OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS O God, glory of the faithful and life of the just, by the Death and Resurrection of whose Son we have been redeemed, look mercifully on your departed servants, that, just as they professed the mystery of our resurrection, so they may merit to receive the joys of eternal happiness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS INSTITUTION You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) From the Pastor’s Desk I will again post a thank you to so many of our parishioners who worked for several days leading to and on the day of the festival. We are still working on a financial report to see the outcome of this year's festival. Thank you to the workers, the sponsors, donors and those who attended the Festival this year. I have three projects in the works for our church building: stained glass windows in chapel, refurbishing the pews and a sacristy for the altar servers. The completion of these projects might come just before the Christmas season. Blessings to everyone, Fr. Carlos PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS who will be attending a diocesan priests convocation Nov 3-5. CHANGE TO LITURGY SCHEDULE DURING PRIESTS CONVOCATION Tue, Nov 4, 8am: Communion Service - Dcn. Zac Tue, Nov 4, 7pm: Mass - Fr. George Wed, Nov 5, 8am: Communion Service - Dcn. Denis Our normal schedule of Masses resumes Thur, Nov 6. Let us pray for all of our priests, past and present and those discerning vocations to the priesthood now! ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL UPDATE: 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% We have pledged over 100% and paid 93% of our parish goal of $129,486. It’s not too late to give. Please, find envelopes in the back of church or at the parish office Thanks for giving generously! For more info on the many ministries funded by the Appeal, visit www.archsa.org/appeal. 210-695-8791 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 THE SEASON OF WELCOME Sunday, September 14, 2014 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross through Sunday, November 2, 2014 The Commemoration of All Souls Purpose: To proclaim the saving love of Jesus Christ and to invite others to an encounter with Him in the beauty of the Mass. Mass Attendance Goals by October 31, 2015: Increase Mass Attendance across the Archdiocese from 152,000 to 165,000 Increase Mass Attendance at Our Lady of Guadalupe from 4,060 to 4,700. Invite family members or friends to Mass! MASS ATTENDANCE OCT 18 & 19, 2014 = 4,018 GOAL = 4,700 MASS ATTENDANCE OCT 25 & 26, 2014 = 4,058 GOAL = 4,700 SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS The Archdiocese of San Antonio is committed to the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults. All adults (18+) who minister to these persons are required to: 1. Complete a Criminal Background Check Form every 3 years. Processing fee is $6. Forms are available in parish office and our parish web site. 2. Complete Safe Environment Training every 3 years. The training is also offered through the Archdiocese Wed, Nov 12, 6-7:30pm, at the Office of Victim Assistance & Safe Environment, St. Paul Community Center Annex, 1201 Donaldson (red building). See the archdiocesan web site for more info at www.archsa.org/to_protect. Contact Tracie Enriquez, 210-734-7786, ovase@archsa.org to reserve your seat on your desired date. 3. View Sexual Misconduct Video once. The video may be shown by appointment at the parish office. It is the goal of our parish to offer this valuable training to all adult parish volunteers. If you are unsure of what you are required to do for your particular ministry, contact your Ministry Leader. Ministry Leaders, if you need guidance, contact Maryanne Burns, 210-695-8791, ext 29, MBurns@olghelotes.org. UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Nov 1/2 – Parish Capital Campaign Nov 22/23—Campaign for Human Development FEAST OF ALL SOULS POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS NOVEMBER 2014 GENERAL: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. MISSION: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS COMMUNITY Where two or more are gathered in my name there I am in their midst. (Matthew 18:20) BETHLEHEM NATIVITY GROUP returns to visit our parish family again this year Sat & Sun, Nov 1 & 2, after all Masses, Pavilion. You will find amazing wood-carved crosses, nativity sets and so much more. Proceeds benefit the Christian community living in the Holy Land. PARISH FESTIVAL 2014 RAFFLE PRIZE WINNERS Congratulations to our winners! Four Wheeler Fun: Carolyn Christy Great Outdoors: Becky Munoz Disney Magic Package: Manuel & Cindy Sanchez Stay & Play: Misael Angeles Family Time: Jeff Frost Many Thanks to all who supported the raffle NEW MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY Capital Campaign: Grants “Volunteer Service Ministry Spotlight” Nursing Home Eucharistic Ministry Our Lady of Guadalupe Nursing Home Eucharistic Ministers offer a monthly mass and regular communion services to the elderly at the Rehabilitation Healthcare Center at Mystic Park. Compelled by the love of Christ, our Eucharistic Ministers reach out beyond the walls of our church to minister and take communion to individuals in their rooms after the group service. Special thanks to each Nursing Home Eucharistic Minister for their service to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and our elderly community. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS IN OCTOBER There were two Archdiocese Special collections in October along with St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you to all who donated so generously. Here are the totals. ~Hope for the Future/Catholic Schools Endowment Fund $5,714 ~World Mission Sunday $6,298 ~St. Vincent de Paul $4,057 (Building Fund collection is now reported under Capital Campaign update). We are looking for Ministers of Hospitality to serve at our Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Men, Women and Youth are most welcome to join us! Contact Adela Trujillo, 951-316-2785, olghelotes@gmail.com. Our Lady of Guadalupe CYO Registration BASKETBALL September 29—November 2 Boys and Girls: ages 4-14 Register online at: http://www.olgyouthathletics.org. Registration fee: $135.00 (Uniform Included) Contact: Rudy Cervera, 210-617-3260; 210-325-9157 or email: rudycerverajr@gmail.com for more information. *Requirements: OLG parishioner at least 6 months or live within Our Lady of Guadalupe boundaries The ALTAR SOCIETY will meet Wed, Nov 5, 7pm, Guadalupe room. We look forward to seeing you there!. Through Faith, Fun & Fellowship, we serve the Lord! COUNSELING SERVICES Yvonne “Bonnie” Rheinschmidt is providing Individual, Family, and Group counseling services to help our parish family. Contact Bonnie at Ph: 210-247-8472 or Email: brhein@satx.rr.com for more information or to set up an appointment. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS 210-695-8791 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 BURGER SALE Sunday, November 16 Benefiting the Teen ACTS retreat Thank you for your support! Saturday, November 8 8am Mass in Chapel (no shorts to mass) 9am Faith Sharing in Guadalupe room OLG ACTS Ministry College Scholarship ZUMBA® Fundraiser will be held Sat, November 15, 2014, 10am–12pm, Parish Hall. Cost is $10 for event only or $22 for event & t-shirt. Tickets may be purchased by contacting Denise Becerra 210.274.5787 or Nerissa Muniz 210.287.4055. or online: http://olgactsministry.yolasite.com, please note: online sales include $1 service charge) MARRIED COUPLES mark your calendars! “What God has joined, let no one separate" Mark 10:9 Need time to refocus on each other? What better way than to go on a Couples Shared Prayer Retreat!! February 6–8, 2015. @ Mo Ranch, Hunt, TX This special weekend will take place in the beautiful hill country at Mo Ranch, nestled in Hunt, Texas. The retreat begins at 5pm on Friday and ends at 2pm on Sunday and will include Sunday mass. Total cost for the retreat is $295 per couple which includes your room, all your meals and an unforgettable weekend!! A deposit of $135 will reserve your spot. We only have space for 15 couples so don’t wait, reserve your spot today. Contact Marcela or Felipe 210-695-9639 for more information. Guzman Our Lady of Guadalupe Men’s ACTS Brothers Fellowship Gathering, Jesus called to himself those he desired, and they followed.’ [Mark 3:13] at BECOME A SUPER SITTER! The next babysitter training course will be Sat, Nov 8 @ the Helotes Fire Department. 8:45 am - 4:45 pm. Class size limited; must be 11-17 years of age. This course is coordinated with the San Antonio Emergency Nurses Association & Safety Whys. Cost is $21 & includes a pizza lunch. Pre-registration required. Contact Bar bar a Baldwin, Rn @ 695. 983 8 or www.safetywhys.com for more information. Attention all Men and Men of ACTS. We welcome you to our fellowship gathering. Please bring a friend or family member. We will hear an exciting testimony from one our Christian brothers. We will share a small meal and share in some fellowship We begin with attending the 8am daily Mass followed by sharing a small meal and faith sharing. Please try to wear group t-shirt’s. If you have a name badge please bring it or we can provide you with one. RSVP so that we may properly plan by EMAILING your conformation to: Mensacts2013@googlegroups.com or by TEXTING to Joel at 210-392-3287, Rick at 210-216-3257, Sam at 210-415-6397 or Orlando at 210-531-6984. Sorry for those who cannot attend, we will be gathering the 2nd Saturday of every month hope to see you then. MOM's is a support and ministry group for mothers with children of all ages. We meet in the Guadalupe Room, Parish Hall on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday's of each month (Sept-May), 9-11am, to share and support each other in our ministry as Christian mothers. Join us Wed, Nov 5 for our next meeting. Questions? Contact Melanie Tawil, tawil.melanie@gmail.com, 210 -323-9382 or Beth Thompson, bthompson12@satx.rr.com, 210-543-7409. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS SACRAMENT He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation. (Colossians 1:15) ALL SOULS DAY is Sun, Nov 2. We will observe our regular Mass schedule on All Souls Day. Since we will all be attending All Souls Day Masses on the weekend, rather than our annual CEMETERY MASS in honor of All Souls, we will have a special MEMORIAL PRAYER SERVICE SUN, NOV 2, 2PM AT THE CEMETERY on Bandera Road. Bring your lawn chair for a comfortable seat! FEAST OF ALL SOULS THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Thur, Nov 27, 10am (Bilingual) You may bring the bread and wine you will use at your table to be blessed during the Mass. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY [a holyday of obligation] Masses: Mon, Dec 8, 8am & 7pm (English) Hour of Grace: 12n-1pm, Chapel ADVENT RECONCILIATION SERVICES [Bilingual priests available at all services] [All ages are welcome at all services!] Mon, Dec 15, 7pm—High School/Middle School Service (English) Wed, Dec 17, 7pm—Parish Service (Bilingual) SACRAMENTS RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Are you interested in joining the Church or completing your sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation or eucharist? Contact Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, DPeaks@olghelotes.org. BAPTISM for adults, youth and children 7+: Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, DPeaks@olghelotes.org; for Children <7: Anna Alvarado, 210-695-8791, ext 23, AAlvarado@olghelotes.org. FIRST EUCHARIST & RECONCILIATION for Elementary: Anna Alvarado, 210-695-8791, ext 23, AAlvrado@olghelotes.org; for Middle & High School: Lisa Pena, 210-695-8791, ext 27, LPena@olghelotes.org. CONFIRMATION for Youth: Jon Lamers, 210-695-8791, ext 26, JLamers@olghelotes.org. MARRIAGE Laura Garcia Brill, 210-695-8791, ext 24, LBrill@olghelotes.org. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Father Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, CDavalos@olghelotes.org. HOLY ORDERS Father Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, CDavalos@olghelotes.org. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (0 months- age 6) Preparation classes for Par ents & Godparents Thursday, Dec 4, Church, 6:30pm-8pm. Families need to be registered in parish prior to attending this class. Parents & godparents are required to attend class before scheduling baptism date. Please refer to our website: www.olghelotes.org for further requirements for the sacrament of baptism. Childcare is available for children 18 months and older. Contact: Anna Alvarado, 695-8791 ext 23, aalvarado@olghelotes.org or Nancy Baize, ext 28, nbaize@olghelotes.org. MARRIED COUPLES Join us for a morning of meditation, reflection and prayer. Sat, Nov 15, 9am-1pm, at the Annex, 11762 FM 1560. Open to all married couples. Invite others who may be interested. The cost—free. We will have a pot luck lunch at 12pm. Our Lady of Guadalupe will provide drinks. RSVP, to let us know: ~if you can come early to help us set up ~the number of children who will be joining us and/ or any special needs ~the dish you are bringing for our pot luck (main dish, dessert, vegetable) Contact Rudy & Amy Mendez, 210-399-5150 or rudy_mendez@sbcglobal.net. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays, 8:30am-9pm, Chapel. All are welcome to stop by and pray anytime. Can you commit to a regular hour of adoration on Thursdays? Let us know. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day. (John 6:40) Contact Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, Dpeaks@olghelotes.org. THE NOCTURNAL ADORATION SOCIETY would like to cordially invite men, women and their families to a special devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, by way of reparatory adoration at night. Our next night vigil begins Sat, Nov 1, with 7pm Mass and ends on Sun, Nov 2, 5am. All are invited! Please, keep the Nocturnal Adoration Society in your prayers. Contact Ruben Martinez, 210-777-2414. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS TRAINING for New Ministers in Church Ministry of Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist For those interested in serving as Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist, please join us for a training on Tuesday, Nov 11, 7-9pm, in Church. The 7:15am, 9am, 10:45am and 12:30pm Masses are in need of new ministers. RSVP if you plan to attend to: dpeaks@olghelotes.org or ktragos@olghelotes.org. MUSIC MINISTRY Contact Cheryl Chladek, 210-695-8791, ext 10, cchladek@olghelotes.org for those interested in sharing your musical gifts; singers, instrumentalists are needed. Join us for our next music ministry rehearsal Wed, November 5, 7pm, Church THE CONGOLESE CATHOLIC CHOIR WILL BE SHARING MUSIC MINISTRY Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at our 12:30pm Mass DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS HERALD Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15) THE EDGE [MIDDLE SCHOOL] Mon, Nov 3, 6:30pm, Hall, Around the Table—Dignity of the Family Mon, Nov 10, 6:30pm, Hall, Near—For Solidarity Mon, Nov 17, 6:30pm, Hall, War—Humanity Contact Lisa Pena, 695-8791, ext 27, LPena@olghelotes.org 210-695-8791 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Children ages 3 years old (must be accompanied by a parent), pre-kinder, kinder, 1st-5th graders are dismissed before the 1st reading, led to Parish Hall, CLW is not Religious Education but a way for children to celebrate God’s word at their level and enable them to participate and respond as children. CLW meets: Sat, Nov 1, Nov 8, 15, 5pm Mass; Sun, Nov 2, 9, 16, 9am, 10:45am, 12:30pm Masses. Contact Nancy, 210-695-8791, ext 28, NBaize@olghelotes.org for more information. DISCOVER THE CHURCH AS SERVANT Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters that you do unto me. (Matthew 25:40) MISSALETTE & MUSIC ISSUE SWAP OUT Mark your calendars for our next swap out Mon, Nov 24, 4pm, Church. Contact Laura, ext 24, LBrill@olghelotes.org, if you can help. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE LITTLE FLOWER ROSARY MAKERS All are welcome! 2nd Tuesdays of the month, (Sep—May), 10am-12n, Guadalupe Room. Contacts: June Anderson, 372-1240, jmandeson5656@sbcglobal.net; Sylvia Esquivel, 520-0244. THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE 2013 Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference (House of Neighborly Service) will again conduct a food drive for Thanksgiving on the weekends of Nov 15-16 and Nov 22-23. Here are some important dates to remember and things to do: Nov 8-9 Pick up a Thanksgiving Food Bag and Food Drive flyer Nov 15-16 Return filled bags to Church OR Pick up a Thanksgiving Food Bag and Food Drive flyer Nov 22-23 Return filled bags to Church LIFE TEEN [HIGH SCHOOL] Semester theme: Theology of the Body Sun, Nov 2, 5:30pm, Hall Sun, Nov 9, 5:30pm, Hall Sun, Nov 16, 5:30pm, Hall Contact Jon Lamers, 695-8791, ext 26, JLamers@olghelotes.org. Thank you for helping those in need. St. Vincent de Paul Conference, Helotes, Texas FEAST OF ALL SOULS OREN POR NUESTROS SACERDOTES que asistirán a la asamblea sacerdotal diocesana anual del 03 al 05 Noviembre. PRISON CORRESPONDENCE MINISTRY Prayerfully consider joining this ministry to provide hope and share your Christian faith with those who are incarcerated. We currently have over 100 persons who have requested pen pals and are on our waiting list for someone to write them. Contact Loretta Lang, 210-688-3454, Minnie Vigil, 210-6802556 or Sandra Archey, sarchey@olghelotes.org. CAMBIO DE LA LITURGIA DURANTE LA CONVOCATORIA SACERDOTAL Mar, 04 de noviembre, de 8 am (español) Servicio de Comunión - Diacono Zac Mar, 04 de noviembre, 7 pm (inglés) Misa - Padre Jorge Mié, 05 de noviembre, de 8 am (inglés) Servicio de Comunión - Diacono Denis Nuestro horario normal de misas se reanudará el Jueves 06 de noviembre. Oremos por todos nuestros sacerdotes vivos y difuntos, por los seminaristas y por las vocaciones al sacerdocio! Dios de infinita misericordia, que quisiste que tu Hijo muriera para redimirnos a todos, concede a nuestros hermanos difuntos compartir con Cristo la gloria de la resurrección, en la que creyeron y esperaron. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO INSTITUCION Tu eres Pedro, y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi iglesia; los poderes de la muerte jamás la podrán vencer. (Mateo 16:18) ULTIMAS NOTICIAS SOBRE LA COLECTA DEL ARZOBISPO 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% Hemos comprometido mas del 100% y cumplido 93% del total de la meta de nuestra parroquia de $129,486. Todavía tienes tiempo para comprometerte. Hay sobres disponibles en la iglesia. ¡Gracias por su generosa ofrenda! Para mas información de los ministerios patrocinados, visita a www.archsa.org/appeal. TEMPORADA DE BIENVENIDA el domingo, 14 de septiembre del 2014 Fiesta de la Exaltación de la Santa Cruz hasta el domingo, 2 de noviembre del 2014 Conmemoración de todos los Fieles Difuntos Desde el Escritorio del Parroco Objeto: Anunciar el amor salvifico de Jesucristo y invitar a otros a un encuentro con Cristo en la belleza delebracion de la Misa. Nuevamente pongo un agradecimiento a las muchas personas que trabajaron por varios dias antes y durante el dia del festival. Aun estamos en la obra de un reporte financiero para saber los resultados del festival de este ano. Gracias a los trabajadores, los patrocinadores, donates y aquellos que asistieron el festival de este ano. Tengo tres proyectos para el edificio de nuestra iglesia: los vitrales de la capilla, remodelar las bancas y hacer una sacristia para los monaquillos. La conclusion de estos proyectos sera poco antes de la Navidad. Dios los bendiga. Padre Carlos Metas de Asistencia en la Misa para el 31 de octubre, 2015: Aumentar la asistencia en las Misas por todo el Arquidiocesis desde 152,000 hasta 165,000 Aumentar la asistencia en las Misas por la Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe desde 4,060 hasta 4,700. PROXIMAS COLECCIONES Nov 1/2 – Campana Capital de la Parroquia Nov 22/23—Campana para el Desarrolla Humano ¡Invita a sus familiares o amigos a asistir a Misa! ASISTENCIA DE LAS MISAS 18 Y 19 DE OCT, 2014 = 4,018 META = 4,700 ASISTENCIA DE LAS MISAS 25 Y 26 DE OCT, 2014 = 4,058 META = 4,700 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS REQUISITOS DE AMBIENTE SEGURO (SAFE ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS) La Arquidiócesis de San Antonio esta comprometida a la seguridad y protección de los niños, jóvenes adolescentes y de los adultos vulnerables. Todos los adultos (18 años+) asignados a actividades ministeriales de los grupos de personas mencionadas requieren lo siguiente: 1. Someter un Formulario de Verificación de Antecedentes Criminales cada 3 años. La tarifa de procesamiento de el formulario es de $6. Los formularios están disponibles en la oficina de nuestra parroquia y en nuestra pagina de internet. 2. Completar Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro cada 3 años. El entrenamiento esta disponible por el arquidiócesis también miércoles el 12 de noviembre, 6-7:30pm, en la Oficina de OVASE, St. Paul Community Center Annex, 1201 Donaldson (edificio colorado). Para reservar su asiento, contacta a Tracie Enriquez, 210-734-7786, ovase@archsa.org. 3. Ver el video titulado Mala Conducta Sexual una vez. Puedes hacer cita para ver el video en la oficina parroquial. El objetivo de nuestra parroquia es ofrecer este valioso entrenamiento a todos los voluntarios adultos. Si no estas seguro de los requisitos necesarios para algún ministerio en particular; contacta a tu Líder Ministerial. Si eres un Líder Ministerial y necesitas orientación, contacta a Laura Garcia Brill, 210-695-8791, ext 24, LBrill@olghelotes.org. Campaña Capital: Comite de Becas "Reconocimiento a los Ministerios de Servicio Voluntario” Ministerio De la Eucaristía para Asilo de Ancianos Los Ministros de la Eucaristía para los Asilos de Ancianos ofrecen misas y servicios de Comunión para los ancianos en el Centro de Salud y Rehabilitación localizado en Mystic Park. Dirigidos por el amor a Cristo, nuestros Ministros de la Eucaristía extienden sus servicios al más allá de las paredes de nuestra iglesia para ministrar y llevar comunión a cada individuo en su cuarto después de el servicio al grupo. Un agradecimiento muy especial a los Ministros de Eucaristía para Asilo de Ancianos por su servicio a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y nuestra comunidad de ancianos. 210-695-8791 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO COMUNIDAD Pues donde están dos o tres reunidos en mi nombre, allí estoy yo, en medio de ellos. (Mateo 18:20) MINISTERIO NUEVO DE HOSPITALIDAD Estamos buscando Ministros de Hospitalidad para asistir en las Misas del Sábado en la noche y las Misas del Domingo. Hombres, Mujeres y Jóvenes, todos están invitados! Por favor de contactar a Adela Trujillo, 951-316-785, olghelotes@gmail.com. SERVICIOS DE CONSEJERIA Yvonne "Bonnie" Rheinschmidt estatá disponible para proporcionar servicios de consejeria individual, familia o grupal para nuestra familia parroquial. Comunicarse con Bonnie, 210-247—8472, brhein@satx.rr.com DESCUBRE LA IGLESIA COMO SACRAMENTO El es la imagen del Dios que no se puede ver, y para toda criatura es el Primogénito. Colosenses 1:15) DIA DE LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS 2 DE NOV Tendremos nuestro horario regular de misas el Dia de los Fieles Difuntos. Ya que tendremos nuestro horario regular de misas en la parroquia, la misa annual que se clebra en el cementerio en honor de todos los difuntos sea cancelada, sin embargo tendremos un SERVICIO DE ORACION MEMORIAL EL DOMINGO 2 DE NOV, 2PM, EN EL CEMENTERIO UBICADO EN BANDERA ROAD. Puede traer su propia silla para mayor comodidad. MISA PARA EL DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS jueves 27 de nov, 10am, (Bilingüe) Están invitados a traer el pan y vino que van a usar en su mesa para una bendición durante de la Misa. LA SOLEMNIDAD DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCION [día de obligación] Misas: lunes 8 de diciembre 8 am (Inglés) y 7pm (Inglés) Hora de Gracia: 12n-1pm, Capilla EL CORO CATÓLICO DE LOS CONGOLEÑOS COMPARTIRÁN SU MINISTERIO DE MÚSICA Domingo 30 de noviembre 2014 en la Misa de 12:30pm FEAST OF ALL SOULS SACRAMENTOS RITO DE INICIACIÓN CR I S T I A N A para convertirte en católico/a o completar los sacramentos de iniciación, adultos: Elena Munis, 210-325-7320. BAUTISMO edades 7+: Elena Munis, 210-3257320; niños <7: Adela Vigueras, 210-760-2558. PRIMERA C O M U N IÓ N Y PRIMERA CONFESIÓN para Niños: Susie y Martin Palacios, 210-315-9302; Alejandra Palacios, palacios2830@sbcglobal.net. CONFIRMACIÓN para jóvenes: Jon Lamers, 210-695-8791, ext 26, JLamers@olghelotes.org. MATRIMONIO Preparación matrimonial tiene una duración mínima de 6 meses. Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, CDavalos@olghelotes.org. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, CDavalos@olghelotes.org. ORDENES Padre Carlos, 210-695-8791, ext 20, CDavalos@olghelotes.org. ADORACION DEL SANTISIMO todos los Jueves de 8:30am-9pm en la Capilla. Se les invita para que vengan y oren a la hora que mejor les convenga. También avísanos si puedes ayudarnos con venir a orar a una hora específica. Porque la voluntad de mi Padre es que todo el que reconozca al Hijo y crea en él, tenga vida eterna, y yo lo resucitaré en el día final. (Juan 6:40) Contacto Danna Peaks-Sullivan, 210-695-8791, ext 18, Dpeaks@olghelotes.org. AMIGOS EN CRISTO GRUPO CARISMATICO DE ORACIÓN todos los martes, 7-9pm, Salón HORA SANTA DE ADORACION Cada primer martes, 7pm, en la Capilla Contacto Martha Vásquez, 210-682-6440, martyjn15@aol.com. APOSTOLADO EUCARÍSTICO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Hijo mío, no tengas miedo de los sufrimientos puesto que yo estoy contigo. Deseo que conozcas más profundamente el amor que arde en mi corazón por todas las almas. Apela a mi misericordia. Para los pobres deseo su salvación. La familia que desea recibir la visita de la imagen de la Divina Misericordia, comunicarse con Simón o Juanita Ramírez, 210-680-3527, 210-410-9451. MINISTERIO VIRGEN PEREGRINA Que nada te aflija o te asuste, ni temas enfermedad, ¿no estoy yo aquí, que soy tu madre? Quien desee recibir la visita en su hogar de la imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, comuníquese con Jaime y Yolanda Mora, 210-371-3252. DESCUBRA LA IGLESIA COMO HERALDO Vayan por todo el mundo y anuncien la Bena Nueva a toda la creación. (Marcos 16:15) JOVENES DE SECUNDARIA ( MID DLE S C HO O L) THE E DGE es nuestro programa para adolescentes de secundaria. Para mas información, vea el artículo en la sección de inglés del boletín. Comunicarse con Lisa Peña, 210-695-8791, ext 27, LPena@olghelotes.org. PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS DE "LIFETEEN" Venga a disfrutar con adolescentes de otras Escuelas Secundarias, diviértase, y aprenda sobre nuestro programa "LIFETEEN”. Para mas información, vea el artículo en la sección de inglés del boletín. P r e g u n t a s ? Contacto Jon Lamers, JLamers@olghelotes.org. DESCUBRA LA IGLESIA COMO SERVIDOR Cuando lo hicieron con alguno de los más pequeños de estos mis hermanos, me lo hicieron a mí. (Mateo 25:40) CAMBIO DE LOS MISALES Necesitamos su ayuda para actualizar nuestro nuestros nuevos misales en la Iglesia. ¡Adultos, jóvenes y niños, los necesitamos! Únase a nosotros el lunes 24 de Nov, 4pm, en la Iglesia. Póngase en cont acto con Laura, ext. 24 , LBrill@olghelotes.org FABRICANTES DE ROSARIO DE LA PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE Abierto a todo el público. Se reúnen el segundo martes de cada mes de 10am-12 del día, en el Salón Guadalupe. Comuníquese con June Anderson, 210-372-1240, jmanderson5656@sbcglobal.net. MINISTERIO DE CORRESPONDENCIA PARA LOS ENCARCELADOS Si está interesado en escribir y enviar cartas de esperanza y aliento a las personas que están recluidas en las prisiones llame a Minnie Vigil, 210-680-2556. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CATHOLIC CHURCH HELOTES, TEXAS MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES PARA LAS MISAS Saturday, November 1 / sábado 1 de noviembre 8am +Arthur Grothues, +Jerry Kleffner 5pm +Anthony Sesnauskas, +Ignacio & +Carmen Cazares 7pm +Ninfa Anguiano, +Homero Veliz Sunday, November 2 /domingo 2 de noviembre Feast of All Souls 7:15am +Karl A. Weber, +Jesse Cerna 9am +Stephanie Ashley Flores, +Arthur Grothues 10:45am +Consuelo & +Crispulo San Jose, +Alice Cruz, +Rudy Cruz Jr. 12:30pm +Joe Blatnick, Alicia Garza 4:30pm +Margarita Ramirez, Ben Hernandez 6:30pm +Benigna & +Jesus Nava, +Sergio Manuel Munoz Monday, November 3 / lunes 3 noviembre 8am +Pam Miller, +Alice De Rosa Tuesday, November 4 / martes 4 de noviembre 8am Servicio de Comunión 7pm +Maria Lourdes Lao Wednesday, November 5 / miércoles 5 de noviembre 8am Communion Service Thursday, November 6 / jueves 6 de noviembre 8am +Hoyt Pittman, +Joseph Delgado, Priests & Staff of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Friday, November 7 / viernes 7 de noviembre 8am +Maureen Grothues, +Ray Mateu Saturday, November 8 / sábado 8 de noviembre 8am +Joe Z. Carbajal, an intention in thanksgiving to St. Martin Caballero 5pm +Arthur & +Gladys Van Overborg, +Dan Van Overborg 7pm +Blanca & +Juan Antonio Guerra, +Elena Vasquez 210-695-8791 NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Sunday, November 9 /domingo 9 de noviembre Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:15am +Carlos Garcia, +Mary Alice Garcia 9am Altar Society Living & Deceased members, Deceased members of the Knights of Columbus 10:45am +Guadalupe & +Gloria Guerrero, an intention in thanksgiving 12:30pm +Lionel B. Rodriguez, +Teresa R. Bezdek 4:30pm +Jimmy Canales, +Ryan Jonas 6:30pm +Anthony O’Bryan Jr., Angel Ochoa, Maria Teresa Ochoa READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Sunday, Nov 2 / domingo 2 de noviembre Wis/Sab 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6:37-40 Monday, Nov 3 / lunes 3 de noviembre Philp/Filp 2:1-4; Lk/Lc 14:12-14 Tuesday, Nov 4 / martes 4 de noviembre Philp/Filp 2:5-11; Lk/Lc 14:15-24 Wed, Nov 5 /miércoles 5 de noviembre Philp/Filp 2:12-18; Lk/Lc 14:25-33 Thur, Nov 6 / jueves 6 de noviembre Philp/Filp 3:3-8a; Lk/Lc 15:1-10 Friday, Nov 7 / viernes 7 de noviembre Philp/Filp 3:17-4:1; Lk/Lc 16:1-8 Saturday, Nov 8 / sábado 8 de noviembre Philp/Filp 4:10-19; Lk/Lc 16:9-15 Sunday, Nov 9 / domingo 9 de noviembre Ez 47:1-2, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
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