ISSF- BARRY UNIVERSITY LEADERSHIP SERIES 2014 – 2015 REGISTRATION FORM SCHOOL: ____________________________________________________ October 1, 2014 8:30-3:00 p.m. Dr. Joan McGettigan – “Digital Citizenship, Digital Communication” Seminar Participants ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ October 29th, 2014 - 8:30-3:00 p.m. Tony Vincent – “Personal Productivity Powered By Technology” Seminar Participants ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ November 19, 2014 - 8:30–11:30 a.m. Jennifer Geimer “Student Management: Building Responsible Students with Positive Relationships & Logical Consequences” Noon to 3:00 p.m. Adriana Munoz – “The ‘Yes Generation’ and Technology” Seminar Participants ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ALL CHECKS MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO ISSF All monies non-refundable Please use an additional sheet if needed. Please register by September 5th for the Early Bird registration price of $350.00 per individual, per series; (see options on page 2.) Mail check made out to ISSF and form to: Teri Logan, ISSF 200 NW 109 Ave. Miami, FL, 33172 1 ISSF - BARRY UNIVERSITY LEADERSHIP SERIES 2014-2015 School Leaders: Please RSVP today to reserve your school’s slots at the Leadership Series seminars (Email: Please indicate below the number of persons attending from your school for each seminar; this will assist us in making final commitments. This series provides dynamic leadership learning at a local venue. Registration and travel expenses for these seminars elsewhere would run well over $300 per session/seminar. Series Fee: ! With early bird registration - $350.00 per person attending entire series from an ISSF school. ! With NO early bird registration - $425.00 per person attending the entire series from an ISSF member school. ! Individual Session - Member schools - $145.00 (All-Day Session) ! Individual Session - Non Member schools - $175.00 (All-Day Session) ! Non-ISSF Member school - $500.00 per person attending the entire series Note: Participants from ISSF member schools registering in advance for all five seminars will save $75.00 per participant. The fee includes the presenter, materials, refreshments, lunch, and certificate upon completion of non-contact hour tasks. Credits: 60 Master Plan Points (equivalent to 3 credit hours) for recertification may be awarded through your school’s Master In Service Plan provider with the submission of the ISSF Leadership Series certificate for attending all three seminars and completion of logging project hours and completing papers. Location: All seminars will be held at the Barry University Campus. Directions: Coming from the North on I95 exit at NW 125 St. Go East to North Miami Avenue and South to parking lot 1. Coming from the South on I95 exit at NW 103 St. Go East to North Miami Avenue and North to parking lot 1. Payment: Checks are payable to: ISSF (Deadline to register for the early bird price of whole series – postmarked by September 5th) AFTER SEPT 5th, THE PRICE FOR THE WHOLE SERIES – ISSF PRICE IS $425 PER SERIES AND FOR INDIVIDUAL ALL-DAY SESSIONS - $145, and $80 PER A.M. or P.M. SESSIONS Please mail payment with form to: Teri Logan ISSF 200 NW 109 Avenue Miami, Florida 33172 2 ISSF- BARRY UNIVERSITY 2014-2015 Leadership Series Reservation SCHOOL:___________________________________________________________ October 1 October 29 Nov. 19 a.m. Digital Citizenship p.m Digital Communication. Personal Productivity Empowered by Technology “Student Management: Building Responsible Students with Positive Relationships & Logical Consequences -‐a.m. The “Yes Generation” and Technology” - p.m. Number of Participants All monies non-refundable. REQUIREMENTS FOR RE-‐CERTIFICATION MASTERPOINTS FOR ISSF PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP SERIES: 1. Pay for seminar series fee. 2. Attend all three (3) full days of seminars to complete the 18 contact hour requirement. 3. Sign in at all three (3) full days of seminars. • Log 52 independent hours to complete the 52 non-‐contact hour requirement, choosing a project based on one of the sessions and then implementing the practices taught in the seminar in your school. • Complete a written assignment on the implementation of your project. The project is to be 7 pages (double spaced, 12 font), not including the cover page and is to include why you chose your particular project and how you implemented it in your school, what obstacles you faced and what successes you experienced. • Attach photos, beyond the seven pages, to show various aspects of the implementation. • Write a one page (double spaced, 12 font) paper with your analysis/critique of this year’s speakers and topics you would care to see in the future. • Email papers, and photos to no later than February 25, 2015, to receive credit for you work via an FCIS certificate for 60 master In Service points. 3 LEADERSHIP SERIES SEMINARS - DESCRIPTION October 1, 2014– Dr. Joan McGettigan Session Title: “Digital Citizenship and Digital Communication” Program Description: Bio: Joan McGettigan is the Director of Educational and Information Technology at North Broward Preparatory School in Florida, a PreK-‐12 day and international boarding school with approximately 1,400 students. She is also a former classroom teacher in math, history and language arts. Joan is a pusher of STEAM, Collaborative Learning, PBL, Design Thinking, Fab Lab/Maker Education, Digital Storytelling, Visible Thinking, Digital Textbooks and Innovation. PD presenter and collaborator. She has presented at ISTE, FETC, FCIS and at schools for parents, teachers and students on a variety of topics. Joan is a joyful learner who celebrates growth in others and a believer in the power of connected learning. October 29, 2014 – Tony Vincent Session Title: “Personal Productivity Empowered by Technology” Program Description: As a busy school leader, you receive dozens of emails a day, deal with scheduling meetings, and have an endless to-‐do list. Never fear! There are tools, apps, and strategies to help you keep your head above water by helping you stay organized and connected. Productivity is described by guru David Allen as “advanced common sense,” and by applying some simple strategies, you can unclutter your inbox, browse the web more efficiently, keep a centralized to-‐do list, manage voicemails, and much more. Nowadays many of us carry mobile devices like a smartphone or iPad, keep a digital calendar, and work from multiple computers. Chances are you feel like a slave to email, having hundreds of messages in your inbox. You probably spend a lot of time online and might have trouble managing all of your files among your devices. Instead of blaming technology, let's use that technology to make you more productive. The heart of many of our problems is our email inbox. Much time will be spent learning how to spring clean your inbox and keep it that way. Other topics include keeping to-‐do lists, managing memos, improving meetings, boosting web browsing, and dealing with voicemail. You'll learn about these valuable strategies and abut free online tools and apps through a wiki. A wiki is a website that anyone can edit and you'll see how reading from and contributing to a wiki can empower learners to dive into a topic. The workshop is a day well spent because it is very helpful to learn how other are improving their own personal productivity. This is a hands-‐on workshop, so please bring a laptop with its power adapter and/or an iPad. Presenter Bio: Tony Vincent started teaching fifth grade in Omaha, Nebraska thirteen years ago when it wasn’t so easy to publish online. Knowing that students were motivated to see their work on the Web, Tony first had students write their book reviews on Later his students spent each school year adding to their classroom site, Planet 5th. They published writing, photos, journals, art, videos, and more. Planet 5th became so popular that it received thousands of hits from around the world. In 2004 Tony became Willowdale Elementary’s technology specialist. He worked with students in grades kindergarten through five and their teachers to integrate technology. He developed Radio WillowWeb in 2005, making it the first podcast from an American elementary school. Tony left 4 regular teaching at Willowdale to become an independent consultant in 2006. While he misses his former school, he’s had an amazing few years. Currently based in Phoenix, Arizona, Tony has worked with teachers and students from around the world. Tony co-‐wrote Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators, a book about handheld computers, iPods, and podcasting. He presents at educational conferences and travels to schools to deliver workshops to teachers and students, focusing on free and inexpensive learning and communication tools. His websites include Learning in Hand,, Our City Podcast, and the Arizona K12 Center Technology Blog. November 19, 2014 – Jennifer Geimer – a.m.; Adriana Munoz – p.m. Session Title: “Student Management: Building Responsible Students with Positive Relationships & Logical Consequences” Program Description: Presenter Bio: Jennifer Geimer has served as a Middle School Director at The Cushman School for over ten years and an educator for over twenty years in the primary, elementary and middle school levels. She has held additional positions that include Dean of Students, Risk Manager, and Strategic Planning Facilitator. Jennifer is a founding member of The Community Learning Partnership of Miami Shores and has served as a teacher committee leader and steering committee member. She has delivered presentations at conferences that include Independent Schools of South Florida, Florida Council of Independent schools, National Association of Independent Schools, and Association for Middle Level Education. Session Title: “The ‘Yes Generation’ and Technology” Program Description: Presenter Bio: Adriana Munoz, Ph.D. earned her BS in Psychology from FSU in 1991; her MS in Mental Health Counseling; her Specialist in Education degree from FSU in 1993; and her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Miami in 1997. She is a Florida Licensed Psychologist who has worked in numerous settings such as Miami Children’s Hospital Behavioral Medicine Department; in her own private practice; at Nova’s Community Mental Health Center; and at various public schools In Miami-‐Dade County and Broward County. She has taught college students at the Master’s and Doctoral level at the University of Miami. She was a school counselor for 7 years at Epiphany Catholic School and has been at Gulliver since 2005 working as a College and Guidance Counselor at Gulliver Preparatory School. She has completed numerous professional presentations on numerous topics to various audiences throughout Florida. Adriana has been married for the past 17 years and has a 12 year old daughter and 15 year old son. 5
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