Mater Dei School Newsletter 13 Nov 2014

Mater Dei School Newsletter
13th Nov 2014
Parish Office: Ph. 3300 6099 PARISH MASS TIMES— MATER DEI: Tuesday 9.00 am and Friday 9.00 am (Healing Mass)
ST PETER CHANEL: Wednesday 9.00 AM AND Thursday 9.00 AM (Healing Mass) Tuesday—Friday 8.30-3.00
O.S.H. Care 3366 7138
You may have noticed the
dedication to the families
who participated in our 2009
Building Renovation
fundraiser has been
improved and returned to
the wall outside the Arts
Fri 14
G20 Leader’s Summit Public Holiday
(no school today)
Mon 17
Wed 19
“Life Work in Progress” Parents of
Yrs 6 & &7 Information Evening
Sat 22
Mater Dei Dance Concert
Wed 26
Yr 6/7 retreat Day
Fri 28
Yr 1/2 Swimming Carnival
End of Year School Disco
Mon 1
Yr 6 Graduation
Tues 2
Yr 7 Graduation
Fri 5
Last day of Term
Whole School Mass 9am
And so the next stage of school improvements begins…
Next week the school office will be relocating to the Library while
we undertake renovations to the Caritas building.
There will be some minor disruptions to the school while this work
is being undertaken but we will do our best to keep it to a
Parent Portal
This week on the Portal
P & F AGM Notice of Meeting & Role Descriptions
Music in the Moonlight Photos
Information Evening-Technology Powerpoint
13th November 2014
Dear Parents, Caregivers, friends, boys and girls, and all associated with Mater Dei,
As we move to the last 3 weeks of the term, it is a special time for our senior students as they reflect in their
time at Mater Dei, even more so this year, with both Year 6 and Year 7 finishing in the primary setting for the
last time. As you would no doubt be aware, Year 7 will be placed in the context of a high school setting from
2015 onwards. You may be wondering Why the move of Year 7 to Secondary is occurring?
Students entering Year 7 in 2015 will be on average at least 6 months older than Year 7 students prior to
2014. This is because in 2007, the school starting age changed and students in Prep, who turned five after
June 30, had to wait for enrolment until 2008.
Prior to 2014, a student who entered Year 8 was in their 8th year of education. Now students who enter
Year 7 in Secondary will also be in their 8th year of school.
In 2015, the age of students in each year level will be the same as most other states and territories in
Australia. In 2015, the only state or territory in Australia that will not have Year 7 in secondary schools is
South Australia.
Over the last two years, DETE established 20 pilot schools throughout Queensland and the conclusion
from all of these is that Year 7 students are ready for a Secondary environment.
All of our Brisbane Catholic Education colleges have spent the last three years designing the learning
environments for this age group of students.
Buildings, professional learning, curriculum and pastoral care programs have been reviewed to meet the
needs of these young adolescent learners.
The staff in our secondary colleges have been involved in professional learning and working with primary
teachers to gain a greater understanding of the Year 7 student as a learner.
The Australian Curriculum was written with the assumption that Year 7 is in Secondary. The Australian
curriculum reflects the greater cognitive ability of these older Year 7 students and the focus for Years 7
and 8 particularly, is based on a greater knowledge of the disciplines than the P-6 curriculum.
Showcase Performances
It is that time of year when children who have been involved in extra -curricular activities, showcase their talents
to their family and friends. Preparations are well under way for the Mater Dei Dance School Concert. Children
involved in the Instrumental program and Sprout Drama will also be displaying their skills and talents in these
final weeks of school. Many thanks to the coordinators of these various programs for their ongoing work
throughout the year and for organising these showcase events.
P&F AGM Meeting
Please consider coming to our last P&F meeting for the year next Monday 17 th November 7pm. Each year the
P&F conduct an Annual General Meeting to review the year and set things in motion for the following year. I
would like to encourage all to come along to this very important meeting. I would also encourage all to consider
whether you are willing to volunteer to help out in some way next year. I am most grateful to all of the members
of our P&F who have given so generously to the school this year.
I would particularly like to encourage some of the new families in our younger year levels to consider getting
actively involved. Mater Dei is a community and we all need to make a contribution if we wish this community
to flourish. Ultimately those who will benefit most from your contribution are the children of Mater Dei.
The staff will be supplying supper as a way of acknowledging and saying thank you for your ongoing support
during 2014. We look forward to seeing you there.
Staffing News
We thank Michelle Lafferty for her work as she has been replaced Rita Morley this term. Rita returns to Mater
Dei next Monday.
Best wishes for the week ahead and enjoy the long weekend.
Kind regards
Kathryn Nulley
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There are many ways to live Gospel values and open your heart to those in need. Within the Catholic education
system we are encouraged to support Catholic agencies whom you may not hear much about because they
spend minimal amounts of money on administration, media publicity and advertising, preferring as much as
possible to reach the grass roots needs on the ground.
Throughout the year our pattern has become to support CARITAS (the Catholic Church’s international aid and
development agency) during Lent; Catholic Mission (the Pope’s official agency for mission and evangelisation)
during October; the St Vincent de Paul Winter and Christmas Appeals; and the community and Catholic School
of Atabae through the ‘Friends and Partners of East Timor’ group based within this parish.
As an individual and family you are free to support whatever causes appeal to you and I want to suggest that
there are many available on offer around Christmas time. There are wishing trees and organisations where you
can buy a donation (such as mosquito nets) as a gift to someone who will receive a beautiful card of thanks in
return. There are shops that support free trade and sell goods made by communities in third world countries
trying to establish a means of generating an income. I am sure you know what I mean, and this is a great way to
involve your children and discuss the true meaning of Christmas with them.
This week check out how you can support Catholic based organisations by doing your Christmas shopping either
online or visiting the store.
One such organisation is the trading Circle, located close by in Paddington. The Trading Circle is a not-for-profit
ethical fair trade retailer established in Australia in 1995 specifically to support income generating projects,
micro enterprises and community cooperatives to help women in dire need. Goods they produce are imported
directly from these projects and sold via our stores, markets, fairs, conferences, website, direct marketing and
corporate partnerships.
The Trading Circle is an initiative of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd as a constructive and self-sustaining
response to global poverty.
100 Latrobe Terrace,
Open from 10am till 5pm
CARITAS is another organisation which also has a Christmas gifts catalogue.
‘Your gift helps our life changing work around the world. Caritas helps people to help themselves by working in
partnership with them.
By sharing a Global Gift with a loved one, you will help spread the message that together as one global family we
can make the world a better place.
Your purchase of a specific gift is representative of the type of community development work done by Caritas
Australia’s projects.’
I have also used a further idea from this organisation to help the older students countdown to Christmas. Check
out for yourselves.
Please give generously to a cause beyond your house and family, who are very lucky, this coming Christmas
Final Social Justice activity for 2014
Help our Mini Vinnies children support St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal.
Traditionally the children and families of Mater Dei have assisted the St Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal.
Families are asked to donate/send in items that would be suitable for the St Vincent de Paul volunteers to pack
into Christmas hampers for needy families in our parish community.
There will a basket for donations in each classroom over the next few weeks.
Yr 7 various drinks please
Yr 6 Christmas table decorations
Yr 5 chips, lollies, nuts, popcorn (treats)
Yr 4 cake, pudding, biscuits, custard, tin fruit (dessert)
Yr 3 cereal, tea, coffee, sugar, hot chocolate, marshmallows, pancake mix (breakfast)
Yr 2 rice, pasta, quick meal ideas\sauces, soup
Yr 1 tinned meat, salads, vegies, fish
Prep tinned meat, salads, vegies, fish
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Robotics News
Last term, we began a robotics club with a small group of students under the guidance of Jay Hobbs from
Brisbane Catholic Education. The students have continued to explore, learn and play while participating in
some weekly challenges. Last Tuesday, Oliver Harris, Sheridan Dowling, Matthew Rogan, George Steel and
Mateo Gilbert attended a robotics challenge day at North lakes. They had the opportunity to participate in a
variety of robotic activities with both primary and secondary students from six other Brisbane Catholic
Education schools. The day was led by Damien Kee who has a PhD in robotics and runs his own business and
there was also some very interesting and exciting input by Karl and Sam from the QUT robotics club who
are studying mechanical engineering. We had a great morning with final activity being a ‘mexican wave’ by
the robots which required the cooperation of all of the students in attendance – quite a feat!
Then on Wednesday, Year 6 participated in a robotics immersion day here at Mater Dei under the guidance
of Jay Hobbs and David Gall from Brisbane Catholic Education. Michael Jones from Southern Cross school at
Redcliffe was also kind enough to lend three of their robots and gave us his time in the morning to support
us. The purpose of the day was to investigate how robotics can be used as a vehicle for meeting some of the
requirements of the new technology curriculum which we will begin to implement in 2015. Students were
introduced to the design process of defining, designing, implementing, and evaluating while learning to
practise the skills of collaborating and managing.
A couple of teachers were given the opportunity to work with the BCE staff to begin some familiarisation
with the curriculum, plan the activities, learn something about robotics, observe the introductory
presentation and explanation to the students and assist on the day. Students were very engaged all day
and were able to share their culminating activity with Prep and Year 7.
Please remember to encourage your children to return all library books as soon as possible . Thankyou.
P&F AGM 17th November
Your P&F –
Tuckshop Roster Term 4 2014
Here is the tuckshop roster for the last 2 weeks. We just need one more person for the first shift on the 19 November. Thank you to all our amazing tuckshop volunteers this year. Tuckshop wouldn't happen without your
17 Nov
Margaret Lyons
Madonna Manahan
Amy Henry
Jo Johnstone
Colleen Gullo
19 Nov
Kim Murray
Jodie Beaton
Bethany Sharman
Karen Thomas
Catherine O’Rourke
26 Nov
Liz Graham
24 Nov
Fiona Woodard
Libby Gallahger
Julia Peake
Marg Reed
Sandra Kurowski
Louise Stark
Libby Gibson
Emma Mattiazzi
Reminder to nominate for P&F 2015
The P&F's Annual General Meeting will be held next Monday commencing at 7pm in the hall. A Notice of
Meeting for the agenda and a brief note of the varied roles and positions was sent home on Wednesday and is
available on the Parent Portal.
Our school community flourishes with the support of the P&F. Have you thought about how you may contribute
in some way?
Attached is a brief note of the varied roles and positions.
There is something to suit everyone's time constraints and skills!!
Please send your nomination to or speak to any of the current executive
Annette Henry ( James 2M, Jack 4B, Georgia Year 6)
Beth Toon ( Max 2M)
Melissa Sharland (Matthew 3B, Ella Year 7).
Nicole Quinn (Joe 2M, Thomas 3B).
Thank you
P&F 2014
School Banking
Next week is our last week of school banking for 2014. All rewards
must be ordered by next Wednesday.
The following children are eligible to order a reward. Available
rewards include a handball, scented pencils, dive toys/sea streamers, projector cup and
a swimming bag.
Tate Allen
Anna Clarke
Samuel Clifford
Emily Cruikshank
Tom Cusack
Cullen Fitzgerald
Bodhi Fox
Harry Gould
George Haling
Phoebe Karamihis
Tom McGhee
Jessica McGill
Nicholas Maguire
Flynn Mc Cormack
Jake Miller
Bridie Newton
Daniel O’Keeffe
Braidyn Polich
Caleb Reinders
Samuel Robertson
Sarah Shah
The following children will be eligible to order a reward if they bank next
week so send in their order with their banking and they will receive their
reward before the end of school.
Ellie Andrews
Molly Aldridge
Ella Beaton
Sophie Blinkhoff
Olivia Bond
Caitlin Bruce
Daniel Cusack
Chelsea Dean
Thomas Donaldson
Audrey Dowling
Zac France
Alex Gordon
Kathleen Gormley
Joseph Lohse
Tilly McDonald
Molly Manahan
Luke Manahan
Georgia O’Keeffe
Bella Peacock
Ashley Ritter
Jack Thorpe
Benjamin Wex
Friday, 28 November
6:00 – 8:00pm
$10 per family
(Price includes DJ, Sausage Sizzle & Zooper
Dooper Ice-block for every Mater Dei child*)
* Please pay $1 extra for every non-Mater Dei
child who would like to purchase a sausage.
Zooper Dooper ice-block for everyone!
“Pay on entry”
Soft drinks, poppers, chips and glow sticks will be available for purchase
on the night.
*Sausage sizzle from 6pm. Ice blocks available at 7:15pm
Parents: Please BYO drinks and nibbles.
Hope to see you there!
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St John’s Wood/The Gap Parish
Sacramental Program - Reconciliation
Our Parish coordinates a family-centred Parish-based
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM for the Sacrament of
Any baptised Catholic child who is in Year 3 or above is
eligible to enrol and participate in the RECONCILIATION
There will be a compulsory information and enrolment
night on Tuesday 10 February 2015 from 7pm to 8pm
at St Peter Chanel Church for parents wishing to enrol
their children for First Reconciliation.
The program will run over four weeks with a workbook
being emailed to you every week. There will be a
compulsory retreat night for parents and children at St
Peter Chanel Church on Friday 20 March 2015 from
6.30pm to 8pm. Children will receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation during the week following.
St John’s Wood/The Gap Parish Sacramental Program –
Confirmation and First Eucharist
Any baptised Catholic child in Year 4 or above who has
made their First Reconciliation is
eligible to enrol and participate in
Saturday Sewing
Classes for beginners , Girls aged
10 years and older , to be held in SPC Hall on Saturday
Sprout Drama Evening Showcase
November the 22 nd. Once a Month . 9 30 to noon.
Thursday 27th November 6:30pm
Each time you come you will Make something to take
Mater Dei McKillop Centre Hall
Cost of lessons is $15 , Pay at the door.
We hope to have one on one Teacher / Pupil. If any
Mothers wish to come and help teach you will be most
Bookings are essential as we have already have a lot of
interest and have limited places.
It’s Showtime
We welcome family and
friends of Sprout Drama
to share in this exciting
event. Tea, Coffee and cold
drinks will be available from
For further information please phone Moira Flynn on
33664536 or email me at :
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MATER DEI CHOIR Dear Parents/Care-Givers,
In previous correspondence, I had mentioned that it was my wish for the choir to sing at
the Mater Dei Concert at the end of November. The Dance organizers had asked us to
perform so as to provide some musical entertainment and an opportunity for our young
singers to shine. Unfortunately, there was not enough interest received from our families,
so, sadly the choir won’t be participating. Thank you to those of you who responded
positively. Plans are in motion to secure a larger number of students next year and some
strategies are being formalised to ensure this eventuates.
With respect to this year, the regular Thursday morning choirists will be joining the Yr 5
class in performing a special ‘farewell’ song on the last day of school. This will be a very
happy way to end our year together.
Next week, Mrs Harrison will be taking the choir up to the Respite Centre. This visit is
always well received by all the patrons and the children very much enjoy sharing their
happiness and smiles.
Next year, the choir will only be open to children from years 3 to 6. This year and last year,
I opened the doors to the younger ones from years P-2 as some were very keen to
participate. It is very hard to say no, however, I do feel that it is a little difficult for these
younger students to achieve what is needed. I regret making this change, but it necessary in
order to maximize what our school choirists can learn and ultimately create.
Thank you to those of you who help your child/children come regularly to our Thursday
morning rehearsals and supporting us. It really is appreciated! J Rehearsals will continue
until the last week of school – business as usual.
I look forward to working with your children in the future – it is a most rewarding
experience and I am grateful for the opportunity.
Kind regards,
Helen Greig
For the Choir
Santa Sleigh returns to The Gap
7th to 13th December
escorted by
The Rotary Club of Ashgrove/TheGap
Coordinate your street party with Santa’s visit
Send us an email at
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If you have any historical information relevant to Ashgrove West Preschool and Kindergarten, or can
contribute in any way, please contact the preschool on 33661212