Mater Dei School Newsletter 6th Nov 2014 Parish Office: Ph. 3300 6099 PARISH MASS TIMES— MATER DEI: Tuesday 9.00 am and Friday 9.00 am (Healing Mass) ST PETER CHANEL: Wednesday 9.00 AM AND Thursday 9.00 AM (Healing Mass) Tuesday—Friday 8.30-3.00 O.S.H. Care 3366 7138 IN THIS EDITION PRINCIPAL’S REPORT APRE REPORT YR 7 NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS P & F NEWS IMPORTANT DATES Nov Thurs 6 P & F Meeting Fri 7 Prep Orientation 9am-11am Tues 11 Remembrance Day Fri 14 G20 Leader’s Summit Public Holiday (no school today) Mon 17 P & F AGM Wed 19 “Life Work in Progress” Parents of Yrs 6 & &7 Information Evening Sat 22 Mater Dei Dance Concert Wed 26 Yr 6/7 retreat Day Fri 28 Yr 1/2 Swimming Carnival End of Year School Disco Dec Mon 1 Yr 6 Graduation Tues 2 Yr 7 Graduation Fri 5 Last day of Term Whole School Mass 9am Thank you Sachin Tedulkar for supporting our school fundraising and for the ‘shoutout’ to the wonderful children of Mater Dei . A LETTER FROM MRS NULLEY 6th November 2014 Dear Parents, Caregivers, friends, boys and girls, and all associated with Mater Dei, Idle Chatter Have you noticed how talkative we all are nowadays? Never before have we talked so much nor had the opportunities to do so: mobile phones, radio and its talkback, television and its reality shows, home audio and video recording. All these means have increased our opportunities for speaking to one another, not only when we are together, but across great distances. I’m not sure if there is any truth in the following quote but it did make me laugh: “I had a few words with my wife, she had some paragraphs with me!” Author unknown. My husband did seem to think there was a lot of truth in this for the Nulley household! He is probably right. Much of our everyday communication is idle chatter about nothing; its real purpose is not to relay information but to develop and maintain relationships. Generally, idle chatter and other light conversation can be value neutral and mostly conducive to feeling at ease with yourself and others and in a workplace can be beneficial to productivity. Likewise, when our children are engaged in light conversation, it enables them to bond more strongly with other family members and adds to their sense of belonging. So, how does idle chatter differ from gossip? Well, gossip is mostly negative and embarrassing to the person being spoken about, it can rejoice in the misfortune of others, it can perpetuate conflict or negative images and it can be hurtful and damaging. Gossip can break down the trust level within a group or even a community, because individuals start to secondguess each other and a once cohesive group or community can be fragmented and lose some of its effectiveness. There is wisdom in the saying that, “A rumour goes in one ear and out many mouths” Author unknown. Schools are places of employment for teachers and other staff; schools are communities where staff, parents and students come together for the common good, which encompasses the welfare of all and the educational progress of each student. For our community to offer an environment of harmony, goodwill, opportunity for individual development and the exercise of Christian virtues, we all need to think before we speak, to think about what we are saying and how we go about saying it. There can be a problem if we just talk for the sake of talking and become indiscreet with what we say about others. “God, our Father, in spite of the fact that you are all loving and forgiving to us, our words and actions do not always express love and forgiveness. Rouse up and sustain within us a friendliness and cheerfulness that is fitting for Christian people. Amen.” Prep Orientation Last night, we held an Information Session for our Prep 2015 families. It was lovely to welcome some new families to our school as well as continue our partnership with existing families. At this meeting, I introduced Dina Nona and Cath Hannan as the Prep teachers for next year. All other staff placements will be announced in the last week of this term when I expect all staffing to be finalised by this time. Tomorrow, Prep 2015 children will be spending the morning at school. They will work in two groups with the teachers whilst the parents are given further information about our school. We will also celebrate a lovely Liturgy involving our current Preps, Year 5 (next year’s leaders) and the 2015 Preps and their families. My thanks to the staff and parents who have assisted with these activities. P&F Annual General meeting 17 th November Have you thought about how you could get involved at Mater Dei? Would you consider being part of the P&F? There are many positions needing to be filled at the AGM and we need you! I have spoken on many occasions about the great community atmosphere so prevalent at Mater Dei. This is because people are willing to be involved and to give a little of their own time and energy for the benefit of all. In fact, the benefit is really for the children or our community. Things happen above and beyond what a school could normally offer because of the enormous generosity of people. These ‘above and beyond activities’ provide opportunities and memorable events for our children. We need people who can step up and coordinate such activities so that these activities can continue to be afforded to the children. The many social and fundraising activities also provide opportunities for the adults to meet, mix and have merry times together! So please consider………is 2015 the year for you to get involved? School Board Last Tuesday night was our last official School Board Meeting for the year. I would like to thank the Board for their work this year and the wisdom they have brought to our discussions and planning as we have worked through a range of items. I would like to particularly thank Cameron McKenzie (Chairperson) and Michael Thorpe (secretary) for the past 4 years of dedicated service to the school as members of the Board. Both Cameron and Michael will be finishing their association with Mater Dei at the end of the year as their children move to other independent schools. Their contributions to the life of Mater Dei in their capacity as Board members and the pastoral support to Principals (both Peter Delaney and then myself from 2012 onwards) has been much appreciated and valued. Staff News I previously communicated to parents via the newsletter dated 23/10/2014 that we would be moving through a process of appointing three contract teaching positions at Mater Dei for the 2015 school year. This process has been completed in accordance with the ‘Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of Teachers Procedure’ from BCE for staffing appointments in 2015. This ensures that a just, equitable, consistent and transparent approach is actioned in which every effort is made to ensure the best person is appointed to each role. I am pleased to announce the appointment of Bronwyn Sikavica, Sherryl Shaddock and Rachael Reaves. We look forward to the gifts and talents they will share with our community in the New Year. We congratulate Reffeech Chalmers who has accepted a position at St Peter and Paul’s Catholic School, Bulimba. Reffeech is looking forward to working closer to home without the trek across to the Northside! I will be away from school next Tuesday and Wednesday at a professional development course. Have a great week ahead. Kind regards, Kathryn Nulley Principal Back to top Dear Parents, When young Tom was asked by his teacher if his family said a prayer before the evening meal, he replied, “We don't have to, our mum’s a good cook”. Full marks to Tom. Obviously, he has total confidence in his mother and loves her dearly. To be able to love his mum, Tom firstly has to love himself. Some people find that this is not always easy to do. Holding a strong respectful image of ourselves is essential to self-love. Whatever our history has been, it is possible, gradually, to learn to appreciate ourselves as a loving and loved person, a source of love for others and ourselves. Tom’s mother has a recipe for self-love and she lists the following as the essential ingredients: Be kind to your mind. Gently change your thoughts if they are negative. Treat yourself as you would treat someone you really loved. Praise yourself. Consciously generate positive thoughts and feelings in place of old thoughts of inadequacy. Watch what you say; avoid self put-downs. Cease to be critical of yourself and others. Relax. Let God love you. It’s possible for us to drift along through life simply looking up to people in whom we see goodness, beauty and love, because we do not see these qualities in ourselves. As a result, we begin to lean on others without realising that we have everything we need to stand on our own two feet. The psychologist, Scott Peek, suggests that, “We are incapable of loving another unless we love ourselves, just as we are incapable of teaching our children self-discipline unless we are selfdisciplined.” It’s possible, even when we proclaim ourselves to be Christians that we don't love ourselves enough, to believe that God loves us. It’s possible that we don't love ourselves enough to make sense in our lives of Jesus’ wonderful invitation to “Love your neighbour as you love yourself”. So, “As we learn love, we become more empathetic, sensitive and appreciative – with increasingly fewer conditions. As we learn love, we literally look forwards with greater confidence, enthusiasm and hope. We find meaning wherever we are, because love does not bring meaning. Love is meaning.” Stephanie Dowrick. Here’s one of the great teaching parables of Jesus which we will use at our Mater Dei welcome to our 2015 Prep class on Friday. “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in their field. It is the smallest of all seeds but when it is grown, it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air can come and can make their nests in its branches.” Matt. 13:31,32. Here we can interpret a story about self-love starting out as something tiny and, as it is cared for, grows into an attraction to which others are drawn. Tom’s mother has some ideas about the nurturing and Jesus has the invitation as to what to do with the developed quality. May many birds choose to build their nests in the branches of your life. Prayer God, our Father, We are thankful for our existence and for the gifts within us. Help us to develop these gifts so that we enjoy fully the wonder of our life. Amen. Back to top Rosie Back to top P&F news Next P&F meeting 6th November Tuckshop Roster Term 4 2014 We have a number of spots to fill and would appreciate more volunteers for the term. Please contact Amy & Sheleigh at : if they are able to assist. New volunteers more than welcome! Mon Morning 8.30-11.00 Lunch 11.00-2.00 Wed Morning 8.30-11.00 Lunch 11.00-2.00 10 Nov Bethany Sharman Sheleigh Pallister Claire Davidson Judy Ritter Angela Cervetto 12 Nov Marie Whitten Belinda Power Petrea Mansul Veronika Engeman Nicole Quinn Margaret Lyons Madonna Manahan Liz Graham Amy Henry Jo Johnstone 19 Nov Fiona Woodard Libby Gallahger Karen Thomas Catherine O’Rourke 26 Nov Marg Reed Sandra Kurowski ? Louise Stark Libby Gibson Sue Boyce ?? 3 Dec Mekaela Ferrero Tracey Leigh -Allen ??? Jane Maguire 17 Nov 24 Nov Emma Mattiazzi 1 Dec ??? Terri Cusack Terri Cusack Kim Murray Julia Peak Jodie Beaton Bethany Sharman Back to top NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2014 Date: Monday 17 November, 2014 Time: 7pm Venue: The Mackillop Centre Hall, Mater Dei School The AGM will: 1. Read and accept the minutes of the 2013 AGM. 2. Receive the Principal’s Report 3. Receive the Annual Report. 4. Receive the Financial Statements. 5. Elect member of the Executive. 6. Form Sub-committees. 7. Thank 2014 Committee members. All members of the current P&F Executive Committee will stand down and may stand for reelection. A list of the 2014 Executive and Committee members accompanies this notice. If you would like to nominate for a position, please email attention the Secretary, with your full name, position nominating form and any other relevant information. All nominations must be received prior to the AGM. The meeting will be followed by a light supper & drinks at approximately 7.30pm kindly provided by the Staff. Yours sincerely, Nicole Quinn President 7 November, 2014 2014 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION 2014 Executive Committee • President - Nicole Quinn • Vice- President – Beth Toon • Treasurer - Annette Henry • Secretary – Melissa Sharland 2014 Sub-committees Class Parent Coordinator Maureen Wicks Grants Mark Harris Social Therese Anderson, Melissa Sharland, Marg Reid, Libby Gallagher, Sandra Kurowski, Ruth Whiting Dance Angela Cervetto, Liz Lohse, Marie Bond and Rebecca Harris Directory Cath Clarke, Annette Henry Instrumental Bethany Sharman Race Day Joe Anderson Sustainability Donna Lynn, Petrea Mansul, Michelle Dickson Banking Bethany Sharman, Jodie Beaton, Sue Boyce, Works Jim Gordon and Stephen Gallagher Tuckshop Therese Walsh, Sheleigh Pallister, Amy Henry Mothers & Fathers Day stall Daisy O’Keefe purchasing 2nd & Sports Uniforms Amy Henry, Ali France Music in the Moonlight Entertainment Louise Marshall, Melissa Sharland Theming Emma Reynolds, Louise Marshall Sponsorship & Auctions Anthony Frawley, Annette Henry Food Louise Marshall, Annette Henry Drinks Beth Toon, Annette Henry Raffles Janine Rees, Anthony Frawley Marketing & Promotion Maureen Wicks, Janine Rees Website & social media Clive France, Louise Marshall Infrastructure Annette Henry, Nicole Quinn Class Parents Prep Sheleigh Pallister, Ruth Whiting Year 1 Claire Davidson, Sophie Naughton Year 2 Suzanne Berwick, Sandra Kurowski Year 3 Marg Reid, Angela Cervetto Year 4 Terri Cusack, Rosemary Horton Year 5 Annie Newton Year 6 Nicole Bucknell, Melitta Brassington Year 7 Jane Harris, Marita Garrone Arts Heidi Thompson Thank you to our S I LV E R GOLD P L AT I N U M sponsors 2014 Building & Refurbs Roofing Plumbing Asbestos Removal Building Maintenance Tender Scoping Ashgrove’s Auto Service Expert $149 Essential Service Ph 3355 3777 257 Waterworks Road Ashgrove P: 3366 6955 w w w. a n t h o n y s p e e d y. c o m . a u W H O L E S A L E F R U I T A N D V E G E TA B L E S U P P L I E R S w w w. b n b f r e s h . c o m . a u w w w. s t e p z f i t n e s s . c o m . a u / COMMUNITY NEWS Choir Could children in the Choir from Year 3, 4 & 5 please attend practices for the next 3 weeks. Unfortunately the children in Prep to Year 2 are not required to attend at this time. Rehearsals are in the church on Thursday mornings at 8am INITIATIVE OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP PARISH Saturday Sewing Class. Classes for beginners , Girls aged 10 years and older , to be held in SPC Hall on Saturday November the 22 nd. Once a Month . 9 30 to noon. Each time you come you will Make something to take home. Cost of lessons is $15 , Pay at the door. We hope to have one on one Teacher / Pupil. If any Mothers wish to come and help teach you will be most welcome. Bookings are essential as we have already have a lot of interest and have limited places. For further information please phone Moira Flynn on 33664536 or email me at : Back to top Sprout Drama Evening Showcase Thursday 27th November 6:30pm Mater Dei McKillop Centre Hall It’s Showtime We welcome family and friends of Sprout Drama to share in this exciting event. Tea, Coffee and cold drinks will be available from 6pm. PARISH OF ST. JOHN’S WOOD/THE GAP DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA YEAR A SUNDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 2014 Website: Parish of St John’s Wood\The Gap WELCOME New Parishioners: Sam and Alex Perpich and baby Daniel Anthony & Karen Thomas Baptisms Anika DeBondt-Young Oliver DeBondt-Young Julian Knowles-Anthony Hannah Demendio Braxton Bendzala Ella Webster • Rosary Bruce & Val Bonney on Monday 10th November, at 7.30pm 34 Romea St., The Gap. NEWS IN BRIEF Inside: Sewing for children 2 Diary Dates 3 St Vinnies help required Feast Day 3 Mass Times Christmas Festival 4 3 Remember this Sunday Elizabeth Harrington at Mater Dei church at 10.30 am for Readers, Ministers of Communion. Parish Office: PO Box 408, The Gap, Qld 4061 Ph: 3300 6099 Fax: 3300 6255 Churches: Mater Dei : 16 Philomene Drive, Ashgrove St Peter Chanel: 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap Parish Priest: Fr. Vu Dinh Tuong Parish Manager: Richard James Parish Secretary: Ann Lister Sacramental Program enquiries only The Lateran The Lateran Basilica is the cathedral of Rome. Pope Clemens XII dedicated the Basilica to Christ, in honour of Saints John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist and today is known as St John Lateran cathedral. The feast became a universal celebration in honour of our Lord and it is a sign of love for and union with the Vicar of Christ on earth. The Laterani’s family was the owner of the site and two members of the family were consults, Sextius and Plautinus. In the time of Nero, Plautinus was accused of conspiracy against the emperor, and his goods were confiscated and the palace became Emperor Constantine’s and was given to the Church. It was the oldest Cathedral and the birthplace of the Nicene Creed. The building had gone through several disasters such as vandalism, fires and earthquakes. After every fall the Lateran rose again, continuing to proclaim the word of God. It is not just brick and mortar but God who makes the church alive through his people. By acting on God’s words and nourishing ourselves with the Body and Blood of Christ we make it alive and that life flows through the Church. God makes the Church alive through us. We are the community of faith who give praise to God and show God’s love for the world. It is our duty to take care of holy places and make them alive and care for the community of faith because these are the signs that reflect the internal temple- our faith journey. Every time we commit sin we inflict harm to our spiritual and physical body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We regularly need to take care of ourselves by means of prayers and penance and fasting as ways to rejuvenate the Holy Spirit. Jesus during his life on earth several times visited the temple and complained that people have turned the house of prayer into a marketplace. Deep in our hearts we know that a temple is a sacred place and when in it we should keep quiet and be reverent and respectful because a temple is a house of prayer. Our behaviour at a holy place often gets carried away by the crowds. People talk in Church and I join them and I presume that it is ok. We need to remind ourselves that following the majority is not always the right and correct thing to do and it could unconsciously tarnish the holy place we are in. Jesus refers to the temple in Jerusalem as "my Father's house." It is God’s house on earth where God dwells and it can only be recognize by faith. Jesus established the Church on earth and Christ as our head and we are parts of that body. When one part of the body gets hurt as a result the whole body suffers. We are temples of the Holy Spirit because God lives in us and we live in God. We are united with God through his word, through the sacraments and through the Body and Blood of Christ. Today’s celebration is not about a place but it is about us. Fr. Vudinh Tuong PP DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA YEAR A Introduction: Today, we are reminded how God is ‘with us’ in sacred places, especially in the Temple, and how this presence is fully realised in Jesus and his community of the Church. First Reading: Ezekiel 47: 1-2, 8-9,12 We hear a vision of the Temple in Jerusalem with its water as a source of life. Responsorial Psalm: The waters of the river gladden the city of God. Next Week’s Readings: First Reading Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20, 30-31 Second Reading Thessalonians 5:1-6 Gospel Matthew 25:14-30 Prayers for the Sick: Julie Hopwood, Jo Brewer Sylvia McConnachie Recently Deceased Mary Johnston Anniversary: Andrew Mahoney Murray Dick Annette Condon Prayers: Every me there is a request to pray for a sick person their names will be in the prayers of faithful for 2 weeks and in the bullen for 4 weeks. Names of recently deceased will be on the prayer list for 4 weeks and in the bullen for 4 weeks. . BEQUEST OR WILLS All parishioners are asked to consider including our parish St John’s Wood/ The Gap in your will. One of the greatest contributions you can make to our parish is to ensure a legacy of faith for the young and to provide proper care for the old. Second Reading: Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17 The community of the Church is the Temple of God. Gospel Reading: John: 13-27 Jesus takes a stand about the real purpose of the Temple and, from this, speaks of the temple of his own body. At the heart of the Eucharist are the words ‘this is my body given up for you’. The Church as Christ’s body is called to share in that ‘giving’ - both as gift and sacrifice. The Church, as the sign and instrument of God’s reign, shares in the mission of Jesus. It is a community ‘for the others’, in other words, called to give itself as servant for the sake of the world. Diary Dates: • menCONNECT Fr Anthony Mellor will be speaking about Pope Francis at the dinner to be held at 6pm on 28 November in the Parish Hall at SPC. Here is a leader who easily mixes with the poor and the marginalised not unlike someone who lived 2000 years ago. Fr Anthony’s take on Francis will be fascinating, all men are welcome. Cost is $10. Please RSVP Mike on 0459 992 228 by Tuesday 25 November for catering purposes. Children’s Sewing classes Wanted 10 Children aged 10 -16 years to learn to sew. We will hold the lessons in SPC Hall on a Saturday morning 9.30am till 12 noon. We hope to begin mid November and sew once a Month except for January school holidays. Each time you come you will make something to take home. Cost of lessons is $15 .We hope to have one on one Teacher / Pupil, If any Mothers wish to help teach you will be welcome. Bookings are essential as there is keen interest already, for further information Phone Moira Flynn 33664536 or email me at • • Thank You Tank you to all the families who attend the All Souls Mass last Friday night and the Parish Pastoral Group who helped with the evening. Memorial for Mary Johnston Please join us on Monday 7.00pm at Mater Dei church as we pray the Rosary for the repose of the soul of Mary Johnston whose funeral Mass will be celebrated the following day in Bungonia NSW. Afterwards we will share a cup of tea and memories. A memorial Mass for Mary will be held shortly. Details will published when available. • DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA YEAR A St Vincent De Paul will be selling Christmas Cards in the piety stall St Vincent de Paul is seeking a lounge suite and a table and chairs for a needy family. Contact David Mapstone on 33003224 or 0458 246 647. Date Event Time Location Monday 24 November SPC Parents Night 6/7 Jennifer Jason Tuesday 25 November Mass for ASRE (After School Religious Education) 6pm MD Thursday 27 November Information Night for PREP SPC school 9am SPC school Friday 28 November menCONNECT Dinner 6pm SPC Hall 28/29 November Put up Christmas Lights Sunday 30 November Volunteers BBQ After 5pm SPC Mass Monday 1 December Christmas Festival Starts Graduation Mass Yr 6/7 MD 7.30pm Tuesday 2 December Y7 Graduation Mass MD MD Wednesday 3 December Friday 5 December Graduation 6/7 SPC School finishes SPC Sunday 7 December Gary & Lynne Stone’s Farewell Mass 5pm Mass SPC Wednesday 10 December Mass of Forgiveness 7.30pm MD Sunday 21 December Christmas Festival ends Wednesday 24 December Christmas Carols & Mass Christmas Carols & Mass 5.30pm 6.30pm MD SPC Thursday 25 December Christmas Day Mass Christmas Day Mass 8am 9.30am SPC MD Thursday 1 January 2015 New Year’s Day Mass 9am SPC SPC school SPC Church MD A VOCATION VIEW: "Credibility" becomes a household word, not because there is so much of it, but because there is such a lack of it. The Church also needs people who not only practice what they preach, but can also preach what they practice. • • • The Editor retains the right to edit any items that are submitted to the Bulletin. Names will be placed in the sick list for a period of four (4) weeks, if you wish to continue after that please contact the Parish Office. The cut off for the Parish Bulletin is Wednesday 3pm. • Children’s Rosary " A special thank you to parishioners who continued the tradition (started by Mary Johnston) of praying the Rosary each Friday of October with the children at Mater Dei school" Mary Davidson (Pictured is Peter McMahon with the class) Feast Day of the Week –Dedication of the Lateran Basilica On this particular feast day, it could surprise many Catholics that the place that is acknowledged is not St Peter’s but rather, one dedicated to the Most Holy Saviour. Inside its sanctuary, the Pope has his cathedra, or chair (picture), thus making it the Pope's Cathedral Church. DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA YEAR A MASS TIMES PARISH OFFICE HOURS 8.30am to 3pm Tuesday to Friday RECONCILATION Mater Dei Saturday 5.00-5.20 St. Peter Chanel Sunday 4.30-4.45 MATER DEI ST PETER CHANEL Feast Days/Notes Monday St Leo the Great Tuesday 9am St Martin of Tours Wednesday 9am Thursday 9am Friday St Josaphat 9am Saturday 5.30pm Sunday 9.30am 8am & 5pm Thirty-Third Sunday In Ordinary time Year A PARISH SCHOOLS Mater Dei Primary: Our Christmas Festival Ph: 3514 4100 The Christmas Festival organisation is well underway and will be held between the 1st and 21st of December. We are calling on volunteers to assist with the running of the festival to ensure that this is a truly special event that brings the celebration of the birth of our Saviour to our parish and the wider community. Please take the time to think how you can be part of this wonderful celebration and contact the Parish office if you can spare any time. St Peter Chanel Primary: Ph: 3300 1202 BAPTISMS Mater Dei 3rd Sunday St Peter Chanel 4th Sunday BAPTISM PREPARATION Details available on our website under Parish Activities Mass for the Deaf. Parish Pastoral Council Steven Foley (Chairperson) St Michael's Church, Banks Street, Ashgrove, for the Central Deanery Pastoral Council, will host an Auslan-Supported Mass on Sunday 23 November at 8.30 am. Christmas Festival Entertainment Performances Commence at 7.30 pm at St Peter Chanel Catholic Church. Performance Date 01/12 02/12 03/12 05/12 06/12 08/12 09/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 13/12 14/12 15/12 16/12 18/12 19/12 21/12 Community Groups Jubilee Singers Westside Orchestra Mt Maria College Choir East Timor Community Band Brother James Choir Te Tria Choir ‘Keepin’ it Secret’ (Denise Parker & Peter Monaghan) Children’s night Peace n Choir Samoan Singers Going for a Song Brisbane Brass Music Association inc Samford Community Choir Steve Foley & Friends Tatty Tenors Brisbane Ukulele Musical Society Parish of St John’s Wood/The Gap choirs Pender & Whitehouse New Parishioners are welcome Please place your name in the Book at the back of the church. Renovations, Decks, Fit Outs Build In Under Solicitors Since 1917 JOHN WHITEHOUSE PH (07) 3356 6589 Conveyancing—Fixed Fee Wills, EPOA’s, Estates Leasing—Business– Buying & Selling Email: 250 Enoggera Road, Newmarket.. Qld 4051
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