Annual Prudential Compliance Statement 2013‐14 Section A –Approved Provider details  Due Date:  31 October 2014 

 Annual Prudential Compliance Statement 2013‐14 Due Date: 31 October 2014 Section A –Approved Provider details Name of Approved Provider National Approved Provider System number Address of Approved Provider Authorised contact for this APCS Name Position 
Telephone Approved Provider’s financial year ends 30 June 2014 Submission date for APCS 31 October 2014 You must submit the completed APCS and independent auditor’s report before 5:00pm on 31 October 2014 by post, fax or email. Post: Fax: Email: Forms Administration PO Box 5008 NOWRA DELIVERY CENTRE NSW 2541 (02) 4447 8711
Note: If lodged by email, you must attach a PDF version of the signed APCS. If you lodge by fax or email there is no requirement to mail the original. 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL
Section B 2
Accommodation bonds and entry contributions Do you need to complete an APCS? B1 At any stage during your financial year did you hold one or more accommodation bond OR entry contribution balances? Yes
 provide details at attachment 1 then go to B2 
go to section F, sign the Declaration and return to Forms Administration Accommodation bonds received and allowable deductions Accommodation Bonds and Entry Contributions B2 Total value of accommodation bonds received in 2013‐14. $ go to B3 B3 Total amount deducted from all accommodation bond and entry contribution balances in 2013‐14. $ go to B4 B4 Total amount deducted from accommodation bonds received in 2013‐14. $ go to C1 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL
Section C 3
Compliance with Prudential Standards Compliance with the Liquidity Standard C1 Did you comply with all requirements of the Liquidity Standard for the full financial year? Yes
 
go to C2 C2 No
go to C2 What is the minimum liquidity level identified in your Liquidity Management Strategy? $ go to C3 Compliance with the Records Standard C3 Did you comply with all requirements of the Records Standard for the full financial year? Yes
 
go to C4 You must submit a separate statement explaining why you have not complied with the Standard, then go to C4 Compliance with the Governance Standard C4 Did you comply with all requirements of the Governance Standard for the full financial year? Yes
 
go to C5 You must submit a separate statement explaining why you have not complied with the Standard, then go to C5 Compliance with the Disclosure Standard C5 Did you comply with all requirements of the Disclosure Standard for the full financial year? Yes
 
go to D1 You must submit a separate statement explaining  the total number of occasions on which you did not comply with the Standard  the reason or reasons for your failure to comply with the Standard  in respect of each reason provided – the total number of occasions of non‐compliance attributable to the reason  then go to D1 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL
Section D 4
Compliance with accommodation bond charging responsibilities Limits on charging accommodation bonds D1 Was there any period during the financial year when you were not permitted to charge accommodation bonds for one or more of the services operated by you? Yes
 
go to D2 You must submit a separate statement explaining  the period or periods during which you were not permitted to charge an accommodation bond  the aged care service in respect of which each period specified applies  then go to D2 Compliance with rules around charging accommodation bonds D2 For each bond charged, did you enter into an accommodation bond agreement with the care recipient before, or within 21 days after, the care recipient entered the service? Yes
 go to D3 D3  go to D4  go to D5 
go to D4 
go to D5 For each bond agreement entered into, did you comply with subsection 23.28(3) of the User Rights Principles (i.e. the written guarantee to refund the bond balance in accordance with the Act)? Yes
 go to D6 Answer N/A only if you did not enter into any agreements, then go to D6 For each bond agreement entered into, did you comply with Division 5 of Part 4 of the User Rights Principles – contents of accommodation bond agreements? Yes
D5 go to D3  N/A
For each bond agreement entered into, did you comply with Division 2 of Part 4 of the User Rights Principles – other rules about accommodation bonds? Yes
D4 
go to D6 Section D 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL
Re Compliance with refunding responsibilities Refund of accommodation bonds balances D6 During 2013‐14 did you refund all accommodation bond balances as, and when, they fell due as required by section 57‐21(3) of the Act? Yes
 
go to D7 D7  No
Provide details at Attachment 2, then go to D7 Answer N/A only if accommodation bonds were not required to be refunded, then go to D8 For each accommodation bond balance that was refunded, was the correct amount of interest paid at the time and to the person required by section 57‐21A of the Act? Yes
 
go to D8 Provide details at Attachment 2, then go to D8 Refund of entry contribution balances D8 During 2013‐14 did you refund all entry contribution balances that became payable in accordance with each formal agreement with each care recipient? Yes
 
go to D9 D9 Provide details at Attachment 2, then go to D9 Answer N/A only if entry contributions were not required to be refunded, then go to E1 For each entry contribution balance that was refunded after the last day for it to be refunded under the formal agreement, was the correct amount of interest paid in the time and to the person required by section 57‐21B the Act? Yes
 
go to E1  N/A
Provide details at Attachment 2, then go to E1 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL
Section E 6
Compliance with Permitted Uses for Accommodation Bonds E1 During the financial year did you use all accommodation bonds only for uses that are permitted under the Act? Yes
 Provide details of your expenditure on permitted uses at Attachment 3, then go to E3 E2 Go to E2 If the answer to E1 is No, did you rely on the transitional provisions in force until 30 September 2013 for all bonds not used for permitted uses? Yes
 Provide details of your expenditure in accordance with the transitional provisions at Attachment 3, then go to E3 E3 
Go to E3 You must submit a separate explanation of how accommodation bonds that were not used for permitted uses or in accordance with the transitional provisions were used, then go to E3 Which of the permitted uses listed below did you expend accommodation bonds on in 2013‐14? Please cross the relevant boxes. See section 57‐17A of the Act and Division 8A of the User Rights Principles for the definitions of each of the below.  
Refunded accommodation bonds or entry contributions Capital Expenditure  or flexible aged care. Acquired, erected, extended or significantly altered premises used or proposed to be used for  providing residential care flexible care. Acquired land on which are, or are to be built, the premises needed for providing residential Acquired or installed furniture, fittings or equipment used or proposed to be used for providing residential care or flexible care when the premises are initially erected or following an extension, significant alteration or significant refurbishment. 
 Expenditure directly attributable to the capital expenditure listed above. 
Invested in financial products (within the meaning of section 764A of the Corporations Act 2001) Deposit‐taking facility made available by an authorised deposit‐taking institution (ADI)  (e.g., bank accounts, building societies, credit unions) in the course of its banking business.  Debentures, stocks or bonds issued by the Commonwealth, States or Territories.  Securities.  Registered managed investment schemes.  Unregistered managed investment schemes established for residential or flexible aged care. Section E  
Invested in a Religious Charitable Development Fund (RCDF) Made loans for     Capital expenditure. Financial products. To refund accommodation bond balances or entry contribution balances. To repay debt accrued for the purposes of capital expenditure or refunding accommodation bond balances. Repaid debt accrued for   Capital expenditure. Refunding accommodation bond balances.  Reasonable business losses incurred in the first 12 months of service operation by an approved provider  Repaid debt accrued before 1 October 2011 for the purposes of providing aged care to care recipients 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL
Section F 8
Section F – Declaration by the approved provider Note to key personnel signing this form: Giving false or misleading information or documentation is a serious offence under subsection 137.1(1) of the Criminal Code (Cth), which provides for a penalty of up to 12 months imprisonment. Sanctions may also be imposed under the Act if an approved provider fails to comply with the prudential requirements. As key personnel for the approved provider and authorised by the approved provider to sign this statement, I certify that all particulars given in this APCS and all attachments are true and correct. Name Position (eg: company director) Signature Date / / You must submit the completed APCS and independent auditor’s report before 5:00pm on 31 October 2014 – by post, fax or email. Postal Address: Fax: Email: Forms Administration
PO Box 5008 NOWRA DELIVERY CENTRE NSW 2541 (02) 4447 8711 Note: If lodged by email, you must attach a PDF version of the signed APCS. If you lodge by fax or email there is no requirement to mail the original. Before you submit the APCS Please check that you have done the following: Contact details have been provided in section A. Yes A signed independent auditor’s report meeting the audit requirements is attached to this APCS. Yes    N/A I answered NO at B1 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Attachment 1 9
Accommodation Bond and Entry Contributions Held at 30 June 2014 Only complete this attachment if directed to do so at B1 
If a service operated by you on the last day of your financial year has been omitted from the list then please add the relevant details of the service. If a listed service was not your responsibility on the last day of your financial year please email Ensure that each column is totalled correctly. Accommodation Bond Balances Column A Column B Service RACS ID Service Name TOTAL for each column Column C # Total number of accommodation bond balances held at 30/06/14 C Column D $ Total value of accommodation bond balances held at 30/06/14 D$ Entry Contribution Balances Column E # Total number of entry contribution balances held at 30/06/14 E Column F $ Total value of entry contribution balances held at 30/06/14 F$ 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Attachment 2 10
This Attachment must be completed if you refunded any accommodation bond balances outside the requirements of section 57‐21(3) the Act or any entry contribution balances outside the terms of a formal agreement. Note: when completed, this Attachment 2 contains personal information as defined by the Act. A B C D E Client number* Care recipient full name Date refund was due Date of refund Reason for non‐compliance This Attachment is a component of the form approved by the Secretary and the format, explanatory material and column headings may not be altered or amended. * Available from your monthly subsidies claim form. Attachment 3 2013‐14 ANNUAL PRUDENTIAL
Expenditure during the financial year on uses for which accommodation bonds would be permitted (from any funding source) Refunds of accommodation bond and entry contribution balances. $ Capital expenditure as defined by 57‐17A(2) of the Act. $ Increase (decrease) between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014 in deposits with authorised deposit‐taking institutions as defined by section 57‐
17A(3)(a) of the Act. $ Other financial products listed in 57‐17A(3)(b) to (e) of the Act and 23.64C of the User Rights Principles. $ Investment in Religious Charitable Development Funds. $ Loans that meet the criteria in 57‐17A(1)(c) of the Act or 23.64B(1)(b) of the User Rights Principles. $ Repayment debt accrued for the purposes of capital expenditure or refunding accommodation bond balances. $ Reasonable business losses in the first 12 months of you commencing to receive subsidy in respect of a service. $ Repay debt accrued before 1 October 2011 that was accrued for the purposes of providing aged care to care recipients. $ Expenditure of bonds on transitional provisions Value of bonds that were used between 1 July 2013 and 30 September 2013 in accordance with the transitional arrangements for bonds in force until 30 September 2013. $ Amount returned from financial investments made after 1 October 2011 (from any funding source) If you invested in permitted financial products other than a deposit‐
taking facility made available by an ADI in the course of its banking business (e.g if you invested in securities) after 1 October 2011 and later sold, disposed of or redeemed those investments (whether or not the money for the investments came from bonds). What was the amount received from the sale, disposal or redemption? $