GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE One Spirit in Christ 31 Oct 2014 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 From the Principal’s Desk... Dear Parents / Carers / Students When times are difficult we can lose the goodness in the bad around us. I think it was Albert Einstein who said that dark could only be measured as an absence of light and cold as a lack of warmth. In that thought we should see that we need to look harder for the good as it is there in great amounts. Unfortunately it is clouded in what we see on TV, read in papers or are subjected to with reality shows and social media. This week the Awards Night showed us the goodness of the College. A full house bore witness to the achievements of students in a range of areas. Our staff were there to celebrate what we do. As a Catholic College we look forward with optimism and our work, when in trouble, is restorative. Our world seems to act with violence to resolve issues and we see angry people angry at everyone around them. Our TV supports the idea that revenge and violence are the best method to solve a problem. As a College we try to tread a different path and this can be misunderstood. Restorative justice is concerned with accepting responsibility for what has happened, not using the common phrase it was not my fault. Punishment without forgiveness can scar a person for life. As a College we are guided by legislation for the protection of children. These laws came about to ensure that should we see something amiss or are given information concerning our students it is not ignored. Too often this happened in the past sometimes with devastating consequences. This legislation is strong and it cannot be ignored. We are required to report possible harm to the relevant authorities. We do not seek to judge or investigate (unless directed to do so). The law is clear on our responsibility to report. In this way we hope to 2014 Term Dates ABSENTEE PHONE LINE 4063 5300 If your child is sick/absent please phone before 9am on the day of absence. Help us to know where your child is for his/her safety. Term 1 Start : Year 8 & 12 – Tuesday 28 January Start : Whole School – Wednesday 29 January Finish : Friday 4 April Term 2 Start : Tuesday 22 April Finish : Friday 27 June Term 3 Start : Monday 14 July Finish : Friday 19 September Term 4 Start : Tuesday 7 October Finish : Year 12—Wednesday 19 November Year 12 Graduation— Friday 21 November Finish : Years 8-11 Friday 28 November GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE From the Principal’s Desk … cont... avoid the significant problems of the past. It is important that we set clear guidelines for our children. When we do, our society benefits with people able to understand we can have a free and moral world. I commend the Council for the “Street Party” being run as a drug and alcohol free event. A recent 4 Corners programme investigated the increase in the use of the drug ice in country towns in Victoria. Unfortunately it is not just a problem in Victoria. This is truly evil drug that steals the ability of the brain to be naturally happy. In doing so it becomes brutally addictive. Where there is a lack of goodness we must strive to be good and to do as Jesus and Mary did. As a College we look to and acknowledge the good in our students and when things go wrong we try to keep them in the fold through restorative practices and forgiveness. I look forward to continuing to work with you One Spirit in Christ. …………………………………... Paul Keenan PRINCIPAL Accounts ... Just a friendly reminder that Term 4 fees and levies are due on 6th November and all accounts should be cleared by the end of the term, unless alternative arrangements have been agreed upon with the Principal or the Accounts Officer. Secondly, Tickets to the Graduation Dinner and DVD payments need to be finalised by Friday, 7th November for catering and ordering purposes. Page 2 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Mission Matters ... Page 3 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Mission Matters ... DAY FOR DANIEL Today is Day for Daniel. This day is about empowering children with life skills to keep safe. “Wear Red and Educate” is the catch-cry. As a lasting legacy to Daniel, people from all walks of life have stood tall and said that crimes against children have no place in modern Australia. Day for Daniel is a National Day of Action where schools, businesses and community groups across Australia promote child safety and deliver safety messages to children and parents. Day for Daniel is the largest child safety awareness day of its type in Australia. In recent years more than 1 million Australians joined with us in protecting children. The Daniel Morcombe Foundation has released an app that we should all download, as part of their safety campaign ‘Help Me’ Emergency Mobile Phone APP. This App is a great way to not only help keep kids safe, but assist people of all ages, from 7 to 97, covering all kinds of personal emergency situations! The 'Help Me' button sends an emergency text with GPS location details to two nominated mobile numbers as part of your trusted safety network and has a number of other unique features including safety tips and note filing. For further information: HAPPY WORLD TEACHERS DAY! to all teachers in our community. We also acknowledge our parents on this day, as the first teachers of their children. Have a Happy Day! Prayer for World Teachers Day By: Dr. Anthony Cuschieri Gracious God stay with us with your enabling Spirit, guiding us as we lead our students towards your kingdom. We accomplish in our lifetime only a fraction of the magnificent work of your creation. We lay foundations that will need further development. We plant seeds that one day will grow; we water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise; we provide yeast that produces effects far beyond our capabilities. This is what we are about. We cannot do everything and we feel liberated by this realization. Our work may be incomplete but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for your Grace to enter and do the rest. Keep us faithful to your mandate to love and serve others as your son Jesus has taught us. Amen. (Adapted from Archbishop Oscar Romero's "Creating the Church of Tomorrow") TEAM TIMOR 2015 The Timor Leste Immersion program is run as a part of the Good Counsel College Mission Outreach. It is one of numerous charitable works which are run to engage students with the Mission of care for others and those less fortunate than ourselves. Whilst Good Counsel College engages in a number of outreach activities which raise awareness and funds to support those in our local communities and the wider Australain community, the Timor Leste immersion program seeks to assist and raise awareness of a near neighbour. Page 4 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Mission Matters ... The Timor Leste Program has been developed to enhance the educational opportunities of our students, and to assist others in genuine need, and as such is an important component in the living of the College Mission Statement : ‘Faithful to the Mission of the Church, Good Counsel College educates students to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge to live as free and moral people in a complex world. Within our community we encourage, by word and example, a sensitivity to diversity, the growth of spirituality, a sense of self worth and respect for others, and the striving to give of one’s best.’ TRASH AND TREASURE STALL AT THE RED CROSS MARKETS—15TH NOVEMBER 2014 We have Clothes, Kitchenware, Chairs, Books, Nick Nacs and other assorted Treasures. Come along and bag a treasure - We hope to see you there. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO SUPPLYING FOOD AND EDUCATION MATEREIALS FOR CHILDEN IN EAST TIMOR (TIMOR LESTE) Thank you for your support. If you have any items that you would like to donate to this fundraising initiative, please leave them at the College office for next month’s market. DATE CLAIMER St Vincent de Paul – Launch of the Christmas Appeal 2014 – 5th November 2014. The Vinnies Christmas Appeal runs annually throughout November to February to support the people that will suffer in silence and will be doing it tough over the Christmas period. This Appeal aims to provide much needed help from practical assistance to food hampers, emotional support, toys and gifts for children, individuals and families so they too can experience the joy of Christmas. It has become a Good Counsel College tradition to hold a food hamper and toy collection every year at Christmas time. To donate items, you cay place them under the Christmas Tree in the College foyer. This is another way in which we can show our Marist hearts and love of family to others. Please note that all items and funds raised by the Good Counsel College, St Nicholas Conference supports our local area communities. God’s Richest Blessings to you all. May God Always Hold You Safely In The Palm Of His Hand. Mrs Debra Withnall Deputy Principal—Mission Page 5 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Student Matters ... The DAY FOR DANIEL this week is an annual event initiated by the Daniel Morcombe Foundation whose aim is to promote safety awareness for children both in schools and the wider community. The Foundation was established in 2005 by Denise and Bruce Morcombe following the tragic fatal abduction of their 13 year old son Daniel, in December 2003. At the College we take the safety of your children very seriously and we work continuously to maintain this. We ask that you support us in this area by monitoring your teenager’s use of the internet. As parents, we have many and varied roles placed upon us and the monitoring of kids on computers has definitely been added to the ever growing role as the technological world spirals ahead. It is very easy for someone to build a picture of your child’s habits, details and internet communications. Kids are very trusting and often choose to ignore guidelines when consequences seem far off or unlikely. It is important to remind your son or daughter of the responsibility that they have to not offend others in the community and that they should discipline themselves with the access to material that is available and information that they give out. Thank you for continuing to work with us on this one aspect of Child Safety. Mrs Amanda Webb Deputy Principal—Administration Curriculum ... This week we have had our annual Awards Night – a wonderful celebration of the excellence and diligence of so many of our students. On this night we acknowledge the achievements of our students throughout the year. At Good Counsel College we strive at all times to provide the young people in our care with the means of achieving their full potential in life. The focus is on three areas: academic achievement; a deepening of faith; and responsible participation in society. It is on such occasions that we are reminded of the breadth and depth of not just the talent, but also the collective social conscience of our school. All students who received awards are to be congratulated for their efforts in 2015. The last few weeks of the school year are set to be possibly the busiest – as always. The Year 12 students will sit their last exams from the 12th to 18th November, and doubtless are looking forward to the end of their time at school. Whilst the prospect of Graduation is very exciting, it is also important for students to keep their focus on their last assessment items to ensure that they maintain their hard-earned grades. Exam timetables for all year levels will be distributed shortly and will be available on the College website. Mrs AnnMarie Arnold Deputy Principal—Curriculum Page 6 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 V.E.T and Careers ... Get out there This is an interactive website that provides information for young people on a range of activities related to finishing secondary school. The site can be found at Some of the topics covered are listed below. Get your money under control Buying a car Higher education Get set for schoolies The job hunt Get healthy Need help to start your own business? ENYA runs a toll free advice line service for young people who need advice and information about starting their own business. Visit to find out more. Anywhere Anytime - an interactive experience with the RAAF The ‘Anywhere Anytime’ film provides an insight into over 60 jobs in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). Access the film from the home page at Graduate pilot scheme (Female) Entry to this scheme is open to women who are currently undertaking the B Aviation at Griffith University. Successful applicants will not have to pay for their flying training. They will also be reimbursed their HECS debt and have a guaranteed job in the Air Force. Find out more at The UQ Toolkit – This is a collection of helpful web pages for UQ students, especially new students. It includes: Dictionary of UQ terminology (this can help you understand the language of university study) Key dates (lists important dates for the current year) MyAdviser (provides information on the processes you are likely to encounter when studying at UQ) UQ Answers (has a section for future students to answer questions about studying at UQ) Visit for more useful UQ web pages. Online courses for the hospitality and construction industries Narbil Training and Consulting Services offer the following online courses that may be of interest to school leavers seeking full or part-time employment. National Construction Induction ‘White Card’ – Work Safely In The Construction Industry - $39 for students Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Provide Responsible Gambling Services Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures Implement Food Safety Procedures Visit the Narbil website at for more information. Positions for school-leavers: Applications can be made to for a 3 day position as teller, starting in December (12 month contract) Positions at Tully & South Johnstone Mills are closing in the next week so please ensure applications are submitted on time Page 7 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 V.E.T and Careers ... VET Information Evening Students in Years 9 & 10 who indicated they were taking a VET certificate course in 2015 should have received an invitation by mail to a VET Information evening on Monday 3rd November in F7 at 7pm. We will introduce the VET teachers/trainers and explain why/how VET certificates differ from academic subjects. We look forward to seeing interested parents and students there. Congratulations Congratulations to Dayne and Aaron Bertuolo for being our VET students of the year. Between them they have completed 14 different certificate courses. Our Trainee student of the year is Michael Petersen who is currently doing his traineeship with ANZ bank. Our best wishes to our Year 12 students and hoping you will remain focused as the finishing line comes into view. Mrs Marcelle Foster (VET & Career Co-ordinator) Page 8 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Snowies Trip 2014 ... Over the September school holidays, students from our school participated in the GCC Snowie’s trip which included an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their development as responsible and informed citizens. To assist with the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government contributes funding for students under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program toward those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion. It was a pleasure to take these young men and women away on such a trip and it is a tribute to them that everywhere we went, they were complimented on their respectful behaviour. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff, who gave up 10 days of their holidays to accompany the tour. Robyn Ryan Tour Leader Bradley Park & Monique Bruschi Snowies Trip 2014 Page 9 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Sports Awards Presentation Evening ... The Principal, Staff & Students of Good Counsel College request the pleasure of your company At the Sporting Awards Presentation Evening On Friday 7th November 2014 @ 6.00pm for 6.30pm start In the Shamrock Room, Brothers Leagues Club, Innisfail Ticket price - $15 p/person Available from the College Accounts Office. 4063 5300 / Dress Code: Students (College Formal Uniform) - Parents (Smart Casual) Page 10 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Youth Street Party ... Page 11 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Art Exhibition—5 November ... Page 12 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Graduation ... The Graduation Assembly will be held on the 19th November commencing at 9.00 am and followed by a morning tea with families, staff and graduates. All are welcome to attend this memorable occasion. Following the assembly, Students must attend a mass rehearsal prior to leaving the College. The Graduation mass will follow at 6:30pm at the Mother of Good Counsel church. All students are to be in attendance in full school uniform. The formal will be held at the Pullman Reef Casino in Cairns on Friday 21st of November. Please arrive by 5.00pm. Information has been sent home via students and email to parents. If you have any queries, please call: Mrs Robyn Ryan—Year 12 Coordinator (4063 5300). FREE Dental Care ... Dear Parents and Guardians The Queensland Government has changed the eligibility for Children's access to free dental care through the School Dental Service. Who is eligible? Children who are.... 4 years old; In grades prep to 10; in grades 11 and 12 who have a Pension or Health Care Card; or have left school and not yet turned 18 with a Pension or a Health Care Card Should you wish your child to have a Dental Check up and follow up treatment if required, please phone the Innisfail School Dental Clinic (at the Hospital) for an appointment on : 4016 0518 Our opening hours are 8.00am-4.30pm Monday to Friday Appointments are allocated 8.30am-3.00pm daily Parental Consent Forms are attached. Page 13 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Counsellor’s Corner ... Now that the end of the school year is rapidly approaching, I thought it might be a good time to revisit some tips for studying more effectively. The importance of finding a balance A good balance between studying and relaxing maximises the effectiveness of your study. Therefore, it is important to find the right balance when you’re studying so that you don’t overdo things. However, if you are relaxing too much it can mean that you’re not getting enough study done. Finding a balance between study and relaxation will lessen the chance of you becoming completely stressed and overwhelmed by all of the stuff that you need to get done. Relaxation has a positive effect on your ability to learn, recall information, think clearly and focus. Finding a good balance involves studying effectively so that you can get all of your work done and still have the time to fit in a good amount of relaxation every day. How do I study effectively? Effective study not only means studying for the right amount of time, but having techniques to ensure that the work you are doing is useful and productive. There are some things you can do when you sit down to study to make the most of the study session: Make a study schedule. Write down exactly how long you are going to study for and specific objectives that you want to achieve in that time. The schedule should be comprehensive enough so that you are sure you will get everything done in time. Make sure you factor in time for breaks, which leads onto the next point… Take regular breaks. Everyone works differently, however some people find it really helpful to take a short break every hour. Take note: a short break means five minutes or so, not enough time to watch an entire season of your favourite TV show. Try to figure out the ratio of break to study that works best for you. Remove distractions. It can help to set up a study environment that is separate to where you relax and do the things you enjoy. It’s probably wise to remove your mobile phone and laptop because, let’s face it, Facebook and Angry Birds can probably wait. If you need your laptop to study, it’s a good idea to disconnect it from the Internet first. Make yourself accountable to someone else. Sometimes it helps to set study goals with a friend. You can tell each other what you want to have achieved at the end of an hour, and when time’s up you can check in to see how they went. Don’t freak out if you study differently to others. With time you’ll figure out the study method that works best for you and you’ll eventually just fall into the swing of things. Once you’ve finished doing everything in your study schedule, it’s officially you-time. Now you can relax in whatever way works best for you and fits in to your lifestyle. Some suggestions for relaxation activities you can try include: Going for a walk. Taking some time out and really focusing on what’s happening around you. You can people watch or go to a park/outside place and enjoy the fresh air. Listening to some music you really like. Music has an impact on our heart rate, so quieter, less intense music is more likely to help you chill out. Going fishing. Playing your favourite sport Taking a bath Going to a movie or a DVD Page 14 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Counsellor’s Corner … cont ... Focusing your attention on a puzzle Reading a book Learning yoga or meditation Practicing meditation You should ideally have some relaxation time like this every, single day of the week. Theresa Brosnan—School Counsellor Ph.40 635300 Email: Tutoring / Homework Help ... MATHS ENGLISH Where : C4 Where : C5 Monday & Wednesday 3.10pm to 4.00pm Wednesday 3.10pm to 4.00pm Free Maths Tuition at the College is now available for all students. Free English Tuition at the College is now available for all students. Any parents or carers who wish to have their children attend tuition are encouraged to email : Any parents or carers who wish to have their children attend tuition are encouraged to email : Mr Tom Neilson , or Mr Jamaal Sugars Dr Alison Clifton, or Please note that alternative travel home arrangements for students attending tuition will need to be arranged by parents or carers. Page 15 Please note that alternative travel home arrangements for students attending tuition will need to be arranged by parents or carers. “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Results for ICAS English Competition—2014 Year 10 Merits Ayman Adiat Kane Spannagle Credits Ashleigh De Buck Louis Del-Sal Milla Jackson Shang Kimber Jake McGuiness Emma Nardone Year 11 Merits Thomas Darveniza Brenna Lindsay Bianca Snodgrass Maria Taifalos Credits Sarah Donges Liam Ghietti Matilda price Laken Ruddell Brielle Smith Jazlen Sugars Distinctions Dominique Trueman Jack McKinstry Ethan Devereux-Phillips Year 12 Merits Emily Anderson Eva Blakemore Nicole Colgrave Sinead Cristaudo Diane Delgado Lachlan Duffy Sean Gillan Credits Ivana Bilic Joe Blazely-Kelly Luke Calcagno Simon Cristaudo Karlee De Brincat Aidan Drockman Lana Farina Thomas Feeney Jaiden Harding Leo Hooker Olivia McBain Aiden Richardson Jake Spannagle Did You Know ... Pollen never deteriorates. It is one of the few natural substances that lasts indefinitely. A single second of video tape contains about 22 megabytes of data, the very rough equivalent of about thirty copies of a 200 page book. Radio code Wilco (as in Roger Wilco) is short for Will Comply. Reindeer milk has more fat than cow milk. Page 16 Rudyard Kipling refused to write with anything other than black ink. “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 FNQ Youth Assistance Fund ... Page 17 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Towards the State Election Towards the State Election 2015 - Key Issue 1 Annual per student funding that keeps pace with the rising costs of education Catholic schools in Queensland, on average, receive only about 81% of the government funding per student received by state schools. According to the latest figures available, Catholic schools, on average, receive $9,238 per student in government funding while state schools receive $11,440 per student (MySchool website 2012). Any additional government funding for Catholic schools helps relieve pressure on school fees and assists more families to choose a Catholic school. This also relieves pressure on state schools and also saves government money. Catholic education is seeking to work with the next Queensland Government to achieve consistent budget outcomes that will: assist Catholic schools to keep pace with rising operating costs ensure that the gap in resourcing between Catholic schools and state schools does not widen. Click here to read more information about the annual recurrent funding of Catholic schools or visit or and follow the state election links to find out more detail. Did You Know ... It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. (try it!) A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. A shrimp's heart is in its head. In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand, or attempted to do so. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is believed to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. Page 18 One Spirit in Christ Whats On … Tuckshop Mon 03/11 Y10 VET Info Evening (Y10 Parents) Vinnies Meeting—Lunchtime—A1a B Ghidella D Priestly Tues 04/11 Hosp. Students—St Rita’s Melb Cup Function J Buchanen S Andrijevic Wed 05/11 NO ASSEMBLY YEAR 7 2015 ORIENTATION DAY Chocolate Workshop (Hosp Students) Launch Vinnies Christmas Appeal J Smith Thurs 06/11 Chocolate Workshop (Cert I and II) Art Exhibition J Gilllis M Burns Fri 07/11 SPORTS AWARD NIGHT—6.30PM—Brothers T Dalla Vecchia T Quinn Mon 10/11 Timor Leste 2015 Y11 Parent/Student Mtg (6pm—A1a) Tues 11/11 REMEMBRANCE DAY Wed 12/11 Assembly P&F Meeting (7.30pm) Year 12 Exams Thurs 13/11 Year 12 Exams Fri 14/11 Last Day of NET Ministry Year 12 Exams Mon 17/11 Year 12 Exams Tues 18/11 Year Meetings Year 12 Exams Wed 19/11 Year 12 Final Day Year 12 Farewell Assembly—9am to 11am Year 12 Graduation Mass—6.30pm Thurs 20/11 Yr 8—11 Exams Fri 21/11 Yr 8—11 Exams Year 12 Graduation Dinner—5.30pm Tuckshop News Uniform shop times MONDAY : 8.00am – 10.00am THURSDAY : 8.00am – 10.00am Any morning, the students may purchase socks, hats and pullovers from the tuckshop. Any day after the 2nd bell at lunch time students may purchase uniforms. If you need to come at any other time, please phone the tuckshop and let us know and I am sure we can find a time to suit. If you have any queries or suggestions, please give us a call (4063 5321). Heather & Raquel We’re on the web: PO Box 839 INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Phone: 07 4063 5300 Fax: 07 4061 4659 E-mail: Website: GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Faithful to the Mission of the Church, Good Counsel College educates students to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge to live as free and moral people in a complex world. Within our community we encourage by word and example, a sensitivity to diversity, the growth of spirituality, a sense of self worth and respect for others, and the striving to give of one’s best.
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