SAINT MARGARET MARY CHURCH 3055 LEECHBURG ROAD, LOWER BURRELL, PA A PENNSYLVANIA CHARITABLE TRUST & PARISH OF THE DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Vol. VIII No. 50 NOVEMBER 9, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Weekdays (Monday ~ Friday) 8:00 a.m. Holy Days 8:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Confession Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. and by appointment At the Memorial Mass on November 3 Father Ken gave each family a memorial candle in memory of their deceased loved one. † SACRAMENTS PASTORAL STAFF Very Rev. Kenneth G. Zaccagnini, V.F., Pastor ( - Ext. 16 Rev. Daniel J. Ulishney, Parochial Vicar ( - Ext 14 William Staniszewski, Bus. Mgr. ( - Ext. 17 Mary Murphy, Director of Music & Liturgy ( - Ext 20 Jo Ann McLaughlin-Klemencic, Regional Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation ( - Ext. 22 Donna Misak, Coordinator of Youth Ministry ( - Ext. 19 Sharon Pearson, Financial Secretary ( - Ext. 12 Linda Scott, Parish Secretary ( - Ext. 11 CONTACT US E-mail: Phone: 724-335-2336 Website: Fax: 724-335-1945 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. BAPTISM: Contact the parish office to schedule a Baptism Seminar prior to the baptism of your first child. MARRIAGE: Contact the parish office at least nine months in advance for information and scheduling. (RCIA) RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Considering entry into the Catholic Church? Contact the parish office for an appointment. PASTORAL CARE OF THE HOMEBOUND: To arrange for the Sacraments, contact the parish office. * * * MINISTRY OF HOME VISITATION ~ Sisters of Mary Immaculate: 724-845-2828 MARY QUEEN OF APOSTLES SCHOOL Catherine Collett, Principal Office: 724-339-4411 or 724-335-5911 PASTORAL COUNCIL 2013 - 2014 James Angelo, Michael Joyce, Malvene Kulik, Sally Lagatutta, Tracy Lindo, Jay Manga, Lou Marmo, Julie Ondako, Phyllis Roberts-Spiering, Doris Swick, Robert Tatrn, and Mary Sue Wheeler FINANCE COUNCIL 2013 - 2014 Richard Kalkstein, Donald Ryan, Danielle Skowronski, Thomas Thimons FATHER KEN’S NOTE “Low-Gluten Hosts” We are aware that some of our parishioners are affected by Celiac Sprue disease and that they are unable to tolerate the consumption of gluten, which is found in wheat flour. Successful results have been achieved in the production of a very low-gluten host. These hosts have been evaluated as safe for many sufferers of Celiac Sprue disease, and are in conformity with the canonical requirements for validity. We are now making these hosts available for our parishioners who need them. If you need a low--gluten host, please let the usher know this prior to the beginning of each Mass you attend. The usher will then place a low gluten host in a special container for this purpose called a pyx. Right before Mass, the usher will place the pyx in the ciborium with all of the other hosts. Because the low gluten hosts will be kept in the pyx, they will not be mixed with the other hosts in the ciborium. The presider will consecrate the lowgluten hosts in this pyx separate from the other hosts. When you come up for Holy Communion, please go to the Priest and say, “low-gluten” and he will give you the consecrated low-gluten host from the small pyx he will have with him. The other extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion will not have the low gluten hosts to distribute. For those who are unable to tolerate even the slightest amount of gluten, we encourage you to remember that the reception of Holy Communion only under the form of bread or only under the form of wine is still reception of the whole Christ, Body and Blood, soul and divinity. We are currently researching our altar wine to determine if it is gluten free. The sisters from the Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration who make these lowgluten hosts have this to say: “Since we began selling these breads we have served over 2000 celiac sufferers. Our low gluten altar breads were featured in an article in the magazine Gluten-Free Living. The editorial and accompanying write-up cited data from the Center for Celiac Research that showed that the less than 0.01% gluten content of our breads would be perfectly safe for most celiacs. The article states ‘The measurement cited here, 0.01%, represents 100 PPMs (parts per million). But the more important number is 37 micrograms, because it is daily exposure to gluten that counts. The best current information shows that 10 milligrams a day should be safe. Ten milligrams is the same as 10,000 micrograms. If you divide 37 micrograms into 10,000 micrograms, you will find that you would have to eat 270 wafers every day to reach the danger point. At most, celiacs would consume one wafer per day or about 0.04% (four tenths of one percent) of the amount considered dangerous.’ “We are inspired by the deep desire of those suffering from gluten intolerance to receive Holy Communion. We are humbled by the many letters, emails, and phone calls we have received thanking us for our efforts to produce low gluten altar bread. We are blessed to have the opportunity to allow God to work through our hands. We are honored and privileged to provide for you and your parish the bread that becomes the Body of Christ.” More information is available at: main_page=page&id=2 We hope this effort assists those of you who live with Celiac Sprue disease. Father Ken 2 The Eucharistic Table This Week Sat./Sun. 11/8-9 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 5:00 pm 8:30 am 11:00 am + Frances & James Swiklinski (David & Doris Swick) + John & Josephine Carabin (Jack & Dona Carabin) + Mass for the Congregation Mon. 11/10 8:00 am Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tues. 11/11 7:30 am Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wed. 11/12 8:00 am Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 ST. LEO THE GREAT + Jane Thimons (Shellie & Bob Bolewitz) ST. MARTIN OF TOURS + Bob Braunstein (Margo) 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11; 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Sat./Sun. 11/15-16 5:00 pm 8:30 am 11:00 am Sunday, Nov. 16 12 noon Senior High Youth Formation Freude Room ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI Fri. 11/14 8:00 am Tuesday, Nov. 11 - Veteran’s Day 7:00 am Food Bank volunteers - Church Basement 8:30 am Food Bank distribution Church Basement 4:15 pm Cherub Choir - LOWC Room 6:45 pm Pastoral Council Mtg. 7:00 pm Parish Health Ministry - B-1 Saturday, Nov. 15 ~ Project S.E.E.D. 5:00 pm Come to the Table + Robert Keller (Dennis Keller) Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Sunday, Nov. 9 7:00 pm Young Adult Group Freude Room Wednesday, Nov. 12 6:30 pm Adult Choir - Church ST. JOSAPHAT Thurs. 11/13 8:00 am 3 + Albert Hardy (Hardy & Infanta Families) (Adoration after Mass until 12:00 Noon) WEEKDAY Remember in your prayers + James & Marianne Fiorina (Monica Fiorina) THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Prv 31:10-13, 19-20; 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] + Mass of Thanksgiving: Paul & Fran Zanotti 61st Wedding Anniversary + Mass for the Congregation + Earnest J. Seinera (Pauline Seinera) Dominick Howard Stone with parents Shane & Gina (c), Godparents Nicole Rosa (l) and Christopher Sirota (r). † Henry Mantz, father of Susan Marinelli, who died October 31. † Mary Sudy Lucas, sister of Joan Sudy Ardito, who died November 3. May the Lord grant them eternal rest and peace, and bless their families with consolation. Harper Avery Corbin with parents Matthew & Jennifer (l), Godparents John Welsh (c) and Jen Welsh standing beside Father Ken. Faith Formation Corner 4 If you have any questions or concerns about the following programs, please contact Jo Ann McLaughlin-Klemencic at 724-335-2336 or email at Baptism Class: Families interested in having their child baptized need to attend a Baptism Class if this is their first child. There will be a class on Thursday, November 13, at 6:00 p.m. in the Freude Room. RSVP with Jo Ann by November 12. Come to the Table: A reminder that our next session is Saturday, November 15, beginning with the 5:00 p.m. Mass. The menu for the upcoming Come to the Table will be ham, pierogies, and green beans. As always, we will have PB & J for our more choosey eaters. If you have not signed up for the program, please do so online as soon as possible. Reminder: Project S.E.E.D. (Something to Eat Every Day) takes place next weekend...and all weekend during Come to the Table. Please donate non-perishable, individually-wrapped food items for the hungry children of the A-K Valley. Thank you for your support! Contact Donna Misak with questions. Food Bank Table ATTENTION SMM FOOD BANK CLIENTS: The next distribution is Tuesday, November 11, which is also Veterans' Day. Leechburg Road in Lower Burrell will be closed at 10:45 a.m. on that day for the Veteran's Day Parade. Because of this, distribution time will be from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m. ORDER FORM Deadline for orders: Monday, November 10. Extra nut rolls will not be sold at time of pickup. Number: ______ nut roll(s) @ $11.00 each Total : $________ (Please pay at time of pickup) Pickup day: (Please circle one) Tuesday, Nov. 18 Wednesday, Nov. 19 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Name: ___________________ Thursday, Nov. 20 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone #: Day ____________ Evening _____________ Place your orders in the offertory basket, the wicker stand in the Narthex or by calling Toni Kratz at 724-339-0839, Dee Choltko at 724-335-0959, Maureen Gigler at 724-335-6501, the parish office at 724-335-2336, or online at Thank you for your order! 5 Saint Margaret Mary Church Increased Offertory Appeal 2014-15 Dear Parishioners, For the past 14 years, Saint Margaret Mary Church has asked its parishioners to increase their donations in the Sunday offertory to keep pace with the increases in expenses. We thank those who have responded to date. I am asking each of you to prayerfully consider increasing your donations this year. As in your own household, expenses go up, so they also go up in the Church. Our goals for 2015 are: *Continue to liquidate the parish debt over 6 - 7 years by adding $60,000 per year for loan interest and principal. *Secure funding for increases in operational costs. *Fund social ministry to the homebound and to the families of those with serious illness or death. As you evaluate your own finances, please evaluate your regular giving to Saint Margaret Mary Parish. An increase in your giving can equate to a surprisingly small amount when compared to sacrifices in discretionary spending. For example: Sacrifice Monthly / Weekly Change A coffee and muffin once a week $24 / $6 Take-out lunch once a week from a deli or sub shop $37.00 / $9.25 Pizza once a week $50 / $12.50 As society continues to move away from using cash and checks for every day transactions, Saint Margaret Mary has made it easier for parishioners to make their regular contribution with electronic payment options including: *Automatic Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) deductions from a checking or savings account. *Online credit/debit card donations from the parish website (WeShare). *Electronic Giving machine located at Welcome Center desk in the parish Narthex (EGivings). Please review the enclosed information which outlines the Electronic Giving program in more detail. Then complete the annual commitment and electronic signup forms and return to the parish as soon as possible. Thank you for your prayerful response to the 2015 Offertory Appeal. Sincerely yours in Christ, Very Reverend Kenneth G. Zaccagnini V.F. Music & Liturgy Table Parish Social Ministry 6 Film Social - Join us on Holy Communion to the Homebound - Ministers of Holy Wednesday, November 19, at 12:30 p.m. in the Freude Room. Most have seen the film and know the story of Mary Poppins. But did you ever wonder how it was made? Saving Mr. Banks chronicles the tug of war between the author Pamela Travers and Walt Disney to make this film. You will be touched to find out just what she was fighting for. Communion will visit the homebound next Sunday following the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. liturgies. To join this ministry or to identify someone in need of this ministry, contact Mary Kay Sedlacek at 724-224-1662. All Choirs (preschool through Adult) are still accepting singers. For more information, please contact Mary Murphy at the parish office. Parish Health Ministry will meet on Tuesday, November 11, at 7:00 p.m. in room B-1. Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus, Fr. Hertzog Council #1381 Christmas Cards - will be sold in the narthex after all Masses on November 15-16. This is part of the Knights of Columbus "Keep Christ in Christmas" campaign. Cost varies from $7 to $9 per box. Checks may be payable to: K of C Council #1381. Pancake and Sausage Breakfast takes place on Sunday, November 23, in the Sullivan Room from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Proceeds benefit Council activities. A $5 donation is suggested. MINISTRY SCHEDULE — November 15 & 16 GREETERS Presider LECTORS 5 pm Father Ken M. E. Leslie R. French S. Urich L. Dickerson C. Ozdany D. DiDonato 8:30 am Father Ken R. Facchine E. Facchine J. Carabin D. Carabin D. Jordan A. Heidenreich 11 am Father Ken D. Donati J. Donati D. Schwartz C. Schwartz R. Kowalski J. Newcomb ALTAR SERVERS Technical Team M. Schultz 5 pm S. Fennell E. Fennell B. Krall 8:30 am L. Flanagan N. Jordan C. Flanagan B. Flanagan Jay Manga R. Phillips 11 am A. Bucci Ky. Schafer Ke. Schafer E. Yakelis E. Green Kel. Schafer Liturgy of the Word M. Capsambelis D. Misak K. Yakelis D. Misak K. Stevenson None None None None EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5 pm D. Aubele J. Cox M. Cox 8:30 am V. Beer J. Bieranoski S. Bieranoski 11 am J. Ondako N. Rehberg Sister Ann D. Hornack T. Hornack L. Kish D. Branzet T. Lindo Sister Gratia P. Spiering J. Litz K. Romano M.A. Ryan C. Stellabotte C. Wardoclip S. Thimons T. Thimons J. Tomiczek A.M. Versace USHERS 5 pm A. French E. Grosse 8:30 am T. Farina S. Warden 11 am J. Hess S. Mike A. Falleroni M. Kardibin T. Cavanaugh J. Tallarico M. Misak J. Andrejcik J. Potosnak D. McClaine M. Klems T. Rayburg R. Allen Weekly Financial Statement ~ November 9, 2014 Catholic Institute Loan Current Loan Amount: Payments Received: Building Fund/Debt Reduction Envelopes Building Fund EFTs Current Loan Balance: 1,649,516.38 (712.00) (45.00) 1,648,759.38 ** Loan Interest Payment for November 2014: ** Remaining Estimated Pledge Payments: 4,515.77 1,168,435.00 November 1 & 2 Mass Attendance Sunday Envelopes (383) Electronic Giving (42) Building Fund (39) Total: All Saints Day 7 1,323 12,009.54 1,159.50 757.00 $13,926.04 $1,398.00 * Interest payments are made from our operating budget whenever possible so that the campaign contributions go directly to the principal of the loan. Note: 100% of all monies received for “Debt Reduction” are applied to the principal of the loan. Endowment Fund: Current Endowment Fund Amount: Endowment Gifts Received this Week: Current Endowment Fund Balance: 113,481.19 5.00 113,486.19 Community Corner Table Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court New Kensington #860 will meet Wednesday, November 12, at 7:00 p.m. in Room B-2. Pie orders may be picked up that evening. If interested in becoming a member, contact Regent Theresa Shields at 412-302-6761. Attention All Grandparents & All Who Love Grandparents: World renowned authors of The Grand Adventure: a New Call to Grandparenting are coming to Greensburg on Saturday, November 22. Deacon Gary Aitchison and his wife Kay Aitchison, leaders in the Christian Family Movement, will present a model for parish grandparenting groups which they developed. It begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Bishop William G. Connare Center. Lunch will follow the morning presentation. An afternoon discussion begins at 1:00 p.m. led by Father Donald Conroy. Please register with Mary Ellen Pellegrino at or call 724-552-2605 by November 17. Hope for Beckie Charity Bingo takes place on Saturday, November 29, at 3:00 p.m. at Kinloch Fire Hall. $10 donation. Chinese auctions, vendor fair, 50/50, food and drinks available.
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