What's On This Week 9 November to 16 November Monday No Morning prayer at St Nicolas Tuesday 10.00am Coffee Morning in Church Hall Wednesday 1.00 – 2.30 pm Toddler Group Thursday 10.am Holy Communion at St Nicolas Church Thursday 2.00pm Ladies Fellowship Afternoon Tea Thursday 7.30 pm Pudding Club Services for Next Sunday 16 November 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Sunday Praise 3.00 pm The Chines Holy Communion Readings 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Mattew 25:1430 Diary Dates 18 Nov 2014 25 Nov 2014 29 Nov 2014 6 Dec 2014 6 Dec 2014 21Dec 2014 24 Dec 2014 24 Dec 2014 Last Day Christmas Child Boxes. Christmas Coffee Morning. Advent Quiet Morning. Night Shelter starts. Quiz Night Carol Service St James 6.00pm Carol Service Caldecote 6.00pm Holy Communion St James 11.30pm Please pray for: Gwen Mears, Mava Banks, Jane Dyall, Eunice, Florence Martin, Melanie Ball, Vivienne Plumridge, Annabel, Eileen Saunders, Graham Thompson, Rachel McCormack, Dennis Jones, Sandra Craner, Carol.Smallwood, Pat and Vince Fitzgerald, Winston Sutton. Operation Christmas Child Boxes by 18 November 2014 We will be supporting this once again this year and leaflets for your shoe boxes are now at the back of the church. The cut off date is November 18th. The first container load of boxes will go to the Phillippines so warm items may be useful - e.g. baseball hats/sunglasses etc. But any subsequent boxes will be going to a cold country so don't worry if you have put gloves and woolly hats in your box. Paul Ingram Can You Help Christmas Child boxes This year Operation Christmas Child boxes will be delivered to "Unit B" in Weddington Terrace (3 doors away from 2nd Chance); instead of Bedworth. Volunteers are needed from 11-28 November Tues, Thurs and Fri to check and sort them ready for sending to the Philippines. If you can spare any time from 10am to 4pm on any day just turn up! Bring a snack if you are staying over lunchtime and DRESS WARMLY. If you need any further information please contact Janet Popejoy on 024 7639 3770 ADVENT QUIET MORNING 29 November at St Nicolas Church A morning of reflection, input, activities to help us recapture Advent as a time of preparation. The programme will begin at 10am and finish for 1pm but please feel free to come and go as you wish. Enjoy the activity zones and the gathering times when we ‘pause’ to reflect on a theme together. Refreshments will be available throughout the morning. The event is free but you are welcome to make donations to St Nicolas Church. PROGRAMME OUTLINE • Welcome, introductions and explanations • Reflection—A Time to Remember: Thinking about the story of salvation and our place in the story. • Zones: - An opportunity to explore the themes of Advent variety • of ways through activity zones. • Reflection—A Time to Prepare: - Reflecting on wilderness as a place of preparation. • Zones: - An opportunity to explore the themes of Advent in a variety of ways through activity zones. • Reflection—A Time to Hope: - Focusing on the hope we have in Christ. • Zones: - Closing reflection—A Time to Come: - Reflecting on the coming of the King. Christmas Quiz Night 6 December This is to be held at St Nicolas on Saturday 6th December starting at 6.30pm and we are hoping to finish around 9.00-9.30pm. Tickets will cost £5 each which will include a fish & chip supper, but bring your own drinks, although tea and coffee will be available too. Maximum players in each team are 4, so have a word with friends and family and see if you can get a team together to support us on the night. I am helping to organise this so I would like to see a good turnout from St James', especially as any funds raised will be split between the 2 churches. Paul Ingram Night Shelter Will be running again this year at the church hall. Starting Saturday 6th December for 3 months. We will be working with St Nicolas Church this year to pool our resources and volunteer help. During January the shelter will be St Nicolas and in February back at St James Church Hall. Lin will be asking for prayer support, volunteer help providing meals, laundry and help on shifts. There will be a volunteer list put up in church in November and a request for donations of money, socks, gloves, scarves and hats. Rota sheets for volunteers and meal provision are at back of Church. For further information contact Lin Mulcock on her new number 76340148 Church Flowers - . If You would like to sponsor a beautiful flower arrangement, perhaps in memory of a loved one, onto offer donations for special occasions, please contact Betty Green on 02476 384262 and/or sign up to the list which is now on the board in the Church Lounge. Thank you Kings Chamber Orchestra Concert - 20 November at St Nicholas' Church, Kenilworth on Thursday 20 November at 7:30pm. Tickets for the concert are £12 for adults and £8 for under 18s. They are obtainable from: King’s Table, 44, Warwick Road, Kenilworth; Presto Classical Music, 7, Park Street, Leamington Spa or from Margaret Siggers by calling 01926 855 036. For more information please see Poster in lounge or visit website: www.kingschamberorchestra.co.uk 16 Days Of Activism Against Gender Violence 25 November To 10 December This global campaign seeks to raise awareness of violence against women and girls. It is supported by the Diocese of Coventry Mothers’ Union will be taking part in this campaign and we are very grateful to the Dean and Chapter of Coventry Cathedral for permitting us to use the cathedral as a base for this campaign. Further details can be found in the 16 Days Activism pack available to download from www.mothersunion.org under Campaigns or by visiting the Coventry Mothers’ Union website www.mothersunioncoventry.org.uk or Di Sliwinski, Coventry Diocesan President disliwinski@dsl.pipex.com St James' Church Weddington 9 November 2014 3rd before Advent A very warm welcome to you all as we join together in worship today Collect Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Services for This Sunday 9 November 10.00 am Holy Communion 4.15 pm Caldecote Holy Communion. Readings Amos 5:18-24; Matthew 25:1-13 Please join us after the 10:00 am service in the lounge for tea/coffee/squash and biscuits. Toy bags are available for toddlers. Please ask a sidesperson. Contacts Rev Kelly Betteridge 024 7634 6900 Day Off Friday Church Wardens. Paul Ingram 024 7767 9299 Terry Laight 024 7664 1279 Church Website www.stjamesweddington.co.uk Pew Sheet – Please submit before 6:00pm. Tuesday Barry Grant 024 7632 6363 barrysgrant@hotmail.co.uk
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