Saint Peter Catholic Church 1250 South Shore Drive, Forest Lake, Minnesota 55025 Parish Office: 651.982.2200 School Office: 651.982.2215 After Hours Emergency: 651.629.1565 ST. PETER STAFF PASTOR FR. DANIEL BODIN ............. 651-982-2203 ASSOCIATE PASTOR FR. PAUL SHOVELAIN ........ 651-982-2204 DEACONS GARY HOULE ...................... 651-982-2200 RALPH L’ALLIER ................ 651-982-2200 TERRY MORAVEC................ 651-982-2200 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR GENE SCHOMMER............... 651-982-2217 DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL CARE LISA ENGSTROM ................. 651-982-2229 DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION SUE FAST ............................. 651-982-2235 DIRECTOR OF YOUTH/CONFIRMATION JASON BECKER .................... 651-982-2223 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC/LITURGY BONNIE WURSCHER ........... 651-982-2224 ASSISTANT MUSIC DIRECTOR BRUCE NOLDEN .................. 651-982-2232 DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP/VOLUNTEERS DEBBIE LARSON .................. 651-982-2227 INTERIM PRINCIPAL MIKE CONWAY ................... 651-982-2214 DIRECTOR OF MARKETING/DEVELOPMENT KAREN ANDERSON ............ 651-982-2215 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR The truth about Pope Francis Recently, our Holy Father has been capturing the attention of many news reporters. Maybe you have seen the articles “Pope says Evolution is Real” or the articles “Marriage and Family”. Well, before you get caught up in the eye catching news articles, I recommend that you read the actual text of Pope Francis. The Vatican website gives you access to his audiences, speeches, and letters. They give you the firsthand view. With regard to the evolution Pope Francis stated, “The beginning of the world was not the work of chaos, which owes its origin to another, but it derives directly from a Supreme Principle who creates out of love. The Big-Bang, that is placed today at the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine intervention but exacts it. The evolution in nature is not opposed to the notion of Creation, because evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.” Thus, when reading the whole, you see that Pope Francis maintains the fact that God is the Creator. Even if the Big Bang did happen, there was a creator and there was order in it. With respect to Evolution, Pope Francis said that even those who propose evolution must say that there is a creation, otherwise what would evolve? There are certain things in the evolution theory we can agree with as Catholics, but there are other possible conclusions that must be rejected. For example, an evolutionist could argue that we descend from multiple sets of parent’s. However, as you and I know, we are all affected by original sin and thus, in accord with the scriptures, we must descend from one set of parents. When speaking about the recent attacks on marriage, Pope Francis stated, “ What is being proposed is not marriage, it’s an association. But it’s not marriage! It’s necessary to say these things very clearly and we have to say it!” This meeting was only picked by a few Catholic News Agencies. Unfortunately, the English translation of this talk is not up on the Vatican Website. However, I was able to locate this text on a Catholic News Service. So when you open your morning paper and see another story about Pope Francis, don’t get too worried. The Holy Spirit has and will continue to guide him and Christ’s Church as Jesus promised. Read articles on Catholic News Sites or better yet, read Pope Francis’ teaching first hand on A news service that I regularly check is, which is supported by the Knights of Columbus. Give to the Max This upcoming Thursday, November 13, is Give to the Max Day, which offers our parish the opportunity to support school families in need. Our school families sacrifice so much in order to provide their children with a Catholic Education. Please be generous. I know I greatly benefited from my years in Catholic Education and my parent’s sacrificed a lot in order to send my four siblings and me through Catholic school. Please contact Karen Anderson, Development Director, for more information at 651-982-2215. Turkey BINGO Finally, please join us for Turkey BINGO on Saturday, November 15. There will be a free will offering hot dog meal served immediately following the 5:00 pm Mass and BINGO will begin at 6:30 pm. You can also come meet my family who will be playing! God bless you, Father Paul Jeronimo Yanez Readings for the Week Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10 Lyndsay Engstrom Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25 Sunday: Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37 11-14-2014 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 PASTORAL CARE AND SPIRITUALITY Please Pray For James Gajeski Alex Schiefelbein Nancy Crumrine Beverly Zerwas Pete Peters Jack Healey Kim Hedin Mike Wilde Judy Gallaty Ron Paul IN SYMPATHY… Blake Brunner Clarence Zeleschnak Michele Taylor Bonnie Welsch Kathy Augustine Ellen Winistorfer Allie Wolfbauer Tom Gallaty Benjamin Thomas Reinke Kellie Taylor Please pray for the repose of the souls of the following individuals whose funerals were celebrated this past week: Eugene “Butch” Tacheny Judith “Judy” Ufford Pray for their family and friends that they may feel God’s presence and be comforted with His peace and love. Eternal rest grant unto them O’ Lord and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar! Immediate need for adorers: 12:00 am Monday 1:00 am Monday 3:00 am Tuesday 3:00 am Friday 6:00 pm Saturday Second Adorers needed: 12:00 am Monday 3:00 am Monday 1:00 pm Monday 4:00 pm Monday 8:00 pm Monday 12:00 am Tuesday 3:00 am Tuesday 6:00 am Tuesday Respect Life St. Peter’s Respect Life Committee wishes to thank 1:00 am Monday 8:00 am Monday 3:00 pm Monday 6:00 pm Monday 10:00 pm Monday 2:00 am Tuesday 4:00 am Tuesday This is a partial list; to be continued in next week’s bulletin. For a complete listing see the bulletin boards in the Church vestibule. Contact Cheryl (651.464.6823) or Jean (651.466.0324) to make Eucharistic Adoration a part of your life. parishioners for the generous donations to the Respect Life Baby Dresser in October! Your gifts will be given to families in need through St. Bridget’s Baby Blanket Program. The Dresser is made available for donations here at St. Peter throughout the year in January, May and October. Project Rachel – A morning retreat for women and men who have been hurt by abortion will be held at the U. of St. Thomas, Catholic Studies Bldg. on November 15. Located at 2055 Summit Ave., St. Paul, from 8:30 am – noon, the day provides time to quietly reflect on the mercy and love of God. For more information, contact the Archdiocese, Sharon Wilson at or 651-291-4506. Training for NEW Liturgical Ministers Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC): Lectors/Ushers and Greeters NEW Minister training for Lectors, Ushers & Greeters Monday, November 17th 6:30-7:00 pm in Church Lectors – must be confirmed CPR Training for NEW and EXPERIENCED Ministers Monday, November 17th 7:00-8:00 pm in St. Peter’s Hall To register, contact Bonnie Wurscher: |651-982-2224 Must be a confirmed practicing Catholic Training and Commissioning – Father Bodin Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:00-8:00 pm Servers: Students, Male and female, grades 4 through 12 Training - Father Shovelain Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:00 am – 11:30 am Parents should plan to attend the first half hour. PARISH AND COMMUNITY KC Memorial Service Catholic Resources In honor of Knights that our Parish has lost over the past years, our local Knights of Columbus council will be sponsoring a Memorial Mass on Monday November 10. We start with the rosary at 6:30 and Mass at 7:00 pm, followed by refreshments served in the Multi-Purpose Room. Did you know there is a great Catholic resource out there for movie reviews? As Father Paul's article in the October 12th bulletin stated, the Knights volunteer their time and talent in so many wonderful ways to help our parish and community. Please join us as we remember those Knights that have left us and offer our prayers and thanksgiving for the many men of our parish that are a part of this worth while ministry. Just go to: They provide reviews from current films and have an extensive archive to find out more about a film from a Catholic perspective. They even have their own rating system in addition to the ratings of the Motion Picture Association of America. CNS classifications: A-I — general patronage A-II — adults and adolescents A-III — adults Book Fair Please come to our Scholastic book fair next weekend after the 8:00 and 9:30 am Masses on Sunday, November 16. The Book Fair will be in St. Peter’s Hall. All proceeds will be used to purchase new books for St. Peter’s school library. Celebrate With Music! To celebrate the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Matt Haider will be presenting an organ recital at St. Peter Catholic Church at 7:00 pm on Friday, November 21st. Matt is a former parishioner. Matt began his musical career while attending St. Peter’s school,. As a 2nd grader he began playing for school Masses. Matt has an undergraduate degree in music from St. John’s University and a master’s degree in music from the University of Minnesota. He currently resides and works in the Chicago area. The recital is open to the public. There is no charge. Tour Bach’s Germany The American Pilgrimage Choir, founded in 1996 as the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage Choir of St. Paul and Minneapolis, invites singers of all ability levels and non-singers on a trip to Germany, September 7-14, 2015. For complete trip and choir information and a copy of the tour brochure with costs and travel information, contact Dr. Lynn Trapp at St. Olaf Catholic Church in Mlps. MN: 612-767-6213 or A-IV — adults, with reservations (this indicates films that, while not morally offensive in themselves, are not for casual viewing because they require some analysis and explanation in order to avoid false impressions and interpretations) L — limited adult audiences, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling (replaced A -IV classification Nov. 1, 2003) O — morally offensive Check out many great inspirational titles for free at our very own St Peter library! Simply sign out the title with your name and phone number in the white ring binder. There is something for everyone. Barb H, Library Volunteer Faithfull Spouses Support Group Are You Hurting From a Broken Marriage Relationship? Please join us on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm in Smith Hall, Hayden Building of the Archdiocese, 328 Kellogg Blvd W in St Paul. Faithful Spouses is a support group for those who are living apart from their spouses because of separation or divorce. Get encouragement and support as you stay faithful to the sacrament of Matrimony. God is very near to you and offers you peace and happiness. Learn to understand our Church’s teaching that the marriage covenant is still valid and alive--no matter what has happened in a civil court. If interested or have any questions, please contact Cathy at 651.291.4538. PARISH AND COMMUNITY THIS WEEK’S EVENTS Monday, November 10 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Michael Casigias 6:30 pm School Advisory Meeting 6:30 pm KC Rosary 7:00 pm KC Memorial Mass 7:00 pm RCIA 800 pm KC Memorial Reception Tuesday, November 11 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Carolyn Carter † 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 2:30 pm 9-12 Grade Youth Open House 3:30 pm Book Fair 5:00 pm Multiple Choir Rehearsals 1st one starts at 5:00 5:30 pm NET Formation Prep 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study Wednesday, November 12 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Florence Charboneau † 5:15 pm 1st Session Faith Formation 6:45 pm EDGE Night 7-8 Grade 7:00 pm 2nd Session Faith Formation 7:00 pm Hand-bell Rehearsal Thursday, November 13 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for John Wanner † 2:30 pm 7-8 Grade Youth Open House 3:30 pm Book Fair 6:00 pm Widow/Widower’s Group 7:00 pm Exploring our Faith 7:00 pm EMHC Training 7:00 pm Our Lady of the Lakes Rosary 7:00 pm Respect Life Friday, November 14 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Jeronimo Yanez & Lyndsay Engstrom 7:00 pm Youth Night Grades 9-12 Sunday, November 16 8:00 am Sunday Mass for Mark Riemers † 8:00 am Book Fair 9:00 am Sunday Morning Fellowship 9:15 am RCIC 9:30 am Sunday Mass for Robert McKenzie † 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Sunday Mass for Judy Sires & Elliot Campbell † 12:30 pm Baptism Saturday, November 15 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Georgia Murphy † 9:30 am Little Flowers 10:00 am Alter Server Training 3:30 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Anticipatory Sunday Mass for Dawn Kushlan † 6:00 pm Turkey Bingo Thank You Thank you parishioners of St. Peter Church for your generous gift of $918.50 to support Saint John Vianney College Seminary. Donations Needed Due to the fire at Main Street Center on Oct. 2, 2014, Options for Women of Chisago County, suffered a complete loss. OFW is in need of donations of new baby clothes, baby accessories and supplies so that we may continue to serve women and families in need. Donations can be dropped off at: Neighborhood National Bank 5481 St. Croix Trail North Branch, MN We have much good news to report. In the fall of 2014, 137 seminarians will be enrolled at Saint John Vianney. Nineteen of our 23 graduates are going on to major seminary next fall. Also nineteen of our alumni were ordained to the Priesthood this spring, both here in our Archdiocese and in ten other dioceses throughout the United States. The Catholic Church continues to be graced with priests who began their formation here at Saint John Vianney. Your gift helps to ensure that our seminarians continue to receive the finest Catholic formation as they discern a call to the Priesthood. Through prayer and the wonderful support of friends like you, we are able to help prepare many more outstanding, faithful Catholic priests. We consider it a true blessing to have you working alongside us as we build a faith-filled culture of vocations. Again thanks for your continued support. Yours in Christ Jesus Very Reverend Michael C. Becker, Jr. Rector SCHOOL SaintPeter’sCatholicSchool A foundation of faith and academic excellence / 651-982-2216 “We, at St. Peter’s Catholic School, in a faith centered environment, strive to nurture the spirit, mind and body of every child, so that each may pursue life’s journeys with the heart and mind of Jesus.” MARATHON RESULTS We reached our $50,000 goal and surpassed it, raising $52,502.55! Thank you to everyone who helped us. We couldn't have accomplished this without you. We would like to especially thank the parishioners of St. Peter Catholic Church, who supported the school through the Favorite Father Fundraiser by giving Father Bodin and Father Paul $7,710.47. Father Bodin squeaked out a victory with $3,858.57 and Father Paul came in right behind him with $3,851.90. Please support our local Marathon sponsors: BLT Services, Culligan, Donald’s Uniform, Forest Lake Cycle & Skate, Kwik Trip, Mattson Funeral Home, McDonald’s, Minnesota Zoo, Thompson Lightning Protection, Inc., Twin Cities Osteo Relief Institute, YMCA Chain of Lakes. THANK You THE BOOK FAIR IS COMING! Tuesday, November 11th: 3:30-8:00 pm Thursday, November 13th: 3:30-8:00 pm Sunday, November 16th: 8:30-11:30 am The whole school is excited about our upcoming Book Fair. An amazing selection of books is headed our way! At the Book Fair you will find the latest and finest titles for kids, as well as books of interest to parents. Mark your calendar for this family event where the whole family can join in the fun. And you can contribute books to your child’s classroom or to the school library. GIFT OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION APPEAL This year we are once again kicking off our annual appeal by participating in Minnesota’s Give to the Max Day on November 13th. This is a one day, on-line event. Information was mailed to all parishioners this past week. We are asking for your participation in the Gift of Catholic Education Appeal to help those families who desire a Catholic education for their child, but need some assistance. We encourage you to participate through Give to the Max Day if you can; otherwise we certainly appreciate your gift in any form Give to the Max Day, November 13, 2014 Visit: Search for: St. Peter’s Catholic School Select: “Donate” button to make your gift ( Watch for matching gifts to double your donation) THANK YOU! If you have questions, please contact Karen Anderson, Development Director, 651-982-2215. HERE AT ST. PETER GIFTS TO GOD WEBSITES SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION FOLLOWING WEEKDAY MASS SATURDAYS AT 3:30-4:30 PM, PARISH WWW.STPETERFL.ORG SCHOOL WWW.SCHOOL.STPETERFL.ORG OR BY APPOINTMENT SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING TO SCHEDULE, PLEASE CALL THE PASTORAL CARE OFFICE OR THE EMERGENCY PAGER FOR OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 - 4:30 AFTER HOUR EMERGENCIES MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE ONE YEAR IN WEEKEND SATURDAY 5:00 PM SUNDAY 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM & (5:30 PM SEPT—MAY ONLY) ADVANCE TO BEGIN THE MARRIAGE PROGRAM AND TO SCHEDULE THE WEDDING WEEKDAY MONDAY-SATURDAY 8:30 AM ADDITIONAL SERVICES HOSPITALIZED/HOMEBOUND THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND OF THE PARISH MAY ARRANGE TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUN- 24 HOUR PRAYER CHAIN 651-462-0221 OR 651-464-6164 ION BY CALLING THE PARISH OFFICE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM TWICE PER MONTH. PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO SCHEDULE BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS AND BAPTISM SUNDAY 9:30 MASS BROADCAST LATV CABLE CHANNEL 10 THURSDAYS 7:00 PM AND FRIDAY 11:00 AM Weekend of: 11/02/14 Envelopes ............................ $15,484.59 Plate ....................................... $2,524.39 Online Giving ....................... $1,510.00 ACH ....................................... $7,595.50 Total Collection ................. $27,114.48 Budgeted this Week .......... $28,036.29 Difference .............................. $-921.82 Budgeted YTD* ................ $423,653.29 Collected YTD* ................. $376,488.21 Variance ............................. $-47,165.08 Building Fund ...................... $3,322.00 Cemetery .................................. $329.00 Military Collection .................... $40.00 All Saints Day ....................... $1,992.00 *Calculations based on fiscal year Thank you for your generosity! NOTE: If you give electronically and would like envelopes to place in the Sunday Collection Basket, please contact the parish office. PIANO LESSONS Bruce Nolden (Parishioner) • 21 Yrs. Teaching Experience • Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy “Forest Lake’s Hometown Funeral Home” • MMTA Member 651-464-4422 651-464-8428 Forest Lake Location Owner Scott Rangitsch 21438 Forest Blvd N • Forest Lake, MN 55025 Phone (651) 464-4540 • Fax (651) 464-8650 Bill Neumann, Agent 2126 2nd St. White Bear Lake 651-426-6633 E.J. HOULE, INC. Houle’s Feed - Wild Birdseed Dog Foods, Horsefeed, Grain Quality - Service - Dependability 55 SW 2nd Street 651-464-3326 Compliments of Jesse Johnson “Where your party begins.” State Farm Agent (651) 464-7227 Top Brands ~ Bottom Prices 651-464-7130 1107 So. Lake St. Forest Lake PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ............... 24/7 HELP ............... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB A Pregnancy Resource Center Free Pregnancy Tests $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 304241 Church of St Peter (B) Confidential Counseling/STD Info 651.464.4340 840 W. Broadway Ave., Ste. 100 Forest Lake, MN For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 SOLD My Sign Says It All MATTSON & WIENS, LTD. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 651-464-1110 th C.P. Anderson Masonry, Inc. BURNET ~Senior Living~ 651.464.5600 Forest Lake, MN 55025 TIM GARRY Sieben Grose Von Holtum FOREST LAKE MINI STORAGE • Access & Carey AFFORDABLE MONTHLY RATES 7 Days/Wk. James P. Carey LONG TERM DISCOUNTS • Laser Attorney, Parishioner Security Access Wrongful Death • Personal Injury 24 HOUR ACCESS & SECURITY CAMERAS (651) 464-2361 (612) 333-9750 • Secured 407 SW 15 St. • F.L. Industrial Park 901 Marquette Ave., Ste. 500 Fenced Area Mpls., MN 55402 Helping Seniors since 1964! Residential, Commercial, Additions Andy Carroll Jr. (651) 466-0229 (651) 464-7741 ATTORNEY AT LAW BUCKLEY & JENSEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIM@TIMGARRY.COM 1257 GUN CLUB ROAD WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55110 (651) 486-7475 FAX (651) 486-7468 FOREST LAKE SANITATION • EVENTS • FAMILIES • PORTRAITS • WEDDINGS “Local Hauler for Over 40 Years” 651-464-2321 Containers Provided could be in this space! 651-274-3271 MUSIC LESSONS Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. -Certified Music Teacher -Certified Piano Tuning & Repair Jerry Scanlon For further information, please call the Parish Office. 651-464-5649 Larry Bulinski (651) 247-4076 1155 W. Broadway 651-464-3270 Your ad For all your Real Estate Needs “Protein Shakes in 100+ Flavors” • Coffee Flavors - Coffee, Reg & Decaf • Slushies & Lemonade • Teas, Sno Cones & More Paul H. Steffel, LUTCF Insurance and Financial Services Agent 7029 20 Ave. S., Centerville, MN 55038 NEW LOCATION th Quality Service & Installation Since 1974 Innovative Machining, Inc. 568 N. Lake Street Business/Shop/Fax 651-464-1253 Cell: 651-329-6435 Precision Vertical Machining ROLSETH CARTER’S DRUG JEWELRY & GIFTS 464-2114 “Celebrating over 55 years of Service” Jewelry & Watch Repair • Batteries Replaced WYOMING 651-464-3378 • Forest Lake, MN DRUG Bob & Mary Carter - Parishioners 462-3131 “Please mention ad when calling” 508 S. Lake St. Forest Lake 1650 South Lake St. Forest Lake, MN 55025 651.464.2880 651-464-4997 Buy 1 Sandwich, Get 1 Free (with the purchase of a drink) You deserve a better bagel. Code SIP Bob Ebertz Parishioner COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR 651.464.6477 651-955-1594 1 mile N. of Forest Lake on Hwy. 8 • Retaining Walls • Paver Patios • Decorative Rock • Sod • Mulch • Concrete • Footings • Additions • Restorations • Commercial Snow Removal • Grading and Excavating HUGO PLUMBING WELL PUMP SERVICE Hometown Friendly Service “Computer Wheel Balancing” Expert Tire Repair Tom Thill • 651-433-4866 New Construction • Remodels Hot Water Heat & Heaters • Drain Cleaning • Disposals 308 N. Lake St. 651-464-2245 651-464-4371 651-464-0066 *Next to Pizza Hut* REUB’S TIRE SHOP, INC. “On Forest Lake” JNT LANDSCAPING Carpet Hardwood Laminate Ceramic Hunter Douglas Blinds 651-464-2405 Fax: 651-762-7813 651-395-2400 651-464-2887 Parrot Ice-Shakes 255 Hwy 97 Across From High School Phone: 651-762-7801 Ervin G. Savord D.D.S. (651) 982-6575 Not valid on holidays or other offers 55 So. Lake St. 255 Hwy 97 Across From Forest Lake High School Forest Lake Parishioners MARY JO JENSEN-CARTER 612-963-0674 $5 OFF One Sunday Brunch when one purchased at regular price Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover • DIABETIC FOOTWEAR • RENTALS-WEEK/MO. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person THE POLISH SHOP Appearance Specialist will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA • Over 28 Yrs experience • Autos, Boats, Bikes, RV’s “Experience Makes The Difference” 24078 Greenway Rd. Forest Lake 304241 Church of St Peter (A) 651-982-1622 $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 CAROUSEL FAMILY HAIR CARE Hair Care by Experienced Professionals 651-464-6875 633 South Lake St., Forest Lake 651-464-3331 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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