THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 MUSQUEAM NEWSLETTER Tel: 604-263-3261, Toll Free: 1-866-282-3261, Fax: 604-263-4212...Safety Patrol: 604-968-8058 MUSQUEAM DAY A DAY FOR ALL MEMBERS TO CELEBRATE November 1 was declared many years ago by the Band Council as ―Musqueam Day‖ to recognize the legal victory achieved by the Band under the leadership of Delbert Guerin, the former chief over the federal government. The case dealt with the wrongful acts of the government in granting the lease in 1957 to the Shaughnessy Golf Club over one-third of the Band’s main reserve, the highest and best land. That lease continues until 2032 and the loss that was caused to the Band continues every day as the Club insists on relying on its terms that members of the Court considered ―disgraceful.‖ The case went to the Supreme Court of Canada and, on November 1, 1984, the Court held that the government was in breach of its fiduciary duty to the Band in granting the lease on terms not agreed by the Band members when the surrender of the land was approved. Those terms reduced the rent to a fraction of the market amount. The case is recognized (together with the Sparrow fishing case) as a leading case in Aboriginal law for establishing the Crown’s obligations as legally enforceable, for the recognition of a fiduciary duty (a duty to act in the best interests of the Band) and to consult and for what it said about the legal nature of Aboriginal title. Further information can be found in an article by Jim Reynolds, one of the lawyers in the case and now the Band’s General Counsel, on its importance posted on the Band’s website. Since November 1 is a Saturday this year, Musqueam Day will be celebrated on October 31 and is especially significant being both the 30th Anniversary and the year in which Chief Guerin passed away. It is a day of celebration for all Band members. Inside this issue: Rental Arrears Policy 2 MIB Job Post 3 Education Family Outreach Mtg. 4 5 Land Code 6-9 Musqueam 101 10 Remaining News 11-18 Smoke Shop Hours: Monday— Friday …… 10:00 AM– 6:45 PM. (closed during lunch 12:00-1:00 pm.) Must be 19years old and have a valid status card. MUSQUEAM INDIAN BAND 6735 Salish Drive Vancouver, B.C. V6N 4C4 Telephone: 604 263-3261 Fax: 604 263-4212 MUSQUEAM INDIAN BAND JOB POSTING Brighter Future/Breakfast Life Skills Program Worker –Health Department Part Time Term Position The Musqueam Indian Band’s Health Department is seeking a Brighter Future/Breakfast Life Skills Program Worker to join to their team. Position Summary: To work with the Breakfast Life skills Program Facilitator and assist with the overall program. Duties: To assist with the Breakfast Life Skills Program on Friday’s from 7:00 AM to 9:00AM. Create monthly/weekly schedules and community notices. Record and maintain statistics for reporting. Communicate with community members and regarding the program. Assist with community events. Job Knowledge: The work requires the following knowledge, skill and/or abilities: Experience working with children and their families an asset. Musqueam Indian Band First Nation Member an asset. Willing and able bodied. Good interpersonal skills. This position will require you to be available at a minimum of 1 day/week and flexible to work variable hours including evenings. Working Conditions: Work is performed in an office and cafe environment. Successful Criminal Record Check. Please apply by submitting a cover letter and resume to Musqueam Indian Band, Human Resources, email in person: 6735 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC, V6N 4C4 or Fax: (604) 2634212 Applicants of Musqueam and/or Aboriginal ancestry are encouraged to apply. The closing date for applications is Friday, November 14, 2015 at 12:00 pm * Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. MUSQUEAM EDUCATION Thursday October 30, 2014 The Education Department wishes a happy and safe Halloween to everyone! Last week’s answer: A coat of paint! Try and guess the answer to this week’s riddle: How do you know if a vampire has a sore throat? If your child is 4 years old, Kindergarten registration begins for NEXT year November 1st. Please call your local school or visit their websites online for registration forms. IMPORTANT EDUCATION INFORMATION Are you in GRADE 12 and want to know about scholarships for next year? Check out this one: Are you a post-sec student at VCC and are interested in bursaries/scholarships? Check out this one from C3: eng/4078514441407/4078514441407? HAPPY HALLOWEEN! The Elementary Homework Club is BACK! Elementary Homework Club Elementary Homework Club is up and running again! Please join our tutors from 3:45-5:15 every Thursday to get help with reading, math, and homework! It will be held in the Rec Centre Meeting Room until after Halloween. Education Department Staff Faye Mitchell, Education Coordinator, email: Jayne Simpson, Learning Facilitator: email: Delphine Campbell, Education Assistant, email: Musqueam Social Development Department Family Outreach: Parents Evening Come out to meet the two new Family Outreach Workers for Musqueam (Christina Campbell & Rhiannon Bennett). We are hosting an evening for Parents, Caregivers, and families to get together, share a meal and get to know each other & the Outreach team. We are in the process of creating programming for parents and families. We would like your input and for you to share what would be helpful and relevant for your family. It will be a catered dinner & there will be door prizes! When: Thursday November 13, 2014 Where: 51st Hall 6612 Salish Drive Time: 5:30pm to 7pm Along with having groups and programming for families, we have an array of supports and resources that you can access from our Outreach Team. Listed below are some of the areas where we could offer support and advocacy: parenting support domestic violence custody disputes support and referrals addictions and substance misuse safety planning legal and court appearances conflict resolution and healing liaise with other professionals child safety housing and employment search Our offices are located at the 51st hall (entrance on Staulo Crescent side). We would like to invite you to stop by for a visit. Office Hours: 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday & closed on Stat Holidays Office Phone: 604-263-3269 Christina Campbell 604-671-5285 outreach@musqueam Rhiannon Bennett 604-364-6551 FIRST NATIONS LAND MANAGEMENT - MUSQUEAM LAND CODE DRAFT Interim Spousal Property Law You’re invited: Date: Time: Where: Band Member Consultation Meeting Tuesday, November 4, 2014 5:30 pm Dinner 6:00 Meeting Start Musqueam Cultural Pavilion 4000 Musqueam Drive - Classroom We invite all Band Members to attend, & enjoy a meal. “Draft Musqueam Interim Spousal Property Law”. Please be advised the DRAFT Interim Spousal Property Law will available to be signed out & returned to Musqueam Lands Dept. at meetings end. Questions? Please call Kim A. Guerin, Coordinator, Musqueam Land Code Phone: 604-263-3261 or 1-866-282-3261 Date of Notice: October 31, 2014 MUSQUEAM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, 6735 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4C4 / T: 604.263.3261 / E: What does on-reserve matrimonial real property law mean to Musqueam? Resolution of this issue is long overdue. Government bodies at all levels have consistently recommended legislative action. Provincial laws protect the matrimonial real property interests and rights of both spouses during a relationship, or in the event of separation, divorce or death. However, on-reserve matrimonial interests or rights include a couple’s family home and other matrimonial interests or rights, where either spouses or common-law partners live together. In 1986, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that courts cannot apply provincial family laws on reserves governed by the Indian Act, if doing so would alter individual interests in matrimonial real property on reserves. Many of the legal protections relating to matrimonial interests or rights that are applicable off reserves are not available to individuals on reserves; and The Indian Act is silent on this issue. Through the 2012 ratification of the Musqueam Land Code, Musqueam Band Members voted to manage our own land and resources. This means we are now in a position to make our own law on matrimonial real property. We need your input on this important issue. If you have questions about Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests Act at Musqueam, please call Kim A. Guerin, Coordinator, Musqueam Land Code Phone: 604-263-3261 or 1-866-282-3261. MUSQUEAM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, 6735 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4C4 / T: 604.263.3261 / E: FIRST NATIONS LAND MANAGEMENT - MUSQUEAM LAND CODE DRAFT Interim Spousal Property Law You’re invited: Date: Time: Where: Band Member YOUTH Consultation Meeting Thursday, November 13, 2014 5:30 pm Dinner 6:00 Meeting Start Musqueam Community Rec Centre 6777 Salish Drive – 2nd flr. Boardroom We invite all Band Members to attend, & enjoy a meal. “1st Revised Draft Musqueam Interim Spousal Property Law”. Please be advised the DRAFT Interim Spousal Property Law will available to be signed out & returned to Musqueam Lands Dept. at meetings end. Questions? Please call Kim A. Guerin, Coordinator, Musqueam Land Code Phone: 604-263-3261 or 1-866-282-3261 Notice date: Thursday, October 31, 2014 MUSQUEAM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, 6735 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4C4 / T: 604.263.3261 / E: FIRST NATIONS LAND MANAGEMENT – MUSQUEAM LAND CODE “MUSQUEAM DRAFT LAND USE PLAN” You’re invited: Band Member Community Consultation Meeting Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014 Time: 5:30 pm Dinner; 6:00 Mtg. Where: Musqueam Community Centre 6777 Salish Drive We invite all Musqueam Band Members to Review & Update “MUSQUEAM DRAFT LAND USE PLAN”. Note: Land Use Plan underwent 1st official legislative reading October 27, 2014 Chief & Council Meeting RESPECTFULLY: MUSQUEAM BAND MEMBERS ONLY Questions? Please call Kim A. Guerin, Coordinator, Musqueam Land Code Phone: 604-263-3261 or 1-866-282-3261 Notice Date: October 31, 2014 MUSQUEAM ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, 6735 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4C4 / T: 604.263.3261 / E: MUSQUEAM 101 stem? (what?) Musqueam 101 November 5, 2014 Àgbára-Dudú: black power and identity in La Marina, Cuba by Daniel Brasil Daniel Brasil has a Masters in Sustainable Development from the University of Brasilia and is presently a PhD candidate in the Joint PhD Program between the University of Brasilia, the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural Juan Marinello (ICIC). His supervisor is Bruce Miller at UBC. Daniel is interested in interactions between self‐identification processes and society, especially traditional populations and development. ni• ••nc•? (where?) Musqueam Administration Building t•mtem? (when?) Wednesday, November 5. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. PLEASE JOIN US! What Happened Last Week Birds, Butterflies, and Dragonflies galore! We had a wonderful evening with the folks from the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at UBC. They shared information about their collections, displays and outreach activities. In addition they brought a number of prepared birds, dragonflies and butterflies. INTRODUCTION TO AUDIO ENGINEERING PROGRAM 2014 (Music & Sound Production) Course Summary: Musqueam is proud to announce that we will be offering a new program dedicated to the education of audio engineering and music production. The course will be targeted at the youth in our community with the intention of giving our next generation a lens into the music industry and a basic knowledge of the works and functions of music recording studios around the globe. Over the course of 6 months you'll be given the opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time in a real recording studio with qualified mentors, and learn the ins and outs of the process by which takes place to write, record, produce, mix, and master your favorite songs. In addition, we hope to inspire ambition in our youth and shed some light on the importance of loving your career path. The audio engineering course will take place in our very own youth centre by the Crown St Gym where we will be constructing a state of the art recording studio, which hopefully over time we can continue to add to and develop. Moreover, participants who choose to get involved will also have the chance to record and complete some of their own original songs, traditional Coast Salish drumming songs and experiment further in their own personal music interests. The music industry operates in a very unique way and through the guidance of our experienced mentors you will get a taste of that means. The course will commence on or about December 1, 2014 and run for approximately 8 months. It will teach you, for example, how to set up microphones for bands, such as guitars and vocals. This is an excellent opportunity for any and all of our youth who love music and want to expand their horizons. This program will intern 5 people. Signing up for this course is the first of many steps towards accomplishing your dreams in the music industry; sign up today! Please make an appointment and register with: Wanona (Bambi) Scott 604-269-3316 Aboriginal Cancer Care Program ABORIGINAL CANCER AWARENESS TRAINING Monday, November 17, 2014 & Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Suite 288, 2750 East Hastings Street Vancouver, BC Learn Cancer awareness, screening, healthy lifestyle choices for cancer prevention, cancer recurrence, early detection and support. Topics and representatives include: Traditional Healing Exercise and Healthy Eating Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Prostate Cancer Foundation BC Inspire Health Integrated Cancer Program BC Cancer Agency Canadian Cancer Society, BC /Yukon Division Please contact us for more information or to register for this training: ENGINEERING SERVICES Peter Judd, P.Eng. , General Manager This notice contains important information which may affect you. Please ask someone to translate it for you . ~~*~-~ ~ -- - 00~~ -- -M o ~~A·~~ ~ c - - 1e"R" ?;fb:r ~ ~ i"''coc•cft "U- "i'r fa" 3iJ'ir -set t;Ja<ft -u ~ ~. fc;raur ~ fc:iR" ti ft:l:r ? ~ "'Cil'd"O -m!t ~ ThOng bAo nay c6 tin tuc quan trong cc) th6 anh hu-6-ng d4!rn quy vj. Xln nho' ngu·c-1 phl4!ln djch ht). Este aviso contiene informacion importante que puede afectarle personalmente. Pidale a alguien que se lo traduzca. Ce document contient des renseignements importants qui pourraient vous concerner. Veuillez demander a quelqu·un de vous le traduire. October 17, 2014 Dear Musqueam Village and Lease Land Resident : RE: Watermain Construction on W51st to Restrict Access to VWage Starting in the first week of November, a City of Vancouver waterworks crew will be installing a new watermain along W51st Ave between Dunbar and Wallace . This work is required to replace the area's aging infrastructure and is expected to be completed in approximately 5 weeks. Due to the narrow width of W51st ave, construction will occupy most of the road surface. To avoid causing lengthy delays to drivers and to maintain a safe work site, the City will be closing the road for the duration of the project; providing access only to residents of 3895 to 3675 W51st . For access to the Musqueam Village during the construction period , the City recommends the alternate route via Salish Drive. A map, on the back of this notification, outlines the road closure extents and the alternate route. Signage will be installed along Dunbar St and SW Marine Dr to direct traffic to Salish Drive. After the installation of the watermain is complete , a temporary street repair will be installed . It is expected that shoulder to shoulder paving will be completed in early spring 2015, when the weather has improved and is conducive to paving. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank-you , in advance, for your co-operation . For updates on the road closure , please contact 3-1 -1 or visit our website at http: I / vancouver .cal streets-transportation/ roadwork. aspx. Regards, ~ cd:z_ Me;an Pa«. EIT ' - City of Vancouver, Engi neerin g Services Mailing Address: 320· 507 West Broadway Vancouver, Brit ish Co lumbia V5Z OB4 Can ada tel: 3·1-1 , Outside Vancouver 604. 873 .7000 fax : 604.873.7200 website: vancouver. ca I engsvcs/ t¥201"4~ e BC's Top Employers ,------, ~-~ ~~ L l l ll lill i l-11 ~l l l l lll l l ! I: I ~ I I I I I ! IIII,IJJ l lll l rrr 11 ~""%~tQZW 0 Ill i I 8w.,~,j3lll ----, ,- i ~ - ---- , ·- - ~. ~ · --/'~~~~ IIIImAU l!lll l i l ll l~ll :,l; // 111 /il/1 11 / l // I Hffil n:nl/111 11111 11 11 rE W40THAV ~t I I I I I I ! I I . ~ - W41ST/W .&_ ll /1 1/! /1/ i!// / , ,llll ;l ll /l l f l d - ' - L ~ ITIT1Jft1[8 . [ • H-l-·f---+--.l,_f---Cj~t=lt=l··D[I[]J1]]0\E~ ~f-1'----F~I-r-1 r--H~H---1;~~~!=1!==J~ 8// /j /1///// // /////~ ~ 0 Ell t=j/ Ill /11 :ln'li! i! /II IIII I! i ! II i !I~~ ~l lll[ITD1JJ IllFil ii§ l \ I I I/ ... _ A----- I / :::::: : I ~u~~u:A~ ~o~F. c~u.R~E. ::::: JI . . .................. ............ '• Access to Musqueam Village and Musqueam Golf Course via Salish Drive 4.- " \ I "Y ~THIAV 4 I POINT GREY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB LTD I rYM"'="·:j ~ttt?J: , %)'(i ll rfjl{,)lll Musqueam Indian Band October 9, 2014 The Musqueam Indian Band and the Musqueam Chief & Council are inviting Musqueam Members who would like the opportunity to attend upcoming home Canuck games that are gifted to the Musqueam Indian Band and Chief & Council. To distribute as fairly as possible we will be selecting the attendees by a lottery draw. *Please note that if you submitted your name last year and attended a game you may re-submit your name this year but priority will be given to those that have not attended. Rules for entering: May only submit your name once If your name is chosen, the selected recipient must attend the game If you can’t attend the game you were selected to attend your name will go back in to the lottery and a new winner will be selected Must provide own transportation to game Please enter by emailing your name and contact information to: Email: Or by filling out the form that is attached and placing your entry form in the box at reception in the Musqueam Administration Office. Please note that you can only submit your name once and if your name is drawn you must be the recipient using the ticket. If a minors name is drawn an adult must attend with the minor. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Musqueam Canuck Lottery Form: Name: ___________________________ Age: ______ Phone Number: ___________________ Musqueam Safety & Security – Vancouver Police Department Role Clarity Topic: Where: When: Time: Role Clarity with Security and Vancouver Police Department MIB Recreation Rec Center November 12, 2014 5:00pm – 6:30pm Please come and join us for a snack and conversation We will have open discussion with Security and Vancouver Police Department member on the roles they play in the Musqueam Community Security Roles: Record and Report team Written report – in detail Primary Role – overall safety of the community Female Assist – assist with intoxicated underage females Establish available resources on scene or to be called Ensure crime scene protection Ensure rights of community member are not being overstepped Ability to give First Aid, use of Automated External Defibrillator, use of Fire Extinguisher and Oxygen Liaise with the Vancouver Police Department on every incident in the community Vancouver Police Department Role: In Person
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