GREEN VOL7 SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN 2015 AND THE NORDIC COUNTRIES Your chance to find investments in Nordic cleantech Price: 20 € HOT 50 – SWEDEN’S HOTTEST CLEANTECH COMPANIES | THIS ARTICLE WAS PAID FOR BY SSG THIS ARTICLE WAS PAID FOR BY SSG ADDED FOCUS ON PLANT’S LIFECYCLE The award-winning SSG Product Database service is being developed into a strategic information support system that covers a plant’s entire lifecycle from product development, purchasing and design to operation, maintenance and wind-up. The expected result: improved efficiency and increased sustainability. A ll production machinery goes through several phases in its lifecycle. There is a strong connection between the costs that you incur and the gains that you make. From a sustainability perspective it is therefore vital that all the stages of a machine’s lifecycle are handled in an integrated manner. High productivity requires reliable machinery that is simple to repair when it breaks down, is designed to support efficiency of use and which manufactures products at a defined quality level. The machinery should also be flexible enough to adapt to the customers’ future needs and demand. SSG Product Database has a big and important role to play for Swedish industry. SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS SSG Product Database is a repository for over 800,000 registered items linked to more than 40 affiliated industries. It is a strategic resource that helps companies gain more control over spare parts and stock items. The savings are huge. Industrial companies can make significant savings simply by borrowing spare parts from each other, 2 thereby reducing the gigantic surplus stocks and reducing capital tied-up. Furthermore, reducing stoppage time by just a few hours can quickly turn into savings in the region of SEK 500,000 to 1 million. “The service’s uniqueness lies in its full transparency; everybody can see what everybody else has got. A virtual stock room containing everybody’s spare parts, where you can borrow spare parts from each other and reduce stoppage time. You will not find this kind of openness between industries and companies anywhere else in the world. It forges unique opportunities for customising whole new solutions that boost sustainability and efficiency. Solutions that are difficult to copy as they are built on a unique collaboration in Swedish industry. SSG Product Database is entering the next phase of its development,” says Jonas Berggren, CEO of SSG Standard Solutions Group. BIG PRODUCTIVITY AWARD 2014 It is also one of the reasons why SSG Product Database won the Big Productivity Award (Stora Produktivitetspriset) in 2014. The Award, which has been presented every two years since 1990, is a Nordic supplier award designed to call attention to maintenance initiatives which result in greater profitability for system owners. The jury motivated its decision by stating that SSG Product Database has been developed with an innovative approach and has big potential both in Sweden and internationally. “SSG is a jointly owned company in which Swedish industry works collectively on technology, purchasing, security and training in order to devise more secure, efficient and sustainable processes. This work method is unique in international industry. The services devised are employed by a number of professional industrial groups including design, purchasing, safety, health and the environment,” explains Matti Tuikkanen, CEO of Swedish Asset Management Society (SAMS) and organiser of the award. NEW LIFECYCLE PROJECT The product database is entering the next phase of its development. The project, called LCDM (Life Cycle Data Management), is exploring the possibilities for supplementing existing database information to create greater efficiency at the commissioning phase. Our objective is also to make the information flow from design and operation to maintenance more efficient. The data that needs to be supplemented first and foremost is the design and maintenance requirements. “We coordinate the informa- 3 THIS ARTICLE WAS PAID FOR BY SSG “ YOU WILL NOT FIND THIS KIND OF OPENNESS B ETWEEN INDUSTRIES AND COMPANIES ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. IT FORGES UNIQUEOPPORTUNITIES FOR CUSTOMISING WHOLE NEW SOLUTIONS THAT BOOST S USTAINABILITY AND EFFICIENCY. ” 4 er Lönn . Foto: Kristoff Jonas Berggren THE POTENTIAL FOR SWEDISH and global industry is significant. “There are studies that show that loss of information from the building to the commission stage alone is around 2.8 percent of the project cost. With Swedish industry investing SEK 55 billion a year and the Swedish forest industry investing SEK 10 billion a year, the potential savings are enormous,” says Jonas Berggren and rounds off: “One of Sweden’s main competitive advantages is our culture. Our ability to cooperate and build complex systems. If we go all the way with our ambitions, there are huge savings to be made for industry and possibilities for building an information infrastructure that paves the way for a more efficient industry.” å tion from the design phase with the maintenance phase. With com prehensive plant data, the automated processes for this information transfer will enhance the efficiency of operation and maintenance processes, generate purchasing gains and reduce capital tied-up,” says Jonas Berggren. “Our vision is that you will be able to design a plant using items and machinery whose functions, per formance and KPIs you already know. You are basing your design on actual facts,” says Jonas Berggren. SWEDEN DENMARK ESTONIA IRAN FRANCE NORWAY GERMANY LATVIA CHINA ENGLAND FINLAND AUSTRIA LITHUANIA SAUDI ARABIA HOLLAND BELGIUM G R EEN SO LU T I O NS FRO M S W ED EN A N D T H E N O R D I C CO U N T R I ES | 5 THIS ARTICLE WAS PAID FOR BY RECOND CONCEPT SWEDISH ENTREPRENEUR HELPS UKRAINE BECOME MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT I THIS ARTICLE WAS PAID FOR BY RECOND CONCEPT t is not surprising for industry insiders that Nordic district heating solutions are quickly finding markets in countries with outdated technology systems. But entering countries with political and military conflicts witch have weak democratic and anti-corruption traditions is a challenge few would have the courage to take on. Ukraine’s ongoing democratization process is a positive sign and opens up the potential for Swedish companies to help with both expertise and experience. Two Swedish entrepreneurs bravely charging into this market are Nils-Erik and Carina Jonasson from the small Swedish town of Ånge in Västernorrland County. After several trips and meetings in both Sweden and Ukraine, they are now about to launch their optimization program at the district heating plant in the city of Lviv, located on the Poltava River in western Ukraine. They will be providing analyzes, training and products. “We see great potential to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and immediately cut costs,” says Nils-Erik. “Our team has the expertise and over 25 years of experience in various specialties within both water and district heating.” RECONDCONCEPT is their company’s name, and they are focused on optimizing existing facilities. This allows savings to add up quickly and, after a few years, enough resources have been freed up to allow major investments in new technologies. Nils-Erik explains the importance of cooperation with the Swedish Embassy and other Swedish stakeholders, such as Business Sweden and Swedfund, when preparing for this. “We are a small company in this market,” 18 18 | G R EEN SO LU T I O NS FRO M S W ED EN A N D T H E N O R D I C CO U N T R I ES “ WE ARE JUST SEEING THE BEGINNING OF THE MARKET DEVELOPING IN UKRAINE. OUR FIRST THREE CUSTOMERS HAVE GIVEN US A GOOD START, AND THE GOAL IS SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER THAN THE APPROXIMATELY SEK 10 MILLION THAT THESE FIRST THREE CONTRACTS WILL GIVE US ” says Nils-Erik. “Cooperation with other Swedish and European stakeholders, including support services, is important for small organizations like ours. We are vulnerable in countries that have conflict zones.” PERSISTENCE IS OFTEN a prerequisite for getting established on markets like Ukraine. RecondConcept came to Ukraine through a Swedish business contact who had contacts in the capital city of Kiev. We were contacted here in Ånge,” says Carina Jonasson, “and we traveled to Kiev in May 2013. Since then, everything has happened quickly. “We formed the company in Ukraine in October 2013. Naturally, the military conflict that began in the spring of 2014 has affected us. But we have been able to negotiate and conduct a pilot study in the city of Zaporizhzhia, which is about 150 kilometers (90 miles) from the fighting in eastern Ukraine. Daily life with the severe energy crisis in Ukraine forces new solutions the forefront, and this has made our expertise and experience even more valuable,” says Carina. Based on their travels in Ukraine, RecondConcept has a long list of possible assignments and areas in need for attention. This includes small, medium-sized and large cities, food industries, and other industries in significant need of energy efficiency programs. It becomes apparent when talking to Nils-Erik and Carina just how much impact they are having as they explain how other companies already are using their technical know-how within processes and products: “RecondConcept saves Stockholm Arlanda Airport SEK 40,000 in energy costs per day and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 13.7 tons per day. We have significantly improved Preem Petroleum’s work with energy efficiency in their refinery. And each year, the energy company Fortum saves approximately EUR 80 million in energy costs by using our technology and products.” When I ask about the company’s sustainability profile, they explain their strong commitment to sustainable development. Their solutions remove impurities in energy-bearing systems using green chemicals, reducing greenhouse gases. BY INCLUDING ENVIRONMENTAL improvements and these significant financial savings in both their business profile and their marketing, they should have a competitive advantage in the growing Ukrainian market, even though they will have to show both courage and leadership. The dependency on Russian gas has been a source of both corruption and technological stagnation, as they have wasted gas instead of focusing on modernization and energy efficiency. “We are just seeing the beginning of the market developing in Ukraine. Our first three customers have given us a good start, and the goal is significantly higher than the approximately SEK 10 million that these first three contracts will give us,” concludes Nils-Erik. G R EEN SO LU T I O NS FRO M S W ED EN A N D T H E N O R D I C CO U N T R I ES | 19 19 H OT 50 – S W E D E N ´ S H OT T E S T C L E A N T E C H C O M PA N I E S HOT 50 SWEDEN’S HOTTEST CLEANTECH COMPANIES 56 | G R EEN SO LU T I O NS FRO M S W ED EN A N D T H E N O R D I C CO U N T R I ES GREEN SOLUTIONS FULL LIST. We have listed 50+ smart investments in what we consider to be some of the hottest cleantech start ups in the Nordics. The criteria for being on the list are, among others, that the company should have an innovative product or service with an international impact potential. G R EEN SO LU T I O NS FRO M S W ED EN A N D T H E N O R D I C CO U N T R I ES | 57 GREEN VOL.7 SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN 2015 AND THE NORDIC COUNTRIES UTGIVNINGSDAGAR OCH MATERIALDAGAR 2015 Utgåva Materialdag Utgivningsdag Vol 7 2 juni 28 juni Almedalsveckan Vol 8 24 oktober 2 november (inför COP21 i Paris) FAKTA Antal utgåvor: 2 nr per år (maj & november) Omfång: Cirka 80 sidor Tryckupplaga: 15 000 Läsare per år/utgåva: cirka 50 000 FÖRSÄLJNING: Lars Ling +46 727 40 66 06 Kaj Embrén +46 70 398 22 11 VI SÄLJER SVENSK TEKNIK UTOMLANDS Det engelskspråkiga affärsmagasinet ”Green Solutions from Sweden” med tillhörande sajt är Sveriges enda affärsmedia som beskriver den svenska marknaden av miljöteknik för utländska köpare och investerare på ett långsiktigt sätt. Under sex års tid har vi försett utländska intressenter med allt de behöver veta om den svenska marknaden. Vi har intervjuat makthavarna, presenterat nya forsknings resultat, visat på framgångarna och rankat de hetaste miljöteknikbolagen. Vi har guidat utländska intressenter rätt i djungeln av aktörer, såväl privata som offentliga, vilket har rönt mycket uppskattning runt om i hela världen. Vi kan med stolthet se hur vi bidragit till stora internatio nella affärer och en bättre framtid! EVENT OCH MÖTESPLATSER 28 juni 30 nov Almedalsveckan Cop 21, Köpenhamn Målgrupp Köpare, investerare och samarbetspartners över hela världen med tydlig avsikt att hitta lösningar med stor affärspotential i takt med att klimat och miljöfrågan ökar i betydelse. i Sverige distribueras den också till läsare inom privat och offentlig sektor. Internationellt säkras distributionen via: R Myndigheter och organisationer med uppdrag att presentera svensk miljöteknik utomlands. R Samtliga utländska ambassader, konsulat och handelskamrar Sverige. R Sveriges Riksdag och regering R Svenska miljöteknikkluster och inkubatorer med internationella kontakter R Svenska riskkapitalföreningen FYRA STARKA ARGUMENT Högt förtroende. Journalister med hög integritet och oberoende är nyckeln till läsarnas förtroende. Det gör att ert budskap också uppfattas som trovärdigt. Förutom att magasinet placeras på årets hetaste event 6 ANNONSERING Nu har ni chans att med egna ord berätta er historia för läsarna både i magasinet och online. I samarbete med IDG Content & Marketing Services erbjuder vi er möjligheten att skapa intresse och engagemang från målgruppen genom att bjuda på kunskap i en redaktionell kontext. Priser och format R Ni erhåller en skräddarsydd artikel i Green Solutions from Sweden som som projektleds av oss och publiceras på IDG:s marknadsplattform för native marketing. Som bildmaterial används färdigt bildmaterial från er, alternativt genrebilder. IDG kan även projektleda fotografering mot en extra avgift. R Artikeln kan baseras på en artikelidé som ni har själva, alternativt en artikelidé som vi diskuterar fram till sammans för att maximera intresset och läsarvärdet för vår målgrupp. Uppslag, 420x270 + 3mm Annons 69 000 kronor * Content Marketing print och online 149 000 kr Baksida, 210x270 + 3 mm R Artikeln layoutas till en sida i magasinet samt publiceras på R Länkar till valfri landningssida hos er, till exempel fördjupning eller ett kontaktformulär integreras i artikeln så att besökarna lätt kan söka vidare information och/ eller kontakta er. Vi erbjuder också om önskvärt integra tion med sociala mediekanaler såsom Twitter, Facebook och/eller inbäddning av videomaterial. Artiklarna är tydligt annons och avsändarmärkta och produceras av oss. 60 000 kronor Helsida, 210x270 + 3 mm 44 000 kronor * Content Marketing print och online 99 000 kr Pris R Artikelproduktion (ca 3 500 tecken) inklusive uppslag print och publicering online 149 000 SEK. R Artikelproduktion (ca 2 000 tecken) inklusive helsida print och publicering online 99 000 SEK. Övriga format offereras. Tydligt nyttofokus för en nischad målgrupp. Vi sätter fingret på just det som utländska köpare och investerare behöver veta för att göra affärer med Sverige. Halvsida, liggande 178x120 27 000 kronor Exklusiv. Magasinets höga papperskvalitet och grafiskt tilltalande formspråk signalerar högt värde och ger en känsla av exklusivitet. Vår erfarenhet är att den sparas och ofta ligger framme där folk ska se den. Halvsida, stående 84X240 Annonsera Sökbar och digital spridning Distribution Berätta er egen historia! (*Content Marketing) Ert budskap anpassas för digital spridning och optimeras för google. Ni har naturligtvis även möjlighet att placera era tradi tionella annonser i enbart det exklusiva magasinet och då gäller priserna till höger! 27 000 kronor 7
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