GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE One Spirit in Christ 14 Nov 2014 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 From the Principal’s Desk... Dear Parents / Carers / Students NEW INFORMATION MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE. Over a two-week period beginning Monday 17th November our school will be implementing more applications from the School Information Systems. Over this time, the school office will not be ‘business as usual’ while we undergo data conversion, off-site training, and spend some time entering data into the new school and student and finance management systems. Catholic Education Services is moving to an enterprise information management model, which will result in a range of new products for schools. The suite of products that our school will be using is: eMinerva – student and family information management Dynamics AX – financial management The Timetabler – timetable management (secondaries and P-12) SRS – student reporting system Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tool SharePoint – school portals During the conversion process can we ask that our community be mindful that office staff will be working with staff from Catholic Education Services and Brisbane Catholic Education and will be very busy ensuring the move to the new systems goes as smoothly as possible. As a result, they may not be able to answer phones and deal with enquiries in as timely manner as usual. Also, the school will be using relief staff in our office who may not always know the answer to all questions immediately, so inquiries may take a little longer to be resolved. There may also be some instances following the conversion when accessing and providing information from the new systems may be a little slower than normal as our staff become familiar with a new way of managing and accessing information. Again, we ask for understanding from our community in this time of transition. 2014 Term Dates 2015 Term Dates Term 1 Start : Year 8 & 12 – Tuesday 28 January Start : Whole School – Wednesday 29 January Finish : Friday 4 April Term 1 Start : Year 7, 8 & 12 – Tuesday 27 January Start : Whole School – Wednesday 28 January Finish : Thurs 2 April Term 2 Start : Tuesday 22 April Finish : Friday 27 June Term 2 Start : Monday 20 April Finish : Friday 26 June Term 3 Start : Monday 14 July Finish : Friday 19 September Term 3 Start : Monday 13 July Finish : Friday 18 September Term 4 Start : Tuesday 7 October Finish : Year 12—Wednesday 19 November Year 12 Graduation— Friday 21 November Finish : Years 8-11 Friday 28 November Term 4 Start : Tuesday 6 October Finish : Year 12—Wednesday 18 November Year 12 Graduation— Friday 20 November Finish : Years 7-11 Friday 27 November GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE From the Principal’s Desk … cont... We will keep you updated with progress about the conversion process and how this will affect our community members directly and indirectly. I have noted in our local papers a shift from “how bad things seem to be” to a stories of what good is happening in the town. There are new buildings and shops, a Chamber of Commerce with a 5 year plan; a sugar crush that should be largest on record and it is getting harder again to find a car park in town. These signs are good for our community. There are plenty of motivational speakers who use the positive mindset as the central part of their message. Positive thoughts create positive outcomes. Earlier this year Letteshia Glatthor won the local Lion’s Youth of the Year. A victory that seemed to be a small step at first that went further to the Miss Teen Queensland final in Mackay and now to the Nationals on December 4th. Georgia Lamperd is to represent Queensland at equestrian events in China. At the last Chamber of Commerce dinner Travis Farinelli was recognised as the youngest ever member of the organisation as he has his own business as a fully qualified coach recognised by Tennis Australia. Each of these young people has achieved through a positive mindset and the will to do something. The love of work is one of the five characteristics of the Marists. On Thursday I was able to listen to the group running for 2015 captain’s positions. I am constantly amazed by the talent within the College. There were 12 confident and articulate young adults speaking on leadership and how they would like to lead. Each one is uniquely capable in their own right to be a captain in 2015. The most promising part of the process was the number who wanted to be involved. This year we will have the SRC executive elected for the start of the 2015 year enabling the year 12 group to start the year straight into their studies. Those who miss out on the captaincy will be able to stand for SRC positions. The number of quality candidates may indicate that the concept of Prefects should be considered. Next week is the last for our Year 12 2014 students. Exams end on Tuesday and they are farewelled by the College on Wednesday with Mass that night. I commend the group for their resilience this year. For some families this will be the last of their children to graduate and to those families I would like to extend both mine and the College’s thanks for the support you have given over the years and wish your family all good fortune in the future. You will always be part of the Good Counsel community – One Spirit In Christ “quoted” …………………………………... Paul Keenan PRINCIPAL “God ever works with those who work with will.” Aeschylus Page 2 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Mission Matters ... GRADUATION MASS As we prepare to farewell our Year 12 class of 2014, we extend to you the invitation to attend the Good Counsel College Graduation Mass. The Mass will be held at Mother of Good Counsel Church Innisfail, with Father Kerry presiding, commencing at 6.30pm. Supper will be served following the Mass, with the cutting of the Graduands Cake. GRADUATION PRAYER Father, I have knowledge, so will You show me now, how to use it wisely and find a way somehow To make the world I live in a little better place, And make life with its problems a little bit easier to face. Grant me faith and courage and put purpose in my days, And show me how to serve in effective ways. So my education, my knowledge and my skill May find their true fulfilment as I learn to do Your will. And may I ever be aware in everything I do, That knowledge comes from learning, and wisdom comes from You. Mary Mother Of Good Counsel, Pray For Us, St Marcellin Champagnat Pray For Us, And May We Always Remember To Pray For One Another. Amen. Read more: graduation_prayer.html#school#ixzz3J0rkLhZs TRASH AND TREASURE STALL AT THE RED CROSS MARKETS 15TH NOVEMBER 2014 . We have Clothes, Kitchenware, Chairs, Books, Nick Nacs and other assorted Treasures. Come along and bag a treasure - We hope to see you there. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO SUPPLYING FOOD AND EDUCATION MATEREIALS FOR CHILDEN IN EAST TIMOR (TIMOR LESTE) Thank you for your support. St Vincent de Paul –Christmas Appeal 2014 The Vinnie’s Christmas Appeal runs annually throughout November to February to support the people that will suffer in silence and will be doing it tough over the Christmas period. This Appeal aims to provide much needed help from practical assistance to food hampers, emotional support, toys and gifts for children, individuals and families so they too can experience the joy of Christmas. It has become a Good Counsel College tradition to hold a food hamper and toy collection every year at Christmas time. To donate items, you can place them under the Christmas Tree in the College foyer. This is another way in which we can show our Marist hearts and love of family to others. Please note that all items and funds raised by the Good Counsel College, St Nicholas Conference supports our local area communities. God’s Richest Blessings to you all. May God Always Hold You Safely In The Palm Of His Hand. Debra Withnall—DP Mission Page 3 GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE Student Matters ... As the school year draws to a close the pace picks up at school. End–of–year deadlines and the pressure to complete units of work combine with an increase in community activities, and I am sure that many of you will recognise a similar pressure in the home. Thank you for continuing to work with the College by supporting our expectations. Could I ask you to help by making extra sure that relevant permission notes are provided for your students when you require them to be off school grounds for appointments or any other matters. We need to be able to keep tabs on all students for their safety, and unless we can rely on our standard school procedures the workload quickly becomes unbearable, and problems occur for all. The uniform is very important at this time, and ensuring that shoes, hats and makeup requirements are observed right to the end of school helps to remind students of the need to follow our behaviour and work requirements. This is crucial for the success of your children at school, because when students reject our uniform code the cooperation that teachers need in the classroom becomes very hard to maintain. You can also help us by discouraging any plans for pranks or other behaviour which, at first glance might seem innocent or high spirited, but in actual fact reduce our capacity to keep our students on task in the classroom, and safe in the school grounds. Help us to give your child every chance to get the most out of 2014. Mrs Amanda Webb DP Administration Curriculum ... As the year draws to a close we must first survive the busyness of the final few weeks. We certainly do have many events to squeeze into a small space of time! The Year 12 students have started their final exams and are looking forward to their conclusion and the subsequent celebrations. The work continues for their teachers who will mark exams, determine final grades and submit the data for the calculation of OP scores to QCAA. Other year levels are in the throes of completing assignments and preparing for their exams. It is a very important time for all, because these exams play a large role in the determination of final overall grades. Parents are asked to support their children throughout this study period by ensuring they eat and sleep well and do not succumb to the many distractions around them. Reports for Years 8-11 will be issued after school finishes. Year 12 students do not get a written report, as they will be receiving their Queensland Certificate of Education and Statement of Results. These are posted on Friday 19th December. Mrs AnnMarie Arnold Deputy Principal - Curriculum Page 4 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Graduation ... The graduation assembly will be held next week on Wednesday 19th November from 9.00am followed by a morning tea with families, staff and graduates. All are welcome to attend this memorable occasion. Following the assembly, students must attend a mass rehearsal prior to leaving the College. The Graduation mass will follow at 6:30pm at the Mother of Good Counsel church. All students are to be in attendance in full school uniform. The formal will be held at the Pullman Reef Casino in Cairns on Friday 21st November, with arrivals commencing at 5pm. All ticket payments are due now. All year 12 students are reminded that they need to pay Indi Shields for roses and the school gift. Information has been sent home via students and email to parents. If you have any queries, please call Mrs Robyn Ryan, Year 12 Coordinator at the College—4063 5300. UNIFORM SALE ... NB .. The new uniform for our Year 7 & 8’s in 2015 will not be available until January. THE OPENING TIMES FOR THE UNIFORM SHOP AT THIS TIME WILL BE : Times / Dates for Buying Uniforms—Room B3 – Good Counsel College Monday 19th January 2015 Tuesday 20th January 2015 Wednesday 21st January 2015 Thursday 22nd January 2015 Friday 23rd January 2015 Page 5 9.00am to 3.00pm 9.00am to 3.00pm 9.00am to 5.30pm 9.00am to 5.30pm 9.00am to 1.00pm “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 P&F General Meeting Minutes ... DATE 12-11-2014 MEETING OPENED AT 7:30 Staff Room ATTENDEES Andrea Harding, Paul Rinaudo , Amanda Blazely, Joe Cristaudo, Erika & Kyle Swiney, Lucy Rostedt, Paul Keenan APOLOGIES MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES INWARDS CORRESPONDENCE OUTWARDS CORRESPONDENCE TREASURERS REPORT Tabled by Amanda. Moved that they be accepted. LP. Seconded LR. PRINCIPALS REPORT Paul presented. Refer to report. Move that report be accepted. Lucy P Seconded Lucy R DIOCESAN REPORT Nil UNIFORM update REPORT Tuckshop Report Nil GENERAL BUSINESS Yr 12 Dux: highest academic result. $500 bursary (first time) donated by P&F and presented at Awards night. Bursary will be an annual occurrence. Recipient - Luke Calgagno... Joe will write cheque to Luke and forward. Discussion regarding what is the equivalent in the Sports area: Senior Sports Person of the year (both need to go into the Constitution) Committee agreed that the recipient should receive a donation from the P&F. Amanda contact Matt J for script for Awards night (Sports)-> word the two for Constitution -> then circulate to members for acceptance of wording Discussion following on from PK’s report including acquisition of a bus (24 seater) for the College. Catholic primary Schools would also use the bus. A school purchase to cover a small amount of students. PK wished to make it clear the Colleges intention was to provide a bus for small numbers or short distances/small time frames. College is not accredited to hire the bus service out. In turn no intention to compete with local bus company. Money owed to school? (Graduation, bursary etc) Amanda forward email to PK to follow up Optiminds: Amanda contact Mrs Trueman / Mr Brenton Pappas – initial correspondence requested travel assistance for the two groups that travelled to Brisbane – financial assistance for help for student travel and participation. Andrea passed on 28th August letter to Amanda to follow up. Banner- committee would like the banner for P&F. Amanda will write to Paul (Principal) requesting use of College logo. Write to Federation also requesting P&F logo...Action NOW! Aiden Smith – chq for travel to Cross Country. Actioned last meeting. Graduation tickets sent out when? PK will contact Robyn Ryan. Participation Certificate : 75 th Anniversary & Theatre Restaurant - contact Loretta for list of kids serving each night. Email to Paul the list of kids so they can receive a certificate. MEETING CLOSED Meeting closed at 9.15pm Next meeting at 11th March 2015. AGM followed by General meeting. Page 6 Amend October’s minutes regarding invitation to Dennis Wright. The members would like to invite Dennis to the 2nd meeting in 2015 (March) to discuss what the School Board does. Moved: AH. Seconded AB. As per list Emails below. ES correspondence regarding Smart Choices Grant (info required for Grant Report) Inwards be accepted. Outwards adopted. Erika. Seconded Joe. JC presented. JC moved that report be accepted. LP Seconded:PR Tuckshop profit $16 000 approx’ly and uniforms profit $10K approx’ ly. Audit from 2013 still in progress. Joe will follow up next week. Nil “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Towards the State Election 2015 ... Towards the State Election 2015—Key Issue 2 Increased capital funding to help meet the schooling needs of Queensland’s growing population Demand for places in Queensland Catholic schools is projected to increase by around 60,000 students between 2011 and 2031. This will require the development of 2-3 new schools every year and the expansion of many others. The Catholic sector cannot keep pace with this level of growth under current capital funding arrangements. The Catholic community purchases land for school sites and also contributes an average of 23% to the cost of construction of new schools, therefore saving the Queensland Government significant amounts of money. Catholic education also has a strong track record of delivering new school facilities successfully and efficiently. Catholic education is therefore seeking a commitment from the next Queensland Government to: develop partnership plans to help deliver all of the school infrastructure required provide a capital grants program that reflects the real cost of delivering the additional school places, including an appropriate share of the planned $1 billion Future Schools Fund under the Strong Choices Investment Program. Click here to read more information about capital funding for Catholic education including the location of high enrolment growth areas of the state. or visit or and follow the state election links to find out more detail. Library News ... It’s the time of year to start looking for, and returning library Books! All students, if they have not already have them, will receive a list of their borrowed items from the Library. These need to be returned before the end of the year. Lost or damaged books will need to be paid for. Students wishing to borrow novels for holiday reading, will need “a clean slate” before holiday borrowing is possible. Thank you, Library staff Page 7 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 V.E.T and Careers ... Jobs for school leavers through group training organisations The following group training organisations provide training information and current apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies for a range of industries in Queensland. Aboriginal Employment Strategy Ltd ACCLAIM Apprentices and Trainees AFL SportsReady Education and Employment All Trades Queensland Apprenticeships Queensland Australian Industries Group Training Services Australian Training Company East Coast Apprenticeships Electro Group HIA Apprenticeships Maxima Group Training MEGT MIGAS MRAEL MTA Apprenticeships OSMAC Group Training SKILLS360 Timber and Building Materials Association TORGAS For information about other group training organisations that operate in Queensland, visit the Group Training Australia website at Aircraft maintenance engineering training at ATAE ATAE, located at Archerfield Airport, is a private training organisation that provides the following accredited courses for aircraft maintenance engineers: Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Avionics) Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Mechanical) Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Structures). For more information about these courses and where they can lead, see You can contact ATAE to attend an information session. Bridging courses at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) One way to meet assumed knowledge requirements is to successfully complete an approved bridging course in the required subject/s. QUT offers bridging courses in Chemistry, Physics and Maths B. Maths B can be undertaken during the Summer Semester starting on 17 November 2014 or during Semester one in 2015. Chemistry is offered in Semester one 2015 and Physics is offered online. Find out more at Other universities may accept QUT bridging courses for meeting subject prerequisites for their courses. You need to check with the relevant institution. Page 8 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 V.E.T and Careers ... Adam Scott Foundation Sports Business Scholarship The Adam Scott Foundation in partnership with Griffith University sponsors this scholarship. The Foundation would like to support a student who has overcome adversities in life and is passionate about business and sport. The scholarship will cover the student contribution charges (CSP/HECS). Applicants must apply and gain entry to Griffith’s B Business (Sports Management) programs as well as apply for the Education Access Scheme (EAS) through QTAC. Visit for more information and to access the application form. Applications close on 19 December 2014. Gap year program updates Antipodeans Abroad - GapBreak Online Information Night from 6–7 pm on 5 November 2014 http:// Projects Abroad - Online General Information Session at 5 pm on 2 December 2014 World Education Program - Information Session at the Sunnybank Hills Library, Brisbane from 7–8.30 pm on 5 November 2014 Letz Live – 2016 applications for UK placements are now open Student Exchange Australia New Zealand – Live online information session on 19 November 2014 http:// Lattitude Global Volunteering – 2015 placements still available in UK, Canada, Europe, Africa and Asia/Pacific Camp America – One hour online information session from 6.30 pm on 26 November 2014 http:// Camp America – One hour information session in Brisbane from 6.30 pm on 4 December 2014 http:// Tutors Worldwide – Applications for 2016 placements close on 9 April 2015 http:// The benefits of taking a gap year The following article is adapted from the October 2014 myfuture news. You can access this newsletter at http:// With Year 12 students facing final exams all around the country, much thinking is going into planning the next stage in life. Taking some time out between school and formal education or work – taking a ‘gap year’ as it’s sometimes known – is becoming increasingly common, with more school leavers opting to defer their place in tertiary education or training. If you’re considering a gap year, here are some reasons why it could be a good idea for you. If you’re unsure about your future direction, having the time to be clear on what you want to do can be valuable. This could lead you to being more focused when going back to study later on. Page 9 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 V.E.T and Careers ... School-based traineeships/apprenticeships As the year draws to a close it is necessary to congratulate our students who have completed their school-based traineeships/apprenticeships and wish those who are continuing fulltime next year the best as they aim to complete their apprenticeships. The following students completed their traineeships/apprenticeships this year: Travis Farinelli Pavendip Sanghera Lake Ruddell Erin McKeown Rhianna Hoare Wishing every Year 12 student the very best for their exams and their future! Mrs Marcelle Foster VET & Careers Page 10 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Counselling Corner ... What is Communication?? Communication or lack of is an issue that tends to surface when young people are discussing their relationships with parents, friends, teachers and significant others in their lives .Often the focus is on verbal communication when non-verbal cues (body language, tone of voice) and listening are also important aspects of effective communication. Different types of communication may be more effective in some situations than others. For example, written communication may not be ideal to express emotions as it lacks non-verbal cues. Without non-verbal communication, it can be difficult to work out how another person is feeling. Some people may also prefer one form of communication over another, such as discussing something face-to-face, rather than over the phone. Another important communication skill is actively listening. Listening helps us to hear what other people have to say, and to better understanding their thoughts and feelings. How do young people communicate? Just like adults, children and young people use verbal, written and non-verbal communication, but often communicate in different ways. For example, they may use words and phrases that are unfamiliar to adults, or are out of context to their usual meaning. They may also use non-verbal communication in different ways, for example, using gestures that copy a celebrity or TV character. Young people often use technology to communicate, including email, social media, instant messaging and texting. For children and young people is it important for them to be aware of the limitations of the various communication methods, particularly around cyber communication. This can help reduce conflict and misunderstanding in their relationships. For example, making them aware that having a highly emotional discussion with a friend via text messaging can potentially lead to misunderstandings. Why are effective communication skills important? Effective communication skills can help to: develop good relationships with others communicate needs solve problems resolve conflict seek assistance when issues arise avoid cultural misunderstandings Strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate well, can also help children and young people avoid placing themselves at risk of harm. For example, young people with strong communication skills are better able to inform a doctor about a health concern or ask someone for help to avoid being in a harmful situation. Common communication mistakes Some of the ways in which poor communication can occur and lead to misunderstanding and negative feelings between people include: Mind-Reading - This is a common mistake which takes place in many of our relationships. Mind reading happens when one person assumes and expects the other person to know what they are feeling and thinking without discussing it with them. The assumption is that other people have the ability to understand us and our position without expressing it clearly. Therefore, it is important to clearly express thoughts and feelings and not assume that the other person will work it out by themselves Avoiding Communication - Communication difficulties often occur because we don't show our feelings, thoughts and/or wishes. Often, people don't communicate due to feelings of embarrassment or a fear of upsetting the other person. This can lead to feelings of anger, resentment and frustration which may result in problems in relationships Labelling - Another communication error is labelling the other person, for example, saying that because a person is old they think a certain way. When people are labelled, they feel attacked and this increases the likelihood of a hostile response, which could lead to conflict Alienating Messages - Making 'you' statements to blame the other person, using negative comparisons, threats and Page 11 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Counselling Corner ... sarcasm when communicating with others may lead to conflict rather than a successful outcome How can communication skills be improved? The following tips can be used by parents and carers to help improve young people's communication skills: Be a role model - By developing your own communication skills and using them when interacting with children and young people, you are providing an example of how to communicate with others Talk about communication - Find opportunities to raise communication issues with children and young people to help expand their awareness Practice, practice, practice - Good communication skills require practice - the home environment is the perfect setting to practice these skills Learn to listen - Teaching children and young people to listen is just as important as teaching them to express themselves. Good communication is two-way Stay on topic - Sticking to the issue at hand limits the potential for confusion and misunderstanding Avoid assumptions - Checking for understanding allows each person to make sure they have heard what is being said correctly. Sometimes, people incorrectly assume they know what the other person is intending to say which can leads to misunderstandings Use games and role play - For young children in particular, games and make-believe role playing activities can be useful to teach communication skills in imagined scenarios Be aware of differences - People of different cultures communicate in different ways. Making children/young people aware of these differences can help avoid misunderstandings when interacting with people from different backgrounds. Mrs Theresa Brosnan School Counsellor (With acknowledgement to Kidshelpline for information contained in this article) Page 12 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Rural Bank Scholarship Program 2015 ... Page 13 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Parents in Career Transition Support (PACT) ... Page 14 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 Parents in Career Transition Support (PACT) ... Page 15 “All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27 The Arts Tour ... In the 2015 June/July term break, students in Years 10, 11 & 12 (in 2015) will have the opportunity of travelling to Brisbane and the Gold Coast for an Arts Tour. Over 6 days your child will be experiencing professional workshops in Drama, Music and Art; visiting amazing galleries and watching a number of world-class shows. There will even be tours through famous theatres and performance spaces and a visit to Warner Brother’s Movie World. You can find out more about this amazing trip here! You will find all the registration forms and insurance paperwork along with a detailed outline of the itinerary. Please do not hesitate to contact Paul Thomson on 4063 5300 or at if you require more information or have any questions. Page 16 One Spirit in Christ Whats On … Tuckshop Mon 17/11 Year 12 Exams SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation M Gagliano L Galea Tues 18/11 Year Meetings Year 12 Exams SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation H Verri Wed 19/11 Year 12 Final Day Year 12 Farewell Assembly—9am to 11am Year 12 Graduation Mass—6.30pm SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation S Rowlands Thurs 20/11 Yr 8—11 Exams SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation M Zahra T Livingstone Fri 21/11 Yr 8—11 Exams Year 12 Graduation Dinner—5.30pm SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation N Hogan Mon 24/11 Yr 8—11 Exams Breakfast Club SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation S Battiato L Gilbert Tue 25/11 Yr 8—11 Exams Breakfast Club SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation T Drockman L Kirwan Wed 26/11 No Assembly Yr 8—11 Exams Breakfast Club SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation C Mayers C Barnes Thur 27/11 Yr 8—11 Exams Breakfast Club SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation T Quinn T Zahra Fri 28/11 YR 8—11 FINAL DAY OF TERM 4 Breakfast Club SIS EMinerva/Dynamix Implementation J Grima Tuckshop News Uniform shop times MONDAY : 8.00am – 10.00am THURSDAY : 8.00am – 10.00am Any morning, the students may purchase socks, hats and pullovers from the tuckshop. Any day after the 2nd bell at lunch time students may purchase uniforms. If you need to come at any other time, please phone the tuckshop and let us know and I am sure we can find a time to suit. If you have any queries or suggestions, please give us a call (4063 5321). Heather & Raquel We’re on the web: PO Box 839 INNISFAIL QLD 4860 Phone: 07 4063 5300 Fax: 07 4061 4659 E-mail: Website: GOOD COUNSEL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT Faithful to the Mission of the Church, Good Counsel College educates students to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge to live as free and moral people in a complex world. Within our community we encourage by word and example, a sensitivity to diversity, the growth of spirituality, a sense of self worth and respect for others, and the striving to give of one’s best.
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