Grace Lutheran Church
801 East Willow Grove Ave., Wyndmoor, PA 19038-7907 (215) 836-2366
Sundays 10 AM Holy Communion (& Sunday School in season)
E-Mail to
Web Site at
Volume 33
November-December 2014
Issue 6
“Where in the World Did the Time Go?”
is critical that although we might “act” locally, we
must “think” globally. The recent ‘ebola’ outbreak in
West Africa has made it very clear that what happens
in one part of the world does have implications for
the rest of the world. And with Facebook, twitter,
skype and a host of other social media networks,
communicating with friends, loved ones and
colleagues can be accomplished almost
instantaneously throughout the world……a world
which no longer seems as “big” as it once did to me.
I have been pondering these things,
particularly as they relate to the fast
approaching “holiday season.” Those
of you who know me pretty well,
know that I find great pleasure in
“gift-giving.” But this year, I have
decided that in light of the
tremendous pain, suffering,
oppression and violence that so many
of God’s people (and creatures)
throughout the world are facing on a daily
basis, I am going to select several charitable
organizations and make a significant contribution to
each one in honor of Grace Lutheran Church and its
“human witness” to God’s presence in the world. I
would ask that those of you who have blessed me
with a Christmas remembrance each year, please
consider making a “Tribute Gift” to Grace Lutheran
Church in my honor, if that seems appropriate. Or,
consider making a contribution of time and/or money
to a charity of your choice. I do not wish to sound
cavalier or ungrateful. It’s just that as I have taken
time to realize how abundantly blessed I am to be
Guess what? My Nana was right! Let me
explain. For as long as I can remember, my Nana
used to tell me: “Carol, the older you get, the faster
time will pass and the smaller the world will
become.” At the time, many years ago, those words
sounded pretty silly to me. But now that I am older
(and hopefully a bit wiser, too), I have come to
realize how true my Nana’s words are. And each
day, it seems, I have reason to reflect upon those
words and remember the gentle sage who shared
them with me.
I don’t know about you, but I find
myself marking off “weeks” from my
calendar now, in the way that I used
to cross off each “day” with a big
“X.” And no sooner do I turn over
the page on the wall calendar in my
office to view a brand new month,
when I find that many of my
conversations about “arranging for a
meeting next week,” require that I check out
the next month’s page. Time truly does seem to
“fly” and not only when I’m having fun!
As far as the world getting “smaller” goes,
well, I find that as I grow older, I am more likely to
meet folks with whom I share a mutual acquaintance.
Sometimes these “connections” spark memories of
places and people from far away and long ago. At
other times, I am surprised by the discovery that
although we have been almost “neighbors” for over
10 years, it took a ‘chance meeting’ at an auto repair
shop for that reality to be realized. And now that
there are so many folks who travel internationally, it
living where I do and serving a community of faithfilled, spirit-led folks whom I have come to love and
respect, I also have been reminded that the most
precious “gifts” aren’t really ‘things’ at all.
So, if you are interested in joining me in my
‘new approach’ to Christmas “gifting” this year, I
welcome your presence and your encouragement.
For those of you who might be looking for some
guidance or suggestions, I will include below a list
(by NO MEANS complete or exclusive!) of potential
recipients which you might consider.
May God be with us as we journey together
toward God’s promised future, confident that God’s
promises are sure and unfailing.
Grace Lutheran Church, Wyndmoor, PA
Lutheran Charities
ELCA Good Gifts
Heifer International
World Hunger
Churches for Middle Peace
World Vision
American Bible Society
Lutheran World Relief
Disabled American Veterans
Lutheran Children & Family Services
Reconciling Works
American Cancer Society
Boys/Girls Clubs of Phila.
Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries
(affirms & supports LGBTQ
Lutheran rostered leaders)
Best Friends Society
(largest animal rescue in US)
Autism Speaks
Doctors Without Borders
United Negro College Fund
(Leadership Assistance Org.)
Macular Degeneration Foundation
Alzheimer’s Foundation
Guiding Eyes for the Blind
(Guide Dogs for the Blind)
Defenders of Wildlife
World Wildlife Federation
Lambda Legal
(LGBTQ Civil Rights Org.)
AARP Foundation
Wounded Warrior Project
Your partner in ministry,
Pastor Carol
***If you have concerns about an organization, I find
it helpful to check with Charity Watch
(, an organization founded in
1992 as the American Institute of Philanthropy. Its
mission as a non-profit charity watchdog and
information service is to maximize the effectiveness
of every dollar contributed to charity by providing
donors with the information they need to make more
informed giving decisions.
The December Annual Meeting of the congregation
will be convened following worship on Sunday, December 14.
Election of Council members
Adoption of a budget for 2015
Where’s Ed? – See Page 11
Prepare for worship by reading the scripture you will hear at worship.
Sunday, November 2
All Saints Sunday
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Revelation 7:9–17; Psalm 34:1–10, 22; 1 John 3:1–3; Matthew 5:1–12
All Saints celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ. As November
heralds the dying of the landscape in many northern regions, the readings and liturgy call us to remember all
who have died in Christ and whose baptism is complete. At the Lord's table we gather with the faithful of every
time and place, trusting that the promises of God will be fulfilled and that all tears will be wiped away in the
new Jerusalem.
Sunday, November 9
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Amos 5:18–24; Psalm 70; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18; Matthew 25:1–13
Today the prophet Amos calls for justice to roll down like waters. Paul urges us to encourage one another
with the promised coming of the Lord. Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids.
Surrounded by the faithful of every time and place, we celebrate Christ's coming in our midst in the word
life and the feast of victory—the marriage feast of the lamb.
Sunday, November 16
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Zephaniah 1:7, 12–18; Psalm 90:1–8[9–11] 12; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11; Matthew 25:14–30
Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the Lord
will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake
and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the
greater and common good. In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope—word,
water, bread and wine—eager to welcome the good news of Christ's coming among us.
Sunday, November 23
Christ the King
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Ezekiel 34:11–16, 20–24; Psalm 95:1–7a; Ephesians 1:15–23; Matthew 25:31–46
On this final Sunday of the church year our gospel is Jesus' great story of judgment. In the end, the faithful
are those who served Christ by ministering to those who are poor, hungry, naked, sick, or estranged. In the
first reading God is the shepherd who seeks the lost, weak, and injured and feeds them with justice. We
gather this day to celebrate the reign of Christ and his victory over death, yet awaiting the consummation of
all things yet to come. Acknowledging Christ as our merciful ruler, we go forth that his reign may be known
in our loving words and deeds.
Sunday, November 30
First Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Isaiah 64:1–9; Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19; 1 Corinthians 1:3–9; Mark 13:24–37
Stir up your power, and come! The psalmist's plea in Psalm 80:2 has become familiar to us in the Advent
prayers. Isaiah wants God to rip the heavens open. Both cry out for an apparently distant, angry God to show
up, to save, to restore. When we hear Jesus describing the coming of the Son of Man with stars falling from
heaven, it can sound dire and horrible, not like anything we would ever hope for. But when we really look at the
suffering of people God loves, we can share the hope that God would tear open the heavens and come.
Sunday, December 7
Second Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Isaiah 40:1–11; Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13; 2 Peter 3:8–15a; Mark 1:1–8
John called people to repent, to clear the decks, to completely reorder their lives so that nothing would get in
the way of the Lord's coming. The reading from Isaiah gives the context for this radical call: the assurance of
forgiveness that encourages us to repent; the promise that the coming one will be gentle with the little ones.
Isaiah calls us all to be heralds with John, to lift up our voices fearlessly and say, "See, your God is coming!"
We say it to one another in worship, in order to say it with our lives in a world in need of justice and peace.
Sunday, December 14
Third Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11; Psalm 126 or Luke 1:46b–55; 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24; John 1:6–8, 19–28
"Rejoice always," begins the reading from First Thessalonians. Isaiah and the psalmist make clear that God is turning
our mourning into laughter and shouts of joy. "All God's children got a robe," go the words of the spiritual. It is not so
much a stately, formal, pressed outfit as it is a set of party clothes, clothes that make us feel happy just to put on. We
receive that robe in baptism, and in worship we gather for a foretaste of God's party.
Blue Christmas Worship Service
Sunday, December 14, 2014, 7:00 PM, at Christ's Lutheran Church, Oreland. Community welcome.
Sunday, December 21
Fourth Sunday of Advent
10:00 AM Holy Communion
2 Samuel 7:1–11, 16; Luke 1:46b–55 or Psalm 89:1–4, 19–26; Romans 16:25–27; Luke 1:26–38
God keeps the promise made to David, to give him an everlasting throne. The angel tells Mary that God will
give David's throne to her son Jesus. She is perplexed by Gabriel's greeting and by the news of her coming
pregnancy, but she is able still to say, "Count me in." We who know that Jesus is called king only as he is
executed still find it a mystery hard to fathom, but with Mary today we hear the news of what God is up to and
say, "Count us in."
Following the service on Sunday, December 21, please help decorate our worship space for Christmas.
The Season of Christmas
Wednesday, December 24
Nativity of Our Lord – Christmas Eve
Read: Luke 2:1–20
On a long winter evening we gather to proclaim the coming of the light. Isaiah announces that the people who walked in
darkness have seen a great light. Paul reminds us that the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all. In the familiar
account of Christ's birth, the evening sky is bright with the heavenly host singing, "Glory to God in the highest." Amid our
broken world we proclaim that the prince of peace is born among us. God comes to us in human flesh—in Christ's body and
blood—so that we may be bearers of divine light to all the world.
5:00 PM -- The Family Service will feature the children and youth of Grace as they lead our
worship and embody the Christmas message of ”God With Us.” In addition to an “enfleshed” Gospel proclamation, the service will include scripture, Christmas carols,
prayers and blessing. (The sacrament of Holy Communion is not available at this
10:00 PM -- The Candlelight Service with Holy Communion is our traditional offering of this festival service
of hymns, carols, sermon, and music by the choir.
Thursday, December 25
Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas Day 10:00 AM Holy Communion
Read: John 1:1–14
On this Christmas morning the people of God gather to celebrate the birth of the Word made flesh, Christ our
Lord. Luke recounts the familiar story of shepherds and angels; John's gospel tells of the Word that dwells
among us, full of grace and truth. The meaning of Christmas is made clear: the light shines in the darkness. It
is in the liturgy that we encounter the Word made flesh—in the people of God gathered together as the body of
Christ, and in the meal around the holy table. We go forth to be bearers of light as we proclaim this good news
to all the ends of the earth.
Sunday, December 28
First Sunday of Christmas
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Isaiah 61:10—62:3; Psalm 148; Galatians 4:4–7; Luke 2:22–40
In the psalm all the natural world praises God, including all humanity, male and female, young and old. The
voices of Simeon and 84-year-old Anna join the chorus today, recognizing what God is doing in Jesus.
Simeon’s song is often sung after communion, for we have seen God’s salvation in the assembled community
and have held Jesus in our hands in the bread. Then, like the prophet Anna, we speak of Jesus to all who
look for the healing of the world.
Elsie Hamilton in memory of family members
The Horning and Krol families in loving memory of Linda Egner Horning,
beloved wife, mother, and grandmother
Wyndmoor Hose Company in memory of those members who have died
Richard and Gail Wightman in memory of Margaret Elms
and in honor of Albert Elms and James and Frances Wightman
Roseann and Les Nyiri in celebration of the friends and family of the Nyiris
Joyce Reiner in memory of her brother, Philip Stocks
The O’Rourke Family in loving memory of Patrick’s mother,
Regina Catherine O’Rourke
The Knipe Family in memory of Ed Prath
Evelyn Alston in honor of her great-grandchildren
One expression of your careful use of the
gifts of God is your financial support of the
congregation, and, through the congregation, of
other expressions of the larger Church.
Your annual pledge helps us forecast the
level of financial support our congregation will
receive in the year ahead. It is through the pledges
and contributions of our members that we are able
to carry on our work here at Grace Church.
As you consider your pledge, we remind you
that we offer Simply Giving, a form of electronic
giving, as a way to automate your offerings. It is
convenient for you, and it provides much-needed
consistency for the church. Sunday collections of
offerings fluctuate significantly from week to week,
but when contributions are automated, the church
receives the funds it needs to operate on a steady,
uninterrupted basis. We encourage you to request a
paper authorization form from the office and return
it soon.
We also take this moment to remind you that
Christian stewardship is our management of not
only financial resources, but also of the time and
talents that each of us can bring to the ministry here
at Grace. Watch the pages of this newsletter to learn
of opportunities to serve.
Your Stewardship Committee
By decision of the Finance Committee and the
Council, we will return to the use of full-year
boxed sets of offering envelopes for 2015; they
will be distributed before the end of this year.
The monthly direct-mail envelopes of 2014 did not
yield the results expected, and the cost was greater,
so we resume our prior practice.
Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Worship Service
Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 7:30 PM
St. Philips in the Field Episcopal Church, Oreland (corner of Lorraine Avenue and Oreland Mill Road)
We had great fun August 25 through 29 with Weird Animals!
Left to Right
Opening story time
Staff stunned,
kids puzzled
at sight of
Pastor’s head
Miss Jenny
astounds the littlest
Isaiah’s fun in yard
Dr. Paws
& Pastor Peeples
This year’s VBS mission project was “Clean Water for India.”
Offerings totaling $225 will be forwarded to the program.
September 27 – Glorious Weather!
Left: Sue Eames keeps a wary eye on son Chuck’s eyes
on Christmas ornaments.
Right: Gail Garin seems anxious about the burden
of security for the dazzling array of jewelry.
Left: Rosella Heilemann wore white to hawk the
white elephants.
Right: Mary Sanders and Suzanne Kinard showed no
signs of having sampled large quantities of
their baked goods.
Chief of Sales Paula Knipe reported net reciepts of
$809.45. WELCA will distribute this money to support a
variety of Christian ministries, including Grace Church.
On Sunday, August 31, we rejoiced to receive Donna Searchfield into membership by
transfer from St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Ellsworth, Maine. She was baptized a
Methodist, confirmed a Schwenkfelder, married by a military chaplain, and now is a
Lutheran – a very ecumenical background! Donna was born in Lansdale, PA, but lived in
Pennsburg, PA from 5th grade until graduating from high school. After a year of college,
she joined the Air Force, married, and traveled around the country from Alaska to Myrtle
Beach, SC. She left the military and held various jobs while following her spouse in his
career in the Coast Guard. They lived in Mobile, AL for 10 years where she obtained her BS
in Operations and Systems Management. They lived in Ellsworth, Maine for the past 15
years. Her last position was as the database administrator for a school system in Maine.
After a divorce, she decided to make some changes, so she moved to Philadelphia in May 2014 from
Ellsworth, ME, to enroll at The Lutheran Theological Seminary, where she is pursuing a Master of Arts in
Public Leadership, a program that trains those committed to making a difference in the world through public
leadership. The duration of the program is 2 years.
She has a 29-year old daughter, Jennifer, who is a special education teacher for students in grades K-4.
She has a 6-year old grandson, Kayden. Her other child, Rachael, is 19 and a sophomore at the University of
Maine at Orono. Rachael is a horse person, and for most of her life wanted to be a large animal vet, although
that might be changing.
In Maine, besides being very involved with her church, she was on the Board of Directors for Child and
Family Opportunities, which ran the Head Start program for Hancock and Washington counties. She was an
elected member and worked very hard for the State Democratic Committee, and she is an alumna of Emerge
Maine, an organization that trains Democratic women to run for public office.
The Rev. John Kinard, age 84, the husband of Grace member Suzanne Kinard, died at home on Tuesday,
September 9, surrounded by loved ones. Pastor Ficken presided at a memorial service at Grace Church on
September 20. The Rev. Richard Miller, longtime friend of Pastor Kinard, assisted Pastor Ficken with the
liturgy. Memorial Gifts in John's Memory may be made to the following: Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan
Philadelphia, 1518 Walnut Street, Suite 605, Philadelphia, Pa 19102, and/or Lafayette College Office of
Development, 307 Markle Hall, Easton, PA 18042. (Freed Funeral Home of Glenside has arranged with Lofty
Oaks Association to have a young tree planted in memory of John Kinard, to be planted on public lands during
the earliest appropriate season – a living memorial that is part of a larger endeavor to restore the Pennsylvania
Theresa (Terry) Marie McKee, age 90, a Grace member who has been living in Cambridge, MD, in a senior
care facility, died there on September 11. Her family held a private memorial service to celebrate her life.
Gloria Thompson, age 84, died in hospice care at home on September 20, with her daughter and other loved
ones present. A funeral service was held at Grace Church on September 26, Pastor Ficken presiding; many
worshippers offered appreciative comments about Gloria’s place in their lives. Burial followed at Eden
Cemetery in Collingdale, PA. Gloria’s daughter, Christine Lukwiya, and her husband, Sebastian, sent the
following note to Grace Church (next page):
To the Brothers and Sisters at Grace Lutheran Church,
Thank you so much for all of your love and support during our mother’s illness. Your many
acts of kindness will always be remembered in our hearts. Mom loved the church and she loved you
all. It’s great to know that she was surrounded by a group of people who really cared for her but most
importantly loved the Lord! Thank you for your attendance and participation at Mom’s funeral
service. The music and singing were divine. We know Mother would have been very pleased with all of
your hard work and dedication to make her final service a successful one! Please continue about our
Father’s business.
With love, Sebastian and Christine Lukwiya
Alston, Evelyn: corrected e-mail address is
Kishbaugh, Beth: new phone number, 215-470-5919
Searchfield, Donna: new member, 7740 Stenton Ave, 7-314, Philadelphia, PA 19118, 207-266-3056
A new edition of the directory, dated October 2014, is available in the narthex or, electronically, by e-mail
via request to
Thirty-six members/friends of Grace were
recognized and commissioned in a special liturgy
led by Pastor Carol at the 10 AM Worship Service
on Sunday, September 28, 2014, to do God’s Work
with Their Hands. Folks had been asked to consider
and choose one or more tasks, from among a dozen
possibilities, in which they would participate as
representatives of Grace doing God’s Work.
Tasks ranged from writing letters of support
and concern to American troops abroad to making
soup/baking cookies for shut-ins. Some folks
indicated their willingness to provide several hours
of respite child care/elder care for members whose
regular caregivers need some time for relaxation,
renewal or perhaps just sleep! A few of the more
technologically gifted folks among us agreed to
work on creating an interactive web page for Grace.
Others preferred being outdoors, engaged in
gardening and weeding for those who are unable or
find it difficult to do so personally. There were a
number of folks who agreed to be available to
provide transportation for those needing to get to
the doctor, store, hairdresser, etc. All in all, it was a
day to acknowledge and celebrate the Spirit of God
actively at work within us and among us.
Bright gold T-shirts, printed with “God’s
Work, Our Hands” on the front and “Grace,
Wyndmoor” on the back were distributed to those
who agreed to join hands and hearts, one with
another, to accomplish God’s Work. Thank you all,
so very much. God Bless you all.
Pastor Carol
Grace member Alyssa Ard and her schoolmate Lisa Vecchione took on a job to clean up their high school
courtyard before September classes began. They cleared out some overgrown weeds in the rock gardens,
allowing better visibility of several sculptures that are on display. The sculptures were placed by students in the
school’s art program. (Source: The Springfield Township Enterprise, September 2014.) God’s work--Alyssa’s
Tuesday, October 28, 7:30 PM, The Wounded
Healer, book by Henri Nouwen, presenter Gail
Garin, at Nyiri home, 8614 Caroline Dr. Wyndmoor.
Group Leadership is by Gail Garin (215-576-0269,, Rosella Heilemann (215-2333275,, and Marie Shafer
The group will not meet in November and December
because of holiday schedules.
Following worship on Sunday, October 19,
2014, everyone was invited to Fellowship Hall to
share in a “Feast of Stews” luncheon organized by
the Stewardship Team at Grace. And what a “feast”
it was…..vegetable stew, beef stew, chicken stew,
pea soup, sausage and peppers…..yum-yum! And
no feast would be complete without dessert,
right?!?! So, of course there were plenty wonderful,
homemade desserts to top off our shared meal
Our young people, under the direction of
Patrick O’Rourke, Jeanine O’Rourke and RG
Bistline blessed us with a Halloween translation of
“The Greedy Farmer” from Luke, chapter 12. We
were reminded very powerfully and clearly by our
young people that refusing to share your Halloween
candy and hoarding it for years won’t do you any
good when you wind up with braces on your teeth
and can’t eat any of it yourself! Our lives are not
defined by what we have, even when we have a lot!
God loves a “cheerful giver”……how do you think
God feels about a selfish candy hoarder?????
Pastor Carol then shared some thoughts
about Commitment Sunday, which this year will
take place on November 16, 2014. Pastor invited us
to think about our relationship with God as a parent
relating to a child. Certainly love is at the heart of
that relationship, but parents also realize children
need to grow and mature, and with that maturity
comes a need to accept responsibility for increased
freedom and privilege. God, too, has expectations
of us as we grow in faith and understanding. God’s
expectations are not intended to weigh us down or
fill us with guilt. Like a loving parent, God desires
the best for us. We trust God and give thanks to
God for countless blessings showered upon us each
and every day, blessings which often go unnoticed.
But we also need to keep in mind that God needs us
to be the hands and feet and eyes and heart of God’s
presence in the world…..a loving, forgiving
presence in the midst of a broken, hurting and
longing world. Pastor requested that when we
receive the church’s Stewardship Letter by the first
week in November, that we prayerfully consider the
financial commitment we will make to the ministry
and programming of Grace for 2015.
Several rousing hymns were sung by all in
attendance, accompanied by our Minister of Music,
Sheridan Seyfried, and there were Thanksgiving
crafts available for those who wished to take home
a reminder of our time together.
Many thanks to all who made this “Feast of
Stews” a bountiful occasion to celebrate God’s
presence among us!
Pastor Carol
Elsie Hamilton
Michael Schardt
Taj Nicholson
Dottie Kishbaugh
Hilary Knipe
Tameka Williams
Glen Siebert
Ronan Biskup
Devon Winter
Vicki Horning
Sheree Tucker
Katrina Washington
Constantine Atkinson
Azaleayah Washington
Suzanne Kinard
Grace Malatesta
Doris Moyer
Jennifer Nordland
Elizabeth Krol
Ellie Ziegler
Lisa Antinucci
Alfonzia Jackson
Allison Samson
Michael Washington
Vicki Ard
Casimir Pokorny
2014 Christmas Ingathering
“You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14
Grace’s WELCA (Women of the ELCA) asks your donation of a variety of items for meeting special needs
of children and adults at Christmas. Pick one or several. Detailed lists of suggested items for each
program are available in the Gathering Room and Narthex, or by request from the office: e-mail or phone 215-836-2366. The guide can be sent via e-mail. In summary, we
will be supporting our local food cupboard, foster children, Silver Springs/Martin Luther School, Seamen’s
Church Institute, Lutheran World Relief, Lutheran Settlement House, Eagleville Hospital & Rehabilitation
Center, and our shut-ins.
All items need to be brought to the church no later than Sunday, November 30.
Questions? Call Evie Edwards (215-233-1898)
The fall food drive in support of Philabundance will be held November 2-23, 2014. Canned goods can be
brought to the church and placed in a box located in the Gathering Room labeled PHILABUNDANCE on the
following Sundays: November 2, 9, 16, and 23. Canned goods are preferred rather than packaged foods because
they can be more easily stored and transported. Your participation in the food drive will be greatly appreciated
because there is an urgent need for food support for families and individuals in the Greater Philadelphia area.
Grace Lutheran Church's annual Toys for Tots drive in conjunction with the U.S. Marine Corps will be held
from November 30 through -December 21, 2014. Unwrapped toys may be brought to the church on the
following Sundays: Nov. 30; Dec. 7, 14, and 21. The Toys for Tots drive must conclude on Sunday Dec. 21
because the toys donated must be taken to the Marine Corps distribution center in order for them to be received
by families who need them before Christmas. Your participation in this worthwhile effort which will allow
some children to have a joyful Christmas will be greatly appreciated.
Dolph Williams, Outreach Committee
Holiday Shopping Benefit
Come join us on Tuesday, December 9, from 5:30 to 8:00 at a fundraising event to benefit Grace’s vibrant and
enriching worship and music programs. The Dovetail Artisans Shop, 105 E. Glenside Avenue, Glenside, is
hosting this event for us. This is a wonderful gift shop chock full of American made items including jewelry,
handbags, scarves, wall décor, craft items, unique greeting cards and much more! See their website for more of
what they offer -- Dovetail will contribute 15% of all cash/check sales, and 10%
of all credit card sales made that evening to Grace. Come shop for the holidays and listen to live Christmas
music offered by Grace choir members from 6:00 to 8:00! Light refreshments will be served. Shop, listen,
enjoy! Come join us on December 9 for good music and a unique shopping experience! It’s a wonderful
opportunity to support Grace! Gail Garin, Chanteuse, and Chair GLC Worship & Music Committee
A powered chair lift has been installed in the rear stairwell from the driveway to Fellowship Hall in the
basement. Now, at last, Fellowship Hall is accessible to those who are unable to use the stairs. The project was
funded from the remainder of an individual’s gift for new carpeting in the worship sanctuary.
Make an unrestricted donation to Grace Lutheran Church called a “Tribute Gift”: a donation in addition to
your regular giving in support of the daily ministry of the congregation. Just enclose your check or cash in an
envelope with the information requested below and submit it in the Sunday offering or by mail to the church
___ In honor of, ___ In memory of, ___ In celebration of, ___ In thanksgiving for
Name/names of person(s) or event(s)
Name(s) of donor(s)
make(s) this unrestricted gift in the amount of $ __________ to the daily ministry of Grace Lutheran Church of
Wyndmoor. This is in addition to regular giving by the donor.
Recent Tribute Gifts Received:
The Fanning Family, Dorothea and Richard Kishbaugh, Marie and Bill Shafer
in memory of Christine Bistline
Marie and Bill Shafer in thanksgiving for
Suzanne Kinard’s contributions to the community of Grace Church,
and in remembrance of her husband John
Martha and Bob Boyle in honor of John Kinard
Third Quarter 2014 (January 1 – September 30)
Comparison of income and expenses for the first nine months of 2014 and 2013.
Thus income was down by about $ 6,000 compared with last year, and expenses were up by about $10,300.
Funds available to meet shortfalls in income needed to meet expenses (funds in this report include unrestricted
reserves and the checking account):
January 1, 2014
$ 98,341.68
September 30, 2014 $ 85,217.32
($ 13,124.36)
Where’s Ed???
A challenge in each issue of Life Together!
Can you find the tiny icon of The Ed-itor tucked away in hiding? At right is what he looks
like as he ponders wrenching editorial decisions. Look for the teeny version! First person to
name the location to Ed (aka B Shafer) via any medium (postmark date if by snail mail)
wins a prize!!!! [Grace staff and previous winners not eligible!] The winner last issue was
Chuck Horning, son of Grace Secretary Charlie Horning.
(and curious uninhibited adults!)
(and curious uninhibited adults!)
[Paper copies in larger print are available at the church.]
Nov 1
Nov 2
Nov 3
Nov 4
Nov 5
Nov 6
09:15 AM Inclusive Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
09:20 AM Traditional Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Worship/S Sunday School/S/LSS
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
11:30 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 7
Nov 8
Nov 11
Nov 12
Nov 17
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 18
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 19
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
07:15 PM Women’s Health Counseling Group/GR
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
Nov 20
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Mt. Airy Learning Tree Vocal Class/FH
07:30 PM Vocal Choirs Rehearsal/S
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Mt. Airy Learning Tree Vocal Class/FH
07:30 PM Vocal Choirs Rehearsal/S
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
Nov 21
Pastor Carol Day Off
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Nov 22
Pastor Carol Day Off
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Nov 23
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
ELECTION DAY (7:00 AM – 8:00 PM at GLC)
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
12:00 PM Pastor Carol “COST”
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
07:15 PM Women’s Health Counseling Group/GR
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
09:15 AM Inclusive Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
09:20 AM Traditional Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Worship/S Sunday School/LSS
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
11:30 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
03:00 PM Veterans’ Day Service/S
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 9
Nov 10
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
07:00 PM Congregation Council/GR
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
Nov 13
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Mt. Airy Learning Tree Vocal Class/FH
07:30 PM Vocal Choirs Rehearsal/S
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
Nov 14
Pastor Carol Day Off
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Nov 15
09:15 AM Inclusive Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
09:20 AM Traditional Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Worship/S Sunday School/S/LSS
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
11:30 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 16
09:15 AM Inclusive Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
09:20 AM Traditional Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Worship/S Sunday School/S/LSS
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
11:30 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 24
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 25
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
07:30 PM Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
Nov 26
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
Nov 27
THANKSGIVING DAY (office closed)
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
Nov 28
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Nov 29
Nov 30
09:15 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Family Worship/S, no Sunday School
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
S=Sanctuary GR=Gathering Room FH=Fellowship Hall
K=Kitchen N=Nursery LSS=Lower Sunday School RL=Rear Lawn
[Paper copies in larger print are available at the church.]
Dec 1
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 17
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
07:15 PM Women’s Health Counseling Group/GR
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
Dec 2
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 18
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:30 PM Vocal Choirs Rehearsal/S
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
Dec 3
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
12:00 PM Pastor Carol “COST”
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
07:15 PM Women’s Health Counseling Group/GR
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
Dec 19
Pastor Carol Day Off
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Dec 20
02:00 PM Capella Music School Concert Set-Up/GR/S
03:00 PM Capella Music School Holiday Concert/S/GR
Dec 4
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:30 PM Vocal Choirs Rehearsal/S
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
Dec 5
Pastor Carol Day Off
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Dec 6
09:15 AM Inclusive Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
09:20 AM Traditional Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Worship/S Sunday School/S/LSS
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
11:30 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 7
Dec 8
09:15 AM Inclusive Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
09:20 AM Traditional Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Worship/S Sunday School/S/LSS
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
11:15 AM Hanging of the Greens/S
11:30 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/FH
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 21
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 22
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 23
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 24
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
05:00 PM Family Service
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
10:00 PM Candlelight Holy Communion
Dec 9
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
05:30 PMff GLC Fund Raiser at Dovetail Artisans
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 10
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
07:00 PM Congregation Council/GR
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
Dec 25
CHRISTMAS DAY (Office Closed)
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
10:00 AM Holy Communion
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
Dec 11
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:30 PM Vocal Choirs Rehearsal/S
08:30 PM Al-Anon/GR
Dec 26
Pastor Carol Day Off
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Dec 12
Pastor Carol Day Off
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
07:00 PM New Hope Church Prayer Group/GR/FH
Dec 27
Dec 13
09:15 AM Inclusive Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
09:20 AM Traditional Vocal Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Worship/S Sunday School/S/LSS
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
11:30 AM Congregational Meeting/S
12:30 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 14
Dec 15
Dec 16
Dec 28
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
03:30 PM January-February Newsletter Deadline
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
09:15 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal/S
10:00 AM Family Worship/S, no Sunday School
11:15 AM Fellowship Time/GR
01:15 PM New Hope Pres. Church/S/GR/FH/K
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 29
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:15 PM Women’s AA/GR
07:30 PM Boy Scouts/FH
07:30 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 30
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
08:00 AM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM Men’s AA/K
Dec 31
06:00 AM Get Into Fit Fitness Camp/FH
06:30 PM Zumba Fitness Class/FH
08:00 PM New Hope Presbyterian Church/S
S=Sanctuary GR=Gathering Room FH=Fellowship Hall
K=Kitchen N=Nursery LSS=Lower Sunday School RL=Rear Lawn
As a Reconciling in Christ congregation, Grace Lutheran Church and its members believe that Christ
makes us all one. We affirm that people of all sexual orientations and gender identities share the
worth that comes from being unique individuals created by God, that they are welcome within the
membership and leadership of this congregation and that we encourage and expect them to share in
the sacramental and general life of this community of faith.
November-December 2014
The Newsletter of
801 E Willow Grove Ave
Wyndmoor, PA 19038-7907
Phone: (215) 836-2366 FAX (215) 836-1419
The Rev. Carol L. Ficken, Pastor
Charles Horning, Office Manager
William Shafer, Editor, Life Together
Grace Lutheran Church
801 E Willow Grove Ave
Wyndmoor, PA 19038-7907