Korea Veterans Association of Canada Heritage Unit Ontario Newsletter www.kvacanada.com November 1st. 2014 Introduction We would like to welcome Mr. Kang, Jeong-sik who has been appointed as the new Consul General for the Republic of Korea in Toronto. Consul General Kang arrived in Toronto on October 15th and attended the Unit 71- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre annual luncheon on October 16th where he presented the Ambassador of Peace Medal to some of the Korean Veterans who are resident at the Hospital Consul General Kang Jeong-sik Date of Birth February 28th 1962 Marital Status. Married with two sons Education Feb. 1986 B.A in International Relations, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea July. 1991 M.Phil. in International Relations, Cambridge University, Cambridge UK Career to date Apr. 1987 Passed High Diplomatic Service Examination Jun. 1987 Joined Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Jun. 1992 Consul, Korean Consulate General in Chicago, IL, USA Jun. 1994 Second Secretary, Korean Embassy in the Republic of Indonesia Jun. 2000 First Secretary, Korean Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York USA Aug 2003 Assistant Secretary, Office of the President Mar 2004 Director, Cultural Cooperation Division, Cultural Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (MOFAT) Dec 2004 Director, Security Policy Division, Policy Planning Bureau (MOFAT) Jun 2006 Consul, Korean Consulate General in Vancouver, Canada Jun 2009 Minister-Counsellor, Koreab Embassy in the Republic of India Jan. 2011 Deputy Director-General, International Organizations Bureau (MOFAT) May 2013 Director- General for International Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Awards Dec. 2012 Service Merit Medal We hope that Consul General Kang and his family enjoy their stay in Ontario for the next three years 100 Years Young Rev. Donald Howson Photo from CHEX TV Peterborough Former Major, Rev. Donald Howson, celebrated his 100th birthday last month, a long time member of Unit 8 , Peterborough, that recently amalgamated with Unit 71 in Lindsay. We send our heartiest congratulations to Don, Don served with the Royal Canadian Chaplains Corps in Korea From the Memory Project The Memory Project encourages Korea Veterans to share their stories through interviews with our historians. Please contact the Memory Project at 1 866 701 1867 or at memory@historicacanada.ca Westjet From Westjet Guest Relations Our Canadian Armed Forces members and retirees can take up to three or four pieces of checked baggage at no additional cost on business or pleasure depending on the type of aircraft we are flying between two destinations (except Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago where there is a maximum of two bags) Although we will be charging a $25.00 bag first fee at the end of October, this will be waived for our Canadian Armed Fores and retirees Please note that overweight fees will apply if your bags are over 23 Kilos (50 lbs) and 157 cm. (62 inches) Please provide Military Identification during the check-in process to ensure these fees are waived Thank you for your continued support of Westjet and we look forward to welcoming you on aboard in the future Kind Regards Carine, Guest Relations, Westjet Overseas Veterans can take advantage of this offer by presenting their military discharge papers at check in. More information can be supplied by customer service at 1-877-952-4696 Upcoming Events November 10th 2014 Annual turn to Busan event Hosted by Unit 7 Ottawa Details will be made available later Contact Bill Black at verbal@sympatico.ca Turn to Busan Hosted by unit 29 Windsor Ontario Branch 255 Royal Canadian Legion 5645 Wyandotte Street East Windsor Commencing at 9:00 pm Details from Peter Remendok at pete@hightechcoatings.com or Joe Johnston atjjohnston117@cogeco.ca November 11th 2013 Remembrance Day Service Unit 23 Brampton will be hosting their annual service At The National Korea War Memorial Meadowvale Cemetery Brampton Roll of Honour .Unit 7 National Capital Unit John Cain PPCLI died October 6th 2014 Unit 19 Sudbury Randolph Watts RCR died October 13th 2014 Unit 71 Kawartha Lakes Region Thomas Nicholson RCHA died October 6th 2014 On the Lighter Side Same but different” A retired military mechanic is removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spots a well know heart surgeon in his shop. The mechanic shouts across the garage, “Hey Doc, can I ask you a question?” Surprised the Doc walks over The mechanic straightens up, wipes his hands on a rag and asks “So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix them, put them back in and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come a get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are basically doing the same work?” The surgeon pauses, smiles, leans over and whispers to the mechanic. “Try doing it with the engine running” Army Issue Fifty one years ago Herman James was drafted into the army On his first day, the army issued him with a comb. That afternoon the army barber shaved off all his hair On his second day, the army issued him with a tooth brush. That afternoon the army dentist yanked out seven teeth. On the third day the army issued him a jock strap The army is still looking for him Taken from best Military jokes.
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