# design competition 2015 rules and conditions rules and conditions Article 1: Aim of the competition The aim of HEMA Design Competition is to make a contribution to the practical development of students of the fashion, product design and food design courses involved in the Design Competition. HEMA also aims to make the public at large more aware of design through the Design Competition. The publicity surrounding the competition gives young designers exposure within the design industry and among the general public. HEMA also intends to actually produce and sell one or more of the submitted entries. Article 2: participation/registration Participation in the HEMA Design Competition is limited to students of fashion, food design or product design at one of the recognized higher educations and universities in the Netherlands. A list of these courses and educational institutes can be found on www.hema.nl/ontwerpwedstrijd. Only students enrolled in these courses in the academic year 2014/2015 are eligible to participate. Participants must register in order to take part in the competition. Registration for the Design Competition is possible until 3 April 2015 using the registration form on www.hema.nl/ontwerpwedstrijd. It is not possible to participate in the HEMA Design Competition without registering on or before the above date. Upon registration, participants will receive a unique entry number, which the participant must use to submit his or her design. HEMA reserves to right to exclude persons from participation if they do not meet all the conditions and obligations as set out in the competition rules. A participant may submit more than one design. However, a separate entry number must be requested for each individual design submitted. Entries will only be viewed by the judges if all the conditions stated below have been met. Article 3: the design The design must be aimed at inclusion in HEMA’s range of products consisting of fashion, hard goods and food products. The designs and materials chosen by the participants must comply with the following requirements: ∞ the design must not be already available on the market. ∞ the design must appeal to as broad a group of potential customers as possible. ∞ the design must meet the requirements for entry as set out in the chapter “The assignment” and article 5 of these rules. ∞ the retail price of the design must suit HEMA’s position in the market, in other words: good quality at a good price. ∞ In order to actually produce the product, the production methods must be described in detail. This means that there must be a clear and detailed description of the materials used and the manufacturing process. A technical specification of the design must also be provided as well as a calculation of the cost price. The technical specification must demonstrate that the design is suitable for mass production and (overseas) shipment. Article 4: dates The following dates and deadlines apply for the HEMA Design Competition: Registration via www.hema.nl/ontwerpwedstrijd until 3 April 2015. ∞ The design must be received by HEMA on or before Friday 10 April 2015 (no later than 1 pm CET) at the address specified in article 6. ∞ The announcement of the winning entries and the award ceremony will take place in 2015 on dates to be determined later. These dates will be announced on the website. 2 Article 5: requirements for each entry The participant’s entry must have a unique entry number issued by HEMA upon registration. Use of a number guarantees that entries are judged anonymously. A participant may submit more than one design. A participant must register each submitted design separately so that each design has a unique entry number. Designs may not be entered on behalf of more than one person. For each design the participant must, in any case, submit the following four items: ∞ 5.1 A complete functioning full-scale model of his or her design labelled with the name of the design and the entry number. ∞ 5.2 A description of the design (maximum 1,000 words and no longer than one A4 page), in which the participant describes the vision behind the entry, explains the design and the choices made and tells the story behind the design (i.e. how and why the participant came up with the idea). Drawings and sketches that were used in the development of the design/entry can be included for illustrative purposes. All these enclosures must also be marked with the entry number. ∞ 5.3 A full and detailed description of the method of production as described in article 3. The colours and materials used can be included. All items must be labelled with the entry number. ∞ 5.4 A sealed envelop containing the participant’s name, address, telephone number, educational institute and course. The sealed envelope serves to verify the person who submitted the design. For the sake of anonymity, the personal details of the participant must only be present in this envelope and must not be written on the box or on the design. ∞5.5 All costs incurred by the participant in developing the submitted design, as well as the costs of sending the entry to #, are borne by the participant. Article 6: method of delivery and deadline The designs of the participants must be sent to the address below and have been received by 1 pm (CET) on 10 April 2015 at the latest. The designs must be properly packed to avoid damage to the design and labelled with the unique entry number received upon registration, as described in articles 2 and 5 of these rules. Preferably the participant uses standard parcel boxes available from Dutch post offices. The entry number should be written on a 10 x 15 cm label on the outside of the posted parcel. HEMA design competition c/o Mail2000 Bonte Kraaiweg 20 1521 RD Wormerveer The Netherlands Article 7: intellectual property and production of design ∞ 7.1 The participant retains intellectual property and other rights related to the design. The participant declares that his or her design is his or her own creation and does not infringe the rights of third parties. The participant indemnifies # from any claims by third parties that the design infringes on their rights and will compensate # for all damages and costs (including legal costs) arising from such claims. ∞ 7.2 # has the intention, but no obligation, to actually produce selected design and include them (possibly temporarily) in #’s product range. 3 ∞ 7.3 If # decides to actually produce and sell a selected design, all intellectual property rights with regard to the design, and worldwide copyrights in particular, will be transferred by the participant to HEMA for an amount to be determined by #. In this case, the participant will, at first request by HEMA, cooperate fully to accomplish this transfer of intellectual property rights as set out in an agreement to be reached with the participant. ∞ 7.4 By participating in the competition, the participant grants # the irrevocable right to publish his or her design in the broadest sense of the word without prior consultation. ∞ 7.5 The participant may not publish, offer for sale, exhibit or otherwise make the design public before submitting the design as an entry (and up to the official award ceremony) without obtaining prior written permission from #. ∞ 7.6 The jury selects a number of designs for the public award. Participants whose designs are selected (including prize-winners and honourable mentions) are not permitted to exploit their designs for commercial benefit during a period of one (1) year after the award ceremony without prior written permission from #. Article 8: Return of the designs Except for the designs that will be exhibited, the entries will be returned within two months after the announcement of the prize winners. Entries will be returned only if the participant has indicated during registration that he or she wishes his or her design to be returned. Article 9: jury A jury will assess and judge all entries. The members of the jury will be announced ondates to be determined later on: www.hema.nl/ontwerpwedstrijd. Article 10: judgment ∞ 10.1 The jury members will first determine whether an entry meets all the criteria set out in this document. If the entry does not comply with the requirements, the entry will be disqualified and excluded from further evaluation. The anonymity of participants is guaranteed during the judging process. If the jury is of the opinion that there are sufficient entries that meet the requirements and in the jury’s opinion are of sufficient quality, the jury awards the available prizes. ∞ 10.2 The product specialists at # evaluate the entries selected for awards by the jury in terms of the feasibility of producing and selling these designs in #’s stores. Article 11: reporting The announcement of the winning entries will take place in 2015 on dates to be determined later. This date will be announced on the website. The jury report will be published simultaneously with the announcement of the prizes. In the jury report, the jury members explain how they reached their decision regarding the prize winners and possible honourable mentions. Article 12: prizes ∞ 12.1 The winner of # Design Competition receives a cash prize of € 1,500. The amounts for the second and third prizes are € 750 and € 500 respectively. The jury may, at its discretion, also award up to five honourable mentions with an associated cash prize of € 250. # reserves the right to award fewer prizes than described above. 4 ∞ 12.2 If # decides to actually produce a winning design, # will pay the participant an amount to be determined by # upon transfer of the intellectual property rights. ∞ 12.3 The winner of the # Design Competition public award receives a cash prize of € 1,500. Article 13: exhibitions The winning designs and a number of other designs selected by the experts involved will be exhibited at a location to be determined by #. For this reason, # will keep these designs and related items for as long as # deems necessary. Article 14: Ownership of the designs The submitted entries will become the property of HEMA. HEMA will offer the designers a one-time only opportunity to collect the submitted designs at a date and location determined by HEMA. This does not apply to the designs for which HEMA is examining the production possibilities. Article 15: Questions Questions related to the HEMA Design Competition can be addressed to the secretariat of the HEMA Design Competition, e-mail: (020) 311 43 70. Article 16: Liability for damage HEMA does not accept any liability for any damage to an entry during the competition or the period in which HEMA has the entry in its possession. This also applies to all transport and shipping. Article 17: Binding decision HEMA will accept the jury’s decision unconditionally. Article 18: Legal disputes The HEMA Design Competition is subject to the laws of the Netherlands. Any possible disputes arising out the HEMA Design Competition will be brought exclusively before the appropriate law court in Amsterdam. Article 19: Miscellaneous ∞ 19.1 HEMA reserves the right to change or amend the HEMA Design Competition rules and conditions at any time. Changes and amendments will be announced on www.hema.nl/ontwerpwedstrijd. ∞ 19.2 If one or more of the above provisions are deemed to be invalid, the other provisions will remain in effect. In this event, the parties shall be guided by the intention of the invalid provision. contact information email: ontwerpwedstrijd@hema.nl telephone number of secretariat: 020 - 311 43 70 5
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