10 December 14-January 15.pub

East Budleigh with Bicton
Parish News
Restoration work
on the
church bells
Read more on page 4. Photos by Andrew Canning & Hanneke Coates
December 2014 & January 2015
Available online at www.raleighmissioncommunity.org.uk
- click on All Saints East Budleigh then Parish News.
December view from the Vicarage
Welcome, welcome to the stable this Christmas
de. Whatever your beliefs or
none, welcome, come and gaze at pure innocence, undefiled and uncorrupted.
Welcome, come in to the stable in all its chaos and dirt, and pause, stand, sit or
kneel as you will and remember how it was for us as we came into the world,
needing only basic food and water.
As we study that innocent babe, let us work towards ge ng back to that state,
peeling away the layers of rubbish we have accumulated, one by one, un l we too
can be sa sfied with just the basics in life.
As we study that innocent babe and prepare for a new year let us strive to reflect
on our own lives, to work harder to strengthen our es with our friends, families
and communi es so that together we will build a be er world, one where love
rules supreme.
That way, when we sing peace on earth, goodwill towards men we may have the
focus to really mean it this year, and the determina on that through our sharing,
through our ac on, we will each be making a difference to this wonderful world
we have been given.
Welcome to the stable, and I wish you all a blessed and peaceful Christmas and
every blessing for the coming year.
Every blessing—Anne
From the Church Register October 20th - burial of the ashes of Margaret Moughton
November 1st - marriage of Laura Hurst and Ma hew Ives
November 20th - funeral of Evelyn Jean Daniels
Sock Sundays
Tradi onally at St Peter’s church we have held a sock Sunday each year
where we gather in socks and fill them with bars of chocolate that are
then delivered to St. Petrock's, the centre in Exeter that helps the
homeless. This year as well as socks they would welcome hats, scarves
and gloves please (all of course stuffed with chocolate).
This year we will extend this to all three of our churches and we would be glad to
receive these on either 30th November or 7th December.
Please leave in the box provided in each church and we will ensure they reach St
Petrock’s well before Christmas.
Let us try to deliver a mountain of goodies this year!
East Budleigh Church Bells First, I would like to say work has already started on the bells at All Saints. Please
accept my apologies for not le ng you know before as the foundry only let me
know at 4.45 pm on Friday 31st October in the a ernoon so too late for the
Sunday pew sheet.
There will be no clock striking on the hour while work is in progress but I am
keeping the clock running if I can.
Next, there will be a dedica on service for the new bells arranged for December
10th at 7pm in the church. The service will be conducted by the Bishop of Crediton
if the bells are completed. Please ask any members of the bell ringers or Church
about the end of November so they can give you an update. The service will be
followed by a get-together in the church hall a erwards for tea, coffee and nibbles
to meet the ringers. We also would like to thank All Saints Church for a new set of
bell ropes.
The bell ringers wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thank You David
Devon Voices Christmas Concert
Don’t miss the popular
Devon Voices Christmas Concert
in All Saints Church on Friday 12th December at 7.30pm.
If you haven’t been to one of these concerts I think you will be very pleasantly
surprised by the joy of the evening. Admission is by programme - priced £7.50
available on the door or in advance from:
* Chris and Sue Teuten Tel; 567829 * Janet and Stuart Love Tel; 443141 and
* The Village Shop
All proceeds this year will be donated towards the O erton church roof appeal.
Devon Voices Christmas CD
Following live recordings made from the past 4 years of the Christmas concerts, a
deligh ul compila on CD of the 20 best items has been made and will be available
to anyone who would like to acquire a copy as from the 15th November. This will
make an ideal Christmas present, and I would suggest a minimum dona on of £5
be made - with all proceeds going to the Friends of All Saints who con nue to
assist with the upkeep and general maintenance of our lovely church.
The CDs are available from Chris and Sue Teuten Tel - 567829 and Marilyn Hobbs 488739 as well as the Village Shop. They will also be available a er church services
and on the night of the Devon Voices Christmas concert.
Chris Teuten
Christmas cards for sale -
Christmas cards are once again on sale in church in aid of
Chris an Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE). They are the same price
as last year at just £1 for 4 cards.
Please try and support this charity as every penny goes to the people of Moldova.
Musical Instruments needed...
There are some exci ng Music Projects being developed in the Raleigh Mission
Area for very young children up to secondary school age and their families - with
emphasis on performing in groups and ensembles. The projects are mostly free and
externally funded but we would like to build up a bank of instruments. If anyone
has any old instruments they would care to donate to such projects then they
would be most welcome. Please contact me - Paul Moger-Taylor via email at
Thank you.
The next regular Monthly Coffee Mornings….
will be held on Tuesday 2nd December 2014 and on 6th January 2015.
The December coffee morning will be a fes ve one with mince pies and cream,
plus other surprises so please join us and get in the fes ve spirit ready for the
big day. Come along and try our quiz or buy a book, or a raffle cket, or just a
chat to friends. We will be giving a dona on to ‘Crisis for Christmas’ from the
Ac vi es group. Just to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy new
year from us all.
Thank you - Molly
more details. No entry charged, but as
usual with most of our events we always
say dona ons are very welcome and
gratefully received.
What’s on at Salem Chapel
Our Christmas Tree Fes val is from
Saturday 29th November un l Sunday
7th December. We will be open from
2 - 5 pm every day. There will be
refreshments available and Father
Christmas will appear on both
weekends. We will also be having the
post box for anyone who wishes a reply
sent from Santa, charge £1.00. This is a
fantas c event which is our 4th. Come
when the dark nights draw in, and the
only lights we have on are our Christmas
trees'. Magical is the only word I can use
to describe it. We plan to have an open
evening serving mulled wine and mince
pies, please lookout for the posters for
We are also holding our Victorian
Christmas Carol Service on the
Sunday before Christmas
which is 21st December
and starts at 4pm.
Mulled wine and so
drinks will be served.
Everyone is welcome
to dress up, the staff
do, and it will get
you in the mood for
Art at East Budleigh Church Hall
It will soon be me to li the January gloom by star ng something new, or
an old interest in drawing and pain ng. Next term the art
at East Budleigh Church Hall will be covering winterscapes,
figure drawing and pain ng, and abstracts. Beginners and
improvers are welcome. The classes start at 2pm on Monday
January 5th. Details phone 01626 891245 or visit
An Advent Service of Prepara on for Christmas
We are pleased to announce a special morning service which will be held at All
Saints Church on Sunday 21st December at 10am. This is not a communion service
but one of Morning Prayer with well known hymns for you to enjoy. Please come
and join us in the run up to Christmas.
An extra service in January
A morning service will be held on Sunday 18th January at 10am in All Saints
Church. Everyone is most welcome to join us at this service in the New Year.
scheme this winter, we would welcome
any contribu on you feel able to make,
as and when you receive your fuel
If you know of any families who would
benefit this winter, please, with their
permission, give their names and contact
details to Fran Mills in the office on
443397 who administers this scheme on
our behalf.
Please make any cheques payable to St
Peter’s PCC, and hand to Fran Mills, or
any of the ministry team. We, in turn,
give a church cheque to the families thus
maintaining anonymity on both sides.
Finally a huge thank you to those who
have given so generously over the last
two winters.
Every blessing - Rev’d Anne.
Winter Fuel allowances
Luke 3 verse 11 ‘John replied, "If you
have two coats, give one to the poor.
If you have food, share it with those who
are hungry”
As part of our mission and outreach in
the Raleigh Mission Community, we have
over the last two winters, collected in
un-needed winter fuel allowances, and
redistributed them to families within our
local area who are in need of help to pay
their winter hea ng bills. Families are
sourced through the schools and
through the health visitors and social
service teams. Over the last two years
over £8000 has been redistributed in this
If you would like to take part in this
Christmas Flowers
If anyone would care to give a dona on towards the Christmas flowers
in memory of a loved one please contact Sue Pyne 442524.
David Mansell
Domestic Electrician
Interior and exterior alterations.
Re-wires and testing.
No job too small.
Prompt and reliable service.
Tel: 01395 232810
Mobile: 07828 184575
“The love of the children shines through”
Little Otters Pre-School is nestled in the heart
of East Budleigh, in the Village Hall. We
provide a wonderful environment for young
children to learn and develop through play.
Our priority is to provide high quality care and
support, and we are proud to maintain a high
staff to child ratio.
We operate on a daily basis during term time:
• AM Session: Mon to Fri 9.15 – 11.45am
• PM Session: Mon, Wed & Fri 12.45 – 3.15pm
• Lunch Club: Mon. to Fri. 11.45am – 12.45pm
Our Toddler Group meets on Thursday from
1pm – 3pm in term time. Families and carers
with babies, toddlers or pre-school-aged
children are welcome.
For more information or to arrange a visit,
please visit our website
www.littleotterspreschool.co.uk or call
01395 445825 (term time only).
We are a registered charity.
Evelyn Jean Daniels - Jean, as we all knew her died
peacefully in November. She had been part of East Budleigh and
Church life for many years. A past Church Warden and Deputy
Warden Jean undertook many du es which ensured the smooth
running of the Church. These included care of the Church linen
and communion vessels, various rotas for cleaning, brass
polishing and locking/unlocking the Church to name but a few.
Jean loved to be involved and was a member of the flower arranging team. She was
able to enjoy arranging flowers for this years Harvest Fes val celebra on.
Her assistance with the running of the Church Hall in past years was much
appreciated and Jean enjoyed organising the draw at the monthly coffee morning
organised by Molly and David Pra . A past member of the WI and willing helper at
the Friends Scarecrow Fes vals Jean will be very much missed by her family and
many friends.
Magazine thank you
As another year draws to a close, it is an ideal opportunity to say a big thank you to
everyone who helps with the produc on and delivery of this magazine. It is made
possible by an army of volunteers who:
· Organise the adverts
· Contribute text
· Supply photographs
· Prepare the ar cles for prin ng
· Sort the magazines into bundles
· Deliver the finished product
We must also say a big thank you to the many local businesses who support this
publica on. The adver sing revenue goes towards the prin ng costs with the
church making up the difference, so please support these adver sers and let them
know you saw their advert here.
Whist Drives in Ye ngton - the next whist drive will be our Christmas event
on Monday 8th December. The first in the New Year will be on Monday 12th
January both star ng at 7.30pm in Ye ngton Village Hall.
Admission £1.00 - All welcome
Local Policing
The next ‘Have Your Say’ session at East Budleigh Village Hall Informa on Point will
take place on Friday 5th December at 9am.
Alterna vely, if you cannot make this session please contact:
simon.evans2@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or PCSO Chantalle Major on
or via the Police non urgent telephone number 101.
O er Valley Associa on –
December & January diary
Tuesday 2nd December, 10.30am WALK
Start at the car park opposite the Norman
Lockyer Observatory (OS Explorer 115, SY
139 881), 6 miles / 3 hours. Joining the SW
Coast Path to Weston Mouth and the
inevitable climb from the beach to
Weston, the Donkey Sanctuary for lunch
(or bring your own) and the charming
village of Salcombe Regis.
Walk Leader: David Buss 01395 442 621 /
07920 114 573
Saturday 6th December, 10am WALK
Start at Colaton Raleigh Church (OS
Explorer 115, SY 082 872), 5 miles
A gentle meander down green lanes and
over the commons, visi ng Do on,
Hawkerland and Naps lane.
Op onal lunch at the O er Inn.
Walk Leader:
Brian Turnbull 01395 567 339
Wednesday 10th December, 10.30am
Start at Newton Poppleford Recrea on
Ground (OS Explorer 115, SY 088 899),
5-6 miles. A circular walk picking up the
East Devon Way at Harpford going up to
Fire Beacon Hill (This is a fairly steep climb,
but well worth the effort). We will then
walk around the hill and drop down to
Coombe, through Hollowhead Cross and
onto Tipton St John, then following the
O er back to Newton Poppleford.
Walk Leader: Vivien Insull 01404 811 267
Wednesday 17th December, 10am WALK
Start at Knowle Village Hall car park (OS
Explorer 115, SY 052 827), 7 1/2 miles
A walk to West Down Beacon, coastal
path, Sandy Bay, High Land of Orcombe,
Maer Lane, Li leham Brook, Green Farm,
disused railway track, Knowle Village.
Bring a picnic or eat early for Christmas at
the Britannia Inn on our return.
Walk Leader:
Chris Buckland, 01395 444 471
Friday 26th December, 10.30am WALK
Start at East Budleigh car park (OS Explorer
115, SY 066 849), 4 miles.
Gentle Boxing Day walk across the
commons at this me of good cheer.
Op onal lunch at the Sir Walter Raleigh.
(Please telephone walk leader by
6th December to book lunch)
Walk Leader: David Daniel 01395 445 960
Saturday 10th January, 10am. WALK
Start at Knowle Village Hall car park (OS
Explorer 115, SY 052 827), 5 1/2 miles,
2.5 hours.
A circular undula ng walk over the
commons to Bystock Fishponds with
varied topography including woodland and
heathland. May be muddy. Op onal lunch
at the Britannia Inn.
Walk leader: Steve Hagger, 01395 442 631
Tuesday 13th January 7.30pm. TALK
Knowle Village Hall. ‘Old Devonshire
Tim Jenkinson, County Representa ve for
the Milestone Society (a registered charity)
in Devon, will talk about the old
milestones and mile plates that survive at
the wayside of Devon's roads. He will also
talk a li le about the old toll-houses from
the turnpike era with emphasis on the East
Devon area (such as East
Budleigh, Exmouth and
Sidmouth) with
associated photos.
Con nued on page 15.
SDM Plumbing &
Bathrooms Ltd
Bathroom design & installation
Wall & floor tiling
Showers fitted. Repairs to taps,
toilets, cloakrooms,
cold water tanks, outside taps.
Radiators moved or replaced.
Devon Trading Standards Approved,
CRB checked
Contact Steven Medlock BEng(Hons)
07779 020426 / 01395 268958
(OS Explorer 115, SY 069 830), 6 miles, 3
A devious figure of eight route along the
alleyways and byways of Budleigh and its
Wednesday 14th January, 10am. WALK
boundaries, including part of the old
Start at Trinity Hill car park (OS Explorer
railway track and some of the coast path
116, SY 304 955), 7 1/2 miles.
between Budleigh and West Down Beacon.
Route via Woodhouse Hill, East Devon
Walk leader:
Way, Musbury (panoramic views of the
Chris Buckland 01395 444 471
Axe Valley from the castle), and Great Trill.
OVA walks are normally open to all,
Please bring a picnic.
and non-members, and are free.
Walk leader: Ted Swann 01395 567 450.
Some events have to be pre-booked and
Wednesday 21st January, 10am. WALK
are usually for OVA members only.
For more information contact
Start at Kersbrook (under railway bridge),
Christine Hadley 01395 443607
Otter Valley Association –
December & January diary
………...continued from page 12
Churchyard Working Par es
East Budleigh with
Bicton Parish Council
There is no council mee ng in December.
The next mee ng will be on Tuesday 20th
January in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
7pm to view plans.
Another year is upon us and work in
the Churchyard beckons yet again.
A working party has already been
arranged for December 12th and
dates for next year are as
follows: January 16th, February
13th, March 20th and April 17th.
Please join us if you can from
10am to 1 o'clock.
We’d love to
see you.
Stuart 443141
Drake’s Primary School PTFA Christmas Events
Join us for a mulled wine and mince pie reception in the Church Hall
after the Christmas Nativity in the Church on Wednesday 17th
Enjoy the wonderful talents of the Budleigh Salterton Male Voice Choir
and the children of Drakes Primary School as they come together to
sing on Friday 19th December at 6pm in the Sir Walter Raleigh.
The Community Council of Devon is an independent
charitable company, founded in 1961. It is part of a na onal
network of Rural Community Councils.
Enterprising Women Get Inspired
Over 60 enterprising women from across rural Devon and Somerset gathered on
the 11th November for an a ernoon of inspira on al speakers, training workshops
and networking at the Cullompton Community Centre.
“Mistress of Ceremonies” and organiser of the Devon Venus Awards for
entrepreneurial women, Celia Delaney, ran a ght ship, entertaining and informing
a en ve delegates. The venue was buzzing all a ernoon with a combina on of
marketplace stalls, interac ve workshops, discussions and networking, which
enabled delegates to share experiences, build confidence and connec ons, and
forward plan for future business growth.
Award winning Sarah Cressall, founder of The Crea on Sta on, delivered an
inspiring speech. Sarah shared her amazing story of taking a ‘kitchen table’
business idea all the way to establishing a network of 90 franchises.
At the end of the day the overwhelming response from the delegates, who came
from all over rural Devon and Somerset was that they wanted more opportuni es
like this to get their heads together, learn together and build their business knowhow. Here are a couple of quotes from them:
“Today has inspired me to believe in myself.”
“I’ve a ended lots of training events over the years and listened to many dull, dry
speakers – thankfully not the case today!”
In response to the enthusias c demand for more of the same, a further series of
events called The Second Course is now planned. These events are free so if you
are an enterprising woman don’t miss this unique opportunity to meet like-minded
women, To book your place visit h p://devonrcc.org.uk/c/117/women-ledenterprise-programme-2014-15.
The Community Council of Devon, who are behind all of these events, is a delivery
partner of the Heart of the South West (HotSW) Business Support Programme –
the ‘Rural Growth Network’. With years of experience and a wide reach throughout the county, the team are networking specialists who are helping hundreds of
women on their business journeys. The aim of their programme is to support
Women who are star ng or growing their own businesses, by providing networking
and training events in local venues across rural Devon and Somerset.
To register your interest and be kept informed of further support and
opportuni es please call 01392 248919 or email info@devonrcc.org.uk.
East Budleigh Chess Club
The club meets on the second Thursday of every month. The next
club night is Thursday 11th December at 7:00pm at All Saints
Church Hall when a Christmas Handicap Tournament will be
held. It will be a fun event and suitable for both beginners
and more experienced players alike. This tournament will certainly be in favour of
the more weaker player.
The first mee ng in the New Year will be on Thursday January 8th. We would welcome anyone with any interest in chess of whatever age or ability. There is
an opportunity for stronger players to play in a team in the Exeter and District
Chess League. The annual membership fee is £30 for adults and £15 for juniors.
Brian Gosling brigosling@aol.com 01395-442060
Little Otters Pre-school is open between
9.15 and 3.15 on Monday, Wednesday &
Fridays at East Budleigh Village Hall.
There is also a morning session with lunch club
on a Thursday preceding our mother and toddler group.
If you have a pre-schooler and think you have missed the start of
term or haven’t made any decisions about pre-school provision yet,
don't worry we still have availability on some of our sessions if you
would like to give it a try. Children over 3 years old receive up to 15
hours funding to put towards the cost of our sessions.
We are currently also considering extending our provision to include
two year olds and would like to gauge the local interest. If you would
like to learn more about the possibility of your two or three year old
attending pre-school we would love to hear from you, feel free to
give us a call on 01395 445825 or pop in and speak to us.
If you have younger children please come along to our parent toddler
session on Thursdays from 1pm.
We are s ll looking for a churchwarden
We really need to fill the churchwarden vacancy at All Saints.
Anne Charlton can give you further details of the role and is contactable on
01395 444276.
Village pictures
Remembrance Sunday
at the War
By Peter Bowler
Anne Charlton
‘marrying’ her
daughter at
All Saints
Children's Page
News from Drake’s School
As expected this me of year is a very busy me in school. Amongst
the Christmas fes vi es and looking forward in an cipa on to the
New Year, a lot of serious learning has been going on. The na onally
produced data shows that our children are achieving at the top level when
compared to all the primary schools in the country.
This term the theme of “Reflec on” has been underlying the curriculum. Within
their wealth of experiences, the Year 6 children have been problem-solving with
Secaf their “alien friend”! The Y4/5 performed Astronaut, a brilliant musical
which they prepared in just one day! The children in the two youngest classes
have also been learning about “Reflec on” in their skills-based (and o en playbased) curriculum. Please visit the school website at www.drakes.devon.sch.uk
to see the details.
A er the Christmas holidays (from 20th December to 5th January), we are
looking forward to the whole school theme of “Heritage”. In rela on to this, I
am pu ng in an appeal please to see if you can help us:·
The teacher of the 10 and 11 year olds asks if you could bring in (possibly
for us to copy) any photographs you have from the 20th century showing
buildings and streets of East Budleigh
The teacher to the 8 and 9 year olds wonders if there is anyone with
knowledge of East Budleigh in Saxon mes who would be willing to come
into school to talk to the teacher and/or the children.
If you are able to help please pop into school or ring 443871.
From all at Drake’s C of E School, wishing you a joyous Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
Carron Saunders, Headteacher
The Friday Running Group organises informal runs, suitable for runners
living in the Sid Valley and O er Valley area.
If you would like more details log onto:
Smile lines
What would you like for Christmas?
A li le girl went to visit Father
Christmas in the local garden centre
gro o. He welcomed her with a
smile and the ques on of what she
would like for Christmas.
The li le girl gasped, and
stared up at him in horror.
"Didn't you get my
Budleigh Salterton Hospital League of Friends Coffee Morning
Please all come along to the annual coffee morning at the Public Hall in
Budleigh Salterton to be held on Wednesday 3rd December at 10am. There
will be a video presenta on of the proposals for the new Community
Health Hub and Dr Richard Mejzner will be speaking.
The usual refreshments and raffle will be available.
The Silver Line Helpline on 0800 4 70 80
90, launched across the UK last
November, has already taken more than
250,000 calls from older people seeking
information, friendship, advice and
protection from abuse or neglect. It is
the only 24 hour, free and confidential,
helpline for older people in the UK.
'The Silver Line initiative featured
prominently at a recent Meeting of the
E.D.D.C. and the East Budleigh with
Bicton Parish Council wish strongly to
promote the Helpline.'
At the moment around 1000 older
people receive weekly friendship calls
from specially trained volunteers known
as Silver Line Friends but there is a long
'The Silver Line Helpline is seeking
waiting list. 1500 lonely and isolated
volunteers to help with the expansion of older people are on that waiting list;
this important telephone link for the
waiting to be matched to a volunteer
Silver Line Friend.
Silver Line is an initiative founded by
Esther Rantzen CBE Founder and
Ester Rantzen, who is now President of
President of The Silver Line says: “The
the organisation. The objective of Silver truth about older people is that many of
Line is to provide a link for elderly
them have led long and fascinating lives
persons so that they may discuss
but often feel that nobody is interested
concerns, alleviate loneliness and, more in their experiences. So they are
generally, just have a chat with a friendly reluctant to talk about it and more than
half of callers to The Silver Line callers
Volunteers are sought to be such friendly
voices. If you would like to help and can
commit to spending 1/2 hour a week to
this great cause, please phone Amy Bear
on 0207 224 2747 or visit
volunteering. Any person going forward
to be a volunteer will get appropriate
tell us they have no one to speak to at all
apart from The Silver Line. Becoming a
Silver Line Friend is an immensely
rewarding and enjoyable thing to do,
and our volunteers tell us they get as
much out of the conversations as the
older people they chat to”.
East Budleigh with Bicton WI
At the November mee ng, while singing
Jerusalem, we remembered servicemen
who gave their lives during the wars of
20/21C also Jean Daniels, a former
member for many years, who has sadly
died a er a long spell of ill health.
Minutes, treasurer's report and no ces of
county events followed plus a list of dates
for diaries.
clean (hence the Marigolds).
She con nued to tell of the various
pos ngs and homes they lived in. One
near Belson, she found par cularly
creepy. During her stay in Berlin, she
enjoyed me at par es, entertaining and
the opera. Feeling like royalty, with the
use of a maid, mother's help (by then she
had three daughters), a gardener and
Richard had a car and driver provided.
Lovely Christmas decora ons made by
the cra group, from recycled materials,
were on display, to be used to decorate
Christmas trees at the Salem Chapel and
Budleigh Methodist Church, in December.
Back in England for a spell, she taught
French, English and history in several
schools. Eventually returning to Germany,
they sent their daughters to boarding
school in Somerset, in order to receive a
good educa on and some stability.
Jill Williams, member and ex-president,
gave a history of her life as wife of an
army officer between 1960-1992. Her talk
was en tled, 'Marigolds & Pearls.'
Posted to Hong Kong, Richard was
employed by the intelligence service and
Jill translated for a pharmaceu cal
Married in 1959, for nine months lived in
Chatham, when Richard, her husband, was
posted to Germany. At that me, there
were no married quarters supplied for
servicemen under the age of 25 so Jill was
forced to return home to her mother and
father, however, she went to Dusseldorf in
May 1960 for a fortnight but stayed for
three years, living with various army
families also looking a er their homes
when they were away on holiday
etc. They liked her looking a er their
homes as they stated she le them so
She enjoyed army life and travelling,
making loads of friends but emphasized
that life in the army is not the same these
Jill was thanked for a most interes ng and
amusing talk by Gillian Lowe.
Members were reminded to take a plate
of food to share at the December mee ng
on the 9th at 7pm when Deirdre Dee, will
talk of 'The Life & Times of Marie Lloyd.'
Heather Williams
Our annual service of remembrance will be held on:
at 6pm at Holy Trinity Church,
All welcome
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RSPB Aylesbeare Common Reserve It is also time to look out for the hen
harriers as they move to the
heathland areas until spring arrives.
The glorious weather at the
beginning of September meant that
the grass in our fields could finally be
turned to hay with the whole team at
hand collecting the hay bales- now
stashed away in the barn.
Immediately it was adopted as home
by a black cat with a family of four
kittens! So if anyone has lost a
cherished family pet...
With the sun behind us and the cold
well and truly kicked in the winter
work has begun. The chainsaws are
busy and the fires have been roaring
with our usual gorse coppicing and
scrub clearance. The cattle numbers
are slowly decreasing as they return
to their wintering abodes and our
hardy Dartmoor and Exmoor ponies
will enjoy having the reserve for
themselves whilst the cows are gone.
Chestnut splitting has become a new
task. We hope to use chestnut that
was felled last year in Kent as
permanent fencing, replacing the
current electric one, around a small
piece of woodland near the A3052
(known to us as YOC wood) to
ensure that the dormice are
protected from our eagerly grazing
animals. But first we have to gain the
permission of the Planning
Inspectorate to alter our permanent
fencing plan.
The firewood business began early
with people preparing for the winter,
thus the team have also been busy
collecting logs and creating the
firewood with the more efficient
processor which we share with our
reserve at Arne in Dorset. Our
During that sunny September the
swallows seemed reluctant to move supplies are higher than last year so,
if you would like any firewood, please
on to their warm winters abroad- no
idea why! The last few to leave were contact the reserve office on 01395
the nestlings from our own barn, as
autumn arrived. How do they find the Although the purple haze of the
way for their first trip across the
flowering heather has disappeared,
Sahara? I must find someone to ask, the reserves are now flourishing in
but apparently they can follow the
fungi of all shapes, colour and sizes;
earth’s magnetic field and just “know” the cows seemingly enjoy munching
what direction to go, but not
on those fly agarics. A few butterflies
necessarily how far...
still seem to appear every time the
sun comes out, even in this cold
The nightjars left us in September,
weather: a red admiral flexing its
and they have been replaced with
our winter migrants: the beginning wings on a stone in the sun is a lovely
of the survey season has greeted us sight. But I think I’m with the dormice,
as they now prepare to snuggle away
with sightings of the skylark,
fieldfares, snipe, meadow pipits and to hibernate
for the
an abundance of our resident wood
pigeons with the Dartford warblers
still bobbing about in the gorse scrub. ahead.
East Budleigh village diary - ‘What’s on’ in December & January
29th Nov. 7thDec .
Tuesday 2nd
Tuesday 2nd
Weds. 3rd
Thursday 4
Friday 5th
Saturday 6th
Monday 8th
Tuesday 9th
Weds. 10th
Thursday 11th
Thursday 11th
Friday 12th
Friday 12th
Saturday 13th
Weds 17th
Thursday 18th
Friday 19th
Saturday 20th
Sunday 21st
Friday 26th
Saturday 27th
Thursday 1st-
Saturday 3
Tuesday 6th
Thursday 8th
Saturday 10th
Saturday 10th
Thursday 11th
Monday 12th
Tuesday 13th
Weds. 14th
Thursday 15th
Friday 16th
Saturday 17th
Tuesday 20th
Weds. 21st
Thursday 22nd
Saturday 24th
Thursday 29th
Saturday 31st
Christmas Tree Fes val
Free coffee morning
6 mile coastal path walk
Budleigh Salterton Hospital League
of Friends coffee morning
Football Club – Cash Bingo
Community Police session
5 mile walk
Christmas Whist Drive
WI mee ng
6 mile circular walk
East Budleigh Chess Club
Football Club - Christmas Bingo
Churchyard Working Party
Devon Voices - Christmas Concert
East Budleigh Res. v Seaton Res
7½ mile walk
Football Club – Christmas Bingo
Carols with Drakes School
East Budleigh v Heavitree Res.
Victorian Carol Service
4 mile Boxing Day walk
East Budleigh Res. v Beer Res.
Football Club – Cash Bingo
Loca on
Salem Chapel
see page 7
Church Hall
see page 7
see page 12
Public Hall BS
see page 25
Village Hall
Village Hall
Colaton Raleigh
Ye ngton Hall
Village Hall
N. Poppleford
Church Hall
Village Hall
Football ground
Village Hall
Sir Walter Raleigh
Football ground
Salem Chapel
EB car park
Football ground
Village Hall
East Budleigh Res. V Exwick Villa
Free coffee morning
Football Club – Cash Bingo
5½ mile circular walk
East Budleigh v University 3rds
East Budleigh Chess Club
Whist Drive
Talk ‘Old Devonshire Milestones’
7½ mile walk
Football Club – Cash Bingo
Churchyard Working Party
East Budleigh Res. v Alphington 3rds
Parish Council Mee ng
6 mile walk
Football Club – Cash Bingo
East Budleigh Res. v O ery St Mary
Football Club – Cash Bingo
East Budleigh v Newton St Cyres
Football ground
Church Hall
Village Hall
Football ground
Church Hall
Ye ngton Hall
Knowle Hall
Village Hall
Football ground
Village Hall
Village Hall
Football ground
Village Hall
Football ground
Eyes down 7.30pm
see page 11
see page 12
see page 11
see page 26
see page 12
see page 17
Eyes Down 7.30pm
see page 4
see page 12
Eyes down 7.30pm
see page 15
see page 7
see page 12
Eyes down 7.30pm
See page 7
Eyes down 7.30pm
see page 12
see page 17
see page 11
see page 12
see page 15
Eyes down 7.30pm
see page 15
see page 15
Eyes down 7.30pm
Eyes down 7.30pm
A subscrip on to the
Friends of All Saints 200
club makes an ideal Christmas
present and your friends and family
may win a cash prize in 2015. Pick
up a form at East Budleigh Garage
All Saints Pastoral Care
If you are housebound and would
like a visit and a chat, or advice
on how to access help, or Home
Communion, please call us:
Angela Marshall
442893 or
Hanneke Coates
East Budleigh
Church Hall
The Church Hall is
available to hire for
func ons and ac vi es.
Please contact the
booking secretary
Richard Slade
01395 443609
edi on of the Parish
Items for the February
magazine by
Friday 16th January
please, via email to
or in the church office
by noon on Friday 16th.
Friends of All
Saints 200 Club
Winners of the
October draw were:
1st -
Mrs J Tchernoff
2nd -
Mr S Roberts
3rd -
Mr R Kingwill
If you would like to
join the 200 Club for
2015, please send
your name, address
and telephone
number together
with a cheque for
(£1 per month to
the end of 2015)
made payable to
‘All Saints East
Budleigh PCC’
co/ Jenny Hill,
The Old Vicarage,
Vicarage Road,
East Budleigh,
Devon, EX9 7EF.
Alterna vely
you can pick up an
applica on form at
East Budleigh
Who’s who in East Budleigh and Bicton
Community Priest, Raleigh Mission Community The Rev’d Anne Charlton 444276 (Monday day off)
eacharlton@b nternet.com
Assistant Curate - Annita Denny 512735
Church, Schools & Families Co-ordinator - James McAdam
Churchwarden Marilyn Hobbs 488739 marilyn.hobbs@talktalk.net
Deputy Churchwardens Mr M Seward
Mr C Buckland-Wright 446781
Raleigh Mission Community Administrator Fran Mills - 443397 raleighmc@gmail.com
The office at St Peters church is open from;
1-3pm every Monday and 10am-2pm each Friday.
Parochial Church Council Secretary - Mrs J Buckland-Wright 446781
Treasurer Bellringers Captain
Mrs J Hill
Mr D W Pra
Dr G Aplin
The Recreation Field
Vicarage Road, East Budleigh
An all weather court in a delightful
setting is available to members of the
club for an annual fee of
£18 adults
£9 juniors
£45 Family
or to visitors for £2 person per hour
New Members and Visitors Welcome
For membership forms, rules and court
bookings go to
EBTC Booking desk at
Battlesdon, Vicarage Road
Tel: 01395 443607 for further details
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Raleigh Mission Community Services - December
All Saints
East Budleigh
Tuesday 2nd
Weds. 3rd
Thursday 4th
Friday 5th
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion BCP
All Age worship
Morning Prayer
Sunday 7th
Tuesday 9th
Weds. 10th
Thursday 11
Friday 12
St Michaels
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Sunday 14
Tuesday 16th
Weds. 17th
Thursday 18th
Friday 19th
Sunday 21st
Tuesday 23rd
Weds. 24th
Holy Communion
by Bishop of Crediton
Morning Prayer
Tuesday 30
Morning Prayer
Holy communion
at the vicarage
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning service
Morning Prayer
Carol Service
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Carol Service
Morning Prayer
No service
Carol Service
Holy Communion
No service
No service
Joint RMC service
Morning Prayer
No Service
Holy Communion
Christmas Day
Sunday 28th
Holy Communion
Holy Communion for
Holy Communion
Family Service
Informal worship
Midnight Mass
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
No service
Holy Communion
Thursday 25
Friday 26th
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Blessing of the bells
St Peters
Budleigh Salterton
No service
Raleigh Mission Community Services - January 2015
Thursday 1st
January 2015
Friday 2
St Michaels
Holy Communion by
Holy Communion
Tuesday 6th
Weds. 7th
Thursday 8th
Friday 9th
Holy Communion BCP
All age worship
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Tuesday 13th
Thursday 15th
Friday 16th
Holy Communion
Holy Communion for
Holy Communion
Family Service with
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Morning prayer
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Sunday 18th
Tuesday 20th
Weds. 21
Thursday 22nd
Friday 23rd
Morning Service
Holy Communion
Service for Christian Unity at the Church on the Green –
Budleigh Salterton
Morning Prayer
Holy communion
at the vicarage
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Sunday 25th
Tuesday 27th
Weds. 28th
Thursday 29th
Friday 30th
Sunday 1st
Holy Communion
Tuesday 3
Informal worship
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion BCP
All Age Worship
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion MU
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Morning Prayer
Parish Eucharist
Morning Prayer
Sunday 11th
St Peters
Budleigh Salterton
Morning Prayer
Sunday 4th
All Saints
East Budleigh
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Choral Evensong for