Holy Archangel Michael Byzantine Catholic Church 203 Jacob Street, Mont Clare, PA, 19453 Parish priest: Father James Badeaux Cantor: Michael Petruska Phone 610-933-2819 Fax 610-935-9460 Web www.stmichaelbyz.net Email stmichaelbyz@verizon.net Holy Dormition of the BVM Byzantine Catholic Church 88 Gap Road, Coatesville, PA, 19320 Corner of Gap Rd. and Strode Ave. (Rte 82) Cantor: Steve Furgas Web www.bvmdormition.org Email stmichaelbyz@verizon.net Saturday Schedule of Divine Services for This Week November 8, 2014 Holy Archangel Michael and All Holy Bodiless Powers of Heaven 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy at Mont Clare (patronal feast) 11:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy at Coatesville Sunday November 9, 2014 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 9:00 a.m. Parishioners of both parishes at Mont Clare 11:30 a.m. Health and God’s blessings for Braydon Schofield By Julie Walls and family at Coatesville Monday November 10, 2014 Holy Apostles Erastus and Companions NO SERVICES Tuesday November 11, 2014 Holy Martyrs Mennas, Victor, and Vincent NO SERVICES Wednesday November 12, 2014 Holy Martyr Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk NO SERVICES Thursday November 13, 2014 Our Holy Father John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople NO SERVICES Friday November 14, 2014 Holy Apostle and Archdeacon Philip NO SERVICES * CHRISTMAS FAST BEGINS AT SUNDOWN* Saturday November 15, 2014 Holy Martyrs Gurias, Samonas, and Habib NO SERVICES Sunday November 16, 2014 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Holy, Glorious, and Illustrious Apostle and Evangelist, Matthew 9:00 a.m. +Mary Gracia by Richard and Marlene Rosmos at Mont Clare 11:30 a.m. Parishioners of both parishes at Coatesville Slava Isusu Christu! Slava na v’iki! PRAYERS Please remember in your prayers the sick of our parishes especially: Mary Lou Sumner, James Vance, Irene Parvensky, Casey Batyko, George Margetto, Mary S. Boros, Jacque Thompson, and John and Theresa Manidis. ATTENDANCE LAST WEEK 11/2: Mont Clare: 87 Coatesville: 18 VIČNA LAMPA (Eternal Lamp) The Eternal Lamp burns this week for the peaceful repose of the soul of +Robert Grisdale by Anna Marie and Wilbur Ferrant. If anyone would like to sponsor the Eternal Lamp, the suggested donation is $10/week. PURCHASING SCRIP Please remember to purchase your gift cards in the parish center after Liturgy. If you would like to order any cards other than the ones we currently have available, please consult the list available when you purchase cards in the parish center or visit www.glscrip.com and click on the tab that says “Order Scrip”. You can determine which retailers and denominations of cards that you would like and then bring your order to us and we will place it. All special orders must be paid in advance. Thank you! OUR GIFTS AND TITHES TO THE LORD - Saint Michael's November 2, 2014 Sunday Offering $1,190.00 Cash/Loose $0.00 $0.00 Utilities/Maintenan Lenten $0.00 Initial $0.00 Candles Holy Days Stewardship Boscov's $210.00 $29.00 $227.00 $231.00 $0.00 cemetery Grove baking flowers TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,887.00 OUR GIFTS AND TITHES TO THE LORD - BVM Coatesville November 2, 2014 Sunday Offering Pascha Utilities/Maintenan Lent $240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Candles Holy Days Stewardship flowers $10.00 $15.00 $120.00 $0.00 Cash/loose Peter's Pence Middle East TOTAL $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $395.00 Mont Clare November 2 Ordinary income: $1,660.00 (81% of needed) Weekly average of ordinary income needed to meet projected expenses: $2,050.00. Diff. this week: -$390.00 SCRIP: sales: $1,740.00 profit: $84.25 Coatesville November 2 Ordinary income: $275.00 (44% of needed) Weekly average of ordinary income needed to meet projected expenses: $625.00. Diff. this week: -$287.00 SCRIP: sales: $375.00 profit: $15.25 VOCATIONS PRAYER Almighty God, Holy King, we pray that more of Your people will be generous in responding to Your invitation to be priests, deacons, nuns and monks. Teach them to follow in Jesus’ footprints by bringing the light of the Holy Spirit to all people. For You are Holy our God, and we give glory to You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen. BAKING PROJECT IN MONT CLARE We will be baking nut rolls for Thanksgiving and Christmas on Saturday, November 8th, and again on Nov 15, or until orders are filled. We need everyone’s help to make this project a success. If you are unable to help with the baking, please consider making a donation for the cost of supplies we need to purchase. STEWARDSHIPAPPEAL By now, you should have received your Annual Stewardship Appeal information. For Saint Michael’s, our goal has been increased to $8,000. Please be as generous as possible. If you decide to donate to the Appeal to help us meet our goal, please do not reduce your other giving to the parish by that amount. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated in helping our Eparchy run smoothly and meet its obligations and charitable goals. If you have not received your packet for this year’s appeal, please email or call Fr. Jim to let him know. THE CHRISTMAS FAST or ST PHILIP’S FAST or FILIPOVKA begins at sundown on November 14th, the feast of St. Philip. This forty day period of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving is in preparation for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord. It ends after Vespers on Christmas Eve. Traditionally, no meat or dairy would be eaten during this time. Please try, at least, to increase your observance of some type of extra penance during this period, e.g., by avoiding meat on another day, such as Wednesday, in addition to the Fridays you already keep meat free. Observance of this Fast is voluntary. FATHER JIM WILL BE AWAY THIS WEEK from Thursday, November 13th until Tuesday, November 18th. If there is an emergency and you are in need of a priest, please call Fr. Nick at St. John’s in Pottstown at 610.326.1877.
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