The Rhode Island Shriners Newspaper October/November 2014 Vol.16 Issue 172 Bringing Rhode Island Shriners’ News to the Community Since 1953! November 8, 2014 2 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 There is a Stated Meeting scheduled for Monday night Oct. 27, at 7:30 PM. This will be an important meeting and I am requesting as many Nobles as can, please try to attend. This is the last meeting of the year and we have a lot to cover. We will need at least 40 Nobles present to conduct the business of the evening. Greetings, Labor Day has come and gone as I write this. This signals the end of summer, but it sure seems like the calendar is off. It is hotter now than it was in August, though I am not complaining. The longer it stays warm the happier I am. Fourteen Nobles and Ladies went to Boston Hospital on Aug 19, 2014. We left the Shrine at 8:15 AM and arrived in Boston at 9:30 AM. Miracle of miracles, the traffic was extra light that morning. We were escorted to the Boardroom and introduced to the Administrator who gave us a rundown on the hospital and what they do. We were shown a couple of videos and then taken on a tour. The tour took just over an hour then we met in the cafeteria for lunch. After lunch we got in the vans for the trip back to the Shrine arriving about 2:30 PM. The traffic on the return trip was extremely light and took us just over an hour. All in all a very rewarding day. Illustrious PP William J. Hall Steak Fry on Friday Sept. 5, which according to last report promises to be a sellout. Friday Sept 12 is the Country Western night and participation is expected to be high. Sept. 14 we are trying some thing new. We are holding a three gun shoot at the Saylesville Rod and Gun Club. More on this day next time. The Legion of Honor is hosting its Car Show at Buttonwoods Park on Sept. 27. November will bring in the Pumpkin Patch Bazaar on Nov. 8. The Ladies have been working hard all year to make this the best Bazaar ever. Please save the date and take a trip to the Shrine and visit the bazaar. On Friday Nov. 21 we are hosting our annual Turkey Trot. This is always a well attended and fun evening. We are adding something new this year. Our Chief Rabban and his Lady are hosting the “Festival of Lights” on Friday thru Sunday, Nov. 28, 29 and 30. Please look for future ads for this important Temple fundraiser. October is also a busy month with two parades, the appreciation dinner, Legion of Honor Spaghetti dinner and Halloween Havoc. The two parades are the Woonsocket Autumn fest on Oct. 12 and the Federal Hill parade on Oct. 13. The Legion of Honor spaSeptember promises to be a busy month ghetti dinner is being held on Friday Oct. 24. at the Shrine beginning with the Artisan William J. Hall William J. Hall Potentate/CEO Protecting what matters most since 1910 Artisans Unit Report............................ 6 Birthdays in October and November 2014..19 Calendars for October-December 2014.10-11 Current and Upcoming Events...........12-14 401.596.0146 Westerly, Rhode Island home | auto | business | life | disability Editor’s Column................................. 3 Fred Sez.......................................... 5 Help Wanted..................................... 9 Leadership In Research and Patient Care.. 8 Legion of Honor Unit Report.................. 5 National Patient Ambassadors for 2014-15.4 Potentates Message........................... .2 Providing Life-Changing Care...............15 Rainbow for Girls Message..................17 Recorders Message...........................16 R.I. Shriners Parade Schedule..............14 Scimitar-Free Copy Locations...............20 Scimitar News Boosters....................... 7 The Ladies Corner.............................18 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 3 Editor’s Column Award Winning Publication Dromedary Awards FIRST PLACE 2012, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999 Honorable Mention - 2006, 2000, 1998 SCIMITAR STAFF Editor-in-Chief Wayne E. Sutton Photographer Vacant Advertising Manager Wayne E. Sutton Tel: 461-0690 Editors Emeritus Rene Boucher George F. Coombs Photographer Emeritus George Doonan The SCIMITAR is published bi-monthly for the Rhode Island Shriners by the Rhode Island Shriners located at One Rhodes Place, Cranston, Rhode Island 02905. Subscrip-tions, are $2 of the annual dues. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Rhode Island Shriners, One Rhodes Place, Cranston, Rhode Island 02905. Periodical postage paid at Providence, Rhode Island, USPS No. 016-581. RHODE ISLAND SHRINERS One Rhodes Place, Cranston, R I 02905 Toll free 1-888-A CHILD 5 Web Site: Telephone: (401) 467-7100 Office Extensions: Potentate/CEO, Bill Hall................. #14 Recorder, Paul Healy . .................. #16 Secretary, Pat Deitch .................... #10 Treasurer, Bryan Martin................. #15 Bookkeeper, Elaine Williams......... #18 Sales, Hillary Williamson............... #13 Restaurant, Christopher Kurtzo......#11 Kitchen........................................... #12 Chef Chris...................................... #19 Charities (Leon)............................. #25 PP William Hall Chief Rabban Glenn Medeiros Assistant Rabban PP Andrew Hencler High Priest/Prophet Domenic DiStefano Oriental Guide Louis Sherman Treasurer Bryan Martin ELECTED OFFICERS 2014 Potentate/CEO Noble Wayne E. Sutton Dear Shriners, Ladies and Rhode Island Friends: This past August I celebrated my 16th year of membership in the Rhode Island Shriners. When I think back about the many changes that I have witnessed over these 16 years I truly am proud to be a member of one of the greatest Fraternal Organizations in the world. I often pass by the wall that hosts framed pictures of all the Past Potentates that have served our Shrine and I wonder about the many changes that they endured during their time. Many of these Past Potentates have since passed and now rest in peace, but many are still with us and these are the men that we need to draw knowledge from, to guide us and mentor new and upcoming officers to lead us into our future so that our officers can pass this treasure down to our current and incoming members. The buzz and word that we should be speaking is that Shriners are born out of men that are Masons. Men that were already good men, and made better. Taking care of their family, being good and upstanding members of society, helping those in need and spreading the gospel of why a Mason needs to become a Shriner. Being a member of the Shriners is a step that should not be taken lightly. Although Shriners are known for being lighthearted and having fun, we also have a duty to perform. On a grand scale every Shriner member is a participant in offering the greatest gift to help those in need. Shriners Hospitals for Children makes helping those in need very possible. Taking children and young adults into our 22 Nationwide Shriners Hospitals for Children network and helping to improve their quality of life. I remember those days not so long ago when you would spend two or three nights a week down at the Rhode Island Shriners lounge enjoying good food, entertainment, camaraderie and much more. Yes, those days have changed and it’s a little more quiet and I’m sure that I speak for many members when I say that I miss those days, but that should never change your feelings or make you feel like less of a member. In our hearts and by the oath we swore and the creed we stand by, we are Shriners and it’s our mission to continue to help those in need, right here in Rhode Island and around the world whenever possible. Like so many changes over time, maybe it’s time for us to change the way that we see our Shrine today and find a new way within ourselves to continue to be proud and excited about being a Shriner. It’s nice to have a special place/club that we call home and the welcome mat should always be out, but we have made some major changes to our day-to-day operations of our club that sometimes makes many members feel not so welcome. Change is so difficult, especially for those who stand firm on their belief of the old days. Open your heart and mind and maybe the new changes won’t appear to be so challenging. Take some time and think about when you became a Shriner and how proud you were to wear your Fez and tell everyone about your accomplishment, then take that pride and excitement and bring it to your Masonic Blue Lodge and stand up at your next meeting and tell your Brother Masons to come and join you by becoming a member of the Rhode Island Shriners and being part of one of the greatest Fraternal Organizations in the World. Tell them what it means to be a Shriner and the undying service that we offer to those in need, tell them that together we truly can make a difference in the world. Pass the word to every Masonic Body that you belong to that “Shriners need Masons”. Shriners offer the gift of the best medical care in the world for children in need, but that’s not all we do. Membership in the Rhode Island Shriners can offer you many different opportunities to be involved at whatever level you chose. There is a great world of Shriners waiting for you. All you need to do is make that step. We have an application with your name on it, so hurry down and join us. We need good men!! Find yourself a comfortable chair in front of your computer, laptop, tabloid or smart-phone, click on our web site, sit back, relax and enjoy all of the exciting articles, stories, events and a wealth of information that we have made available to you at your fingertips in the “Award Winning” Scimitar Newspaper. Love the Fall. Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving to all! Fraternally and Sincerely Yours, Noble Wayne Edward Sutton, Editor-in-chief Recorder Paul Healy APPOINTED OFFICERS 2014 First Ceremonial Master Donald Williamson Second Ceremonial Master Robert St. Jean Marshal William Dawless Director Robert Chase Public Relations Chairman Wayne E. Sutton All materials for the December 2014/January 2015 issue will be due by Friday, November 5, 2014 4 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Meet Our 2014-15 National Patient Ambassadors Joe Dertinger of Waconia, Minn., and Katie Ladlie of Troy, Mo., have been selected as the health care system’s national patient ambassadors for 2014- 2015. The announcement was made after the premiere of their video, “Born to Inspire” during the July 2014 Imperial Session of Shriners International in Minneapolis. Every year, Shriners Hospitals for Children® chooses two national patient ambassadors to represent the thousands of children who receive care at the health care system every year. The Ambassadors share their stories to inspire others and raise awareness of Shriners Hospitals for Children. Joe: A Champion Skier Joe was born with an unusual condition that involved all four of his extremities. He had a short fibula and no tibia on his right leg, and only three toes on his right foot. His left ankle has an unusual “ball and socket” type of joint. He was also born with only two fingers and a thumb on each hand, and the fingers on the right hand were webbed together. At our Twin Cities hospital, Joe was initially seen by an orthopaedic surgeon and a hand specialist, who recommended surgeries to separate the fingers on his right hand and amputation of the right foot so that a prosthesis would fit better. Over time, Joe received physical and occupational therapy at Shriners Hospitals for Children, combined with lots of encouragement. That, and having a twin sister to keep up with, helped Joe continue to make progress. Joe, now 18, has been involved in adaptive skiing for many years. In the last two seasons at the national competition in Park City, Utah, Joe has won the Men’s Junior National overall Alpine Skiing title. He is currently training for the Giant Slalom World Cup and the 2018 winter Paralympic games, which will be held in South Korea. While Joe is passionate about his sport, he also wants to give back and help others with similar conditions and has enrolled in Century College’s Prosthetics Technology program; he is set to start in the fall of 2014. Katie: An inspiration to Others Relatively quickly after her birth, Katie was diagnosed as having a vascular malformation, a very rare condition. She has been a patient at our St. Louis hospital since she was 2 years old. Katie struggled with severe knee pain and other difficulties for years. By the time she was 12 years old, her knee had deteriorated to the point that her physicians gave her two options, knee fusion or amputation above the knee. Young Katie bravely determined to have the amputation as this would free her from the pain and from the anchor that held her back, which is how she viewed her leg. Shortly after the surgery, Katie was introduced to adaptive sports, which was a turning point. She became very active and is no longer sitting on the sidelines in pain. And then she discovered public speaking, and became a patient ambassador for our St. Louis hospital. Katie, now 16, hopes to be able to give back and inspire others through her new role as a national patient ambassador. We know that both Katie and Joe will do exactly that in the coming months. OSJUL14MO2N SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Hi Nobles, I hope everyone enjoyed their summer. The weather was perfect for those who like cooler temperatures. Our busy fall schedule is once again upon us. Flag Retirement Ceremony The ceremony was held at the Kent Regency Nursing home on Saturday, September 6th. We had approximately nine members take part in the ceremony. Operation Stand Down We took part in the closing ceremonies on Sunday, September 21st. The Legion members donated approximately $300, as well as other helpful items, at this event to support our veterans. Our Car Show Our Car Show was held on September 27th. The top 25 cars were awarded trophies in the afternoon. Our members, as always, did a great job with the food and preparations. Parade Schedule On Sunday, October 12th we will be marching in the Columbus Day Parade on Federal Hill. In addition, the Autumnfest Parade will be held on Monday, October 13th in Woonsocket. In the past, we have had strong attendance at the parades. Let’s keep this up! 5 The Legion of Honor’s Spaghetti Supper This year’s event will be held on Friday, October 24th at the Shrine Center. This is always a good time with plenty of food. As always, we will have to sell as many tickets as we can to support this function. Pumpkin Patch Bazaar Saturday, November 1st or 8th is the Rhode Island Shrine Pumpkin Patch Bazaar. Our ladies work hard to make this a successful event. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, September 8th and Monday October 13th. Our attendance at our Legion meeting has been very good. Hope to see you at our next meeting. As always, please keep in mind our Military during these difficult times. Sports Tidbit – What an inspiration to listen to manager Dave Belisle of the Cumberland American Little League talk to his team during the Little League World Series! Fraternally Yours, Bob Kaloostian Commander R.I. Shriners Legion of Honor JAMIEL INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Licensed in RI, MA, CT & FL Hirum A. Jamiel, II Hirum A. Jamiel, II President Certified Insurance Counselor Tel. 401-245-8900 • Fax 401-245-8494 Tel. 401-245-0900 • Fax 401-245-8494 429 Main Street • P.O. Box 405 Warren, RI 02885 429 Main Street • Warren, RI 02885 Serving the community since 1961 My wild oats have turned into prunes and all-bran. I’m tired of reality. I want a fairy grandmother. As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools. These days I spend a lot of time in the hereafter. I go somewhere to get something and wonder what I’m here after. When the insects take over the world, I hope they will remember with gratitude how we took them along on all our picnics. The best safety device yet invented is a rear-view mirror with a police car in it. 6 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Tidbits, Tidbits and More Tidbits Artisan Unit 19th Annual Steak Fry – no doubt it was a huge success due to the efforts of many Artisans. Unfortunately our attendance was down but we still had a great time, as all one hundred and twenty attendees will attest. Next year we all need to sell more tickets and at the least buy a ticket. Thank you to the Legion of Honor for their continued support and their help in clearing the tables. • Parades –as the season comes to a close, we still have the opportunity to participate in the Federal Hill and Woonsocket Octoberfest parades on Columbus Day weekend. • Summer Picnic – the weather was perfect, the food plentiful and delicious, and most importantly everyone had a great time. Congratulations to the Divan’s rookie oarsmen, Bill Dawless, who won the annual cardboard boat race regatta. Bill was on a mission to finally bring recognition to the Divan who always embarrassed themselves in prior years. Rookie Artisan oarsmen, John Codiero, finished in second place. His punishment for not winning the race is he has to hold the runner up trophy at all Artisan meetings as a reminder that winning is not the only thing, it is everything. • Han’g’over – from all accounts everyone had a wonderful time. The Motel Section 8 was as lovely as always. You never know what kind of surprise awaits you in your room. • Northeast Field Days – the Artisans who marched in the Saturday parade had a great time. Unfortunately, the Rhode Island Shriner attendance was lacking. • October/November, Who am I? I am an Artisan but have yet to be Chief. I really enjoy participating in the parades. I am always willing to pitch in and help out. Also, I always enjoy, One More! • August/September, Who am I? Dave Graham • Internet – the Scimitar is available on line at All you have to do from our homepage is click on ‘Read RI Shriners Newspaper.’ If I can do it, anybody can. • Ladies Bazaar – no doubt the November bazaar will be the number one Shrine fundraiser for the year. Great job, Ladies!!!! • Bung Hole Award – who will win the dishonor of the most non prestigious award in all of Shrinedom. The only qualification is that you need to be yourself. Therefore, many Artisans are in the running. • Derek Jeter – I hate to admit that he was a class act. Too bad he played for the evil empire, the New York Yankees. • World Series – definitely not the Red Sox and Yankees. How the mighty have fallen!!!! •Uniforms – all Artisans are required to purchase the formal uniform as stated in our Operating Procedures, Article II, Section 3. Paul Healy can provide you with all information to purchase them at Leader’s Uniforms. • November Elections – please remember to vote for the best candidate and not the party!! Pat Paulson, where are you when we need you the most? • Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner – could this be another possible great time of food and fun? Time will tell! • Always Invited – an invitation is always there for all Nobles to join us at our monthly meeting on the fourth Thursday, October 23rd and the third Thursday, November 20th at 7:30PM. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day …. The Artery PS – As always, I look forward to your feedback, positive and definitely negative. SCIMITAR October/November 2014 *Rick & Patti Baccus *Jake & Rita Bedrosian Ken & Sandra Bogosian *Herb & Irma Bloom *Rick & Linda Bloom Rusty & Kathy Booth Mike & Barbara Christopher George & Carol Cicma *Ed & Karen Deluty Edward & Janet Dyer Stu Eddy John Edes, Anah Temple Robin Moone-Edes *Bud & Ginny Ekno PP Biff & Bev Gallagher Joe Gonsalves *Harold & Marcia Greiner David & Judy Hart *Don & Gloria Higgins Al & Ruth Hollingworth Russ Kawa Phil & Barbara Lundgren *PP Gordon & Joan Martin Ralph R. Matteson , Jr. Herb & Joan McGuire David McKay Dorothy Prest PP Allan & Barbara Reynolds RI Shriner Clown Unit PP Gardner Smith Dino Soscia Charles & Elma Tweedly Richard & Nancy Urquhart In Memory of PP Roy E. Wareham 2014 Divan of Officers 2014 Potentate, William Hall Assistant Rabban, PP Andrew & Jan Hencler Treasurer, Bryan & Denise Martin 1st Ceremonial Master, Donald & Hillary Williamson 2nd Ceremonial Master, Robert & Deb St. Jean Public Relations Chairman, Wayne & Lois Sutton *Asterisked booster names are advised that their one-year booster membership expires with this issue. If you are interested in renewing your News Booster membership for another year, please complete the cut-out registration form and forward it with your payment. Thank you in advance for your kind and continued support. WEBSITE: 238 Robinson Street Wakefield, RI 7 8 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Shriners Hospitals for Children: Continuing Leadership in Research and Patient Care Research is one of the cornerstones of the threepart mission of Shriners Hospitals for Children®. Our in-house research teams include renowned experts whose discoveries have changed treatment methodologies and improved the lives of countless children coping with debilitating conditions. Shriners Hospitals for Children is committed to the pursuit of knowledge that improves medical care. Researchers’ Genetic Breakthrough Recently, researchers at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada were the first to identify the genetic defect underlying a painful bone disease in children and teenagers. Led by Frank Rauch, M.D., a pediatrician, and Pierre Moffatt, Ph.D., a basic scientist, the team discovered that when a part of the RUNX2 gene is duplicated it causes a disease called metaphyseal dysplasia with maxillary hypoplasia and brachydactyly or MDMHB. The discovery was published in the February 2013 issue of The American Journal of Human Genetics. Those with this condition endure a life of pain. Their teeth break easily and can be so painful that they have them pulled by the age of 20. As these patients grow, many have breaks in their spines, similar to what occurs in elderly people with osteoporosis. According to Dr. Rauch, “Now that we know the cause, we can identify patients with this disease earlier, and address their problems sooner.” Frank Rauch, M.D Pierre Moffatt, Ph.D. The EOS Imaging System provides a 3-D full body scan, capturing patients in a natural standing or seated position. State-of-the-art Imaging System Offering the most up-to-date treatment options is also a hallmark of our health care system. Shriners Hospitals for Children — Portland recently opened its state-of-the-art imaging center, complete with a new EOS Imaging System. This imaging system is the first technology capable of providing 3-D full-body images of patients in a natural standing or seated position, with a low radiation dose. According to Michael Aiona, M.D., chief of staff, “EOS represents a true breakthrough, offering the most advanced low-dose X-ray technology for orthopaedic imaging.” The EOS system provides high-quality radiographic images of the skeleton. It also delivers a radiation dose up to nine times less than a computed radiology X-ray, and up to 20 times less than a CT can. This low dose makes the system of particular value for pediatric patients, especially children who need to be imaged frequently to monitor disease progression, such as those with scoliosis. Three-dimensional body images of the skeleton allow physicians to make more informed diagnosis and treatment decisions. The new imaging center was made possible through a direct-use gift from a friend of Shriners Hospitals for Children — Portland. To learn more about how you can support Shriners Hospitals for Children, please visit SCIMITAR October/November 2014 T he Island Rhode ners Shri aper sp New Attention!! Shriner Members Only g Bringin rs’ News ne land Shri Rhode Is Community to the 53! 19 Since y r/Januar Decembe 2014 Vol.15 7 Issue 16 olidays Joyous H & e The Rhod ly June/Ju 2014 y New Y nd Health a A Happy T he Island Rhode ers Shrin er ap Newsp Vol. 16 0 Issue 17 ll ear To A from ers nd Shrin Isla g Bringin rs’ News rine Island Sh unity Rhode omm to the C 53! Since 19 the ome of at the h de Rho d n Isla rs! e n i r Sh 20, 2014 August nesday, Wed Tickets g joy nd...enes for dippinolate! A choc berri ng Straw ite or dark & Danci Lots of of wh Dinner choice • 7:00 pm !! in your sh Bar) LCOME!! se DE a Hou Social (CaL ARE WE INCLU es (DJ), AL h, and ch ea are $6 nge and lou office in the 4. on sale 14, 201 s will go about July Ticket on or any August 4th, HELP WANTED August/S epte 2014 mber Vo 6 Issuel.117 The Rhode Island Shriners Scimitar Staff is seeking a Shriner to sell advertising space in our “Award Winning” Scimitar Newspaper. Member/Applicant should be retired but ambitious, good with meeting new people, and have good knowledge about the Rhode Island Shriners. 6:00 pm Jon .00 eac Clinton es! just $28 cing to Tax TS are TICKE agne Toast, Dan, & Applicable ADVANCE, Champ vice Charge office SED IN RCHA or through the Ser BE PU MUST the main bar, Tickets 7-7100 ilable at -46 ava 401 and are T Rhode he Is Shrin land Newsp ers aper Must have dependable transportation and some knowledge of traveling throughout Rhode Island. Working hours are flexible. Interested? Call Business Manager: Shriner, Wayne Sutton 461-0690 for more details. Local # 1261 Christopher Reed - President Craig Viens - Vice President Joseph Tougas - Treasurer Sandy Robinson - Secretary Jason Renchan - Trustee A full-service marina serving the Tiverton area for some sixty years. 1697 Main Road Tiverton Rhode Island 1 Bringin Island Sh g riners’ to the C News omm Since 19 unity 53! Rhode Co Rhode me Join the Island Great for som Shriners Indo or e & Outd o or Eve n ts!! 9 10 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 SUNDAY S hriner Calendar MONDAY TUESDAY October WEDNESDAY 1 2014 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 2 Ladies Charming Treasures Fundraiser 5:30 4 Yom Kippur begins at sundown Hillbilly Clan Meeting 7pm 5 6 7 6:30 Divan Meeting Ladies Meeting 8 9 Ladies Luncheon 11:30 10 Shriners Supper Club 4pm 11 Directors Staff Bingo Night 7pm Sharp 12 Columbus Day Parade Federal Hill 11:00am 13 Autumnfest Woonsocket Parade 9:00am 14 15 16 17 Shriners Appreciation Dinner 6:30 18 11am Temple Guard Legion of Honor 7:30 Columbus Day 19 20 21 22 Directors Staff Meeting 7:30 26 S SUNDAY 28 hriner Calendar MONDAY Artisans/Motor Corps 7:30 29 TUESDAY 24 31 Halloween November 2014 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Happy Thanksgiving! 2 3 6:30 Divan Meeting Ladies Meeting 9 Smoking Game Dinner 12noon 16 10 Legion of Honor 7:30 17 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 Election Day 11 Veterans’ Day 18 11:30 Ladies Luncheon 19 7:30 Directors Staff Meeting 23 30 9:30am Clown Meeting 24 25 Legion of Honor’s Spaghetti Dinner 6pm 30 RI Shriners Halloween Havoc 7:30pm 100/Marhaba Club Annual Meeting 6pm 9:30am Clown Meeting 27 23 25 11am Temple Guard 20 Artisans/Motor Corps 7:30 26 27 Thanksgiving Day 21 22 Shriners Turkey Trot 6pm 28 29 SUNDAY S SCIMITAR October/November 2014 hriner Calendar MONDAY TUESDAY 1 December WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 11 2014 FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 6:30 Divan Meeting Ladies Meeting 7 8 Legion of Honor 7:30 14 15 Ladies Luncheon 11:30 16 17 11am Temple Guard Directors Staff Meeting 7:30 Hanukkah begins at sundown 21 22 23 First Day of Winter 24 Christmas Eve 25 Artisans/Motor Corps 7:30 Christmas Day 28 29 30 9:30am Clown Meeting 31 New Year’s Eve South Kingstown Assembly #6 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is hosting a Rainbow Girls Reunion October 25, 2014 from 1-4pm Hope Masonic Center 64 Columbia St. Wakefield, RI Once a Rainbow Girl, always a Rainbow Girl! Please join us for some fun and to share some memories. RSVP by October 15th or for more information contact: Diane Miller 401-792-8965 Ellen Hefler 401-364-6551 26 27 12 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Current & Upcoming Events RHODE ISLAND SHRINERS 100/MARHABA CLUB ANNUAL MEETING Ladies invited to accompany Nobles Monday, October 27, 2014 One Rhodes Place Cranston, RI 02905 McIntyre Room Social Hour: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Dinner : 7:00 PM $20.00 Per Person Short Business Meeting to follow Please complete the portion below and return to the Treasurer: James R. Rapson, 244 Park View Avenue, Warwick, RI 02888 before October 23, 2014 Checks payable to 100/Marhaba Club _____________________________________ Noble’s and Ladies names: _______________________________ Meal choice: (special requirements by request only) Baked Scrod Yankee Pot Roast # ___ @ $20.00 = # ___ @ $20.00 = $ ______________ $ ______________ Dues for 2015 at $10.00 per member: $ ______________ Total enclosed with this return: $ ______________ SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Current & Upcoming Events 13 14 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Current & Upcoming Event Notices Rhode Island Shriners 2014 parade schedule Noble William Dawless • Parade Marshal Phone: 401-258-0704 Date Time October 12, 2014 11:00 AM October 13, 2014 9:00 AM Parade Location Columbus Day Parade Federal Hill Autumfest Woonsocket November 11, 2014 Veterans Day Parade East Greenwich (Tentative) SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Shriners Hospitals for Children: Providing Life-Changing Care Shriners Hospitals for Children® is a unique health care system with 22 locations in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The specialized pediatric health care system provides expert care for orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate, regardless of the families’ ability to pay for services. Since 1922, Shriners Hospitals for Children has provided care to more than 1 million children. A History of Expert Specialty Care The first Shriners Hospitals for Children – opened in the 1920s – were established primarily to care for children who had contracted polio. Today, the majority of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children provide care for children with all types of orthopaedic conditions, including clubfoot, hip disorders, limb deficiencies and deformities, scoliosis, and orthopaedic difficulties related to cerebral palsy and other neuromuscular conditions. In the mid-1960s, Shriners became aware of a lack of medical expertise in pediatric burn care and opened three hospitals specializing in acute and rehabilitative burn care. These hospitals are the only ones initially established exclusively for the treatment of pediatric burns and related conditions. A fourth hospital in our health care system offering treatment for burns also provides care for orthopaedic conditions, spinal cord injury and cleft lip and palate. These hospitals continue to be pioneers in pediatric burn treatment and research and are recognized as leaders in the development of improved and innovative treatment techniques. In the early 1980s, the Shriners fraternity opened the nation’s first pediatric spinal cord injury rehabilitation centers. There, patients found a complete range of services needed to recover to the fullest extent possible. Today, these rehabilitation centers continue to provide the best possible comprehensive care. Cleft lip and palate is the health care system’s fourth service line. Facial clefts are one of the most common birth defects in the U.S. Despite the frequency of its occurrence, and the severity of the deformities, care for patients with cleft lip and palate can be difficult to obtain. Shriners Hospitals for Children is committed to improving care for children with this condition through a comprehensive, coordinated program of clinical excellence, teaching and research. Educating Future Health Care Leaders Shriners Hospitals for Children is dedicated to conducting innovative research to provide answers to complex medical difficulties affecting children. The organization’s research efforts not only benefit our patients, they contribute to the overall body of medical knowledge. The health care system is also proud of its role in medical education. By maintaining relationships with several medical teaching facilities, Shriners Hospitals for Children fosters an academic environment committed to providing high-quality education for its medical staff and expert care to all patients. Be Part of Our Mission At all Shriners Hospitals for Children locations, our patients receive both expert treatment and emotional and developmental care that fosters healthy, highquality independent lives. The health care system depends on the generosity of donors to carry out this mission of improving the lives of children. To learn how you can support our efforts, visit or call 800-241-GIFT (4438). 2013 Patient Care Statistics: In 2013, Shriners Hospitals for Children provided care to 124,353 patients regardless of the families’ ability to pay for services. To learn more about the health care system, please visit Eligibility Admission to our hospitals is based solely on medical need. All children, under the age of 18, are eligible for care if there is a reasonable possibility they could benefit from the specialized services available. All services are provided regardless of the ability to pay. OSAUG14SHFC 15 16 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 A Short Note From The Desk Of The Recorder With fall fast approaching I hope you can allow time in your busy schedules to attend the upcoming meetings. The first will be the scheduled Stated Meeting on Monday, October 27,2014 @ 7:30 PM. Then on Monday, December 8, 2014 @ 7:30 PM , will be the Annual Budget Meeting conducted by the Chief Rabban. Then to start the New Year we have the Annual Meeting taking place on Monday , January 5, 2015, @ 7:00 PM. I certainly hope that all Nobles will make an effort to attend these meetings and participate in the decision making process to operate our Shrine Center. Addressing another issue I must ask for your assistance. In order for the Recorder to properly meet the record keeping requirements of the Annual Meeting , he will be unable to accept dues payment just prior to the meeting. Dues will be accepted in the office on the day of the Annual Meeting until !2:00 noon. Please extend your co-opera- tion in this effort to ensure a successful meeting. Please enjoy the rest of the Summer , perhaps we will finally get some warm weather. Fraternally yours: Paul M. Healy / Recorder Paul M. Healy / Recorder Patriot Disposal Co., Inc. 2208 Plainfield Pike Johnston, RI (401) 647-7499 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 17 Rhode Island Grand Assembly International Order of the Rainbow for Girls We had a great time doing face painting at the Masonic Family picnic and appreciate the friendship shown to us by all in attendance. Our first Grand Officers’ Day was held August 16th at Scottish Rite. We initiated one new member and were pleased to have the MWGM and the WGM and WGP there to witness this great afternoon. The afternoon ended with some of our girls and adults taking the ice bucket challenge for ALS. Picture included. We are looking forward to doing a special presentation at Eastern Star Grand Chapter on Saturday morning, October 11th, about 11:30 AM. Hope many of you will be there. We are also looking forward to the Hayride and Halloween party being planned by the Youth Committee for October 18th at Friendship Lodge. Please bring your sons and daughters that night. They might to join either Rainbow of DeMolay. More information will be in a separate article from the Youth Committee. Also, plans are in the works for a star gazing party on November 29th and the holiday party on December 298th. Make plans to join us at any or all events. Please note that our Grand Assembly date has changed and that our 2015 Grand Assembly will be July 1719, 2015 at the Crowne Plaza. This way will be able to have all of our activities in the Plaza Ball room and not have to move our banquet. Mark us on your calendar. This is our 75th Grand Assembly, our 90th anniversary of Rainbow in RI, and our 20th year at the Crowne Plaza. Please come join us for the festivities. Friday night will end with a big birthday cake and ice cream and the party will be hosted by the JGEC. We are still selling gift cards. We receive a percentage of each card ordered although if you order a $100 card you pay $100. Remember that the holidays are coming and we would love your support. Please contact Mrs. Donna Fox, GEC, at 401-738-9222 for more information and to send checks in. We will be doing at least one order a month between now and Christmas. You may see the list of cards on the web site. Looking forward to seeing you all at some of our events. Rhode Island Rainbow Girls participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge % l 10 er f cia Spe nt of rs, ine cou dis ll Shr d to n a a o s all t son of nry! Ma bers aso mem of M ies bod William Dawless Masters Building Technologies, Inc. windows • siding roofing • doors • gutters Which Technology works best for you... ri residential reg. no. 31444 ri commercial reg. no. 184r 26 atwood street p.o. box 3226 providence, rhode island 02909 office: 401-351-8100 toll free: 877-912-0001 fax: 401-351-8101 18 The Ladies Corner SCIMITAR October/November 2014 By Janet Hencler This is our second article we’ve put in the online Scimitar and I hope you are getting on your computers, laptops, tablets and iphones and keeping up with what the Shrine Ladies are up to. I have to admit that I do miss the paper Scimitar! I used to look forward to finding a little time and sitting down and reading through the articles, upcoming events and once in a while seeing a picture or two of our Nobles and Ladies in action! Hey, how many of us remember when the Providence Journal put out two editions of the paper a day? I know I’m aging myself admitting to that but now even the Journal is on-line and I’m sure it is more cost productive for them as it is for the Shrine. As they say,”You got to go with the flow!” As I sit here and type this today there is definitely a Fall nip in the air. It’s getting darker earlier and it won’t be long before we turn the heat on to take the chill off in our homes. I love the Fall! It is my favorite Season but it is always a little sad watching the Summer slip away. Fall is officially only one week away but for the Shrine ladies it only means one thing - the Bazaar is only two months away!!! November 10th!! The Ladies Bazaar has always been our biggest fundraiser! I’m sure that with everyone’s help this year it will be no different. Maureen McGuire, our Chairwoman, has done this for many years and she truly is one of the most organized and hardworking ladies I know! However, we need everyone’s help! It would be especially helpful if we had a great turn-out at our next two ladies meetings! We meet on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM down in the Ladies Activity room. We have much to do and everyone is welcome and encouraged to atend! We always need donations for our big raffle table. If you are a regular at a restaurant near you or frequent certain businesses in your area please ask for a donation or gift certificate. We have letters all printed that you can present to them which explain who we are and what their donation is going to. You would be surprised how many places will say yes! We need baskets for the Basket table, gifts for the Penny Social table and Gift Shoppe table, baked goods the day of the Bazaar for the Bake Sale and prizes for the Kid’s table. Pizza & Deli Also clean out some of the closets you’ve been meaning to and we can use your items for Grandma’s Attic. We all have stuff we need to find new homes for! Our next group activity is our shopping party at Charming Tresures .Please check the ad for the details. Why not start your Christmas shopping or even better, treat yourself to something nice! Come join us, shop, have a little wine and cheese and have a night out! The ladies get a percentage of the total sale amount which we use to purchase unique gifts for our big Raffle table or the Silent Auction table. The Ladies have selected our Shrine shirts for the remainder of this year and next year as well. The color is royal blue and is available in either a button down or polo. Dawn Neto will be ordering and embroidering the shirts. The cost is $30.00 with the plus sizes costing a little extra. If you are interested please contact Kerrie Medeiros or Dawn directly with your size and style and what you would like embroidered as soon as possible! Checks should be made out to FLP and mailed in care of Dawn Neto,526 Havenbrook Way NW,Concord, North Carolina,28027. Dawn, by the way, does not make any money doing this, she does this out of the kindness of her heart and we greatly appreciate all her hard work! Thank you Dawn! A special hello goes out to our dear friends, Ann Adams and Ruth Wilkinson! Ladies, we miss you both and are keeping you are in our thoughts and prayers! We look forward to seeing you soon! In closing, 2014 is flying by and I know our Chief Raban and Lady Kerrie are busy making plans for a fun and exciting 2015! Any one that knows Kerrie and Glenn knows how much fun they are, knows how hard working they are and certainy know how much thay love the Shrine and what it stands for. They are undetaking some new and exciting projects as well as continuing many of our successful events. Next time you see Glenn and Kerrie why not approach them and ask them what can I do and how can I help? Let’s give them our support and encouragement! Let’s make 2015 the best year we can for RI Shrine! SCIMITAR October/November 2014 For Shriners Born In: 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 Harold Ritter Robert A. Blythe Jr. Frank A. Knight III David J. Sousa Ralph Lewis Jr. Kenneth H. Gebler Medmund B. Armstrong Jr. Michael T. MacNeil Douglas R. Kenney Sr. Craig W. Carpenter James R. Rapson Stephen F. Brander Jonny Shay Fred E. Dale S. H. Forte Russell V. Howard Donald H. Buck Donald P. Higgins 25 26 28 29 30 31 Donald W. Kennedy Clifford R. Ousley Jason L. Blank Peter J. Kindeforski Walter M. Anderson PP John K. Takian Jr. John M. Hattayer Kenneth B. Phillips Philip S. McGrath Alvin H. Mandly Kevin J. Foley David E. Whiteside James R. Day Raymond W. Cahoon Jr. Edwin E. Fielder Dennis R. Moss Robert J. Stearns Kenneth R. Franklin Scimitar Editor Wayne E. Sutton David A. Collier David Gervais Robert T. Spitler Nicholas R. Dalicandro Lancelot B. Giuffrida Edwin Shivell Charles R. Sinel Steven E. Smith Kenneth E. Sundberg Daniel J. Myers III Walter E. Paterson Raymond F. Kershaw Sr. Howard S. Weiss David F. Bouchard David E. Penn Josef A. Polichetti Stephan Saraidarian 1 2 3 5 Leverett F. Andrews Jr. Robert Avakian Alan French Philip L. Russell Bruce H. Corp Arnold L. Pepper Joseph A. Lopes David P. Smith David L. Antonelli 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 19 Arnold J. Adams Joseph B. Brearley David D. Lancaster Richard W. Kramer Edwin J. Doughty Clayton D. Lanphear Jr. Alfred H. Erdos Jr. Mekawy E. Elmekawy Felix L. Fernandes Russell A. Kawa Albert Wildgoose Elmer E. Angell Jr. Raymond E. Hassell Joseph Mozzone Stephen M. Kemp Jr. Lance W, Chappell PP Betram J. Garceau Robert B. Colburn Joseph H. Wilkinson Michael M. Megrdichian Elliott R. Greene Jr. David W. Jervis William M. Gates III Eri J. Nihill Manfred Diel Jr. George E. Hampson Richard A. Belham Sr. Melham Rizk Steven G. Salois Frank E. Maxim George M. Morgan Jr. Michael Muksian Michael J. Barboza Jacob Strashnick Donald Lowden Marcus Channell Robert A. Cole Francis M. Hartley Sr. Scott J. Slocum Illustrious Potentate Robert J. O’Brien Walter Berg Norman D. Marshall Franklin A. Ball October & November 2014 20 SCIMITAR October/November 2014 Making your most difficult days easier, creating wonderful funeral experiences, it’s what we’ve done for 100 years… Thank you for trusting us for 100 years, allowing us to care for your family as though they were our own. • For 100 years, we’ve earned the continued trust & confidence which has established relationships lasting for generations. • For 100 years, we’ve delivered compassionate care built upon five generations of integrity. • For 100 years, we’ve learned to change with the needs of today’s families, adding continuing care throughout the first year of grief’s journey. • For 100 years, we’ve continued to grow our facilities, adding an on-site crematory for your peace of mind and convenience. Call us today at 826-1600 for more information or visit our website at Craig W. 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