M the essiah essenger ...to gather, nourish and send disciples to bless and love the world. A monthly publication of Messiah Lutheran Church • ELCA • Knoxville • TN ••• Volume 58 ••• November 2014 60th Anniversary Organ Concert Sunday, Nov. 9 4:00 PM FEATURING John Brock, Organist All Saints’ Sunday Sunday, November 2 On All Saints’ Sunday, we celebrate the truth that we are all saints by virtue of God’s gift signified in the waters of baptism. Historically, this day is also a time set aside to give thanks for the saints who have gone before us. We give thanks for the examples of faithful living that the saints have given us as they walked the Way through life. We give thanks, too, for the fullness of eternal life of which the saints of God now partake, and which we are promised to fully enjoy one day. In remembrance of those saints who have died during the year since All Saints’ Sunday last, we will pray aloud their names during worship. This All Saints’ Sunday, we also invite you to bring a picture of a beloved “saint” (family members who are now deceased and at rest) as a sign of remembrance and thanksgiving. You may place the picture on display in the narthex as you arrive for worship. Give thanks for saints of ages past and saints alive today: though often by this world despised, their hearts by God are richly prized. Give thanks that we may say we share their pilgrim way. - elw 428 Celebrating playing on Messiah’s two manual, 25 rank, mechanical action Andover Organ John Brock will present a concert of organ music including pieces by Bach; pieces based on hymns by Martin Luther; pieces based on Southern folk hymns; a movement by Louis Vierne, and a short piece for pedals only. All are invited to a reception in the fellowship hall immediately following the concert. Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014 Worship 8:30 & 11:00 AM Receiving of New Members Annual Meeting 9:45 AM see pages 13-17. 60 Years of Ministry September 2014 - May 2015 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 Down! As christians, stewardship is our way of life. Everything we are, everything we have, everything we do is given back to God. Not, mind you, in order to score points with God or to win God’s approval. Being good stewards of what God has first given us is the way we respond to God and to God’s faithfulness to us. That is, we respond with our whole lives. Set! OMAHA! Hut! With this meaningful understanding of stewardship in mind, this year at Messiah we are electing not to receive financial pledge cards. We trust that you know that it takes money for Messiah Lutheran Church to be faithfully engaged in mission in our community. And we trust that you will give and give generously in response to God and in support of the mission to which we are called. We also trust that you know it takes time, willing volunteers, and a variety of talents to do all that God is calling us to do. Here also, we know you will be generous with your time and talents. Pastor Eric L. Murray, Senior Pastor If you are a fan of former UT Vol, current Denver Bronco QB Peyton Manning, then you know about his tendency to use the word “Omaha” as part of his snap count. Asked about what it means, Manning had this to say: I’ve had a lot of people ask me what ‘Omaha’ means,”…“It’s a run play, but it could be a pass play, or a play-action pass, depending on a couple of things. The wind, which way we’re going, the quarter and the jerseys we’re wearing. It varies from play to play. 1 God trusts it, too. And God doesn’t need a pledge card to confirm it. God just needs us, living our lives together in response to God’s love, letting God use us to usher in the kingdom. Of course Manning was having fun with the media. The truth is “Omaha” doesn’t mean a thing. So, what do you say? Shall we redeem that non-word, “stewardship” and once again make it meaningful? If so, then “Down! Set! STEWARDSHIP! Hut!” Oh, “Omaha” is intended for a purpose. What purpose? No one is quite sure. Likely it’s the signal that the real snap count is about to begin. But, Manning uses it so often and in so many ways that it has become a non-word. “Omaha” has lost its meaning. Alive together in Christ, Like Manning’s “Omaha,” I think the church’s word “stewardship” has also lost its meaning. It is said so often, and mostly in reference to financial giving, that we no longer hear it. Stewardship has become a non-word when it comes to many of us in the church. Or, at the very least, it has lost its original meaning. ____________________________ “Top 8 Things Peyton Manning Should Shout Out Besides ‘Omaha’”, (CBS Denver), September 25, 2014 http://denver.cbslocal. com/2014/09/25/top-8-things-peyton-manning-should-shout-outbesides-omaha/ 1 2 Mark Allan Powell, Giving to God: The Bible’s Good News about Living a Generous Life, (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2006), xii-xiii. In his book, Giving to God: The Bible’s Good News about Living a Generous Life, New Testament scholar, Mark Allan Powell seeks to redeem the original meaning of “stewardship”. He writes: …Stewardship is not fund-raising. It is a way of life…It is about turning total control of our lives over to God. It is about taking seriously the words that we so easily pray: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” When we pray, “Thy kingdom come,” we ask God to rule our lives. When we pray, “Thy will be done,” we ask for what God wants to happen in our lives to take place—already, now, on earth as in heaven…Stewardship is about giving [everything, our whole life] to God. 2 the Messiah Messenger Deadline is the 15th of each month Your contributions and suggestions are welcomed. The editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. Messenger Staff Thinking of it that way, the word “stewardship” is full of meaning. Far from being insignificant or being just about money, stewardship encompasses everything. Editor: Kristin Kennedy Proofreader: Lois Sherman Church Office Hours Monday through Thursday — 8:30 am–5:00 pm Friday hours vary. 2 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 NEW! Church Directory App Member Inquiry Class & Lunch Below are instructions for downloading and installing Messiah’s NEW! Church Directory app. If you do not have access to the internet, please call Kristin in the church office (588-9753) and she will provide you a printed copy. Sunday, Nov.16 12:15 PM If you are considering membership with Messiah, please join us on Sunday, Nov. 16 at 12:15 pm in the fellowship hall for a pizza lunch and an opportunity to meet other prospective members; to learn more about Messiah and its ministries; and to ask questions related to Messiah. When you use the new app for the first time, please check your own information for accuracy and notify Kristin of any corrections or updates (588-9753; office@messiahknoxville.org.) Instructions for downloading & installing app 1. Go to your App or Play Store as applicable and search for “Instant Church Directory.” 2.Click on install and accept the requirements to download. 3.After downloading, open the app. 4.After opening, you will come to a password request screen. 5.You will be required to enter an email address in order to have access to the directory. The email address must already be in the directory as this is how the directory assures that only authorized individuals have access. If we do not have an email address for you, you will not be able to use this app. All email addresses given to us should be in the directory. If the directory will not accept your email address, then let Ray Phillippi (247-1689) or Kristin (588-9753) know so that it can be corrected. 6.Click on “request password.” A password will be sent to your email address and the sign-in screen will appear. 7.Enter your email address and the password to open up the directory. 8.The password that you will be given will be device specific. If you put the directory on more than one device, you will need to get separate passwords for each device. Record the password somewhere in case you need it in the future. The app is set up so that you do not sign-out of it. When you are done simply go to your home screen (click on your home screen button if you have one) instead of signing-out. This way when you click on the directory icon it will always open up without requiring an email address and password. If you do sign-out, you will be required to enter the device specific password or request a new one in order to open the directory. For more information or to RSVP, contact Pastor Eric (pastoreric@messiahknoxville.org or 865-588-9753, ext. 11.) New member-disciples will be received into membership during worship services on Christ the King Sunday, Nov. 23. Annual Meeting - Part 1 Sunday, Nov. 23 - 9:45 am in the church fellowship hall agenda • Election of Council Members • Approval of Mission Funding Plan for 2015 3 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 60th Anniversary Celebrating Days of Prayer 60 Years Every Tuesday of Ministry Members, friends and family of Messiah are invited to spend dedicated time in prayer for Messiah each Tuesday. This can be done in the comfort of your own home or at the church at one of three prayer times. Every Tuesday: Days of Prayer… See opposite column for details. • Morning Prayer. Community prayer service in the Chapel Narthex from 7:00 - 7:30 am. On All Saints’ Sunday, Nov. 2, Bring your pictures of beloved “saints” (family members who are now deceased and at rest.) We will place the pictures on display in the narthex. Then, following the 11:00 am worship service, Mary Sophia Hawks, our parish nurse, will host a Lunch & Learn event on grief and how to survive the holidays. • Midday Prayer. The Chapel Narthex will be open for individual prayer and meditation. Just come in during your lunch break. • Evening Prayer. Spend time in individual prayer and meditation in the Chapel Narthex between 5:00 and 7:00 pm. Doors will be open. You can stop on your way home from work or on your way to your next engagement. Sunday, Nov. 9, John Brock will present a 60th Anniversary Organ Concert at 4:00 PM. November 23 is Christ the King Sunday and also our annual meeting. New members will be received during both worship services. Saturday, Dec. 6, is the Conference 6 Mission Gathering which will be hosted here at Messiah Lutheran Church. Churches from around East Tennessee will be welcomed as we gather to hear from keynoter, The Reverend Dr. Mary Sue Dreier, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Missional Leadership at LTSS. Activities will include worship, keynote addresses, workshops, lunch, and fellowship. Theology Pub Sunday, Dec. 7, is our official 60th Anniversary Celebration. We will gather for one joint worship service at 10:00 am with Dr. Dreier serving as our guest preacher. An anniversary luncheon will follow. Thursday, November 20 7:00-9:00 PM Theology Pub is an informal gathering of Messiah members and friends who gather to discuss culture and faith in a PUBlic setting. We invite you to join us for any and all activities and events surrounding Messiah’s 60th anniversary This month we will meet Thursday, Nov. 20, from 7:00-9:00 pm at a location to be announced. celebration. > 4 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 DISCIPLE We believe discipleship and the faith formation of all generations is central to our purpose as a congregation and we hold in very high regard the development of faithful children, youth, adults, and families. Adult Sunday School: Two classes offered this Fall Pericope Partners Wednesdays 9:00 AM Sundays mornings in the fellowship hall pe•ric•o•pe (puh-rik´-oh-pee) An extract or selection from a book, especially a reading from a Scripture that forms part of a church service. This is a refreshing new take on what the Bible is, how it came to be, and how we read it today. Featuring short video introductions by Phyllis Tickle, Rachel Held Evans, Will Willimon, Nadia Bolz-Weber, and others, Animate: Bible will give us an overview of topics such as Canon, History, Genre, Gospels, etc. Please join our pastors for study and discovery of the upcoming Sunday texts—every Wednesday at 9:00 am. Whether you have never opened a Bible before; have an extensive theological background; or are somewhere in between, you are welcome to join this group. You will be amazed at how exploring Sunday’s text(s) will enhance your worship experience. This class is facilitated by Pastors Pauline and Eric. Join the class on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am in the fellowship hall. Join us in the church library and get ready to be amazed by what the scripture reveals! A Graceful Life: Lutheran Spirituality for Today Sunday mornings in the church library Spirituality, according to author, Bradley Hanson, is made of the attitudes, convictions, and practices that give a definite shape to religious faith. In A Graceful Life, Hanson looks at the special elements of Lutheran spirituality and recommends practices that nurture a vital spirituality. After all, he asserts, spirituality is experiential and practical, for it concerns the specific forms by which faith is expressed and nurtured. Wednesdays on the Way meets November 5, 12 & 19 6:00–7:30 PM If you don’t know much about Lutheranism, this class facilitated by Ben Pearson is a perfect way to “get your feet wet,” exploring key Lutheran ideas in a hands-on, practical way. For the life-long Lutheran, this class will provide an opportunity to think about Lutheran ideas in a fresh new way and to consider their continuing relevance in the modern world. Book Group Monday, Nov. 17 - 7:00-9:00 PM Messiah’s Book Group will meet Nov. 17 at 7:00 pm in the church library. There are no rules. You can come and join the discussion even if you have not read the book. This month’s book is The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Valerie Biberdorf will lead the discussion. The book is available for purchase on Amazon and other major online book sellers. • Nov. 2 – Hanson, Ch. 5: “Meeting God in Physical Symbols” • Nov. 9 - Hanson, Ch. 6: “Christian Spirituality and the Church” and Ch. 7 - “Church Traditions” • Nov. 16 – Hanson, Ch. 8: “Service in Daily Life” • Nov. 23 - Annual Meeting Part I • Nov. 30 - Hanson, Ch. 9: “Taking Stock” 5 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 Mark your calendars for… Youth Sunday School Youth Sunday School meets on the lower level in the Youth Room. Join Ms. Nikki and Ms. Angela as we learn about the Bible. November Fish Pantry item is… …SOUP Please pray for Messiah Youth—Rylie Miller, Emma Liner and Anna Murray—who will be attending the AllTennessee Youth Gathering on Nov. 8-9. As part of the Messiah Youth SERVE efforts, we make a donation each month to Messiah’s food pantry. Of course, all are welcome to join us in this effort. This is a great and easy way to serve and love our neighbors in need. Cross Generational Event Our pantry serves 30 family units. These units range from 1-12 people in one home. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. Donations may be left on the Collection Center located in the fellowship hall. Sunday, Nov. 16 during the Sunday School Hour (9:45 AM) Come and create an Advent calendar with your family. Supplies will be available for all to use. Service Project for the children of Messiah In celebration of Messiah’s 60th anniversary, the children of Messiah will be collecting used toys, bikes, books, puzzles, games, etc. for the Holiday Bureau in Oak Ridge. The Holiday Bureau repairs, cleans, paints, and restores used toys (they even replace missing pieces!) and distributes them to low income families in Anderson County so they have something to give their children for Christmas. 2015 National Youth Gathering Detroit, Michigan July 15-19, 2015 Open to upcoming 9th graders through 2015 graduating seniors This is an opportunity for the children of Messiah to give something of their own, get their play areas clean, and enrich other children’s lives at the same time! You may bring your toys to the designated area in the 2nd-5th grade Sunday School room. Coordinator: Jenny Adams (675-2424) For more information contact Cheryl Miller. 865-740-2198 busyfamily247@gmail.com 6 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 The WELCA logo—with the cross, water and a white lily—identifies women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as children of God; baptized, forgiven, adopted into God’s family, full of grace and hope in eternal life. It is a reminder of the growth, beauty, and vitality that rises out of that life-giving baptismal water. It is also a reminder of the mission of the church to “Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). WELCA Morning Bible Study Cook Book Monday, Nov. 3 at 10:00 AM Location: Church Library Messiah’s 60th Anniversary Cook Book will be available to order on Nov. 8 and will arrive by Dec. 7. We thank you for your contributions and look forward to having a new cook book. A portion of the proceeds will be given to Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in support of a seminary student. Transforming Life and Faith is the title for the 2014–15 Bible Study. The Bible Study is found in the November issue of Gather magazine. A copy is available in the library. We invite you to join us. WELCA Convention News WELCA Book Study Group Anne Welch was our delegate to the 27th annual SE Synod Convention in Chattanooga. “Transformed through Faith” was the theme for a weekend of worship, workshops and guest speakers. There were 125 in attendance. Bishop Julian Gordy and Pastor Lesley Radius were worship leaders on Sunday, Sept. 21. Attendees also heard presentations from Pastor Morgan Gordy about disaster response and preparedness, Mary Ellen Galloway from Family Promise in Chattanooga, and Barbara Weinhold spoke about “spiritual gifts.” A full report is available on the WELCA bulletin board. Thanks to Anne for representing Messiah WELCA. Monday, Nov. 3 at 11:00 AM (following Bible Study) Location: Church Library We invite you to bring your lunch and join us for a continued discussion of the October book selection, Unbroken by Laura Hildebrand(who also wrote Seabiscuit). It is a powerful story of a Second World War American who was a Japanese prison camp survivor and the redemption after his liberation. The book is available in the local library and on Kindle. For more information, contact Illy Wood, 256-0584 Holiday Market Saturday, November 8, 2014 The Next Door Welcome Basket Holiday Market will feature guest vendors, WELCA table of crafts,Bake Sale, LWR Table and Rahab’s Rope. Please check the bulletin board to volunteer for opportunities to serve. Our designated charity will be The Next Door Transitional Center which opened February 2010. The Next Door serves up to 14 women from Knoxville and contiguous counties to find hope and help as they rebuild their lives following incarceration. We are collecting items for cosmetic bags that will be gifted to the women who are living at The Next Door. Suggested items are makeup and other health and beauty products, razors, shampoo/conditioner, deodorants, lotions, tampons/ pads, socks, etc. The gifts will be presented at the Advent Tea on Dec. 8. Donations are needed by Dec. 1. Wild Women Weekend 2015 at Lutheridge We are invited to attend one of the Wild Women Weekends at Lutheridge in Arden, NC. There are several dates to choose from in February and March. The weekends offer a unique opportunity of gathering with other wild women of faith from across the Southeast. The theme chosen is “Centering Prayer” and is led by Pastor Mary Canniff-Kuhn. There is small group time, storytelling, crafts, singing and more. If you are interested in getting a group together, contact Anne Tinker for more information. Wee Care Saturday, Nov. 22 at 9:30 AM Location: Lower Level Conference Room We received a note from the Neonatal Unit at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital who are most appreciative of the gowns which they use for neonates who do not survive. A nurse writes, “It really makes it better for the parents at this painful time to have a nice handmade gown for their infant. Sometimes this is the only time they see their infant with clothing, so to have these memories are precious for the families.” If you would like to join our group, we invite you to come on Saturday morning. There are ladies who are willing to teach us the process of smocking. Looking Ahead: Advent Tea December 8, 2014 A representative from The Next Door will talk about their program and we will have special music by John Fox. After the service, we will reveal our Secret Prayer Sisters and enjoy fellowship and refreshment. Online Magazine Café is an online magazine for young adult women. In its 10th year, it is a resource for young women who want to talk about their lives and their faith. It is available at www.boldcafe.org. 7 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 WORSHIP We believe worshipping God is central to what we do. We lift up traditional Lutheran liturgy as the best way for this community to worship. Listen to Messiah sermons via podcast on iTunes You can find available podcasts by going to the iTunes store and searching for Messiah Lutheran Church. You will see the icon shown here. Click on it and it will give you a listing of available podcast sermons. Worship and music practitioners (ordained and lay, professional or volunteer, anyone who cares and is curious about worship) are invited to Atlanta to listen to one another, to join our voices in worship and song, and to be renewed in our calling to be God’s living voice today. Tuesday Morning Prayer • Participants will be exposed to a wide variety of worship practices and perspectives in this church, broadening their palette of possibilities within their own worshiping community. Need a great way to start your day? Or a mid-week break and refresher? • Participants will network with others across the church, finding energy and renewal in singing, worshiping, and learning together. Join us Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am for a brief service of morning prayer. • On the final day, participants will contribute information and ideas to help shape the immediate future of worship renewal in this church, returning home to share what they experienced and, perhaps, find ways to extend the experience to others in their corner of the church. From 7:00-7:30 am we join in the liturgy of matins, listen to scripture and then offer intercessory prayer. Join us every Tuesday morning in the Chapel Narthex. Exciting program and worship plans are developing and will be added to the website as they are confirmed. Check back regularly to learn more about the plans being made for you. An advance glimpse of some dynamic presenters not yet on the website, includes: Nadia Bolz-Weber, Stephanie Burke, Clayton Faulkner, Paul Hoffmann, Gordon Lathrop, Gail Ramshaw, Jonathan Rundman, Clay Schmitt, and more. This jubilee will assist you in crafting plans for observing the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation with your community in 2017. To begin planning your budget for next year, registration fees have recently been added to the website. We are happy to announce that partial payments can be made this year to help spread the expense out over two budget years. See the Registration section of the website for information. Official registration will open later in the fall. | www.LivingVoice2015.org. 8 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 CARE We believe that caring for one another during the milestones of life is integral in forming and sustaining this faith community. We welcome newcomers into this community as if they have been here all their lives. OWLs Lunch & Learn: Surviving the Holidays (OLDER WISER LUTHERANS) All Saints’ Day Sunday, Nov. 2 - 12:15 PM November Gathering In keeping with All Saints’ Day, we will share a program called Surviving the Holidays. The church will provide lunch for this “Lunch and Learn.” Thursday, November 20 – 12:00 NooN Thanksgiving and Christmas music will be on the menu this month. Messiah OWL’s will enjoy a catered lunch together and then be serenaded by The Forever Young Singers from the John T. O’Connor Senior Center. Our own Larry & Chris Warren are members of this ensemble of about 18 singers. The Singers are accompanied and directed by Jean Osborne. Holidays are always difficult after the loss of a loved one. This program provides help, resources and new ideas for coping. Please feel free to invite family and friends to come with you. We pray that these programs will allow our Messiah family to grieve and comfort one another. As God said in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you.” On this month’s lunch menu are lasagna and fruit salad with pumpkin roll for dessert. All seniors and “wannabe” seniors are invited! Please RSVP to Doris Featherston if you plan to attend (363-6675; djfeather@comcast.net). Upcoming OWLs luncheons Messiah’s Older Wiser Lutherans meet on the third Thursday of each month at noon. All older (and not so older), wiser (or maybe not so wise), Lutherans (or non-Lutherans) are welcome! Coming up: • December 18 - OWLs Christmas Party, singing carols, playing a silly game, and collecting gifts for children in need. • January 15 - lunch at the Sherrill Hills Retirement Community. Please plan to join the fun! 9 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 SERVE We believe we should intentionally reach out to our local and global community to do God’s work in the world. We do this through direct service by members, by giving our resources to those less fortunate, and by our membership in the ELCA. KARM Boxes of Hope Project It is time to fill the Thanksgiving Baskets of Hope for KARM. In the third quarter of 2014, the generosity of those from Messiah Lutheran Church resulted in 33 donations to KARM Stores, which helped provide 780 meals to guests at Knox Area Rescue Ministries. Because of your donations, Messiah will receive $80 in KARM gift cards to share with our neighbors in need—thereby helping more people. KARM’s Baskets of Hope provide families in need with a complete Thanksgiving dinner for up to six people. This year KARM expects as many as 1,200 families to seek assistance in providing Thanksgiving dinner for their families. Boxes will be distributed to recipients the weekend before Thanksgiving. With the help of its church partners, KARM has provided 9,000 meals at Knox Area Rescue Ministries over the past three months. The sign-up and information sheets are available in the Narthex through Nov. 9. The cost of buying the canned goods is $20 plus a $10 donation for the purchase of a turkey. (Make your checks out to KARM.) You can be a part of these successes by participating in the Corners of Your Field program. It’s simple. Just drop off your gently-used clothing and household items at any KARM store. Tell them you are a member of church partner Messiah Lutheran Church. They will give you a receipt for your own tax purposes and credit the donation to Messiah. They quarterly tally the donations and send us KARM gift cards—which we, in turn, share with our neighbors in need. We are hoping to fill 60 baskets for Messiah’s 60th anniversary! If you have questions, contact Mary Ellen Whitson (865-693-3619; mewhitson75@att.net.) If you have large donations, you can request a pick-up at karmstores.com or by calling 865-521-0770. Pumpkin Patch proceeds will be disbursed as folllows: Need a hostess gift or stocking stuffer? • 25% to Messiah Youth (for 2015 National Youth Gathering trip) http://www.elca.org/YouthGathering • 25% to Beardsley Community Farm of Knoxville (will be matched by Thrivent) http://beardsleyfarm.org/about/ • 50% to Augusta Victoria Hospital (a Lutheran World Federation facility in Palestine http://lwfjerusalem.org/projects/avh/) How about a gift from our Equal Exchange Boutique? Like this $10.00 idea... Equal Exchange coffee and organic chocolate — who wouldn’t love it? And it doesn’t hurt that it connects justice and consumerism…Ho!Ho!Ho! Check out our boutique in the fellowship hall to see what’s new! Watch the December Messenger for final totals. 10 The Messiah Messenger Member News & Notes November 2014 GORDON BURGHARDT was the speaker before the UT/AL game on October 25. UT faculty members usually provide an educational program several hours before the football games begin. We invite you to share items of interest and noteworthy news in this column. Submit information to Lois Sherman or send to: office@messiahknoxville.org PASTOR PAULINE FARRINGTON-PEZZINO is a member of the Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Leadership Class of 2015. Participants in the program are selected based on their demonstrated community commitment and volunteerism. She was pictured in the October 26 Knoxville News-Sentinel. BOB and CATHY HUTCHINS recently returned from a twoweek trip to Italy, France, and the Isles along the French/Italian Riviera. After four days in Florence, Italy, they boarded a river boat for seven days cruising the French/Italian Rivieras After their arrival in Nice, France, they traveled to Cannes, France, for three days before returning home. There were many highlights during their trip, but a few include visiting Michelangelo’s David; spending a day in the Tuscany wine region with lunch in a countryside villa; a visit to the Island of Elba where Napoleon was exiled; a visit inside the Carrara marble quarries where Michelangelo spent long sessions selecting his marble; Monte Carlo; and Monaco. One unexpected experience was that the river boat encountered very rough seas during a dinner which sent food, dishes, and people out of control. Ed and NICK SHOEMAKER were pictured in the Bearden Shopper News on October 29. They were part of the entertainment for the Beardsley Community Farm celebration at the Harvest Festival on October 26. Ed was playing the guitar and Nick played the Nyckelharpa. Nick was taught to play on the keyed fiddle by his grandfather who was an instrument builder. A Farewell to Rachel & Andrew Lauber… RYLIE MILLER. daughter of CHERYL and ROGER MILLER, won Homecoming Queen honors at West High School on October 10, 2014. The homecoming queen was chosen by collecting the most canned food as well as monetary donations. It was donated to local charities—The Fish Hospitality Pantries and The Love Kitchen. Total proceeds from all the nominees for homecoming queen were $3,500 and 15,300 pounds of food. On November 1, we will be moving to the small city of Changnyeong, South Korea to teach at the Changnyeong English Village. We plan to be there for at least one year, teaching English to Korean students in a camp-like setting located about halfway between the very large cities of Daegu and Busan. The southeastern part of Korea, where we will be living, looks to be very beautiful -- hilly and verdant, much like East Tennessee! Neither of us have lived abroad or traveled to Asia, so we welcome your prayers for our continued well-being as we explore parts of the world that are completely foreign to us. For those who are interested, we plan to chronicle some of our adventures in blog form at laubersinkorea.blogspot.com. MARY BUSCH says that “you can go home again.” MARY and NORM attended the 150th Anniversary of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bellevue, Iowa, on Oct. 12. Mary’s parents were life long members there—her father for 83 years and her mother for 93 years. Mary and Norm were married in that same church 55 years ago. It was a very special day of praising God and thanksgiving for all the love He has shown with worship, music and smiling faces of old friends. Making the day even more unforgettable was the fact that Mary won a tie quilt made by the ladies of the church with a quilt rack made by a member of the church. The quilt had nine repeating squares with words such as love, joy, peace, goodness and faithfulness. A bible verse was under each word. Although we’ll miss many people and places in Knoxville, we are both in agreement that we’ll miss our church family at Messiah the most. We feel blessed to have been part of this community of faith and are continually impressed by its inclusive, thoughtful, and overall Christ-imitating behavior. Thank you for welcoming and supporting us, particularly as we progressed from dating to married life during our time at Messiah. We pray that God will continue to bless Messiah Lutheran Church with faithful leadership and devoted membership, and look forward to joining you again in worship one day. LARRY WARREN gave a slide presentation to the West Hills Ten O’Clock Garden Club in October about spring flowers in the Smoky Mountains. 11 Grace and peace, Rachel and Andrew Lauber The Messiah Messenger November 2014 Sept. 24, 2014 Celebrating in November… Thanks to all for the prayers, cards and phone calls. Birthday wishes to... Thanks to Doris and all the others who helped to provide the nice (and delicious) meal for my family after Bill’s funeral. Nov. 1 Bonnie Pederson Nov. 2 Linda Menasco Nov. 3 Lori West Malachi Cope (13) A very special thanks to Pastor Pauline and Mary Sophia. They were both there for both me and Bill the entire time and it meant so much. Also, the service was beautiful. Many thanks. Sincerely, Kay Keith Nov. 7 Wendy Valentine Nov. 8 Vickie Beckers Jake Miller Nov. 11 Burt Wagner Nov. 12 Cathy Hutchins David Wilson Nov. 13 Ray Osejo David Mnzava Raleigh Korth (7) Nov. 14 Michelle Wilson Rachel Lauber Thank you to everyone who supported me for homecoming queen at West High School with monetary contributions, food donations and prayers. I could not be part of a better church family. Rylie Miller Nov. 21 Charlotte Linge Anders Pearson (17) Nov. 22 Kim Vomfell Nov. 24 Meredith Liemohn Nov. 25 Christopher Wood (11) Nov. 16 Lauren Beckers (11) Nov. 18 Rick Christian Emma Liner (15) Nov. 20 Eric Murray Nov. 27 Scott Pederson Abigail Hammett (9) Nov. 30 Illy Wood Jon Dittrich Anne Driskill Ben Pearson To those who helped with John Schneiter’s funeral reception: Thank you so much for the wonderful reception following my dad’s funeral. Thanks also for all the kind words many of you shared with us about our dad that day. Your delicious food and expressions of sympathy were both a blessing and comfort to us. We appreciate your kindness, Happy anniversary to... Nov. 3 Robert & Sue Tobey (47) Marilyn & John Galyon (4) Nov. 7 Jay & Cathy Foster (72) Nov. 8 Bob & Lou James (46) Nov. 15 Ed Shoemaker & Paula Voss (34) Nov. 18 Tom & Connie Cole (42) Nov. 24 David & Chris Camp (41) Nov. 25 Norman & Doris Featherston (19) 12 Mary Rice & Jody Schneiter Hendrick 2015 PROPOSED MISSION FUNDING PLAN The Messiah Messenger Core Values by Percentage of Mission Funding Plan Worship Care Wider Church COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS 17% from meeting of October 21, 2014 Administration 27% 14% By Doris Featherston, Secretary 7% 8% 27% Disciple November 2014 Serve 2015 Mission Funding Plan Highlights Ray Phillippi, Business Manager 1. After no increase last year, sup• Finances for the month were good with income of $33,095 port for the wider church mission and expenses of $31,568. has been Core Values Narrative Mission Funding Plan increased by 6.2 percent over • Pumpkin sales have been very brisk and ahead of last year! this andLutheran the liturgy projected actual for $168,061 Worship: We believeboth worshipping God year’s is central to funding what we do. We plan lift up traditional Signing up on line has been working well and a savings asof the best way for this community to worship. Includes - Director of Music / Organist, Senior Pastor, the year. This isAttendant, driven by& Music a 4.8% increase in Synod MisAssociate Pastor, Administrative Assistant, Nursery Worship committee, Altar Guild, facilities, supplies and other. time for staffing the Patch. sion Support and smaller increases in support for World $166,862 Care: We believe that caring for one another during the milestones of life is integral in forming and sustaining this faith community. We welcome newcomers into this community as if they have been • The Mission Funding Plan for next year (2015) was preHunger and UT Ministry. here all their lives. Includes - Associate Pastor, ParishCampus Nurse, Senior Pastor, Administrative sented and approved. It will be available to be picked Assistant, up Congregational Care ministry, Elder Care oversight, OWLs, Fellowship, facilities, supplies and other. 2.Staff funding has been increased by 2.7% over this year’s two to three weeks prior to the annual meeting which $104,771 will Serve: We believe we should intentionally reach out to our local and global community to do God’s work in the world. We do this through direct service by members, by giving our resources to those funding plan. This increase is driven by a 3% increase in less fortunate, and by our membership in the ELCA. Includes: Associate Pastor, Senior Pastor, be held November 23 at 9:45 A.M. Administrative Assistant, Serve Strategies team, facilities, Benevolence team, OWLs care for non-clergy staff and a 14.9% increase in assistance, supplies compensation and other. • Council nominees approved for the ballot are as$ 84,430 follows: Disciple: We believethe discipleship andof the faith formation offor all generations is central to our purpose cost benefits the clergy. No increases were part as a congregation and we hold in very high regard the development of faithful children, youth, adults, Tom Cole, Ken Frye, Clint Kirk, Rachel Rushworth-Holand families. Includes: Minister of Faith Formation, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, Nursery of this year’s (2014) funding plan. Attendant, Children and Youth faith formation, Adult discipleship, library, Stewardship team, facilities, lander, Gus Wanner, Jennifer Schaefer, and Bob Hutchins. supplies and other. $ 51,927 Wider Church Mission Support: Includes synodical and churchwide mission ELCA World by 3.6% over this 3.The leadership support area hassupport, increased Those completing their term on Council on Dec. 31 are Hunger appeal, Tyson House Lutheran-Episcopal campus ministry, Bearden-Sequoyah United Ministries, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, synod assembly, synod leadership programs. year’s funding plan. However this is only a $100 increase Mike Driskill, Robin Hamilton, Jack Mundell and Mary $ 40,440 Administration: Includes: equipment, ofÞce supplies, insurance, postage, computer hardware and andcommunication, $200 less software, fees, electronic staff. than the actual for 2014. Williamson. $616,491 Mission Budget Total Mission Funding Plan 4.“Supplies and other” shows a significant decrease over 2014 plan, but a 2.3% increase over the projected actual for 2014, but again this is only a $324 increase. 5.There is virtually no change in facility expenses and the small increase is due to increases in property and workman’s comp insurance premiums. SEPTEMBER 2014 YTD Contributions................... $33,095................. $286,205 Expenses.............................. $31,568................. $292,200 6.Ministry support shows a 6% increase over the 2014 plan and a 71% increase over projected actual. This is primarily driven by a $4,125 increase in projected spending over 2014 actual for Children and Youth Faith Formation. Impact on Reserves.......... $1,527....................$(5,995) 7.The staff line for the OWLs program reflects the same changes as the staff line for General Mission Programs and Ministry Support shows no change from this year’s plan except for the shifting of some costs from one fund to another. 2014 CONGREGATION COUNCIL Mike Driskill, President Mary Williamson, Vice President Sandy Booher Doris Featherston Robin Hamilton Angela Kronau Dawn Liner 8.Overall, the 2015 plan calls for a 1.1% increase over the 2014 plan and a 8.9% increase over projected actual in spending, which would need to be supported by a 0.7% decrease in planned contributions and a 8.3% increase over projected actual 2014 income. Roger Miller Jack Mundell Alicia Pearson Craig Stewart Lori West 9.If we do not hire a Minister of Faith Formation, (even though that position is in the funding plan), then we would need to have increased giving by 2.5% in order to maintain, and slightly increase, current ministries and programs. Council Appointments Doris Featherston, Secretary Steve Hess, Treasurer Jon Toth, Financial Secretary 13 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 2015 PROPOSED MISSION FUNDING PLAN Core Values by Percentage of Mission Funding Plan Worship Care Wider Church Administration 17% Disciple Serve 27% 14% 7% 27% 8% Core Values Narrative Mission Funding Plan $168,061 Worship: We believe worshipping God is central to what we do. We lift up traditional Lutheran liturgy as the best way for this community to worship. Includes - Director of Music / Organist, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, Administrative Assistant, Nursery Attendant, Worship & Music committee, Altar Guild, facilities, supplies and other. $166,862 Care: We believe that caring for one another during the milestones of life is integral in forming and sustaining this faith community. We welcome newcomers into this community as if they have been here all their lives. Includes - Associate Pastor, Parish Nurse, Senior Pastor, Administrative Assistant, Congregational Care ministry, Elder Care oversight, OWLs, Fellowship, facilities, supplies and other. $104,771 Serve: We believe we should intentionally reach out to our local and global community to do God’s work in the world. We do this through direct service by members, by giving our resources to those less fortunate, and by our membership in the ELCA. Includes: Associate Pastor, Senior Pastor, Administrative Assistant, Serve Strategies team, facilities, Benevolence team, OWLs care assistance, supplies and other. $ 84,430 Disciple: We believe discipleship and the faith formation of all generations is central to our purpose as a congregation and we hold in very high regard the development of faithful children, youth, adults, and families. Includes: Minister of Faith Formation, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, Nursery Attendant, Children and Youth faith formation, Adult discipleship, library, Stewardship team, facilities, supplies and other. $ 51,927 Wider Church Mission Support: Includes synodical and churchwide mission support, ELCA World Hunger appeal, Tyson House Lutheran-Episcopal campus ministry, Bearden-Sequoyah United Ministries, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, synod assembly, synod leadership programs. $ 40,440 Administration: Includes: equipment, ofÞce supplies, insurance, postage, computer hardware and software, fees, electronic communication, staff. $616,491 Total Mission Funding Plan 14 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 NOMINEES FOR 2015 CONGREGATION COUNCIL At the Congregational Meeting to be held Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014, at 9:45 am in the church fellowship hall, you will receive a ballot listing the nominees whose photos and bios appear below. You will be asked to vote for 4 (four) nominees to fill three-year terms. Council members completing their terms on December 31, 2014, are Mike Driskill, Robin Hamilton, Jack Mundell, and Mary Williamson. Tom Cole Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, and graduated with a BS in Civil Engineering Technology in 1980. After college we lived and worked in Blacksburg but were not active in Church. In 1984 we moved to Salisbury, Maryland, and became active church members at Faith Lutheran Church. In 1989 we moved to Lynchburg, Virginia, and continued our faith journey as active members at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. In 2006, Gloria and I moved to Knoxville and luckily found our Church home at Messiah where we attend the 8:30 am service. I occasionally assist with usher duties, am a member of the Property Committee, and cook and serve at KARM with our Messiah family. I have served on the Church Council in both Salisbury and Lynchburg. I would be honored to serve on the Church Council here at Messiah. I joined Messiah with my family in 1957. My wife, Connie joined Messiah in 1972 a few weeks before we married. I am 64 years old. I have 2 grown daughters, Ellen Cole and Mary Williamson, both of whom are members of Messiah and both of whom have served on congregation council as has son-in-law, Jason Cole who is also a member of Messiah. I now have two grandchildren, Cole, age 2 1/2 and Magdalene, age 2 months. I have served on congregation council three or four terms, the last term being 1996–1998, if I recall correctly. I have been vice president of the congregation twice and president once, 1987-–1988. I have, at times, been a member of several congregation committees. I taught the high school Sunday School class for approximately 10 years and now I occasionally help as a leader for an adult Sunday School class. I have been a member of the Luther Choir for many years, serve as an Eucharistic Minister and also serve as a worship assistant in several roles. I have been a practicing attorney since 1975 and, yes, I plan to continue full time practice in the foreseeable future or until I win the Power Ball jackpot. My wife, however, is retired from Knox County Schools and is enjoying her retirement. I am a registered Professional Engineer in Virginia and work at the National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN. Bob Hutchins My name is Bob Hutchins. My wife, Cathy, and I have been members of Messiah since 2011. We are the parents of a daughter who lives in South Carolina and a son who lives in Knoxville, with a total of 6 grandchildren. I very much enjoy being a member of the Messiah family and serving as an usher/greeter and volunteering at KARM. Ken FRYE I am Ken Frye, have lived in Knoxville for eight years, and been a member of Messiah for about three years. My wife is Gloria Frye and both of our children, Nikki Frye and Cody Frye, also live in Knoxville. Gloria and I were high school sweethearts in Wytheville, Virginia. I grew up in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Wytheville and was active in various activities as a youth. Following my retirement from Weyerhaeuser Company, I found retirement becomes very busy. I am a member of the East Tennessee Veterans’ Honor Guard. We participate in many military funerals, as well as church and school activities revolving around the military holidays. I enjoy the outdoors in my free time – biking, hiking, kayaking, and also traveling. After high school I attended Wytheville Community College and graduated with an AAS. I transferred my credits to 15 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 • I adore all things Harry Potter, Disney, British television, attempting to keep plants alive in my garden, cold temperatures, and any kind of time with my family. All I can say about my time here at Messiah is that I continue to learn something and grow in some way each week - whether it be meeting a new acquaintance or the realization that the Narthex has two entrances! Every interaction I’ve had in this building has made me appreciate what a conscientious, kind, and active congregation we have, and it is also clear that it has a mindful purpose about where it has been and where it is headed. I am excited to share in any part of Messiah’s future and consider it quite an honor to even be nominated to help in such a way. CLINT KIRK Clint and Dawn, his wife of 8 years, have two children, Jackson (4) and Piper (1). Originally from Minnesota, Clint has lived in East Tennessee since he was in middle school. Clint attended Alcoa High School and the University of Tennessee. He now manages the bill-of-materials and costing data at Uster Technologies were he has worked for fourteen years. Clint has been a member here at Messiah since 2007. Jennifer Schaefer My name is Jennifer Schaefer. My husband and I have been members at Messiah since 2011. We came to Messiah after prayerfully searching for a congregation at which both of us felt at home, and our decision to join Messiah has been confirmed many times over as we continue on our faith journey. I grew up attending an evangelical church with my parents in Arkansas and later in Kentucky. I was baptized—immersed, because, of course, “real” baptism was only by immersion—at age 10 after worrying for years that my eternal soul would suffer damnation because I hadn’t been “saved.” There was no understanding of grace in my small fundamentalist denomination. After college I stopped attending church altogether. I didn’t really believe all I had been taught, but I wasn’t ready to give up on God altogether. I bounced around from here to there, never really finding a church that felt like home. When I found Messiah, I realized that church could be a place that people came to because they wanted to, not just for “fire insurance,” as Pastor Eric so succinctly puts it. I worked for Child Protective Services for 12 years and really loved my work, and now I am very fortunate to stay home with my family. Danny and I have three awesome children. Jessi Kay is a cheeky, affectionate 4-year old who thinks nothing of interrupting the Children’s Message to ask a totally unrelated question or make a non-sequitur remark. Tyler is a thoughtful 2-year-old who loves animals, cars, and sneaking into places he’s not supposed to be. Tyson is a fun-loving 2-year-old, and he enjoys singing and pulling all the baby wipes out of the container and unrolling toilet paper. Running after 3 kids under 5 makes me crazy but is more fun than I ever imagined! Rachel RushworthHollander I have to start out candidly and point out that my journey here at Messiah is still in its baby steps stage. My husband Chris and I found this church home after a long and exhaustive hunt in our first years of marriage, and I joined the church two years ago. Because I feel as if I meet a new person every week, here is a snapshot of me: • I am originally from Chattanooga, TN, and my entire family (including a perfect two year old niece and another on the way) still resides there. • My husband and I live in Louisville, TN, with our dog, Siry. • I graduated from Maryville College in 2008 where I played soccer and participated in a number of activities. I now serve as the president of the local alumni chapter. • I have taught high school English at Maryville High School since 2008. • I received my Masters in Education from UT in 2012. • I coach girls and boys high school soccer at Maryville High School. • My husband teaches math and coaches baseball at Knoxville Catholic High School. • I was a lifelong Presbyterian and Chris is Catholic – Messiah was a great mix! • I run and read about as much as I breathe in and out. • I write the member profiles for The Messenger, deliver flowers on certain Sundays, and have volunteered at the pumpkin patch for a few years 16 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 I love to sing, and have been fortunate to sing in the choir here. I also like running and can be frequently found pushing my (very heavy) triple jog stroller near Melton Hill Lake. I used to ride my bike a lot, but have been sidelined since the children arrived; I hope to start cycling again in the next few years. • Lord willing, I plan to continue my work as an electrical/ nuclear engineer in the foreseeable future. My hobbies and interests include hiking, swimming, digital photography, microbiology/optical microscopy, high-rail (e.g. Lionel) model railroading, listening to classical music and working with/designing sound reproduction /recording systems. • Messiah is very fortunate to have two outstanding pastors who preach God’s Word with wisdom and power. That preaching is the primary reason Carole and I became members of Messiah. I would be honored to support our Pastors and the mission of our Church as a member of the Messiah Congregation Council. GUS WANNER • Born and grew up in Chicago, IL. BS in Electrical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology. Officer in Navy Nuclear Power Program on USS Enterprise (nuclear powered aircraft carrier) during the Vietnam conflict. • Following naval service, began work for General Electric in San Jose, CA, where I met my wife Carole; we just celebrated our 39th anniversary. We have two children, Erika and Erin, both of whom have pharmacy Doctorates. Erin is married to Dr. Chris Lansing MD, currently practicing as a Hospitalist in Jefferson City, TN. Erika works as a Pharmacist in Cordova, TN. • Moved to Maryland in 1978 to begin work as a Project Engineer for the Link Division of the Singer Company building simulators for training of nuclear power plant licensed operators. • Member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church ELCA in Fulton, MD for 17 years. Member of the choir, served on Congregation Council as treasurer, served on committee to purchase a tracker-action organ, designed and installed a new church sound system. • In 1985, joined two colleagues to establish Exitech Corporation in Columbia, MD. Exitech provides consulting services to the nuclear industry and develops software for nuclear power plant system simulation. Decided to move the company to Maryville, TN, in 1995 due to the increasingly high cost of living in Maryland (one my partners is a TN native). • Moved to Knoxville in July 1995 and joined St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Farragut. Member of the choir, served on Vestry (equivalent to Congregation Council) as chairman of the property committee; designed and installed the church sound system. • Began worshipping regularly at Messiah in August 2013 and joined Messiah on Reformation Sunday 2013. Member of the Luther Choir and the Finance Committee. Annual Meeting - Part 1 Sunday, Nov. 23 - 9:45 am in the church fellowship hall agenda • Election of Council Members • Approval of Mission Funding Plan for 2015 17 The Messiah Messenger November 2014 Missional Communities: Joining God in the Neighborhood A Life Together Conference 6 Advent Gathering The popularity of the word “missional” has been on the rise over the last decade. But, what is it that we mean when we say “missional”? And, what does it look like to be a “missional community”? This gathering, for laity and rostered leaders of the Life Together Conference of the ELCA-Southeastern Synod, will explore the scriptural images for mission and the practical dimensions of being a “missional community”. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 9:30AM - 2:30PM Messiah Lutheran Church, Knoxville, TN Plan now to gather with your Life Together Conference in worship, fellowship and learning as we seek to “join God in the neighborhood”. Keynote: The Rev. Dr. Mary Sue Dreier, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Missional Leadership, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Cost: $15/person, includes program, refreshments and lunch. Childcare provided by request, in advance. Tentative Schedule: 9:30-10:00am - Check-in / Registration 10:00-10:30am - Morning Prayer 10:30-10:45am - Coffee Break 10:45-11:30am - Keynote 11:30-12:30pm - Workshops 12:30- 1:00pm - Lunch (provided) 1:00- 2:00pm - Keynote 2:00- 2:30pm - Conference 6 Business Meeting To register, complete registration and mail along with check made out to: Messiah Lutheran Church 6900 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919 or, RSVP by contacting Pastor Eric Murray at 865-588-9753, or pastoreric@messiahknoxville.org and bring payment along on Dec. 6. 18 NOVEMBER 2014 All Tennessee Youth Gathering St. John’s, Nashville All Tennessee Youth Gathering St. John’s, Nashville Please note that the church calendar is constantly being updated. For the most current information, please see the church calendar online by visiting our website http://www.messiahknoxville.org. Click on the Calendar tab. You will be able to navigate to other months. To submit a date for the calendar, please email Kristin in the church office office@messiahknoxville.org. the Messiah Messenger published monthly by Messiah Lutheran Church 6900 Kingston Pike Knoxville • TN • 37919 865•588•9753 • office@messiahknoxville.org Visit us on the web: www.messiahknoxville.org 2014
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