Mrs Cairns’s Memorial Service

SVP – Request
The SVP are looking to get a team
together to organise the Christmas Day
Lunch. They need helpers on all fronts,
to run and help in the kitchen, with
cooking, looking after the guests,
cp and setting up the
hall, etc;. If you would like to be a part
of this event, you do not have to be a
member to help.
We welcome other
denominations to join us.
If you would like to be a part of this
event contact Hazel on: 01753 867752
Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding Awareness Training needs
to be renewed every three years. So--for
those of you who need a Refresher
Awareness Training for Safeguarding
purposes, The
there is a session taking place
on Saturday 22nd November. The venue
is: St Francis, Coronation Road,
Ascot, SL5 9HG. It will take place from
10.00 am-12.30 pm. If you would like to
book a place, please contact Isobel on
01753 730018 or email:
Date for Diary
The Emergent Christ (Part Two)
There will be a meeting in the RE Centre
at St Edward’s on Thursday 4th
December from 7.30 - 9.00pm.
(Refreshments from 7pm).
You are
invited to
come, to share, explore,
expand and discuss ‘evolution for us and
the Emergent
Christ. The evening will be
led by Sr Patricia and Tom Hinds.
Parish Mass Books - Missing
We are missing at least 25 current
Parish Mass Books of Year ‘A’ Volume
Please can you check in your cars or
cupboards, just in case they have been
taken by mistake and return them to the
Thank you.
Mrs Cairns’s Memorial
A memorial service for Mrs Cairns will be
held on Friday 21st November, 10am, to
mark the 18 years of her Headship at
Brigidine. If you would like to attend
please contact Ms King at the school, or call 01753
Brigidine School – Sixth Form
Scholarships September 2015
Brigidine School is offering Sixth Form
Scholarships for September 2015. These
are available to outstanding students
from state schools predicted to achieve at
least 4 A*/A at GCSE. Scholarships will
be based on assessment and interview.
For further information please see the
school website and
contact Mrs Kaye Grewal, Registrar, - Mrs Rav
telephone 01753 863779
Please pray for the repose of the soul of
Margaret McCarthy. Her funeral service
will take place at St Edward’s on Friday
21st November, followed by committal at
Windsor Cemetery.
Also pray for the soul of Gerard Clifford,
who had been a parishioner for many
years before leaving Windsor. His funeral
will be held at Easthampstead Cemetery,
Bracknell Forest on Thursday 13th
November at 12 noon.
Fr. Denis Treacy MHM – RIP
There will be a Memorial Mass for Fr.
Denis on Saturday 22nd November
2014 at 10.00 am in St. Joseph’s
Church, Cookham Road, Maidenhead,
Berkshire SL6 7EG, followed by a light
lunch in the church hall. If you are able
to attend the Memorial Mass and lunch,
where possible could you please let us
know by tel: 01628 674172 or email:
Parish Priest: Canon David Hopgood
Parish Sister: Sister Teresina Fingleton CSB
Permanent Deacon: Rev. George Young
Seminarian/Pastoral Assistant: Dominik Lau
Presbytery: 44 Alma Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3HJ – (01753 865163)
Parish Secretary: Patricia Brown
: 01753 865163 (: 01753 730018)
Catechetical Co-ordinator and Local
Safeguarding Rep: Isobel Young
: 01753 865163 (: 01753 730018)
Services for the Week 9th November 2014 – The Dedication of the Latern Basilica
Prayer of the Church Week 4 – Mass Book page 192
Thought for the Week
This Sunday we remember all those who have fallen in defence of the country and our
values: a hundred years ago, sixty, ten, and yesterday. But as a community we go
beyond remembering the generous sacrifice of armed forces: our own mortality is
captured by those who gave everything precious they had – their lives.
I want to write a few words about something significant for the current life of
Windsor’s Catholic community. I remember when I first arrived to Britain I quickly
felt overloaded with information: You can’t do this… You have to wear this… This is
what you have to do if… The information signs and posters were everywhere. I guess
there are two sides to this. The first one is that a company putting those notices up
secures its own interest. If something happens to me, I won’t be able to sue them for
compensation because I was warned or ordered to behave in a particular way which
probably I did not exercise. The second one, I have just mentioned: they are to make
my life easier, safer, and more enjoyable.
We have the Code of Canon Law, we have the Catechism – and it’s good. But they
don’t say the time of masses in each parish, how to prepare for the sacrament of
initiation of adults, where to go to get a copy of a baptism certificate, and so on. This
is why a parish handbook has been published: as a point of reference, a guide book,
and companion for everybody who lives in a parish. So I would encourage everyone to
familiarise with its content. Like the information signs on the street the parish
handbook leads us through a day-to-day life of the parish: people, procedures, times,
groups uniting all members of the community and encouraging all of us to spend a
little bit of our time to contribute to a particular group of interest, or maybe even
leading it, to engage in worship and life. Although there are two churches in the
parish there is still one community to which we can all contribute making it a real
spiritual family.
Dominik Lau
St Edward’s Parish Website:
Diocesan Website:
PRCDTR – Registered Charity No. 24687
Reconciliation:- St Edward’s
Saturday 11-12noon and after evening
Sunday Scripture
Readings 9th November
8th -16th November – Masses
6.00pm St Edward’s
People of the Parish
1st Reading: Ezekiel 47: 1-2,8-9,12
As many of the other prophets, and
as Jesus himself bears witness, the
living God can never allow himself to
become a prisoner in the houses
made by human hands.
9.30am St Mark’s –
Deceased Members of the
Lavelle and Lavender Families
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:911,16-17
In Paul’s case there is no doubt,
house and temple are images of
Spiritual realities.
Christ is the
architect, we are the temples, and
God is present by his Spirit in us.
11.00am St Edward’s Frances Doonan- RIP
Mon 10.00am St Edward’s
Service of the Word with Holy
Tue 10.00am St Mark’s11th
Donna McGonagle - INT
Wed 10.00am St Edward’s –
Peter Zundel - RIP
Thur 10.00am St Mark’s
Robert Cathcart - RIP
Gospel:- John 2: 13-22
12 noon St Edward’s –
Jesus performs an act which decided 14th
Norman Long - RIP
the rulers of the temple to proceed
6.00pm St Edward’s
against him. For Christ, material
John Milward - RIP
buildings at Jerusalem or anywhere
St Mark’s –
else can be destroyed. The body of
People of the Parish
the risen Lord will remain forever.
11.00am St Edward’s
Deceased relatives of Sharkey
Scripture Readings for
and Crossan Families - RIP
16 November
First Reading: Jeremiah 1: 4-9
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:
Gospel: John 21: 15-17
Question of the Week
Adults:Having faith in difficult
times is hard! What makes you
believe in the promise that God will
be your strength, as Pauls says?
Children: - God always stays with
you, no matter what. What signs can
you see to help you believe that?
Pilgrimage to Poland
Booking forms for this Pilgrimage are
now available at the back of the
Church. Please make sure you pick
up a copy and fill it in if you are
interested in going.
Parish Diary 10th November
9.45am Mustard Seed Group –
Braemal Peel Close
7.00pm Choir Practice – St Edward’s
7.30am Choir Practice – St Mark’s
10.30pm UCM-Coffee Morning - Bring
And Buy Stall. Braemal, Peel
7.30pm Baptism Preparation-St
Edward’s RE Centre
Thur 2.30pm Eucharistic Adoration
6.00pm Young People’s Choir –
St Edward’s
7.30pm Liturgy and Music Group
Meeting - REC
7.30pm Walking with Scripture -REC
Sat 10.00am First Holy Communion
Preparation – PC/REC
3.00pm Service of Remembrance St Edward’s
Offertory Collection
2nd November
Bamenda Special Collection 2nd November
Living our Faith October 2014
Thank you for your contributions
Canon David’s Diary
Fr David will chair the Living Our
Faith Meeting – Portsmouth.
Fr David to give a presentation to the
gathering of Anglican Cathedral
Pastors at St George’s Chapel.
A Date for your Diaries
Our parish Bereavement Group, would like to
invite you to a short service on Sunday the
16th Nov 3.00pm at St. Edward’s Church,
when we, as a parish can remember those
who have died.
During the service, which will consist of short
readings and prayers, we will invite you to
light candles for your loved ones who have
died. This could be placed beside a picture of
them that you might like to bring with you.
Their names will be read out aloud, and as we
remember them and commend them to God,
we will also remember those who mourn and
are saddened. We look forward to seeing you.
S.V.P. Retreat - Day of Prayer
The SVP will be holding a retreat at St Mark’s.
There will also be a Mass at 12.15pm on
Saturday 15th November, all are welcome.
Our Christian Friends
Churches Together in Windsor are holding
their Annual Assembly on Thursday 27th
November at 7.45pm for 8.00pm in the
Road. Please come along and hear about
what CTW have been doing over the past
year. After the short business meeting,
Sister Patricia will be speaking about
Trafficking Across the World, so please
support her.
Secretary required
Churches Together in Windsor need a
Secretary to take Minutes at the bimonthly meetings and cope with a small
amount of general administration. This is
not a very onerous position but is an
excellent opportunity to get to know our
Christian friends in the other Churches in
Windsor. Contact Father David, or Hazel
Liturgy and Music
Following on from September's Parish
meeting, there will be an opportunity to
discuss the way forward for liturgy in the
Parish, including children’s liturgy, music
(voice and instrumental), servers, flowers
and readers, at 7.30pm
November in the RE Centre. All are
Cemetery Visit
You are invited to join us on our annual
visit to Oakley Green Cemetery on Sunday
9th November at 3pm when we pray for
Crimp Hill - Cemetery Visit
You are invited to join us on our visit to
Crimp Hill Cemetery, Old Windsor on
Wednesday 19th November at 2.30pm.
CAFOD – Special Appeal
There will be a special collection for Ebola
disease in Africa. This will take place on
the 8/9th November. If you are part of the
Gift Aid scheme you will find spare
envelopes in the back of your box.