St. Vincent De Paul Church 109 East Price Street ♦ Philadelphia, PA 19144-2145 ♦ 215-438-2925 Mission Statement St. Vincent de Paul is a faith community striving to live Jesus’ gospel message of love, peace and justice for all peoples. In the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul, we will serve those in need in our world through our ministries. The celebration of the liturgy is central to us. Through the Eucharist and the guidance of the Holy Spirit we will continue to nurture the gifts of all our members. Our parish family, while remembering our past, will draw strength and unity from our diversity. We will foster an atmosphere of warmth, hospitality and prayerfulness. We pray that our commitment to these efforts will further the mission of being one with our God and one with each other. The DePaul Catholic School , An Independent Mission School 44 W. Logan Street ♦ Philadelphia, PA 19144 ♦ 215-842-1266 Parish Staff Sylvester Peterka, C.M. Pastor, Ext. #218 Timothy V. Lyons, C. M. Parochial Vicar, Ext #220 Sr. Bernadette Miller, D.C. Principal, The DePaul Catholic School Valerie Lee-Jeter Antoinette Reaves Darin P. Williams Ministers of Music Kitty Intrieri Bookkeeper, Ext. #229 Helen Rosales Secretary, Ext. #213 Evelyn Rogers Parish Social Ministry 215-438-1514 Maria Beatty Dir., Religious Education 215-844-7287 Laura A. Ford Prison & Re-entry Ministry Director Ext. #226 Barbara Purnell-Small Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday 4pm, Sunday 9 &11am Daily Tuesday-Thursday 7am, Friday 12:05pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Please call for an appointment. Partners in Ministry Inn Dwelling Sr. Rosemarie Jefferson Administrator Alfred J. Smith, C.M. Director 215-438-2195 Face to Face Mary Kay Meeks-Hank Exec. Director 215-849-0179 267-566-8402 My Place Germantown Mary Ellen Graham Executive Director 215-848-2892 Mass Intentions: November 9-15 SUN 11/09 Paul Kelly Jean Coleman MON 11/10 NO MASS TUES 11/11 Miraculous Medal WED 11/12 Miraculous Medal THU 11/13 Miraculous Medal FRI 11/14 Joan Bretschneider SAT 11/15 Miraculous Medal 9:00 am 11:00am 7:00 am 7:00 am 7:00 am 12:05 pm 4:00 pm This Week’s Calendar SUN SAT 11/09 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 11/15 Sacrament of Penance 3-3:30 pm For This We Pray Parishioners Muriel Ancrum, Patricia Banmiller, Bernadette Barry, Marion DiFerdinando, Katherine Elliott, Charles Forrest, Tom Weir, Anoah Curtis, Myles McDonald, William Drinker, Judith Di Battista, Ruby Tyer, Donna Jean Cocchia, Leo Johnson, Agnes Bauerlein, Patricia Judge, Pat Burton, Thomas Baumann, Bobbi Satterthwait, Gloria Pio, Nan Wade, Ginny Witte, Dick Taylor, Betsy Moore, Vince Morgan, Gerry Widmann, Dorothy McGoldrick, Jean Coleman. Friends of St. Vincent’s Maryann Hunsicker, Steven David Aslow, Mary Fazzini DeCanelo, Laura Alfonse, Nancy Tooker, Catherine Gransz, C’Aron & Wynter Marie Hamilton, Tim McCabe, Harrison Harper, Claude Harper, Jaedon Anthony Horton, Arturo Magana Herrera, Lisa Kineke, John Brennan, Ashley Kiker, The Carey Family, Monique and Joseph Phillips, Dan Wuenschel,Marilyn Brockish, Ashley Hannum Margetech, Johnny Hilferty, Diane McCabe, Judy Spearmint, Anne Schuster, Millie Kribel, Kathleen Lawson, Karen NevinsGoldman, Dorothy Heimlich, Connie Bronson, Joseph Simmons, Amy Natkins, Terri Jackson. Our Sister Parish of Las Anonas de Santa Cruz, El Salvador Those who fight in wars, those who are victims of war, and those who seek peace and justice. PASTORAL CARE Please inform us of anyone who may need our love and prayers whether they are aged, sick, hospitalized, in life crisis, or grieving or for the Sacrament of the Sick. We will bring the Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass regularly because of sickness or infirmity. Please call the Rectory at 438-2925. COLLECTIONS Last Week’s Collection Electronic Total Tithe $3,247.50 2,500.00 $5,747.50 $ 287.38 Tithe is 5% of weekly collection which is tithed out the community upon request. Electronic Contribution forms are attached. Call 215-438-2925 if you have questions. Today’s Readings First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 Psalm 46 I Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 John 2:13-22 Readings for Next Week First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Psalm 128 I Thessalonians 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 Daily Readings Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 BAPTISM OF OUR CHILDREN Call Fr. Sy Peterka, Pastor, at 215-438-2925 for dates and times that are convenient for both the family and the Church. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The RCIA is the process through which adults become members of the Catholic Church. If you are interested in exploring whether the Catholic Church is where you want to begin or continue your Christian faith journey, please contact the Rectory at (215) 438-2925. THOSE IN NEED OF SACRAMENTS Please contact Fr. Sy Peterka, ext. 218 at the Rectory to make arrangements. MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES If you are interested in becoming involved in one or more of our Parish ministries, call the Church Office at 438-2925. PARISH OUTREACH Non-perishable food donations may be made Monday Tuesday and Friday between 9am. and Noon., or at other times by first calling Evelyn Rogers at 215-438-1514, or 215-438-2925. RESERVATIONS FOR MEETINGS/EVENTS Please call Helen at the Rectory: 215-438-2925. RACIAL HEALING STATEMENT To foster a community in which people of all races and cultures are treated as equals and fully participate in the life of the church. We hope to achieve this by...... Deepening Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural relationships; Developing each person’s gifts for Leadership & Ministry;(Including each group’s Art & Culture) and by....... Supporting action for justice. Announcements November 9-15 SECOND COLLECTION ON NOVEMBER 16 Please remember to donate to St. Charles Borremeo Seminary. THE LEGION OF MARY MEETINGS Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday at 1pm in the Rectory. ST. VINCENT’S SENIORS Seniors meet Wednesdays in the Community Room. MINISTRY OF HOSPITALITY We invite you to hospitality in the Parish Center after the 9am Mass each week where we serve coffee, donuts, and other drinks and opportunities to know each other better. Please help us provide this hospitality by agreeing to host for a Sunday. You purchase donuts and some beverages and greet guests. Paper products and coffee are stocked in the cabinet. You will be reimbursed for all purchases. A signup sheet is on the bulletin board by the side entrance of the church. For more information, call Jack DiFeo at 215 887-7911. VISITING EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Please make sure the office knows of your visits so that we can record them and follow up if necessary. BECOMING A CATHOLIC Our faith journey classes for those interested in exploring becoming Catholic are beginning. Call Fr. Sy for information. BIBLE STUDY We have two options: One group meets every other Sunday after the 9am Mass in the rectory parlor. The second and third groups meet on Thursdays at 7pm or Saturdays at 2:15pm in the rectory meeting room. Join us to study the Word in more depth. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The Society will hold an orientation meeting on Saturday, November 15, 9am-1pm at the Shrine. Call the rectory to rsvp. __________________________________________________ A Prayer for the World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015 God of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, You have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen ______________________________________________ AT HOME WITH THE WORD At Home with the Word, Year B for lectors and parishioners are available now. Lector workbooks are $15, parishioner editions are $10. See Jean Flynn, Sheila Sharpe, Rosemary Duffey, Mary Laver, or Kitty. POWER REMINDER We at POWER St. Vincent thank you for supporting our initiative to support fair school funding for Philadelphia. We also want to thank all of the volunteers who gave so much time and energy to seeing that we reach our goal. Contact Joe Clay 215-266-7256 or Terri Burgin 215-605-7931 if you would like to learn more about POWER. ST. VINCENT’S LEARNING LAB "Did you know that 1 in 5 Philadelphians struggle with basic reading tasks, and 50% lack the literacy skills required for many family-sustaining jobs in today's workforce?” (Excel Philadelphia, 2009). Become a tutor at Community Learning Center at St. Vincent's and become part of the solution! Now recruiting volunteers to begin in November. Hours: Tues. or Thurs., 9 - 11:30 am or 1 - 3:30pm. or 267-463-2306 x 1 SAVE THE DATE: Beef n Beer to benefit The DePaul Catholic School - Friday, Nov. 21 at the Commodore Barry Irish Club...more details to come… FOOD CUPBOARD We will be distributing Thanksgiving baskets to needy families. We would appreciate your donations of frozen turkeys and non-perishable foods. Call Evelyn Rogers at 215-438-1514. FACE TO FACE NEEDS TURKEYS! Once again Face to Face is preparing for the more than 200 men, women, and children we expect will join us on Thanksgiving Day for a holiday meal. Please consider dropping off cooked and sliced turkey at the Parish Hall on Wednesday, or Thursday, November 26 or 27 between 9-12pm. Your generosity is very much appreciated. DEPAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL CORNER Teaching Religion at DePaul with Ms. Theresa Evans, 1st grade Ms. Evans thinks Religion is the “basis for helping kids grow up and be conscientious global citizens”. She wants to help the students think about how their faith calls them to help others. Her message is “God loves you, so you need to love others.” and she sees how the little ones are very open to caring for others. Ms. Evans also loves to help the children celebrate many Holy Days and does special celebrations for Our Lady of Guadalupe, Advent, St. Nicholas Day… focusing on the Spirit of Generosity. You can see some photos of the children celebrating Our Lady of Guadelupe on our St. Vincent’s Facebook page in the album section and more school photos on The DePaul Catholic School Facebook page. St. Vincent De Paul Parish Registration Form Thanks for being here! If you would like to become an ACTIVE member of St. Vincent De Paul Parish (full-time or part-time), we invite you to complete the Parish Registration form below Date ______________ Envelope Number_________ Office use only Name_______________ _______ _______________ Last First Address_____________________________________ City______________________State_____ Zip_______ Date of Birth________Home phone:______________ Cell number__________________________________ Email_______________________________________ Full Name and relationship of all resident family members: _________________DOB________Relationship________ _________________DOB________Relationship________ _________________DOB________Relationship________ _________________DOB________Relationship________ Have you received the Sacraments? ( ) Baptism, ( ) Confirmation, ( ) First Communion, ( ) Marriage Are you interested in ( ) Liturgical Ministry ( ) Service Ministry What gifts do you bring to St. Vincent de Paul? Can you sing, lector, teach, pray…. --------------------_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Please place completed form in the Offertory basket or send to the parish office & someone will contact you. …………………………………………………………………………………………. .. Bulletin Deadline Mondays by noon: email to St. Vincent de Paul Church Electronic Donation Authorization ES6255 Thank you for considering donations to St. Vincent de Paul electronically via your bank account. Please complete this form, so we can set things up for you. If you have any questions, call Kitty at 215-438-2925 x229 Date __________ Electronic Type: Envelope Number_________ New ___ Change ___ Name_______________ _______ _______________ Last First Address_______________________________ City__________________State___ Zip______ Telephone #____________________________ Cell #__________________________________ Email__________________________________ Date of 1st Donation____________________ Amount of donation $_________________ Frequency: Monthly on the 1st______ Monthly on the 15th_____ Weekly (every Monday)_____ Bi-Weekly (every other Monday)____ Bank Routing Number _____________________ Account Number_________________________ Please debit my checking account per attached voided check. If you wish to debit your savings account, please contact your bank for routing number and provide account number. I authorize the above organization to process debit entries to my bank account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization Authorized Signature and Date ____________________________ ________________ What if you are M Alone and have an One Push of a Button can Prntort Ynii frnm Pmprnonriot Emergency? olic Cruises and Tours ni Home and Amy! • Medical • Fails • Fire • Burglary Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. CatholicMatch* UFElVorchUSA Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, PEaSONAL CARING SEBVtCE SiNCE 1980 Brian or Sally, coordinators 'Tro never alone You're never alone with Lifewatch! wittiLIFEWdtch.'! 888.290.8871 - D i c k Van P a t t e n N E W ROOFS I REPAIRS ! N E W P O R C H ROOFS as low as ' HOT COATING $250.00 as low —as ' ' IBHaBCyiliillllTEE FBEEESTIITES 2I5M6425" as low as qjttntiM IS-USA . £jt^ Enjoy All Your Favorite Songs & Hymns Anytime, Aimvhere F R A N K LUBISKY Memb€(otResijrfea'm Hwriwf PMIIJiS Pennsylvania an Official Travel Fravel Aoi Agency of AOS-fJ Treasuresi, - $195.00 as low as 860.399.1785 mUNION ROOFING $695.00 1 $95,001 1 Serving NJ, PA & DE Feasts 6 Seasons ' W o r s h i p HYTTinsfiSongs • Praise & Honor 2l5f427:1727 62 Classics on 4 Disk Box Set Now Available! Shipped Directly to Tour Home Cit^Uj tt2Q Plusshlpping,handling, V / l l l y v P O y . y i J and applicable saks tax .WATERBROOFINfiiCQl Jii T orCaU 1-800-566-6150 S>< Please Cut Out This "Thank You Ad" and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisen > tic L o n g - T e r m C > Price Guarantee Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish M through their sponsorship of the parish mivr www.morgonbosenienlwalerproofi g^fel NATIONWIDE i 215.639.8500 CmCKOUTOmREVmOH: A f i g i ^ i i s t ^M^. PROTECTING SENIORS $19.95 1 FREE MO mil firm i w I WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Classics for... French Drains/Sump Pumps FREE INSPECTION SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT bulletin. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 1 am patronizing your business because of it! Easily access your parish's latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. ating with B B B Jesus Their contribution allows parish bulletin TOLLTRK: communication to be free of charge AtoZ for your parish. Support them by taking Mictiaei O'Neill McGralli,OSFS advantage of the services they provide. < A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 0 0 7 1 9 9 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each«SpecialOffer-2for $25.1 800-566-6150 ^ i/cc/foaifie drimeiHif tnome "'^!r^^«'l"!,"';5," J o h n B..Mcllvaine 1937-2002 j . B o y d M c l i v a i n e F.D. J . B o y d Mclivaine Jr. Supv. / ^ ^ - ^ ^ t/iC 3711 M i d v a l e A v e , East Falls 911068 St Vincent De Paul Church ^ - ^ Goftt/iiffitifff ^ Jt/tov ^ i ^ /S'gO ^ G u s DIStefano, Associate ZTS-Oa^-U^TT Handicapped Accessible 6 Y Pre-Arrangements Welcome For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., inc. 1-800-524-0263 PETITIONS FOR NOVEMBER 8-9, 2014 Inspired by Ezekiel's vision of the river of life flowing from the Temple, we pray that a river of love, forgiveness and compassion would flow continually from our parish. Let us pray to the Lord. ~~ We remember those loved ones and parish members who have died. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed find eternal rest and may the living, in faith, even now experience that rest. Let us pray to the Lord. Ignite in each of us present here today a burning zeal for justice. Embolden us. Lord, to take a stand where necessary. Let us pray to the Lord. We pray for the edifice that is the Catholic Church. May she grow ever more in the image of Christ. Let us pray to the Lord. We lift up all the ministries of our parish, as well as the ministers, each of whom choose to do good in Christ's name by serving, teaching, donating and praying. Let us pray to the Lord. ANNOUNCEMENTS N O V E M B E R 8^*^ & 9^^ N e w and improved St. Vincent's W e b s i t e coming soon at the beginning of Advent. Photos and videos needed for the St. Vincent website! W e need pictures and videos or any other media related to St. Vincent Church, both old and new. T h e y can be attached to an email and sent to 1 0 8 5 5 0 3 8 7 0 9 6 7 7 9 Q 8 3 1 1 2 . S a i n t V @ p i c a s a w e b . c o m . Please provide a short description of the picture or video on the Subject Line of your email. Thanks. Martin D e Porres Celebration. This afternoon at 3:00 P M . Bus will leave here at 1:30 P M . Pastoral Council m e e t s this Tuesday at 7:00 P M . Electronic Giving. W e would like to encourage you to consider "electronic giving". T h e r e is an application form on the cover of the Bulletin. It's simple! It's easy! It helps keep our church financially solid. If you have any questions please call Kitty or ask a finance council member. Thanksgiving is Thursday, N o v e m b e r 27^^ Please start your Thanksgiving by giving Thanks to God at our 10 A M M a s s . Deacon Bradley - H e a d of the Office of African American Ministries will be coming to visit us the first Sunday of Advent ( N o v e m b e r 2 9 &. 3 0 ) . After each service. H e will be available to tell us a little about the office and to hear concerns. W o r l d Meeting of Family N e x t w e e k e n d w e will have m o r e information for you on h o w to register for the W o r l d Meeting of Families. 1. You do not need to go to the Conference to go see Pope Francis 2. The Archdiocese is looking for m a n y volunteers to help at the W o r l d Meeting and the Pope's Visit. Ail volunteers will need clearance forms. 3. T h e Archdiocese is also looking for "Host Families" w h e r e you can be m a t c h e d with a family needing housing as they c o m e to Philadelphia. -KnJ]; liVllq I TllLUilO ~v>/f[n]/t.-(il— N O V E N A SERVICES S C H E D U L E B Monday, November 17 and 24 7:00 A M Novena Prayers and Mass 9:00 A M , * 12:05 P M , * and 7:30 P M Novena Prayers, Mass, and Sermon 2, 3, 4 , 5, a n d 6 : 3 0 P M Novena Prayers, Sermon, and Benediction s Tuesday, Wednesday, November and 7:00 A M Novena Prayers and Mass 9:00 A M , * 12:05 P M , * and 7:00 P M Novena Prayers, Mass, and Sermon 2:00 P M Novena Prayers, Sermon, and Benediction s Friday and Saturday, 7:00 A M November 21 and 22 Novena Prayers and Mass 9:00 A M , * * 12:05 PM,** and 5:00 P M Novena Prayers, Mass, and Sermon Friday Only: 2 : 0 0 P M s Sunday, November Novena Prayers, Sermon, and Benediction 23 9:00 A M * * and 12:05 P M * * ONLY >%rj Thursday, 18, 19, 20, and 25 Novena Prayers, Mass, and Sermon * Streamed LIVE at Archived services on YouTube. * *Coffee and refreshments will be served following the Saturday and Sunday 9:00 AM and 12:05 PM Masses in the Lower Shrine area. Sacrament Available of Reconciliation at all Masses and Services Monday, November 1 7 [Confessions) on the following days: Thursday, November 2 0 Monday, N o v e m b e r 2 4 )lemn Novena Theme le Hail Mary: Prayer of Angels, Saints, and Sinners Neachen Rev. Michael Whaien, C M )nday, Nov. 17: Hail Mary isday, N o v . 1 8 : Full of Grace dnesday, Nov. 19: The Lord Is with You jrsday, N o v 2 0 : Blessed are You Among Women day, Nov. 2 1 : And Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, Jesus :urday, Nov. 2 2 : Holy Mary iday, N o v 2 3 : Mother of God nday, Nov. 2 4 : Pray for Us Sinners, Now sday Nov. 2 5 : And at the Hour of Our Death, AMEN Join These Special Groups As They Pay Homage to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal a These Novenas are for the intentions of: Monday, Nov. 17: Priests, Seminarians, and Religious Men and Women Tuesday, Nov. 18: Public Seivants: Police, Firefighters, and EMTs Wednesday, Nov. 19: U.S. Veterans and Military Personnel Thursday, Nov. 2 0 : Catholic Educators Friday, Nov. 2 1 : Seniors (each service will have "Anointing of the Sick" Saturday, Nov. 2 2 : Catholic Medical Professionals: Doctors, Nurses, and Technicians Sunday, Nov. 2 3 : Monday, Nov. 2 4 : Tuesday, Nov. 2 5 : Vincentian and Novena Families: All Who Attend Vincentian Parishes and the Monday Novenas (Past and Present Devotees) Catholic Societies/Organizations: Knights of Columbus, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, and many more Catholic Lawyers and Business Professionals r ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH CALLED TO PROPHETIC ACTION St. Vincent de Paul Church will be partnering with another New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia congregation to support a family that has asked for sanctuary. Giving sanctuary to someone is both sacred and scary. We do it only because of the grave harm that " deportation is causing to immigrant families. It is a prophetic action of civil disobedience that is necessary at this point in time in order to draw attention to the injustice and harm of deportation. We encourage individual members of St. Vincent de Paul Church to volunteer their services to support the sanctuary family. Read the reverse of this sheet for a general idea of what we are about and then, if you feel so moved, sign up on the Sanctuary Sign-up sheet. St. Vincent de Paul parish will not be available to give sanctuary to someone but we can be supportive as a church and as individuals. Join us in this venture in the spirit of Christ's peace and justice. If you have questions, talk to us or even contact Director Peter Pedemonti (215279-7060). r Sanctuary 2014 Leadership of those in Sanctuary Immigrants in Sanctuary are the leaders of this movement. Those taking Sanctuary are putting everything on the line and are often risking a great deal for the benefit of the larger movement; their leadership, their voice, their opinions and wisdom should be prioritized at all times. Sanctuary is hard work and requires great sacrifice - i f at any time a family wishes to leave Sanctuary, their wishes should be respected and celebrated. i; f I j I |, I — What are the logistics of Sanctuary? Living Arrangements Ideally, the family w i l l have space on the grounds of the house of worship that will not be used for any other purpose for the duration of Sanctuary. They should be encouraged to arrange the room in whatever way they would like and to make it as much like home as they can. Easy access to showers, bathrooms, and a kitchen should be considered in designating a space for the family (sometimes showers will need to be configured in some way for those locations without permanent showers). Because the entire purpose of declaring Sanctuary is to keep a family together, the entire family is invited to stay at the house of worship. While the individual living in Sanctuary does not leave the premises, the family comes and goes as they choose. At times the family can become overwhelmed by visitors and media. They should be encouraged to establish whatever boundaries they need. It is the practice of immigration officials and law enforcement agencies to respect the sanctity of houses of worship by not coming on their property for the purpose of apprehending an individual who has an order of deportation. That being said, it is a good practice to always have someone at the house of worship with the person who is in sanctuary, even at night. This accompaniment is important in a volatile political climate where protestors may show up. But more than that, it is a comfort for the family to know they are not alone. Legal Questions Everyone always wants to know - are we breaking the law? Law is a lot like scripture - its up to your interpretation. There is a law against bringing in and harboring persons not authorized to be in the U.S. Whether .^^^ we are harboring someone is up for interpretation. Some courts have interpreted harboring to require ^~Ux>ttcdalment of a person, when we declare Sanctuary for an individual we are bringing them into the light of the community, not concealing them in the dark of secrecy. Other courts have interpreted harboring to be simple sheltering. The other reality is that immigration officials know that i f they went into a house of worship to arrest a pastor they would have a public relations nightmare on their hands. To date no one has ever been ( arrested for offering Sanctuary. ' [ Community Support Families living in Sanctuary are often in need of support in a multitude of different ways. Most importantly they need the support of our friendship - so plan game nights, hang out with them, do what you can to make them feel at home and a part of your congregational family. It is also important that they are able to retain some normalcy as a family - this can often be done by enabling them to cook for themselves. You may find that congregation members will want to show their love and support by bringing food, which may be helpful a few nights a week, but it is important that the family is able to care for themselves and control as much as possible in a situation that is very much out of their control. Instead of bringing meals, encourage people to bring food that they can cook with. All NSM members and congregations will support the family and host congregation in providing Sanctuary. Untitled Document Please consider giving to this worthy cause. For those who may not know Dave...he and his wife, Maryann are long time members of St. Vincent's and Dave serves on our Parish Pastoral Council Dear St Vincent family and friends, For the past year, I have served as Principal at Pastorius Elementary – Mastery Charter. The school is a first-year turnaround and the experience has been an incredible journey. We opened our doors for students on August 28, 2013 – the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Students, families, and staff have begun the hard work of turning around Pastorius – from an underperforming school to a world-class school. For example, only 16% of 6th graders passed the PSSA state Reading test in the 2012-13 school year. This past year, 42% of that same group of children passed the 7th grade Reading test. Nice progress, but still miles to go. We need your support to sustain this growth. Our students are starving for new books. Luckily, we have a gorgeous library space, but no books. When we received the keys to the building, the books had been removed. We need high-interest books to captivate our students imaginations and inspire them to read. Will you stand with me to promote child literacy with a donation of $25 today? A $25 donation will provide six books for our library. Help us fill our 250 shelves with books by following the steps below: 1. Click here 2. Select “Pastorius Elementary” 3. Enter amount With your support, we can make Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream a reality. Please consider forwarding this plea for help on to others. THANK YOU! Sincerely, Dave David McDonough Principal Pastorius Mastery Charter School 267.228.0888 file:////HOME-A1BB4F19E5/SharedDocs/shared%20data/stv/dmcd%20library%20appeal.html[8/14/2014 4:51:58 PM] TRIPS TO ATLANTIC CITY Rally's casino and Tangiers Outlet November 15, 2014, Ticket Price $$30.00 Return $$ from Casino $20.00 Please bring ID.. Leaving from 5124 Greene Street Phila,Pa 19144 Saturday November 15, 2014 Leave, 9am Promptly return 6pm S.B.B St Katberine Alumni Call: Shirley Forrest, 215 843 2342 Diane PoUentz, 215 843 2133 Carol Holloway 215 421 5538 Mission Sunday October 26,2014 at Saint Vincent's Church 11 am Mass 109 E.Price St, Phila,Pa Hoping that you can come to our events To help the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. Donald Wliyte, President DEPAUL USA'S ' 'MU UKe '^one Saturday, November 8, 2014 Welcome and thank you for attending Depaul USA's 2014 Feels Like Home Fall Gala in honor of Rev. Bernard M. Tracey, CM. Fr. Tracey has touched all of our lives at Depaul USA, especially those who struggle with poverty and homelessness, with kindness and generosity. During the past five years, his leadership has been a guiding force as Depaul USA expands its services into a national response to homelessness. Fr. Tracey exemplifies the Vincentian Values and, like St. Vincent de Paul, is a man of action and works tirelessly to help the poorest of the poor. We are grateful to Fr. Tracey for all that he has done to support Depaul USA's work to bring real solutions to those facing homelessness. "My involvement with Depaul USA has been a fulfillment of vision and mission uniting people in the desire to help one another in creating a better future." Rev. Bernard M. Tracey, CM Depaul USA Board of Directors Bernard M. Tracey, CM Sr. Martha Beaudoin, DC Kathryn McBrearty Gerhardt Dr. Bon S. Ku Sr. Jean Maher, DC Gary Musolf Larry Pearlman Curtis J. Tarver Deeni Taylor Harry J. Williamson Charles Levesque, Executive Director The Vincentian Community at St. John's University's Rev. John B. Murray C M House In the Spirit of their Founder St. Vincent DePaul Extend heartfelt congratulations to our Vincentian confrere Rev. Bernard M. Tracey, C M In honor of your dedicated leadership as Board Chairman of Depaul USA and upon receipt of "The Chdtillon Award" Rev. Peter J. Albano, C M Rev. Stephen C. Bicsko, C M Rev. Henry M . Bradbury, C M Rev. Michael J. Callaghan, C M Rev. Joseph V. Daly, C M Rev. James F. Dorr, C M Rev. Patrick S. Flanagan, C M Rev. John B. Freund, C M Rev. Patrick J. Griffin, C M Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C M Rev. John A . Kettelberger, C M Rev. Peter H . Le, C M Rev Cregorius Nugroho, C M Rev. Gemechu Y. Raga, C M Rev. Richard J. Rock, C M Rev. Astor L. Rodriguez, C M Rev. Slawek Szucki, C M Rev. Cirmay A . Tesfay, C M Rev. Michael D. Whalen, C M Rev. Marcin Wrobel, C M 1 r Special Thanks to our Donors and Sponsors Who Have Generously Contributed to the "Feels Like Home" 2014 Fall Gala in honor of Rev. Bernard M. Tracey, CM Our Donors Ann Baiada Sr. Martha Beaudoin, DC Jane Bonner Dominic Cameron Claire Dukes Victor and Gail Gartenstein Sr. Georgette Gavioli Ralph Glaser Mary Ellen Graham Emily and Howard Greenberg Mark and Jane Greenberg Suzi and Bruce Halpin John Keeler Bruce Koegler Candace Lerario James and Jerri McGovern John Moran Margaret Niedda Louis Rosner Paul Standeven Judy and Roger van Allen Regina Vogelsong Mary Elaine and Bob Weber Our Sponsors Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms Christina Kind Bob Lankin Elliott Lewis Corporation SEI St. Vincent's Seminary van Ameringen Foundation Vincentian Community Williamson Hospitality Services, Inc. Many Thanks to Our 2014 Gala Committee Members Sr. Martha Beaudoin, DC Mike Clark Lynn Giordano Alice Guarino Maureen McCarthy Larry Pearlman Peggy Robertson Liz Wilson Elliott-Lewis 'Kfffitmv You C m DfftmdOu' M I C H A E L R. S T E P N O W S K I SFRVICC MANAGTR ZaOO BLACK LAKE PLACE. >tQ«M«M9<«<« com VMM* atioOhNm com MSA USA 5725 Sprague Street, Philadelphia, PA 19138 Phone: (215) 438-1955 Our A Prager for the World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015 Visitffl- God and Father o f us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family o f the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part o f the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example o f the Holy Family, with the aid o f your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes o f communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! WorldMceting201.S.orc) World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015
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