Cockermouth Area Team Opening Times

Parish Office
South Street
CA13 9RU
Opening Times
Tel: 01900 829926
An Answering Machine will take messages at other times.
If you require any photocopying this can be done by either
leaving the details of how many and what size, stating which
church it is for or if it is personal, in the letter box of Christ
Church Rooms or by calling in during office hours. Any work
left will be done on Friday morning ready for
Please send items for future notice sheets to the:
Parish Administrator (Sue Lake) to be received by
Wednesday noon.
Parish Web site:
Is the place to visit for details about the 4 churches in the team
and to check the rotas and Parish Diary. Please don’t forget to
check the rotas each week for any amendments. If you can’t do
your duty please telephone the office BEFORE THURSDAY to
let us know.
Services for Sunday 16th November 2014
All Saints
9.30 am
Cockermouth Area Team
9.30 am to 4.00 pm
9.30 am to 4.00 pm
9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Morning Prayer
Praying and Working together to share the
Light of Christ
Today’s Services 9th November 2014
Third Sunday before Advent - Remembrance Sunday
Readings: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
& Matthew 25:1-13
“Roots” Bible Theme - Kingdom Waiting
9.30 am
Christ Church, Cockermouth
8.00 am
Holy Communion
10.45 am
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
4.00 pm
Messy Church
4.30 pm
Cottage Hospital Service
10.45 am
Holy Communion
St Bridget’s
11.00 am
Holy Communion & Sunday School
Our Appeal for this week:
We are low on the following items this week:
Fruit Juice UHT 1 ltr
Pasta Sauce
Parish Clergy
Adrian Thompson
01900 821288
Day Off Monday
Pastoral Counsellor
Elizabeth Brough
01900 823117
Licensed Lay Ministers
Chris Albon
Ann Peate
Lucy Thompson
Andy Walsh
01900 826125
01900 829616
01900 821288
01900 823895
Christ Church, Great Broughton
10.45 am
Christ Church, Great Broughton
If you can, please stay for coffee after the service
which will be served in the Church at All Saints,
St. Bridget’s and at Christ Church, Cmth; it’s a
good opportunity to meet and chat together.
Holy Communion
10.45 am
Christ Church, Cockermouth
8.00 am
All Saints
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
St Bridget’s
11.00 am
Holy Communion by Extension and
Sunday School
Remembrance Service
Sunday 9th November
Act of Remembrance
at the Cenotaph at 2.00 pm
followed by a Service at St Joseph’s
The Children's Society
Our annual Christingle Service will
be held in: Christ Church, Cockermouth
Sunday 30th November at 3 o'clock
This is a delightful service for all ages, where we sing
carols, receive Christingles and praise the work of the
Children's Society helping disadvantaged children in our
Collecting candles are in Christ Church and All Saint's if
anyone would like to collect in the next few weeks
before the service.
We hope you can come to support us.
Cockermouth Committee
DIARY for week beginning 10th November 2014
Monday 10th
10.00 am Prayers at Ten (All Saints)
12.00 noon Age UK Friendship Group (St Bridget’s)
7.30 pm Culgarth Home Group (5 Culgarth Avenue)
Tuesday 11th
1.30 pm St Bridget’s Craft Group
3.30 pm (St Bridget’s )
7.30 pm St Bridget’s DCC (St Bridget’s)
7.30 pm Mayo Park Home Group (51 Mayo Park)
Wednesday 12th
1.00 pm Bridekirk Baby Club
3.00 pm (St Bridget’s Church Room)
10.00 am Holy Communion
Christ Church, Cockermouth)
7.30 pm Kirkgate Home Group (45 Kirkgate)
7.30 pm Belle Vue Home Group
(7 Belle Vue, Papcastle)
8.00 pm Slatefell Home Group (5 Gable Avenue)
Saturday 15th
9.15 am Parish Walking Group meet at Christ Church
if you wish to car share if you prefer travel to
Ennerdale Bridge via A5086 and the Coldfell
Road and meet at the roadside parking at
GR062130 below Blakely Raise at 10.00 am.
Did you read about Baby P, the Jimmy Saville
affair, Rolf Harris’ offences, the abuses at nursing homes
such as Hillcroft and the exploitation in Rotherham and
wonder how it could ever have been allowed to happen?
As a Church Community we need to do our best to
ensure that we can support victims of abuse and ensure
that we do not create an environment where unsuitable
people can have opportunities to work with vulnerable
Carlisle Diocese has recently introduced a rigorous
process to ensure anyone working with children or
vulnerable adults – even in a voluntary capacity is
appropriately appointed (as happens in schools and other
groups). Over the next few weeks we will be ensuring
everyone currently in this position has completed the
appropriate process and making good any gaps.
In addition there is free training, developed by NSPCC,
available to support people working in these roles – this is
essential for anyone currently working with children and
vulnerable adults in our churches (including all lay readers
and ministers).
All sessions run on Saturdays 10.00 am – 1.00 pm
29th November 2014 - Cockermouth
Christ Church, Sullart Street, Cockermouth,
CA13 9RU
Bookings for All Saints Rooms
17th January 2015 - Penrith
Christ Church, Drovers Road, Penrith CA11 9EL
From the 20th November, if you wish to make a
booking for All Saints Rooms pleases contact the
Parish Office. Tel. 01900 829926
Christ Church, Cockermouth
10.00 am Holy Communion on a Wednesday morning
will now only take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the
month until Further Notice. The next Service will be
Wednesday 12th November.
Sponsored Walk for Lupus
7th February 2015 - Kendal
St. Thomas’ Church, Stricklandgate, Kendal
7th March 2015 - Egremont
The Parish Hall, St Marys & St Michaels Church, Egremont
21st March 2015 - Windermere
The Applethwaite Centre, St Marys Church,
Ambleside Road, Windermere LA23 1BA
25th April 2015 - Carlisle
The Fratry, Carlisle Cathedral, Carlisle CA3 8UE
Please contact the Parish Office to confirm the date you
intend to attend.
My sponsored walk around Ennerdale has raised £861.
Thanks to your generosity and Gift-aiding, the total will
exceed £1,000.
Any questions? Contact Angela Walsh, Parish
Safeguarding Co-ordinator 07504 167499
This is more than I could ever have hoped for and will
greatly benefit research into Lupus.
Thank you so much for your work in our Parish and for
your cooperation in meeting our
safeguarding requirements.
God Bless you all Ken
Parish Verse for 2014
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations... and
teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28 v 19-20
Cornerstone Christian Bookshop
Whitehaven 01946 695460
We stock a wide range of Bibles and Christian books, cards,
gifts music, gift vouchers and more. Call in and have a
look around. 5 Church Street, Whitehaven, Open Monday
to Saturday 10.00 am till 4.00 pm (Closed Wednesday at
1.30 pm)
3 weeks to go………..
An Evening of Joyful Sounds and Sights at Christ Church,
Cockermouth featuring a photographic presentation of
‘The Lakeland Fells – The 4 Seasons’ and Dimension who
will sing a variety of songs for you to enjoy.
When - Friday 28th November at 7.00 pm
This is an opportunity for us to entertain the
Cockermouth and villages communities by using our
skills/gifts to contribute to the event.
During the evening, there will be opportunity to
purchase images/gifts created by Church members to
raise funds. Suggestions include artwork/crafts/baking/
hobby items to purchase.
Would you like to participate?
Contact Stan on 01900 828821
This is an event to support the Christ Church
Mullion Appeal Fund.
Christmas Tombola Items Required
We would very much appreciate items
(large or small) for our Adults and
Children's 'every one a winner'
Christmas Tombolas.
Please hand any donated items
beforehand into The Parish Office or
to Louise Shaw 01900 821536.
Many thanks.
Tatie Pot Supper
The Tatie Pot Supper held on October 26th raised £248.
Many thanks to all the cooks, donors of prizes and all
who helped to make it a joyful occasion.
Cockermouth Area Parish Walking Group
Our next walk will be on Saturday,
15th November. Come and join us
for a walk beyond Ennerdale Bridge
from the Cold fell Road that will visit
two fells; Burn Edge and Swarth Fell
before descending to Nannycatch
Gate to walk a short section of the
Coast to Coast route and then visit Kinniside Stone
This is a shorter walk than the one advertised in
Cockermouth Post but starts and finishes from the same
location - approximately 3 miles.
Travel to Ennerdale Bridge via A5086 and the Coldfell
Road and meet at the roadside parking at GR062130
below Blakely Raise at 10.00 am or at Christ Church at
9.15 am to car share if you prefer.
The terrain is mainly grassy paths with reasonably
straight forward ascents and descents. Wear appropriate
outdoor clothing and expect some wet conditions. Bring
a packed lunch.
Telephone Stan on 01900 828821 for more details
Teaching Days with Bishop James 2014
What is the Old Testament?
Saturday 15th November - St Thomas’, Kendal
Saturday 29th November - St James, Carlisle
9.30 am to 2.30 pm
The teaching day is part of our programme for “Growing
Disciples”. Previous teaching days have looked at the
Gospel, The Bible, Prayer, Mission, The Church, The
Kingdom of God, Evangelism and the Sermon on the
This year Bishop James will continue the “What is series
…? With an in depth look at the “The Old Testament”
under the headings of Profound Reflection, Progressive
Revelation and Prophetic Realism.
Everyone is most welcome
Cockermouth Area Team Shoe Box Appeal
St Bridget’s Christmas Fayre at
Bridekirk Dovenby School
on Saturday 29th November 2014
10.00 am to 12.00 noon
Entrance fee £2.50 to include
Coffee/Tea – Mince Pies
Christmas Gift Stall/ Bottle Stall/ Raffle
Leaflets are available at the back of
each church. Please take one and
make up a Shoe Box so that you can
bring hope and a smile to some of
the world’s poorest children this
Suggested items to include: Hat, scarf,
gloves, toothpaste & toothbrush, soap and
sponge/flannel, comb, hair accessories, soft
toy e.g. Teddy bear, tennis ball, finger puppet,
jigsaw, yo-yo, building blocks, small musical
instrument, cars, trucks, doll, pens, pencils,
felt tip pens, crayons, sharpener, rubber, colouring book,
notepad, stickers, sweets (with a sell by date to be at least
March 2015), bangles, necklaces.
All Shoe Boxes need to be returned to Christ
Church, Cmth by Sunday 16th November.