L NOVEMBER 2014 ife ine News

Life Line News
PASTOR GEORGE SPICER – email: licl@licl.org
Associate Pastor: Pastor Marcus Breitbarth – email: pastormarcus@licl.org
Pastoral Assistants: Pastor Dave Darling & Pastor John Pope
Church Office email: connie@licl.org; mcroushore@licl.org
14802 N. 75th Avenue – Peoria, AZ 85381
Phone: 623-773-1234 Website:
Our Mission Statement: Live & Grow in Christ ~ Encourage and Reach Others!
JUST A THOUGHT…from Pastor Marcus Breitbarth
This past month has been great for Kim and me. Everyone in the church has been so
welcoming to us and we have enjoyed meeting and getting to know you better. Everyone is
nice, fun, funny and just a pleasure to spend time with. Everyone is so gifted and it has been
great hearing everyone’s story. Your experiences and wisdom are amazing.
Thinking about the joy I have felt meeting all of you and getting to know you better
got me thinking about how church and being a Christian is about meeting someone. It is
about meeting Jesus! We meet Jesus every time we come to church for worship. Every
week in worship we hear God’s Word, God’s revelation of Himself and His Will for us, and the heart of it is Jesus.
Every week in worship we meet Jesus in corporate confession and absolution as He hears our sins and through
the pastor speaks His word of forgiveness. Every week in worship we meet Jesus in the liturgy and in our Christ
centered hymns and songs. Every week in worship we meet Jesus in the sermon as Jesus and His Word is applied
to our context. A church I once preached in has a plaque on the pulpit that reminds the preacher what the
preaching task is all about. The plaque reads, “That they may see Jesus.”
We also have sacramental meetings with Jesus. In the sacraments we meet Jesus in a very unique way for
they are God’s grace for us in a physically tangible way. In baptism we meet Jesus as He washes away all of our
sins. In the Lord’s Supper we meet Jesus as we partake in His body and blood given and shed for us in, with and
under the bread and the wine. The Lord’s Supper connects us to Jesus and allows us to experience His
We meet Jesus every time we read Scripture and study it. We meet Jesus in good Christ centered
devotions. We meet Jesus in the community of saints as God does His work through His people. Christians
become the hands, feet and mouth of Jesus to share His love.
Our meetings with Jesus strengthen and preserve our faith and give us joy, peace and hope. How great is
Jesus for us! What a person to meet every week, every day! In our joy, we want to share our Lord and Savior
with others. We want others to meet Jesus so that they too have life now and forever as God’s beloved child.
Consider inviting a friend to Life in Christ and I promise you they will meet Jesus here.
I am always available to talk to you about God, life, or the ministry of Life in Christ. Please feel free to call
God’s peace,
Pastor Marcus Breitbarth
Thanksgiving Day Worship Service
Please join us as we give thanks to our gracious Lord
for His precious love and many blessings.
Thanksgiving Day Service
Thursday, November 27
“Give praise to the LORD, proclaim His name;
make known among the nations what He has done,
and proclaim that His name is exalted.
Isaiah 12:4
Bring Your Family & Friends to
LICL’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner!
Sunday − November 23 − 2:00pm
Come for all the ....
 Yummy Thanksgiving Fixins’!
 Great Fellowship!
 Laughter & Fun!
There are a number of ways
you can help to make this a memorable day:
Please sign-up in the narthex & ...
Let us know you are coming!
 Sign-up to bring a side dish/dessert!
 Sign-up to set up/serve food/ clean up!
Congregational Meeting
November 9 ─ 9:20am─ in the sanctuary
Agenda Item:
A special presentation will be made in which the cost
of our proposed building project will be shared. Ideas
will be offered to explain how the congregation might
afford the cost of a new building.
Please plan on attending this important meeting.
We need your attendance and participation.
Trustee Service Day
Saturday, Nov.15
8:00am - ?
We’ll have coffee & donuts
to start things off, then…
Let the FUN begin!
We need to spruce up our LICL campus before the holidays.
Items will include some minor painting, landscaping,
inventory & general housekeeping.
All who want to help are welcome!
Lunch will be provided!
New Member Activities in November
"Getting To Know Us" Meeting
Sunday, November 2 … 9:20am … Room #2
This meeting is for anyone who is interested in becoming, or already has
become, a New Member of Life In Christ. This is a perfect opportunity for you to get know
more about LICL.
We will discuss our Shared Core Values, Mission Statement and Vision
Statement as well as Life In Christ's history, staff and structure, and an array of ministries. New
Member Sponsors are also encouraged to attend. If you have any questions, please contact
the church office. We look forward to seeing you!
Saturday, November 9 … 9:00am–12:00pm … Room #2
Led by Pastor Marcus
This course is designed for New Members and current members. Everyone
Grow in your faith!
at LICL is encouraged to take this class at least once. Through this class
you will learn how to form everyday habits that will transform your relationship with Jesus. It will
help you build your faith walk with Jesus through several practical applications such as tithing
and intentionally scheduling personal time with God every day. The class is scripturally based
and will have a powerful effect on your life.
November 16
We will be welcoming New Members at the 10:45 a.m. service. There will
be a NEW MEMBER LUNCHEON and ORIENTATION immediately following the late service in the
Education Building. We invite all New Members, their families, and their Elders to attend. Please
join us for an afternoon of lunch, fellowship, and laughter!
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the church office or one of the
Nurturing System Team members: Kirk B, Alicia D, Renee L, Lynne M, Mike S, and Laura T. We look forward to
seeing you!
In Christ’s Love ~ The Nurturing System Team
News from the Empowering Team
The last Spiritual Gifts Class ended May 11. There were 10 people who completed the course.
They are:
Laura T
Mark S
Dan R
Carol R
Nancy B
Christie B
Eleanor B
Deanna O
Sharon J
Janice R
Please congratulate them when you see them next.
Natural Church Development (NCD), a research organization which studies churches worldwide,
offers church surveys that provide a scoring evaluation of 8 church quality characteristics. Our Planning
Committee reviewed the concept in 2012 and recommended we take NCD periodic surveys to measure our
progress at Life in Christ. The LCMS district office also felt this was a worthwhile effort and has provided
scoring and analysis for the results. The Four Systems Team leadership group is responsible for conducting
this survey. We conducted this survey initially in 2012 and again in 2014. We will try to conduct this survey
every 18-24 months. The survey is taken by 30 members of our church and we try to get 30 different
people each time.
Our 2012 survey results showed that we were in the top 15% of the District and were characteristic of
growing churches. The values in 2014 show that we scored higher or the same in every category except for
Holistic Small Groups. The value in 2012 was 68 and 64 this year showing a decrease of 4 points.
However, the Serving System team led by Pastor Spicer and assisted by Pastor Trahms and the small group
coaches (Danny B, Mike O, and Dan D) have been concentrating on increasing our small groups. We have
increased our number of small groups by 2 in the last 6 months and have several candidates who have
taken small group leadership training and hopefully will become small group leaders in the near future. The
results of the two surveys are:
Empowering Leadership
Gift-based Ministry
Passionate Spirituality
Effective Structures
Inspiring Worship Services
Holistic Small Groups
Need-oriented Evangelism
Loving Relationships
If you are interested in seeing the full NCD survey results let me know and I can email you a copy.
Dan D, Empowering Systems Team Leader
Lutheran Women in Mission
“Daughters of the One True King”, Romans 8:17
By Kathy S
All ladies are invited to join our next meeting on November 8, at 9:00am. Pastor John Pope will
lead the devotion on preparing our hearts for Advent. We will also be putting together the
Thanksgiving Baskets that we give out each year. This year we were challenged by the Youth Group
to see which group will bring in the most canned food items. The group with the least amount of
donations will be sorting the items for our Thanksgiving food baskets this year Please place your
donations in the LWML box located in the narthex before Nov. 7. Thank you.
Many thanks to LICL!
We thank God for you and your continued support to LWML.
$380.65 was given last month during the Noisy Offering.
LWML Saguaro Zone 26 Fall Celebration is November 1, at Crown of Life, from 8:30 am –
2:30 pm. Registration starts at 8:00am. The cost is $8.00 and that includes lunch. This year’s
theme is “Women Sharing the Good News”. All participants are kindly asked to bring baby items.
Suggested items: diapers, wipes and clothing from 0-24 months. These items will be donated to Crisis
Pregnancy Centers. Flyers for this event are located on the LWML table. There is also a sign up sheet
for anyone who may want to car pool. Please see a LWML board member if you should have
questions regarding this event.
Christmas Tamale work days will be Nov. 12 –14. If you are interesting in learning how to make
these delicious tamales please sign up at the Nov. 8, meeting. The tamales will be frozen and ready
for pick up early December.
Nov. 1 – LWML Zone 26 Fall Celebration at 8:00am, Crown of Life, Sun City West.
Nov. 8 – LWML Monthly Meeting at 9:00 am.
Nov. 12 - 14 - Christmas Tamale work days in LICL Kitchen.
 Thanksgiving
Week – Hope and a Future Angel Tree at LICL – Gift bags, with Angel Tree tag
attached, need to be at LICL before Dec. 12.
 Dec.
5 – Advent by Candlelight at 6:00pm, Life in Christ. This is an opportunity for women of
all ages to set aside the hustle and bustle of holiday preparation and focus their minds and hearts on
the birth of Christ. Hostesses are still needed. Please see a LWML board member for more
Looking forward to seeing you at the November 8 meeting!
Serve the Lord with Gladness! Psalm 100:2
Have You Heard What I’ve Heard, Little Lamb?
By Mel D
The Birth of Jesus in Scripture and in Song.
Our drama, celebrating the birth of our
Savior, is progressing well. The cast and supporting members
are well established. You’ll want to read next month's
newsletter for a full report of all your friends at Life in Christ who have come forth
to portray the various roles. As a brief overview of the script, our story begins
with a moving introduction by our 1st Narrator, then moves to the home of
Elizabeth where we learn about the coming birth of John the Baptist – the
forerunner of Jesus. From there we will follow the journey of Mary and Joseph
from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Most of the story which follows, you well know.
What is unique about this portrayal is the integration of your favorite Christmas
songs to enhance the story. For example, when Joseph and Mary see the city of
Bethlehem we will hear that great song, “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem.” Songs
are shared among several musical groups of our congregation as well as all
members of the audience. Be certain to mark Sunday, December 14th at
7:00pm on your calendars when we will once again celebrate the birth of our
Savior, Jesus Christ in scripture and in song.
 WOW! What a contest the October Thanksgiving Food
Basket Drive has been between the Jr High Youth and the ladies of
You still have time to contribute nonperishable goods to the
group of your choice, as the closing date for the food drive isn’t until
The group that ends with the least amount of food
November 7.
items in their box, will be sorting all the food that has been collected
between both groups, before putting together the
Baskets. I wonder who will have to do all the sorting — LWM or the Jr
High Youth?!?!?
 The Jr. Youth will soon be sporting new T-Shirts that they
designed themselves. It’s been fun! Bet you can’t wait to see the
finished designs!
We have an exciting activity planned on Saturday, Nov. 22, from 1:00-4:00pm, as we will be heading out to
Arrowhead Mall to play a game of Seeking God’s Treasures (Find & Seek). This is a church wide event.
If you would like to participate and be “found” by our youth, please contact one of the youth leaders Todd S,
Tyler M, or Pastor Marcus. It should be a fun filled day! Please come and join us!
New look for the
Sunday, November 9
2:00 to 4:00pm
The Youth Room needs some sprucing up!
It’s time to take out the old, bring in the new—
Do a little cleaning, painting, rearranging and all
the fun stuff that goes along with redecorating!
Come and be a part!
Car Care Clinic and Show
Sunday, November 9 – 2:00 to 4:00pm
*Event for all ages sponsored by the Senior High Youth
*Learn how to fix a flat, check and change oil,
the lights on the dashboard & more!!!
*Share your unique car with members and friends
Items Needed at the
Lutheran Social Services Food Bank
LICL collects items for the food bank on the first Sunday of each month.
Peanut Butter
Refried Beans / Pork & Beans
Macaroni & Cheese
Pasta Soup
Tuna / Canned Meats
Canned Vegetables
Tomato Sauce or Canned Tomatoes
Canned Fruit
25 lb. bags of Flour & Rice
10 or 20 lb. bags of Pinto Beans
Dehydrated Milk
Bar Soap
Baby Food & Formula
Diapers (particularly size 4 or 5, but all sizes are welcome)
Used Clothing—clean & in good condition
Used Small Household Items — towels, bedding, kitchen utensils, dishes, etc.
Ziploc sandwich bags / Ziploc qt. storage bags / Plastic & large paper grocery bags
Small Travel Toiletries from hotels
Monetary Donations of any amount
Lutheran Thrift Shop —— 10737 West Peoria Ave, Sun City —— 623.815.7061
Christmas is coming!
Christmas 2014! Is just around the corner! Are you ready? Don’t let the holidays sneak up on you.
At the Lutheran Thrift Shop, we’re all geared up for the winter holidays. We have Christmas trees in every
size and variety – lighted and unlit. Tons of ornaments, oodles of crafted wreaths, stockings for your mantle and
tablecloths for every shape of table in your home! Christmas cards, music, candles, garland, lights, figurines, lawn
décor, music boxes and Santas – of course, we have Santas!
Gift wrap, centerpieces, wall hangings, Nativity sets, Christmas dishes and clothing and did I mention
Christmas trees? A whole forest of Christmas trees! Shop early while the selection is best and get everything you
need for Christmas at great prices.
Ho, Ho, Hope to see you soon!
We are off to a good start with our new
Greeters Schedule.
I want to thank everyone who has volunteered
to be a greeter and for coming to the meeting. I was
very pleased with the turnout. We all know how
important it is to welcome our members and also
our visitors. We can always use more greeters so
ask your friends to volunteer also.
Again thanks!!!
—— Mary C
Deaf Bible Study
Join the fun! Everyone’s invited!
led by Pastor Pope
Thursday — November 13—
Wednesday, November 19
Black Bear Diner
At Apache Trails, ASL2428 E.
6039 W. Bell Rd. (61st Ave) -- Glendale, Az.
Apache Blvd — Tempe, AZ 85281
RSVP with Mary M or the church office by
Nov. 12 — 623-773-1234
Contact Gerald Last or Karla D’Amato
for more information
Deaf Coffee Hour
meets the 2nd
Tuesday of each
month at Starbucks.
SATURDAY, November 8
9:00am—Room #1
(On the NW corner of 75th & Thunderbird)
See you there!
Nov. 11 — 6:00pm
Bring your Bible and
be prepared for great discussion!