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Community | news | events | health | lifestyle | reviews | activities | and much more
Lakes, Bay & Region November 1 2014 Vol. 10 Also Available Online
Your free weekly magazine
Healthy Food Can
Brighten Mood
Learn helpful DIY tips
this holiday season
Mango Hill & North
Lakes Environment
Group Update
Councillor Greer Responds
Too Many Dead Creatures
I Love Living Here
Your Say
Development on environmental reserve?
Lake Eden clean up
$5K is a click away for
Region’s Community Groups
Your rights and responsibilities to
with Leonie
Don’t we have the right to expect
our partners to at least try to be
the person we married?
disclosure as buyer or seller of property
Film Review
Building Activity is Up
But Supply Restrictions Start to Bite
our handy
The BIG Picture
We Publish Your Photos
Including Digital
Australian Financial
Evergreen Centre,
Unit 8, 14 Discovery Drive,
North Lakes
New Investment Workshop
Foundations of Wealth Creation
Do you have all your finances in order?
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If you have answered NO to any of the above, then call us! We can provide expert advice and assistance with
all aspects of Financial Planning. No matter what your situation call now for an obligation free appointment.
2014 Education Workshop
Up-coming Workshop
When: Tuesday 4th November 2014
Time: 6:15pm for 6:30pm start
For more information, book an appointment to see an advisor or
to register for the Workshop
Register your attendance by calling:
3385 0565
Contact us:
Fenton Financial Management Pty Ltd T/A Australian Financial Advisers and Craig Fenton are authorised Representatives of
GWM Adviser Services Limited ABN 96 002 071 749, trading as MLC Financial Planning and Australian Financial Services
Licensee, Registered Office at 105-153 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Now in its tenth year, The Messenger is your
free weekly publication. Wholly owned, operated
and produced locally. Proudly independently
published. ABN 129 5493 7979.
For all editorial enquiries contact
Editor Dan Fidler via
For all advertising rates, conditions and bookings please
contact Advertising Manager Jodi Doe on 3881 3322
Tuesday to Thursday. Other times please call 0488 112 822
or email
Please note:
Business hours are week days 9am to 5 pm.
• All advertising is to be pre-paid.
Advertising deadline (including Classifieds) is 12 midday
Thursday one week prior. Incomplete art due Tuesday
midday one week prior.
Payments or accounts please call Nick on 1300
300 608 Monday to Thursday or email accounts@
Credit Cards & Direct Deposit:
Bank of Queensland
BSB: 124185
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PO Box 127 North Lakes, QLD 4509
For all distribution enquiries and requests please contact
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For Community Notice Board and Your Say please email: observing
the requisites and disclaimers printed on their relevant
Not all opinions expressed in this publication are necessarily those of the
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articles, information and anecdotes are not necessarily the original work
of the editor or writers.
By advertising or submitting with The Messenger you agree to indemnify
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The Messenger 4
supplying bags and plastic gloves and we
will finish off with a BBQ supplied by the
Lakeside Cafe and drinks sponsored by the
Oracle Corporation.
As well as being the town park, Lake Eden
holds some amazing wildlife and we'd like
to keep it that way. This was a great event
What is a Reserve? If you, like us, thought it last year with around 20 people getting
was short for 'Reserved Land' you will also involved. Eight shopping trolleys were
be shocked to hear that development has
pulled out of the Lake as well as a number
started near Sylvia Court on the Rothwell
of sacks of rubbish and a great time was
side of the reserve on land clearly marked had by all. The Lake looked pristine for a
as North Lakes Environmental Reserve.
few months after this but sadly the litter has
started to build up again. If you can come
The first we heard of it was when locals
and support us please do so. If you have
contacted us about the wildlife moving
fishing nets or canoes to help remove litter
into their gardens... We have always strived from the lake they would be useful.
to have a good working relationship
with all the parties we deal with, and the
same goes to the council especially their
Environmental Team who have been
fantastic in their support for our group,
however we are deeply hurt and shocked
about this violation of what we thought was
Some of the rubbish pulled
land 'reserved' for the wildlife. This new
from Lake Eden last year.
development will eat right into the reserve
which is the 'heart' of much of the local
wildlife we currently enjoy in the area.
Every so often you hear some news which
really impresses you. The award this
We are currently investigating this further, month has got to go to the youngsters of the
please see our Facebook site for current
Environment Team at Bounty Boulevard
information but we would ask that the
School, who we understand have planted
community get behind us on this and
another 19 trees along the edge of their
contact the council to stress their outrage
playing fields.
that this has been allowed to go ahead
and for this development to be stopped
As they mature these trees will not only
immediately and the area to be replanted.
provide useful shade for the sports
This YOUR reserve and YOUR council!
participants and spectators but also provide
useful wildlife habitat. It's also a wonderful
On to some more positive news.
learning experience for the children - well
done to them.
A community cleanup of Lake Eden has
been arranged for Saturday 1st November Following on from our previous reports
with the Bahai Group, members of
about the Children's Writing Competition
Parkrun and we hope members of the
which was carried out with the Queensland
local community will come and support
Koala Crusaders and children's author
us. Moreton Bay Regional Council will be
Samantha Wheeler. The filming took place
Mango Hill and North Lakes
Environmental Group Update
of one of the winners of the competition
who got to have a 'close up and personal'
meeting with some Koalas at Queensland
Zoo which will be shown on Channel 10's
'Totally Wild' program.
The 'Hard to be a Dingo' video on YouTube
is still attracting a lot of attention with over
50 new viewers each day and a personal
'thank you' was received from famous
Environmentalist Dr Jane Goodall. There is
absolutely no doubt that the song and video
is bringing attention to the plight of the
Dingos not only to Australia but to the rest
of the world.
A new recording has been made and will be
coming out shortly about the situation with
the Great Barrier Reef called 'Coal Dust on
the Water' (no it doesn't sound anything like
'Smoke on the Water') and another video is
being planned hopefully with more photos
from Steve Parish to bring more attention
to the grave situation currently facing the
Great Barrier Reef.
We also held a shared stall with the
Queensland Koala Crusaders at the recent
North Lakes College Carnival, and I played
a couple of sets on stage so thanks to all
those who came to talk to us or listened to
the performances.
Future events:
• Saturday November 1st, 8am - 10am
- Community Cleanup of Lake Eden
8am - 10am meeting at the Lakeside
• Saturday November, 8th 9am - 11am Bushcare meeting opposite the Mango
Hill Community Centre, Chermside
Road, Mango Hill Village
Thanks for your ongoing support,
Dave Norman (MHANLEG)
Facebook: Mango Hill & North Lakes
Environment Group
Survival odds
improve for cancer
patients who stub out
New Australian research shows
quitting smoking at the time of
diagnosis could increase the long
term survival of cancer patients
new study released by Cancer
Council, published in the Journal
of Clinical Oncology*, shows a large
number of Australians diagnosed with
cancer continue to smoke, potentially
reducing their overall long term
The study found that if a smoker
continued to smoke after being
diagnosed with cancer, they had a 37
per cent chance of being alive eight
years later.
If the smoker quit smoking at diagnosis,
their chance of survival increased to 43
per cent – a six per cent gain.
Cancer Council Queensland
spokesperson Katie Clift said the study
reinforced the importance of helping
the Queensland community quit
“This study shows the potential for
significant survival gains for any
person, with any cancer type who gives
up smoking,” Ms Clift said.
“We know the majority of smokers
want to quit, and we are working hard
to ensure they have the necessary
information, resources and support to
do so.
“We want all Queensland cancer
patients to be well supported to quit
smoking, and to understand the health
benefits of doing so when diagnosed.
“If a cancer patient continues to smoke
after diagnosis, they could reduce
their overall survival and experience
complications during treatment.”
Currently, around 500,000 people
smoke each day in Queensland.
Cancer Council Queensland
spokesperson Katie Clift initiatives like
smoke free spaces would prevent more
Queenslanders from taking up the habit
in the first place.
“Protecting our next generation from
the harmful effects of smoking and
second-hand smoke is crucial,” Ms Clift
“10 Queenslanders die every day
from smoking – it’s a tragic figure that
dwarfs other causes of preventable and
premature deaths.
“We need strong action to continue
for the health of all Queenslanders.
The next step towards a smoke free
Queensland requires no smoking at bus
stops, taxi ranks, ferry terminals, and in
pedestrian malls.”
Smokers can obtain free information,
practical assistance and support from
Quitline, 13 QUIT (13 7848), or join the
QUEST to quit at
More information about Cancer Council
Queensland is available via 13 11 20 or
$5K is a click
away for Region’s
Sporting clubs, school P&Cs and
other not-for-profit organisations
across the Moreton Bay region
are running out of time to apply
“What could your children’s sporting
online for a Community Grant
club or school P&C achieve with extra
from Stockland
funding? If you are involved with any
total of $5,000 is available in grants
to be given on behalf of Stockland’s
North Lakes community.
The deadline for applications has been
extended until Friday, 7 November to
ensure as many groups as possible can
apply by visiting
local organisation, I suggest you apply
online today,” Mr Andrew said.
“The process is simple: visit www.,
select North Lakes from the drop-down
list and answer a few questions about
your group.
“The deadline for applications has been
extended to Friday, 7 November so
Stockland Queensland General
now is the time to apply for a Stockland
Manager, Kingsley Andrew, said the five
Community Grant on behalf of North
individual grants of $1,000 each would
make a big difference to local not-forprofit groups.
“Stockland is committed to the Moreton
Bay region and our Community Grants
program is another way for us to make
a contribution to residents in the area,”
he said.
The program will provide a total of five
individual grants of $1,000 to worthy
groups on behalf of Stockland’s North
Lakes community.
The grants are available to any not-forprofit organisation, sporting club, school
P&C or other community-based group
operating in the Moreton Bay region.
To find out more, visit the North
Lakes Sales and Information Centre
at 9 Wallarah Parade, call (07) 3480
9000, or go to
Scales & Tails
Reptile Education
Expo 2014
Brisbane Showgrounds to Host
Queensland’s Largest Reptile Expo
risbane Showgrounds is getting
set to play host to snakes, lizards,
crocodiles and lots of happy faces when
the Scales & Tails Reptile Education
Expo 2014 takes place on Saturday, 1
November, 2014.
This major family-friendly event, now
in its 7th year, is proudly sponsored
by Australia’s most popular reptile
magazine, Scales & Tails Australia,
and throughout the day event-goers
will enjoy presentations by a great-line
up of special guests including Tom
Crutchfield, Peter Birch, Neville Burns,
Brian Barczyk and John McGrath.
As well as range of kids’ entertainment
on offer including free unlimited fairy
floss, face painting, balloon artists and
the chance to hold baby crocs, lizards
and snakes.
Adults and big kids can also get up
close and hands on with live reptile
demonstrations including large
venomous snakes and crocodiles, as
well as reptile showcases (including
commercial animals for sale), charity
auctions and raffles. Or you could just
come along and ask our experts about a
career in herpetology!
and Helodermas which he breeds at his
farm in Southeast Florida.
One of the two special guest speakers
at this year’s Scales & Tails Reptile
Education Expo is Brian Barczyk, host of
the popular series SnakeBytesTV. Since
Brian was a child he’s had a fascination
with all animals, but reptiles soon
became his passion. His dream was to
work with reptiles as a career and now,
24 years into breeding snakes as his
main job, he’s thankful for his many
years of doing what he loves. As Brian
says, “The world needs more snakes
and I'm the guy to give them to it!”
Both Tom and Brian will be arriving
in Australia a week before the event to
meet some of our local species, fans and
the media.
Tom Crutchfield is a name synonymous
with the Herp Industry for almost
40 years and has dabbled in the film
industry as an animal wrangler and
advisor in movies and documentaries
including Day of the Dead and Invasion
of the Giant Pythons. Tom’s work in the
film industry also included supplying
reptiles for Raiders of the Lost Ark,
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,
The Serpent and the Rainbow and
Alligator. Tom’s current specialty is
West Indian Herps, Crotalids, Elapids,
“Our reptile education expo is a great
place to come see our native animals;
both dangerous and harmless in a safe
educational environment. Now in
our seventh year the event has grown
from strength to strength and we want
everyone in Brisbane to come see and
enjoy what we do every day!” said
Steve Castell, Scales & Tails Australia
publisher and event organiser.
Scales & Tails Reptile Education Expo
2014 is a great family day out not to be
Tickets for Scales & Tails Reptile
Education Expo 2014 are available now
and are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for
children aged 5 to 12 years (children 4
years and under are free).
For all the latest on the event, please go
The Messenger 8
The Messenger 9
The Messenger 10
with Leonie
Don’t we have the right to expect our partners to at
least try to be the person we married?
Hi Leonie,
Hello Bronwyn,
I am a forty-five year old attractive woman who has been
married for two years. Here’s my problem; my husband used
to really take care of himself by going to the gym at least
three times a week and he always dressed well and had his
hair done professionally with highlights that really brought
out his green eyes. He now has a beer gut, a tooth that needs
attention (in the front) and gets around in what he calls
weekend clothes but I call shovelling muck clothes.
Well I really can’t give you my opinion without talking to him
or at least getting some of his side of the story. I am concerned
that your husband may actually be suffering from depression.
I have always looked after myself and worked hard to
maintain by figure and I always make sure that I am
presentable when I go out. My husband flat out refuses to
go to the dentist saying that a little discolouration is normal
as we age and now gets his hair cut at the barbers who
make him look like a prisoner! I no longer find him one bit
attractive and our sex life has suffered.
Actually as much as I hate to admit it, I am ashamed to be
seen out with him. Half the time he is unshaven and looks
like some dero I am helping to a shelter. The last straw came
on the weekend when I noticed a small lump on his rib cage
and he is flat out refusing to go to a doctor about it. Money is
not a problem so why not take care of the only body we have.
We used to have a great social life and we would talk for
hours about this or that. That has all been traded off for silent
time in front of the idiot box.
Now I am thinking I am wasting my time caring about
someone who clearly does not care about himself, his future
or me. He can’t even be bothered to make sure that he sticks
around. I have realised that I can’t make a grown man do
anything even if it is in his best interest. I realise that we are
all going to age and lose our looks but why throw in the
Often we see people who are depressed losing interest in
themselves, others and life in general. There can be a marked
difference in self care and in social activities and social
conventions if depression has manifested. Of course he could
also just be lazy and/or quite happy with his appearance and
sees it as mostly your problem. Do you know what is going
on in his life? What are his hopes for his own future? How
are things at work going? Is he being ostracised, bullied or
marginalised? Think back to when he stopped exercising and
taking care of himself; was there any coinciding occurrence,
like job loss, death in his family or change in the relationship
dynamics? Something in his life has changed and he may need
your support to work through it.
Men are notorious for not going to the dentist or the doctor. It
just seems to be one of those things. Many men won’t stop to
ask for directions, don’t want to talk about feelings and they
don’t think they need to go to the doctor unless a limb drops
off. I read an article recently that suggested that the best way
to get a man to a doctor is to appeal to the logical aspect of a
man’s thinking. So instead of saying “Get that lump checked,
it could be cancer” you could try saying something like “If
you get that lump checked you won’t have to listen to me nag
about it anymore”
Here’s my question to you. Don’t we have the right to expect
our partners to at least try to be the person we married? The
man who now sits on the couch watching football using his
gut as a TV tray looks nothing like the man I agreed to spend
the rest of my life with. After this lump incident, I am ready
to call it quits. Your thoughts please.
As for your marriage, I think many women and men can relate
to your feelings of being let down by a partner who presents
themselves one way and then becomes something else. This
often happens after co-habitation. One party will look after
themselves and be considerate of the others needs and agree
on a plethora of deal breakers whilst they are living apart, but
when they move in together contentment and a ‘She’ll be right’
attitude sets in and it all goes to hell in a hand basket. That is
probably the reason that so many couples have removed the
“for better or for worse” vow from the ceremony when they
get married. I would suggest couples counselling before you
make any firm decisions about your future.
Bronwyn/Deception Bay
Til next week, Leonie
Leonie Schilling is a qualified private practitioner.
For appointments please phone 3886 2715 or 0423 653 841
The Messenger 11
Local Dignitaries
Present Awards
State member for Redcliffe, Yvette D’Ath, local
councillor, Koliana Winchester and Lions
District Governor Elect, Norm Jensen were on
hand to present Children of Courage awards to
18 worthy recipients when the Lioness Club of
Redcliffe Central held their 13th annual Children
of Courage awards on Saturday the 18th of
Everyone who attended was very proud of
the award winners. Each recipient received
a medallion, which was sponsored by the
Redcliffe Leagues Club, a certificate, a toy lion
and a NRL goodie bag provided by Kate Cross
from the NRL. After the ceremony afternoon tea
was enjoyed by the 100 or so guests.
Lioness Fiona Dockrill
Meet the author:
Nicole Alexander
Muster your friends and discover a tale of the
wild west when award-winning author Nicole
Alexander visits the North Lakes Library on
October 29.
From 7pm, Nicole provides insight into her
latest western, The Great Plains, and give
visitors a chance to lasso a copy of her book
before it goes on sale.
Nicole Alexander has a Masters in Creative
Writing & Literature, was awarded the Barwon
Woman of the Year in 2012 and was previously
named Central Queensland University’s print
media face.
Presented in partnership with Dymocks North
Lakes and Random House Australia, the talk
is free and bookings can be made by emailing
For more information visit www.moretonbay. or phone 3205 0555.
The Smith
Family Donate
a Book Appeal
generously to this year’s Donate
a Book Appeal.
“All donations will go to
families across the region as part
of The Smith Family’s support
program,” Mayor Sutherland
Help children in need by
donating a book or making a
gold coin donation to the Smith
Family Donate a Book Appeal at “Our partnership with The
Smith Family is part of council’s
Moreton Bay Region Libraries.
commitment to improving
childhood literacy in one of
Until December 5, the region’s
Australia’s fastest growing
libraries will accept new books
and gold coin donations on
behalf of The Smith Family.
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Mayor Allan Sutherland
encouraged residents to give
For more information on how
you can participate visit www.
or phone 3205 0555.
Community clean up at Lake
Eden Saturday November 1
The Mango Hill and North Lakes Environmental Group are
arranging a community clean up of Lake Eden on Saturday 1st
November starting at 8am and finishing at 10am hopefully with a
breakfast Bbq. Get along and give a hand to keep your community
and your environment clean.
Wine, dine and
shine on the
world stage
Bring your food, wine and
hospitality to the world table
with Restaurant Australia.
Restaurant Australia is an
online experience showcasing
the country’s finest brasseries,
events and experiences, and
Tourism Australia together with
Moreton Bay Regional Council
are encouraging the region’s
very own eateries, bars and
cafes to sign up.
their signature cuisine, produce
and hospitality.
“According to BDA Marketing
for Tourism Australia, good
food and good wine is an
increasingly important factor
when visitors choose where to
go, what to see and where to
stay,” Cr Battersby said.
“By registering your business,
experience or event on
Restaurant Australia you’ll gain
access to visitors from all over
the world who want to share in
your food, your wine and your
Registering on Restaurant
Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Australia is free.
Tourism Spokesperson,
Councillor Brian Battersby, said To register your business or
for more information visit
Restaurant Australia was an or
invitation to the region’s best
phone 3205 0555.
eats and drinks to showcase
The Messenger 12
The Messenger 13
The Big Picture
Send your pics to:
The Messenger 14
Far Left:
Koala rescue
"Last week a mum and bub Koala were spotted stuck in a tree near the
princess parlour in North Lakes. A friend Donne and I helped the Koala
rescue volunteer Susan (the woman in the pic) to save both the mother who
is pictured here and her joey. They had met the mum before, her name is
Summer, and the baby was given the name Ella-Mae after one of Donne’s
daughters. They were safely released later that day by the wild life rescuer."
Wrote Anita Blaker
Lorikeet in the Rain
"During the last rain
we had - not sure if the
lorikeet was as pleased
with the rain as we
Said Elaine McInnes
Car Bodies
"Taken at a farm a
couple of months ago.
I loved the colours in
the soft winter sun."
Ian and Narelle
The Messenger 15
What is Kinesiology, and it’s Health Benefits?
By Simone Mutimer, Kinesiologist & Remedial Massage Therapist
Zen Chi Natural Therapies & Beauty
Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) means the study of
movement of the human body. It was developed as a therapy in
1964 when an American chiropractor Dr George J. Goodheart
found that he could tell more about a person’s health by testing
their muscles than by any other method of diagnosis.
Some applied kinesiology methods have long been used by
conventional doctors and physiotherapists to test range of
movement, but Kinesiologists use muscle tests to analyse
the cause of illness rather than diagnose and name a specific
disease. The practitioner works to find out about the health of
the whole person, to pinpoint any imbalances in the body and
works with the subtle energies of the person to decide what it
needs to correct them.
Imbalances and blockages in energy flow translate into
symptoms, physical or emotional. Kinesiology can prevent
illness by rectifying imbalances before they become symptoms.
Kinesiologists aim to find and correct niggling, minor or major
problems that cannot be diagnosed, because they are only
the precursors of the disease. Food sensitivities, digestive
problems, stiff joints, aches and pains and even phobias can
be eased, if not cured!
Kinesiology can help people of all ages and levels of fitness,
including babies and pregnant women. One of our specialities
is focusing on mental and emotional reprogramming!
For further information, please contact us on 07 3482 2549
or visit
Shop 11, Evergreen Lifestyle Centre
14-18 Discovery Drive, North Lakes
3482 2549
Mon-Fri 8.30am - late
(by appointment)
Sat 8.30am - 5pm
Be prepared, book your
advertising space now with
the messenger.
also available online
The Messenger 16
Community Group Highlight:
The Pine Rivers VIEW club
VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women.
VIEW clubs around Australia are focused on helping
vulnerable young Australians with their education and are
part of The Smith Family.
The Pine Rivers club supports three students under The
Smith Family's "Learning for Life" program. Through this
sponsorship the students receive financial support and access
to a range of learning and mentoring programs.
There are over 18,000 members nationally who in 2013 raised
over $1million to support 1082 disadvantaged children.
The Pine Rivers VIEW Club meets on the third Wednesday
of the month in the Griffin Room of the Murrumba Downs
Tavern at 10.30 for an 11 am start. We have lunch and regular
guest speakers. Between meetings there are social and
fundraising events.
The photograph was taken at the annual Games Day and is of
Doris presenting Bessie and Joy with the winners' prizes.
Interested ladies should contact Sandra 34252738 or Joy
32855989 who will be happy to answer any questions.
Growing our membership is important so that we
can continue to support The Smith Family and help
disadvantaged children. We are a very friendly group of
ladies and make visitors very welcome.
Come and see for yourself!
Are you part of local
community group and want
to share your story?
Send us up to 250 words
explaining who you are, what
you do, how new members
can join and other relevant
info, include a pic and we'll get the word out for you, for
Independence Matters
There are important differences between an independent optometry
practice such as mine and the other places that you might have your
eyes examined and obtain prescription spectacles, sunglasses or
contact lenses.
Independence in this context means freedom, but freedom from
what? Well, for health care practitioners such as me, it is important to
have the freedom to spend as much time with a patient as necessary
using equipment of my choosing without any pressure to rush the
appointment, or pressure to prescribe spectacles when they are
not needed, or pressure not to refer the patient to a specialist when
necessary. I want to use my knowledge and skills to the benefit of
my patients. I believe that if I do that then my practice will thrive.
It is important to me to have my prescriptions dispensed accurately
and that spectacles made from my prescriptions have lenses with
designs and materials that are correctly matched to the frame
mounts to which they are fitted. I use my decades of experience,
and those of the fully qualified Optical Dispensers that work with
me, to ensure optimum quality frames are used with the best quality
lenses. As an independent Optometrist, not working in a franchise
or a branch of a chain or influenced by a business partner, I am free
to choose the best suppliers of products for my patients. I am not
forced to use a corporate supply chain or products that maximise
profit rather than quality. Not to mention – no gimmicks!
Sadly, many Optometrists these days do not have these freedoms.
Dr Simon Little owns North Lakes Optometry - the only 100%
Optometrist owned and operated Optometry Practice in North
Lakes. Location: 4/12 North Lakes Drive (opposite St George Bank,
parking available behind the building): Phone 3491 6786. www.
The Messenger 18
Film Reviews
Gone Girl
The film Gone Girl is based on
a bestselling novel by Gillian
Flynn. It’s interpretation to screen
is handled and directed by the
talented David Fincher famously
known for top movies such as
Fight Club, Panic Room and The
Social Network to name a few.
Gone Girl is a dark story, full of
suspense and drama. It explores
buried secrets that can lurk in
marriages and brings them to
the surface with catastrophic
outcomes - although it is unlikely
an everyday marriage would
experience what goes on in this
Gone Girl marriage.
with Ange Dean
Nick her husband (Ben Affleck)
calmly reports her missing to
the police. What looks like the
perfect marriage starts to unravel.
All is not be what it seems in this
intriguing thriller – the film keeps
the audience on the edge of their
seats, offers a massive twist and
there’s even an unexpected (last
person you’d think of) psychopath!
I am not a big fan of Ben Affleck
BUT he is absolutely brilliant in
this movie and perfectly matched
with new comer Rosemund Pike.
I enjoyed the film and its intrigue
stays with you for several days
after. The only criticism I have is
the length – it could have been
shortened but others I have spoken
with don’t agree.
On their fifth wedding anniversary
Amy (Rosamund Pike) disappears. I’m giving it three stars.
in cinemas now
see more at
The Messenger 19
Got something to say? After reading the disclaimer at the
footer you can make your submission by emailing
Letter to Editor
Letter to Editor
I write in response to
JLA’s query on October
25 regarding on-street
I extend an invitation
to LJM (North Lakes
Messenger, Oct 25) to
meet with me and find
out more about the
day-to-day role of a
Motorists are able to park
with two wheels ramped
onto the kerb providing
the car isn’t blocking the
footpath or a resident’s
A good rule of thumb
is if a pedestrian has to
walk onto the road to
navigate around your
parked car then they
have grounds to make a
complaint to council or
Division Four
Attending council’s
statutory meetings
and workshops are a
significant but small part
of the job of representing
our community seven
days a week.
It is a role I am honoured
to undertake on behalf of
the community.
Division Four
The Messenger's Rants and Raves
Too Many Dead Creatures
Fourteen turtles, two dolphins and a female dugong dead
on our Peninsula beaches in the past few weeks... we need
to know once and for all what-on-earth is going on and
what the real root causes are?!
Consequently we’ve launched a petition; the Dugong
Collective is asking the State Government for an enquiry
into the current and future threats to Moreton Bay’s
Habitat, Wildlife and Social Sustainability:
It would be great if you could circulate this e-petition to
as many people as you can?!
Or folks can come down and sign a hard-copy on our stall
on Redcliffe Parade, outside ‘Price Busters’ on a Thursday
& Saturday’ or at the Jetty Markets on Sundays.
Anything that affects our fantastic Moreton Bay wildlife
so drastically... should be everyone’s concern!
Kindest regards,
Angie & Ray
Tell Us what
you're Really
Write to Your Say
The Messenger's Rants and Raves
The Messenger 20
Dear Messenger readers,
My response to the hard
working councilors :
I am a proud North Lakes
resident having moved from
Redcliffe 14years ago and
built on Lake Eden, Lochside
Drive . My observation
first hand is that roadway
gardens , lake paths ,streets
etc have always been kept
tidy, mulched and mowed.
We as residents also have
a responsibility to support
our immediate area and
my answer as to what our
councilors actually do , I can
only answer for North Lakes
and say we are very lucky to
have Councilor Julie Greer.
We have the best shopping
centre / youth complex/ great
schools /bus centre/ library...
as was mentioned plenty of
mulch on our gardens.
Soon to come, train ,cinemas,
Ikea, overpass to the
If you want to discuss
anything with Councilor
Julie Greer phone or email
her office or meet her at
her monthly meeting in
the library, I have once...
sometimes face to face is
Julie Greer is a tireless
24/7 councilor; over the
years I have emailed or
phoned and always had
prompt responses to my
question, concerns or needed
Please accept my positive
message as my personal
I am active in the arts and
creative communities across
Best wishes, JMC proud /
the Moreton Bay region
happy North Lakes resident
and other neighbouring
councils as a volunteer and
I LOVE living here
majority who are fed up
with reading North Lakes
and our local councillor
being unfairly criticised
week after week in Rants
and Raves.
Thought it was well
overdue for a resident
of North Lakes who
LOVES living here and
is very satisfied with all
North Lakes is a
aspects of our beautiful
surroundings, community wonderful place to live
facilities and the work that with an array of top class
our local councillor does facilities being developed
on our behalf, to speak out right here on our doorstep
for the silent majority of and we should be thankful
to our local councillor who
North Lakes residents!
in fact resides here, for
I am a very active member all the hard work that she
of this local community
puts in on our behalf. If
and belong to many
you don't like living here
community groups so
and can see no positives in
come into contact with
residing in such a lovely
numerous local residents place then move on!
and I can tell you that I
am speaking for a silent
A Very Satisfied Resident
Disclaimer. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily
the opinions of The Messenger. Your submission will be
published at the Editor's discretion. We reserve the right
to withhold personal, business and organisation names
contained in submissions.
These submissions aren’t edited for grammar, punctuation
or spelling to retain the authors original intent.
The Messenger 21
Healthy food can brighten mood
By Dr Anita, Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local
The physical health benefits associated
with eating adequate amounts of
vegetables and fruit are already wellknown, but new Australian research
shows it is good for mental health as
eating guidelines promoted by many
governments around the world.
and 93, over a two year period on their
dietary and lifestyle choices, along with
a number of mental and physical health
measures,” he said.
“Many public health messages, such
as the World Health Organization
guidelines, promote the consumption of “With this data, we were able to use
five serves of fruit and vegetables daily,” much richer statistical methods to
Eating a sufficient quantity of fruit and
Dr Mujcic said.
answer these types of questions,” Dr
vegetables is important for a balanced
Mujcic said.
diet and can reduce a person's risk of
“While the combined portion of eight
developing long-term health conditions or more may seem relatively high, the
Study participants were asked to rate
like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. present findings are closely in line with
their level of happiness and record
recent studies from the UK and New
their daily consumption of fruit and
Yet according to the Australian Bureau
of Statistics, only 5.5 per cent of
Australian adults had an adequate usual “Our research indicates that current
Dr Mujcic said large-scale randomised
daily intake of fruit and vegetables in
guidelines are in need of review,” he
control trials were needed to better
inform existing public health messages
and social policy.
The Australian Dietary Guidelines,
The study involved more than 12,000
which were reviewed in 2013, say we
Australian adults and found participants It will be interesting to see how
should be eating plenty of vegetables
were at their happiest when they ate five governments apply this research to
of different types and colours, and
portions of fruit and four portions of
current and future population health
vegetables each day. One portion will fit campaigns.
in the palm of your hand.
For adults aged 19-50 years, the
Efforts to encourage us to eat better and
guidelines recommend a minimum
The research found that well-being
exercise more have until now largely
of six serves of vegetables for men
benefits derived from eating more fruit
been targeted at improving physical,
and five serves for women every day.
and vegetables were much higher for
rather than mental health, and with
At least two serves of fruit a day are
women than men, and that solely eating good reason.
recommended for both males and
fruit had a greater impact on overall
mental health than eating vegetables.
The State Government’s latest public
health campaign cites research showing
Now a recent University of Queensland Dr Mujcic said he used data from the
65 per cent of Queenslanders are
study suggests eating eight or more
annual Household, Income, and Labour overweight or obese and that 33 per cent
portions of fruit and vegetables a day
Dynamics Australia Survey to answer
do not even realise it.
not only leads to better physical health
the age-old questions – are fruit and
but improves mental well-being.
vegetables good for us? And, how much But with an estimated one in five
should we be eating?
Queenslanders experiencing mental
Health economics researcher Dr Redzo
illness in any one year, promoting good
Mujcic from UQ’s School of Pharmacy
“The data has been collected from the
mood through healthy food certainly
said the study challenged healthysame set of individuals, aged between 15 seems worth a try.
The Messenger 22
Leonie Schilling
• Relationship Counselling
Personal Counselling
Grief and Loss Counselling
Qualified Trainer and Assessor for students of
Employment Coaching - resume and Selection
Criteria- Job Search Skills and Job Interview
Qualified Training and Workshop Provider
For a confidential appointment
Phone 3886 2715 or
Mobile 0423 653 841
North Lakes Community
Women’s Group Inc. News
The focus was craft and before you
could even say ‘good morning’
everyone was intently involved
in their tasks with card making
and floral arrangements taking
centre stage. The room had the
appearance of a florist shop
with a grand display of colourful,
artistic arrangements. Thank
you to Lesley, Paulette, and other
members that contributed their
knowledge and skills to our craft
morning. It was great to welcome
new members and visitors into
our fold and they were soon
absorbed into the activities of
the morning with the sound
of content, happy interaction
flowing out the door.
MEETING. Yes, another year
rolls over and it is time to elect a
new Executive Committee. This
meeting will cover quite a bit
of business and we are likely to
have a good attendance. See you
there. Visitors welcome.
Tuesday 4th November
NO MEETING due to Melbourne
Cup Day however, some of you
will probably arrange your own
get together with a few members
and friends for a coffee and
chat session or maybe attend a
Melbourne Cup Day event to fill
the gap in our calendar.
Our meetings are open to all
women in North Lakes/Mango
Hill and surrounding districts.
Please refer to our listing under
the Community Notice Board.
For more information contact
Julie, 3886 4552; Kay, 0434
940970; Carmen, 3491 9410. All
are welcome.
Tuesday 18th November 09:45
come all to the Community
Hall for our singing practice in
preparation for our annual outing
to the RSL Care, Inverpine the
following week. It would be lovely
to see you there for a cuppa, for a
chat, whatever, even if you don’t
sing. Visitors welcome.
Tuesday 11th November 09:45
The Messenger 23
Your Stars
Saturday 8th November 2014
3pm - 8pm
Cnr of Bounty & Aurora Boulevards, North Lakes
Proudly supported by
Aquarius- Today is the rare occasion when
your thinking lags behind everyone else's.
Listen to what's being said. Associates are on
the ball.
Pisces- You said yes to too many people.
There's no way to avoid embarrassment,
but who cares if you lock in the person who
Aries- Question passions because they
may be exaggerated. You could have more
invested in the moment than you do in the
long run.
Taurus- A partner pushes your buttons.
You'd love to respond in kind, but transcend.
If you don't keep a cool head then who will?
Gemini- It isn't easy playing footsie with a
competitor, but if anyone can pull it off, it's
you. Just keep it under the table so no ones
the wiser.
Live more. Now.
Bounty Boulevard State School Twilight Market
Cancer- Worrying over details will only
lead you in circles. Try to get the flow of
events. This allows you to navigate more
Leo- A bad moment may not be so bad.
Don't underestimate the power of good
sportsmanship when it comes to winning the
sympathetic vote.
Virgo- You've had it with a temperamental
type. Unfortunately what aggravates you is
the same thing that entices you. You have to
buy the whole package.
Libra- Self-censorship is in order. Things
are coming together and you don't want to
throw them into disarray with an off the cuff
Scorpio- As far as your concerned, you've
played your last hand, but there's another
round to come. More importantly this could
be the comeback you've been looking for.
Sagittarius- You're riding a wave of support
the likes of which you haven't seen in ages.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Capricorn- Everyone's angling for
something. Let them. Not only is this kind of
attention flattering, but competition allows
you to name your price.
The Messenger 24
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora. 7.00
Weekend Today. 10.00 Mornings.
(PG) 12.00 The Middle. (PG)
12.30 Hot In Cleveland. (PG) 1.00
Super Fun Night. (PG) 1.30 Movie:
Empire Of The Sun. (PG) (1987)
4.30 Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner.
5.00 News. 5.30 Getaway. (PG)
6.00 News. 7.00 Movie: A View
To A Kill. (PG) (1985) 9.45 Movie:
Law Abiding Citizen. (AV15+)
(2009) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx,
Leslie Bibb. 12.00 Movie: I Love
You Too. (M) (2010) 2.00 Movie:
The Main Event. (M) (1979) 4.00
Danoz. 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00
Extra. 5.30 Wesley Impact.
6.00 Saturday Disney. 7.00
Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Horse
Racing. Victoria Derby Day.
Featuring four Group 1 races,
including the $1,510,000 Victoria
Derby (2500m), the $502,500
Coolmore Stud Stakes (1200m),
$1,002,500 Longines Mackinnon
Stakes (2000m) and the $502,500
Myer Classic (1600m). 5.00 Creek
To Coast. 5.30 Qld Weekender.
6.00 News. 7.00 Movie:
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. (PG)
(2008) 8.50 Movie: John Carter.
(M) (2012) 11.45 The Goldbergs.
(PG) 12.15 Go On. (PG) 12.45
Movie: The Debt. (AV15+) (2010)
3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 It
Is Written Oceania. (PG) 4.00
Shopping. 5.00 Dr Oz. (PG)
6.00 Ready Steady Cook. 7.00
GCBC. 7.30 GCBC. 8.00 Everyday
Gourmet. 8.30 St10. 10.00 St10:
Extra. (PG) 11.00 Dr Phil. (PG)
12.00 The Living Room. (PG) 1.00
People Of The Vines. New. 1.30
To Be Advised. 2.00 Weekend
Feast. 3.00 Mercedes-Benz
New York Fashion Week Spring/
Summer. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet.
4.30 Everyday Gourmet. 5.00
News. 6.00 Firies. (PG) 6.30 Bondi
Vet. (PG) 7.30 Movie: Ice Age:
Dawn Of The Dinosaurs. (PG)
(2009) 9.25 Movie: Cowboys &
Aliens. (M) (2011) 11.50 Have
You Been Paying Attention?
(M) 1.00 Shopping. 3.30 Motor
Racing. Formula 1. US Grand Prix.
Qualifying. 5.30 Shopping.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Rage. (PG)
11.00 Centenary Of ANZAC:
Albany Commemoration. 2.00
Aust Story. 2.30 Catalyst. 3.00
Basketball. WNBL. Round 3.
Canberra Capitals v Dandenong
Rangers. 5.00 Rick Stein’s India.
6.00 Landline. 6.30 Gardening
Australia Special. 7.00 News. 7.30
New Tricks. (PG) 8.30 Scott &
Bailey. (M) 9.20 The Doctor Blake
Mysteries. (PG) 10.20 The Chaser’s
Media Circus. (PG) 10.50 The
Thick Of It. (MA15+) 11.20 Rage.
(MA15+) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Saturday
6.00 Motor Racing. NASCAR
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 The Rock ‘N’
Roll Life Of Doc Pomus. (PG) 2.05
Piano Notes. 2.20 Marlon Brando:
An Actor Named Desire. (PG)
4.00 Budding Stars Of The Paris
Opera Ballet. 4.30 PBS News. 5.30
Destination Flavour Bitesize. 5.35
Battle Castle. (PG) 6.30 World
News. 7.30 James Nesbitt: River
Deep, Mountain High. (PG) 8.30
Movie: Anonymous. (M) (2011)
10.50 Duck Quacks Don’t Echo.
(PG) 11.40 Movie: The Promise.
(M) (2005) 1.30 Movie: K-20:
Legend Of The Mask. (M) (2008)
4.00 Countdown. 4.45 Camels.
(M) 5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Thunderbirds. 7.00 Kids’
WB Saturday. (PG) 7.05 Looney
Tunes. 7.30 The Day My Butt
Went Psycho. 8.00 Green Lantern.
(PG) 8.30 The Tom And Jerry
Show. 9.00 Looney Tunes. 9.30
Adv Time. (PG) 10.00 Batman.
(PG) 10.30 Ben 10. (PG) 11.00
Buzz Bumble. 11.30 Move It.
12.00 Kitchen Whiz. 12.30 Tenkai
Knights. (PG) 1.00 Winx Club.
(PG) 1.30 Danoz. 2.00 Fishing
Australia. 2.30 The Bachelor. (PG)
4.30 Foo Fighters: Sonic Highways.
5.30 Adv Time. (PG) 6.00 Movie:
Yogi Bear. (G) (2010) 7.40 Movie:
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate
Factory. (G) (1971) Gene Wilder,
Peter Ostrum, Jack Albertson. 9.40
Movie: Fool’s Gold. (M) (2008)
Matthew McConaughey, Kate
Hudson, Donald Sutherland. 12.00
Beware The Batman. (M) 12.30
Big Brother. (PG) 2.30 Big Brother.
(PG) 4.00 Big Brother. (PG) 4.50
Winx Club. (PG) 5.10 Yu-Gi-Oh!
(PG) 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
Disney. 9.00 Good Luck Charlie.
9.30 Winning Post. 10.00
Shopping. 10.30 Winning Post.
11.00 Treks In A Wild World.
(PG) 11.30 Treks In A Wild World.
(PG) 12.00 Great South East.
12.30 Creek To Coast. 1.00
Qld Weekender. 1.30 Sydney
Weekender. 2.00 Coxy’s Big Break.
2.30 WA Weekender. (PG) 3.00
Treks In A Wild World. (PG) 3.30
Globe Guides. (PG) 4.00 Globe
Guides. (PG) 4.30 Neighbours
At War. (PG) 5.00 It’s Me Or The
Dog. (PG) 6.00 RSPCA Animal
Rescue. 6.30 Air Rescue. (PG) 7.00
The Inspector Lynley Mysteries.
(PG) 9.00 Criminal Minds. (M)
10.00 Criminal Minds. (M) 11.00
Criminal Minds. (M) 12.00 Above
Suspicion. (M) 1.00 The Inspector
Lynley Mysteries. (PG) 3.00
RSPCA Animal Rescue. 3.30 Late
Sprint Cup. Race 33. Goody’s
Headache Relief Shot 500.
Qualifying. 7.30 Motor Racing.
NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 33.
Goody’s Headache Relief Shot
500. Replay. 12.00 Omnisport.
12.30 Megafactories. 1.30 iFish.
2.00 4x4 Adventures. 3.00 Food
Hospital. (PG) 4.00 Fishing Edge.
4.30 Adventure Angler. 5.00
Places We Go. 5.30 Big Fish,
Small Boats. 6.00 Get Smart. (PG)
6.30 Monster Jam. 7.30 Cops.
(PG) 8.30 Law & Order: SVU.
(M) 9.30 Blue Bloods. (M) 10.30
Touch. (PG) 11.30 48 Hours. (PG)
12.30 Blokesworld. (MA15+) 1.00
Temporary Australians. (PG) 1.30
Python Hunters. (PG) 2.30 Cops.
(PG) 3.30 Omnisport. 4.00 Sport
Science. (PG) 5.00 Motor Racing.
NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 33.
Goody’s Headache Relief Shot
500. Highlights.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.50
Gaspard And Lisa. 3.00 Q Pootle
5. 3.15 Thomas And Friends.
3.30 Play School. 4.00 Bananas
In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla Doopla!
4.25 Ready, Steady, Wiggle!
4.35 Charlie And Lola. 4.50 Let’s
Go Pocoyo. 5.00 Peter Rabbit.
5.25 Room On The Broom. 5.50
Peppa Pig. 6.00 Octonauts. 6.15
Pingu. 6.20 Rastamouse. 6.30
Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 Doctor Who. (PG)
8.15 Doctor Who Extra. (PG)
8.30 Kitty Flanagan: Charming
And Alarming. (M) 9.35 All
Creatures Great And Stuffed.
(PG) 10.25 Breaking Bad. (M)
11.15 Breaking Bad. (MA15+)
Final. 12.10 Hustle. (PG) 1.10
Hell On Wheels. (MA15+) 1.50
Hell On Wheels. (MA15+) 2.30
News Update. 2.35 Close. 5.00
Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood.
5.10 The Kingdom Of Paramithi.
5.20 Pingu. 5.25 Igam Ogam.
5.35 What’s The Big Idea? 5.40
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Croatian
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch
News. 1.00 Soccer. A-League.
Round 4. Melbourne City v
Adelaide United. Replay. 3.00
Dexpedition. (PG) 3.30 Departures.
(PG) 4.30 Bare-Faced Cheek.
(PG) 5.30 Urban Freestyler. 5.40
Brazil’s Next Top Model. 6.35 The
Office. (PG) 7.00 The Office. (PG)
7.30 If You Are The One. 8.30
The Island With Bear Grylls. (M)
9.25 Alarm For Cobra 11. 10.20
Movie: Lie. (M) (2009) 11.55
Shorts On Screen. (MA15+) 12.45
Carrier. (PG) 1.50 Movie: Marriage
And Other Disasters. (M) (2010)
3.30 CCTV News In English From
Beijing. 5.20 Latin American News.
5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
5.15pm Captain
Phillips (2013)
Adventure. Tom
Hanks, Barkhad Abdi.
(M) Premiere
7.30pm Backyard
Ashes (2013)
Comedy. Andrew S.
Gilbert, John Wood.
(M) Premiere
9.10pm The
Counselor (2013)
Crime. Michael
Fassbender, Penélope
Cruz. (MA15+)
5.00pm The Bee
Gees: One Night
Only. (PG) Studio
6.35pm Dallas. (M)
7.30pm Billy On
The Street. (M)
Comedy Channel
5.30pm Sacred
Wonders of Britain.
(PG) History
6.30pm The
Forgotten General.
(M) History
6.30pm Treehouse
Masters. (PG)
8.30am Cricket.
India v West Indies.
1st Test. Day 2.
Fox Sports 2
6.30pm Soccer.
A-League. Round 4.
Western Sydney
v Brisbane. Fox
Sports 1
The Messenger 25
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora. 7.00
Weekend Today. 10.00 Financial
Review. 10.30 Wide World Of
Sports. 11.30 Australian Fishing
Championships. 12.00 Surfing.
Men’s World Championship Tour.
Round 8. Hurley Pro at Trestles.
Highlights. 1.00 Movie: Montana.
(G) (1950) 2.30 Rugby League.
Four Nations. Week 2. Australia
v England. 5.00 News. 5.30
RBT. (PG) 6.00 News. 6.30 The
Embassy. (PG) 7.30 60 Minutes.
8.30 Gotham. (M) 9.30 Movie:
Batman Returns. (M) (1992)
12.00 Financial Review. 12.30
Revolution. (M) 1.30 What Would
You Do? (M) 2.30 Skippy. 3.00
Global Shop. 3.30 Danoz. 4.00
GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Jake And The Never Land
Pirates. 6.30 Sofia The First. 7.00
Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning
Show. (PG) 11.00 Business
Builders. 11.30 Melbourne
Cup Preview Show. 12.30 To
Be Advised. 4.30 Better Homes
And Gardens. 5.30 Great South
East. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Big
Adventure. (PG) 8.00 Sunday
Night. 9.00 Resurrection. (M) Tom
creates a new parish.10.00 Castle.
(M) 11.00 Castle. (M) 12.00
Grey’s Anatomy. (M) 1.00 Grey’s
Anatomy. (M) 2.00 Shopping. 3.00
NBC Today. 4.00 NBC Press. 5.00
Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Mass. 6.30 Hillsong. 7.00
Joseph Prince. 7.30 GCBC. 8.00
GCBC. 8.30 St10. 10.00 Bolt
Report. 11.00 Weekend Feast.
12.00 All 4 Adventure. (PG) 1.00
The Offroad Adventure Show.
1.30 iFish. 2.00 Basketball. NBL.
Round 4. Adelaide 36ers v New
Zealand Breakers. Replay. 4.00
Bolt Report. 5.00 News. 6.00
Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 Scorpion.
(PG) 7.30 Modern Family. (PG)
8.00 Modern Family. (PG) 8.30
NCIS: New Orleans. (M) 9.30
Graham Norton. (M) 10.30 Movie:
Win Win. (2011) 1.00 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 6.15 Doctor Who.
(PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast.
9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders.
10.30 The World This Week.
11.00 7.30 Queensland. 11.30
Praise. 12.00 Landline. 1.00
Gardening Australia Special. 1.30
Dig 1940. (PG) 2.00 Big Ideas
Arts. 3.00 Soccer. W-League.
Round 8. Melbourne Victory
v Perth Glory. 5.00 Midsomer
Murders. (PG) 6.30 Compass.
7.00 News. 7.40 Doctor Who.
(PG) 8.30 Miniseries: Fleming: The
Man Who Would Be Bond. (M)
10.00 Aim High In Creation! (PG)
11.40 Stephen Fry’s 100 Greatest
Gadgets. (PG) 12.35 Movie: Pretty
Baby. (M) (1978) 2.25 Miniseries:
Fleming: The Man Who Would Be
Bond. (M) 4.00 New Inventors.
4.30 Catalyst. 5.00 Order In
The House.
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News.
12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Al
Jazeera. 1.30 The Farm Fixer.
2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 Cycling.
National Road Series. Tour Of
The Goldfields and Grafton
To Inverell Classic. Highlights.
4.30 UEFA Champions League
Magazine. 5.00 From Scratch.
5.30 Air Aces. (PG) 6.30 World
News. 7.30 Lost Worlds. (PG)
8.30 Cave Of Forgotten Dreams.
10.05 Buck. (PG) 11.45 Movie:
Medal Of Honour. (M) (2009)
1.40 Roberto Alagna: Sicilien
Live. 3.55 Surviving Hitler: A Love
Story. (M) 5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Thunderbirds. 7.00 Kids’
WB. (PG) 7.05 Looney Tunes.
7.30 Dennis & Gnasher. 8.00 The
Amazing World Of Gumball. 8.30
Scooby-Doo! (PG) 9.00 Teen Titans
Go! 9.30 Adv Time. (PG) 10.00
Young Justice. (PG) 10.30 Batman.
(PG) 11.00 Power Rangers Super
Megaforce. (PG) 11.30 Max Steel.
(PG) 12.00 Max Steel. (PG) 12.30
Tenkai Knights. (PG) 1.00 Winx
Club. (PG) 1.30 Danoz. 2.00
Power Rangers. (PG) 2.30 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 3.00 Digimon Fusion.
(PG) 3.30 Foo Fighters: Sonic
Highways. 4.30 Survivor: San Juan
Del Sur. (PG) 5.30 Scooby-Doo!
(PG) 6.00 Scooby-Doo! (PG) 6.30
Movie: Bill And Ted’s Excellent
Adventure. (PG) (1989) 8.30 Big
Bang. (PG) 9.00 Big Bang. (PG)
9.30 Movie: Cliffhanger. (M)
(1993) 12.00 Movie: Layer Cake.
(AV15+) (2004) 2.10 The Originals.
(AV15+) 3.10 Late Programs.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Tomorrow’s
World. (PG) 7.30 Leading The
6.00 Mark Webber Challenge.
Way. (PG) 8.00 David Jeremiah.
(PG) 8.30 Shopping. 9.30 Home
And Away. (PG) 12.00 Million
Dollar Minute. 3.30 Motorway
Patrol. (PG) 4.00 Motorway Patrol.
(PG) 4.30 Great SAS Missions.
(PG) 5.00 Weapons Of World
War II. (PG) 5.30 Seven Wonders
Of The Industrial World. (PG)
6.30 Inventions That Shook The
World. 7.30 Mighty Ships. 8.30
Escape To The Country. Alistair
Appleton travels to North Devon
to see if he can help find the
perfect rural home for a pair of
baking enthusiasts.9.30 Escape To
The Country. Presented by Jules
Hudson.10.30 Homes Under The
Hammer. 11.45 Britain’s Empty
Homes. (PG) 12.30 The Bill. (M)
1.30 The Bill. (M) 2.30 The Bill.
(M) 3.30 Leyland Brothers’ World.
4.30 Leyland Brothers’ World.
5.30 Harry’s Practice.
7.30 Omnisport. 8.00 World’s
Toughest Trucker. (PG) 9.00 Sport
Science. (PG) 10.00 Football’s
Greatest Teams. 11.00 Car Torque.
(PG) 11.30 Motor Racing. Formula
1. US Grand Prix. Qualifying.
Replay. 1.30 Omnisport. 2.00
Penguins: Spy In The Huddle. 3.00
Temporary Australians. 3.30 Golf
Getaway. 4.00 Adventure Angler.
Final. 4.30 River To Reef. 5.00
What’s Up Down Under. 5.30 iFish.
6.00 Cops. (PG) 6.30 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 7.30 Extreme Fisherman.
(PG) 8.30 Gold Coast Cops. (PG)
9.00 Territory Cops. (PG) 9.30
Movie: Predators. (AV15+) (2010)
11.40 48 Hours. (M) 12.40 Cops.
(PG) 1.10 Temporary Australians.
1.40 Omnisport. 2.00 Basketball.
NBL. Round 3. Wollongong
Hawks v New Zealand Breakers.
Replay. 4.00 Sport Science. (PG)
5.00 Omnisport. 5.30 Motor
Racing. Formula 1. US Grand
Prix. Race 17.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.25
Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 4.35
Charlie And Lola. 4.50 Let’s
Go Pocoyo. 5.00 Thomas And
Friends: King Of The Railway.
6.00 Octonauts. 6.15 Pingu. 6.20
Rastamouse. 6.30 Peter Rabbit.
6.50 Shaun The Sheep. 7.00
Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30 River
Monsters. (PG) 8.20 The Roast.
(PG) 8.30 The Internet’s Own
Boy: The Story Of Aaron Swartz.
(M) 10.15 Louis And Michael.
(M) 11.15 Conspiracy Road Trip.
(PG) 12.15 Top Boy. (MA15+)
1.00 The Model Agency. (M) 1.50
News Update. 1.55 Close. 5.00
Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood.
5.10 The Kingdom Of Paramithi.
5.20 Pingu. 5.25 Igam Ogam.
5.35 What’s The Big Idea? 5.40
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 PopAsia.
(PG) 11.00 Portuguese News.
11.30 Croatian News. 12.00
Serbian News. 12.30 Dutch
News. 1.00 The World Of Jenks.
(PG) 1.25 The Grape Escape.
2.00 Foodie Planet. 3.00 Martin
Scorsese: Emotions Through
Music. (PG) 4.05 The Jo Whiley
Sessions. 4.35 Lily Cole’s Art
Matters. (PG) 5.30 Parks And
Recreation. (PG) 6.00 Parks And
Recreation. (PG) 6.25 India’s
Dancing Superstar. 7.30 If You Are
The One. 8.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
(PG) 9.00 The Birthday Boys. (PG)
9.30 South Park. 10.00 A-League
Extra Time. 11.00 In Her Skin. (M)
11.50 Threesome. (M) 12.20 The
School: Educating Essex. (M) 1.15
Movie: Black Ice. (MA15+) (2007)
3.10 CCTV News In English From
Beijing. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.20pm The Life
And Death Of
Peter Sellers
(2004) Biographical.
Geoffrey Rush,
Charlize Theron. (M)
8.30pm American
Hustle (2013)
Crime. Christian
Bale, Bradley Cooper.
10.20pm Greetings
From Tim Buckley
(2012) Drama.
Penn Badgley,
Imogen Poots. (M)
6.00pm Andre
Rieu: Dreaming. (G)
6.30pm The
Amazing Race. (PG)
8.30pm Chicago
Fire. (M) Fox8
6.30pm Wildest
Indochina. (PG)
Animal Planet
7.30pm Haiyan:
After The
Megastorm. (M)
8.30pm Inside: Area
51’s Secrets. (PG)
National Geographic
8.00am Soccer. La
Liga. Real Sociedad v
Malaga. Fox Sports 1
5.00pm Soccer.
A-League. Sydney v
Central Coast.
Fox Sports 1
The Messenger 26
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 Movie: Not Easily Broken.
(M) (2009) 3.00 News Now. 4.15
News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News.
7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The
Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.00 The
Big Bang Theory. (PG) 8.30 Big
Brother. (PG) 10.00 Embarrassing
Bodies. (M) 11.00 Hotel Hell.
(M) 11.50 Sullivan & Son. (M)
12.10 The Blue Rose. (M) 1.00
Impractical Jokers. (M) 1.30 Extra.
2.00 Danoz Direct. 2.30 Global
Shop. 3.00 Danoz Direct. 3.30
Good Morning America. 5.00
News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: The Perfect Getaway. (M)
(1998) 2.00 The Daily Edition.
3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00
Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million
Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00
Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 The
Big Adventure. (PG) 8.40 The
Blacklist. (M) Liz asks Red about
wildlife poachers.9.40 Marvel’s
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (M) 10.35
The Goldbergs. (PG) 11.00 Parks
And Recreation. (PG) 11.30 Parks
And Recreation. (PG) 12.00 Kiwi
Magic. 1.00 Shopping. 3.30
Sons And Daughters. (PG) 4.00
NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Extra.
5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 GCBC.
7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00
Gold Coast Cops. (PG) 11.30
Territory Cops. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil.
(PG) 1.00 Jamie’s Thirty Minute
Meals. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00
Party Tricks. (M) 3.00 Judge Judy.
(PG) 3.30 The Home Team. New.
4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00
News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The
Project. 7.30 Gold Coast Cops.
(PG) 8.00 Territory Cops. (PG) 8.30
Party Tricks. (M) 9.30 Homeland.
(M) 10.30 Tyrant. 11.30 Motor
Racing. Formula 1. US Grand
Prix. Race 17. Replay. 2.00 David
Letterman. (PG) 3.00 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Restoration Home. Final.
11.00 Big Ideas. (PG) 12.00 News.
1.00 Landline. 2.00 Chopper
Rescue. (PG) 2.30 Auction Room.
3.00 Last Tango In Halifax. (PG)
4.00 Upstairs Downstairs. (PG)
5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00
Eggheads. 6.30 QI. (PG) 7.00
News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Aust Story.
8.30 Four Corners. 9.20 Media
Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.35
Lateline. 11.10 The Business.
11.35 Rise Of The Continents.
12.35 Movie: Age Of Consent. (M)
(1969) 2.20 Barefoot In Ethiopia.
(M) 3.30 Soccer. W-League. Round
8. Melbourne Victory v Perth
Glory. Replay. 5.30 Eggheads.
6.00 WorldWatch. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 Luke Gamble’s
Vet Adventures. (PG) 2.00
Desperately Seeking Doctors: The
Kimberley. (PG) 3.00 France 24.
3.30 Al Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30
FIFA Futbol Mundial. 5.00 Living
Black. 5.30 Global Village. 6.00
Luke Nguyen’s Greater Mekong.
6.30 World News. 7.30 Michael
Mosley: Should I Eat Meat? 8.30
The Island With Bear Grylls. (PG)
9.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG)
10.00 Housos. (MA15+) 10.30 The
Late Feed. 11.00 Salamander. (M)
11.55 Shorts On Screen. (AV15+)
12.50 Movie: The Architect. (M)
(2008) 2.30 Derren Brown: The
System. (M) 3.30 Bite Me With
Dr Mike Leahy. (PG) 4.25 Costa’s
Garden. 5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Looney Tunes. 6.30 Robocar
Poli. 7.00 Magical Tales. 7.30
Move It. 8.00 Digimon Fusion.
(PG) 8.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG)
9.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.30 Max
Steel. (PG) 10.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 10.30 Batman. (PG) 11.00
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic. 11.30 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ.
1.00 TMZ Live. 2.00 Survivor:
San Juan Del Sur. (PG) 3.00 Extra.
3.30 Max Steel. (PG) 4.00 Kids’
WB. (PG) 4.05 Young Justice.
(PG) 4.30 Scooby-Doo! (PG)
5.00 Batman. (PG) 5.30 Looney
Tunes. 6.00 Regular Show. (PG)
6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00
The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30
Auction Hunters. (PG) 8.00 Top
Gear. (PG) 9.30 Movie: Live And
Let Die. (PG) (1973) Roger Moore,
Yaphet Kotto, Jane Seymour.
12.00 Regular Show. (PG) 12.30
Top Gear. (PG) 2.00 TMZ Live.
3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00 Power
Rangers. (PG) 4.30 Robocar Poli.
4.50 Winx Club. (PG) 5.10 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 In Your
Dreams. 7.30 It’s Academic. 8.00
Pipsqueaks. 8.30 Harry’s Practice.
9.00 Home And Away: The
Early Years. (PG) 9.30 Shortland
Street. (PG) 10.00 Goodnight
Sweetheart. (PG) 10.30 Love Thy
Neighbour. (PG) 11.00 It’s Me Or
The Dog. (PG) 12.00 Bramwell.
(M) 1.00 Waking The Dead. (M)
2.00 Waking The Dead. (M) 3.00
Goodnight Sweetheart. (PG)
3.30 Cowboy Builders. (PG) 4.30
It’s Me Or The Dog. (PG) 5.30
Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30
Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Cities Of The
Underworld. (PG) 8.30 Judge John
Deed. (M) John Deed is given a
controversial case.10.45 Waking
The Dead. (AV15+) 11.50 Murder
In Mind. (M) 1.00 Waking The
Dead. (M) 2.00 Waking The Dead.
(M) 3.00 It’s Me Or The Dog. (PG)
4.00 Love Thy Neighbour. (PG)
4.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 5.00
Homes Under The Hammer.
6.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. US
Grand Prix. Race 17. Continued.
8.00 Omnisport. 8.30 Motor
Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race
7. Texas 500. 9.30 Motor Racing.
NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 34.
AAA Texas 500. 2.30 Omnisport.
2.55 MasterChef Aust. 4.00 Get
Smart. (PG) 4.30 Shred! (PG) 5.00
Extreme Boats’ Big Angry Fish.
(PG) 5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud.
6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Talkin’
’Bout Your Generation. (PG) 8.30
Undercover Boss. (PG) 9.30 Movie:
The War Of The Roses. (M) (1989)
11.50 The Home Team. 12.20
Black Gold. (PG) 1.20 Would You
Rather? (M) 1.50 Blokesworld.
(MA15+) 2.20 Adventure Angler.
2.50 Omnisport. 3.00 Motor
Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup.
Race 33. Goody’s Headache Relief
Shot 500. Highlights. 4.00 Rugby
Union. Autumn International
2009. Ireland v Australia. Replay.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.50
LazyTown. 3.15 Thomas And
Friends. 3.30 Play School. 4.00
Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla
Doopla! 4.25 Ready, Steady,
Wiggle! 4.35 Charlie And Lola.
4.50 Let’s Go Pocoyo. 4.55 Baby
Jake. 5.10 Humf. 5.15 Ben And
Holly. 5.30 Bing. 5.45 Peppa Pig.
5.50 Octonauts. 6.05 Maya The
Bee. 6.20 Rastamouse. 6.30 Peter
Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep.
7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30
The Roast. (PG) 7.40 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 8.30 Louis Theroux. (M) 9.30
The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story
Of Aaron Swartz. (M) 11.10 Dawn
Porter Goes Lesbian. (M) 12.05
The Roast. (PG) 12.15 Conspiracy
Road Trip. (PG) 1.15 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 1.55 News Update.
2.00 Close. 5.00 Daniel Tiger’s
Neighbourhood. 5.10 Kingdom Of
Parimithi. 5.20 Pingu. 5.25 Igam
Ogam. 5.35 What’s The Big Idea?
5.40 Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30
Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News.
1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish
News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.00
Bigger Better Faster Stronger. (PG)
4.25 Bang Goes The Theory. 5.00
A-League Extra Time. 6.00 30
Rock. (PG) 6.30 MythBusters. (PG)
7.30 The Feed. 8.00 30 Rock. (PG)
8.30 Derren Brown Investigates.
9.25 Lost Girl. (M) 10.15 South
Park. (M) 10.40 In Her Skin.
(M) 11.30 The Sarah Silverman
Program. (M) 12.00 The Feed.
12.30 Frisky Dingo. (AV15+) 12.45
Live At The Electric. (M) 1.20
Movie: Headhunter. (M) (2009)
3.15 RT News In English From
Moscow. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.45pm Grown
Ups 2 (2013)
Comedy. Adam
Sandler, Kevin James.
(PG) Premiere
Anchorman 2: The
Legend Continues
(2013) Comedy. Will
Ferrell, Paul Rudd.
(M) Premiere
11.05pm O Brother,
Where Art Thou?
(2000) Comedy.
George Clooney,
John Turturro. (M)
6.30pm Extreme
Collectors. (PG)
7.00pm The Big C.
(MA15+) SoHo
7.30pm The Client
List. (M) SoHo
4.40pm Head Rush.
(G) Discovery Kids
5.30pm Absolute
Genius With Dick N
Dom. (G) Discovery
6.30pm Time Team.
(PG) History
Motorcycle Racing.
World Superbike
Championship 2014.
Round 12. Losail.
Fox Sports 2
7.30pm Soccer.
A-League. Melbourne
Victory v Wellington.
Fox Sports 4
The Messenger 27
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 Movie: Her Alibi. (PG) (1989)
3.00 News. 4.15 News. 5.30 Hot
Seat. 6.00 News. 7.00 A Current
Affair. 7.30 Big Brother. (PG) 9.30
Movie: Looper. (AV15+) (2012)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce
Willis, Emily Blunt. 11.30 Arrow.
(AV15+) 12.30 20/20. 1.30 Danoz
Direct. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00
Danoz Direct. 3.30 Good Morning
America. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Horse Racing.
Melbourne Cup Carnival.
Melbourne Cup Day. Featuring the
Group 1 $6.2 million Melbourne
Cup (3200m). 4.30 News. 5.00
Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million
Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00
Home And Away. (PG) 7.30
Dancing With The Stars. 9.30
Mrs Brown’s Boys. (MA15+)
10.15 Scandal. (M) 11.15 Suits.
(M) 12.15 30 Rock. (M) 1.00
Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00
Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00
Family Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG)
11.00 A Taste Of Travel. 11.30
Tour The World. 12.00 Dr Phil.
(PG) 1.00 Jamie’s Thirty Minute
Meals. 1.30 Ent. Tonight. 2.00
The Doctors. (PG) 3.00 Judge
Judy. (PG) 3.30 The Home Team.
4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold.
5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud.
6.30 The Project. 7.30 Recipe To
Riches. 8.30 NCIS. (M) The team
must determine if the murder of
a US Navy commander’s wife is
an act of terrorism.9.30 NCIS:
LA. (M) Someone is targeting
the team.10.30 NCIS: LA. (M)
11.30 The Project. 12.30 David
Letterman. (PG) 1.30 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Beeny’s Restoration
Nightmare. (PG) 11.00 Four
Corners. 11.45 Media Watch.
(PG) 12.00 News. 1.00 Q&A.
2.00 Chopper Rescue. (PG) 2.30
Auction Room. 3.00 Last Tango
In Halifax. (PG) 4.00 Upstairs
Downstairs. (PG) 5.00 News.
5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Eggheads.
6.30 QI. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30
7.30. 8.00 Kitchen Cabinet. 8.35
Flying Miners. (M) 9.30 At The
Movies. (PG) 10.00 The Book
Club. (PG) 10.30 Lateline. 11.05
The Business. 11.30 Four Corners.
12.20 Media Watch. (PG) 12.35
Movie: Two-Lane Blacktop. (M)
(1971) 2.15 Movie: The Ghost
Ship. (PG) (1943) 3.30 Basketball.
WNBL. Round 3. Canberra
Capitals v Dandenong Rangers.
Replay. 5.30 Eggheads.
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 Johnny Clegg
Live At The Nelson Mandela
Theatre. 3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al
Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30 PBS
News. 5.30 Global Village. 6.00
Food Safari. 6.30 World News.
7.30 The Sixties. (PG) Final. 8.30
Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.30
World News Late. 11.00 The Fall.
(M) 12.10 Movie: Shadows In
The Palace. (AV15+) (2007) 2.20
China: Triumph And Turmoil. (PG)
3.15 Countdown. 4.00 The Family.
(M) 5.00 Korean News. 5.30
Soccer. UEFA Champions League.
Matchday 4.
6.00 Looney Tunes. 6.30 Robocar
Poli. 7.00 Magical Tales. 7.30
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 In Your
Move It. 8.00 Digimon Fusion.
(PG) 8.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG)
9.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.30 Max
Steel. (PG) 10.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 10.30 Batman. (PG) 11.00
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic. 11.30 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ.
1.00 TMZ Live. 2.00 Big Brother.
(PG) 3.30 Max Steel. (PG) 4.00
Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Young Justice.
(PG) 4.30 Scooby-Doo! (PG) 5.00
Batman. (PG) 5.30 Looney Tunes.
6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30
Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 8.00 Top Gear.
(PG) 9.30 Movie: Under Siege 2.
(AV15+) (1995) Steven Seagal,
Eric Bogosian, Katherine Heigl.
11.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG)
12.00 Regular Show. (PG) 12.30
Top Gear. (PG) 2.00 TMZ Live.
3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00 Power
Rangers Megaforce. (PG) 4.30
Robocar Poli. 4.50 Winx Club.
(PG) 5.10 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 5.30
Dreams. 7.30 It’s Academic. 8.00
Pipsqueaks. 8.30 Harry’s Practice.
9.00 Home And Away: The
Early Years. (PG) 9.30 Shortland
Street. (PG) 10.00 Goodnight
Sweetheart. (PG) 10.30 Love Thy
Neighbour. (PG) 11.00 It’s Me Or
The Dog. 12.00 Bramwell. (M)
1.00 Inventions That Shook The
World. 2.00 Air Rescue. (PG) 2.30
Great SAS Missions. (PG) 3.00
Goodnight Sweetheart. (PG) 3.30
Cowboy Builders. (PG) 4.30 It’s
Me Or The Dog. (PG) 5.30 Homes
Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain
Hunt. 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG)
8.00 Crash Investigation Unit. (PG)
8.30 Air Crash Investigations. (PG)
A look at a plane that fell from the
sky.9.30 Air Crash Investigations.
(PG) 10.30 Seconds From Disaster.
(PG) 11.30 The Border. (PG)
12.30 Cowboy Builders. (PG) 1.30
Cowboy Builders. (PG) 2.30 It’s Me
Or The Dog. 3.30 Harry’s Practice.
4.00 Love Thy Neighbour. (PG)
4.30 Shortland Street. (PG) 5.00
Homes Under The Hammer.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Omnisport.
8.25 Sporting Greats. 9.00
6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30
Monster Jam. 10.00 All 4
Adventure. (PG) 11.00 Omnisport.
11.25 World’s Toughest Trucker.
(PG) 12.25 Adventure Angler.
12.55 Megafactories. 1.55
MasterChef Aust. (PG) 3.00
MasterChef Aust. 4.00 Get
Smart. (PG) 4.30 Shred! (PG)
5.00 Extreme Boats’ Big Angry
Fish. (PG) 5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30
Black Gold. (PG) 8.30 David
Attenborough’s Africa. 9.30
48 Hours. 10.30 Crisis. Final.
11.30 The Home Team. 12.00
Motor Racing. Formula 1. US
Grand Prix. Race 17. Replay. 2.30
Omnisport. 3.00 Motor Racing.
United SportsCar Championship.
Round 8. Mobil 1 SportsCar Grand
Prix. Replay.
Bing. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.50
Octonauts. 6.05 Maya The Bee.
6.20 Rastamouse. 6.30 Peter
Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep.
7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30
The Roast. (PG) 7.40 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 8.30 Good Game. 9.00
Soul Mates. (MA15+) 9.30 The
Chaser’s Media Circus. (PG) 10.00
Bad Education. (M) 10.30 Inside
Amy Schumer. (MA15+) 10.50
The Roast. (PG) 11.00 Peep Show.
(M) 11.30 Jimmy Fallon. (PG)
12.10 The Last Man Standing.
(M) 1.00 Peep Show. (M) 1.25
News Update. 1.30 Close. 5.00
Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood.
5.10 The Kingdom Of Paramithi.
5.20 Pingu. 5.25 Igam Ogam.
5.35 What’s The Big Idea? 5.40
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Croatian
News. 9.40 Serbian News. 10.20
Portuguese News. 11.05 Japanese
News. 11.40 Hong Kong News.
12.00 Chinese News. 12.30
Dutch News. 1.00 Italian News.
1.35 German News. 2.05 Spanish
News. 3.05 Greek News. 4.05
Bigger Better Faster Stronger. (PG)
4.30 Iron Chef. 5.20 Vs Arashi.
6.15 30 Rock. (PG) 6.40 American
Ninja Warrior. 7.30 The Feed.
8.00 Parks And Recreation. (PG)
8.30 What Happens In Sunny
Beach. (MA15+) 9.25 Walking
Dead. (MA15+) 10.15 Walking
Dead. (MA15+) 11.05 Attack On
Titan. 11.30 Attack On Titan.
12.00 The Feed. 12.30 Tim And
Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!
(MA15+) 12.45 Live At The
Electric. (M) 1.20 Movie: Autumn.
(M) (2010) 3.10 France 24 News
In English From Paris. 5.00 French
News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.45pm After Earth
(2013) Sci-fi. Will
Smith, Jaden Smith.
(M) Premiere
8.30pm The Secret
Life Of Walter
Mitty (2013)
Adventure. Ben
Stiller, Kristen Wiig.
(PG) Premiere
8.30pm Stories
We Tell (2012)
Michael Polley,
John Buchan. (M)
6.30pm Dag. (M)
7.00pm The Colbert
Report. Political
satire series. (PG)
Comedy Channel
7.30pm Reign. (M)
6.30pm River
Monsters With
Jeremy Wade. (PG)
6.30pm Great
Romances of
20th Century. (PG)
9.30pm Here Comes
Honey Boo Boo.
7.00am Soccer.
EPL. Crystal Palace
v Sunderland. Fox
Sports 4
8.00am Snooker.
Champion of
Champions. Day 1.
Fox Sports 5
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The Messenger 28
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 Movie: Brothers. (M) (2009)
3.00 News. 4.15 News. 5.30 Hot
Seat. 6.00 News. 6.30 Cricket.
Twenty20 International Series.
Australia v South Africa. Game 1.
From Adelaide Oval. 9.30 Movie:
Rush Hour 2. (M) (2001) Jackie
Chan, Chris Tucker, John Lone.
11.30 Two And A Half Men.
(M) 12.00 Foo Fighters: Sonic
Highways. 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Danoz
Direct. 3.00 Global Shop. 3.30
Good Morning America. 5.00
News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: Nowhere To Run. (M)
(1993) 2.00 The Daily Edition.
3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00
Deal Or No Deal. 5.30 Million
Dollar Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00
Home And Away. (PG) 8.00 Border
Security. (PG) 8.30 Criminal Minds.
(M) A series of kidnappings is
investigated.9.30 Criminal Minds.
(M) 10.30 Grimm. (M) 11.30 Bates
Motel. (M) Final. 12.30 30 Rock.
(M) 1.00 Shopping. 3.30 Sons And
Daughters. (PG) 4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00
Family Feud. 8.30 Studio 10.
(PG) 11.00 To Be Advised. 12.00
Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Jamie’s Thirty
Minute Meals. 1.30 Ent. Tonight.
2.00 Wonderland. (M) 3.00 Judge
Judy. (PG) 3.30 The Home Team.
4.00 Ben’s Menu. 4.30 Bold. 5.00
News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
The Project. 7.30 The Millers.
(PG) 8.00 The Millers. (PG) 8.30
Wonderland. (M) It appears a blast
from Tom’s past could threaten to
ruin his relationship with Ava.9.30
The Good Wife. (M) Alicia
represents a former CEO.10.30
Reckless. (M) 11.30 The Project.
12.30 David Letterman. (PG) 1.30
Shopping. 4.00 James Robison.
(PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Beeny’s Restoration
Nightmare. (PG) 11.00 Compass.
11.30 The Trail Of Genghis Khan.
(PG) 12.00 News. 12.30 Press
Club. 1.30 Children’s Programs.
2.00 Chopper Rescue. (PG) 2.30
Auction Room. 3.00 Last Tango In
Halifax. (PG) Final. 4.00 Upstairs
Downstairs. (PG) 5.00 News.
5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Eggheads.
6.30 QI. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30
7.30. 8.00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD
AS HELL. (PG) 8.30 The Chaser’s
Media Circus. (PG) 9.05 Julia
Zemiro’s Home Delivery. 9.35
Black Comedy. (M) New. 10.00
The Agony Of Modern Manners.
(M) 10.30 Lateline. 11.05 The
Business. 11.35 Outland. (M)
12.00 Hustle. (PG) 1.00 Movie:
The Lion In Winter. (PG) (1968)
3.15 Movie: Sherlock Holmes:
Dressed To Kill. (PG) (1946)
4.25 Sleek Geeks. 5.00 Strictly
Speaking. 5.30 Eggheads.
6.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions
League. Matchday 4. Continued.
8.00 WeatherWatch And Music.
8.05 Filipino News. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 Insight. 2.00
Dateline. 3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al
Jazeera. 4.00 Journal. 4.30 PBS
News. 5.30 Global Village. 6.00
Gourmet Farmer. (PG) 6.30 World
News. 7.30 Wildest Islands. 8.30
Bushfires: Inside The Inferno. 9.35
Fargo. 10.30 World News Late.
11.00 Movie: Outrage. (AV15+)
(2010) 1.00 Movie: Casanegra.
(M) (2008) 3.25 Movie: Native
Dancer. (M) (2008) 5.00 Korean
News. 5.30 Soccer. UEFA
Champions League. Matchday 4.
6.00 Looney Tunes. 6.30 Robocar
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 In Your
Poli. 7.00 Magical Tales. 7.30
Move It. 8.00 Digimon Fusion.
(PG) 8.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG)
9.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.30 Max
Steel. (PG) 10.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 10.30 Batman. (PG) 11.00
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic. 11.30 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ.
1.00 TMZ Live. 2.00 Big Brother.
(PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05
Young Justice. (PG) 4.30 ScoobyDoo! (PG) 5.00 Batman. (PG) 5.30
Looney Tunes. 6.00 Regular Show.
(PG) 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG)
7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG)
7.30 The Big Bang Theory. (PG)
8.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG)
8.30 Big Brother. (PG) 9.30 Movie:
Sex And The City 2. (MA15+)
(2010) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim
Cattrall, Kristin Davis. 12.30
Regular Show. (PG) 1.00 The
Originals. (AV15+) 2.00 TMZ Live.
3.00 TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00 Power
Rangers Megaforce. (PG) 4.30
Robocar Poli. 4.50 Winx Club.
(PG) 5.10 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 5.30
Dreams. 7.30 It’s Academic. 8.00
Pipsqueaks. 8.30 Harry’s Practice.
9.00 Home And Away: The
Early Years. (PG) 9.30 Shortland
Street. (PG) 10.00 Goodnight
Sweetheart. (PG) 10.30 Love Thy
Neighbour. (PG) 11.00 It’s Me Or
The Dog. (PG) 12.00 Bramwell.
(M) 1.00 Between The Lines. (M)
2.00 Between The Lines. (M) 3.00
Goodnight Sweetheart. (PG) 3.30
Cowboy Builders. (PG) 4.30 It’s
Me Or The Dog. (PG) 5.30 Homes
Under The Hammer. 6.30 Bargain
Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme.
(PG) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (M)
Frost is suspended.10.45 Waking
The Dead. (AV15+) 12.00 Between
The Lines. (M) 1.00 Shopping.
3.00 Between The Lines. (M) 4.00
Love Thy Neighbour. (PG) 4.30
Shortland Street. (PG) 5.00 Homes
Under The Hammer.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Golf
Getaway. 8.30 Basketball.
NBL. Round 4. Wollongong
Hawks v Perth Wildcats. Replay.
10.30 Omnisport. 11.00 David
Attenborough’s Africa. 12.00
Rush. (M) 12.55 Law & Order:
SVU. 1.50 MasterChef Aust. (PG)
4.00 Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Shred!
(PG) 5.00 Extreme Boats’ Big
Angry Fish. (PG) 5.30 iFish. 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 7.30 World’s Toughest
Trucker. (PG) 8.30 Cops: Adults
Only. (M) 9.30 Movie: Universal
Soldier: Day Of Reckoning. (2012)
11.30 The Home Team. 12.00
M*A*S*H. (PG) 1.00 Cops: Adults
Only. (M) 2.00 Extreme Boats’
Big Angry Fish. 2.30 Omnisport.
3.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 4.
Adelaide 36ers v New Zealand
Breakers. Replay. 5.00 Football’s
Greatest Teams.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30
Bing. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.50
Octonauts. 6.05 Maya The
Bee. 6.20 Rastamouse. 6.30
Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 The Roast. (PG) 7.40
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.30 Movie:
Twilight. (M) (2008) 10.30 Peep
Show. (M) 10.55 The Roast.
(PG) 11.05 River Monsters. (PG)
11.55 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 12.40
The Model Agency. (M) 1.25
Peep Show. (M) 1.50 News
Update. 1.55 Close. 5.00 Daniel
Tiger’s Neighbourhood. 5.10
The Kingdom Of Paramithi. 5.20
Pingu. 5.25 Igam Ogam. 5.35
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 Ukrainian
News. 8.30 Macedonian News.
9.05 Croatian News. 9.40 Serbian
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.05 Japanese News. 11.40
Hong Kong News. 12.00 Chinese
News. 12.30 Dutch News. 1.00
Italian News. 1.35 German News.
2.05 Spanish News. 3.05 Greek
News. 4.05 Bigger Better Faster
Stronger. (PG) 4.30 Iron Chef.
5.20 Vs Arashi. 6.15 30 Rock.
(PG) 6.40 American Ninja Warrior.
7.30 The Feed. 8.00 Community.
(PG) 8.30 Movie: From Dusk Till
Dawn. (MA15+) (1996) 10.30
Soccer. UEFA Champions League.
Matchday 4. Replay. 12.00 The
Feed. 12.30 Robot Chicken.
(MA15+) 12.45 Live At The
Electric. (M) 1.20 Movie: Farewell.
(M) (2009) 3.20 DW News In
English From Berlin. 5.00 French
News. 5.50 Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.40pm Goddess
(2013) Comedy.
Laura Michelle Kelly,
Ronan Keating. (PG)
8.30pm Blue
Jasmine (2013)
Drama. Cate
Blanchett, Alec
Baldwin. (M)
8.30pm Hitchcock
(2012) Biography.
Anthony Hopkins,
Helen Mirren. (M)
6.30pm Secret
Diary Of A Call Girl.
(MA15+) Studio
6.30pm Bargain
Hunt. (G) LifeStyle
8.30pm Strike Back.
(MA15+) FOX8
6.30pm Marooned.
(M) Discovery
10.00pm The Wild
Ones. (PG) Animal
10.00pm Auction
Hunters. (PG)
6.00am Snooker.
Champion of
Champions. Day 2.
Fox Sports 5
11.30am Ice
Hockey. NHL.
Montreal v Chicago.
Fox Sports 5
The Messenger 29
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings.
(PG) 11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen.
(PG) 1.00 Movie: Oranges And
Sunshine. (M) (2010) 3.00 News.
4.15 News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00
News. 7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Kings Cross ER. (PG) 8.30
Big Brother. (PG) 9.40 Movie:
Abduction. (M) (2011) Taylor
Lautner, Lily Collins, Alfred Molina.
11.50 Revolution. (M) 12.45
Extra. 1.15 Impractical Jokers. (M)
1.45 Nine Presents. 2.00 Danoz
Direct. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00
Danoz Direct. 3.30 Good Morning
America. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 10.30 Horse Racing.
Melbourne Cup Carnival. Crown
Oaks Day. Featuring the Group
1 $1,005,000
Crown Oaks (2500m). 5.00 Deal
Or No Deal. 5.30 Million Dollar
Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00 Home
And Away. (PG) 8.00 Beauty And
The Geek Australia. (PG) 9.45
The Happenings. (MA15+) New.
10.40 Covert Affairs. (M) 11.35
Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.00
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
(M) 12.30 Man Up! (PG) 1.00
Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00
Sunrise Extra. 5.30 News.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold.
8.00 Family Feud. 8.30 Studio
10. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Vet. (PG)
12.00 Dr Phil. (M) 1.00 Jamie’s
Thirty Minute Meals. 1.30 Ent.
Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG)
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 The
Home Team. 4.00 Ben’s Menu.
4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 The Project. A look at
the day’s news.7.30 Save With
Jamie. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver
takes a look at how to prepare
a nutritious family meal of roast
chicken.8.30 Madam Secretary.
Elizabeth asks the president
to intervene in a dire situation
in Western Africa.9.30 Law &
Order: SVU. (M) Assistant District
Attorney Barba’s childhood friend
is arrested for sexual assault.10.30
Blue Bloods. (M) 11.30 The
Project. 12.30 David Letterman.
(PG) 1.30 Shopping. 4.00 James
Robison. (PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 Beeny’s Restoration
Nightmare. (PG) 11.00 On A
Wing And A Prayer. 12.00 News.
1.00 Gallery Of Everyday Things.
New. 1.30 Wallace And Gromit’s
World Of Invention. 2.00 Chopper
Rescue. (PG) 2.30 Auction Room.
Final. 3.00 Last Tango In Halifax.
(PG) 4.00 Upstairs Downstairs.
(PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum.
6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 QI. (PG) 6.55
Clarke And Dawe. 7.00 News.
7.30 7.30. 8.00 Catalyst. 8.30
Upper Middle Bogan. (M) 9.00 It’s
A Date. (M) 9.30 The Midwives.
(PG) 10.30 Lateline. 11.05 The
Business. 11.30 The Elegant
Gentleman’s Guide To Knife
Fighting. (M) 12.00 Spooks. (M)
1.00 Anatomy: Nerve. (MA15+)
1.30 Jonathan Ross. (PG) 2.20 The
Curse Of The Gothic Symphony.
3.45 Movie: The Richest Girl In
The World. (G) (1934) 5.00 Strictly
Speaking. 5.30 Eggheads.
6.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions
League. Matchday 4. Continued.
8.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic
News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00
Toughest Place To Be A… (M)
2.00 One Born Every Minute. (M)
3.00 France 24. 3.30 Al Jazeera.
4.00 Journal. 4.30 PBS News.
5.30 Global Village. 6.00 Thai
Street Food. 6.30 World News.
7.30 The Incredible Spice Men.
8.00 The Little Paris Kitchen.
8.30 What’s The Catch With
Matthew Evans. (PG) 9.30 The
Fall. (M) 10.40 World News Late.
11.05 UEFA Champions League
Highlights. 12.05 The Long
March To Freedom. (PG) 1.00
America Revealed. 2.00 Movie:
Reus. (MA15+) (2011) 3.45 The
Age Of Big Data. 4.45 Bino.
(PG) 5.00 Korean News. 5.35
Japanese News.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Motor
6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.45
Kong News. 12.00 Chinese News.
12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Italian
News. 1.35 German News. 2.05
Spanish News. 3.05 Greek News.
4.05 Bigger Better Faster Stronger.
(PG) 4.30 Iron Chef. 5.20 Vs
Arashi. 6.15 30 Rock. (PG) 6.40
American Ninja Warrior. 7.30 The
Feed. 8.00 Gadget Man. 8.30
South Park. 8.55 Drunk History.
(MA15+) 9.25 Stacey Dooley In
The USA. (M) 10.30 South Park.
(M) 10.55 Walking Dead. (MA15+)
11.45 Walking Dead. (MA15+)
12.35 The Feed. 1.05 Aqua Teen
Hunger Force. (M) 1.20 Live At
The Electric. (M) Final. 1.55 Movie:
Summer Hours. (M) (2008) 3.45
NHK World News In English From
Tokyo. 5.00 French News. 5.50
6.00 Looney Tunes. 6.30 Robocar
Poli. 7.00 Magical Tales. 7.30
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 In Your
Move It. 8.00 Digimon Fusion.
(PG) 8.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG)
9.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.30 Max
Steel. (PG) 10.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 10.30 Batman. (PG) 11.00
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic. 11.30 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ.
1.00 TMZ Live. 2.00 Top Gear.
(PG) 3.30 Max Steel. (PG) 4.00
Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Young Justice.
(PG) 4.30 Scooby-Doo! (PG) 5.00
Batman. (PG) 5.30 Looney Tunes.
6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30
Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Big
Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 Auction
Hunters. (PG) 8.00 Auction
Hunters. (PG) 8.30 The Big Bang
Theory. (PG) 9.00 The Big Bang
Theory. (PG) 9.30 Survivor: San
Juan Del Sur. (PG) 10.30 The
Bachelor. (PG) 12.30 MAD. (M)
1.00 Survivor: San Juan Del Sur.
(PG) 2.00 TMZ Live. 3.00 TMZ.
3.30 Extra. 4.00 Power Rangers
Megaforce. (PG) 4.30 Robocar
Poli. 4.50 Winx Club. (PG) 5.10
Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 5.30 Thunderbirds.
Dreams. 7.30 It’s Academic. 8.00
Pipsqueaks. 8.30 Harry’s Practice.
9.00 Home And Away: The
Early Years. (PG) 9.30 Shortland
Street. (PG) 10.00 Goodnight
Sweetheart. (PG) 10.30 Love Thy
Neighbour. (PG) 11.00 It’s Me Or
The Dog. (PG) 12.00 Bramwell.
(M) 1.00 Hornblower. (M) 3.00
Goodnight Sweetheart. (PG)
3.30 Cowboy Builders. (PG) 4.30
It’s Me Or The Dog. (PG) 5.30
Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30
Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin.
(PG) 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. (M)
When the body of a security guard
surfaces in a quarry, Inspector
Frost focuses his investigation on
a teenager.10.45 Jonathan Creek.
(M) 12.00 Teenage Kicks. (PG)
12.30 Teenage Kicks. (M) 1.00
Cowboy Builders. (PG) 2.00 It’s
Me Or The Dog. (PG) 3.00 Homes
Under The Hammer. 4.00 Love
Thy Neighbour. (PG) 4.30 Harry’s
Practice. 5.00 Shortland Street.
(PG) 5.30 Shopping.
Racing. Formula 1. US Grand Prix.
Race 17. Replay. 10.30 Omnisport.
11.00 Black Gold. (PG) 12.00
Rush. (M) 12.55 Law & Order:
SVU. 1.50 MasterChef Aust.
(PG) 4.30 Shred! 5.00 Extreme
Boats’ Big Angry Fish. (PG) 5.30
iFish. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 Dads. 8.00
Last Man Standing. 8.30 Last Man
Standing. (PG) 9.00 Rob. (PG) 9.30
The Thursday Night Sport Show.
10.30 Maxim TV. (MA15+) 11.00
Blokesworld. 11.30 The Home
Team. 12.00 Adventure Angler.
12.30 Omnisport. 1.00 Motor
Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race
34. AAA Texas 500. Replay.
Peppa Pig. 5.50 Octonauts. 6.05
Maya The Bee. 6.20 Rastamouse.
6.30 Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 The Roast. (PG) 7.40
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.25 Would I
Lie To You? Shortcuts. 8.45 Dawn
Porter: My Breasts Could Kill Me.
(M) 9.30 Soul Mates. (M) 10.00
Inside Amy Schumer. (M) 10.20
Maron. (M) 10.45 Peep Show. (M)
11.05 The Roast. (PG) 11.20 Good
Game. 11.50 Jimmy Fallon. (PG)
12.30 The Last Man Standing. (M)
1.25 Peep Show. (M) 1.50 News
Update. 1.55 Close. 5.00 Daniel
Tiger’s Neighbourhood. 5.10
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 11.40 Hong
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.10pm A Guerra
Da Beatriz (2013)
Drama. Bety Reis. (M)
World Movies
6.15pm White
House Down (2013)
Action. Channing
Tatum, Jamie Foxx.
(M) Premiere
6.25pm Saving
Mr Banks (2013)
Biographical. Tom
Hanks, Emma
Thompson. (PG)
6.30pm The
Returned. Camille
invents a new identity
for herself. (M) Studio
7.30pm BAFTA: A
Life In Pictures. (PG)
Streetosphere. (PG)
Paranatural. (PG)
National Geographic
7.30pm Entwistle:
Smile Of A Killer.
(M) Crime &
7.30pm Nasca
Lines Decoded. (PG)
National Geographic
11.30am Ice
Hockey. NHL. New
York Rangers v
Detroit. Fox Sports 5
2.00pm Golf. HSBC
Champions. Round 1.
Fox Sports 1
The Messenger 30
6.00 Today. 9.00 Mornings. (PG)
11.00 News. 12.00 Ellen. (PG)
1.00 Movie: My Fellow Americans.
(M) (1996) 3.00 News. 4.15 News.
5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 News. 6.30
Cricket. Twenty20 International
Series. Australia v South Africa.
Game 2. 9.30 Movie: The Hurt
Locker. (AV15+) (2008) Jeremy
Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian
Geraghty. 12.10 Movie: Cobra.
(AV15+) (1986) 1.45 Impractical
Jokers. (M) 2.15 Nine Presents.
2.30 Avengers. (PG) 3.30 Skippy.
4.00 Global Shop. 4.30 GMA.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning
Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00
Movie: Payback. (M) (1997)
2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The
Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 Million
Dollar Minute. 5.30 Million Dollar
Minute. 6.00 News. 7.00 Better
Homes And Gardens. 8.30 Movie:
Couples Retreat. (M) (2009) 10.55
The Amazing Race. (PG) 12.00
Movie: Borderline Normal. (M)
(2001) 2.00 Harry’s Practice. 2.30
Harry’s Practice. 3.00 Shopping.
4.00 NBC Today.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Huey. 7.30 Bold. 8.00
Family Feud. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG)
11.00 The Living Room. (PG)
12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 Jamie’s
Thirty Minute Meals. 1.30 Ent.
Tonight. 2.00 The Doctors. (PG)
3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 The
Home Team. 4.00 Ben’s Menu.
4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The
Living Room. (PG) Bill Granger
joins Miguel in the kitchen
where they provide some ideas
for brunch.8.30 Movie: The First
Wives Club. (PG) (1996) 10.35
Movie: The Secret Life Of Bees.
(M) (2008) 12.50 David Letterman.
(PG) 2.00 Shopping.
6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News.
10.00 One Plus One. 10.30 At The
Movies. (PG) 11.00 Big Ideas. (PG)
12.00 News. 1.00 The Midwives.
(PG) 2.00 Chopper Rescue. (PG)
2.30 Chopper Rescue. (PG) Final.
3.00 Last Tango In Halifax. (PG)
Final. 4.00 Upstairs Downstairs.
(PG) Final. 5.00 News. 5.30 The
Drum. 6.00 Eggheads. 6.30 Lie To
You? Final. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30
Queensland. 8.00 QI. (PG) Final.
8.30 Happy Valley. (M) 9.25 Silent
Witness. (M) 10.25 Lateline. 11.00
Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL.
(PG) 11.30 Rage. (MA15+) 5.00
Rage. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.40 French
News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 Living Black.
1.30 Inspector Rex. (PG) 2.30 NITV
News Week In Review. 3.00 France
24. 3.30 Al Jazeera. 4.00 Journal.
4.30 PBS News. 5.30 World News.
6.30 Soccer. A-League. Round
5. Adelaide United v Sydney FC.
9.00 Have I Got News For You.
(PG) 9.50 World News Late. 10.20
Movie: Inju: The Beast In The
Shadow. (AV15+) (2008) 12.15
Global Village. 12.45 Classical
Destinations. 1.15 Movie: 7 Days.
(MA15+) (2010) 3.15 Prophets
Of Science Fiction. (PG) 4.10
Countdown. 5.00 Korean News.
5.35 Japanese News.
6.00 Shopping. 7.00 In Your
Dreams. 7.30 It’s Academic. 8.00
6.00 Looney Tunes. 6.30 Robocar
Poli. 7.00 Magical Tales. 7.30
Move It. 8.00 Digimon Fusion.
(PG) 8.30 Tenkai Knights. (PG)
9.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 9.30 Max
Steel. (PG) 10.00 Power Rangers.
(PG) 10.30 Batman. (PG) 11.00
Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic. 11.30 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 12.00 Extra. 12.30 TMZ.
1.00 TMZ Live. 2.00 Big Brother.
(PG) 3.00 Extra. 3.30 Max Steel.
(PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05
Young Justice. (PG) 4.30 ScoobyDoo! (PG) 5.00 Batman. (PG)
5.30 Looney Tunes. 6.00 Movie:
Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island.
(G) (1998) 7.30 Movie: Hairspray.
(PG) (2007) John Travolta, Michelle
Pfeiffer, Zac Efron. 9.40 Movie:
Miss Congeniality. (M) (2000)
Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine,
Benjamin Bratt. 12.10 Beware
The Batman. (M) 12.30 Beware
The Batman. (M) 1.00 Auction
Hunters. (PG) 1.30 Auction
Hunters. (PG) 2.00 TMZ Live. 3.00
TMZ. 3.30 Extra. 4.00 Power
Rangers. (PG) 4.30 Robocar Poli.
4.50 Winx Club. (PG) 5.10 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic.
Pipsqueaks. 8.30 Harry’s Practice.
9.00 Home And Away: The
Early Years. (PG) 9.30 Shortland
Street. (PG) 10.00 Goodnight
Sweetheart. (PG) 10.30 Love Thy
Neighbour. (PG) 11.00 It’s Me Or
The Dog. (PG) 12.00 Bramwell.
(M) 1.00 Cowboy Builders. (PG)
2.00 Britain’s Empty Homes. (PG)
2.30 Britain’s Empty Homes. (PG)
3.00 Goodnight Sweetheart. (PG)
3.30 Cowboy Builders. (PG) 4.30
It’s Me Or The Dog. (PG) 5.30
Homes Under The Hammer. 6.30
Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Air Crash
Investigations. (PG) 8.30 Escape
To The Country. Presented by
Jules Hudson.9.30 Best Houses
Australia. (PG) 10.00 Best House
On The Street. (PG) 11.00
Cowboy Builders. (PG) 12.00
Britain’s Empty Homes. (PG) 12.30
Britain’s Empty Homes. (PG) 1.00
Cowboy Builders. (PG) 2.00 It’s
Me Or The Dog. (PG) 3.00 Homes
Under The Hammer. 4.00 Love
Thy Neighbour. (PG) 4.30 Harry’s
Practice. 5.00 Shortland Street.
(PG) 5.30 Shopping.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Sporting
Greats. 8.30 Motor Racing.
NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race 34.
AAA Texas 500. Highlights. 9.30
Omnisport. 10.00 The Thursday
Night Sport Show. 11.00
Undercover Boss. (PG) 12.00
Rush. (M) 1.00 Law & Order:
SVU. 1.55 MasterChef Aust. (PG)
4.00 Get Smart. (PG) 4.30 Shred!
5.00 Extreme Boats’ Big Angry
Fish. (PG) 5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30
Megafactories. 8.30 Cops: Adults
Only. (M) 9.30 Basketball. NBL.
Round 5. Wollongong Hawks v
Sydney Kings. 11.30 Homeland.
(M) 12.30 The Home Team. 1.00
The League. (MA15+) 2.00 Would
You Rather? (M) 2.30 Omnisport.
3.00 Golf Getaway. 3.30 Motor
Racing. NASCAR Nationwide
Series. Race 31. O’Reilly Auto Parts
Challenge. Highlights. 4.30 Motor
Racing. NASCAR Sprint Cup. Race
34. AAA Texas 500. Qualifying.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.00
Bananas In Pyjamas. 4.10 Hoopla
Doopla! 4.25 Ready, Steady,
Wiggle! 4.35 Charlie And Lola.
4.50 Let’s Go Pocoyo. 4.55 Baby
Jake. 5.10 Humf. 5.15 Ben And
Holly. 5.30 Bing. 5.45 Peppa
Pig. 5.50 Octonauts. 6.05 Maya
The Bee. 6.20 Rastamouse. 6.30
Peter Rabbit. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 The Roast. (PG) Final.
7.40 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 8.30
Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL.
(PG) 9.00 It’s A Date. (M) 9.30
How Sex Works. (M) 10.25 The
Daters. (M) Final. 10.45 Peep
Show. (M) 11.10 The Roast. (PG)
Final. 11.20 Bad Education. (M)
11.50 Maron. (M) 12.15 Jimmy
Fallon. (PG) 12.55 Dragons’
Den. 1.55 Peep Show. (M) 2.20
News Update. 2.25 Close. 5.00
Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood.
5.10 The Kingdom Of Paramithi.
5.20 Pingu. 5.25 Igam Ogam.
5.35 What’s The Big Idea? 5.40
Children’s Programs.
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 DW
Global 3000. 8.30 Macedonian
News. 9.05 Croatian News. 9.40
Serbian News. 10.20 Portuguese
News. 11.05 Japanese News.
11.40 Hong Kong News. 12.00
Chinese News. 12.30 Dutch News.
1.00 Italian News. 1.35 German
News. 2.05 Spanish News. 3.05
Greek News. 4.05 Bigger Better
Faster Stronger. (PG) 4.30 Iron
Chef. 5.20 Vs Arashi. 6.10 30
Rock. (PG) 6.35 UEFA Europa
League Highlights. 7.30 Friday
Feed. 8.00 Knife Fight. 8.30 Ali
G: Remixed. (M) 8.55 Nathan For
You. (M) 9.20 Love For Sale With
Rupert Everett. (M) 10.15 Sex
Workers And Proud! (MA15+)
11.45 Friday Feed. 12.15 Him &
Her. (M) 12.50 PopAsia. (PG) 2.50
NHK World News In English From
Tokyo. 5.00 French News. 5.50
Urdu News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.05pm Sleeping
Beauty (2011)
Drama. Emily
Browning, Rachael
Blake. (MA15+)
World Movies
6.50pm Baggage
Claim (2013)
Comedy. Paula
Patton, Taye Diggs.
(M) Premiere
8.30pm The Family
(2013) Comedy.
Robert De Niro,
Michelle Pfeiffer.
(MA15+) Premiere
7.00pm Monty
Python Live: One
Down, Five To Go.
(M) Studio
8.30pm Rolling
Stones: Rock & Roll
Circus. (G) Studio
8.30pm Wallander.
Wallander is asked
to investigate a car
accident. (M) UKTV
6.00pm The
Writers’ Room. (M)
7.30pm Airplane
Repo. (PG) Discovery
7.30pm Elton John:
Someone Like Me.
(PG) Biography
5.30pm Soccer.
A-League. Wellington
v Western Sydney.
Fox Sports 4
7.30pm Soccer.
A-League. Adelaide v
Sydney. Fox Sports 4
 
The Messenger 31
Real Estate
programs help
improve access to
affordable housing
for Australians on
low incomes
overnment programs, such as
rent assistance, home purchase
assistance and social housing, continue
to improve access to affordable
housing among those on low incomes,
according to a report released today by
the Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare (AIHW).
The report, Housing assistance in
Australia 2014, presents information
on trends and issues in housing policy,
housing affordability, the housing
assistance provided to Australians with
financial or other needs, and the benefits
this assistance provides.
It shows that Government assistance
can have significant positive impacts
on reducing the proportion of people in
rental stress.
'Many low-income earners are in 'rental
stress'-with a high proportion of lowincome earners paying more than 30%
of their income in rent,' said AIHW
spokesperson Geoff Neideck.
In 2007-08, 37% of low-income
households were in rental stress
compared to 44% in 2011-12.
'Commonwealth Rent Assistance has
a major impact on households' rental
affordability, with a 27 percentage
point reduction in the number of lowincome recipients in housing stress
after receiving Commonwealth Rent
Assistance,' Mr Neideck said.
'Breaking into the housing market is
becoming more challenging for younger
Australians and low-to-moderateincome earners.'
In 1981, 61% of people aged 25-34 were
purchasing or owned their homes; by
2011 it was 47% and many low-income
households and first home buyers
received help to purchase their homes.
In 2012-13, 92,000 people received a
First Home Owner Grant. Additionally,
around 40,000 Australian households
received support from Home Purchase
Assistance Programs.
At 30 June 2013, 414,000 households
were living in social housing, and
almost half of social housing tenants
report social and economic participation
benefits as a result of living in social
Social housing continues to be targeted
to people in greatest need. In 201213, 77% of allocations to public rental
housing and 65% to State Owned and
Managed Indigenous Housing were for
greatest need applications (households
that are either homeless, in housing
inappropriate to their needs, in housing
that is adversely affecting their health
or placing their life and safety at risk, or
households that have very high rental
housing costs).
However, waiting lists for social
housing continue to grow and supply
is not keeping up. As at 30 June 2013,
there were over 217,000 households on
waiting lists for social housing.
The AIHW is a major national agency
set up by the Australian Government to
provide reliable, regular and relevant
information and statistics on Australia's
health and welfare.
The Messenger 32
The Messenger 40
Law Advice
With Zande Law. Norwinn Centre, 15 Discovery Drive North Lakes, 3385 0999
What Lies Beneath?
When it comes to buying any property,
the excited prospective purchaser and
enthusiastic seller’s agent are almost
always thoroughly preoccupied with
concepts such as the layout of the house,
its aspect, the kitchen, positioning of
power points and the like. An issue
which is very often and understandably
overlooked however, is the question
of the positioning of the various
services that are being supplied to the
home. Whether already built or yet
to be constructed, any property these
days will have sub-terrain supplies of
sewerage, mains water, storm water
drainage, electricity, landline telephone
and possibly also internet ADSL
cable. Normally, each of these services
have been sensibly positioned so as to
minimise impact on enjoyment of the
land. Occasionally these services will be
easily detected by a easement which is
registered against the title by which the
location of the pipes etc and rights and
responsibilities are all clearly explained
in the easement document. In some cases
however, Council sewer or drainage lines
are positioned in awkward locations and
are not covered by registered easements
which would easily give their position
Under the laws which permit Councils
to put drains and sewerage lines across
properties, the land owners are typically
prohibited from building within 1.5
metres of the centre point of the relevant
pipe which can in some circumstances,
severely impact upon the type of
structures that a land owner might have
hoped to put on the property. Even
though not protected by an easement,
the local Council will usually have the
right to demand that any structures
built in infringement of these statutory
rights be demolished and removed at
the home owner’s expense with fines
and other sanctions to follow if they are
not. Usually, Council will also have the
right to demand access to the property
for work/repair to the pipes if necessary
and again have the right to insist that
structures which impede that access are
also removed.
When it comes time to sell (or buy) land
which is potentially effected by these
types of subterranean services, care
should be taken to properly consider
the rights and responsibilities between
the outgoing seller and the incoming
Under the current standard REIQ land
sales contract, a seller has an obligation
to disclose on the contract details of all
registered easements on the property
as well as “statutory easements” even
though not registered. When a service
is protected by a registered easement,
the obligations for the land seller are
clear and absolute. The easement must
be disclosed on the contract. If it is not,
the buyer has an unchallengeable right
to terminate the contract, demand the
full refund of the deposit and walk away
from the deal. The position however is
less clear when it comes to subterranean
services for which there is no registered
easement in place. Cases on the subject
suggest if the easement is protected
by a statute that gives the rights of
demolition referred to above, then the
easement can be taken as a “statutory
easement” within the meaning of the
contract and therefore should be treated
in exactly the same way. When the law
which protects the subterranean service
is less clear and precise then the rights
and obligations between the buyer and
seller under the contract also become
clouded and uncertain. If the pipe and
its accompanying restrictions are not
disclosed on the contract, the buyer
may have rights of termination if the
impediment is considerable but may be
left with only a right to sue the seller for
financial compensation or possible no
rights at all if the impediment is minimal.
The safest way to go therefore when
selling a property effected with one
of these types of pipe services is for
the location of the pipe to be clearly
identified by reference to Council maps
and for that diagram to be attached to the
contract with a statement contained in
the “encumbrances section” describing
the type of service, be it sewer line,
drainage etc and to clearly state what
building restrictions attach to that as a
consequence of Council regulation.
This will mean that the seller and the
agent potentially need to do a little bit
more homework on the property when it
is being marketed for sale, but the extra
work done at this time will certainly save
sending any contract which is signed into
jeopardy and potential cancellation if a
purchase was to discover the pipe after
the contract was signed and it was not
disclosed ahead of time.
Michael Zande is the Principal of Zande Law
Solicitors, with 25 years experience in practice.
Michael and his team have had extensive
experience in conveyancing matters. Please
feel free to review our firm and staff profiles at
The information in this article is merely a
guide and is not a full explanation of the law.
This Firm cannot take responsibility for any
action readers take based on this information.
When making decisions that could affect your
legal rights, please contact us for professional
The Messenger 41
The Messenger 42
Jenny Andrews
Home Starts Top
180k but Supply
Restrictions Start to
nudging down a little,” cautioned Shane
Garrett. “On the renovations side, the
volume of work done also fell, with a 3.0
per cent reduction in activity during the
June 2014 quarter.”
supply-side issues which will need
“A number of factors continue to plague
the capacity of the new home building
sector,” continued Shane Garrett. “These
include high taxation,
stamp duties, planning
Failure to tackle these
restrictions, and delays in
constraints will mean
making residential land
that the ability of the
During the June 2014
quarter, new housing
starts totalled 45,527
uilding activity figures released by
in seasonally-adjusted
the ABS last week show that the
terms. Despite
home building recovery has brought
industry to provide for
representing a 6.9
activity to its highest in twenty years,
Shane Garrett explained.
Australia’s long-term
said the Housing Industry Association
“Failure to tackle these
(HIA), the voice of Australia’s residential
housing requirements
constraints will mean that
building industry.
that total starts during will continue to be
the ability of the industry to
provide for Australia’s long2013/14
“The fact that new home building has
term housing requirements
reached a twenty-year high is very
to be seriously
welcome,” commented HIA Senior
concluded Shane Garrett.
Economist, Shane Garrett. “Back in
early 2012 when activity was so low,
During the June 2014 quarter, new
per cent while other dwellings (multithe prospect of breaking through
home starts declined in most states.
180,000 starts within a couple of years
These included New South Wales
was beyond almost everybody’s most
(-12.3 per cent), Victoria (-3.3 per
optimistic expectations,” reminded
cent), Queensland (-1.3 per cent),
Shane Garrett.
South Australia (-1.7 per cent) and the
Housing Australia’s Future estimates
ACT (-48.0 per cent). Three states saw
“There is, however, no avoiding the
building commencements rise during
downside apparent in today’s figures,”
the quarter, namely Western Australia
remarked Shane Garrett. “The multi(+2.0 per cent), Tasmania (+28.7 per cent)
unit dwelling segment saw a sharp fall
and the Northern Territory (+18.3 per
during the second quarter of this year,
with detached house building also
urning the property
arket upside down
Steve McDade Team
Learn helpful
D.I.Y. tips this
holiday season
With the holidays fast
approaching, it’s all about
outdoor projects and preparing
for warmer weather this month
at Bunnings Warehouse North
Bunnings Warehouse North Lakes
Complex Manager Leigh Streeter
encouraged residents to come in store
this month and learn the skills and tips
needed to complete a range of D.I.Y.
WHEN: Saturdays and Sundays
throughout November
Adult D.I.Y. Workshops are held at
11am, 12.30pm and 2pm
Kids D.I.Y. Workshop times vary so
please contact Bunnings Warehouse
North Lakes for times
“The workshops are a great starting
point for local residents looking to tackle WHERE: Bunnings Warehouse North
projects around the house and garden
Lakes, 18-28 Cook Court, Tel: (07) 3293
this festive season.” Leigh said.
xpert team members from Bunnings
Warehouse North Lakes will provide
local residents with tips and skills to
get the house and garden ready for all
summer activities.
Held at 11am, 12.30pm and 2pm every
Saturday and Sunday throughout
November, residents will learn the skills
needed to tackle a range of projects
including outdoor entertaining, storage
solutions and how to prepare for the
holiday season, as well as tips for a
sustainable Christmas.
Children can also get creative, make new
friends and learn D.I.Y. skills at the Kids
D.I.Y. Workshops.
The Messenger 46
The Messenger 47
Kenton Ross Funerals
The Dietitian in Brisbane for fussy eaters
Book a food adventure workshop for
your mother’s group today
0413 433 144
A Caring
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Call Anytime 24hrs
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The Messenger 48
Crossword # 6380
Voted best crossword in the Messenger by Laurie Stibbe
Brain Teaser
Identical Sections:
Can you divide this
picture into four
identical pieces?
Solution next week
Last week’s Brain Teaser Solution
Find the meaning:
Crossword Solution from last issue
Messenger-Handy Hints
The Messenger 49
Community Notice Board
NL/MH Police:
3482 1444
Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000
SES: 132 500
Health Advice:
13432 584
Wildlife Rescue:
0401 350 799
RSPCA: 1300 363 736
Dakabin Pound: 3886 0357
THE 500 CLUB If you enjoy a friendly of 500 you can join us at
Brambles Bay Bowls Club on The Hornibrook Esp cnr of Victoria Rd
every monday from 12.30 pm - 4 pm Contact Trish on 32035047 or
Vivi on 0407238163
A.C.M.A. MIN MIN BRANCH. Kruger Hall. Ann St. Kallangur NOTE.
From February. New Start time:: 3.00p.m. 4th Saturday each
month. Quality Guest Artists. contact Queenie 5497 9395 .
A.I.R. Moreton Bay Region Branch The Association of Independent
Retirees (AIR) Limited meets on the 3rd Monday of each month
(except December) at the Redcliffe Public Library meeting rooms
commencing at 12.30pm. Visitors are welcome. AIR provides
members with information to help plan their retirement and
undertakes advocacy on the many issues confronting retirees.
Contact 3142 2506 Website
Al-ANON. If someone you love, or are dependant on has a drinking
problem and you can see what it is doing to them; if you're also
concerned how it's affecting you. We can help. Al-Anon Family
group meets Tuesdays at 12.30 at the Church of Christ Church
on Ashmole Road, Redcliffe. For futher information phone
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. If you want to drink that's your
business.If you wish to stop, we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous
meets every Monday morning and every Thursday morning at
Peace Christian Community Church,40 Portwood Street,Redcliffe
at 10am. Helpline phone 3255-9162 (10am -10pm 7 days ) Web
ALL ABOUT LIVING is an aged care service provider that is
looking for volunteers to assist with transport, administration,
activity groups and projects. If you are interested in helping our
participants please contact Kathy on 07 3269 1915, or see our
website - We promote Choice,
Support and Connection
A.L.P. To all ALP members in North Lakes & Mango Hill. The local
branch of the Australian Labor Party meets the 1st Wednesday of
every month at 'The Space' North Lakes cnr of Endeavour Blvd and
Lakefield Drive. For more information contact Mick 0422 434 562
or Judi 0407 958 610 or Email
worship with us this Sunday at either of our services. Communion
is celebrated at our 8am Traditional service each week or on the
1st Sunday of each month at our 10am Contemporary service. All
services are held in the Performing Arts Centre of North Lakes State
College on Joyner Circuit. For further info, call Fr Dan on 0403 977
512 or visit our website at
ANNE’S SOCIAL CIRCLE. Looking to welcome new members. We
are a group of Single Men, Women and Couples from all walks of
life. We get involved in a diverse range of activities, including Live
bands, Tribute shows, lots of dancing, Live Theatre, Restaurants and
trips planned for the future. A wine tasting coming up. The more
the merrier, a non clicky group of fun people. Don’t sit at home go
out and have fun. For more information call Anne on 3880 1088.
meet second Monday of the month at William Abell Community
Centre, 10.30am. The purpose is to propose events for the
centennial celebrations of WWI to be celebrated in 2015. Anyone
is welcome to come along to the meetings and have input. More
information please contact Tony Watson, Media Officer on 0408
766 992 or email See our website
for updates:
ARANA VIEW CLUB Luncheon meeting for Arana VIEW Club
commencing 10.30am, Wednesday 5th November at Arana
Leagues Club, Dawson Parade, Keperra. Guest speaker from
Foundation Getaway, raffles and bring & buy table. Two-course
lunch incl tea/coffee ($24.00). Bookings: phone Dorothy 3351 5196
by 4pm Monday 3rd November
BAHA’I FAITH of Moreton Bay Region openly invites enquiries
of Belief Principles, Children’s Classes, General Information, Holy
Day Events, Holy Script Study Groups, Internet Sites, Library Books,
Pamphlets, Social Gatherings, School Religious Classes, Youth and
Pre-Youth Activities and more. “The world is but one country and
mankind its citizens”. Baha’u’llah Phone: 07 38861567 Email:
Moreton Bay LSA [] Web:
au or
BLUE DENIM COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB Progress Hall, 34 Cornelius
Street, Clontarf. Socials 4th Sunday of each month. Contact: Julie
3889 3179 or Lesley 3284 1083. All welcome. Entry $5.00
BRENDALE EVENING VIEW. Ladies, are you interested in the three
F’s – fun, friendship, fundraising? We have it all. Please come and
join us. We meet for dinner on the third Tuesday of the month at
Aspley Hornets Football Club, Carseldine. We raise funds solely
for the children’s charity The Smith Family and support students
through their education, plus have great fun and activities. New
members welcome. Phone Trish 32642213
BRIDGE. Established social Bridge group meets on Mondays and
Fridays at North Lakes Library invites players to join. Please note this
is not a Bridge teaching class. If interested please contact Paulette
on 32045414
BUSH POETRY, NORTH PINE We meet 1st and 3rd Sundays
9am until noon at The Distillery North Pine Hotel Old Petrie Town
Dayboro Rd Petrie. All welcome. Perform or listen, have your
work read, Closet Poets set yourself free in a friendly nurturing
environment. C’mon dip your toes in the water. Contact John on 07
3886 2660 or front up and make yourself known to the MC. Change
your Life for the better, take the first step.
CABOOLTURE FAMILY HISTORY Research Group. One hour of
FREE assisted local, Australian and overseas research is available at
Caboolture Family History Research Group Inc, located at Caboolture
Historical Village, Beerburrum Road on Monday, Wednesday, Friday
and Saturday between 9.30am - 2.00pm. (No entry fee to village
for CFHRG research) Tel (07) 54282018 or email us at cfhrg55@
CATHOLIC NEWS in North Lakes and Mango Hill. Everyone is
welcome to our Sunday Mass at 9.30 am in St Benedict’s School,
Capestone Blvd (off Anzac Ave) Mango Hill. We have a very active
youth group. We often hold weekday masses at St Benedict’s
School, and other interesting events where you will be most
welcome. See details in the Parish Newsletter at our website, www.
THE CENTRAL LIONESS CLUB Lioness Club Redcliffe. Meet new
friends & provide community services for your local area. We meet
on the 2nd & 4th Monday at 6.30pm at Woody Pt Hall, Redcliffe.
Contact Gill Bust 32842025 & Liz Alcock 3284 9415.
Find out what the Bible really teaches. Addresses held each Sunday
evening at 7pm, - 2pm on the first Sunday of each month. Join us
on the left side of the Redcliffe jetty, last Saturday of each month,
10:30am. All our activities are totally free, no collections, all your
questions will be truthfully answered. E-mail redcliffeges@ for further information.
CHRISTIAN GROW GROUP meets at Deception Bay Baptist
Church, Cnr. Silver Street and Maine Terrace, Deception Bay,
each Tuesday morning at 9.30 am. Our group welcomes anyone
battling a mental health problem. We use Grow’s long tried and
tested 12 Step Program with practical steps and peer support to
aid in recovery of mental health. For more details, phone Malcolm
on 3888 0594.
CONSUMER ADVOCACY For patients who have endured/enduring
difficulty with current illness/disability or treatments. Jodie from can assist patients with free assistance and
advice, particularly in the area of how to get the most out of the
medical system and the best consumer outcomes. Jodie also speaks
at functions and has a team of consumer consultants who can help
anyone using the healthcare system at
- contact at
COUPLES GROUP for couples aged 45+ who want the enjoyment
of meeting others at friendly dining occasions: an informal bbq,
a golf club lunch, a bistro brunch, a restaurant dinner, a seaside
picnic etc.– wherever we can wine, dine and chat! Enjoy life more
by contacting
every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the Month from 7.00- 8.30PM at
Redcliffe Uniting Church hall, 1 Richens St Redcliffe. Cost $2.00 &
bus pick up a extra $1.00. Phone 3284 6451 for further information.
Saturday at Deception Bay Primary School Music Hall Corner of
King Street & Beauford place at 9:30 am for bible study and 11:am
worship service. Everyone most welcome. Contact Humberto
0738865818 for further information.
until 5.30pm for Meditation, Healing and Service. We also sell
Crystal Gemstones at a very reasonable cost. All enquires contact
Rev Carol Bloor 0418 592 412.
DISCOVERY BAPTIST CHURCH, North Lakes, is a Christian Church
committed to knowing God deeply and making a difference in our
community of North Lakes. We’d love for you to join us for Sunday
worship and God’s Gems (Sunday School) at 9.30 am at The Space –
corner of Lakefield Drive and Endeavour Boulevard, North Lakes. For
other information and activities please visit our website at: www. or contact Pastor Phil Smith: 0430811967.
DRILLDANCE (Redcliffe) SYNERGY offers a sport that is fun
and enjoyed in a team environment. Our aims are to build
self confidence, deportment, fitness, friendship and team
spirit. All ages are welcome. We have teams from 6 to 60. For
further information please contact 0421 3456 14 or view www.
EILDON CROQUET CLUB is an enjoyable club to join and play
croquet. We play 4 forms of croquet, ricochet, golf, association and
gateball. We play Monday ,9:30, Tuesday 8:30, Wed 9:30 Friday,
3:30 and Saturday 8:30. This is a game that all ages can enjoy. We
have 3 members of the gateball team who are children and they
play very well with the adults, hence a great family game. You are
most welcome to phone 3203 7262 or 3283 2924 and arrange to
come along.
FLORAL ART Peninsula Floral Art Group welcome visitors and new
members to join them each month to have fun with flowers. We
are a small group of ladies who enjoy each other's company and
learning the skills of flower arranging. Our meetings are at Red
Cross Rooms Portwood Street Redcliffe on the 2nd Tuesday each
month (February-November) at 9.30am morning tea, 10.00am
workshop and meeting. Enquiries: Pat Spillman Secretary Ph 3284
5795 Email
9.30 – 11am or Tuesday Evening 7 – 8.30pm . All ages. In Deception
Bay, crn Maine tce & Water st. Phone: Susan 04496 63421
caring for your grandchildren full time and would like to join a
friendly group of other grandparents for social support, then give
us a call. We are meeting each Tuesday fortnight with our next
meeting on Tuesday 10th June, 12.30pm to 2.30pm at Redcliffe.
Ring Sheree for details 3284 3081 (9am to 2.30pm Mon to Thurs).
grandparents who raise their grandchildren full-time. We cover all
of the Moreton Bay area. We are only a phone call away for a chat,
advise. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month
(except sch holidays)
in a conference room next to the Caboolture Library known as The
Hub. For information phone Lynn Fielding 0407251274.
GROUP OUTDOOR FITNESS North Lakes This isn't a business it's
just a small group M/F aged between 20ish and 50ish who get
together twice a week in the park in Little Burke Street at North
Lakes to train, Tuesday and Thursday from 6.30pm sessions go for
about an hour, join us and get great encouragement and help, For
more information and questions answered call or txt Bryan on
HER INSTINCT CLUB @ North Lakes If you love sharing your talent,
passion and life in food, writings, music, photography and art etc,
meet us at the new club. Create and collaborate on projects that you
enjoy and we may publish them on our not-for-profit website. Or
simply brainstorm your next big idea with like-minded members
at our gatherings. Dreamers, amateurs and professionals welcome.
Men/women. Email to find out more
JETTY ARCADE FREE CONCERT Redcliffe Surfside Country Variety
second Sunday each month from 9.30a.m.with ROD BRANDT &
his BOUNDARY RIDERS and selected guest artists. Contact Rod &
Colleen on 3885 4347 further details.
JP BOOTH Deception Bay shopping centre 9-12 Mon-Fri 9-1 Sat
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE Run by volunteers, a Justice of
the Peace Service is available at Westfield North Lakes Monday –
Friday 10.30 am -2.30 pm, Thursday Night 6.30 – 8 pm. Saturdays
9.30am – 12 midday. Call Westfield Centre Management 3491
9072 or emergencies only Dept of Justice Brisbane 1300 301 147.
KALLANGUR INDOOR BOWLS Monday Afternoons from 1pm4pm Kallangur Community Centre, Next to the Library on Anzac
Avenue, Kallangur Cost: Only $4 which includes tea, coffee and
biscuits. Come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun. Join a friendly
group who will welcome all new members. Beginners very
welcome. For more information please contact Wyn Carlton on
07 3886 2779
12.30 pm. Thursday Ladies/Mixed 9.30 am. Saturday Open Social
12.30 pm. Large airconditioned function room, private bar facilities
and catering available. Friday night meals at very reasonable prices.
Greens available for barefoot bowls for individual or corporate
groups. Telephone 3285 2267 email:
for more information.
KALLANGUR OVER 50'S SOCIAL CLUB Do you enjoy bingo?
How about bus trips or maybe just a cuppa and a chat with new
friends? Then why not pop into North Leagues Club on a Thursday
morning at 9.30 a.m. and see what we have to offer. New members
welcome. Please phone Gailene 3285 3905 or Val 3410 0112 for
more details.
KIDNEY SUPPORT NETWORK; we are a Support Group for people
with Kidney Disease, including Carers/Families. Our meetings focus
on open discussion and information exchange on all issues relevant
to coping with kidney disease. Meetings take place on alternative
months at Redcliffe RSL (third Wednesday in the month) and
North Lakes Medical Health Precinct (third Tuesday in the month).
All meetings commence at 2pm, Phone: 3204 8666 / 3889 4573 –
visitors always welcome.
KIWIS IN NORTH LAKES I'm thinking of organising a regular coffee
get together for local kiwi mums on a Friday morning at 9.30am.
Location TBC (possibly Mango Hill Tavern as there is a kids club). If
interested, please call me for the details/start date. Would be great
to meet some other local Kiwi's!! Jane. Ph 34822199.
KSP Theatre Inc: is an amateur, not for profit, theatre group
celebrating our 30th year. Cnr Old Bay Rd and Maitland Rd
Burpengary. We welcome new members of all ages who are
interested in any aspect of live theatre. Five productions per year:
pantomimes, comedies, theatre restaurants etc. Family friendly
environment. For information about shows, membership, or to
receive our newsletter please call 38888580.
LADIES 50 - 60S age bracket needed for social tennis, played
at Chermside Rd in Danzy Buchanan Park Mango Hill on Friday
mornings from 8.30 am to 11.30 am please Contact Maureen on
0738892750 or Christine 0732045763 lovely friendly ladies would
welcome you.
LADIES SMALL CARD GROUP Canasta five & pony 50's - 60's age
bracket Wednesday 10am - 3pm North Lakes 3203 1239 Will teach
if needed.
LAWN BOWLS, DECEPTION BAY. Visitors welcome. Tuesday
Open Pairs, 12.30 pm. Thursday Open Club selected, 8.30
am. Kitchen open for lunch and dinner Tuesday to Saturday.
Barefoot bowls and functions available. Phone 32031233. www.
LIFE! CHURCH Sunday 9:30am @ Kallangur State School + once
a month Reach Night. We are a contemporary church where we
enjoy life, great music, friendships & getting to know God in a real
way! For more info go to
help support our local district. We meet on the 1st Thursday of each
month for a Dinner Meeting, 6.00 for 6.30pm for a short meeting
and socializing. Also, on the 3rd Wednesday morning 9.30 for
10.00am for a Business Meeting. Venues will be advised on contact.
Contact Margaret Zonca 5499 0509 or Joy Hynes 5433 0650.
We need your involvement to support the Redcliffe Peninsula
Community. We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month for our
Dinner Meeting 6.30 for 7.00pm. Also on the 3rd Thursday for our
Business Meeting 6.30 for 7.00pm. Venue information available on
contact. Contact Jack Emery (Pres) on 0418 784 410 or Norm Alcock
(Sec) on 0417 714 284.
flourishing Club, supporting the local community. We run the
Redcliffe Showgrounds Community Markets every Sunday from
6am – 11am. We visit the elderly & isolated, and recycle used
spectacles to send to needy countries, plus more! Meetings held
1st & 3rd Tuesdays at Rothwell Hall, Board meeting 2nd Tuesday.
Call 0418 191 578.
Course Starting Soon. “SEASONS” is an adult peer support group.
We offer an opportunity to talk about & explore what happens to
us when we experience significant loss. This program provides an
encouraging and accepting environment in a small, confidential
group. It helps us to affirm and sustain ourselves in difficult times.
Starting 1st September 6pm at Freshwater Anglican Hall, 43 Park
Road, Deception Bay for 6 weekly sessions. For more information
call 38800251 or 0421901737.
MAGS (Middle Aged Girls). Dinner meetings the first and third
Wednesdays of the month at various venues in and around North
Lakes. Married or single, come along and enjoy a meal with an
informal group who enjoy interesting and diverse conversation.
Please phone Barb on 0439764840 for details, please leave a msg
if no instant pick up.
MAKE FRIENDS HAVE FUN with The Moreton Bay Social Group
45 plus. Come along to any of our events such as BBQs, Dancing,
Dining, Shows, Outings, Party Themes, and much more. We
welcome you to meet our friendly Singles and Couples Mondays
from 6pm at Redcliffe Leagues Club for Dinner or Socializing.
Contact Maureen 34918998 or Keith 32846644 or Jen 38803357
MAHJONG. If you are interested in playing Mahjong with a small
group of players in North Lakes, please contact Shirl on 0437 640
holding a Community presentation by the Moreton Bay Rail
Environment Team at 7:30pm on Wed 3rd September at the Mango
Hill Community Hall, Chermside Road, Mango Hill. The team will be
talking about the Environmental work they have been carrying out
as part of the new Rail Link project.
MASONIC MEETINGS Freemasons, and anyone interested
in learning about Freemasonry, wishing to attend a Daylight
Lodge. We meet 9-30am. the fourth Monday of every month at
Freemasons Centre Seaville Av.Scarborough, on the Redcliffe
Peninsula. Our friendly Ladies ,who attend every Luncheon,will
extend a warm welcome to your wife,please bring your wife along.
Phone Les 3888 0739.
MEN'S SHED REDCLIFFE Community is now up and running and
available to All Men, in the area. Activities, or just a cuppa and a yarn
are on offer in this new Shed . The Shed is at The CommunityHouse
1 Laminton Drive , off Oxley Avenue and hours are Mon,Wed,Fri,
9-00am til 1-00pm. Call in for a chat or phone 0490 468 222 and
speak to Wal or Joe
MEN’S SHED The Pine Rivers men’s Shed operates every Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm at our shed, Old
Petrie Town, Dayboro Rd, Kurwongbah. If you like activities such as
woodwork, metalwork, computing, etc and making items for the
community, or if you just enjoy a cuppa and a chat – come along.
All men of any age welcome. For further information contact Sal
32612323 or 0438612324.
On every Wednesday at 7.30pm. Various Topics. 4 Whites Rd Petrie.
For more info call 0411 649 466 or email info@moretonbayecclesia.
quality music for the Moreton Bay region. MBSO performs a
selection of music such as contemporary popular, classical and
large scale symphonic music. Subsidiary groups include a Junior
Strings (under 15), Youth Symphony (under 25), Jazz Band and
Flute Choir. Play an instrument? We are always on the lookout for
more musicians! Like us on Facebook! Email:
au Visit our website at:
MOUSETRAP THEATRE (Redcliffe Showgrounds), is holding a
fundraising Garage Sale & Market Stall day, for both old & new on
Sunday, November 9th, 2014. From 7am to 12noon. For enquiries
or donation of goods - Barb. Wainwright 0421 987 330
the first three Tuesdays of the month at 09:45 am at the Community
Centre, The Corso, North Lakes. On other Tuesdays we meet for
lunches, bus trips and planned outings. Enquiries please phone:
Julie, 3886 4552; Kay, 0434 940970; or Carmen, 3491 9410. All
The Messenger 50
A free service provided by The Messenger for community, social & non-profit organisations
NORTH LAKES RLFC AGM Friday 28th November 2014 7.30Pm
At 27 Grampion Cct North Lakes. Nominations to be forked to by 26th November.
NORTH LAKES UNITING CHURCH has a family service with
children’s Sunday School each Sunday at 9.30am at The Lakes
College, cnr College Street and Discovery Drive, North Lakes. All
welcome. Contact Carla Rees on 0421 277 175 or Keith Lewis on
0408 617 702 or email
PENINSULA ANIMAL AID is an animal refuge shelter for rescued
dogs and cats. The shelter is located at Clontarf on the Redcliffe
peninsula and is solely run by volunteers and has been operating
since 1971. If you would like more information about adopting
an animal, volunteering, becoming a member or attending our
monthly meetings, please phone 3284 1927 or go to our website
THE PENINSULA HERB GROUP meets every third Saturday
in The Wallum Centre at the Redcliffe Botanic Gardens, Henzell
St Redcliffe. Meetings start at 1:30, we welcome all visitors and
anyone interested in herbs. For any enquires please ring the
secretary on 32843279 or herb garden coordinator on 32831828.
PINE RIVERS SLIMMERS CLUB. Trying to lose weight? Need
Help? Join us every Wednesday morning at the Lions Hall, Lawnton
Showgrounds from 8.15am – 9.45am. Joining fee $12. Weekly fee
$3. For a relaxed social atmosphere, friendly support, nutritional
advice, recipes and competitions. 30years+ in the operating in the
shire. Contact Chris 3285 2949
PENINSULA SOCIAL GOLF CLUB welcomes both male and female
golfers of any level, with or without an AGU Handicap. Peninsula
Social Golf Club plays at a variety of courses with both single and
team events, has an annual dinner and presentation evening and
a weekend end of year trip. Any golfers interested can contact Club
Secretary Noel Price 0413 781 830 www.peninsulasocialgolfclub.
1st & 3rd Sundays at 10am Strathpine Gardens Community Hall Cnr
Nicol Way and Turner Drv, Brendale. For all infomation regarding
services, Ring Rev Rosina 076393 1969 or 0416002195
PINE RIVERS SPIRITUAL CHURCH will be having a Physic Fair
on the 13 Sept, there will be Tarot card and clairvoyant readers,-a
Physic Artist,channelled healing, sausage sizzle and stalls-For more
information ring Deborah on 32699778 or 0402510424
PINE RIVERS VIEW Club meets on the third Wednesday of each
month for lunch at Murrumba Downs Tavern,Murrumba Downs.
Interesting speaker. On the first Wednesday of each month we have
an outing to a place of interest. Ladies come and meet new friends.
Visitors welcome. Phone Sandra 3425 2738 and Joy 32855989
PLAYGROUP MANGO HILL. Every Friday 9.30-10.30am (except
school holidays) for families of children planning to attend Mango
Hill State School. Indoor and outdoor play, music and story time
for children aged 2-5 with their parents/carers. Program led and
facilitated by a teacher. All activities are free! Come along and
get to know others in our caring school community. For further
information contact Carmel Murphy on or
ring 3482 8111 during school hours.
PLAYTIME ROTHWELL Thursday 9am -11am Mueller College A
Block Morris Road. Suitable for children aged 0 to 4. Operates during
school terms. Enjoy a cuppa and a chat with other adults while the
children interact, playing with toys and doing craft. Shared morning
tea is on a roster basis. Gold coin donation each week. Provided by
Mueller Community Church. Contact Isabel on 3897 2869
P.U.B.S Home brew beer club, meets last Tuesday of every month
at Kruger Hall, Kallangur at 7pm, for advice, comps and everything
home brew, new members welcome, for more info call Greg on
PULSE YOUTH is the youth program of Life! Church. Come check
out the craziest games, pumping music, hear a great word, be
part of a connect group and make amazing friends! Every Friday
night, 6-8.15pm Kallangur State School Hall, School Rd, Kallangur!
For more info contact Scott & Miriam on 0413905336 or youth
PROBUS CLUB OF REDCLIFFE Inc. meets on the second Monday
of the month at the Redcliffe Golf Club, Handsworth St., Clontarf,
9.30am for 10am. For further information contact Maureen, phone
3284 3772.
the second Tuesday of every month. Medical professionals speak
at each meeting and is an opportunity to talk to these as well as
other men and their partners affected by the disease. Partners of
men attend regularly. Meetings start at 6.30pm at the Education
Centre of Redcliffe Hospital. All men, partners and family members
are welcome to attend. More info contact Fred Travis on 3480 5904
or 0404 495 898.
QUEEN'S BEACH INDOOR BOWLS Club Inc. Monday 7.15pm
Thursday afternoon 1.15 pm Church Hall cnr. Griffith Road. & Prince
Edward Pde.Scarborough.
QUOTA INTERNATIONAL CLUB of North Lakes meets at North
Lakes Health Precinct on the second Monday of each month at
6.30pm for a light supper followed by our meeting at 7.00pm. If
you would like new friendships, share in our local community and
support international projects, give us a call. For more information
on the work that we do and be involved with this great club, call
Glynis 3491-6248 or Val 3385-0661.
RAINBOW EVOLUTION New Age Kids Fair January 17 &18
2015 9am - 4pm Kruger Hall Kallangur, Penson Park, Ann Street,
Kallangur An opportunity for kids to engage in Drumming,
Yoga, Aura Art, Candles, Learn Henna, Make a Dream Catcher
and Mandala and so much more. Wonderful markets. Gold Coin
Donation with proceeds going to a children's charity. www.
Friday each month at 10-00 a.m. for 10-30 a.m. in the “Kokoda
Room “ of the Redcliffe R.S.L. Club. Phone secretary Lynette on
3204 1678
REDCLIFFE CITY CHOIR practises weekly in the Rothwell area,
Monday nights from 7:15 - 9:30pm. We sing a range of music from pop, folk and jazz to classical and light opera. Most pieces are
in four-part harmony. New members are always welcome! More
information phone 3385 9778 or 3889 5789.
REDCLIFFE CITY LIONESS CLUB meets on the 1st & 3rd Mondays
at 6.30pm at the Woody Pt Hall, Redcliffe. Make new friends &
support local community projects. New members welcome. For
further information contact Noelene on 3293 1222 or Trish on 3284
3498 or 040 7117212
Showgrounds Scarborough Rd. Socials : 3Rd.Sunday 1.00P.M. 4Th
Friday Night 7.30.P.M. Quality Guest Artists & Walk-Ups. Contact
Trudi on 3284 7609. All Welcome: Entry $ 4.00.
REDCLIFFE DEMONS RUGBY UNION invite members for the 2015
season. A Grade, Colts & Veterans (35+). All persons experienced
or interested in being involved as coach, trainer, players, medic,
strapper, volunteers. Learn skills, make friends & stay fit whilst
competing at the highest level. Redcliffe Rugby training at Ray
Frawley Fields Silcock St Clontarf. Details www.redclifferugby. Mark 0423214202
open to anyone wishing to research their ancestors. Our Library
contains over 600 books, microfiches, CD’s and computer access.
Help is always available, with tea, coffee and a friendly chat. We
meet every Tues & Thurs morning 9.30 am till 12.30 pm, and one
Mon evening a month by appointment, at the Scout Hut, Isobell
Street, Clontarf. Contact 3293 0567, or email RDFHG2012@gmail.
month, 10.30am, Meeting Room Redcliffe RSL, Irene St, Redcliffe.
Exservicewomen of all ages from all services welcome to share
social comradeship with others. Phone Wendy on 3880 2602 for
more details.
members and visitors to attend our meetings which are held on
the second Friday of the month at 2pm, at the Meeting Room of
Redcliffe Library. Our monthly guest speakers highlight many
interesting aspects of Redcliffe area history. All are welcome to
enjoy the meeting and afternoon tea. Enquiries to Secretary Stella
Burnell on 0431578430. email
Web address
REDCLIFFE LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets on the 2nd Thursday
every month at The Bramble Bay Bowls Club, Hornibrook/Victoria,
Woody Point at 9.30am for 10.00am. Enjoy morning tea, a guest
speaker and outings. Visitors welcome. Contact Margaret 3284
Prince Edward Parade, every Wednesday night from 6.30-10.30 pm.
Band music to modern and new vogue dancing. New participants
most welcomed. Supper provided. Theme nights throughout the
year. Singles, new dancers and all abilities welcomed. Non profit
Cultural Centre Redcliffe in the Schillam Room at 10am on the first
Tuesday of the month. Cost is $2 and morning tea is supplied. For
more information please contact Dot 54 95 1335.
REDCLIFFE PENINSULA POETS Group meet on the first Tuesday
of the month at the Redcliffe Cultural Centre 7pm in the Winton
room. Everyone is welcome to come along. Read your own poetry
or some from a book! Our next concert is December 3rd- 10am
Cultural Centre Redcliffe $6.50 “Christmas Celebrations”. Lots of
Laughs and fun- I’m sure you will enjoy the morning. President
Janice 3889 4701
of each month at the Kokoda Room, Redcliffe RSL, Irene ST. Redcliffe
at 10.30am. New members most welcome. Contact President Bob
Ph. 3467 3091 or Secretary Ray 3203 2611
the community? Fancy joining one of the most iconic Australian
organisations? Ever thought of learning lifesaving skills? Situated
at Suttons Beach, Redcliffe, we run a nipper program for those aged
between 5 and 13 every Sunday between the months of September
and March. Call 32844105 or go to
REDCLIFFE PENINSULA VIEW CLUB Ladies, come and join an
organisation that provides friendship and fun while supporting
disadvantaged school students through the Smith Family’s
‘Learning for Life’ programme. We meet at the Moreton Bay Boat
Club, Bird O’ Passage Parade, Scarborough on the second Thursday
of the month at 10am. We have interesting speakers each
meeting as well as social activities through the month. Phone
Robyn on 3293 6003 for more information.
REDCLIFFE RSL SUB-BRANCH General Meetings of the SubBranch every two months on the third Sunday of the month
at 10.30 am. We also conduct interviews for Service pensions,
disabilities and Advocacy claims covering Service personnel,
police and cadets. For appointments call 3889 4872.
4020. Membership $8 with joining fee $2.Activities table/tennis
Auction Bridge, Indoor Bowls, Concerts, Hoy, Snooker, Dancing
twice a week, amd other Activities plus Bus trips. Contact 3284 1366
REDCLIFFE SNOOKER CLUB Inc. Meets every Monday 5.00pm at
our new Clubrooms, 1 Bowling Green Lane, Redcliffe for a social
competition. We have 4 snooker tables and the rooms are also open
to visitors 10.00am to 4.00pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday
for a practice hit. Costs are $2.00 per hour per person with partnerfor further information please ring Garry Wardle 0414722189 or
3 (down the back) 124-130 Oxley Avenue, Woody Point (near
Ellen Street), on the first Friday of each month, at 7.30 pm. We
explore theosophy, Alice Bailey writings, poetry of Rumi, holistic
psychology of Carl Jung, the I Ching, Taoism and Zen, Feng Shui,
Tibetan Buddhism, progressive Christianity, sacred sites, music,
prayer, meditation and so on. All welcome. Tel: 3283 8386.
REDCLIFFE TABLE TENNIS ASSOC INC offers a social atmosphere
and has a range of players from beginners to very experienced. The
club is located at Clontarf High School Gymnasium in Isobel Street,
Clontarf every Friday night from 7.30pm. Quality Stiga tables and
3 star balls are provided and bats are available for use by casual
visitors. Charges are very reasonable. For further information
contact Terry on 0407007143 or email
REDCLIFFE TPI SUB BRANCH meets on the first Monday of every
month, 9.30 a.m. at the Redcliffe Bridge Club Rooms in Irene
Street Redcliffe (next to the RSL). All TPI, Special Rate Pensioners,
prospective members and Spouses are invited to attend. Further
information available from Mick Karolak on 3283 1721 or Pedro
Newman on 3889 5704.
ST JOHN AMBULANCE Moreton bay Cadets and Adults ages 8
and up meet Thursdays from 6:30pm at the Redcliffe SES hall 35
– 41 Portwood Street Redcliffe. For more information contact the
Divisional Manager on 0402 895 206
SATURDAY MORNING BICYCLE RIDE in and around north lakes.
I am seeking riders utilizing bike lanes and bikeways in a safe
and friendly environment. 7am starts with a coffee/ drink break.
beginners and intermediate riders, not setting any land speed
records just enjoying the great infrastructure of north lakes. Phone
Dean at Allsorts- BERG ph 0431286322
SCOUTS offers an exciting and adventure filled learning
environment for youth members. Interested? Kallangur Scout
Group invites boys and girls from age 6 upwards to join in the fun.
For further info contact the Group Leader Chris on 0404 438014.
SENIORS WEEK Ye Olde Brass RSL Memorial Band Redcliffe
Cordially Invites Yoy and Your Friends to the Annual Fish & Chip
Concert on Tuesday 12th August at 10.30 AM at Redcliffe RSL
Kakoda Room Admission $9.90.
SINGLE MUMS MEET UP. To meet like minded people in a public
place; let the kids have a play and have the opportunity to make
new friendship. A time to share a positive attitude and have a good
time. Meet every second Tuesday morning at 9.30 And every last
saturday of the month at 10 am. At the Caboolture park. Centenery
lake Start Tuesday the 18 of march. Bring a blanket, a healthy picnic
and come to socialise with or without your kids if it is an off week.
contact Wendy: 0409238880 Facebook: Single Mum, Single Dad
and Empowered
SINGLE SENIORS OVER 60yo in Moreton Bay area. Would you be
interested in joining a small social group of single men and women?
We've all experienced the times when we would like to dine out,
see a movie, have a picnic, see a show etc etc but maybe not on our
own!! So why not join our group and share company. If interested,
please email Kate at
QCWA Hall, Anzac Ave., Kallangur on Friday mornings at 9 am.
NEW MEMBERS WELCOME. For more information please contact
Joy 3865 6364, Bev. 3882 4598 or Gail 3204 4163.
SMALL CARAVAN AND MOTORHOME group for single travellers
that own a caravan or motorhome that like to travel and be part of
a group .enjoy trips and social outings. Over 55 years old. Enquiries
SMALL DOG CARER’S CLUB Meet other dog lovers and socialise
your small dog with other small dogs. Join the club and have your
dog lovingly cared for while you are on holidays, no need to use a
kennel. We meet once a month on the first Monday of the month.
New members (retired or semi- retired) are welcome. Phone Kevin
on 3881 1282.
SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL Moreton North Inc. is a global
voice for women representing 90,000 members in 126 countries.
Our projects assist women and girls to access education and
leadership opportunities, health care and human rights locally
and internationally. Regular meetings and social events are held
throughout the Moreton Bay Region. Contact Caryl 0417 730 155 or
Audrey on 0402776840 Email www.
Lakes” facebook page to connect with fellow South Africans in the
North Lakes and Surrounding areas. Contact Catherine for more
information. 0406781261 or
Network will meet at 1.00pm on Wednesday 5 November at the
Kallangur Memorial Bowls Club, 1351 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur.
Guest speaker will be Tony from Home Assist. New members
welcome. For more information phone Spinal Injuries Australia
on 3391 2044
STAMP CLUB, Redcliffe & Districts, meets on the second Saturday
each month (ex Jan) in the meeting room of the Redcliffe Library,
Oxley Ave, starting at 1.30 pm. Please ring Merv Hurse on 3204
6095 to confirm meeting details.
STRATHPINE TOUGHLOVE Parent Support Group can help you
find solutions to the problems you face. Build your knowledge,
skills, and confidence to tackle problems effectively. Meetings held
each Thursday at 7pm. Call 3856 3211 or
au for more information.
SUPPORT FOR PARENTS Concerned about your teen’s behaviour?
Don’t know what to do? You're not alone. A lot of parents are facing
problems just like yours.
SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN. Men Supporting Men Inc. meets at
the new Neighbourhood Centre, 9 George St, Caboolture (opposite
the Caboolture State School) every Thursday from 6:45pm-10pm.
The group encourages self awareness in a safe and supportive
environment. Any man is welcome to attend. Enquiries: Allan
5497 4022 or Paul 0401 625 141 up to 9pm.
SUPPORT GROUP for women battling their poker machine
addiction. I am dealing with a pokies addiction and am on my way
to beating it. One thing I always wanted was someone to talk to
who understood. This group is not therapy or a cure but a chance
to share our experiences and, maybe, help each other beat our
addiction. Meet Wednesday evenings 7.30pm, Redcliffe. Please
email me for details.
SWIMMING CLUB Would your child like to learn how to race and
participate in swimming meets? If your child can swim a minimum
of 25m join us for a free introductory club night (conditions apply).
Year-round, indoor heated 50m pool. www.australiancrawl. or phone Shane 0410 468 205 or Jane 0403
859 185
TEAR Groups are local groups that meet to discuss issues relating
to poverty and injustice in Australia and overseas and to advocate
on the behalf of disempowered and poor people – most often
the poorest of the poor. A Christian Justice Group, meets locally
on the first Monday of each month from 7pm-9pm. If you care
about poverty, injustice and advocacy for the poorest of the poor
then please join us. Phone Di on 073888 0571 or 04-08881507 for
details of meetings.
TUESDAY CLUB INC. Meets 10am 2nd Tuesday of the Month at
Scarborough Boat Club.New Members welcome.Our Op Shop is
now in Sutton Street cnr Commino's Arcade Redcliffe, for more
information Contact Maree 3204 1015; Loela 3284 4167.
U3A REDCLIFFE INC. provides an educational environment for
people in the third stage of life. It holds a variety of classes run by
volunteer tutors. A subscription of $20 per year applies and a small
fee for each class of $2. Computer classes are $30 for 8 weeks. Make
enquiries at the office on Level 1, 157-159 Sutton Street or call 3284
2687 email More information is on the
net at
supportive, not for profit group aimed at assisting people solve the
problem of being overweight. We meet every Tuesday morning
from 8:30 am at the Rothwell Community Hall, Morris Rd, Rothwell.
Tel: 3204-0870 or Mob: 0424 671 554
WORLD HARVEST MINISTRIES. You are invited to our Sunday
worship services 9am and 6.30pm! Come and experience the
presence and power of God! Let your life be transformed, receive
healing in your body, soul and spirit. Learn about God’s truth. We
teach the uncompromised Word of God. Families welcome! 53
Telegraph Road, Bald Hills. Tel: World Harvest Ministries 3261 4555.
YE OLDE BRASS RSL Memorial Band Redcliffe inc cordially invites
you and your friends to our Annual Christmas Carol Concert to be
held at the Redcliffe RSL Kakoda Room on Sunday 14th December
2014 commencing at 1.45 PM. Admission is FREE and Santa will be
there. A Raffle will be held to help cover costs.
YOUTH GROUP The Salvation Army, Redcliffe Come join us on the
1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 7 til 9 pm and enjoy a mass
of activities from old school video games to ping pong and movies.
We are located on Ashmole Road, Redcliffe (Turn left off Anzac
Ave). Check out for contact information
and further details.
ZONTA CLUB REDCLIFFE Membership is open to all women
who are actively involved in business and professions. Meetings
are held on the 4th Monday at each month. Interested? Further
information may be obtained by contacting info@zontaredcliffe. Or: 0457426806
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For Sale
Position Wanted
Give Away
Wanted to Buy
Garage Sales
Garage Sale - Sat 1 Nov. from 7am to
12 noon 15 Redcedar St. North Lakes.
Furniture, tools, household items
Position Available
Managing Canteen Convenor Mango
Hill State School. Start 2015. 3 Days/
week 8am to 2pm. Applications close
07/11/14. Email for information pack. PH. 07
3482 8111.
Lost and found
Public Notice
Classified advertising deadline is Thursday morning one week prior
Email then Call Nick in accounts on 1300 300 608 with credit card details.
• Garage sales $8.80 inc gst for one week
• Classifieds $16.50 inc gst for two weeks
For reasons of recourse, we don’t edit your submission, please supply in plain text and double check the details, spelling,
grammar and punctuation.
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mega Maze