November 2014 “Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses . . .” As churches go, Lord of Life is pretty young. We will be 33 years old on November 15. We are also a (how shall I say) mature community engaged in the third chapter of life. Some of us still work, most are retired or retiring and, with few exceptions, we are a single-generation congregation. Our “youth group” starts at 55! This presents some unique opportunities and challenges. We have an active, energetic and motivated congregation. We have the one thing that our kids and grandkids don’t have: TIME. Time to volunteer; time to study and teach; time for fellowship and recreation; time to care for one another. We live-out LOL’s vision statement every time you and I participate in the life of the church. “Retirement is not our mindset but rejuvenation and transformation.” This also presents a challenge. Because this isn’t our parents’ church and because we’re not leaving LOL to our children and grandchildren we might be inclined to see LOL as our church home today, without the perspective of the past, present and future. And we might see ourselves as transitory tenants instead of steadfast stewards who have been entrusted with a gift to use, enjoy and safeguard for those who follow. Our lives are shaped by those who came before us and we will shape the lives of those who follow. We are part of the communion of saints and that community extends through our doors and around the world; it also encompasses all the saints who came before and all those that, in time, will follow. We are surrounded in space and time by a great cloud of witnesses. Lord of Life has a very visible reminder of that great cloud of witnesses: the Columbarium. Every time I walk from my office to the Sanctuary I am reminded of all the saints who have lived and died in the faith and now rest from their labors. I am reminded that “we do not live to ourselves and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord.” I am also reminded that my successors will walk by the same Columbarium and remember you and me in that great cloud of witnesses. What legacy do we leave the next generation? Lord of Life is a multigenerational church insofar as we are stewards of the gifts we have been given, we are fully engaged in the mission today and we pass on the gifts of ministry to those who will follow. We are not tenants who will turn in the keys; we are stewards who have been entrusted with a gift. You will soon receive a letter and a “faith pledge” to complete. That pledge is between you and God. No one else sees it. As you pray and consider your pledge I encourage you to embrace your stewardship and remember all the saints: those who have gone before, those in our world today and the generation that will follow. We have been given so much . . . can we give even more to the Lord of Life? Pastor Beyer Dust off that good old “When I Used to Cook” cookbook and get your oven going. We’ll have an old fashion Lutheran Potluck Harvest Celebration on Sunday, November 16 at 5:30 pm in the Social Hall. This will not be just an “appetizer” potluck but we’ll be looking for salads, hot dishes and desserts. Beverages and paper products will be supplied. Monthly Activity Schedule (If no contact person is listed, call the church office for more information. ) Eye-Opener Bible Study Wednesday, 7:30 am All are welcome to attend this lively conversation on the texts for the coming weekend. Men’s Breakfast Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 am Coco’s in Sun City Grand (corner of Sunrise Blvd. & Clearview) Contact: Ed Dregalla, 374-3354 Lord of Life University Lord of Life University is beginning another school year in a BIG way. Or should we say Small Catechism way? On Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 the pastors are going to teach Confirmation Class. Learn (or re-learn) Luther’s Small Catechism, complete with memory verses but minus the public test in front of the congregation! What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred, and gladly hear and learn it. Memory Tips Another Memory Tips session is scheduled for Thursday, November 13 and 20 from 9:00 to 11:00 am. This is a very popular class and seating is limited. You must call the church office (623-5842000) to register and please plan to attend both classes. Food Bank Brigade This ministry will resume working the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Hours are 9:00 am 11:00 am at Valley View Food Bank, 10615 W Peoria, Sun City. For more info contact Dean Fardal at 5845151. Memory Tips Columbarium Repair Bible Readings For November November 2 Revelations 7:9-17 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12 November 9 Amos 5:18-24 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 Matthew 23:1-12 November 16 Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 November 23 Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Ephesians 1:15-23 Matthew 25:31-46 We are making some necessary repairs and upgrades to the Columbarium. Would you consider a memorial gift to help cover the cost? The first and most immediate repair is to remove and replace loose and broken tiles. That work is underway and should be complete by the time you read this article. The next phase is to repaint the roof and pergola. The third and most extensive phase is to reposition the drains in the Columbarium and redirect rainwater away from the Columbarium. The drains are not located at the lowest point and that means that water builds-up and must be swept to the drain or allowed to evaporate. Over time that standing water may loosen and stain the tile. It may also create a slip-hazard for those who visit the Columbarium. The current tile replacement and overhead painting will cost about $4,000. If we reposition the drains that will cost an additional $11,000. Memorials to the Columbarium will be recognized in the church bulletin and Lifelines, as well as the Memorial Book at the entrance of the Sanctuary. Lord of Life Golf League You are invited to join the Lord of Life Monday Morning Golf League. We rotate on the three executive courses in Sun City West all year around. All levels of golfers are welcome! Please contact Harold Allen at 623-466-9942 or Steve Smith at 623-777-1260. Let’s have a good time! - -page 2 - - November Gratitude Gift: Adopt-A-Family The Adopt-A-Family Christmas Program has become a tradition at Lord of Life. It offers members the opportunity of reach out to the community to help children and families in need. Lord of Life will again this year assist 75 families in our area that they may share with us in a more joyous Christmas season. Families are chosen from Dysart Thompson Ranch Elementary (our partnership school) and from Pan de Vida Lutheran Church in El Mirage. Each family receives clothing and toys for each child under 14 and each senior living in the home. The program also provides a $50 food certificate from Coury's Food City. Lord of Life Quilters provide a quilt for each family. The weekend of November 15 and 16 will offer members the opportunity to choose individual children or an entire family in order to purchase gifts. The green wooden Christmas tree will be located in the Courtyard or in the Narthex from which to choose names. When selecting names, members should be sure to register that name with the volunteers, including your name and phone number. Name cards attached to the tree are color coded with pink for girls, blue for boys, and green for seniors. Included on the card From... Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission John & Jan Miller Keith Vinje & Nancy Holmboe Pam Steber (Habitat recipient. See note ) Dysart Community Center Roger & Beverly Anderson (See note ) are names, ages, and sizes. These cards should be attached to the gifts as identification when they are returned by December 14. These name cards are helpful in shopping for children and seniors. The usual gift for each person is an item of clothing and a toy, book, jewelry, puzzle, or a sports item. Gifts should be wrapped and clearly identified by securing the name card on the outside of the gift. Boxes will be available in the Narthex and the Social Hall for you to place your wrapped gifts beginning on November 17. All gifts should be returned to church no later than December 14. Food certificates are purchased with money donated through the November Gratitude Gifts. Donations for that are most appreciated. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Harry or Elaine Jebsen by calling 623-547-7410 or emailing Christmas offers us an opportunity to share our many blessings by being a blessing to others. The joy and gratitude of these families we help will bring special meaning to each of our lives. To the Lord of Life Church, It was a pleasure to meet Karen and Chuck Nelson. Thank you so very much for all of the Kitchen and handmade items you gifted me for my new Habitat Home. Your kindness is appreciated and has helped fill my home with love! Thank you for blessing my new home and my family with your thoughtfulness. Kindest Regards, Pam Steber - -page 3 - - To our Lord of Life Family, Thank you so much for recognizing the 20th Anniversary of Roger’s installation as Lord of Life’s second Senior Pastor. The reception was most gracious. Receiving the warm greetings of so many touched our hearts. Special thanks to Pastor Beyer for his kind and thoughtful words and for all who participated in planning and presenting the reception on Sunday morning. Lord of Life’s welcome to us in 1994 was Christian love personified. You remain truly a “welcoming place.” Bless you for it. Our deepest thanks and our love. In Christ, Roger and Beverly Anderson SOLOS SOLOS is the name of our singles group for all ages. We enjoy getting together for good conversation and having fun. We usually go to lunch after church services on the third Sunday of every month. On Sunday, November 16, 12:00 pm, we will be meeting at the China City Buffet, 18885 N Reems Rd., Surprise. Please sign up around worship services or in the church office. We would love to have you join us. Collections Congratulations to the members of Lord of Life. In September you responded with 330 pounds of food and $760.00 cash for the Food Bank. Thank you for your response to their continual need. Electronic Giving Just a friendly reminder, Electronic Giving is available to you. Your donation can be set up on the church website at or you can scan the code at the bottom of the yellow sheet to get directly to the donation site, we also have included it here. If you are more comfortable, forms are available here at the office, and our accountant can set everything up for you. This method might be easier for you, with no check writing this allows your contribution to continue even if you’re not able to get to church. Please be a part of our new family directory. We need you to make our family album complete. You may sign up between services in the Social Hall entry or call Ellie Lasiter at 623-594-9880 to make an appointment. The Call Committee for the Calling of a Full Time Associate Pastor for Lord of Life Lutheran Church, ELCA, Sun City West, Arizona, having followed the prescribed procedures of the ELCA for its mandate and having done so with the conviction that all proceedings were under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, by unanimous consensus do hereby strongly recommend to the Congregational Council that a Call be issued for the stipulated position to the Reverend Kimberly Mae Sterner along with all compensation and benefits commensurate with that position. We further recommend that this be passed on for the approval of the total Congregation of Lord of Life. There will be a Special Congregation Meeting on Sunday, November 16 at 5:00 pm (preceding the Harvest Celebration) to Call Rev. Kim Sterner as Associate Pastor for Lord of Life Lutheran Church. Thoughts from the President... All are Welcome! That was one of the themes we heard at worship this summer. We welcomed 18 new members in October. They attended sessions to learn about the Lutheran Church at large and Lord of Life Lutheran Church specifically. We also welcome back Arizona winter residents. It’s time to catch up on summer adventures and plan getto-gathers; renewing friendships. We have now returned to three services each weekend. The events calendar at Lord of Life is full of opportunities to gather for worship, fellowship, education, and service. For the next 4 weekends there are special events happening. Watch for events in the yellow announcement sheet each weekend and in the monthly LifeLines; tickets go fast. (This must be Party City) Faith Pledge Weekend is November 15 and 16. At each service we can leave our Faith Pledge to God in the trays available at the front of the church when you go to communion. God calls us to reflect on treasures He has given us and respond to his ministries. Then on Sunday evening, November 16, we will gather for our Harvest Celebration. This is a time for us to reflect on the blessings we have received and the ministries we have supported. God is sooo good! The Council has formed two new committees this summer. The Arts Com- -page 4 - - mittee is working with Gloria Lien, Director of Music, to support her in scheduling a variety of programs for us; set fees, and to oversee campus esthetics. The Ad Hoc Benevolence Committee recommended the formation of a Benevolence Committee and a process for them to follow when making budget operating benevolence recommendations to the Council. These committees give us greater input and work hard to consider the many requests we receive from artists and charities. The Council has approved a recommendation from the Call Committee, after following the Call process, to Call Pastor Kim Sterner as the Associate Pastor for Lord of Life. How great is that? Pastor Steve and Pastor Kim have already proven to be a great team to shepherd us. Your input has been very supportive of this decision so far and you are invited to a special Congregation Meeting on November 16 at the Harvest Celebration to vote on her Call. We have prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide us to the person he wants at Lord of Life. The Holy Spirit is indeed working at Lord of Life! Carolyn Garry Congregation President Music at Lord of Life Lorraine Miller in Concert Sunday, November 23 at 2:30 If Lorraine wasn’t born at the organ, she certainly grew up on it and has never left it since then. Music has always been her life, her passion and her prayer. Her burning desire has always been to lead others to God through her music. Her concerts are fun, exciting and dramatic; an experience you won’t forget. She explains the music thoroughly so that we know better how to listen. For this reason, Lorraine is one of the Valley’s favorite organist. Come for an afternoon of enjoyment. Freewill offering. Visitation Choir This group will meet on Thursday, November 6 and will visit Grandview Care Center and Lucy Anne’s Place. Then on Thursday, November 20 they will sing at the Madison House and Brookdale (formerly Alterra Claire Bridge). Come and join in the fun singing music of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Meet in the Courtyard at 9:50 am and then carpool. Lord of Life’s Got Talent Regina Cirillo and Bonnie Siegel are organizing a concert to showcase the talents of Lord of Life members. The concert date is January 11, 2015 so there is plenty of time to consider sharing your talent! There will be more info to come, so watch the bulletins and LifeLines! Sunday, November 23 at the 8:30 and 10:30 am services, Lord of Life will host another “Mass Choir.” This is Christ the King Sunday and you are invited to sing with the Lord of Life choirs for a one-time event to perform the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah.” There will be rehearsals on Wednesday, November 19 at 3:00 pm and Thursday, November 20 at 2:30 pm. You only need to attend one of the rehearsals but are welcome at both. Do you know any friends who are not currently involved in a church choir, from outside our church or any church? This would be a wonderful opportunity to invite those friends to simply come and join us in a wonderful piece of music on a special day and introduce them to our choir and church. Concert Series Be sure to pick up a Lord of Life Concert Series Brochure. We have a wonderful array of talent scheduled for your enjoyment. There are still eight more concerts that will entertain you with a variety of vocal and instrumental music. Sunday, November 23, 2:30 pm Organ Concert by Lorraine Miller Sunday, December 7, 3:00 pm Spirit of Phoenix Barbershop Chorus Sunday, January 11, 2:30 pm - Lord of Life’s Got Talent! Sunday, January 25, 2:30 pm - Organ Concert by Susan Clambey Sunday, February 15, 7:00 pm Centennial Singers Sunday, March 8, 2:30 pm - Piano Concert by Glenn Henricksen Friday, April 24, 7:00 pm - Organ Concert by Marek Kudlicki Sunday, May 3, 2:30 pm - Organ Concert by Gloria Lien Special Outing to the Arizona Opry Get your tickets right away for the “Best of Broadway” production at Barleens Arizona Opry. A group from Lord of Life will be treated to a motorcoach trip, great four course meal including dessert, coffee or tea, and musical entertainment. The date is Wednesday, January 21, 2015. The motorcoach will depart Lord of Life at 11:00 am and return at approximately 6:30 pm. Cost is $56.00 per person for the transportation, driver’s gratuity, performance and full meal with gratuity. Tickets are limited so make your reservation through the church office. Tickets must be paid for at the time of reservation. No telephone reservations, please. - -page 5 - - The Lord of Life Handbell Choir, JuBELLation, recently performed for a special event at the Del Webb Hospital Courtyard. Community Outreach Thompson Ranch Here is a list of supplies requested by the school: #2 wooden pencils 3-holed punched notebook paper wide and college rule 70-100 page spiral notebooks reams of copy paper wide rule composition books pocket folders colored markers (8-12 colors) boxes of tissues 3x5 index cards. As you grocery shop watch for Box Tops for Education items. Hats, mittens and scarves As the weather cools, crossing guards have mittens and hats to give to the children who do not have appropriate clothing for the weather. Please put your donations in the Thompson Ranch bin in the hallway. To volunteer contact: Jeanne Welborn, or 623-5442440 or download a form at Tutoring at Pan de Vida Tutoring began again in October. If you are interested in being a tutor or a substitute tutor contact Joan Janis ( or Jan Yetter ( Tutors who are proficient in math as taught in schools today are especially needed. Tax Credit Forms for our local schools are available on the counters in the Narthex. Nadaburg School Supplies Needed A box has been placed in the Social Hall to receive needed items such as copy paper, lined notebook paper, #2 pencils, dry erase markers, crayons and tissues. Thanks to all those who have already given and thank you in advance to all who will give. Volunteers Needed There are many opportunities available to volunteer, both in the classroom and elsewhere. Contact Jack Sellers at 623-584-2049 or to discuss this rewarding activity. Navajo Lutheran Mission News There are many positive changes happening right now. The mission competed and was awarded a grant for education-based technology. Installation is now underway of servers, hard-wiring, and equipment to support new phone, internet, computer lab, wireless access, inter-office communication and digital TV. The computer lab has been upgraded with new wall and floor treatments and upgraded electrical circuitry to support the new equipment. Donations have been received to fund $50,000 for desks, chairs, workstations and a teacher’s monitoring station not eligible for funding through the grant but needed to get the optimum benefits from the new systems. The grand opening of the computer lab is scheduled for November 3. Ahehee’ (Thank You) to all who have assisted with donated labor and funds. Kate Adelman, formerly Director of Development, will serve as interim Director of the mission until a permanent replacement for Rev. Lynn and Rev. Deb Hubbard is hired by the Board of Directors. A major project to update the apartments for guests and volunteers coming to the mission is now in the planning stages The House of Prayer, a congregation of the ELCA is a Cross-Cultural Ministry of the Grand Canyon Synod. The House of Prayer serves the community of Rock Point, spanning the diversity of cultural and spiritual expressions through faithful dialog rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - -page 6 - - Lord of Life supports Habitat for Humanity in many ways. The West Valley Coalition of Lutheran Churches will be providing Help in the construction of a home in Peoria. Lord of Life has been sending a team of volunteer builders in support of these buildings for many years. If you are available to participate in this effort please contact Bob O’Neill at 623-451-5694 for details and schedules. No prior construction experience is necessary. Both men and women are invited to help. We normally meet in the front parking lot of Lord of Life at 6:30 am and return Lord of Life member Ruth Fardal creates homemade needle craft art for Habitat recipients. This adds a special touch to every new home. Lutheran Thrift Shop At this writing, there are only 7 more Fridays until Christmas! Are you ready? At the Lutheran Thrift Shop, we’re all geared up for the winter holidays. We have Christmas trees in every size and variety, tons of ornaments, crafted wreaths, tablecloths, Christmas cards, music, candles, and the list goes on. Shop early while the selection is best and get everything you need for Christmas at great prices. Ho, Ho, Ho! Hope to see you soon! Lutheran Thrift Shop 10737 West Peoria Ave., Sun City Book Discussion Group From the Library Shelves “Born To Fly” is Shane Osborn’s story of the EP-3 Aries II reconnaissance plane that was torn in two on April 1, 2001, when it collided with a Chinese F-8 fighter plane. This began the first international political crisis of the new Bush administration as each superpower blamed the other for the disaster. Osborn now lives in Anacortes, WA, was born in South Dakota, raised in Nebraska, and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for heroism and extraordinary achievement in flight. Location: CE115 Jan Cleere has done extensive research into the history of Arizona women. In “Levis and Lace: Arizona Women Who Made History” she presents these categories to tell about more than 35 amazing women: Women of the land, women who healed and saved, women entrepreneurs, women who educated, women of the arts, and women of the law. Location: BIO C14B An unabridged CD production of “The Twelve Tribes of Hattie” is delightfully presented by three different readers who weave together twelve threads of a family’s life. Fifteen-year old Hattie Shepherd flees Georgia in 1923 to settle in Philadelphia, hoping for a better life. Nine of her 11 children survive, and Hattie vows to prepare them for life in a world that will not love them. Location: Audio-Fiction AF029 Motivational speaker, Mary Catherine Carwile shares stories from cancer survivors, as well as those who no longer live with cancer, in “Heartstrings And Pink Ribbons: Finding Comfort Until There’s a Cure.” Mary, an eight year cancer survivor, also tells her own story and the reactions of her family and friends. She seeks to help the “one in eight women,” as well as men who will contract this disease. Location: Ages, Diseases, Dying HC113 Greetings and Happy Fall from the Book Club! We hope all book lovers will come to our next meeting on November 24 to discuss “The Forgotten” by David Balducci. All are welcome. We meet once a month, on the last Monday of the month at church beginning at 10:00 am. “The Forgotten” is a terrific story about human trafficking that keeps you in suspense. We should have a lively discussion. As of now we do not have the book list ready for 2015 but we should have one ready by the November meeting. It will be printed in the December church newsletter. The book for December is called “Girls” by Lori Lansens, a great piece of fiction, which grabs you from the first page. It tells the story of twins born joined at the head and how they lived. It is so well told I thought it was nonfiction! I hope you get to read this story. Hope to see you in November. If you have any questions please contact Rita Boyd, 972-742-6532 or email at Lord of Life Quilters In recent weeks the quilters at Lord of Life have donated 46 full size quilts, 10 baby quilts, some hand knitted mittens, hats and sweaters to the Navajo Lutheran Mission at Rock Point. Thanks to Edna and Ray Bizzigotti for making this delivery. Lis Trent delivered baby quilts for the Blessing Basket Project, lap robes and full size quilts to the Hayden VA Hospital in Phoenix. After being displayed on the backs of the pews the first weekend of October 170 Pocket Pal Quilts were donated to Carol DeAmbra, Alice Child Protective Services for children in foster care under their Maul and Jan Yetter supervision. decorated the Sanctuary. Thanks to all the quilters who lovingly made these quilts, to Thrivent Financial whose grant of $1,200 and to the W-ELCA unit at Lord of Life’s whose generous gifts financed the Pocket Pal Quilts. Thanks also to congregational members who have donated sheets, blankets and mattress pads. Quilting meets from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month usually in the Social Hall Annex. You don’t have to be an experienced quilter to find a task that is just right for you: cutting, sewing, tying, preparing fabric for use and designing quilts. New quilters are always welcome. For more information contact Carol DeAmbra ( or Jan Yetter ( - -page 7 - - From Pastor Kim Sterner “I thank my God every time I remember you.” Phil. 1:3 COME TO THE FAIR The Volunteer/Activity Fair will be a good way to learn about or rediscover all the ways to be involved in the life of our congregation. There are many ways to learn, to reach out to others, to enjoy fellowship and make new friends. IN WORSHIP Being a lector, acolyte, greeter Serving on Altar Guild Singing in a choir, playing bells Sharing instrumental skills Serving as a Communion Assistant REACHING OUT TO OTHERS Food Bank, Thrift Shop, Gleaning Volunteer at a school, Grace Luth. Quilting, Telephone Ministry Prayer Chain Greeting Card Ministry FELLOWSHIP AND FUN Arts and Entertainment Group Bowling, Golf, Mah Jongg, Dinner Groups SOLOS Group LEARNING Men’s Bible Study Group Book Club W-ELCA and Circles Eye Opener Bible Study LOL University Mark your calendars and plan to Come to the Fair. See you in the Courtyard November 8 & 9! “It was the best of times it was the worst of times.” Charles Dickens One week I am celebrating the 28th Anniversary of my Ordination and the next weekend we are having the Funeral Service for my mother. The plan God has for us does include times of joy and celebration as well as times of sorrow and mourning. Lord of Life knows how to move from one to the other. For that I am grateful. First let me thank you for that wonderful party we had on the 5th of October! Thanks to the Pastors for cutting and serving the cake! Thanks to Fran and her team for the beautiful cakes and all the work setting things up. Thanks for all the well wishes and support I felt in that celebration. And second, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of sympathy and understanding as my sisters and I said good-bye to our mother on the 8th of October. For me to be here in the midst of you at this time has been such a gift. I can learn from you as you share your stories of grieving with me. And I am blessed that we can move together toward the peace and acceptance that does come. Thank you for that. Thank you for your help in that journey. Bitter sweet is how so many refer to this time of death and that is how it feels. My mother was so ready to “see the angels” that letting go was a sweet gift; no more suffering, no more pain, no more anxiety. The bitter part being now I am left without her. There is a hole in my heart, and a vacuum in my life but I know that this will change; I will heal over time. Grieving comes in waves. There are times I am overcome and I surrender to grief, hang my head and cry. Then there are times when laughter and the joy of fellowship fill me up and the pain of grief is lessened. I know that I will be “washed up” in grief for a while yet. But soon there will be more days of joy and laughter than sorrow and tears. I also know that there are no hard and fast rules as to how long this grieving process takes. There are as many different ways to grieve as there are people grieving. I also know that if my tears and sorrow continually get worse and there is less joy and not more that I will need to reach out for help. I will not want to stay in my grief. “It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” (St. Francis of Assisi) More words that point to the promise and words I look to for help in moving away from grief. I know I am constantly moving toward letting the gift of faith, the promise of life everlasting and the communion saints take me where I need to be. Tax Credit Donations The Nadaburg “Yellow” School Bus will be in the Lord of Life parking lot on Saturday, December 13 from 9:00 am 12:00 pm to accept Tax Credit Donations. There are forms on the counters in the Sanctuary and donations may be made through the end of the year. - -page 8 - - Blessing of the Animals Fellowship Time We had opportunities for fellowship as we celebrated Pastor Kim’s 28th Anniversary of Ordination and Pastor Roger Anderson’s 20th Anniversary of his Installation at Lord of Life. Nicole Pesce Concert Nicole Pesce once again dazzled Lord of Life concert attendees with her diverse musical talent. - -page 9 - - Treasurer’s Report News of Our Members Stewardship Report as of September 30, 2014 Full 854 Associate 332 Total 1186 Units 756 Attendance Averages September 2013 397 2014 467 Hospitalized since last LifeLines Terry Wascher Wanda Arfsten Warren Huebner Margaret Clark Tom Teichman Elsie Schelke Roger Gimby Joanne Gleim Charles King Terry Loschen Ron Veara Dorothy Johnson Bernice Triola Removal from Membership by Request Lanny & Kathryn Auberg Ansis & Ardell Markitans Roy Meyer Removal from Membership by Death Virginia Mullin Elsie Schelke The above Operating Statement shows a positive cash flow as of September 30. Compared to last year, Lord of Life is truly blessed to be in this financial position this late in the summer season. Thank you for your prayerful giving. Thanks, Frank Welch - -page 10 - - Thrivent Choice Dollars Don’t forget to keep Lord of Life in your thoughts while choosing where to direct your Choice Dollars. If you need more information go to From Our Parish Nurse Carol Hokaj, RN “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death into life.” John 5:24 Were you aware that November, along with other designations, is recognized as National Hospice Month? We speak so often about the philosophy of hospice as that of care and comfort as you are facing a life-limiting or lifethreatening diagnosis. Hospice comes into play when we are no longer looking for the cure or pursuing aggressive treatment plans. We become aware that we are no longer “fixable.” In our society, we have come to honor youth and all that implies. We have come to minimize the aging process and even try to deny it. Information has recently been released that we have achieved the longest life expectancy ever. This speaks well for our medical advances and technologies but presents another set of factors to consider. Because we have these won- derful technologies and advances, do they always need to be employed? Please know as a patient, you always have the right to determine what treatment, tests, procedures, even medications that you use. I am not advocating being cavalier about a medical situation but you do have rights. I have come upon a book that I feel is must reading for all of us as we are advancing in age and especially if we are caregivers for elderly loved ones whose medical decisions may be in our control. Most of our medical interventions have consequences and “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” by Katy Butler explores “the path to a better way of death.” She points out that our culture wants to “medicalize aging and make it nothing more than a collection of specific diseases that medicine can prevent or fix. Dying can be postponed, but aging cannot be cured.” A question each of us may need to answer; where do you draw the line between saving a life and prolonging a dying? These are just a few tidbits from this book. It is presented through the eyes of a daughter, Katy herself, navigating the care for her elderly parents. It explores ELCA Good Gifts, the designated Lord of Life Gratitude Gift recipient for December, supports projects and programs worldwide that help people build better lives. Good Gifts provides everything from malaria education and prevention to disaster response to “starting points” that range from a dozen baby chicks, to a pair of goats, to a village well. But wait! There’s more!! In addition to providing hope to the recipients, Good Gifts can provide a unique present to the people on your Christmas shopping list. A donation you make in their honor (and symbolized by gift cards you can mail or wrap and put under the tree). You’ll hear more about Good Gifts throughout Advent, and you can read more online at Members and friends of Lord of Life can support ELCA Good Gifts using the blue Gratitude Gift Envelopes or via the Lord of Life website: - -page 11 - - many situations that we may encounter. I think this may be the first time in my 10 years here at LOL that I have endorsed a particular book. I began reading it and soon picked up a highlighter because there was so much good information and situations presented to give serious consideration. She also provides great background for some of our medical practices and resource information. A copy of this book is being ordered for our library and I’m sure available in other libraries as well. If you have concerns regarding these end of life issues, let me know if I can help you navigate the course. Care Ministries Available Transportation to medical appointments in special circumstances Holy Communion in the home Delivery of CDs of weekly worship services Telephone Ministry Call the church office if you would benefit from any of these. The ministries are possible because of wonderful volunteers. If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact Parish Nurse, Carol Hokaj. Lord of Life Women Save These Dates and Become Involved The Women of the ELCA (W-ELCA) Executive Board will meet Thursday, November 13 at 9:00 am. The W-ELCA Board will meet Thursday, November 20 at 9:00 am followed by the W-ELCA Leader’s Bible Study. Circle Meetings Monday, November 3, 2014 Hannah, 10:00 am Karen Austad 933-8383 Lord of Life Conference Room Sarah, 1:00 pm Marilyn Crosby 556-8974 Rachel, 2:00 pm No meeting in November Tuesday, November 4, 2014 ● Mary, 7:00 pm Bobbie Behnke 584-8362 Jan Welch 546-3822 Lord of Life Conference Room Wednesday, November 5, 2014 ● Esther, 9:30 am Sheila Johnson-Soma 544-4032 14118 W Pennystone Dr., SCW ● Joanna, 1:00 pm Jane Cole 546-0046 Marilyn Anderson 546-4032 15205 W Whitewood Dr., SCW Monday, November 10, 2014 ● Miriam, 9:00 am Bernice Campbell 975-0646 13115 W Ballad Drive, SCW ● Anna, 6:00 pm Christi Rich 466-3648 14740 W Ravenswood Dr., SCW Tuesday, November 11, 2014 ● Eve, 1:00 pm Connie West 271-9736 14815 Tomahawk Way, SCW ● Elizabeth, 6:30 pm Marge Gumpert 214-0171 Jane Alfrey 214-0237 Lord of Life Conference Room Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ● Priscilla, 9:30 am Carolyn Garry 546-0329 Sandy Carucci 214-6633 Lord of Life Conference Room ● Dinah, 1:00 pm Leona Kraus 975-1332 22018 N Golf Club Drive, SCW ● Naomi, 1:00 pm LaVonne Pray 584-3868 Joan Jordan 556-9101 Lord of Life Conference Room Thursday, November 13, 2014 ● Ruth, 10:00 am Pat Warren 584-2851 Lord of Life Classroom #2 Thursday, November 20, 2014 ● Lydia, 9:30 am Nancy Anderson 584-6118 22013 N Acapulco Drive, SCW WELCOME TO W-ELCA Women of the church, did you know that you are automatically a member of W-ELCA? (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church) We will be having a welcome coffee for anyone who is interested in learning more about Circle fellowship, Bible study, and just having fun with other women at Lord of Life. New women to the church are especially invited to come and see what it is all about. Join us on Friday, December 5 at 9:30 am in the Conference Room. More information? Call Karen Austad at 623-933-8383. - -page 12 - - Thankoffering! What does this mean? Women of the ELCA operates solely on gifts voluntarily given to the organization. As we go forward in carrying out our mission and purpose, God continues to call us to share as much as we can of ourselves, our time, and our possessions. This year’s Thankoffering service and luncheon will be Friday, November 21, starting at 11:00 am. Tickets for the luncheon will be $6.00 and will go on sale in November. The Reverend Jacqui Pagel of Trinity Lutheran Church in Phoenix will be our guest speaker. A little more about the Pastor Jacqui Pagel. She has been the pastor at Trinity Lutheran since June 2010. A native of Los Angeles, CA, she graduated from Arizona State University in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Broadcast Journalism and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Women’s Studies. Pastor Pagel attended the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, South Carolina, and graduated in 2008 with her Masters of Divinity. When you give your dollars, you support Women of the ELCA ministries that reach thousands of communities. Thankofferings support advocacy for the health and safety of women and children. Your Thankofferings also support a publishing ministry that reaches more than 70,000 women through Gather magazine and Bible study. Have you marked your calendars yet? Remember, Lord of Life’s Thankoffering service and luncheon will be held Friday, November 21 at 11:00 a.m. Again, the tickets for the luncheon will be $6.00 and will go on sale in November. The Reverend Jacqui Pagel of Trinity Lutheran Church in Phoenix will be our guest speaker. Thanks for your participation! Nearly 100 members of Lord of Life responded to recent Small Group Interest Survey, at Lord of Life. The Hospitality Committee wants to thank you for your time and information regarding group activities you have been a part of and what you would like to do in the future. Bible Study was the most frequently reported (and requested) group activity followed by various forms of fellowship and dining groups. A wide variety of other activities were also reported in the survey. The committee is working to design some group options which will be available at the Volunteer Fair on November 8 and 9. Please stop by the table and indicate your wishes and also tell us if you are willing to coordinate one of the groups which you choose. See you there! Our Telephone Ministry Program has been very successful. Once our ministers get into the program and start calling their receivers, the relationship becomes a friendship and a connection to the church for our receivers. Our Ministers usually like doing this service and feel like they get even more out of it for themselves. This is a very common feeling when you give to others. Our turn-over is very low. We do ask for our ministers to give us at least 6 months of dedicated service. Not all of us are cut out to be ministers and some receivers are not always cut out to be receivers, and that is OK. We would love to have you give us a try. Our next class on November 12 at 1:00 pm will have 18 established and 5 new Telephone Ministers at Lifelines press time. On Wednesday, November 12 we will have a brief orientation/ information meeting on methods, procedures idea sharing and any new processes in our ministry. Hopefully, our pastors and Carol Hokaj will also be in attendance. If interested please call Kay Turner at 602-690-5954 in advance. Nominating Committee Update and Request The Nominating Committee is developing a list of prospective nominees for Church Council and asks your participation. Please send us the names of church members whom you would recommend to serve on the Church Council. This preliminary list of nominees will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee to prepare a ballot of at least 8, but not more than 12 members to fill three, 3-year terms and one, 1-year term. Considerations to keep in mind for these preliminary important nominations include: The nominee should be a member of Lord of Life who is faithful in worship and involved in ministries and missions of the church; however, at the present time, Associate Members are not eligible to serve on the Church Council. Serving on Council is a Calling to serve; it is a faith building experience for the full 3 year term. At this point in the process, it is not required that people being named be contacted….. Please send the names of your selections to Stew Morton, Chair of the Nominating Committee, by email:, or send a note to him through the church office. Please submit your choices no later than Monday, November 10, 2014. The Nominating Committee will review every name, interview those who are selected, and add their names to the ballot for vote at the Special Congregational Meeting to be held on December 10, 2014. Thank you for being part of the process. The Nominating Committee members are : Bill Dowling, Marge LeGore, Karen Nelson, Ginger Welch, Sandra Solomon, Pastor Beyer, and Stew Morton. - -page 13 - - 01 Phyllis Stageberg 03 Joyce Johnson Jinny Templeman Loren Koppelman Shirley Davis Dee Sutherland Karin Roff 04 Ann Bord Jackie Seifert Paul Studt 05 Scott Mohr 06 Bob Kyllo Judy Nelson Volene Adams Doris Fagin Karen Teichman 07 Mary Price Napoleon Bradley Sylvia Oie Ann Nelson Clark Stevens 08 Elsie Schelke Dorothy Blum Ellie Skon Ginger Hopkins Gary Worthington 09 Mark Johnson Jack Keyes Barbara Schlie JoBeth Stevens 11 Mary Pat Vering 12 Roger Pribnow 13 Evelyn Treacy Frank Krueger Gordy Hvidsten Kathy Sutherland Maurice Nelson Marilyn Knudson Peggy Boike 14 George Schreiner Karen Peterson 15 Ellen Skully Carol Thunborg Sandy Matschke John Boyd Mavis Hentz 17 Red Majava Paul Spear Elaine Robinson Jerry Soma 25 Dick Erickson Don Thunborg Jan Allen David Gross 27 Bonnie Campbell Jerry Herring Ed Dregalla 28 Louise Krueger Roger Bourland Annette Elson Willis Bill Norberg Gib Dixson 29 Ruth Metzler 30 Margaret Clark Roger Oie Alva Pryor-Echols Bonnie Siegel 19 Dick Blum Norwin Bittner 20 Al Steffen Eileen Bannon Mike Janis 21 Bob Roady Ken Rye Bill Dowling Shirley Herring John Hopkins Kirk Margosian 22 Ray Darbutas Loren Krumwiede Vern Johnson Donna Thompson Tom Teichman 23 Carolyn Loschen Lynn Norton Roy Larson - -page 14 - - - -page 15 - - 25 8:30 am Blood Pressure Checks 10:00 am Book Discussion Group 1:30 pm Glory Singers 7:00 pm Westwind Harmony 24 23 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Fellowship 10:30 am Worship 3:00 pm Organ Concert Lorraine Miller 9:00 am Nominating Comm. 11:00 am 90s Birthday Worship 12:00 pm 90s Birthday Party 1:00 pm Buildings & Grounds 1:30 pm AA Open Discuss. 2:00 pm Call Committee 5:30 pm Bipolar Support 7:00 pm AA Open Speaker 8:30 am Worship 8:30 am Blood Pressure 9:30 am Fellowship Checks 10:30 am Worship 1:30 pm Glory Singers 12:00 pm SOLOS Lunch 7:00 pm Westwind 5:00 pm Congregation Harmony Call Meeting and Harvest Celebration Potluck Dinner 8:30 am Staff Meeting 1:30 pm AA Open Discuss. 2:00 pm Call Committee 5:30 pm Bipolar Support 7:00 pm AA Open Speaker 18 17 16 8:00 am Photo Directory 8:30 am Staff Meeting 9:00 am Nominating Comm. 1:30 pm AA Open Discuss 1:30 pm Endowment Comm. 2:00 pm Call Committee 3:00 pm Resource Team 5:30 pm Bipolar Support 6:30 pm Elizabeth Circle 7:00 pm AA Open Speaker 11 8:30 am Blood Pressure Checks 9:00 am Miriam Circle 1:30 pm Glory Singers 7:00 pm Westwind Harmony 10 9 Volunteer Fair 4 9:00 am Nominating Comm. 1:30 pm AA Open Discuss. 2:00 pm Call Committee 5:30 pm Bipolar Support 7:00 pm Mary Circle 7:00 pm AA Open Speaker 2014 Tuesday 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Fellowship 10:30 am Worship 6:30 pm Senior Moments Friendship Group 8:30 am Blood Pressure Checks 10:00 am Hannah Circle 1:30 pm Glory Singers 7:00 pm Westwind Harmony Monday 8:30 am Worship 9:30 am Fellowship Hour 10:30 am Worship 2 Food Bank Collection 3 Sunday 7:30 am Eye Opener Bible Study 8:30 am Quilters 3:00 pm Sectionals 3:30 pm Celebration Choir 6:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship 7:00 pm Pie Social 26 7:30 am Eye Opener Bible Study 1:00 pm Education Comm. 3:00 pm Sectionals 3:30 pm Celebration Choir 6:30 pm Luther’s Small Catechism Class 19 7:30 am Eye Opener Bible Study 8:00 am Photo Directory 8:30 am Quilters 9:30 am Priscilla Circle 1:00 pm Naomi Circle 1:00 pm Telephone MInistry 3:00 pm Sectionals 3:30 pm Celebration Choir 6:30 pm Luther’s Small Catechism Class 12 7:30 am Eye Opener Bible Study 9:00 am Executive Committee 3:00 pm Legacy Gift Meeting 3:00 pm Sectionals 3:30 pm Celebration Choir 6:30 pm Luther’s Small Catechism Class 5 Wednesday 27 THANKSGIVING DAY 9:00 am W-ELCA Board 9:00 am Memory Tips 10:00 am W-ELCA Leaders Bible Study 10:00 am Visitation Choir 11:00 am A Cappella Singers 12:30 pm Handbells 12:30 pm Bridge 2:30 pm Choir Sectional 3:00 pm Chancel Choir 20 31 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 8:30 am Bulletin Crew 10:00 am Parkinson’s Art Group 11:00 am W-ELCA Thankoffering Service 12:00 pm W-ELCA Luncheon 1:00 pm Mah Jongg 21 14 8:30 am Bulletin Crew 1:00 pm Mah Jongg 7 Friday 8:00 am Photo Directory 8:00 am Photo Directory 8:30 am Bulletin Crew 8:30 am Council 9:00 am W-ELCA Exec. Board 10:00 am Parkinson’s Art 9:00 am Memory Tips Group 9:00 am Prostate Cancer Support 1:00 pm Mah Jongg 10:00 am Ruth Circle 11:00 am A Cappella Singers 12:30 pm Handbells 12:30 pm Bridge 2:30 pm Choir Sectional 3:00 pm Chancel Choir 13 8:00 am BC/BS Health Expo Setup 10:00 am Visitation Choir 11:00 am A Cappella Singers 12:30 pm Handbells 12:30 pm Labor of Love Greeting Cards 12:30 pm Bridge 2:30 pm Choir Sectionals 3:00 pm Combined Choir 6 Holy Communion is Celebrated at all Worship Services Thursday 5:00 pm Worship 29 9:00 am Food Bank Brigade 5:00 pm Worship 22 15 LifeLines Deadline 8:00 am Photo Directory 5:00 pm Worship 9:00 am Food Bank Brigade 5:00 pm Worship 8 Volunteer Fair 1 Food Bank Collection 5:00 pm Worship Saturday Winter Worship Times Saturday, 5:00 pm Sunday, 8:30 & 10:30 am Church Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Phone: 623-584-2000 Fax: 623-584-1913 LORD OF LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH 13724 W. Meeker Blvd. Sun City West, AZ 85375-3730 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SUN CITY, AZ PERMIT NO. 17 TIME DATED MATERIAL November 2014 Email: Website: Staff The Rev. Stephen Beyer Senior Pastor Current Resident/Or ┌ ┐ └ ┘ The Rev. Kim Sterner Associate Pastor Carol Hokaj Parish Nurse Gloria Lien Music Director Dave Lien Choir Director Deb Dorough Director of Administration Marsha Shaw Office Manager Claudia Zombek Accountant Fran Penry Event Coordinator Dave Wascher Custodian Milka Huerta Custodian Items of Interest… Worship Services on the Web. If you are out of town or not able to attend services, visit our website, and listen to the service. Listening Devices. Assisted listening devices are available as part of our sound system during worship services. Holy Communion in the Pew. If you wish to receive Holy Communion in the pew during worship, please notify one of the ushers prior to the beginning of the service. We are always happy to offer the sacrament to anyone who is unable to come forward to the altar. Unisex Handicap Restrooms. The restrooms in the Chapel are Unisex Handicap Restrooms and are available for people who need family member assistance or are in wheelchairs. Wheelchairs. Wheelchairs are available in the Narthex for those who may have difficulty walking from the parking lot to the Sanctuary for worship. The door into the Sanctuary on the east side of the building (next to the Columbarium) is handicap assessible for those in wheelchairs, walkers or who have difficulty walking. Pastors on Call. One of your pastors is on call after office hours, on weekends and on holidays for emergencies. If you need to contact a pastor during those times, call the church office answering machine at 623-584-2000 and you will be given the name and contact information for the pastor on call that week. Hospitalizations. If you are in the hospital and want us to be aware of it, please call the church office or have someone call on your behalf. Unless directed otherwise, your name will be placed on the prayer chain and included in electronic notifications. Council Minutes and Financial Statements. These documents are available for your perusal in the church office. Lost & Found. Come to the church office to claim lost items. Mobile Donations. Use the code to the right to use Lord of Life’s secure mobile donation site. Simply scan with your smart phone’s QR Code reader application.
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