennifer Weinstein, Leslie Lewis, Karen Peterman Communion Servers Zach Cline, Ali Danilak, Curt Equi Lector Don Milley Nursery Volunteer Morgan Equi Acolyte Vienna Wietz Van Driver Maria Lorenz Coffee Hour Team 1 (Cathy French) Flower Delivery Jill Still & Bob Eckert Next Week Nov. 9 Greeters 8:30 am Bob Williams 10:30 am Jo-Anne LePiere Ushers Suzy Kiefner, Bill Skyrm, Zach Cline, Philip Kuhl, Natalie Weiss, Joel Wagoner Lector Mary Rodgers Nursery Volunteer Ana Weggel Acolyte Jessica Spindler Van Driver Bob MacFarland Coffee Hour Team 2 Flower Delivery Bob Williams & Gretchen Van Buren LAST SUNDAY’S ATTENDANCE 8:30 – 30 10:30 – 179 Nursery – 8 Child. Ed. – 46 Student Min. – 74 THIS WEEK AT GRACE Sunday, November 2 8:15 -11:45 am - Nursery Care Available (Lamb Room) 8:30 am - Worship w/Communion (Chapel) 9:15 am - Cherub Choir (Dove Room) - Chapel Choir (Elephant Room) - Middle School Bible Study - Confirmation Class (Student Lounge) - Adult Education - Expand Your Sunday; Expand Your Life (Palmer Room) 10:30 am - Worship (Sanctuary) - Sunday school classes for children 2 years through 3rd grade 11:30 am - Coffee Hour (Palmer Room) Tuesday, November 4 7:00 pm - iGnite – (Middle School Fellowship) 7:30 pm - Worship Empowerment Team Meeting Wednesday, November 5 7:30 am - Bible for Breakfast (Bonnet Lane Diner) 7:30 pm - Women of Grace Board Meeting Thursday, November 6 9:00 am - Bible Study (Palmer Room) 5:30 pm - Chapel Chimes Rehearsal 6:30 pm - Cathedral Ringers Rehearsal 7:30 pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Friday, November 7 Adult Ed. – 63 10:30 am - Grace Place Sunday, November 9 8:15 -11:45 am - Nursery Care Available (Lamb Room) 8:30 am - Worship w/Communion (Chapel) 9:15 am - Cherub Choir (Dove Room) - Chapel Choir (Elephant Room) - Middle School Bible Study - Confirmation Class (Student Lounge) - Adult Education - Expand Your Sunday; Expand Your Life (Palmer Room) 10:30 am - Worship (Sanctuary) - Sunday school classes for children 2 years through 5th grade 11:30 am - Coffee Hour (Palmer Room) Church Staff Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Sanford D. Hull Pastoral Care Assistant: The Rev. James Eby Director of Educational Activities: Jennifer Haley Director of Music: Timothy Smith Administrative Assistant: Beverly Thompson Director of Student Ministries: Joel Bielefeldt Financial Secretary: Tina Hinks Organist: Kevin Engleman Director of Nursery School: Susan Dorshimer Sexton: David Downs Childcare: Suzie Killien, Laura Smith & Anne Campbell Sunday Sextons: Russ Thompson & Steve Saegert Grace Presbyterian Church 444 Old York Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 215-887-6117 www.gracejenkintown.org Worship Services: Sunday mornings, 8:30 and 10:30 Nursery care available: 8:15 through 11:45
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