Saint Peter Catholic Church 1250 South Shore Drive, Forest Lake, Minnesota 55025 Parish Office: 651.982.2200 School Office: 651.982.2215 After Hours Emergency: 651.629.1565 ST. PETER STAFF PASTOR FR. DANIEL BODIN ............. 651-982-2203 ASSOCIATE PASTOR FR. PAUL SHOVELAIN......... 651-982-2204 DEACONS GARY HOULE ...................... 651-982-2200 RALPH L’ALLIER ................. 651-982-2200 TERRY MORAVEC ................ 651-982-2200 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR GENE SCHOMMER ............... 651-982-2217 DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL CARE LISA ENGSTROM.................. 651-982-2229 DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION SUE FAST ............................. 651-982-2235 DIRECTOR OF YOUTH/CONFIRMATION JASON BECKER .................... 651-982-2223 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC/LITURGY BONNIE WURSCHER ........... 651-982-2224 ASSISTANT MUSIC DIRECTOR BRUCE NOLDEN .................. 651-982-2232 DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP/VOLUNTEERS DEBBIE LARSON .................. 651-982-2227 INTERIM PRINCIPAL MIKE CONWAY ................... 651-982-2214 DIRECTOR OF MARKETING/DEVELOPMENT KAREN ANDERSON ............. 651-982-2215 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR Attention all men! Are you looking for opportunities to get connected with fellow men at St. Peter? Do you enjoy serving others and sharing the love of Christ with others? Well, if you answer yes to either of those questions I encourage you to join the Knights of Columbus! We are blessed to have a very active council here at St. Peter. This weekend, as well as several other weekends each year, the Knights host pancake breakfasts as a way to raise money for many programs our parish offers, such as our faith formation program. Please stop by the pancake breakfast and talk with them about joining the Knights of Columbus (KC). In my first few months at St. Peter, I have been very blessed to be a part of the council. By joining the council I was able to connect with many other men and get to know them and their families. That has truly been a blessing for me. Another added bonus about the Knights of Columbus is that they are international. So, in my 8 years as a Knight, I have been a part of 4 councils. I joined the KC council in my home parish, St. Michael Catholic Church in St. Michael. I transferred to the University of St. Thomas Council during my undergraduate years there. Then I transferred to my teaching parish, St. Patrick in Oak Grove, and most recently I transferred into St. Peter Council, which is Father Gibbons Council #3657. Our parish KC council also helped with the Youth and Family Night this past August 20 and they will be helping again with a Turkey Bingo Fundraiser on November 15. They also helped organize the Golf Tournament that was a part of the Parish Festival. The council also donated the tootsie rolls that our parish parade float handed out during the Forest Lake 4th of July Parade. They are a vital aspect of our parish life. The Knights of Columbus organization was started in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney and men from his parish. Together they worked to strengthen parish life and reach out to those in need. 132 years later, the KC’s continue to fulfill that mission and there are 1.8 million members throughout the World. I encourage all men 18 and up to consider joining the Knights of Columbus as a way to grow in your faith. You will be given opportunities to be formed in the faith as well as opportunities to share the faith. This, my brothers, is what we are all to do since we are baptized! We are called to bring Christ to others. For more information about the Knights please contact Tony Angelo at (651) 982-1550 or feel free to talk to me. Homily Follow Up Last weekend, I asked a question, “Are you comfortable?” Christ came to challenge the elders and chief priests who were comfortable in the ways of the world. As Pope Benedict said, “We are not made for comfort, we are made for greatness!” One way we often find comfort is by listing to our favorite music in the car ride. A way that you could sacrifice some comfort is by listening to the Lighthouse Media CD’s that the parish offers in the back of Church. Yes, you may prefer the comfort of listening to your choice of music but the Lighthouse Media CD’s will help you grow in your faith and help you become great! Another way you could move out of your comfort zone is by letting others know you attend St. Peter’s by sticking a St. Peter’s Decal on your vehicle. On my first visit to St. Peter back in May, I received a decal and I placed it on my vehicle as a way of letting others know where I was assigned. Stop by the parish office to get a decal or pick one up from the bulletin board, they are free! Thank you for the many well wishes, cards and messages that I received on my birthday. It was a very blessed day as it fell both on our School Marathon and on the Rediscover Celebration! This last year has probably been the most blessed in my life, as I received the gift of the priesthood and it has been amazing. Words cannot describe my gratitude to God for this awesome gift and thank you for letting me share it with you! God bless you all! Father Paul Readings for the Week Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 PASTORAL CARE AND SPIRITUALITY Please Pray For James Gajeski Alex Schiefelbein Nancy Crumrine Beverly Zerwas Pete Peters Jack Healey Kim Hedin Allie Wolfbauer Mary Doughty-Mohar Judy Gallaty Ron Paul Respect Life Blake Brunner Clarence Zeleschnak Michele Taylor Bonnie Welsch Kathy Augustine Ellen Winistorfer Judy Ufford Mike Wilde Tom Gallaty Benjamin Thomas Reinke From the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – The Church’s mission is to show each person the love of Christ. As uniquely created individuals, we each have unique gifts which we are called to use to share Christ’s love. As the 2014 Respect Life Program begins, let us take a moment to reflect on the theme, “Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation,” and how this truth affects both our understanding of ourselves and others and the way we live. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Although we set aside October to particularly pray for respect for all human life, let us never cease this urgent work. O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Thou glory of the Christian people, joy of the Universal Church, salvation of the whole world, pray for us, and awaken in all believers a lively devotion towards the most Holy Eucharist. Obtain for us the grace to communicate worthily and often. (Raccolta 418) Love and justice must motivate each of us to work for a transformation of our own hearts so that we can transform the world around us. This is the message of Pope Francis. May the Risen Lord put the Gospel of Joy in our hearts so that we may bear witness to the greatest love story ever told. Immediate need for adorers: 10:00 am Sunday 12:00 am Monday 1:00 am Monday 8:00 am Monday 3:00 am Tuesday 3:00 am Friday 6:00 pm Saturday Generational Healing Mass Father Jim Livingston will celebrate a Generational Healing Mass on November 6 at 7:00 pm at St. Peter with refreshments to follow in the Multi-purpose Room. Second adorers needed: 3:00 p.m. Monday 6:00 p.m. Monday 10:00 p.m. Monday 2:00 a.m. Tuesday 4:00 a.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Tuesday 12:00 a.m. Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Monday 8:00 p.m. Monday 12:00 a.m. Tuesday 3:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 a.m. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 p.m. Tuesday 1:00 a.m. Wednesday This is a partial list; to be continued in next week’s bulletin. For a complete listing see the North bulletin board in the Church vestibule. Contact Cheryl (651.464.6823) or Jean (651.466.0324) to make Eucharistic Adoration a part of your life. In Lamentations 5:7 it states: "Our forefathers have sinned and are now dead, and we bear their punishment." The Healing of the family tree is directed to lifting this punishment or bondage of body, mind or spirit; and this is done by applying The Healing Power of the Eucharist. The core of the Healing Service is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated for the intention of healing these bondages that are trans generational in one's family tree. There is a distinction between sin and the effects of sin. Only original sin, not personal sin, is inherited as Paul teaches in Romans 5:12. But the Bible teaches that sin's counterpart, the effects of sin - punishment - in the form of suffering, illness; inclination toward sinful habits, addictions, etc. can be inherited. Prior to attending Mass try to receive confession. For more information please call Lisa Engstrom at 651982-2229. PARISH AND COMMUNITY Parish Connection Fair Everyone is invited to come see and celebrate all St. Peter has to offer at our Parish Connection Fair on Saturday Oct 25 after the 5:00 pm Mass and Sunday, Oct 26 after all morning Masses. This event will help you connect with a new ministry, find ways to be more engaged in your parish, meet new people, and more! Enjoy refreshments, fellowship, and the chance to win prizes! Young @ Heart Up-Coming Event Young @ Heart is hosting an informational presentation On Friday, October 17th @ 1:00 pm “+Cross America” The summer of 2013, Daniel Reinke, a parishioner, literally walked across America beginning on the West Coast and finishing on the East Coast.. Daniel will share many stories and encounters that he experienced on this once in a lifetime journey of sharing his faith. Join us in St. Peter’s Hall Refreshments and snacks available Everyone Welcome “Give Hope” For The Whole World Next Sunday, October 19th, is World Mission Sunday. Through prayer and financial gifts of support, we join together with every Catholic in the world to give hope to those most in need. Giving envelopes are included in the parish envelope packets. They may be placed in the regular collection next Sunday. Checks should be made out to St. Peter Church / memo line – World Missions. Forest Lake Community Blood Drive Monday, October 13, 2014 8:00 am—7:00 pm St. Peter Catholic Church If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call Nancy at 651-233-0854. Walk-ins are welcome. Please remember to bring some form of ID. Children’s Christmas Cantorum Students Grades 3—7 The Children’s Christmas Cantorum will sing at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass and on Sunday, December 28th at the 11:00 am Mass. Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, October 22nd, 6:30-7:00 pm in the church. There is still time to join – call for details and to register. Bonnie Wurscher: or 651-982-2224 All Things Catholic Gift Shop The month of the Holy Rosary is October and the entire month is dedicated to the Rosary. It is a good time to commit to praying the Rosary everyday, which is the best method of honoring Mary. We have many beautiful rosaries and wonderful reading materials relating to Mary and the rosary, both for adults and children as well as some great CD's for meditating on the mysteries of the rosary. The Metro Dining Cards will be available for purchase in gift shop until the end of October. You will be able to pick them up after Friday morning Mass, before and after Saturday evening Mass and before and after all Sunday morning Masses. The cards are also available in the parish office during the week. Be sure to stop in at our booth during the Parish Connection Fair on October 25th & 26th after the Saturday evening Mass and Sunday morning Masses. We look forward to visiting with you and answer any questions you may have about the gift shop and the Ladies Auxiliary. God bless The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Turkey Bingo Returns!! Mark your calendars! Save the date!! Mark your calendars and save the date to join Fr. Paul Shovelain for an evening of Turkey Bingo on Saturday, November 15th. This is a fundraiser for the youth programs here at Saint Peter, with funds benefiting all youth preschool –grade 12. Watch the bulletin for more information soon! PARISH AND COMMUNITY THIS WEEK’S EVENTS Monday, October 13 Thursday, October 16 Tuesday, October 14 Friday, October 17 8:00 am Red Cross Blood Drive 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Dorothy P. Nagle † 6:30 pm Faith / Works 7:00 pm RCIA 8:30 am Daily Mass / NO Confessions for Bernie Daninger † 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 2:30 pm 9-12 Grade Youth Open House 5:00 pm Multiple Choir Rehearsals 5:30 pm NET Formation Prep 6:00 pm Adult Bible Study 6:00 pm Intercessors & Prayer Team 6:30 pm School Advisory Meeting Wednesday, October 15 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Andy & Carrie Peltier and Family No School—MEA 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Tim & Theresa Duffy 6:00 pm Widow/Widower’s Group 7:00 pm New Member Orientation No School—MEA 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Lisa LaCasse 8:30 am CORE Team Retreat 1:00 pm Young @ Heart Sunday, October 19 8:00 am Sunday Mass for the Family of Hank & Nancy Wallraff 9:15 am RCIC 9:30 am Sunday Mass for June Bodin † 11:00 am Sunday Mass for Harold & Mary Simonson † 5:30 pm Sunday Mass for the People of the Parish 12:15 pm Baptism Saturday, October 18 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 8:30 am Daily Mass / Confessions for Rev. George Wertin † 9:30 am Little Flowers 3:30 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Anticipatory Sunday Mass for Blanche Maurer † Discerning A Call To The Priesthood? Cathedral Called and Gifted Operation Andrew, a program sponsored by the Office of Vocations, is an opportunity for young men to attend a dinner with Archbishop John C. Nienstedt where they can hear vocation testimonials on the priesthood and religious life. We invite any young men, ages 16-35 from our parish, to attend this dinner. The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process is a program developed by the Catherine of Siena Institute in 1993. Please RSVP to Anita at 651-982-2201 by October 28. The dinner will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Archbishop’s residence. Called & Gifted is a three-part discernment process intended to help ordinary lay Catholics in the average parish discern their charisms. Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all baptized Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them the power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 798801). The Called & Gifted process presumes no knowledge of the gifts or background in discernment. October 18, 2014 Open House Totino-Grace High School will be holding an Open House for 7th and 8th graders (and all other prospective students) and their parents on Monday, October 20. Doors Open at 6:30 pm with the presentation beginning at 7:00 pm. Come find out what makes Totino-Grace such a special place. To RSVP online, go to the Admissions page at If you have any questions please call T.J. Paal at 763-586-6314 or visit St. Charles Borromeo, Doran Hall, 2739 Stinson Boulevard, St. Anthony, MN 55418 This is a one-day workshop. Register on-line at CalledandGifted The fee is $85.00. SCHOOL AND FAITH FORMATION SaintPeter’sCatholicSchool A foundation of faith and academic excellence / 651-982-2215 “We, at St. Peter’s Catholic School, in a faith centered environment, strive to nurture the spirit, mind and body of every child, so that each may pursue life’s journeys with the heart and mind of Jesus.” School Marathon Marathon Goal: $50,000 Pledges to Date: $45,131.51 Thank you to all who participated in and contributed to the school Marathon which was held on Saturday, October 5th. The Marathon is not only an event to celebrate and raise awareness of our Catholic school, but is also essential in supporting the operating costs of the school. If you would like to support the school with a pledge, please mail or drop off your pledge at the parish or school office. Favorite Father Fundraiser results to date: Father Bodin $3,370.53 and Father Paul $2,949.40 Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the "Favorite Father" Fundraiser so far. There’s still time to turn in your pledge, so pick your "Favorite Father" and help out our parish school. Pledges can be mailed or dropped off at the parish or school office. Thank you for your generosity! Thank You Marathon Sponsors! BLT Services, Inc. Forest Lake Cycle & Skate McDonald’s Twin Cities Osteo Relief Institute Culligan Kwik Trip Minnesota Zoo YMCA Chain of Lakes Donald’s Uniform Mattson Funeral Home Thompson Lightning Protection, Inc. Substitutes Needed Extended Day Program - Classroom Aides and Teachers Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten through Grade 6 Teachers The minimum requirement is 18 years old; however the qualifications vary based on the position. If you are interested in a substitute position at St. Peter’s Catholic School, please contact Principal Mike Conway, 651982-2214 or Exploring Our Faith: Sacraments—Adult Faith Formation St. Peter Catholic Church invites you to attend Exploring Our Faith: Sacraments, We gather each Thursday evening at 7:00-8:30 pm in St. Peter’s Hall. The focus for this year is the Sacraments. We will use the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as our guide. The weekly sessions include learning, Q&A, discussion, fellowship and, of course, some treats. These gatherings are open to all parishioners and other interested individuals. ~ No previous study of the Catechism is necessary or assumed. We are all here to learn. Beginners welcome!! ~ Weekly attendance is NOT required. Come as you may. We have regulars as well as some that attend when their calendar allows. ~ Child Care is available. Check us out at the parish website ( Go to the Parish Life section at the top of the page, and click on Exploring our Faith. You will see our weekly progress, and where we are heading the next week. If you have any questions or would like child care services, contact Sue Fast at 651-982-2238 or Please join us as we increase our faith and love for God together. HERE AT ST. PETER GIFTS TO GOD WEBSITES SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION FOLLOWING WEEKDAY MASS SATURDAYS AT 3:30-4:30 PM, PARISH WWW.STPETERFL.ORG SCHOOL WWW.SCHOOL.STPETERFL.ORG OR BY APPOINTMENT SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING TO SCHEDULE, PLEASE CALL THE PASTORAL CARE OFFICE OR THE EMERGENCY PAGER FOR OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 - 4:30 AFTER HOUR EMERGENCIES MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE ONE YEAR IN WEEKEND SATURDAY 5:00 PM SUNDAY 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM & (5:30 PM SEPT—MAY ONLY) ADVANCE TO BEGIN THE MARRIAGE PROGRAM Weekend of: 10/05/14 Envelopes ............................ $16,485.44 Plate ....................................... $7,131.14 Online Giving ....................... $1,810.00 ACH ....................................... $7,580.50 Total Collection ................. $33,007.08 Budgeted this Week .......... $28,036.29 Difference ............................ $4,970.79 Budgeted YTD* ................ $329,508.12 Collected YTD* ................. $293,109.89 Variance ............................. $-36,398.23 AND TO SCHEDULE THE WEDDING WEEKDAY MONDAY-SATURDAY 8:30 AM ADDITIONAL SERVICES HOSPITALIZED/HOMEBOUND THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND OF THE PARISH MAY ARRANGE TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUN- 24 HOUR PRAYER CHAIN 651-462-0221 OR 651-464-6164 ION BY CALLING THE PARISH OFFICE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM TWICE PER MONTH. PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO SCHEDULE BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS AND BAPTISM SUNDAY 9:30 MASS BROADCAST LATV CABLE CHANNEL 10 THURSDAYS 7:00 PM AND FRIDAY 11:00 AM Building Fund ...................... $2,531.21 Cemetery .................................... $35.00 Seminary .................................... $35.00 *Calculations based on fiscal year Thank you for your generosity! NOTE: If you give electronically and would like envelopes to place in the Sunday Collection Basket, please contact the parish office. PIANO LESSONS Bruce Nolden (Parishioner) • 21 Yrs. Teaching Experience • Masters Degree in Piano Pedagogy “Forest Lake’s Hometown Funeral Home” • MMTA Member 651-464-4422 651-464-8428 Forest Lake Location Owner Scott Rangitsch 21438 Forest Blvd N • Forest Lake, MN 55025 Phone (651) 464-4540 • Fax (651) 464-8650 Bill Neumann, Agent 2126 2nd St. White Bear Lake 651-426-6633 E.J. HOULE, INC. Houle’s Feed - Wild Birdseed Dog Foods, Horsefeed, Grain Quality - Service - Dependability 55 SW 2nd Street 651-464-3326 Compliments of Jesse Johnson “Where your party begins.” State Farm Agent (651) 464-7227 Top Brands ~ Bottom Prices 651-464-7130 1107 So. Lake St. Forest Lake PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ............... 24/7 HELP ............... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB A Pregnancy Resource Center Free Pregnancy Tests $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 304241 Church of St Peter (B) Confidential Counseling/STD Info 651.464.4340 840 W. Broadway Ave., Ste. 100 Forest Lake, MN For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 SOLD My Sign Says It All MATTSON & WIENS, LTD. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 651-464-1110 th C.P. Anderson Masonry, Inc. BURNET ~Senior Living~ 651.464.5600 Forest Lake, MN 55025 TIM GARRY Sieben Grose Von Holtum FOREST LAKE MINI STORAGE • Access & Carey AFFORDABLE MONTHLY RATES 7 Days/Wk. James P. Carey LONG TERM DISCOUNTS • Laser Attorney, Parishioner Security Access Wrongful Death • Personal Injury 24 HOUR ACCESS & SECURITY CAMERAS (651) 464-2361 (612) 333-9750 • Secured 407 SW 15 St. • F.L. Industrial Park 901 Marquette Ave., Ste. 500 Fenced Area Mpls., MN 55402 Helping Seniors since 1964! Residential, Commercial, Additions Andy Carroll Jr. (651) 466-0229 (651) 464-7741 ATTORNEY AT LAW BUCKLEY & JENSEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIM@TIMGARRY.COM 1257 GUN CLUB ROAD WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55110 (651) 486-7475 FAX (651) 486-7468 FOREST LAKE SANITATION • EVENTS • FAMILIES • PORTRAITS • WEDDINGS “Local Hauler for Over 40 Years” 651-464-2321 Containers Provided could be in this space! 651-274-3271 MUSIC LESSONS Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. -Certified Music Teacher -Certified Piano Tuning & Repair Jerry Scanlon For further information, please call the Parish Office. 651-464-5649 Larry Bulinski (651) 247-4076 1155 W. Broadway 651-464-3270 Your ad For all your Real Estate Needs “Protein Shakes in 100+ Flavors” • Coffee Flavors - Coffee, Reg & Decaf • Slushies & Lemonade • Teas, Sno Cones & More Paul H. Steffel, LUTCF Insurance and Financial Services Agent 7029 20 Ave. S., Centerville, MN 55038 NEW LOCATION th Quality Service & Installation Since 1974 Innovative Machining, Inc. 568 N. Lake Street Business/Shop/Fax 651-464-1253 Cell: 651-329-6435 Precision Vertical Machining ROLSETH CARTER’S DRUG JEWELRY & GIFTS 464-2114 “Celebrating over 55 years of Service” Jewelry & Watch Repair • Batteries Replaced WYOMING 651-464-3378 • Forest Lake, MN DRUG Bob & Mary Carter - Parishioners 462-3131 “Please mention ad when calling” 508 S. Lake St. Forest Lake 1650 South Lake St. Forest Lake, MN 55025 651.464.2880 651-464-4997 Buy 1 Sandwich, Get 1 Free (with the purchase of a drink) You deserve a better bagel. Code SIP Bob Ebertz Parishioner COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR 651.464.6477 651-955-1594 1 mile N. of Forest Lake on Hwy. 8 • Retaining Walls • Paver Patios • Decorative Rock • Sod • Mulch • Concrete • Footings • Additions • Restorations • Commercial Snow Removal • Grading and Excavating HUGO PLUMBING WELL PUMP SERVICE Hometown Friendly Service “Computer Wheel Balancing” Expert Tire Repair Tom Thill • 651-433-4866 New Construction • Remodels Hot Water Heat & Heaters • Drain Cleaning • Disposals 308 N. Lake St. 651-464-2245 651-464-4371 651-464-0066 *Next to Pizza Hut* REUB’S TIRE SHOP, INC. “On Forest Lake” JNT LANDSCAPING Carpet Hardwood Laminate Ceramic Hunter Douglas Blinds 651-464-2405 Fax: 651-762-7813 651-395-2400 651-464-2887 Parrot Ice-Shakes 255 Hwy 97 Across From High School Phone: 651-762-7801 Ervin G. Savord D.D.S. (651) 982-6575 Not valid on holidays or other offers 55 So. Lake St. 255 Hwy 97 Across From Forest Lake High School Forest Lake Parishioners MARY JO JENSEN-CARTER 612-963-0674 $5 OFF One Sunday Brunch when one purchased at regular price Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover • DIABETIC FOOTWEAR • RENTALS-WEEK/MO. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person THE POLISH SHOP Appearance Specialist will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA • Over 28 Yrs experience • Autos, Boats, Bikes, RV’s “Experience Makes The Difference” 24078 Greenway Rd. Forest Lake 304241 Church of St Peter (A) 651-982-1622 $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 CAROUSEL FAMILY HAIR CARE Hair Care by Experienced Professionals 651-464-6875 633 South Lake St., Forest Lake 651-464-3331 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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