NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ~~9Q~A_f§~'~QAtU~·00E§r(N§ SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014, AT 8:30 A.M., IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING LOCATED AT 3200 E. AIRFIELD DRIVE, DFW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, TX 75261. THIS MEETING LOCATION IS ACCESSIBLE. REQUESTS FOR ACCOMMODATIONS OR INTERPRETIVE SERVICES MUST BE MADE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING BY CONTACTING DONNA SCHNELL AT 972-973-5752, FAX 972-973-5751, OR T.D. 1-800-RELAYTX (1-800-735-2989) FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE. Consent Agenda - all items under this heading are a part of the Consent Agenda and require little or no deliberation by the Board. Approval of the Consent Agenda authorizes the Chief Executive Officer or his designee to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendation. A closed executive session may be held with respect to a posted agenda item if the discussion concerns one of the following: 1: Contemplated or pending litigation or matters where legal advice is requested of the Board's Legal Counsel. Tex~s Government Code Section 551.071. 2. Personnel matters involving discussions of the qualifications or performance of identifiable individuals already employed or being considered for employment by the Board. Texas Government Code Section 551.074. 3. The deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. Texas Government Code Section 551.076. 4. Discussion concerning sale or lease of real property, or negotiated contracts for donations to the Board, when S!Jch discussions would have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board. Texas Government Code Section 551.072. AGENDA A Invocation - Chaplain Doni Evans B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Announcements D. Approve Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of October 2, 2014 E. Air Service Highlights - Luis Perez F. Financial Report- Chris Poinsatte G. TRIP Briefing- Perfecto Solis Board Meeting Notice - November 6, 2014 Page 1 of6 RETIREMENT/INVESTMENT COMMITTEE 1. Approve Minutes of the Retirement/Investment Committee Meeting of August 5, 2014. Discussion Item 2. Quarterly Investment Report- Richard Holbein of The Bogdahn Group OPERATIONS COMMITTEE 3. Approve Minutes of the Operations Committee Meeting of September 30, 2014. Consent Items for Consideration 4. Approve execution of a Change Order to Contract 8500294, Airline Tenant Support Services -Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program, with R. M. Chin and Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $60,000, for a revised amount not to exceed $1,711 ,077.44. 5. Approve execution of Contract 7006147, Maintenance and Support of the Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System, with ADS Airfield Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $125,000, for the initial two-year term of the Contract, with options to renew for three additional one-year periods. 6. Approve execution of Contract 7006103, Door Lock Key-Core System, with Joe East Enterprises, Inc. dba A-1 Locksmith, in an amount not to exceed $108,597.50, for the initial five-year term of the Contract, with options to renew for five additional one-year periods. 7. Approve execution of an lnterlocal Agreement with the City of Dallas for the purposes of providing automatic aid assistance for fire protection to the Cypress Waters Subdivision in the City of Dallas. Action Items for Consideration 8. Approve execution of Contract 7006036, International Waste Disposal Services, with Stericycle, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $398,700, for the initial three-year term of the Contract, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. 9. Approve execution of Contract 7006053, Solid Waste Disposal Services, with Progressive Waste Solutions of TX, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $5,072,220, for the initial three-year term of the Contract, with options to renew for two additional one-year periods. Board Meeting Notice- November 6, 2014 Page 2 of6 10. Approve execution of Contract 7006089, Terminal 8 and Corporate Aviation Custodial Services, with Flagship Airport Services, Inc., , in an amount not to exceed $3,111 ,926.52, for the initial one-year term of the Contract, with options to renew for four additional one-year periods. Discussion Item 11. TRIP Working Group Update Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program Action Items for Consideration 12. TRIP- Approve execution of a Contract Modification for additional incremental work under Supplemental Agreement 11, Contract 9500421, Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program- Terminal A Phase 3, with Balfour/Azteca/Russeii/CARCON, a joint venture, in an amount not to exceed $76,715,963, for a revised amount not to exceed $144,985,906. 13. TRIP -Approve execution of a Contract Modification for additional incremental work under Supplemental Agreement 19, Contract 8500285, Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program -Terminal C Design and Design Management, with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., in an amount not to exceed $9,647,1 08.00, for a revised amount not to exceed $12,374,249.99. 14. TRIP- Approve execution of Contract 5000827, Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program- Terminal E Vault 8-1, in an amount not to exceed $321,590.00 and Contract 5000828, Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program- Terminal E Vault 8-2, in an amount not to exceed $321,590.00 with Oncor Delivery Company, LLC. Total amount of action is $643,180. Discussion Items 15. Winter Preparations Briefing 16. Construction and Professional Services Contract lncrease(s) approved by Authorized Staff. 17. Decrease(s)/increase(s) in Scope of Work approved by Authorized Staff. FINANCE/AUDIT COMMITTEE 18. Approve Minutes of the Finance/Audit Committee Meeting of September 30, 2014. 19. Financial Report 20. Fiscal Year 2014 External Audit Process Consent Items for Consideration Board Meeting Notice - November 6, 2014 Page 3 of6 21. Approve increase to Contract 7003610, for Datastream Software Maintenance and Support Services, with Infer (US), Inc., in an amount not to exceed $193,896.43, for a revised Contract amount not to exceed $3,170,747.63. 22. Approve authorization to bind and procure Employee Disability Insurance and Administrative Services, Contract 8004927, with Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company, in an amount not to exceed $370,934. 23. Approve Contract Renewal List for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015, 24. Approve acceptance and execution of federal or state grants for Fiscal Year 2015. Action Items for Consideration 25. Approve a new Air Service Incentive Program (ASIP) to replace the current Air Service Incentive Program. 26. Approve increase to Contract 7005490, Access Control Hardware and $oftware lnstallatioh, with Siemens Industry, Inc.- Building Technologies Division, in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00, for a revised Contract amount not to exceed $2,959,750.00. 27. Approve execution of Contract 8004954, Business Intelligence lmplem~ntation Services, with MicroStrategy Services Corporation, in an amount not to exceed $1,561,517 .50, for the initial three-year term of the Contract, with options to renew for two additional oneyear periods. 28. Approve execution of Contract 8004924, CCTV Equipment, Maintenan¢e and Installation Services, with M.C. Dean, Inc., in an amount notto exceed $2,000,000~00, for the initial one-year term of the Contract, with options to renew for four additional one-year periods. 29. Approve execution of three contracts for IT System Operations: Contra9t 8004922, with GCR Inc., in an amount not to exceed $750,000.00; Contract 80049(35, with Red River Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $750,000.00; and Contract 8004~66, with lntratek Computer, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $750,000.00. The initial term of each Contract is one year, with options to renew for four additional one-year 'periods. Total · amount of action is $2,250,000.00. 30. Approve increase to Contract 8004179, Integrated Vehicle Tracking and Announcement System, with MV Transportation Technologies, Inc., in an amount not tcp exceed $289,119.07, for a revised Contract amount not to exceed $1,053,283.78; and extend the term of the Contract by twelve months. 31. Approve rejection of bids received for Solicitation 7006109, Server Har~ware; and execute four contracts for Server Hardware and Software: Contract 7006135, with En Pointe Technologies Sales, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $166,657.19; Contract 7006149, with Storage Assessments LLC, in an amount not to exceed $1,572,867.74; Contract 7006150, with SHI Government Solutions, in an amount not to exceed $317,260.00; and Contract 7006151, with lnfolob Solutions, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $339,759.33. The initial term of each Contract is one-year, witl;l options to renew for three additional one-year periods. Total amount of action is $2,3961544.46. Board Meeting Notice~ November 6, 2014 i Page 4 of6 Discussion Items 32. Department of Audit Services' Quarterly Audit Update 33. Monthly D/S/M/WBE Expenditure Report. 34. Purchase Orders/Contracts and Professional Services Contracts approved by Authorized Staff. 35. Permits and Agreements Issued by Aviation Real Estate CONCESSIONS/COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 36. Approve Minutes of the Concessions/Commercial Development Committee Meeting of September 30, 2014. Consent Item for Consideration 37. Approve increase to Contract 7006070, Concessions Mystery Shopping Services, with Evaluation Systems for Personnel Inc., in an amou11t not to exceed $38,000.00, for a revised Contract amount not to exceed $86,609.96; and extend the terr;n of the Contract by four months. Action Items for Consideration 38. Approve assignment of Lease Agreement from Edge 1 Cellular, L.P. to: lnMotion Entertainment Group, LLC. ' 39. Approve assignment of Lease Agreement SILV 8623 from Silvercar, Inc. to SIXT Rent A Car, LLC. 40. Approve a location and rent change for a Michael Kors retail store Americas Dallas, LLC. ope~ated by Duty Free 41. Approve execution of a Lease Agreement with PPJ Land LLC, for app~oximately 8.02 acres of land to develop and operate an automobile dealership offering the sale of new and pre-owned vehicles and service, parts and maintenance at Northwest Logistics Center. CLOSED SESSION 42. In accordance with provisions of Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, a closed session will be held for the purposes of seeking the Board's attprney's advice with respect to pending or contemplated litigation, a settlement offer, or other matters that are exempt from public disclosure under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of P,rofessional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas (Article X, Section 9 of the State B~r Rules), to wit: a) TGI Friday's Board Meeting Notice- November 6, 2014 Page 5 of6 OPEN SESSION Discussion Item 43. Permits issued by Concessions FULL BOARD CLOSED SESSION 44. In accordance with provisions of Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code, a closed session will be held for the purposes of seeking the Board's atto~ney's advice with respect to pending or contemplated litigation, a settlement offer, or other matters that are exempt from public disclosure under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional I Conduct of the State Bar of Texas (Article X, Section 9 of the State Bar Rules), to wit: a) TGI Friday's OPEN SESSION Discussion Items 45. Registered Speakers (item unrelated to agenda items) 46. Next Committee meetings- December 2, 2014 Next Regular Board meeting -December 4, 2014 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § I, Donna J. Schnell, Board Secretary to the Board of the Dallas-Fort Worth lnt~rnational Airport Board, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of t~e Notice of the Regular Board meeting scheduled for 8:30a.m., Thursday, November 6, 2014. I WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT BOARD, this 30th day of October, 2014. ~&.~~~(/~, ~:::.......=:...·~ Donna J. Schnell tT · ....... Board Staff Secretary •' .·;. I, the under~igned authority do.hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the bity Hall of the City of Fort Worth, Texas a place- cc:invenier~t-and readily accessible to the general public at all times and said Notice was posted on the following date and time Fridav. October 31 •. 201{~~-~;?~~:'!1· and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled: time of said ee~ Board eefn oti a&A.._ City Secretacy for t
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