St Therese’s Parish Incorporating St Therese’s Kennington, St Mary’s Axedale, St Joseph’s Axe Creek, & Poor Clares’ Monastery, Strathdale. We believe that community and worship are at the heart of Christian experience. 25 Albion St, Kennington 3550 ~ T 5443 3337 ~ F 5441 6075 E: ~ W: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Sunday 9 November 2014 Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12 Readings for 1 Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17 this week: John 2:13-22 Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 Readings for 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 next Sunday: Matthew 25:14-30 Looking at the Readings Today we celebrate transformation: the temple, transformed by our Lord into a house of prayer; an old Roman villa, which became a basilica; and that which is best in us, baptised into a new life, an eternal life. Liturgical Jottings Jesus, always passionate about the underprivileged, clears the temple of the moneychangers and the sacrifice sellers. He saw clearly that they were taking advantage of the poor, who had no choice but to pay the inflated prices. On Holy Thursday 2013 Pope Francis emphasised his ministry to the poor and the outcasts by observing the rite of the Washing of the Feet at the Casal del Marmo prison for the young - not at the basilica whose dedication we celebrate today, or St Peter’s Basilica as is traditional. That day the youth detention center became a house of prayer. Sometimes we must go beyond our church home to serve ‘the least of these.’ The Spirit of God, according to St. Paul, dwells in us, sanctifying us. ‘Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?’ By our baptism we take the light of Christ where we go. To the poor or suffering we bring care and hope, the good news of Jesus. Let us strive then to share this mystery of faith with enthusiasm so every home, every church, becomes a house of prayer for all the nations. Today the liturgy celebrates the dedication of the Lateran Basilica, called “mother and head of all the churches of the city and the world.” In fact, this basilica was the first to be built after Emperor Constantine’s edict, in 313, which Feast of the Week: granted Christians freedom to Most mistakenly think of St. Peter’s, Rome, as the Pope’s church. But St John Lateran is the Pope’s church, the cathedral of the practice their religion. Diocese of Rome. The anniversary of its dedication is a feast for Joy of the Gospel all. In a sense, St. John Lateran is the parish church of all Jesus did not tell the apostles to Catholics, because it is the Pope's church and the spiritual home form an exclusive and elite group. of the people who are the Church. He said: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). Saint Paul Quotable Quote tells us in the people of God, in the God is not just a distant shadow; he has a face – the Face of Church, “there is neither Jew or mercy, the Face of pardon and love. Benedict xvi Greek... for you are all one in Christ On the Lighter Side Jesus” (Gal 3:28). To those who A Parish received this note: It has come to our attention that feel far from God and the Church, to all those who are fearful or the priest you received came with a slight defect: he is not psychic. indifferent, I would like to say this: For best performance of your unit it is necessary to inform him of: the Lord, with great respect and any members who are hospitalised and need a visit. love, is also calling you to be a part any members who should be added to the "home communion" list. of his people! any names to be included for prayers and in the Sunday Bulletin. Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium n113 © Diocese of Sandhurst 2014 If problem persists return the unit, but a replacement may not be found. Weekend Mass Times Parish Personnel Parish Priest: Fr Andrew Fewings 5443 3337 Pastoral Associate: Joe Van Dillen 5443 3337 Office Administrator: Robyn Abbott 5443 3337 Pastoral Care Visitor: Margaret Flavell 5443 3337 Zone Coordinator: Anne Hubbard 5443 3337 School Principals: St Therese’s Mr Matthew Mann 5443 3200 St Francis of the Fields Mr Tim Moloney 5439 3191 Planned Giving Coordinator: Brian Constable 5443 3337 Hall Bookings: St Therese’s School Office 5443 3200 Parish Pastoral Council: Frances Browne, Bill Edwards, Mike Hanrahan, Maria McClellan, John Power, Marcia Seymour, Karli Toman, Ex officio: Fr Andrew, Anne Hubbard, Joe Van Dillen, Tim Moloney, Matthew Mann. St Therese’s Church Poor Clares’ Monastery St Joseph’s, Axe Creek St Mary’s, Axedale Sat 6.00pm & Sun 10.30am Sun 7.30am Sun 9.00am Sun 10.30am Weekday Worship Times Mass: St Therese’s Tues & Wed 9.00am Fri 9.15am Poor Clares’ Monastery Mon - Sat 8am Rosary St Therese’s Thu 1.30pm, Sat 9.00am Poor Clares’ Monastery Sun 4.00pm Benediction: Poor Clares’ Sun 5.30pm Reconciliation: St Therese’s Sat 9.30am 2015 COLUMBAN CALENDARS ($9) ST THERESE’S REMEMBRANCE Parish Diary November and the 2015 SCRIPTURE DIARIES MASS 7.00pm Thursday 13 November. 9 Parish Expo A Mass of thanksgiving to remember 11 Finance Committee Meeting 8pm ($10) available from Piety Stall. and pray for loved ones who have died 13 Parish Remembrance Mass. MUSTARD SEED THANK YOU 16 Family Groups 20 years dinner. during the year. All welcome. Another year at St Therese's parish has once again passed, and as I flick through the pages of the REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY at St Francis of the Mustard Seed magazine, I am reminded of the truly Fields School Friday 14 November at 11.45am. wonderful we are so lucky to be part of. PARISH FAREWELL TO ANNE HUBBARD After 37 We belong to such a diverse parish, where parishioners are years in the parish and many years as volunteer and Zone involved in so many different projects and activities. Many Coordinator and Daybreak manager, Anne is moving to aspects of the parish are celebrated and recognised in this Melbourne. A farewell and tribute for her will be on year’s Mustard Seed, as we bring 'living colour' to the Sunday 23 November at and after the 10.30am Mass. magazine with a special yellow front cover. We also Please bring a plate to share. acknowledge the contribution and service of two of our HELPERS NEEDED for our home communion rounds on valued parishioners as they prepare to depart Kennington Friday mornings from 9.15am for about an hour. Please to begin the next chapter of their lives. contact the Parish Office if you are able to help 5443 3337. But without giving too much away, I'd like to once again thank those who have taken the time to contribute articles AGMs OF THE ST THERESE’S SCHOOL COMMUNITY Please be advised the Annual General Meetings of the St to the Mustard Seed magazine for this year’s edition. Also, Therese’s School Board and the St Therese’s Parents and the work of both Anne Hubbard and Fr Andrew in assisting Friends Association will be held on Tuesday 11 November to put together the 2014 edition of the Mustard Seed has commencing at 7.30pm. Any parents and parishioners been greatly appreciated as well. wishing to have a matter considered at the Annual General Please keep in mind articles for the 2015 edition of the Meeting of the School Board are asked to submit the Mustard Seed, as we continue to publicise the good news details in writing to the Principal not less than seven (7) of St Therese's parish and the marvellous people within it. days before the Annual General Meeting. - Matthew Scott (EDITOR IN CHIEF) PASSIONIST FAMILY GROUPS will celebrate 20 years in St Therese’s Parish at 9am Mass, Axe Creek and 10.30am Mass at St Therese’s on Sunday 16 November. Family Group members will lunch ($30) at the Bendigo Club, 22 Park Street, Strathdale at 12 noon. RSVP Monday 3 November to Ian & Marian Holmes 5442 1351. CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST for those who would like to learn more about faith and gain a formal qualification for pastoral ministry through Graduate Certificate in Theology 2015/16. Sponsored by Catholic Theological College and the Sandhurst Diocese and presented in Shepparton. Study 4 units over 2 years. 2015 Units: Semester 1 Sacred Scripture: Mar 7 & 8, May 9 & 10. Theology (Foundational): July 18 & 19, Aug 15 & 16. Fee Help is available for applications accompanied by a parish priest’s endorsement. Recent ‘Participants’ Comments’ and ‘Expression of Interest’ forms from your local parish OR Adult Faith Education Sandhurst 5441 2544 email adultfaith@ PARISH LITURGICAL MINISTRIES – ‘Train the Trainer’ Day with Denise Braddon (Former Director of Liturgy, Sandhurst Diocese). Saturday 22 November 10am – 4pm, Mons Peter Jeffrey Centre St Brendan’s, Knight St, Shepparton. A day for ‘parishioners able to help other parishioners’ prepare for ministries such as: Proclaiming the Word of God (‘Reader’), ‘Eucharistic Minister’, Leading Liturgy of the Word (Weekdays), Writing Prayers of Intercession. Speak to your parish priest about attendance on behalf of your parish. Bookings: E: ‘Ph: (03) 5441 2544. Cost: $20 pp. BYO Lunch & USB storage (save powerpoint files for parish use OR $10 purchase USB). SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL CHOIR There are 8 scholarships available for 2015. Each scholarship is worth $1,200.00. They are open to Catholic students in Catholic Secondary & Primary schools in the region. Auditions for the first intake will be held on Saturday 6 December. Further information is on the Sacred Heart Cathedral Website and on the Parish table in the cathedral under the first Station of the Cross or from John Hogan, 5443 0363 or YOUTH CORNER STRONGER RETREAT—Harrietville 5-7 December: Paul Ninnes and Kym Keady will join Stronger Chaplain, Fr Rob Galea on ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’ (Jn 8:32). The Stronger Retreat provides an opportunity for 16-26 year olds to enjoy a weekend of faith, fun and fellowship. Transport will be available from Bendigo bookings for the bus are essential. 5445 3615 or visit to register! CAD (Catechesis, Adoration and Dinner) for young people will hold their next gathering at St Kilian’s on Wednesday 19 November at 6.30pm. SANDHURST YOUTH MINISTRY AND STRONGER To keep up-to-date with other youth ministry activities across the Diocese, visit or You can also find ‘StrongerYouth’ and ‘Sandhurst Youth Ministry’ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. UPCOMING YOUTH-LED MASSES Saturday 15 Nov 6pm St Mary’s, Golden Square Sunday 23 Nov 10.30am at St Liborius, Eaglehawk MACKILLOP ART EXHIBITION (Sandhurst Catholic Schools Student Art) will be on display at the Cathedral up until Sunday23 November. PARISH EXPO THIS SUNDAY after 10.30am Mass in St Therese’s Hall Come and find out about: Parish Pastoral Council: parishioners and parish staff care for parishioners’ needs Activities involving rosters: Liturgical Ministries: Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Procession of Gifts Altar Servers: girls and boys who assist at Mass. Welcomers: offering parish bulletins and welcoming people arriving at Mass Children’s Liturgy: offering the scriptures to children at Mass at their own level Crypt (space in which people’s ashes are interred): people caring for the space and the memorial book. Environment: Flowers, cleaning and presenting the churches for Mass Piety Stall: Small shop -cards, medals, books, rosaries, and other helps to worship. Gardening Group: Roster (mowing /weeding around the church and parish house) Other aspects of Parish Life Zones (Neighbourhood communities): pastoral care /delivering parish material Pastoral Visiting: in time of bereavement or other need Funeral Catering: As needed and according to the availability of volunteers Home Communion: Taking Holy Communion to the housebound by Eucharistic Ministers weekly Communion to the Anne Caudle Centre – by Eucharistic Ministers, weekly on Sunday mornings Sacramental Preparation for children: Organising RCIA/RCIC Forming faith and welcoming new Catholics (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults / Children) Godstart: keeping in touch with children between baptism and school Planned Giving: Systematic giving through regular contributions via envelopes or direct debit/ credit card Finance Committee: oversight of parish finances Passionist Family Groups: social cross-generational groups. MenAlive: Group to develop men’s faith Teams: Movement to support married couples in committed small groups St Vincent de Paul Conference: Assistance for those who need support especially with food and goods. Knights of Southern Cross: Service organisation for men. Scripture + Dinner (see article in this Mustard Seed) Reflection on Sunday’s scripture, fortnightly Social Group (cards, trips) / morning tea: Monthly Munchers (Social Lunch after Mass on Sundays at local club) Weekly Mustard Seed: Parish magazine, currently annually – Editorial committee, production, articles We believe that community and worship are at the heart of Christian experience. Dedication to the Lateran Basilica - Year A Entrance Antiphon I saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Responsorial Psalm The waters of the river gladden the city of God. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! I have chosen and sanctified this house, says the Lord, that my name may remain in it for all time. Alleluia! Excerpts from the English translation Roman Missal © ICEL 2011 and the Lectionary © ICEL 1982 All rights reserved . Exploring the Word This text (John 2:13-22) is often cited as one of the passages that show the humanity of Jesus. He becomes very angry at what he sees as a desecration of the Temple – his Father’s house. And yet this Gospel is full of surprises. Jesus drives out the very people who are necessary for the Temple to function. Offering sacrifice was a vital part of the religion of Israel and a central function of the Temple priesthood. It was sacrilegious to bring Roman coinage with its images of the Emperor-god into the Temple precinct. All coins had to be changed to Tyrian coinage. Money changers were necessary, as were those who sold the animals needed for sacrifice: larger beasts for the wealthy and cheaper pigeons for the poor. Jesus was angry that the commercial aspect of the Temple cult had assumed such importance. More than this, his actions point to a new reality. The Temple cult has now been replaced by the living sanctuary of his own presence among people. God is present beyond the Temple of wood and stone. Jesus, through his death and resurrection, is to become the living presence of God, a reality that the disciples are yet to grasp fully. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Kevin Mannes, Matthew Adams, Valerie Carter, Cale Reed, Bill Collins, Matthew Hudson, Violet Ramsdale, Sean DeAraugo, Una Ryan, Xavier Dunham, Karlene Power, Margaret Beriman, Carol Baker and Len Fitzgerald. PRAYERS FOR RECENTLY DECEASED: Marie Temple, Margaret White, Sr Clare McShee FMDM, Sr Sheila Edwards SRJ and Nicholas Tonti-Filippini. PRAYERS FOR ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH: Molly Ruff, Mary Mellington and Pat Edwards. rd Rosters for 15/16 November 2014 3 Weekend Mass Readers Offertory Musicians Communion Ministers 6.00pm C Lalor, L VanEmmerik J & J Spark B Gallagher, J Gaskell, T Pitson, P Harrison, V Poynton, T Perera M Hamilton 7.30am M King 9.00am T Fallon, M Chalkley Miller Family M Fitzgibbon, T Mannes, M Connelly, J & L Mooney, L Fitzgerald M O’Donohue & B Chalkley 10.30am H Terry, K Lawlor V Geyle, D Robinson Volunteer needed M Hall, H Terry, K Hopkinson Mass Sacristans Data Projector Altar Servers Children’s Liturgy Piety Stall Welcomers 6.00pm T Perera N Pitson M Verbeek M Baird M Creely 10.30am A Harrington J Salazar K Walsh Bruns Family Zone (2.2) Environment Kennington: T Flannery, M Perkins, L & G Frilay Counting Teams Team 7 Environment Axe Creek: T & F Fallon Church Linen M King Children’s Liturgy Axe Creek Crypt (November) M Minster Gardeners: P Curtis & J McLoughlin SUNDAY MUNCHERS will be held at the Bendigo Club each Sunday from 12 noon. All welcome. PARISH SOCIAL GROUP (Strathfieldsaye) meet on first Thursday: even months at Braidie’s Tavern 12midday, odd months at Strathfieldsaye Bakery 10.30am coffee. All welcome. PLAYGROUP Come for a coffee with interactive craft activities for parents and children aged from babies through to kinder. All welcome Tuesday Mornings 9-11 am St Therese’s Hall. For more information call Shannon 0410 046 325. MENALIVE meet third Saturday each month at 7.30am for breakfast and prayer. Len Fitzgerald 54396235. SOCIAL CLUB CARDS first Tuesday of the month (except November) 1.30pm, in the welcoming area. All welcome. FORTNIGHTLY SCRIPTURE GROUP (3/3Park Street, Strathdale) next meet Monday 17 November 6pm for an hour of home-based prayer and discussion followed by dinner at the Bendigo Club at 7pm, for people from all walks of life (not just for young adults!) Contact Daniel 0439 562 286 or to confirm attendance ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY, St Therese’s Conference meet first & third Monday of the month, St V de P Village 5.30pm contact Mary 5443 3460 or Pat 5443 8540. KNIGHTS OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS meet on second Thursday of each month. Len Fitzgerald 5439 6235. CATECHESIS ADORATION AND DINNER (CAD) with youth meet third Wednesday of the month at St Kilian’s Church. Next meet 19 Nov 6.30pm. Contact Fr Junjun Amaya 0459 356 917 or
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