MARCH 2015 Life Line News - Life In Christ Lutheran Church

MARCH 2015
Life Line News
Associate Pastor: Pastor Marcus Breitbarth – email:
Church Office email:;
14802 N. 75th Avenue – Peoria, AZ 85381
Phone: 623-773-1234 Website:
Our Mission Statement: Live & Grow in Christ ~ Encourage and Reach Others!
JUST A THOUGHT . . . from Pastor Marcus Breitbarth
I have many friends who are always go, go, go. They strive to succeed
and work long hours for their job. They want their children to succeed and they
get them involved in an ever-increasing list of activities. Busyness has become
their way of life. Behind this is good intentions, but it can be unhealthy. Often
something has to give. Something has to change. An adjustment needs to be
made and making this adjustment can be a painful process.
It can be
depressing realizing that there are limits to what you can be involved in. It can
be depressing realizing that there are limits to what you and your children can be successful in. It
can be difficult to tell others and yourself no.
Laboring is a part of life and in our American culture we greatly value hard work and
achievement. But at times we pay a high price because of our drive to work and achieve. We
become overwhelmed! We need rest! We need peace!
In the midst of our laboring and feeling overwhelmed because of being go, go, go, Jesus
comforts our soul. He says in Matthew 11:28- “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest.” Jesus invites us to stop focusing on ourselves and what we can
accomplish or want to accomplish. He encourages us to instead focus on Him. He gives true
peace and rest! We can build our life on Him instead of on ourselves. We do not have to strive for
more and be saddened about our limits; we can just do our best in a healthy way and be secure
because we are secure in Jesus.
And when life starts to become overwhelming because of
outside forces, we can turn to Jesus the Rock our life is built on. When we remember His good gifts
and what He has done for us, we have rest. Jesus assures us that we are valuable and loved. That
gives us rest! Jesus assures us that all the sins we do on a day to day basis are forgiven because
He died on the cross. That gives us rest! Jesus promises that because of His grace and mercy, we
are His people now and forever. That gives us rest! We have peace because of what Jesus has
done for us! Praise be to Him for His great gifts for us!
If there is ever any way I can help you and bring Jesus to you, please let me know. I am
here for you! God’s peace to you always —- Pastor Marcus
Reflect on the
love of the Lord.
Our Lenten
theme is
Restored in
March 4 — Special Deaf Ministry Service with Pastor Dunseth
March 11 — Broken Bread
March 18 — Broken Promises
March 25 — Broken Justice
April 2 — 7:00pm — Maundy Thursday Communion Service
April 3 — 7:00pm — Good Friday Tenebrae Service
April 4 — 5:00pm — Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday Celebration Services!
April 5 — 6:30am, 8:30am, 10:30am
And all the festivities … EASTER BREAKFAST & Easter Egg Hunt!
Lenten Suppers — 5:30pm — Wednesday evenings
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
Hosted by the Stephen Ministry
Hosted by the Fellowship Committee
Hosted by Lutheran Women in Mission
Hosted by the Baker's small group
Deaf Ministry Week at LICL
VP: 480 347-0762
We would like to welcome everyone to our church during Deaf Ministry Week to join in on our
journey as we learn more about Jesus Christ through Bible Studies, Deaf Mission work in China,
Teaching Religious signs to our Hearing Community and in Worship. All classes will be taught by
Pastor Thomas Dunseth, ASL, Missionary to China and Associated with the Mill Neck Foundation.
The Mill Neck Foundation, Inc. raises money and grants funds to institutions, programs and
projects with the goal of enhancing Christian ministry with the deaf.
The week’s agenda
Sunday, March 1
8:00am —
Worship at LICL with ASL Interpreters and ASL signing Pastor Dunseth.
9:20 - 10:20am
Presentation by Pastor Dunseth regarding the China Deaf Ministry
outreach. Then lunch at restaurant with Pastor Dunseth. Everyone’s welcome.
Each person pays for their own lunch.
6:00 - 8:00pm
Basic Sign Language Class. The goal is to help our hearing members learn
sign so they can communicate with our deaf members.
Monday, March 2
4:30 - 6:00pm
Pastor Dunseth will be working with the Church Interpreters on improving
the knowledge of religious signs. This is designed for Interpreters, however
anyone who would like to learn religious signs are welcome to attend.
6:00pm —
Pastor Dunseth will be working with our Church Elders on learning religious
signs for communion and general sign language communication skills.
Tuesday March 3
10:00am —
We will be holding ASL Bible Study at Apache ASL Trails in Tempe. Following
Bible Study, Communion and Worship, we will have a luncheon. Please feel
free to join us and bring a friend.
6:00 - 8:00pm
We will have a monthly Deaf Social Hour at Culvers on 83rd Ave north of
Thunderbird Road. Everyone is invited to attend.
Continued on page 4
Wednesday, March 4
1:00 - 3:00pm
Basic Sign Language Class at LICL Church for the general membership and
anyone who would like to attend
4:00pm —
Deaf Bible Study at LICL
5:30 - 6:30pm
Dinner in the Education Building.
7:00pm —
Pastor Dunseth signing the Lenten service in ASL at LICL Church
Thursday, March 5
10:00 - 12:00pm Basic Sign Language Class at LICL Church for the general membership and
anyone who would like to attend.
6:00 - 8:00pm
Religious sign class for our Interpreters and Deaf Members at LICL Church.
Friday, March 6
In the morning our Deaf Ministry Team will be setting up our booth for Deaf Expo at the
Phoenix Fair Grounds or also known as Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum.
6:00 - 8:00pm
Advanced Sign Class from at LICL Church. This class goal is to help our
members who already know some basic sign to learn and increase their skills.
So, if you know any sign at all feel free to attend this class.
Saturday, March 7
2015 Deaf Expo at Veterans Memorial Coliseum The Deaf Ministry Team and Pastor Dunseth
will be attending the 2015 Deaf Expo at Veterans Memorial Coliseum. We will be staffing our booth
to make an outreach to the Deaf and Hearing Community. We want to make sure community
members know our Church has a Deaf Ministry and we would love to worship with them too.
Sunday, March 8
8:00am —
ASL Interpreted Worship Service at Church
9:20 - 10:20am
ASL Bible Study with Pastor Dunseth at LICL Church
Don Wharton Family Concert
LICL — Sunday, March 1 — 3:00pm
Christian singer, songwriter, story-teller, Don Wharton, is
endurance personified, having performed over 3,000 concerts
(at least one concert in all 50 states) since 1979.
encouraging and uplifting style has inspired thousands of people
to greater service for Jesus Christ.
Don’s versatility has given him the opportunity to share his music with a wide range of
audiences. He has opened for such Christian artists as Carman, Michael Card, Jessie Dixon,
and Don Francisco. He has also worked with 60’s recording sensations Paul and Paula and
acclaimed actor Beau Bridges as well as performing the first Gospel concert at the Pentagon
in Washington, D.C. on September 29, 1998.
LICL is delighted to welcome Don on March 1, at 3:00pm, for an afternoon filled with
music and great fun. Please come and join us!
Thursday, March 5 & Thursday, April 2
LICL Sanctuary — 6:00am-6:00pm
In conjunction with the MISSION POSSIBLE:2 BUILDING
CAMPAIGN, you are invited to stop by the church to
pray for the Lord’s help and direction as we consider
campus expansion.
The Sanctuary will be open from
6:00am to 6:00pm on both Thursday, March 5 and
Thursday, April 2. You may come and go at your leisure
and stay for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, an hour or
more. How would the Lord have us proceed? What is His
Will for our the future of LICL? Please stop by and pray
during these special Days of Prayer.
March 11 — 8:00am - 1:00pm
We will be doing some general cleaning in the Ed
Building, weeding, trimming trees and shrubs and finishing up some touch up
painting. Probably some other odd and ends but that is about it. We hope to start
at 8:00am and hope to be finished by 1:00pm.
Your help will be greatly appreciated! — The LICL Trustees
Organizational Meeting for
Tuesday, March 3 — 6:30pm
Pastor Spicer’s Office
Would you like to help us contact the people who visit Life in Christ each
weekend? Would you be willing to let our guests and visitors know how
much we appreciate the time they spend with us? An Organizational
Meeting for the newly formed Visitation Team will be held on Tuesday,
March 3, at 6:30pm, in Pastor Spicer’s office. Come and join us!
Lutheran Women in Mission
“Daughters of the One True King”, Romans 8:17
We will meet at church (LICL) on Saturday, March 14, at 8:30am, then
carpool to Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, 8502 W. Pinchot Ave. in Phoenix.
The Sisters of St. Benedict at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery contribute to the
health, literacy, and education of the Southwest Valley by providing community
spiritual assistance, peace filled prayer gardens; community refugee educational
garden and a thrift store that assists our neighborhood and community. The Mission of
the Sisters of St. Benedict is to give witness to the Gospel values; and follow the Rule
of St. Benedict by living a monastic life through: Personal Prayer, Community
Prayer, Hospitality and Ministering to the People of God.
Special thanks from the LWML Board to all who made our Bake Sale and Raffle
last month, a huge success. Many thanks to…
Everyone who purchased and donated baked goods for the bake sale.
Those who baked cookies that were given to the Peoria Fire & Police Departments.
Everyone who purchased tickets and those who donated handmade craft items for the raffle.
Bristol Wolfgang, a LICL Sunday School student selected the raffle ticket winners.
☺ Congrats to all the winners! ☺
The money that was raised will be distributed to the LWML missions, which will
be voted on at our June meeting.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, April 11th – Monthly Meeting at 9:00 a.m.
 Speaker: Soldier’s Best Friend
Saturday, May 9th – Monthly Meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Speaker: Phoenix Rescue Mission/Changing Life Center for Women
Serve the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100:2
Youth Valentine’s Day Dinner and Movie
On Valentine’s Day, the youth hosted a Valentine’s Day Dinner and Movie at
LICL. The youth turned our sanctuary into a five star restaurant complete
with great food, nice dishes and place settings, and soft romantic music
playing in the background. The youth were trained to do everything to make
this night special and they did. They were the maître d, the hostess, the
waiters and waitresses, the chefs, the dishwashers and the childcare
providers. They did a fabulous job! The menu for the dinner was: Grilled
Pork Medallions with Balsamic Glaze, Roasted Potatoes, Roasted Vegetables,
Mixed Greens with Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing and Cream Puffs with
Pudding and Chocolate Sauce. Thank you to master chef, Mark Hagar, for
putting together the menu for us! After the dinner we watched the movie,
The Princess Bride.
We had a great response from the congregation for this event! Thank you
for everyone’s support and participation! And thank you to the youth and
their parents for their participation; this event was memorable! Finally,
thank you to our junior high youth leaders for all
their hard work!
Along with being a great church event this was
also a fundraiser to kick off our effort of sending
youth to the LCMS National Youth Gathering in
New Orleans in July 2016.
Sunday School students will be singing on March 1 and on
March 29 at both church services.
Students are receiving a "Bible Buck" for 1 of 6
actions: attending Sunday School, bringing a guest to Sunday
School, attending church service, bringing a guest to church
service, reciting the Bible Verse from the "52 verses" and/or
tithing in Sunday school. The last Sunday of every month, we will have a "Sunday School
Store". Items will be priced at different prices of "Bible bucks" starting at 5, and students
can redeem their "bucks" for items in the store. .
Easter is quickly approaching! Any donations of plastic Easter eggs and wrapped candy is
greatly appreciated!
Vacation Bible School will be held the week of June 15 for pre-school through 6th grade.
Mark your calendars to come on a Camping Adventure this summer! Volunteers are needed in all
areas, including teachers, assistants, music, snacks, and games.
March 28-3:00-5:00pm
Calling all Kids! Bring your family & friends!
All families are invited to come and participate in a carnival atmosphere on the church
campus. We will have a bounce house, face painting, carnival foods
(snow cones, popcorn, etc), along with games, crafts and even a
Scavenger Hunt!!!
Master, Did We Fail You?
A Memorable Event
in the Life of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
March 30 & 31—7:00pm
All Christians will recall with wonder the words of Christ during the evening of His Last Supper when He said to His
Apostles: “One of you will betray Me.” He also amazed them by saying the words of our Holy Eucharist as stated
in the Gospel of Luke 22:19-20: Then He took a loaf of bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave
it to them, saying, [take, eat] “This is My body, which is given for you, do this in remembrance of Me.” And He did
the same with the cup after supper, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.”
On Monday and Tuesday, evenings, March 30 & 31, at 7:00pm, everyone is invited to experience the reactions and
thoughts of Christ’s apostles as depicted in the drama, Master, Did We Fail You? Many members of LICL attended
last year’s production and will want to attend again. Perhaps, the finest reaction received was from Pastor Darling
when he stated to the director: “Mel, thank you, this was one of the most meaningful, spiritual evenings that I
have ever had.”
At this time, the cast, composed of faithful members, is in place and are memorizing and practicing their lines. We
urge you to attend and to see why it was that so many of last year’s cast quickly volunteered to be a part of this
moving, dramatic event again. Please, do take the time to attend and bring your children and friends.
All of us get mail six days a week...too much mail. Imagine not getting any mail for
weeks or months at a time.
And no phone calls, emails and very few, if any,
visits. You would feel cut off, lonely, even scared. This is what incarcerated
youth live with every day of their lives. And this is one of the easiest, yet most
impactful ways you can be involved in Chayah Youth Ministry. Just imagine what it
means to youth who feel like they’ve been forgotten entirely by their loved ones,
strangers! Unfortunately, it is NOT a flood, but a trickle. But you can help change that! Write love notes
to these youth and encourage others to. The youth LOVE artwork and even the simplest things from
They realize they are not “nobody” or “invisible”, words they use to describe
YOU can make them understand that they are SOMEBODY, GIFTS FROM GOD,
The next Chayah Retreat is for the boys and is March 19-21.
Bring your love
notes to Church beginning March 8th. There will be a bag, in the narthex, clearly marked with the
Chayah logo on it. Simply put your notes of encouragement inside and we’ll make sure it’s delivered.
Your support will make an impact.
A beautiful poem written by Judith C
in honor of her daughter, Cheryl who passed away in November of last year.
My heart is breaking
What can I say
My Lord has taken my daughter away
To live with Him in Paradise
Where there are no more tears
No more strife
To be with Him in all His glory
AS we on earth tell His Christmas story
To be with family and friends galore
And not have to miss them anymore
I’m glad she is passed the pain
And what a marvelous life to gain
She’s been God’s child from the start
And He also saw to it that she was smart
We’ll miss her strength, her love, her caring
Her unceasing desire for sharing
By her hard life she has shown the way
All we have to do is believe in Jesus
Go to church and pray
We’ll see her again in Heaven I know
Because the Bible told me so.
Warm and special thanks to you
For all the considerate things you do.
Jesus’ Joy glows in the hugs we share near & far!
Pastor Vernon (Sam/ Cindy) are totally “wowed” & warmed in our hearts by
Pastor Trahms
your Valentine (flipchart) greetings. It is hanging on dad’s apartment wall
with your “hugs” greeting him all the time.
Jesus’ blessings & love,
Pastor Trahms (& Sam & Cindy)
A Loving Tribute to
Pastor Dave Darling
Have you had a chance to admire the new
display in the Narthex? Thanks to the
generosity of Tina Darling, we are able to
display six of Pastor Dave’s beautiful crosses. We admired Pastor Dave for
many reasons. He blessed us in so many ways, one of which was his
wood-working ministry. Homes all over the Valley have Pastor Dave’s
work on their walls, desks or bookshelves. Now, we have examples of his
wonderful work in our Narthex.
Also note the beautiful picture of Pastor Dave that Tina provided. Doesn’t
that photo capture Pastor Dave so well? Welcoming smile. Twinkle in the
eyes. How glad we are to display these crosses as a lasting reminder of
one of Pastor Dave’s many talents. What better piece of artwork to look
at than the cross of Jesus Christ, the place where He showed His love for
us and the entire world.
We love and miss you Pastor Dave!
Important Youth Meeting- Thursday, March 5 — at 6:00 PM
At this meeting we will recap and review our Valentine’s Day Dinner. We will also talk more about
the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in 2016 and the fundraising we can do to
send our youth to the gathering. The Gathering will take place July 16-20 and is open to youth
ages 14 (or all entering the 9th grade) through 20 (at the time of the gathering). A third agenda
item for this meeting is to discuss and plan future youth events. All youth, parents and members of
the congregation are invited to attend this meeting!
Designate Thrivent Choice Dollars by March 31
Thrivent Financial members, don’t miss this opportunity to provide funding for Life in Christ
Church. Thrivent members have until March 31, 2015 to designate their Choice Dollars from last
year 2014. If you have never designated your Choice Dollars to Life in Christ, please call Mark Funk
at 623-234-9212 for assistance.
We are going to organize a cruise for summer of 2016. We are taking a survey to determine which
location to set up. In the narthex, you will find a sign up sheet and an information sheet detailing
three possible cruise locations. If you are interested in cruising with us, look at the information
sheet and sign up indicating which cruise and which month you would like. Put your name and
phone number on the sheet. Once we see which is the most popular, we will
select that cruise and get details and pricing information as soon as it is
available. For questions, call Mike and Sandy Elsensohn 623-878-9651.
The Fellowship Committee Meeting
March 7 — room #1—9am
The Fellowship Team will be meeting soon and is looking for
new faces to make the commitment to join this fun loving and
hard working group. Lisa and Mark M will be stepping down
from leadership after the Easter breakfast and are hoping there will be someone who will
be willing to take their place. Would you be interested in taking the reins? Please
prayerfully consider. Easter is just around the corner and there is so much to organize
and plan. Please be come and be a part of the Fellowship Team!
Day-Timers Small Group Led by Gale C!
The Day-Timers Small Group will have their first official meeting
and Bible Study, Friday, March 20, at 2:30, in room #1. If you
are interested in attending a small group that meets in the afternoon, please give Gale C buzz.
Come and check the Day-Timers Small Group out!
Join the fun! Everyone’s invited!
Thursday — March 12— 11:30am
Rio Mirage Café
13863 W. Bell Rd., Surprise
SE corner at Bell Rd. & Litchfield Rd.
RSVP with Mary Mby March 11 623-584-8535
by March 11