Memo No: SCERT/CT/2014/4379-4400 Dated Chandigarh the, 31.10.2014 Subject: Inviting Quotations for Hiring of Vehilce - Tempo Traveller, Innova/Xylo, D-Zire/Indigo on daily/hours/per Kilo meter for local use. Sealed quotations are hereby invited in two parts i.e. Technical bid and financial bid in separate sealed covers. Both sealed cover be backed and sent in one bigger sealed cover. The technical bid would contain EMD deposit and filled Specifications Performa duly signed by the firm/tenderer with stamp/seal. The rates would be mentioned only in the financial bid and not in the technical bid. The financial bids of those firms, who qualify on the basis of technical bid, would only be opened. The NIQ (Notice Invited Quotation) must specify the procedure for sending the bid in two parts and for the following items as per specifications mentioned against each item:Sr. No. 1 2 3 Description of Vehicle Innova/Xylo (1+6 seater) Tempo traveller ( 16 seater) D-Zire/Indigo (1+4 seater) 10 Vehicle requirement for 09 days or as per requirement 07 to 09 days 04 07 to 09 days 06 07 to 09 days Approx. Qty Note: - Tender Document attached, last date 04.11.2014 upto 1:00 pm Director SCERT Sector-32 C, UT Chandigarh 41ST JAWAHARLAL NEHRU NATIONAL SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS AND ENVIRONMENT EXHIBITION (JNNSMEE) FOR CHILDREN, 2014 AT LEISURE VALLEY, SECTOR 10, CHANDIGARH OFFICE DIRECTOR, STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (SCERT), SECTOR 32 UT CHANDIGARH TENDER DOCUMENT LIMITED TENDER FOR Hiring of Vehivle - Tempo Travller, Innova/Xylo, D-Zire/Indigo on daily/hours/per kilo meter for local use Tender Memo No. SCERT/2014/4379-4400 Date 31.10.2014 Tender Open from 31.10.2014 to 04.11.2014 Closing date- 04.11.2014 upto 1:00 pm Director State Council of Educational Research and Training Sector 32, UT Chandigarh 0172-2676011 (O) TENDER NOTICE FOR HIRING OF VEHICLE- Tempo Travller, Innova/Xylo, D-Zire/Indigo on daily/hours/per kilo meter for local use Sealed tenders are invited for Hiring of Vehicle - Tempo Travller, Innova/Xylo, DZire/Indigo on daily/hours/per kilo meter for local use for 41st Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition (JNNSMEE) for Children, 2014 at Leisure Valley, Sector 10, Chandigarh. The tender will be received in the office of Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Sector 32 UT Chandigarh upto 04.11.2014 till 1:00 pm. and the same will be opened on 04.11.2014 at 4:00 pm in presence of tenders or their representatives who opt to be present. For general information, conditions, guidance and reference, the document can also be viewed and downloaded from website Director State Council of Educational Research and Training Sector 32, UT Chandigarh 0172-2676011 (O) Tender open from 31.10.2014 to 04.11.2014 upto 1:00 pm TENDER NOTICE FOR Hiring of Vehicle - Tempo Travller, Innova/Xylo, D-Zire/Indigo on daily/hours/per kilo meter for local use Terms & Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ii) iii) 6. 7. Bidders are requested to quote lowest rate(s) per item(s) in the Financial Bid. The Bidders must be owner of registered taxi / travel agency in respect of the vehicle offered. Bidders should quote rate inclusive of all services taxes/charges. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD): Tender should be accompanied with EMD of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) TO BE PAID IN THE SHAPE OF BANK DRAFT, DEMAND DRAFT,FDR from any Scheduled Bank in favour of Director, SCERT UT Chandigarh payable at Chandigarh which should be valid for three months. No firm will be exempted from submission of EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD). The documents of tender should be submitted as under:i) FIRST ENVELOPE superscribted titled as “Technical Bid” should contain following documents:a) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) amounting to Rs. 5000/b) Firms PAN/TAN No. c) Income Tax Last Return copy, d) Technical Bid should be signed and stamp by the tenderer at enclosed Annexure-A e) The complete tender documents duly signed by the firm on each page in token of having read and agreed to all terms and conditions. SECOND ENVELOPE superscribted as “FINANCIAL BID” should contain the Financial Rate as per Annexure-B. The Financial bid should contain rates only. The rates should be mentioned both in figures and in words. Any change in rate quoted by the vendors afterward will entail forfeiture of EMD & Cancellation of tender. These two envelopes should be sealed and put in an outer envelope to be superscribted as “TENDER FOR Hiring of vehicle- Tempo Travller, Innova/Xylo, D-Zire/Indigo on daily/hours/per kilo meter basis for local use ” due on 04.11.2014 by 1:00 pm. and the same will be opened on 04.11.2014 at 4:00 p.m. Tender must be sealed and must bear stamp of the firm/ distributor on the face of the envelope. Unsealed envelope will not be entertained and rejected out rightly. The tender will be opened in two parts/ stages i.e. firstly. Technical Bid will be opened and if documents therein are found as per the terms and conditions of tender document, the only qualified firm’s Financial Bid will be opened. The EMD of unsuccessful firms will be returned after allotment of supply order to LI firm. 8. The Vehicle must be o 2010 model or afterwards . 9. The availability of the vehicle must be 09 to 10 (days) basis along with drivers, who must be holding valid driving licence and medically fit. 10. The vehicle will be under the control of Committee/Director, SCERT during the hiring period of the vehicle. 11. Bids will be evaluated after comparison of offers upon calculating all tax duty/cess/surcharge/discpimt/costs, other charges with price and non compliance of technical and commercial terms will render a bid liable for rejection. 12. Approved tenderer (LI) will have to deposit performance bank guarantee @5% of the Total Value of the items to be purchases in favour of Director, SCERT UT Chandigarh valid for three months within 5 days of issue of supply orders. The EMD of the firm will be returned after receipt of performance bank guarantee. 13. The Committee/Director, SCERT Chandigarh hold the discretion to increase/decrease the quantity as per the requirement. 14. The Committee/Director, SCERT Chandigarh reserves the right to reject any tender or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Director State Council of Educational Research and Training Sector 32, UT Chandigarh 0172-2676011 (O) Annexure-A TECHNICAL BID 41ST JAWAHARLAL NEHRU NATIONAL SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS AND ENVIRONMENT EXHIBITION (JNNSMEE) FOR CHILDREN, 2014 AT LEISURE VALLEY, SECTOR 10, CHANDIGARH OFFICE DIRECTOR, STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING SECTOR 32 UT CHANDIGARH Our firm is agreed to provide the following vehicles as per mentioned requirement: Sr. No. Description of Vehicle 1 2 3 Innova/Xylo (1+6 seater) Tempo traveller ( 16 seater) D-Zire/Indigo (1+4 seater) Requirement Qty Vehicle requirement for 09 days or as per requirement 10 07 to 09 days 04 07 to 09 days 06 07 to 09 days Name of the firm: ………………………………………… Signature & Stamp of Tenderer Address .………………………………… ....………………………………. Place: …………… Dated: ………….. Annexure-B FINANCIAL BID DESCRIPTION OF WORK: TENDER NOTICE FOR HIRING OF VEHICLE- TEMPO TRAVLLER, INNOVA/XYLO, D-ZIRE/INDIGO ON DAILY/HOURS/PER KILO METER FOR LOCAL USE Sr. No. 1 2 3 Require ment For full day 9:00 am to Qty 9:00pm Innova/Xylo 10 ` (1+6 seater) Description of Vehicle Tempo traveller ( 16 seater) DZire/Indigo (1+4 seater) 04 ` RATES Per day for 8 Extra Hours, Extra Km hours and 80 Km ` Extra per hour ` Extra per km ` ` Extra per hour ` Extra per km ` ` ` Extra per hour ` 06 Extra per km ` NOTE: A) The rate should be inclusive of all taxes. If any other liability occurs, the same will be borne by the tenderer. B) The Financial bid should contain rates only. C) The rates should be mentioned both in figures as well as in word D) Any changes in rates quoted by the firms afterwards will entail forfeiture of EMD & Cancellation of tender. I/We certify that I/We have read the terms and conditions as given in the Tender Document. I/We undertake that it is my/our responsibility to abide all terms and conditions of the tender document. Signature & Stamp of Tenderer Place: …………… Address Dated:…………… ........…………………………… ...……………………………….
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