_ubeck Vhurch of Vhrist fcroll Announcements/Up coming events: LADIES PLANNING SESSIONS The Ladies planning session will be on Nov. 13th - 6:30-8:30. 2015 MID OHIO LADIES DAY MEETING There will be a short meeting for the ladies at 6:00 before the planning session to get updates from committees for the 2015 Mid-Ohio Valley Ladies Day. This is an important meeting to get any receipts you may have and to get all of the committees together - if you are on a committee please make plans to attend this short meeting before the planning session!! CARD SHOWER We will be having a card shower for Ellen Wigal who will be turning 100 on Nov. 18th. Please bring a card for her and place in on the counter in the basket. 100th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Ellen Wigal’s family will be having a small celebration for her to celebrate her 100th Birthday at Parkersburg Care and Rehab on Saturday November 22nd from 3:30 to 5:00. THANK YOUS Thank you for all of our Anniversary cards, they meant a lot - Claudia and Fred Deem Thank you to everyone who attended and helped out with the teacher workshop. A Special thanks to Tabitha and Danielle for sitting with our young ones and to Martha, Carolyn, and Shirley for preparing lunch. We would like to thank everyone for the beautiful cards, thoughts and tokens of love given to us for our birthdays Lance and Michelle Tennant. Thanks so much for everything (the food, putting together the dinner, the gorgeous flowers, prayers, cards, visits) and especially caring about us so much during the illness and death of our mother, grandma, and great-grandma, Norma Sadler. Love Sharon Bogard, Lisa, Lee, Lucas, Nathan, & Caleb Moore. DEEPEST SYMPATHY Deepest sympathy to Rusty Southern’s family in the passing go his sister Mary McCroskey. Also, we extend our deepest sympathy to the friends and family of Eugene Conger (Preacher at Elizabeth, WV) and to the friends and family of Virginia Boggess (former member). MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Last Sunday we received and read a letter from Gina, Jordan, Kimi, and Nathan who expressed their desire to move their membership to Hopewell church of Christ due to their immediate and extended families attendance at the congregation. We wish them all the best in this move. Words for thought: Our Father And Fatherhood by Jonathan L. Perz One of the most amazing things about being a Christian believer and a father is that we have the perfect example to follow. We have God, “our Father which art in heaven” (Matthew 6:9). He is the epitome of fatherhood for those who are willing to follow His example. God is the epitome of instruction. Observe that, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16). God, through His word, gives His children instruction. Fathers today must also give their children instruction through their word and example (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21). God epitomizes discipline in fatherhood. God knows how to chastise His children. “If you endure chastening, God deals with you as sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten” (Hebrews 12:7). A father must provide discipline for his children if he loves them (Proverbs 13:24). God epitomizes patience in fatherhood. He is indeed patient with us as His children. When we consider our roles as fathers, we must, “consider that longsuffering of the Lord is salvation” (2 Peter 3:15). The ability to be patient is a critical attribute for a father. God is the epitome of love in fatherhood. Three of the most profound words in Scripture sum it up, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). God loves His children, whether it be in sacrifice (John 3:16), in nourishing and cherishing (Ephesians 5:29) or chastening (Hebrews 12:6). God loves His children perfectly and we should strive to emulate that love in our lives toward our children. "You Shall Be Perfect" by Gene Taylor "Therefore you shall be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5:48). At first glance, this is a difficult passage. It seems to be calling us to do or be what seems impossible. "Nobody is perfect," is what we say. It is true that all responsible people commit sin. Romans 3:23 states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That is why Jesus died for all men to give them the opportunity to have their sin removed (Heb. 2:9; 2 Cor. 5:14). It is also why the gospel needs to be preached "to every creature" (Mark 16:16). Even after one obeys the gospel, he still commits sin and needs forgiveness (1 John 1:7-10). If Matthew 5:48 were telling us that we must live sinlessly perfect lives or that we must be as perfect as God, then we obviously have some real problems. When we seek to determine the meaning of any Biblical text, especially one that seems difficult to understand, we must remember, when it comes to Scripture, whatever God's word says on any subject is right (Psa. 119:128). It is also possible to twist or misuse the Scriptures (2 Pet. 3:15-16). In the study of the difficult text before us, we must answer three questions. First: Can the word "perfect" have several meanings in the Bible? Second: What is the context of this verse? Third: Are there other verses in the Bible which will help us understand this one? The Meaning of Perfect The word "perfect," in the Bible, can and does mean "complete" or "finished." Jesus was made "perfect" through suffering (Heb. 2:10; 5:8-9). He completed or fulfilled God's plan for Him as our Savior by suffering for us. "Perfect" can also have the meaning of "mature" or "grown up." In Philippians 3:15, the apostle Paul speaks to "as many as be perfect" (KJV). The NKJV translates this phrase "as many as are mature." The Context of Matthew 5:48 Jesus contrasts His teaching with that of the Old Law (Matt. 5:38-39). He shows us what our attitude is to be toward those who want to make life hard for us by forcing us or hatefully treating us (Matt. 5:40-44). He teaches us to love our "enemies" (Matt. 5:44), not an easy thing to do. We are to do this so "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven" (Matt. 5:45a). God acts with concern and love for all men. If we act like our heavenly Father, we will act with positive good will toward evil and good men alike. If we only love those who love us but do not love our enemies, we are really no better than evil men for even evil people are capable of loving those who love them (Matt. 5:46). When Jesus said, "Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5:48), He was saying, "Let your love be complete as God's love." God loves all people, even evil ones. This is how we can be as "perfect" as God. Our love for our fellowman needs to grow and mature - including loving our enemies. If we do not love our enemies, we are not acting as sons of God ought to act. Other Passages To Help Us Understand "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children" (Eph. 5:1). In this passage, the apostle Paul holds forth the Father as one we are to imitate. By again taking note of the context in which this passage is found, we can see that His example is in the realm of attitudes toward our fellow-man. The verses immediately preceding this text say: "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you" (Eph. 4:31-32). This passage plainly teaches that our attitudes toward other people must be the same as those of our Father in heaven. If not, we have no right to claim to be His children. "But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy'" (1 Pet. 1:15-16). This text impresses upon us the necessity of conforming our lives to the qualities and standards of divinity. Holy conduct arises from holy attitudes. If we are going to conduct ourselves in a proper manner toward our fellow-man, we must have the proper attitudes including the attitude to love even our enemies. In all things, God provides us with the perfect example of what it means to be a father. Let us look to that example with a heart to be the kind of fathers our Father would have us to be. Conclusion We must heed the command of our Savior given in Matthew 5:48 to "be perfect" just as our heavenly Father is perfect. We must be careful, though, not to apply this command to areas in which Jesus never intended for it to be applied. He was speaking of the love that is to characterize those who are children of God. That love is to be complete, extending even to those who are your enemies, who hate you and spitefully use you. In this, as in all other things, we must strive to be as both Father and Son. Weekly Research Question: What of the Philippians did Paul ask to be worthy of the Gospel of Christ? NEXT SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS VERSE The next bible verse we will be looking at on Sunday morning will be found in Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” November 9, 2014 November 16, 2014 Announcements Hill, Charles Lawson, Pete Opening Prayer Huffman, Deron Kaufman, Steve Song Leader Clark, Brent Hill, Charles Serve Table Lyons, Larry Maul, Alan Noland, Randy Lowers, Bob Moore, Lee Barnhouse,Cameron Barnhouse, Lee Kaufman, Steve Clark, Brent Huffman, Deron Cooper, Jim Dunbar, Chase Dunbar, Drew Ingram, Tim Kaufman, Kyle Maul, Chance Kaufman, Kyle Moore, Lee Scripture Closing Prayer Martin, Steve Attendance Tennant, Lance Westfall, Dan Turner, Dave Sunday PM Announcements Hill, Charles Lawson, Pete Opening Prayer Haynes, Guy Maul, Alan Prayer Request: OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE WITH: Leona Weekly-recent eye surgery; Larry Lyons-having muscle problems; Juanita Newberry- recent MRI to check on the tumor on her pituitary gland; Brian Kemenah-still in CCMH, part of his leg was amputated, on temporary dialysis; Butch Westfall-(Gene & Peggy’s son-in-law) recent heart attack; Jackie Nay-recent surgery; Charlie Hartzell-prayers requested THOSE WHO NEED CONTINUAL PRAYER: Bill Andrews, Bob & Jo Ann Baker, Tammy Barnhouse, Betty Buckley, Bob & Kathy Deeter, Don Donahue; Mike Hershman, Frances Hofmann, Auldine Hutchinson, Eloise Ingram, Brian Kemenah, Doris Lemley, Bryan Lynch, Gene & Peggy Phillips, Mike Phillips, Pauline Sims, Rusty Southern, Jeanettee Wells FRIENDS & FAMILY: Sandy Graham - Surgery went well; Lori Morris (friend of Yvonne Smith) - prayers requested, undergone recent testing; Tammy Barnhousechemo treatments; Ileene Phillips-recent illness; Rusty Southern-low blood count, has one more chemo treatment, cancer is shrinking; Gene Phillips-doing better; Frances Hofmann-is under care with hospice; Harold Cochranrecent hospital stay for an infection; Austin Wellbarn (Mary Osborn’s grandson) deployed to the Middle East; Larry Lemley Jr.-recent CT scan showed 90% of the cancer was gone; (Please update us on the status of your loved ones. Names will be kept on the sick list for up to 4 weeks & then removed unless otherwise notified) LET’S REMEMBER!!! Song Leader Reynolds, Rob Hill, Charles Scripture Turner, Dave Dunbar, Rick Serve Table Lawson, Pete Martin, Steve Closing Prayer Fuchs, Steve Attendance Date Westfall, Dan Hill, Eric Opening Prayer Kaufman, Steve Attendance Turner, Dave Wednesday November 12, 2014 Announcements Hill, Charles Song Leader Huffman, Deron November 19, 2014 Lawson, Pete Hill, Charles Tennant, Lance Westfall, Dan Turner, Dave November 9, 2014 November 16, 2014 McClain, Sandy Maul, Lee Ann THOSE IN NURSING HOMES: Celia Lott (Worthington Manor); Harold Cochran (Parkersburg Care & Rehab); Helen Dotson (Rocksprings Rehab Center); Bob & Mary Smith (Eagle Pointe); Ellen Wigal (Parkersburg Care & Rehab Unit) OUR SHUTINS: Rose Cooper; Don & Charlene Donahue; Ann Kinney; Jerry McClain; Shari Noland TRANSPLANT LIST: Diane Ridd (Daughter of Jim Cooper - Liver); Rich Williams (nephew of Sharon Southern) kidney and pancreas transplant TODAY’S DOOR GREETERS ARE: 11/9 - Charlotte Cowan & Emily Bodie 11/16 - Keith & Linda Kemenah 11/23- Brent & Heather Clark SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Bible Study……….9:30 AM Worship…………….10:30 AM Sunday Evening Worship………..…..6:00 PM Wednesday Bible Study……...7:00 PM NEXT WEEKS SERMON TOPICS: ist r h C f o h rc u h C k c e b Lu November 9, 2014 23 Meldahl Road Washington, WV 26181 Located: Rt. 68 South of Parkersburg, in Lubeck Office: (304) 8636504 Fax: (304) 863-3835 Email: church@lubeckcc.org MINISTERS Steve Fuchs Cell: (304) 488-8825 Van Sprague Cell: (304) 966-4249 ****************** ELDERS AM: Sins That Crucified Jesus Matthew 27:15-20 PM: What is Worship? Matthew 4:1-11 Charles Hill Steve Kaufman Pete Lawson Larry Lyons Alan Maul Last Weeks Attendance ******************* Sunday Bible Class--97 Sunday AM Worship-136 Sunday PM Worship---79 Wednesday---------65 Contribution ---------------$5,233.00 DEACONS Deron Huffman Lee Moore Rob Reynolds www.lubeckcc.org Theme: “TEST ALL THINGS” - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 November’s Theme “Testing Morality”-Hebrews 5:12-14 Those Privileged to Serve
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