Östersjönätverket 2015-03-18 Maria Lindbom Kommuner Lärosäten Näringsliv Regionen Forsknings- & innovationsrådet i Skåne SAMVERKAN TILLSAMMANS Parterna Lunds universitet, Malmö högskola och Region Skåne gör gemensam sak för att driva på implementeringen av strategin; alla relevanta intressenter är viktiga att engageras ÖPPET STRATEGIGRUPP Stefan Bengtsson, MAH Håkan Hallberg, LU Lennart Svensson, RS James Yeck, ESS Ulrika Lindmark, SVS + MAX IV Öppen innovation är kärnan; att involvera många och olika intressenter är viktigt för framgång UPPKOPPLAT Internationella möjligheter; en ökning av Skåne & Sveriges uppkoppling till globala flöden Germany Material Science Finland Sweden Clean Tech Packaging White fields Risk and Security England Logistic Denmark Life Science Food Poland Mobile Communication Latvia Emerging Industries - Issue Driven Innovation Food solutions Mobile solutions Food Academy Mobile Heights DanishSwedish Cluster Sustainable solutions Sustainable Business HUB Media solutions Flow solutions Packaging solutions Media Evolution Resilient Regions Packbridge DanishSwedish Cluster Fast international key players BSR Stars Programme Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) Skåne Smart Materials Personal Health Smart Sustainable Cities Areas of innovation (smart specialisation) Cooperation with the S3-platform To link Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) with the aim to maximize the synergies between the RIS3 within the Baltic Sea Region Using the innovation areas Smart cities, Personal health and Smart materials as pilots Main activities of S3 Platform in support of the countries/regions preparing RIS3 7. Research agenda Eye@RIS3 1. The RIS3 methodological Guide 2. Peer Review workshops & transnational learning 6. Interactive tools, S3 Newsletter and Website 5. Thematic workshops & working groups 4. RIS3 assessment and support to REGIO desks 3. Country- and Macroregion events and targeted seminars at IPTS 9 Skåne Smart Materials Personal Health Smart Sustainable Cities Areas of innovation (smart specialisation) Vision för ”Smarta städer” i innovationsstrategin • Baserat på globala utmaningar och marknadsbehov internationellt, Skånes målsättning 2020 – bli den bästa platsen och partnern inom forskning/innovation, prototyping, testing, demonstration och implementering av innovationer Fokus på aktiviteter inom styrkeområden – – – – – • • • smart lighting smart mobility smart energy/heating/cooling retrofit and regeneration for sustainability in existing buildings and city districts smart governance, collaboration and financing models Genomförs genom demonstration i projekt med kritisk massa och internationell relevant mix, inom områden där större investeringar behövs Organiseras genom orkestrering av dynamiska och öppna innovation ekosystem och nyttjande av plattformar i Lund och Malmö som långsiktiga systemiska strukturer. Aktiv länkning till aktiviteter och aktörer i internationella partnerskap och internationella marknader. Integrated smart grids, Hyllie, Malmö Smart Sustainable City Innovation Platform in BSR (SCIP) Concept note: • Establish SCIPs in partner cities, supporting consortia in triple helix • Provide new models, tools and organizational ways for collaboration between triple helix stakeholders, and create arenas for needs driven innovation. • Contribute to deeper understanding between the stakeholders, and cross-sectorial cooperation creates opportunities for systemic innovation. • By finding new models for societal value calculation, create opportunities for new business and investment models, to supports increased private investments into the sector. • Open cities for cross-border testing and implementation of new solutions, leading to a more dynamic market and shorter time to market for new solutions. • BSR context makes use of complementarities in demand, innovation capacity as well as solutions providers on international basis, which secures the relevance for an international market. Strategic context Smart Cities, BSR • Strong link to - challenges identified in EUSBSR - to European Innovation Partnership – EIP SCC • Finding synergies in national programming • Testing methodology – alignment of funding • Identify prospects in Horizon 2020, JPI Urban Europe • BSR profiling – China export Skåne Smart Materials Personal Health Smart Sustainable Cities Areas of innovation (smart specialisation) Global styrkeposition Malmö Medicon Village LU Ideon Lund LTH Köpenhamn idag: Forskning i världsklass vid universitet & ftg 2016 MAX IV Laboratory 2019 European Spallation Source, ESS Visualisation: ESS Innovationsområde SMARTA MATERIAL fler LEVERANTÖRER fler ANVÄNDARE fler INNOVATIONER Underlätta för företag att konkurrera om anbud till stora forsknings-infrastrukturer Skapa ökat intresse hos internationella företag för användande av ESS och MAX IV Skapa affärsmöjligheter hos företag utifrån utvecklingsmöjligheterna med material Utveckla ekosystemet runt anläggningarna Möjligheter Visualisation: ESS Sweden Öresund Baltic Sea Europe The World Regions - multilevel actors Tack! Maria Lindbom Internationell strateg maria.lindbom@skane.se Region Skåne, Regionkansliet Möten & Internationella relationer European Innovation Partnership EIPs act across the whole research and innovation chain, bringing together all relevant actors at EU, national and regional levels in order to: (i) step up research and development efforts; (ii) coordinate investments in demonstration and pilots; (iii) anticipate and fast-track any necessary regulation and standards; and (iv) mobilise ‘demand’ 21 EIPs streamline, simplify and better coordinate existing instruments and initiatives and complement them with new actions where necessary. They build upon relevant existing tools and actions and integrate them into a single coherent policy framework. Flexibility is important; there is not a 'one-size-fits-all' framework. S3 in Malmö 7. Nov. 2013
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