CIIRCULA AR XV KU UMAR SU URENDRA A SINGH MEMORIIAL SHOO OTING CH HAMPION NSHIP IIN RIFLE / PISTOL EVENTS E A AT THIRUV VANANTH HAPURAM M, KERALA A 10 0 February y to 16 February 2015 Dear D Members, We W are plleased to inform yo ou that th e XV Kum mar Suren ndra Singhh Memoria al Shooting Champions C ship will be e held at Shooting S R Range, Vatttiyoorkkav vu, Thiruvaananthapurram, Kerala from f 10th to 16th February 2015 2 as pe er the prog gram attac ched. This will be conducted by b Kerala K Statte Rifle Asssociation under u the a auspices of o the Natio onal Rifle A Association n of India. The T terms and condittions for pa articipating g in this competition are a as folloows: 1. Sho ooters who o took partt in 57th N NSCC or 58th 5 NSCC C and havee achieved d qualifying scorre as per rule 17.6 of NRAI M Match Boo ok 2013 arre allowed to particip pate in this Cha ampionship p. Copy of MQS is a ttached for ready refference. A copy off the NSCC C certtificate, clearly high hlighting tthe achiev ved MQS score, s mu ust be atta ached with the Entry Forrm. 2. The e last date e for subm mission off entry is 16 1 th Janua ary 2015. The entry fee can be paid d in cash or o by way y of Dema and Draft in favour of o Nationa l Rifle Ass sociation of o India a. The enttry form co omplete in all respec cts should be handedd over to Mr M Harnam m Sing gh (Ph: 99 999-418-603) at Dr Karni Sin ngh Shootting Rang ges, New Delhi. Late entrries with triple entry fe ee will be a accepted till 20th Jan nuary 20155. 3. The competitiion will be e conducte ed accord ding to ISS SF rules and regu ulations, in ents. There e will be no o team eve ent in junioor category y. Shooterrs indivvidual and team eve who o have take en part in 58th NSC CC on wild card entry y cannot bbe the mem mber of the team ms and furrnishing wrrong inform mation in th his regard would attrract disqua alification of o team m. Teams can be forrmed by th he shooters of the sa ame State//Unit only. Final entrry of three mem mbers of the team m must be submitted s latest by 17.00 hours on the o the startt of the ma atch. Only one team per State/U Unit will be e allowed in prevvious day of each h event. unior/youth 4. Sho ooters who o participatted as a ju h during 58th 5 NSCC C but now are above 21/1 18 years as on 31st Decembe er 2015 willl be allowe ed to particcipate in senior/junio s or cate egory only. A shooterr below age e of 21/18 years as on o 31.12.22015 will be e treated as a Juniior. 5. Onlyy those sh hooters wh ho have NR RAI Shootter ID card d or those who have e submitted theirr Shooter Registrattion Form with NR RAI are pe ermitted to participate in this com mpetition. A copy of the Shootter ID mus st be attac ched with the Entry Form. 6. Affiliated clubss and Instittutional me embers are e requeste ed to ensurre that their memberrs are permanent residents s of Delhi a and that the state on their shoooters NRAI Shooter ID D card d is mentio oned as De elhi. 7. Sho ooters takin ng part in Rifle R eventt are not allowed a to take part i n Pistol ev vent or vice verssa. Finals will w be cond ducted in a all Olympic c events fo or SENIOR RS AND JU UNIORS. 8. Notw withstandin ng anything containe ed in this Circular, C the e rules andd regulatio ons of NRA AI shalll be final and bindin ng on the shooters. For more details, pllease refer to NRAI’s web bsite. 9. Scores achievved by the e shooterss during th his Champ pionship w will be con nsidered fo or sele ection of intternationall teams as per Selec ction Policy y and 20166 National Squad. S 10. The shooterss / officialls may co ontact the e Organizing Secreetary for any a furthe er inforrmation / details d thatt may be rrequired by y them and d might haave not been covered by tthe above instruction ns: Prof. S Sunny Tho omas, Mo obile No. 0099952770 000, Email: proffsunnytho omas@gm Rajjiv Sharma Hony. Secretarry Delhi D Statte Rifle Association A n Indivvidual Entryy Form for 15 1 th KSS at Kerala K LAST T DATE : 16-01-2015 (20th Janu uary with triple t entry y fee) To, T ony. Secreta ary, The Ho Delhi S State Rifle Association, A New Delhi . Sir, S I wish to pa articipate as a an individual comp etitor in the e matches mentioned below for which I am m qualified q to participate as per rules s of NRAI M Match Book and my req quisite detaiils are as under : 1. 1 Name : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ 2. 2 Father’s N Name : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ 3. 3 Date of Biirth : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ 4. 4 Address : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ 5. 5 NRAI Sho ooter I.D. Number N : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ 6. 6 DSRA Meembership Number N : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ 7. 7 Contact P Phone No. : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ 8. 8 E-mail ID D : _________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ Partticipating Maatch No. Qualifying Score ach hieved Comp petition where Qualifying Scoore was achieved Entry Fee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tottal Entry Fee (Use ( another E Entry Form in case c of more parrticipating matcches) I hereby certify that neither I noor anyone on my m behalf will m make claims of any a nature against D.S.R.A. inn event of any injury or accident sustained s by m me or through me m and I alone would be respponsible for myyself while participating in shoooting competitiion and its allieed activities. a I will represent Delhhi State in the next n two Nationnal Championsships/ National Games I furtheer declare that I have not beeen disqualified d to pparticipate by N.R.A.I and I unddertake to abidee by the rules & regulation of N.RA.I N Matchboook. ___________ _ _____________________ ______________ (Counter-Sign ( nature of Parrents in case of o Junior) (Counter ( Signnature of President of Afffiliated club/ Units) (Signature of Shooter) Dated: ______________ Documents D to be attach hed : 1. Self-attested cop py of DSRA Membership M Card. 2. Self- attested cop ard OR copy py of NRAI Shooter S ID Ca y of Birth Cerrtificate attessted by govt Gazetted G Officcer for those who w have ap pplied for NR RAI Shooter ID I Card + atttach copy of the issued NRAI N Receipt 3. Self-attested cop py of MQS sc core certificatte as proof of o qualifying score s as per Rule 17.6 of NRAI. ANNEXURE “B” XV KUMAR SURENDRA SINGH MEMORIAL SHOOTING CHAMPIONSHIP – 2015, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Detail of Matches and Entry fee MATCH NO. DETAIL OF EVENT N01 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08 N09 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20 N21 N22 N23 N24 N25 N26 N27 N28 N29 N30 N31 N32 N33 N34 N35 N36 N37 N38 N39 N40 N41 N42 N43 50M RIFLE 3 POSITION MEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE 3 POSITION JUNIOR MEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE PRONE MEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE PRONE JUNIOR MEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE PRONE HANDICAPPED MEN 50M RIFLE PRONE VETERANS 10M RIFLE MEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE JUNIOR MEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE YOUTH MEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE HANDICAPPED MEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE VETERANS MEN – ISSF 50M FREE PISTOL MEN – ISSF 50M FREE PISTOL JUNIOR MEN – ISSF 25M RAPID FIRE PISTOL MEN – ISSF 25M RAPID FIRE PISTOL JR. MEN – ISSF 25M CENTRE FIRE PISTOL MEN – ISSF 25M CENTRE FIRE PISTOL JR. MEN – ISSF 25M SPORTS PISTOL JUNIOR MEN – ISSF 25M STANDARD PISTOL MEN – ISSF 25M STANDARD PISTOL JR, MEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL MEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL JUNIOR MEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL YOUTH MEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL HANDICAPPED MEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL VETERANS MEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE 3 POSITION WOMEN –ISSF 50M RIFLE 3 POSITION JR. WOMEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE PRONE WOMEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE PRONE JUNIOR WOMEN – ISSF 50M RIFLE PRONE HANDICAPPED WOMEN 50M RIFLE PRONE VETERANS WOMEN 10M RIFLE WOMEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE JUNIOR WOMEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE YOUTH WOMEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE HANDICAPPED WOMEN – ISSF 10M RIFLE VETERANS WOMEN – ISSF 25M PISTOL WOMEN – ISSF 25M PISTOL JUNIOR WOMEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL WOMEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL JUNIOR WOMEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL YOUTH WOMEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL HANDICAPPED WOMEN – ISSF 10M PISTOL VETERANS WOMEN – ISSF IND. ENTRY FEE 1250 1250 850 850 850 850 600 600 600 600 600 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 600 600 600 600 600 850 850 850 850 850 850 600 600 600 600 600 850 850 600 600 600 600 600 TEAM ENTRY FEE 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 - XV KUMAR SURENDRA SINGH MEMORIAL SHOOTING CHAMPIONSHIP THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, 2015 (RIFLE & PISTOL EVENTS) (February 10-16, 2015) TENTATIVE PROGRAMME EVENT FP ARM SPW FRP RFP SRP SPJM ARW SR3P STD P APW FR3P CFP APM T-TRAINING FEBRUARY 10 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 11 12 13 14 15 16 C C C - C C C - C C C - C C C - C C C C C-COMPETITION MATCH WILL START AT 9:00 A.M DETAILS WIL BE PUT UP ON THE MAIN NOTICE BOARD BEFORE THE START OF THE MATCHES. PROGRAM OF FINALS WILL BE ANNOUNCED SEPERATELY. PROGRAM IS SUBJECT TO CHANGES IF ANY WILL BE NOTIFIED AT THE VENUE.
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