Parish Office South Street Cockermouth Cumbria CA13 9RU Cockermouth Area Team Opening Times Wednesday Thursday Friday 9.30 am to 4.00 pm 9.30 am to 4.00 pm 9.30 am to 12.00 noon Tel: 01900 829926 An Answering Machine will take messages at other times. If you require any photocopying this can be done by either leaving the details of how many and what size, stating which church it is for or if it is personal, in the letter box of Christ Church Rooms or by calling in during office hours. Any work left will be done on Friday morning ready for collection/distribution. Please send items for future notice sheets to the: Parish Administrator (Sue Lake) to be received by Wednesday noon. Parish Web site: Is the place to visit for details about the 4 churches in the team and to check the rotas and Parish Diary. Please don’t forget to check the rotas each week for any amendments. If you can’t do your duty please telephone the office BEFORE THURSDAY to let us know. Praying and Working together to share the Light of Christ Welcome Today’s Services 15th February 2015 Second Sunday before Lent Readings: OT: Kings 2:11-12 NT: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 & Gospel: Mark 9:2-9 “Roots” Bible Theme - Glimpsing the divine All Saints 9.30 am Morning Prayer Hymns 187, 445, 275,& 784 ASH WEDNESDAY Services for Sunday 22nd February 2015 7.00 pm All Saints 9.30 am Holy Communion 4.00 pm Cottage Hospital Service Evening Holy Communion Christ Church, Cockermouth Christ Church, Cockermouth 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.45 am 4th Sunday Service 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.45 am Holy Communion (crèche available) Christ Church, Great Broughton 10.45 am Christ Church, Great Broughton 10.45 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Morning Prayer & Sunday School Parish Verse for 2015 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15 v 13 Parish Clergy Adrian Thompson 01900 821288 Day Off Monday Pastoral Counsellor Elizabeth Brough 01900 823117 Licensed Lay Ministers Chris Albon Ann Peate Lucy Thompson Andy Walsh 01900 826125 01900 829616 01900 821288 01900 823895 St Bridget’s 11.00 am St Bridget’s If you can, please stay for coffee after the service which will be served in the Church at All Saints, St. Bridget’s and at Christ Church, Cmth; it’s a good opportunity to meet and chat together. Morning Prayer Holy Communion & Sunday School ASH WEDNESDAY 7.30 pm Evening Holy Communion (30 mins Holy Communion Service within 7.00 pm - 8.45 pm Week 1 of Lent Pilgrim Course) Team Rector for the Cockermouth Area Team We are thrilled to be able to announce that we have a new Team Rector - Revd Godfrey Butland (and his wife Lesley) who at present is the Rector in the Mosley Hill Team Ministry, Liverpool. Godfrey’s Licensing Service will take place on Sunday 17th May at 5.00 pm with the Bishop of Carlisle officiating. Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 6th March, 10.30 am at St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Crown Street Praying for the Bahamas All are welcome COURSES FOR LENT 2015 DIARY for week beginning 16th February 2015 Monday 16th 10.00 am Prayers at Ten (All Saints) 12.00 noon Age UK Friendship Group (St Bridget’s) 7.30 pm Culgarth Home Group (5 Culgarth Avenue) Wednesday 18th (Ash Wednesday) 7.45 am Called to Prayer (All Saints) 10.00 am Holy Communion (Christ Church, Cmth) 1.00 pm Bridekirk Baby Club 1.00 pm Funeral - George Barnes (All Saints) 3.00 pm (St Bridget’s Church Room) 7.30 pm Kirkgate Home Group (45 Kirkgate) 7.30 pm Belle Vue Home Group (7 Belle Vue, Papcastle) 8.00 pm Slatefell Home Group (5 Gable Avenue) Thursday 19th 10.00 am Holy Communion (Christ Church, GB) 7.30 pm Pastoral Care Course (St Bridget’s) 7.00 pm Christ Church Great Broughton - Mothers Union (Welfare Hall, Little Broughton) Friday 20th 9.45 am Pilgrim Course (The Garden House [beside Rose Cottage] Lorton Road) 11.30 am Lent Lunches provided by Christ Church, 1.15 pm Cmth & St Bridget’s, Bridekirk (Christ Church Rooms) Saturday 21st 10.00 am Keswick Town Trail to Crosthwaite meet at the Moot Hall, Keswick CHRIST CHURCH, COCKERMOUTH Several Home Groups (and one church based course) are going to be running open Lent Courses and it is hoped that anyone who doesn't normally manage to attend a group regularly will be able to join one of the groups for the 5 weeks between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week. These groups include: Hope Actually (run by Slatefell Homegroup) - a look at the Gospels and the hope we find in Jesus Christ, and its power to transform our increasingly anxious and cynical society. Wednesdays at 8.00 pm - starting February 25th (contact Bill Soulsby 01900 827315) B.B.C. 'Passion' (run by Culgarth Ave Homegroup) running now to get the whole series watched but people may slot in. Mondays at 7.30 pm next meeting 16th Feb then fortnightly (contact Jan and Mike Heslop 01900 829542) Life Attitudes (run by Bellevue Homegroup) - a study on the Beatitudes, starting 18th Feb, Wednesdays at 7.30 pm (Contact Laura Connolly on 01946 861045 or Ian Faulds) Romans 8 (run by Kirkgate Homegroup) - beginning 25th February, Wednesdays at 7.00 pm. (contact Trevor and Elizabeth Brough 01900 823117) You will need to book your place with the respective Home Group leader as places will be limited. The Pilgrim Course ('Lord's Prayer') - Beginning on Ash Wednesday, 18th February at Bridekirk/Great Broughton) A six week study and reflection on 'The Lord's Prayer'. (Open to anyone) 18th February, 7. 00 pm Bridekirk Church Room including 7.30 pm Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Service (Bridekirk Church) and concluding after the service finishing by 8.45 pm 25th February, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm Christ Church, Great Broughton 4th March, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm Bridekirk Church Room 11th March, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm Christ Church Great Broughton 18th March, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm Bridekirk Church Room 25th March, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm Christ Church Great Broughton Please contact Ann Peate 01900 829616 for further information or just turn up on Ash Wednesday. Refresher Day for Men Saturday 28th March NOTICE NEW PHOTOS REQUIRED FOR UPDATING THE CHURCH 'WHO'S WHO' NOTICE BOARD If you are on the list (see porch notice board) you will need to see Chris Lewis who will be available in church on 1st March, 15th March and 22nd March to take your photo at the end of the service. St Andrew’s Mirehouse, Whitehaven 10.00 am to 4.00 pm £10.00 per head (includes lunch) A Day of Teaching, Worship and Ministry looking at the Big 3 - MONEY, SEX & POWER To Book, Contact Rev Chris Casey, or Tel: 01946693565 NOTICES FOR CHRIST CHURCH GREAT BROUGHTON Brigham Methodist Chapel Friday 6th March at 7.00 pm Women's World Day of Prayer service organised jointly with Brigham Methodists, for anybody who would like to attend. This will be held in Brigham Methodist Chapel this year, with music by Travelling Light and followed by refreshments. Please let Ann Jefferson (Tel: 01900 825434) know if you are available to take part by doing a reading and/or can provide some refreshments. Christ Church, Great Broughton Sunday 8th March at 10.45 am A Service of Dedication of the new facilities in the church, with Adrian and the Archdeacon. Music again provided by Travelling Light and also Broughton School choir. Christian Aid Lent Lunches, 2015 Christ Church Rooms Cockermouth 11.30 am to 1.15 pm Every Friday from February 20th to Good Friday, April 3rd inclusive Home made Soup, Bread and Cheese , Coffee and Tea Minimum donation £3. All proceeds/profit will go to Christian Aid Christ Church remains the base for the annual Christian Aid lent lunches. The dates are as follows: February 20th - Christ Church and Bridekirk February 27th - All Saints March 6th - Lorton Street Methodist PARISH NOTICES AND EVENTS Pastoral Care Course Thursday 19th February at 7.30 pm in St Bridget’s Church Room Dimensions and Definitions - how do we describe pastoral care? We look forward to greeting all the people who have signed up for this Course. Cockermouth Area Parish Walking Group Our next walk will be part of the Keswick Town Trail to Crosthwaite on Saturday 21st February – approximately 3 miles. The walk will feature a remarkable story of a labourer, resident of Keswick, who went hunting with his friends on 9 March 1880. A few details were included by Alfred Wainwright in his Central Fells Guide but much more Information has been revealed in recent years. See you on 21st February to find out more. Meet at The Moot Hall at 10.00 am. The walk is likely to last approximately 2-3 hours. Wear appropriate outdoor clothing. The following walks have been arranged for March and April:Sat. 28th March Hawes End, Skelgill & Uzzicar from Braithwaite. Sat. 25th April Watendlath from Stonethwaite. Any queries, phone Stan on 01900 828821 New group for parents and carers of preschool children, including babies. Meeting 1.30 pm - 2.45 pm in the crèche of Christ Church, Cockermouth every 1st and 3rd Friday (not school holidays). Join us for play, a bible story, songs and a drink. Next meeting Friday 6th March at 1.30 pm March 13th - Kings Church and the Christian Centre March 20th - Paddle and the URC March 27th - Friends and St Josephs April 3rd Good Friday - Cockermouth Christian Aid Group Election Forum On Monday 2nd March at 7.30 pm at Christ Church, Cockermouth, a representative from CARE is coming to Cockermouth to encourage and equip congregations for the campaign period. An Election Forum is an interactive evening addressing the Biblical foundations for politics, Christian thinking about key issues and ways to get involved. CARE's hope and prayer is that the Forum will act as a stimulus for the church to host a Candidates' Question Time. If you would like to be part of the organising group for a Hustings Meeting (Candidates' Question Time) please contact Gillian Hackney on 01900 823445 or The Children's Society Cockermouth Committee met last week and planned our year ahead. Just a few dates for your diary: Saturday 14th March - Coffee Morning, to be held in the URC on Main Street, from 10.00 am until 12.00 noon. £1 on the door to include refreshments. We hope to see you there. Any donations of toys, cakes or 'fancy goods' would be very much appreciated. Please speak to Anne Wilkinson (822120) or any committee member for further details. Saturday 18th April - Annual Street Collection. We would be very grateful to anyone who can help us for an hour that morning. Please get in touch for any information or to volunteer. Speak to Anne or Jane Proniewicz (824064). Saturday 27th June - Garden Trail. Further details to follow.
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