St. Christopher’s Catholic Church 713 West College Street Dickson, TN 37055 November 9, (615)446-3927 2014 (615)446-7339 Fax LITURGY SCHEDULE and CONTACT INFORMATION Daily Masses: Monday and Friday, 11:30am Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8:30am Wednesday, 6:30 pm Daily Adoration: one hour before daily Mass, M thru S Sunday and Holy Day Masses: Saturday Vigil, 5:00 pm Sundays, 8:30 and 11:00 am Holy Days: As announced in the bulletin Misa en Español - Jueves a las 7:00 de la tarde Pastor, Rev. Mathew Perumpally, 615-446-3927, Parish Office/Library Hours: Mon. through Wed., 8am-1pm; Thurs., 9am-12 noon; Fri., 8am-12 noon. Parish Secretary (M-T-W and F) — Mary Lou Sander, 446-3927 ext. 2, Parish Bookkeeper (Mon., 5-8 pm) — Beth Wilkerson,, or 446-3927 ext. 2 Directors of Rel. Ed. — Amber Gonzales (405-6764), Michelle Brenner (519-3215), Kathy Tucker (446-8281) Parish Leaders: Deacon Jim Tucker, RCIA, 615-446-8281 Parish Council President, Paul Hudson, 615-289-1630 Finance Board Chairman, Jimmy Green, 615-799-7832 Knights of Columbus GK, John Denham, Women’s Club President, Cheryl Scott, 446-3864 PARISH Building & Grounds, Bill Morgan, 557-8346 (cell) LifeTeen Choir Director, Theresa Sander, 604-9223 St. Vincent de Paul Society President, Steve Hyatt Caring Hearts Ministry Chairperson, Betty Wyatt 446-5867 Parish Library Chairperson, Terri Thomas, 446-3887 MISSION STATEMENT We, the members of St. Christopher Church, are called by God to become a believing, loving, caring and welcoming Catholic Community. We commit ourselves personally and collectively to study the WORD of God and to proclaim the GOOD NEWS to the world. We gather together to celebrate the love of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, which inspires and urges us to serve our brothers and sisters as bread broken for many. Filled with the knowledge and love of Christ, we go to the world as a CHRISTOPHER*, bearing the light of the Gospel values. * Christopher means “Christ-bearer”. GENERAL INFORMATION: ♦ Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions will be heard on Saturday from 4:00—4:45 pm and Wed. from 5:30—6:15 pm and every day during Adoration before Mass (on request). ♦ Infant Baptism: Baptism should take place as soon as possible following birth. Expectant parents should contact the pastor before the birth of the child. ♦ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Contact the pastor, 446-3927. ♦ Sacrament of Matrimony: Contact the pastor at least 4 months prior to the proposed wedding date to receive marriage preparation. Couples must fulfill all diocesan regulations. ♦ Anointing of the Sick: Anyone in danger of death from illness or old age should receive this sacrament. Please inform the pastor of any parishioners who are seriously ill. ♦ For information on St. Patrick’s School, (931) 582-3493. ♦ THE BULLETIN DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT NOON. ♦ Sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesiones). En español; media hora antes de la misa los jueves, ó por petición al sacerdote hispano. ♦ Bautismo Infantil: Los bautismos deberán de ocurrir de inmediato después del nacimiento. Los padres deben ponerse en contacto con el sacerdote antes del nacimiento para programar el bautismo. ♦ Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA): Contacte al sacerdote. Tel. 446-3927. ♦ Sacramento de Matrimonio: Contacte al sacerdote por lo menos cuatro meses antes de la boda. Las parejas tendrán que cumplir con todos los requisitos de la diócesis. ♦ Unción de Enfermos: Cualquier persona con peligro de muerte sea por enfermedad, accidente, ó vejez debe recibir éste sacramento. Por favor informar al sacerdote de algún enfermo grave en la parroquía. ♦ Para información sobre la escuela católica de St. Patrick, llama al (931) 582-3493. ♦ Lo hora límite para someter artículos en este boletín es cada lunes a las 12 del día (mediodía). ____NOVEMBER 9, 2014 — THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA_ MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Sat., Nov. 8, 8:30 am Larry Stumb (L) by Mark & Beth Cunningham 5:00 pm Elizabeth Sievers by Jennie Rosenhagen Sunday, Nov. 9, 8:30 am The People of the Parish 11:00 am Mama Frances Rivera by Bill & Diana Morgan Mon., Nov. 10 11:30 am Diane Camacho by Louise Hornick Tues., Nov. 11 Vivian Jackowski by Kitty Gersman Wed., Nov. 12 Soledad Verduzco by Charles Hay Thur., Nov. 13 Shirley Hay by Charles Hay Fri., Nov. 14 Larry Stumb (L) by Mark & Beth Cunningham Sat., Nov. 15, 8:30 am Special Intention of the Cunningham family 5:00 pm The People of the Parish Sunday, Nov. 16, 8:30 am Richard Bell by Jack Gaffkey 11:00 am Maryann Bibbo by Angie Lozzi COLLECTION FOR 11/2/14 Thank you very much. Loose Cash 366.77 Cks/Envs. 4,473.00 All Souls $570.00 Total Regular Collection $4,839.77 All Saints $500.37 Future Projects $764.00 • Altar Servers are going bowling! This Sunday, Nov. 9, the Altar Servers will go bowling at Thunder Alley from 5:00—7:00 pm. Meet there. For more information, call Daniel Schachle, 423-991-2044, or Francis Sander, 342-9710. • Knights of Columbus “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest for Grades K—8 starts today! See today’s insert to learn all about it. • St. Patrick’s Church in McEwen will host an Advent Mission at the end of this month. Fr. Michael would like to invite all neighboring churches to come hear Fr. Chris Crotty from the Fathers of Mercy, Sunday, Nov. 30, through Wednesday, Dec. 3. See flyers. • • St. Christopher will not hold an Advent Mission, but rather will host a Paulist Mission Priest January 11—14. Mark your calendars! Our Advent Penance Service will be Tuesday, Dec. 9. The Catholic TV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation. To help, simply visit as an easy way to petition your cable or satellite provider. Sun., 11/9 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10 Wed.: Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8 Sun., 11/16 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 THIS WEEK AT ST. CHRISTOPHER’S: 11/9—11/16 SUN., Nov. 9 Hispanic Community $614.30 “BULLETIN BOARD” OVERFLOW! READINGS FOR THIS WEEK MON., Nov. 10 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Holy Masses 2nd C.— Human Development All Classes in Session Altar Server Bowling Night at Thunder Alley, MEET THERE St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church Adoration / Holy Mass 8:30 am / 11:00 am at all the Masses 5-7 pm, at the alley 10:30 / 11:30 am TUES., St. Martin of Tours, Bishop Nov. 11 Adoration / Holy Mass Veterans Day 7:30 / 8:30 am WED., St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr Nov. 12 Adoration / Holy Mass 5:30 / 6:30 pm THUR. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Nov. 13 Adoration / Holy Mass 7:30 / 8:30 am FRI., Weekday Nov. 14 Adoration / Holy Mass 10:30 / 11:30 am SAT., Weekday; BVM Nov. 15 Adoration / Rosary Holy Mass Confessions 7:30 / 8:00 am 8:30 am 4:00—4:45 pm SUN., Nov. 16 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAYORDINARY TIME Holy Masses 2nd C.— St. Vincent de Paul Soc. All Classes in Session First Communion Parents Mtg. GOD’S WILL “Lord, if your people need me, I will not refuse the work. Your will be done.” —St. Martin of Tours 8:30 am / 11:00 am at all the Masses 10am, Fam. Life Ctr. EVANGELIZATION “I will go anywhere and do anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know him or have forgotten him.” —St. Frances Xavier Cabrini The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome By Fr. Ed Steiner of the Nashville Diocese, in Our Sunday Visitor’s The Priest magazine, October 2014 … Despite being probably the most impressive and well-known church in the world, the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul, or simply “St. Peter’s,” is not our most important church. The cathedral in Rome is the most important church in Catholicism. The “Patriarchal Basilica of the Most Holy Savior and St. John the Baptist at the Lateran,” usually called “St. John Lateran” or just “the Lateran,” has served as the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome for almost 1,700 years. It is in becoming Bishop of Rome that an individual serves as Pope. This is, then, the Pope’s church. When Roman Senator Plautinus Lateranus was executed by Emperor Nero, his property became the Em- SH PARI peror’s. Eventually the Senator’s palace came into the possession of Emperor Constantine who converted to Christianity and felt that the Pope, the visible leader of Christianity, needed a residence that matched his dignity and office. In 312, the Constantine gave the “Lateran Palace” to the popes. Pope St. Sylvester dedicated the Lateran Basilica to the Savior and made it the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rome on Nov. 9, 324. The popes lived there for over a thousand years. During the 10th century the Basilica enjoyed a renovation and was also dedicated to St. John the Baptist, thus the common name of “St. John Lateran.” The papacy was moved to Avignon in France for a time and the Basilica fell into ruin. Earthquakes also took their toll, and finally, in 1308, the Basilica was destroyed by fire. While the Lateran Basilica was rebuilt when the papacy returned to Rome in 1377, the popes spent most of their time at their private residence on the Vatican Hill. “The Vatican,” then, is a relatively new papal residence serving only 637 years versus over a thousand at St. John Lateran. Although the popes moved their residence, the Lateran Basilica still stands as the Cathedral of Rome.. our Mother Church… whose foundation remains Jesus. Women’s Club Thanksgiving Bake Sale, Sun., Nov. 23! This sale will take place in the Social Hall between the Masses. You will find items you’ll want to serve at your Thanksgiving meal. SEE THE PRE-ORDER FORM INSERT! Caring Hearts’ “Seniors & Singles Thanksgiving Dinner,” Sun., Nov. 23, at 2:00 pm, Family Life Ctr.! This is a joyous, heartwarming opportunity for parishioners who are over 55 or single to share a wonderful Thanksgiving meal together. The main dishes will be provided. “Bring a dish if you wish!” Sign-up sheets are at the church entrances. PLEASE SIGN UP BY SUN., NOV. 16. Thank you. All are welcome! Haitian Coffee on sale… Our LifeTeen missionaries in Haiti were able to send coffee that is grown, roasted, and ground by local women in their village. The coffee is $15 per bag, with all of the money going back to the Haitian women to give them a fair wage, covering labor, packaging and coffee bean costs. See the adult leaders to make a purchase.—Carrie Miller, Eph. 3:14-19 Fr. Mathew invites all children to share their musical talents with us at the Yuletide Sing-Along, on Saturday, Dec. 6, at 6:00 pm in our Family Life Center. Choirs from other local churches, as well as our own choirs, will perform Christmas music, and we’d love to add our children to the line-up! Speak to Fr. Mathew if you would like to participate—in song or instrument, solo or with a group. Many thanks… to all the wonderful volunteers and contributors who made our Dickson Right to Life Rummage Sale such a success this year. Our grand total reached $1,870.00! Your continued support for our organization —whose main purpose is to be a voice for the unborn—is greatly appreciated. Blessings to all, Marcia Standley _______ PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS_______ Paul Hudson, President Bill Morgan, Vice-President Laura DeBlock, Secretary Patsy DeVandry (615) 336-6058 Steve Hyatt Zane Jordan Angela Lynch Sue Stringfield Madonna Walker _______ FINANCE BOARD MEMBERS_______ Andrea Albright, Jimmy Green, Bill Smart, Steve Wallick St. Patrick’s Annual “Feast & Fair”! Nov. 8th, Saturday: 10:00 am—7:00 pm Nov. 9th, : 10:00 am—3:00 pm Thanksgiving Dinner served both days (Carry-Out or Eat-In). Come browse our Craft Fair and do your Christmas Shopping. 11/9—Carole Anne Spicer 11/10—Jerome Elston, Sr., Gary McElhiney, Randy Shepard 11/11—Michael Greer, Connor Hennessy, James Owens 11/12—Jackie Allsbrooks, Margaret Hewitt, Annette Little, Joy Luter, Nelofar Ralph 11/13—Scarlett Baker, Joanne Kersten, Gerry Kittrell 11/14—Michael Clarke, Matthew Guiao, Sharon Henderson, Angie Lozzi 11/16—Patricia Engele, Cory Oliver, Susan Szpont 11/17—Tracy Fambrough 11/18—Charlie Albert (the son), Randy Smith Your birthday verse, Psalm 139:13-16 “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you, fashioned as in the depths of the earth. Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be.” Please pray for the repose of the soul of: Robert James Henderson and Patricia Henderson. Father and Aunt of Joseph Henderson Amen. “The Bible and Mary” study group wraps up their last class, Nov. 4 Please pray daily for those on Active Duty in the Military and for the Unborn Children threatened with abortion. Vera Allsup, Ida Amore (Rose Elston’s aunt), Carmen Borden, Ron Brenner (Michelle’s husband), Joe Brownfiel, Aaron DeBlock, Martha Denardo (Rose Elston’s cousin), Charles DeYonker (Nancy Brownfiel’s brother), Eric Fambrough, Terry Fitzgerald, Edna Fortuna (Glory Farris’ sister), Carl Guye, Jr. (friend of the Cunningham family), Fred Hancock, Marie Harrowitz (Steve Hyatt’s great-aunt), Dennis Harvey (father of Christina Nichols-Cooley), Kristine Henderson, Debbie Hunt (niece of Louise Hornick), Lewis Iselin, Sheila Kight, Amber Kiser (Glenn & Brenda Lill’s niece), Betty Kulaski (Megan Odle’s mother), Tom McCann, McCann Nicole Moore (Nelldene F.’s cousin), Diane Moses, Dot Muller, Catherine Muraca (Dickson Health and Rehab), Ilean Myatt, Myatt Norma Parham Nicks (former parishioner), Gerald Nostrant (Diane Moses’ brother), Wilson Owen, Dayah Ramdhanie, Bob & Virginia Rogan, Elizabeth Sain “Sr.” (mother of Elizabeth Sain), William E. Seibert, Joe Sorg (Mary Roods’ brother), Kay Spicer, Larry Stumb (Beth Cunningham’s father), Martha Terfinko (Megan Odle’s sister), Melisa Tinsley, Kimber Troutt (Hennessy Family’s friend), Terry Turner (Nancy Wagner’s son-in-law), Keri Victory (Amber’s niece), Joe Webster, Glenn Whitaker (McCutchens’ friend) ALL ANIMALS THE JEWELRY VETERINARY CLINIC Gregory S. Thomas D.V.M. 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