November 2014 PRAYER VERSE "And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything, and may provide in abundance for every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:8) Sort and separate food Sunday 11/16/14 (right after church) Put baskets together on Friday 11/21/14 (potluck lunch and then assemble baskets) Deliver baskets on Saturday 11/22/14 (10 am) If you can, please join us in this very rewarding experience. Messiah's Soup-er Saturday's Pies! Pies! Pies! by Rhonda Eastland Holiday pies for Habitat will be for sale in the narthex after each Sunday service, Oct 26th, Nov 2nd, 9th, 16th or call Rhonda Eastland 585-301-0934. Pies are from Kelly's Farm Market in Hilton. 10 inch, 4.5 lb. pies are made from scratch without preservatives and freeze nicely. Apple Crumb $16, Apple Raspberry $16, Pumpkin $16, Christmas Crumb (apple, cranberry and pineapple) $16, Apple Crisp $12. Order by Sunday, Nov 16th. Pick up at church Tues. Nov. 25th between 1pm-6pm. Proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity. Thanksgiving Baskets by Ed Orlando Just a reminder we are putting together 45 Thanksgiving baskets this year and the following is our time table: Finish collecting food by Sunday 11/16/14 by Joanne Ligtenberg We are really excited about this new ministry at Messiah and are looking forward to our first Soup-er Saturday to be held on December 6th from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in our Fellowship Hall. FREE soup and sandwiches will be served to both our Messiah family and people in the surrounding community. Sound like kind of a big task? Well with so many of God's willing hands to help out it won't be. There are a variety of tasks and I'm sure that there is something for you. We will need hosts/hostesses both by the outside door and the downstairs door as well as table hosts/hostesses. People for set up, clean up, cooks, kitchen helpers, waitresses, drink pourers, smiley faces -- all will be needed. We will be asking for food donations and monetary donations as well as your donations of time. There will be signup sheets near the coffee table, so check it out. After all, many hands make light work! Page 2 The Herald It is my prayer that this focus has been a blessing to you as we anticipate another year of God’s presence among us in this place. Dear Friends, Thanks to those of you who have already turned in your time and talent sheets as well as your pledge cards. Your prayerful reflection on God’s blessings on your life and how you in turn will respond through the use of your time, talent and treasure is very much appreciated. Peace Pastor Aileen by Sandy Moncrief We worship a God who has indeed blessed us richly with every good thing. In this season I am incredibly thankful for the leadership of this congregation, the staff who serves faithfully and the many ministers who proclaim Christ crucified and risen in both word and deed. I am also thankful for the work of the stewardship team under the direction of Wayne Reabold. These incredible folks meet for months in advance to thoughtfully plan out a program that invites us to consider stewardship as a way of life grounded in the blessings of the God who created us, the sacrifice of Christ who redeems us and the Spirit who inspires us to works that bless the world. (I don’t often single out folks for thanks, but Wayne completes his term as Stewardship chair this year and he’s done a great job!) October 2, 2014: This year as we have explored Stewardship as love we have been invited to reflect on the love of Christ in our lives as well as the love that we have received in this place. Every time we bring a child to the font, we are reminded that at one time the Body of Christ promised to pray for us and care for us. The Body of Christ in this place continues to do so for one another in more ways than I can count over the course of a year. Welcomed Seminarian Lori Nickoloff! Stewardship Campaign October 19 November 9; theme: Stewardship Is About Love. Conference Fall Assembly November 1st, 9:00 am - Noon at Messiah, attended by five Hub members and Pastor Aileen - to include discussion of conference visioning, networking. Joint Advent music presented by choirs from Messiah and Concord on December 14th - 10:00 am at Messiah, 4:00 pm at Concord. 2015 budget planning in process by all ministry teams. Great joy among Sunday School children and teachers! Congregational study of book “Unbinding the Gospel” this fall and in January. Youth Gathering July 2015 in Detroit congregational support needed, financial and other. Soup and sandwich lunches for church and community on first Saturday of each month, December through April - possibly more often depending upon response - lots of opportunities for congregational assistance. Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes due November 23rd. Hub meeting dates: Thursday, November 6, 6:30 pm regular meeting; Retreat Saturday, November 8th, 9:30 am The Herald Page 3 President’s Letter In a recent conversation, a friend shared the value of the support they have received in a twelve step program. Sponsors in twelve step programs have their own personal experience with addiction that motivates them to help others. They understand the importance of helping others following the same path. As Christians, do we feel the urgency and importance to help others find and live a life with Christ? God calls us to share the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, not only as a duty but as a joy, to help others find the peace that we each enjoy in relationship with God. Currently many of us are studying “Unbinding the Gospel” to reflect on the impact of the Gospel in our own lives and become more comfortable in describing the importance and impact of our relationship with God. Reflecting on God’s grace in our own lives is also a powerful motivation to encourage others in their own relationship with God. As we plan for 2015, a small group has been meeting to pray for our planning process. As anticipated, they are hearing from God and discerning a message of peace about the coming year. They are also experiencing the tremendous power and encouragement of sharing with each other God’s revelation in prayer. Our health as a congregation is based on our relationships with God and with each other. I pray that as we wind down the church year and prepare for Advent, we will each seek out ways to grow in our relationships with God and with each other through worship, study, and service. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Heb. 10:24) In Christ’s peace, Julie Gerstenberger Worship, Service, Education, Social Editors: Connie Trombley - Sue Orlando by Sandy Moncrief WORSHIP VISION STATEMENT Gathered as a community of God’s children, celebrating our redemption through the cross of Christ, with hearts and minds open to hear God’s word, we anticipate a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit. We know God is alive and among us, engaging us, and speaking to us whenever we lift our voices together in praise. Through our enthusiastic participation in music, liturgy, prayer, and sacraments we create a place where people are comfortable to express the full range of human emotion. We recognize that God is responding with comfort, encouragement, reassurance, forgiveness, blessing, challenge, excitement, hope, power, inspiration, and relationship empowering us to carry the good news of the Gospel into the world. STRATEGIC GOALS 1. Create a sacred space leading to a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit 2. Increase participation in worship by providing ways to make disciples of all ages more comfortable in worship leadership roles 3. Equip our disciples with a language and spirit to carry the Gospel story from the Sanctuary into the world The meeting of the Worship Planning Team took place late in October. We continued discussion of worship for the Christmas Season and Epiphany. Fall worship has been amazing so far!! The Fall Festival outdoor service was wonderful - Page 4 thanks especially to the Reach Out Team, Pastor Aileen, Willie, and our musicians! New folks are participating in worship - which is terrific! - and there is a most enthusiastic group of children each week for Pastor’s Children’s Message! At the October Hub meeting, it was told that there is so much joy among our children in worship - from the Children’s Message to Sunday School to returning to the service for Holy Communion! How great is that!! Thanks to all who make this possible!!! As the Fall progresses, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday on November 2nd, Christ the King on November 23rd (the last Sunday of the Church Year), and Thanksgiving Day on November 27th at 10:00 am - details may be found elsewhere in this newsletter about Thanksgiving Day. The Season of Advent begins on Sunday, November 30th. Advent is the season just before Christmas - a season of hope, of anticipation, of preparation, of waiting. A very special musical presentation will be given on the Third Sunday in Advent, December 14th. Choirs from Messiah and Concord will join together to present Advent music at Messiah at 10:00 am and at Concord at 4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome and invited to both of these Advent celebrations! Hanging of the Greens will be the Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 21st. Watch for details of this and all the special worship opportunities to be offered in the next weeks! Thanks to everyone for your continued support of Messiah Lutheran Church through your presence at worship and other activities. Your comments and ideas are always welcome and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to let me or Pastor Aileen know of your questions or concerns! We are a team! We need you!! See you in church! The Herald Faith Formation by Pastor Mary Johnson Sunday Evening Small Groups: New Groups in November A new round of groups will be starting in November. Stay tuned for more information. You will be able to sign up in the narthex (cube wall) or just show up any Sunday evening at 6:45 pm. Come at 6:00 pm for supper, too, if you’d like. New participants are always welcome. Have you read a book that’s changed your life? Would you like to share it with others? If it is faith or Bible-based, and can be read and discussed in 6 weeks, it might make for a great small group. Contact Pastor Aileen or Mary Johnson (225-1259 or for more information, or if you feel called to explore this opportunity. Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study by Larry Dennis Sunday Morning Adult Education: We continue to explore "What's So Amazing About Grace" with a video and study guide, including bible study and personal sharing/reflection, authored by Philip Yancey. It's easy to join in at any time. The group is very good about sharing what we have learned, are experiencing and how we see GRACE present in our lives and, more importantly, how we can share that grace in our daily lives. We meet in the conference room 8:45-9:30 am Sunday mornings. For info/inquiries/questions, contact Larry Dennis @ or 225-7250. Hope to see you soon. The Herald Page 5 JUST A THOUGHT Men‘s Breakfast by Gary Cantleberry Environmental Challenges Protecting our environment is the topic for the November 8th men’s breakfast. Genesee Valley Audubon Society’s June Summers will highlight environmental challenges facing Western New York. All men in the community are welcome to join us for breakfast at 8:30 am in the fellowship hall. November’s menu is Dijon eggs, link sausage, fried apples, and pumpkin chocolate cake. For meal planning please, please help by letting us know you plan to attend by signing up on the activities board or by calling the church office. We hope you will be able to join us on the 8th. For more information about the men’s breakfast group, visit the Messiah website at The group is listed under the Fellowship tab. Women’s Breakfast by Joanne Ligtenberg Women's Breakfast & Bible Study Saturday November 15 from 8:30 - 10:00 am in the Conference Room Our Bible Study "Jesus, Divine and Human" will meet once again in November in the Conference Room and it will be great to see you all again. Don't forget to invite your friends to join us. Even if they haven't come before, we'd love to have them. Joanne Ligtenberg will facilitate the meeting and bring the food for a light breakfast. See you there! A Thanksgiving Prayer: Oh God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry. When I have work, help me to remember the jobless. When I have a warm home, help me to remember the homeless. When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer. And remembering, help me to destroy my complacency and bestir my compassion. Make me concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. Samuel F. Pugh Service: by John Corman (phone: 225-6393 or email: The SERVICE MINISTRY VISION We are all God’s children. At Messiah, we will endeavor to be God’s hands and feet, serving all of his people. Using our God given gifts, with thoughtful prayer, commitment, and generosity, we will provide a variety of services to meet the needs of the community. There are lots of activities coming up in November. Please see the communications board to sign up or to learn more details. Also, be sure to look in the Herald for more in-depth articles. For questions, please contact me (John Corman) or the project leader. On November 2nd, we’ll be serving the Sunday evening meal to the RIT students attending their Sunday evening service. This year Pr. Justin Johnson has agreed to take the chaplain job at RIT for LECM. (Lutheran and Episcopal Campus Ministries) If you remember when he was at Messiah, this would be a perfect opportunity to reconnect with him. This year, Lutheran Campus Ministries has combined with the Episcopal Campus Ministry to form the Lutheran and Episcopal Campus Ministries (LECM). Page 6 The Coat Drive, Thanksgiving Baskets, and Feed My Starving Children programs were all kicked-off in October. The Coat drive will continue through November 23rd, but the sooner you turn in your unneeded winter clothes, the sooner they can be used by someone else. The Thanksgiving Baskets will be assembled on Friday Nov. 21st and delivered on Saturday, Nov. 22nd. On those same dates, meals will be assembled for the Feed My Starving Children program. Also in November, Larry Dennis will be starting Operation Christmas Child, and the Angel Tree will be going up. On Friday, December 5, Messiah will be hosting a Red Cross Blood drive. Your help and blood donation will be greatly appreciated! May everyone have a joyous & blessed Thanksgiving! Two Doors Community Resource Center by John Corman (phone: 225-6393 or email: The Two Doors’ school year is off to a great start! And Two Doors would really like to accept more students. However, another teacher/site coordinator is needed and more volunteer tutors are also needed. If you are interested or know of anyone who might be interested, please contact either John Corman or Megan Bourque at Two Doors, 663-8936. Two Doors has a great program that complements the Greece School District and provides assistance that isn’t always available in the school or at home. As one parent said “The one-on-one homework assistance has been a huge benefit for my son.” Two Doors Community Resource Center – “Reaching Out to Kids” The Herald Financial Report by Scott Bourque Below is the financial report for the month of September 2014. General Fund Financial Report September, 2014 Year to Date Income $20,847 Income $237,666 Expense $26,542 Expense $234,718 Change in Change in Cash Flow -$5,695 Cash Flow $2,948 Stewardship Report by Wayne Reabold This year’s Stewardship Campaign, “Stewardship is about Love,” began on October 19th and will conclude on commitment Sunday, November 9th. We have again included an individual time and talent report which lists those ministries that you are either actively participating in or have participated in in the past. We are asking that you review, update and return this report on the 9th. There are many opportunities available at Messiah, all of which welcome new members; so if you are interested in joining a new ministry, please include your wishes on the report and a member of that ministry will be contacting you shortly. During the campaign we have been presenting messages related to stewardship in the sermons, temple talks, hymns and bulletin inserts. We have presented a similar message to our children since they should also share in the joys of stewardship and helping others. We are hopeful that the messages presented during the campaign will be helpful in assisting you in prayerfully considering your commitments to Messiah. We are facing a difficult challenge, but with everyone’s help and sup- The Herald port we can meet this challenge and move forward in sharing God’s message. Our members continue to share their time, talents and treasures in helping the church, the community and the world. We are very proud of this generosity and thank you! Reach Out by Joanne Ligtenberg Our Vision We extend Christ's love by reaching out with open arms and hearts. We joyfully welcome all people into fellowship, service and Christian worship. Called to be Christ-like disciples we support each other and care for all people. Inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit, we serve all in daily life. The "Unbinding the Gospel" study has begun and I hope that many of you signed up to participate. If you missed out on the October studies, they will be offered again in January with different leaders so be sure to sign up then as you won't want to miss it. Not a convenient time? Check with Pastor Aileen or me and we may be able to meet your time request. On the first Saturday in December which is December 6th we will be hosting Messiah’s Soup-er Saturday’s FREE Lunch. This will be available to the congregation and the community from 11:30am - 1:00pm. There will be a sign-up sheet on the cube wall so that we have an idea of how many people from our congregation will be coming and then we will plan above that number for those coming from the community. Since this is a first time event for us we really don't know how many will attend, but if you do know of someone from the community that is coming, feel free to put their name down as well. This will be followed up by luncheons on the first Saturday of January, February, March and April - what we anticipate being the "cold" months of the year. Page 7 If you would like to help out on a Saturday please let me know or sign up in the narthex. This idea came from the Reach Out team but it will need many hands to make it work and we are looking at it as a new Ministry at Messiah. There will be signup sheets in our coffee area for many of the tasks as well as opportunities for food and monetary donations. We plan to do all the cooking at church. Because we do have a licensed kitchen we do not need to go to Monroe County for a "food handler" certificate although Maer Rivera will be doing a short seminar for anyone that is planning to work in the kitchen. This will be held on Friday Nov. 7th from 12:00 – 12:45 pm in the kitchen. Check the cube wall for a signup sheet. Once again the Reach Out Team would like to touch base with all our college age youth and young adults at Christmas time so we are asking that you contact the church office via the insert or email Cathy with that information. Feed My Starving Children by Pam Nicholls (719) 237-7155 The Mobile Pack date has been scheduled! It will be held the weekend before Thanksgiving at Lakeshore Community Church. Messiah members can participate in this event in three ways: 1) Groups and individuals age 5 and up can sign up (form on the communications board) for their desired session. 2) M&M's candy tubes are available on the shelf under the communications board. Just take one home, eat the candy, fill it with quarters and return by November 16. Give to Pam Nicholls or place in the designated box on the shelf under the communications board. 3) Pray, pray, pray for all the starving children in the world, and for God to bless the work of our hands as we pack full nutrition meals. Page 8 The Herald Packing sessions are as follows: Friday, 11/21, 7:15 pm – 9:30 pm Saturday, 11/22 8:15 am – 10:30 am; 10:45 am – 1:00 pm; 1:15 pm – 3:30 pm Contact Pam Nicholls for more information. Angel Tree Ministry Once again it is the time of year when Messiah Lutheran Church partners with Greece Ele-mentary Schools to provide a little extra joy for local families in need. Gift requests for up to $25.00 or so are submitted to us for students and their families. These may be for clothing, household goods, toys, etc. God’s love is showered on the recipients and the donors alike. As in the past, the gifts will be given at a party held in Messiah’s Fellowship Hall in December. The Angel Tree will be set up in the Narthex with gift requests attached by Thanksgiving. Gifts are due back beneath the tree in early December. See the Sunday bulletin and the Advent issue of the Herald for exact dates and times. Musical Musings by Willie LaFavor As the days grow shorter and the nights grow colder, chorister’s minds turn to one thought—what will the cantata be this December? This year Messiah will be sharing the cantata with Concord Lutheran Church. We will be doing 5-6 anthems, interspersed with Advent readings and congregational hymn singing. Anthems we will be doing include “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” by Gustav Holst and “And the Glory of the Lord” by G. F. Handel. The cantata will be given on December 14 at the 10:00 am service at Messiah, and at 4:00 pm on the same day at Concord. Please mark this date on your calendar for a glorious day of music making! If you would like to join the choir for the cantata, we will be rehearsing at the following times: • • • • November 5, 8:15-9:00 pm November 12, 8:15-9:00 pm November 19, 8:15-9:00 pm December 3, 8:15-9:00 pm (joint rehearsal with Concord) • December 10, 8:15-9:00 pm (joint rehearsal with Concord) All rehearsals will take place at Messiah unless otherwise announced. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me for more information. If you have been thinking about joining the choir, remember that singing in the choir is not only "heart healthy", but its "soul healthy" as well. There are no monthly membership fees, and it's a lot easier on the knees than jogging! I found this on the internet, so I know it’s true. I’ll see you in the choir! Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child by Larry Dennis We have been blessed with a modest grant from Thrivent Financial to help us increase our participation in Satmaritan Purse's Operaion Christmas Child. Some of us will act as a "Thrivent Action Team" to involve the Children's Sunday School, the Youth Group, the confirmands, families, and adults in the drive to collect and pack shoeboxes with the message of Jesus Christ and quality gifts to be sent overseas to needy children. Many individuals and families have packed shoeboxes independently in past years. That is GREAT and encouraged. We invite those who have packed and those who haven't yet to join in this drive to increase the number of packed shoeboxes we The Herald deliver to the local collection site to be distributed this Christmas. To do this, we will be having the Sunday School and anyone interested bring in appropriate gifts to stuff in the shoeboxes (non-liquid health items, school supplies, small toys, accessories like hair bands or sunglasses) on November 2nd and 16th. We will also collect completed boxes anytime. Members of the Action Team will shop for other gifts to supplement the collection effort using part of the grant money. We will then come together in a celebration get-together to pack the remaining boxes and compose personal notes/cards for inclusion in the boxes. We will watch videos about how and where the boxes go once they leave our fellowship hall and share in the excited reactions as children receive them overseas. SAVE the DATE: Thrivent Action Team/OCC Celebration Packing Party Intergenerational Event (TATOCCPPIE): After church Sunday, November 23rd at 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. There will be pizza, drinks, and ice cream. Sign-up sheet for the party will be on the bulletin board Nov 2nd. For information, questions or to volunteer to be part of the team, contact Larry or Sue Dennis, 225-7250 or Winter Gear Ministry By Judy Merritt-Speed Our annual winter gear drive began in October and we are off to a great start. There are so many deserving folks in our community that are in need of good warm outer clothing to ward off our icy New York winter weather. As in the past, all donations of new or gently used winter gear are welcome. 2014 is the fourth year of this ministry and it has grown beyond expectations, thanks to the generosity of our Messiah members. This year’s drive will continue through Page 9 Sunday, November 23rd. Any questions, please contact Judy Merritt-Speed, the coordinator of this ministry, at 441-9186. Please join the members of Erna’s Hope Beading Group to make teal beaded bracelets which help support women newly diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. These bracelets fund the comfort bags containing practical and comfort items for the women. We meet monthly, the 3rd Friday at 6:30 pm in the Conference Room at Messiah. Our next meeting is Fri., Nov. 21st. Contact Kathleen Stellrecht, 865-6941 for further information. Creative Hands by Susan Orlando If you like to knit or crochet or would like to learn, come and join the Creative Hands group. There is great fellowship going on while our hands are busy. We have a great time and we laugh a lot. We meet on the second Tuesday of every month from September through May. The next meeting will be on November 25 at the home of Susan Orlando, 25 Brook Forest Path. See the bulletin for more information as the date gets near. Quintessential Quotes I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand. I can do no other, so help me God. Amen Martin Luther (1483-1546) Page 10 The Herald The Messiah-Announce E-mail List We have established an e-mail list for Messiah disciples who would like to keep up with all the news via e-mail. This e-mail list is for announcements only. No chit-chat, No Spam. To subscribe: Go go http:// /messiah-annonce and follow the directions. PRESTO, You’re signed up. Messiah Lutheran Church Online Messiah’s Website Messiah On Facebook and click the “Like” button. We also have a group on Facebook, called Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church at Messiah On Twitter Do you tweet? There are a lot of ELCA resources on Twitter, and we are one of them. Follow MessiahRoc on Twitter and keep up! Messiah at CafePress We have a store at CafePress. You can buy a beautiful car cup for your morning coffee, a mug, a tote and any number of shirts with Messiah’s logo or our Walking Our Talk logo on them. Looking for a good gift? Check us out at: Messiah on Google Places 507/about give us a +1 and write a review! Hub Member John Corman Julie Gerstenberger Joanne Ligtenberg Sandy McLellan Sandy Moncrief Pastor Mary Johnson Scott Bourque Vicki Robinson Question? Call Vicki Robinson at 621-6466 or If you have any articles or information to submit to The Herald, you may email to: Or, you may fill out the new Article Submission form and leave it in The Herald mailbox #21 The Herald Team Editors Design Editor: Matthew Robbins Section Editors: Susan Orlando & Connie Trombley Proof Reader: Ed Orlando Assemblers Elsie Burke, Jinny Coe, Donna Hedstrom, Joyce King, Jean Nelson, Judy Merritt-Speed Maer Rivera, Kathleen Stellrecht, Royal Stellrecht, Dottie Krause, Rhonda Eastland, Gerry Snow and Vanessa Solveson Position Service President Reach Out Property Worship Faith Formation Finance and Stewardship Communication Email Address The Herald Page 11 Page 12 Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church 4301 Mount Read Boulevard Rochester, New York 14616 ADDRESS SERVICES REQUESTED The Herald Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Rochester, New York PERMIT NO. 1818
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