Welcome to our Parish Community ¡ Bienvenidos a nuestra Comunidad! St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church 21 East Ninth Street Huntington Station, New York 11746 _______________________ PASTORAL MINISTRY Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Granata, Pastor Rev. Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez, Associate Rev. Khoa T. Le, In Residence Rev. Francis Gasparik, OFM. Cap, Sunday Assistant Rev. Paul Dolan, Sunday Assistant Dr. Edward Billia, Deacon Mr. Thomas Reilly, Deacon Mr. Vito Taranto, Deacon Mr. Luis Giraldo, Deacon Mr. Richard Bilella, Deacon The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9th, 2014 LITURGY AND MUSIC (Rectory) 427-0638; gene@sthugh.org Mrs. Gene-Louise Poller, Director YOUTH MINISTRY (Rectory) 427-0638; youthmindiv@gmail.com Mr. Daniel Diviney, Director OUTREACH (SOCIAL MINISTRY) (Center) 271-8986; fran@sthugh.org Mrs. Fran Leek, Director BUSINESS MANAGER (Rectory) 427-0638; pete@sthugh.org Mr. Pete Shepherd, Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Center) 271-6081; helen@sthugh.org Mrs. Helen Schramm, Director TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL 1025 Fifth Avenue, E. Northport, NY 11731 261-5130; tregion@optonline.net Miss Jeanne Morcone, Principal Rectory 631-427-0638 Fax: 631-427-1319 rectory@sthugh.org WORSHIP THIS COMING WEEK Monday, St. Leo the Great Pope & Dr. of the Church 11/10 Ti 1:1-9/ Lk 17:1-6 8:00 am Timothy Walsh Tuesday, St. Martin of ours, Bishop 11/11 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 8:00 am Christian Eyberger Wednesday, St Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr 11/12 Ti 3:1-7/ Lk 17:11-19 8:00 am Paul Mazzula Thursday, St. Frances Xavier Cabrin, Virgin 11/13 Phlm 7-20/ Lk 17:20-25 8:00 am Audrey Streb Friday, Weekday 11/14 2Jn 4-9/ Lk 17:26-37 8:00 am Stanley Hull November 15th St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Dr. of the Church, 8:30 am 3Jn 5-8/ Lk 18:1-8 Stewardship in Action: That as joy-filled stewards, we continually acknowledge God as the Source of all that we are and all that we have, we pray to the Lord… Stewardship Reflection: We fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor when we exercise good stewardship— joyfully sharing our gifts of life, abilities and resources to meet our neighbor’s need. Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish whose outlook is challenged and changed as a result of embracing Stewardship as the heart of Christian discipleship, leading to a new way of life! Stewardship of Collections: Our thanks and gratitude for your sacrificial giving each week Petitions of Prayers We pray that those who suffer loneliness of any kind would experience your closeness, th November 16 Sunday Lord & encounter the support of their Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/ 1 Thes 5:1-6/ Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 friends & family (Pope Francis universal prayer petition for November 2014). 5:00 pm: We pray for those who mentor men & Celebrant: Fr. Joe & Dcn. Ed women to seminary and religious life. May Intention: Deceased Memebers of the Billia & Schiavon Families young seminarian & religious find wise & well-uniformed mentors (Pope Francis mis7:00 am: sionary prayer petition for November 2014). Celebrant: Fr. Gonzalo We pray for all souls departed that they may Intention: People of the Parish share in God’s promise of eternal life. We pray for the church that we may be in8:15am-Spanish: flamed that Christ, our life may also appear Celebrant: Fr. Joe & Dcn. Luis to us & share in his glory as all the Saints 10:00 am: have done. Celebrant: Fr. Paul & Dcn Rich We pray that we gracefully share our talents Intention: Christina Stiles with those in need especially the sick. We pray that we restore all things to Jesus 11:30 am: Christ, King of the universe. Celebrant: Fr. Francis & Dec. Ed We pray that we thank Jesus Christ for all Intention: Timothy Walsh he has done, especially during this time of Wedding Banns: Please pray for the following couple Thanksgiving. preparing for the sacrament of Marriage: 1st BANNS: Pete r Cooper (St.Patrick) and Deniella Marie Balsari (St. Hugh) on December 6th, 2014 at St. Patrick’s WORSHIP NEXT WEEKEND. FROM THE PASTOR PASTOR’S DESK: This week a6b Saint Hugh of Lincoln the Saint Hugh Productions will present “Seussical the Musical“on Saturday at 7:30 and on Sunday at 2:00 in the Auditorium. It will be repeated next weekend as well. I managed to take some time out this past week to stop in and watch a part of their dress rehearsal. All I can say is “WOW!” I was amazed by the talents of those who are performing and completely taken with the bright and creative scenery and costumes. The music (They even have a vibraphone!) and the dancing will have your feet tapping in no time. I can’t wait now to see the complete production and plan to be there this weekend. If you were raised (0r raised their kids)on The Cat in the Hat or Horton Hears a Who this is the place to be this weekend. So take a few minutes for yourself and gather your children (no matter how old they are!) and treat yourself to “Seussical the Musical” at Saint Hugh of Lincoln. I was also discussing the Holiday Season with Elia, the rectory cook this week. We both feel that of all the celebrations at this time of the year, Thanksgiving Day is the best. Not only because of the delicious meal and the tasty treats that appear on the table that day (and for days afterward) but because it is a real family day. Of all the days it seems to be the least hectic (Christmas), it has no distractions (New Year football) and everyone contributes (their favorite vegetable or dessert). Afterward, I was thinking about tall those who have no family or whose means are so depleted that there will be no special treats this year. It saddens me to think that such people exist right here in our Huntington Station community. But they do, and in larger numbers than you may think! What to do??? Saint Hugh Saint Vincent de Paul (SVdeP) and our Outreach program have an answer for us. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society is already planning their Thanksgiving Basket program and their fully cooked and served Thanksgiving Dinner which they offer each year in our cafeteria on Thanksgiving Day. It is an enormous task for them. Each year the number of needy seems to be growing. In the Outreach we are serving mor4e and more families each week. Both SVdeP and the Outreach need your help. Indeed, they cannot do it without you. Without the resources they cannot fill the baskets for the poor and there will be no Thanksgiving for many who depend on us. So I ask you to dig a little deeper this year and help those who need you. This week we will be putting out the brown bags again so that you can fill them with food for the Thanksgiving baskets: a can of vegetables, a bag of potatoes or rice, some dessert items or even some stuffing mix. Whatever you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. But be careful. Please don’t everyone buy cans of cranberry sauce even if they are on sale! One year we were flooded with it – cans and cans of every type! One can is more than plenty! Try to keep away from perishable goods. Milk goes sour and ice cream melts pretty quickly! Whatever you can do to help, your sharing in this important work of the parish will make your Thanksgiving celebrations all the more fulfilling and provide a cause for a prayer of thanksgiving by those who receive the fruit of your goodness. Fr. Joe SOCIAL SOCIAL MINISTRY MINISTRY & NOTICES OUTREACH 631-271-8986 Open: 10 am-11:50am and 1-3:00pm Outreach is in need of: Fruit, Juice, Cereal, Tuna, Canned Meals, Beans, Peas, Corn, Carrots. The following items are not covered by the Snap/Food Stamps program: Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, Feminine Hygiene Products, Soap, Toothpaste, Detergent, Deodorant, Shampoo & Conditioner. We are in need of children/teenager and men’s coats. Thanks for your continuous donation. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: This year we will attempt to sign up some families for the Holidays. Yes, it is that time of again when we at outreach start to plan for Christmas. As in the past we will be asking for Gift Certificates to help our families. This year more than ever our need has increased dramatically, so please remember us when you are shopping. As in the past in order for us to distribute your donations equally to all the families, we ask that you purchased the gift certificates in denominations of $10, $20, and $25. We will also accept certificates to local supermarkets and monetary donations to assist families with fuel and utility bills. For your convenience donations may be put in envelopes marked OUTREACH CHRISTMAS and placed in the Sunday collection basket of dropped at the Rectory of the Outreach office during working hours. Once again the certificates should be from K-Mart or Old Navy. We will also accept supermarket gift cards. We wish to Thank everyone for all of your support throughout the year. Please have the certificates back to us by the week of December 7th. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS 631- 271-6081 In observance of Veterans’ Day the Religious Education office will be closed and there will be no classes on Tuesday, November 11th, 2014. Over the next few weeks we’ll be holding parent/child meetings for our levels 2, 6 and 7 students as follows: Level 2: November 3 and November 12 at 7 pm. Level 6: November 5 and November 16 at 7:30 pm. Level 7: November 4 and November 19 at 7:30 pm. All meetings will be held in the church and though each meeting is offered twice to accommodate your busy schedules, you only need to attend once. Please note that all children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Adult Spiritual Formation ST HUGH’S MINISTRY OF PRAYER St. Hugh’s Soul Searching Cinema Come & See--presents… Gerard Depardieu stars in Enjoy light refreshments-Stay for discussion MY AFTERNOONS WITH MARGUERITTE When: Monday November 17th Superb Performances.... Time: 7:00 – 9:30 pm Emotional Radiance.... Where: St. John Fisher Room Enchanting love story... ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY PRAY THE ROSARY DAILY A PRAYER FOR THE PEACE Mary, Queen of the Peace, we turn to you, Our Mother, into your hands we place our prayers. For our men and women serving the military, protect them! For innocent victims of war and violence, spare them! For those who mourn and are injured, comfort them! For people of all nations, unite them in the love and peace of your son, the prince of peace! Mary Queen of Peace, pray for us!! Our meeting will be Tuesday, Nov 11th in the St. John Fisher room. Recitation of the Rosary will begin promptly at 7pm followed by our guest speaker, Fr. Alloysious K. Melly who will be speaking about St. Philomena and a newly formed St. Philomena Prayer group on Long Island. Please Join us to pray the Rosary an to hear Father’s inspirational talk. (Father is currently serving at St. Mark’s in Shoreham and comes to us from Kenya, Africa) …...Refreshments to follow LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA & NOTICES Todos los primeros Viernes del mes a las 7am tendremos hora Santa en ingles y en español a las 7 de la noche, tendremos misa y hora Santa. Padre Gonzalo All Young Adults – you are invited to join us for Fellowship … Inspiriting Speakers … and Honest An- swers …. At our next Faith on Tap! Topic: “Where is God Calling Me … How do we hear God through the Chaos” Speaker: Sr. Gina Fleming, OP Co-Director of the National College Preaching Conference and the Promoter of Youth for the Dominican Sisters of Amityville, NY We are honored to have with us Sr. Gina Fleming, who will speak about the challenges of hearing where God is calling us through our everyday “chaos”. Our lives are so busy and “noisy”, it’s not always easy to hear God’s call … but never doubt that you are loved add He is calling! When: Monday, November 17, 2014 Where : Lily Flanagan’s, 345 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, NY Time: Doors open at 7:00; Talk begins at 7:30 come early – get something to eat – meet new friends – re-connect with old ones! All Young Adults – you are invited to join us for our next Happy Holy Hour When: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Where: St. Joseph the Worker, 510 Narragansett Avenue, E. Patchogue, NY Time: 7:30 pm Holy Hour – Fellowship to Follow Please bring a non-perishable food item to the Holy Hour … a basket will be in the back of the church .. all items will go directly to St. Joseph the Worker’s Outreach Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Psalm 119:1. For further information, please contact: Marianne Sheridan @ 516-678-5800, ext. 615 Director for Youth, Campus Ministry and Young Adults Diocese of Rockville Centre Right to Life CHAIN SIN Abortion kills the body of the victim and the soul of the killer, but not the soul of the baby. That soul will live forever in God's love. The crime of abortion is always a chain sin. A number of people share the guilt: abortionist, assistants, office staff, hospital management, abortion building owners, pro-abortion politicians, and those of us who remain passive when we should be speaking out and praying to end abortion. OUR PRAYER CORNER - Please remember the sick & suffering in your prayers, so they may receive healing & comfort: Dom Ciccone Caroline Chapman Lisa Stovall Noah Matsumoto Marshal May Mary Wilson Georgeann Green Christopher Sorensen Fred Brynes Gerard F. Saggese Anita Meza Guillermo Zelaya Josephine Jeannette Fernando Palacio Joseph Pires Isidro Orona Robert Leonardi Phil Paul Frank Polcer Joan Racis Theresa Kelsch William Herold John Mulrooney Carol O’Brien Mary Lusardi John Michta Carolyn Lukralle James Cozzette Andrew Harvey Lucy Zgrablic Gerry Staiman John Constantino Joseph Labarbera Mark Dineen Lorraine Bachman Luis Cruz James Biggin Doris Dawson Gaile Cassar Jacqueline Drexel Helen Ketcham Gerry Brannigan Yuriko Duggan Mary Lou Lasala Rachel Metz Bob Bohner Violet Michta Mollie Stiene Kathleen Fitzgerald Joseph Sansotta Russell Hayward Thomas Guido Kathy Agiesta Erin O’Donnell Mark Wahl Joseph Liotta Charles Parento III Steve McVetty Steven Mueller Laura Grzan Dennis Wilk Bill Mathews Charles Naidi Robert Zimardo Kathy Sorensen Baby Gianna Pantina Francyn Caiozzo and those in the military, and the abused. NOTICES November Offerings at the Ronkonkoma Cenacle -Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m. at the Maude Adams House, 9:30 a.m. arrivals and refreshments OUR NEED TO KNOW HOW WE’RE DOING Presenter: Fr. Larry Lewis M.M. Offering: $50 includes lunch ($15 deposit required to hold your reservation.) -November 18 – 19, 2014 (Tuesday overnight) 4:00 p.m. arrivals, 6:00 p.m. Dinner COME TO THE QUIET – CONTEMPLATING THE ANNUNCIATION Presenter: Sr. Kathy Scott, r.c. Offering: $110($50 deposit required to hold your reservation.) Widow/ Widowers/ Divorced/ Singles over 55 St. Hugh’s Widows and Widowers Interfaith Club will meet at 1pm, in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 25, at St. Hugh’s school, 1450 New York Ave. Huntington Station. Please use the entrance on Pulaski Road. New Members are welcome. $2 for non-members. For further information, call Lucy, at 631-427-7645 or Chuck at 631-358-4333 Veterans Day Brunch When: Veterans Day: Tuesday, 11/11/14 Where: St. Hugh’s Cafeteria (in the Parish Center) 1450 New York Ave., Huntington Station Time: 11:00 a.m. RSVP: Patti: 631-549-1696 or pattinardelli@hotmail.com We are bringing back the Veterans Day Brunch, which was started by Lorraine Boccio at Waldbaums, to honor our local Veterans. Space is limited so please respond St. Vincent’s Society The St. Vincent's Society will be having a BROWN BAG SUNDAY on the weekend of November 15th and 16th. We will use your donations for the Thanksgiving food boxes that we will prepare on November 22nd. There will be bags at all church doors on Nov 9th. Thank you again your support! Rectory Office Hours Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM to Noon, and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Closed Sundays. Sunday and Weekday Eucharist Schedules appear on page 2 of this Bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 - 4:45 Saturday afternoon, or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm. Please call the rectory for information on Baptism preparation. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should meet (by appointment) with a priest or deacon on our staff before making social arrangements. Preparation requires at least six month’s time. Pre-Cana instruction is required. Music is provided by parish liturgical ministers. World Wide Marriage Encounter Skip & Fran DeBlasio 631-367-4224 Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Anointing is celebrated each Sunday at the end of the 11:30 AM Mass. Call the rectory in an emergency or for visitation of the home-bound. Parish Membership We welcome new members! Please register at the rectory as soon as possible. Also, please give changes of address and phone number to the rectory when you move. Parroco: Padre Jose Granata: 427-0638 Padre Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez: 427-0638 Diacono Luis Giraldo: 516-724-0756 Lectores/Conselo Pastoral: Rossie Louzara - 428-2253 PRE-Cana: Carlos y Rosa Zegar - 427-4677 Grupo Juvenil: Carlos Perez 631.387-2761 Carlos Rivas 631.830-2567 Min. de Eucaristia y Ujieres: Marta Smith: 549-3966 Coro: Jose D’Amico—516-497-1344 Grupo de Oración Renovación Carismatica: Elvia Lopez 631-920-2890 Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 RICA: Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154 Sacramentos & Ceremonias Bautismos Requisitos: •EI niño no debe tener mas de 6 años de edad. •Traer el certificado de nacimiento del nino y una fotocopia. •Deben recibir las dos charlas prebautismales para padres y padrinos, las cuales se realizan; el Segundo y tercer domingo de cada mes, a las 9:30 de la mañana, en el salon St. Clare. Los padrinos deben tomar la 2da charla el 3er domingo. Para mas información pueden llamar a Jesús 631-836-5282 Ministerio del Rosario: Felix Gonzalez 516-658-7854 Apostolado de la Divina Misericordia: Necesita Oracion: llame 631.745-5762 escriba email: divinamiser@aol.com Bodas: Por favor hacer una cita con el sacerdote O diacono 6 meses antes de la fecha. Quinceañeras: Por favor de llamar a la Rectoria 427-0638. Misas: Martes 7:30pm en La capilla y Domingo 8:15 am. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.STHUGH.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION S T. H U G H P R O D U C T I O N S PRESENTS Music by Stephen Flaherty Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens Book by Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens November 8 & 15 7:30 p.m. November 9 &16 2:00 p.m. Matinne S T. H U G H P A R I S H C E N T E R 1450 New York Avenue Tickets: $15 adults, $10 seniors & kids under 12 For more information call 631-427-1606
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