Senior Ad Buy A in the Yearbook

Buy A
Senior Ad
in the
Final Deadline
Photos & Payment due Fri. Nov. 7
Photos & Payment due Fri. Jan. 30
(no color ads)
Black & White
Black & White
Early Deadline
Full Page............$175
Half Page..............$90
Quarter Page........$45
Full Page............$225
Half Page............$120
Quarter Page........$60
Full Page............$225
Half Page............$120
Quarter Page........$60
The Small Print
1. Submission deadlines are extremely important. Photos
AND payment are due. Missing either means you have not
met the deadline.
2. Payment may be made at the Cashier’s Office (Cash,
cashier’s check or money order only), or online (credit
card only).
3. Photos may be submitted as a single collage or as separate photos to Mr. Crone (B101), Gina (Cashier’s Office)
or Lil (Activities Office). Digital submissions are acceptable
(call or email for technical details). Photos may be picked
up from B101 the last week of school (June 2015).
4. Ad size: see last year’s book, or call the school. For collages, leave one quarter inch margins on all sides to avoid
5.The number of Color Ads available for sale is limited. We
may run out BEFORE the published deadline.
6. Questions? Call the school at (562) 801-5355 or email
Mr. Crone at
Buy Online
or at
Activies Office