Welcome to in Bude Bude Methodist Church EX23 8LA Minister: Rev Neal Street 01288 352404 Caretaker: Roger Moppett 01288 355479 Circuit Website: www.budeandholsworthymethodists.org.uk SUNDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2014 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: We Don’t Need To See The Way When We Stay Close To The One Who Does. Psalm 22 v.4 SUNDAY SERVICES This Sunday 2nd November 10.00 am 6.00 pm 6.00 pm 7.30 pm Bude: Mr Kevin Hogarth Poughill: Mrs Gloria Street Holsworthy: Rev John Henry North Tamerton: Encounter Next Sunday 9th November Remembrance Sunday 11.00 am Bude: Rev Joy Wilson 7.00 pm Chilsworthy: Rock Solid No Evening Services in the Circuit on 9th November We extend the warmest of welcomes to you, and hope the worship will bring you closer to God. If you are visiting or worshipping with us for the first time, we hope you will be able to stay for a chat over a cup of tea or coffee after the service. As a church we believe in a living God who is active in our lives. If God has touched you or stirred something in you this morning or there is something in your life which needs praying about please don't leave today without praying with someone. Find someone to pray with you and invite The Holy Spirit to do His work. If you don't know who to ask, one of the stewards can find someone for you. There is also the prayer net at the front of church where you can leave your concerns with God. "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so God can heal you. When a believing person prays, great things happen." James 5:16 NEXT SUNDAY. A reminder that next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. As in previous years, there will be a civic ceremony at the war memorial on Shalder Hill, bridging the two minutes silence at 11.00am, following which the service in the church will commence at about 11.15am. If you are coming to the service in the church, but not attending the civic ceremony, you should aim to arrive before 11.00am, as we will be observing the silence at 11.00am. Please note that, because the service is later than usual, there will be no Quest and coffee will not be served after the service next Sunday. REMEMBRANCE DAY. The Church will be open for private prayer at 11.00am on Remembrance Day, Tuesday 11th November. All are welcome. CHRISTMAS FAYRE. We will be having our annual Christmas Fayre at BMC on Saturday December 6th. It will be greatly appreciated if you can contribute to the following stalls: ¶ ¶ ¶ Christmas Gifts Crafts Toy Stall ¶ ¶ ¶ Tombola Bric-a-Brac Books ¶ Cakes We will be looking for helpers nearer the date. If you can help in any way, please contact Jen Bond, 353674. WANTED: a rug or piece of carpet approx. 6ft by 4ft suitable for the children to sit on. Contact Jean Messenger 01288 354658 Page 2 PARENT AND TODDLERS. CHRISTIANS TOGETHER. The next meeting of Christians Together will be on Thursday November 6th in the Pilgrim Room at St Martin’s URC Church, Killerton Road. A copy of the Agenda is available in the porch. MEET & EAT. At a loose end on Thursday mornings? The Meet and Eat Lunch Club will be losing three key volunteers at Christmas, which will make it difficult to carry on. If you are available on Thursday mornings, and could go on the rota to help with the lunch, please speak to Elaine Fletcher, 01288 353765 or Edith Vanstone, 01288 353244. It would be sad if this long-established community outreach could not continue. “They also serve who only stand and wait.” POUGHILL METHODIST CHURCH CIRCUIT PROPERTY & FACILITIES OFFICER FRIDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2014 AT 7pm A PRESENTATION BY MARY STREET "MY WALK OF THE SOUTH DEVON COAST" AFTERWARDS THE PROCEEDS OF THE CHURCH SUMMER COFFEE MORNINGS WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE STRATTON HOSPITAL LEAGUE OF FRIENDS LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED ALL WELCOME CONTRIBUTIONS FOR CHURCH FUNDS (Part-time 20 hours per week) Salary £12,000 Based at the Circuit Centre, Stoke Christian Centre, Devonport Rd, Plymouth PL3 4DS Job description, person specification and application available by email from office@pdmcircuit.org.uk Enquiries to Mrs Val Marriott (Senior Circuit Steward) Tel 01752 551514 (9.30 am - 12.30pm, Monday to Thursday only) Answer phone outside office hours Closing date for applications: 17th November2014 Interviews week beginning 24th November 2014 New members Wednesday Craft Club 7-9pm at Bude Methodist Church. Bude Music Society A small group of ladies who enjoy making cards, and sharing ideas from the novice to the experienced. We are looking for new members to join us to expand our knowledge and social circle. If you are interested in joining us please contact Jean Messenger 01288 354658 Sunday 2nd November 3.00pm AISA IJIRI, Piano Bach transc.Liszt: Prelude and Fugue in A minor Debussy: Images Book 1 Liszt: Sonetto 47 del Petrarca. Manuel de Falla: Fantasia Baetica. Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet Minstrels Music Centre, Canworthy Water PL15 8UB Admission by Ticket price £13 Page 3 RETIRING COLLECTIONS. During November and December (except for the Christmas services) retiring collections will be for Mercy Ships, who operate a state-of-the-art hospital ship staffed by volunteer surgeons and medical staff which travels to the world’s poorest countries to save and transform lives in places with limited access to medical care, and to date have helped over 2.42 million people in 575 ports. Morwenstow Methodist Church LUNCHEON CLUB The next meeting of the Luncheon Club will be on Tuesday 18th November. We will be serving a Hot meal, and a Sweet from 12.15 - 1.30 p.m price £5.50 Come and enjoy a good lunch and good Company. Everyone is welcome. Please book with Val on 01288 331263 or Edith on 01288 331397. for those parenting 11 to 18 year olds The Stable, Chilsworthy 7.00pm Mondays from 3rd November information from Sue Banks 0777 956 0083 “Never has so much been owed by so many, to so few” ADVANCE NOTICE 1940’s Afternoon Tea Dance Prominent Christian worship leader and singer-songwriter Cathy Burton Sumptuous full, posh High Tea 1940’s music and memories Steve Tucker All Star Jazz Band Lindy Hop • Dancing Dress for the era - uniform & medals welcome Tickets price £15 - 10% concession for war veterans Purchase tickets in advance from the Falcon Hotel or telephone 01288 352005 All profits to and will be performing a concert on behalf of MAF at Bude Methodist Church Friday 13th March 2015, 7:30pm Free Entry Collection for MAF Page 5 EBOLA. The current outbreak in West Africa is the worst Ebola outbreak since the virus was discovered in 1976, with more cases and deaths than in all the previous outbreaks combined. The Methodist Church in Sierra Leone (MCSL) has been at the forefront of the fight against Ebola. To date, the Methodist Church in Britain has sent two grants totalling £22,500 to Sierra Leone to aid with the epidemic. The Ebola virus was also the focus of thoughts of the General Secretary, the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins when he led the Morning Service on BBC Radio on Friday 10th October. You can still listen to the service through iplayer. There is also a prayer for people to use as they pray for all the people whose lives are being affected by the virus. O Lord, God of our salvation, we have cried out day and night before you. Let our prayers come before you; incline your ear to our cry. For our souls are full of troubles and our lives draw near to the grave. We are counted with those who go down to the pit; like people with no strength, Give ear, O Lord, to our prayers and attend to the voice of our supplications. In the day of trouble we will call upon you, for you will answer us. Preserve our lives, for you are our God; save your servants who trust in you! Be merciful to us, O Lord, for you are good and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. HAVE YOU WRITTEN A PRAYER? The 2015/2016 Methodist Prayer Handbook 'Pilgrims on a journey' will look at God’s call to pilgrimage, both journey and destination, our companions on the way and the everyday realities of the road to heaven. The title comes from the second verse of the Richard Gillard’s hymn ‘Brother, sister, let me serve you’ (Singing the Faith 611). The handbook editor is always looking for new prayers – they can be general, themed to the title or for Methodist projects and partnerships around the Connexion and the world. Prayers should be no longer than 12 lines or 120 words long. Deadline for submission is 12 January 2015. You can find out more from the Methodist Church website at http://www.methodistchurch.org.uk/prayerhandbook. (Please make sure you read all submission guidelines before submitting a prayer to the editor.) Page 6 LECTIONARY READINGS November 2nd PRAYER CORNER This week please pray for:- Micah 3 Vv 5-12 Psalm 43 1 Thessalonians 2 Vv 9-13 Matthew 23 Vv 1-12 Ÿ our ministers and Joy Wilson as they prepare to preach God's word around the circuit next week, November 9th Ÿ our stewardship team and for new stewards to join them, Amos 5 Vv 18-24 Psalm 70 1 Thessalonians 4 Vv 13-18 Matthew 25 Vv 1-13 Ÿ the work of Sue & Andy Smith, the Ark Angel bookshop and Open The Book, Retiring Collections on Sundays during November and December will be for Mercy Ships. If you have any suggestions for future recipients of retiring collections, please speak to the Stewards. Pastoral Visits. If you know of anyone who would appreciate a pastoral visit, or who is housebound and would like communion, please let the Stewards know. Church & Hall Bookings. For bookings at BMC, please contact Mrs Christine Moss (01288) 356393, or e-mail to cjmoss@talktalk.net. Ÿ Sue Howard and her family, following her mother’s death, Ÿ the Circuit Singers and Friday Singers, Ÿ the Remembrance Day service here next week. OFFERINGS FOR THE WORK OF GOD Sunday 26th October Loose Envelopes Proportion of Annual Total 396.32 571.00 243.92 £ 1,211.24 ===================== £ THE ROTAS Duty Stewards Welcome Team Collection Coffee “Playhouse” (Crèche) Flowers Video Organ Piano 2nd November Gwyneth & David Mr & Mrs A. Mill Mrs J. Messenger & Mrs S. Pegrum Marjorie, Roseanne, Jane & Joy 9th November Jen & Andrew Mr & Mrs R. Wall Mr & Mrs R. Wall No Coffee Pauline Goodson & Jo McMillan Margaret Overy & Joy Wolfenden-Brown Mrs E. Heard Howard David Barker Sarah Remembrance Mark David Wood Roy If you arrange a swap, please advise any changes to the rotas so that the notice sheet can be updated. WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK November 2014 Sunday 2nd 3.00 pm Monday 3rd 10.00 am - 12 noon Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Parent and Toddler Group in the Hall 7.00 pm The Parenting Teenagers Course at Chilsworthy 8.00 pm TGI Monday Study Group Contact Dominique Dyer 353055 9.45 am Grapevine women’s bible study group - contact Jean Messenger 01288 354658 for venue 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm 7.30 pm Prayer Meeting in the vestry Bible Study led by Rev Martin Keenan at The Stables, Chilsworthy Circuit Singers Practice at BMC “Be Still” Early Morning Communion. All Welcome Wednesday Fellowship - Speakers: Gladys & George Jose - The Brigade. Chair: Mrs M. Ward. World Missions Stall. Craft Group in Room 1. Broadclose Court Fellowship Group is now meeting at 45 Minster Avenue 7.30 pm 7.30 am 2.30 pm 7.00 pm 7.30 pm 8.00 pm Thursday 6th Bude Music Society: Aisa Ijiri, Piano, at Minstrels Music Centre, Canworthy Water 10.00 am 12 noon to 2.00 pm (lunch at 12.30 pm) Friday 7th 2.00 pm 4.00 pm - 9.00 pm Saturday 8th 10.30 am Wednesday House Group at Cheriton, Silverton Road EX23 8EY. All are welcome; speak to Mike McMIllan (354472) Coffee Morning in the Hall. Meet and Eat Lunch Club at Bude Methodist Church Hall. For bookings contact Edith on (01288) 353244. Friday Singers Practice 1st Bude Brigade in the Hall Coffee Hour hosted by Marion & Roger 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm 1940’s Afternoon Tea Dance at the Falcon Hotel 7.30 pm Barnstaple Male Voice Choir Concert at Holsworthy Methodist Church THE NOTICE SHEET. Please ensure that information for the notice sheet is passed to Roy Mackenzie by e-mail to mackenziery@aol.com, by post to 15 Elm Drive, Bude EX23 8EZ, by phone to 01288 350121 or via the folder in the vestry by Thursday at 5pm for inclusion in the following Sunday’s notices. If you can’t meet the deadline, please pass your notice to the Steward on duty by Saturday evening at the latest. Prayer requests can either be submitted direct to Roy Mackenzie, or to our Prayer Co-Ordinator, Jo McMillan by phone to 01288 354472 or e-mail mcmillanbude@talktalk.net
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