Dr. Alon Levkowitz Full CV - Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies

Curriculum Vitae
Personal data
Dr. Alon Levkowitz
Date of Birth: 01.02.1966
Marital Status: Married + 1
Nationality: Israeli
96 Bialik .St.
Ramat-Gan 52536
972- 722357446
Field of Interest
Korean society, culture, history and politics; Asian civil society; Asian regional
international organizations; Asian foreign and security policies.
Ph.D dissertation:
The Defense Policies of Allies: The US versus South Korea, Japan and the
Advisors: Prof. Benjamin Miller and Prof. Ehud Harari.
M.A. thesis:
The Influence of Legitimacy on the Foreign Policy of Park Chung Hee: 1961-1979.
Advisors: Dr. Aria Kacowicz and Prof. Itzhak Shichor.
July 1994
Ph.D studies at the International Relations Department, Hebrew
University, Jerusalem.
M.A. studies at the International Relations Department, Hebrew
University, Jerusalem.
Korean language course at the Academy of Korean Studies. (Korea)
B.A. studies at the International Relations Department, Hebrew
University, Jerusalem.
Academic experience
Bar-Ilan University:
Coordinator of the South and South East Asia Program at Bar-Ilan
-Culture society and conflict through the prism of the Korean cinema, -Introduction to Korean Culture and Thought,
-Korea: Law, society and politics
The Hebrew University:
-Foreign and Security Polices in Asia, Introduction to Traditional
and Modern Korean History
-Asia: International Organizations
Instructor at the Department of International Relations at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
-Seminar: East Asia at the Global world.
1996 - 1997
Relations Department: Introduction to International Security,
Introduction to International Relations Theories
1992 - 1994
Teaching Assistant at the Hebrew University, International
Hanyang University
-Instructor at Hanyang University (Seoul): International Relations
in East Asia
Haifa University:
-Foreign and Security Policies of the Korean Peninsula.
Instructor at the Department of International Relations at the Haifa
University (MA studies)
-Seminar: East Asia at the Global world.
Instructor at Haifa University – East Asia Department - Courses:
-Introduction to Traditional Korean History,
-Introduction to Modern Korean History;
-Korea-China and Japan: Historical, political and economic
-Seminar: East Asia at the Global world.
Beit-Berl College:
Political System, National Security in Israel, Democracy and
Courses: Introduction to Political Thought, Introduction to Israel's
1997 –2007
Teaching at Beit Berl College –Political Science Division.
Tel-Aviv University:
-Introduction to Traditional Korean History
-Introduction to Modern Korean History
-Seminar: The Foreign, Security and Economic Policies of the
Korean Peninsula.
Instructor at Tel-Aviv University – The East Asian Department.
2001- 2002
Research Assistance at the Shaul Eisenberg Chair for East Asian
Affairs, Tel-Aviv University.
Open University:
1997 - 2004
Teaching at the Open University Courses:
-War and Strategy,
-Democracy and National Security in Israel.
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
Pacific Affairs, UBC.
Scholarships and awards:
1992 – 1995
The Jacob Hertzog Award.
The Leonard Davis Research Scholarship.
The Shaul Eisenberg Chair for East Asian Affairs, Tel-Aviv
University scholarship.
The Korean Foundation Scholarship.
Scholarship from the East Asian Department at the Hebrew
Scholarship from the International Relation Department at the
Hebrew University.
Variety Award.
Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Asian Research, University of
British Columbia
Fellow at the Center for International Studies, Graduate School of
International Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
Military service
1984 - 1987
Military service in IDF
1992 - 2001
Trade mark examiner at the Ministry of Justice.
Membership in Scientific Groups and Professional Societies
Association of Asian Studies (AAS)
2003 - Korea: Politics and History. Tel Aviv University Press.
2012 - "Korea and the Middle East Turmoil: A Reassessment of South Korea–
Middle East Relations" The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, Vol.24,
2011- Epilogue: Israel and the Korean Peninsula at the Hebrew translation of the
Demick Barbara (2010). Nothing to envoy: Ordinary lives in North Korea.–
The Hebrew translation. Carmel Press.
2010 – "The Republic of Korea and the Middle East: Economics, Diplomacy, and
Security" KEI Academic Paper Series, Vol.5, No.6.
2009 – "Evaluating Strategic Arms Limitation Agreements, with Applications to
the Israeli-Syrian and the North vs. the South Korean Conflicts" Kobi
Kagan, Alon Levkowitz, Asher Tishler, Avi Weiss Defense and Peace
Economics, Vol.20, No.2.
2008 – "Kim Il-sung and Mao Zedong – "Brothers in Arm" Zmanim (Hebrew)
2008 – "Changes in Threat perceptions in Korea: Why?" Papers of the British
Association for Korean Studies, Vol.12, No.2.
2008 – "The 7th Withdrawal – Has the U.S. forces’ journey back home from Korea
begun?" International Relations of the Asia-Pacific,Vol.8,No.2, 131-148.
2007 – Iran and North Korea military cooperation: A partnership within the "Axis of
Evil" Iran Pulse,No.10.
2007 –"Why Do We Not Understand the DPRK?" North Korean Review, Vol.3,No.2,
2004 - "Where is the King Buried? Legitimacy Struggles on the Korean Peninsula"
Papers of the British Association for Korean Studies, Vol.10,pp.147-161.
2001 - “Korea: Playing Between The Regional Powers,” Harvard Asia Quarterly,
2000 - “The Security Aspect of Kim Dae-jung's Policy : the TMD Case” in Korea
2000: the Kim Dae-jung Government After Two Years in Office.
(Conference volume) Heidelberg : Institut für Politische Wissenschaft,
Universität Heidelberg.
Chapters in books:
2008 – "Where is the King Buried? Legitimacy Struggles on the Korean Peninsula"
in J.E. Hoare and Susan Pares (eds). Korea: The Past and the Present. Global
Oriental Publishers,Ch.8.
2008 - "The disparity between South Korea's engagement and security policies
towards North Korea: The Realist-Liberal pendulum" in Rüdiger Frank, James
E. Hoare, Patrick Köllner and Susan Pares (eds). Korea Yearbook, Volume 2.
In process:
Irina Lyan and Alon Levkowitz - Consuming the Other: Israeli Hallyu Case Study.
Alon Levkowitz and Pablo Utin – Israeli and Korean wars movies under the
Book reviews:
2012 - Midford, Paul, Rethinking Japanese Public Opinion and Security: From
Pacifism to Realism? H-US-Japan, H-Net Reviews. April, 2012.
URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=35029
2009 - Book review: Michael J. Green and Bates Gill (eds.) Asia's New
Multilateralism: Cooperation, Competition, and the Search for Community.
H-US-Japan, H-Net Reviews. September, 2009.
URL: http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=25442
2008 - Book review: Hyung Gu Lynn (2007) BIPOLAR ORDERS: The Two
Koreas Since 1989. Pacific Affairs.
2008 - Book review: Timothy R Tangherlini and Sallie Yea (eds.). Sitings: Critical
Approaches to Korean Geography. Acta Koreana, Vol.11,No.2.
2007 - Book review: Son Key-young (2006) South Korean Engagement Policies and
North Korea: Identities, Norms and the Sunshine Policy. Acta Koreana,
Vol.10, No. 1.
2006 - Book review: Feffer, John. (Ed.) (2006), The Future of US-Korean
Relations: The Imbalance of Power. BAKS Newsletter, July 2006.
2004 - Book review: Edwards, Paul M. (2003), The Korean War: A Historical
Dictionary. BAKS Newsletter, April 2005.
1999 - Book review, Martin Hart-Landsberg, Korea: Division, Reunification, &
U.S. Foreign Policy(1999). Korean Studies Review, no. 4.
1996 - Book review, Son Chu-hwan (ed), Koreana - Korean Cultural Heritage Vol.
I: Fine Arts. Painting /Handcrafts/ Arcitecture.(1994) and Kim Joungwon
(ed), Koreana - Korean Cultural Heritage Vol. II: Thought & Religion. The
Korea Foundation. (1996). Mizrach Hachadash (The New East)
Vol.38,1996.(in Hebrew).
1994 - Book review, Song Ki-Joong(ed), Basic Glossary of Korean Studies. The
Academy of Korean Studies(1993). Mizrach Hachadash (The New East)
Vol.36, 1994.(in Hebrew).
Papers presented:
2015 - North Korea-Middle East and the New Israeli Elections. Conference at the
Asan Institute of Policy Studies, April 1, 2015
2012 - Multiple Asian Challenges for the Man in the White House. Conference on the
US Foreign Policy after the Elections, Bar-Ilan University, November 21,
2012 - Dancing the Waltz with the Six Party Talks. New York Conference on Asian
Studies, State University of New York at New Paltz, September 28-29, 2012.
2012---Israel – Asia Relations: From a Side Player to a U.S. Balancer. Future
History:Civil Society vs. State from a Traditional and Modern Perspective
Conference, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, June 24th 2012.
2012 – Christianity in Korea: From antagonist and marginal to the center stage player.
The 4th Annual Conference for the study of Contemporary Spiritualities, The
Haifa University, March 19-20, 2012.
2012 – Sports and Politics in the Korean Peninsula. From Israel to Korea and
Japan: Sports, Society and Politics and Asia. January 9, 2012.
2011 – Sigal Ben-Rafael-Galanti and Alon Levkowitz. Civics in Israel. UNESCO
First Workshop "From Shoa to Human Rights", Beit-Berl, January 30 –
February 4, 2011.
2011 – Sigal Ben-Rafael-Galanti and Alon Levkowitz. Israel as a Jewish and
Democratic state according to civics textbooks. Education and Politics
Conference, Beit-Berl, February 23, 2011.
2011 - The Six Party Talks in a transition period. Military developments in the 21st
Century in Asia conference, Haifa University. March 14, 2011.
2011 – Christianity in Korea: History and Politics. Korea and Israel: Christianity, The
Bible and Judaism, Hebrew University, May 3, 2011.
2011 - Jewish and Democratic state according to civil studies textbooks. Annual
Political Science Association Conference, Beer Sheva University. May
12, 2011.
2011 – Security and Nationalism – Shall the Two Walk Hand in Hand in Korea.
Tenth Annual Israeli Asian Studies, Hebrew University, 24-26 May 2011.
2011 - Threat perception between Seoul & Jerusalem. Yonsei University. June
23, 2011.
2011 – Korea and the Middle East turmoil: Revaluation of South Korea – Middle East
relations. Sejong Institute, 27 June, 2011.
2010 - ASEAN institutionalization under question. Workshop on Southeast Asia,
“Regions”, and Social Theory, The Hebrew University, 3-4 March 2010.
2010 - North and South Korean appears on the South Korean cinema screen, who
looks prettier?. Eight Annual Israeli Asian Studies, Haifa University, 26-27
April 2010.
2010 – Changes in Presidential elections patterns in South Korea?. Annual Political
Science Association Conference, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, 6
May 2010.
2010 - The Korean War Pandora's boxes. 60 years to the Korean War conference,
Tel-Aviv University, 21 June 2010.
2010 - The Republic of Korea and the Middle East. Korea Economic Institute
conference facility, Washington DC, 04 August 2010.
2009 - Christianity in Korea: From Marginal to Center Stage Player in Korean
Politics. International Conference on Monotheism in Asia: Inter-Religious
Issues, Bar Ilan University, 17-18 March 2009.
2009 – The Korean Command issue: Who is in charge and when?. Eight Annual
Israeli Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 3-4 June 2009.
2009 – North Korea: The Father, the Son and the nuclear missiles. The Truman
Institute, The Hebrew University, 2 December 2009.
2008 – The 7th withdrawal: Has the U.S. forces' journey back home from Korea
begun?. Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, 28
February 2008.
2007 - “The one who should be obeyed?” Japan and South Korea in Iraq
Paper prepared for delivery at the International Studies Association
annual meeting, Chicago, IL, February 2007.
2007- "The Development of Civic Culture in the non-Western World: Attitudes
towards the Judicial Review Mechanism in Japan and ROK",Sigal Ben-Rafael
Galanti with Alon Levkowitz and Moriko Oyamada Hori, paper presented at
the UNESCO Conference on 'The Effect of Globalization on Center, Periphery
and Multiculturalism', Beit Berl Academic College , February 5-8, 2007.
2007 – The Economic Sunshine and Korean Security. International Conference on
the Link between Economics and Security-Conceptual, Regional and Practical
Dimensions, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, April 25-26, 2007.
2007 - Why don't we understand the DPRK?. Six Annual Israeli Asian Studies, Haifa
University, 11-12 June 2007.
2006 - South Korean and Japanese Forces in Iraq: The United States Inc. Fifth
Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of International Studies, Hebrew
University, 6 June 2006.
2006 - The Defense Policy of South Korea and Japan: Is Japan Still the Enemy?.
Fifth Annual Israeli Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 11-12 June 2006.
2006 - Threat Perceptions in Korea: Generation or Political Change?. British
Association for Korean Studies 2006 Conference 6-7 September , 2006
Halifax Hall at the University of Sheffield.
2006 - Mao: View from North Korea. Leader Under fire: Thirty years after Mao
Zedong, Conference at Haifa University, 6 November 2006.
2006 - Asia Policy Towards Japan's Bid to the Security Council and the Changes in its
Defense Policy. Japan's Present International Standing in Historical
Perspective, Conference at Haifa University, 28 November 2006.
2005 - The Regional Approach to North Korea: A Road to Nowhere?. 2nd Annual
Arms Control Conference: New Trends in WMD Arms Control, Ma’ale
Hachamisha, Israel, 8-9 February 2005.
2005 - Japan’s defense policy: The North Korean Contribution to the Japanese
Realism. Fourth Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of International
Studies, Bar-Ilan University, 18 April 2005.
2005 - The constitution court: An important player in democratization process in
Asia. Fourth Annual Israeli East Asian Studies, Hebrew University, 29 May
2004 (With Dr. Sigal Ben Rafael Galanti).
2004 - Democratization in Korea. Third Annual Israeli East Asian Studies,
Haifa University, 2 February 2004.
2004 - Here Lies the King? Legitimation Battles in the Korean Peninsula. Third
Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of International Studies, Haifa
University, 2 May 2004.
2004- In the Fight for Legitimacy - Where the King is Buried Lies the Problem. The
Joint East Asian Conference, Leeds University, Bretton Hall, Wakefield, UK,
6-8 September 2004.
2003 - Strategic Matureness of South Korea in a Nuclear Crisis. The Second Annual
Israeli East Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 20 January 2003.
2003 - The Fourth Withdrawal from Korea: Why Now? Annual Meeting of the
Israeli Association of International Studies, Hebrew University, 6 April 2003.
2003 - The Korean Perspective. In the Aftermath of the War in Iraq: Asian
Perspectives. Workshop at Haifa University, 12 May 2003.
2003 - Korea-Israel Relations. Workshop on Korean Studies, Tel-Aviv University,
17 November 2003.
2003 - The End of Political Assassinations in Korea? In the Aftermath of the War in
Iraq: Asian Perspectives. Workshop at Haifa University, 23 November 2003.
2002 - ”Ballistic Missile Policy: Between Dependence and Independence. The First
Israeli Association of International Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 20-21
February 2002.
2002 - Kim Dae Jung: Between Independence and Dependence. The First Annual
Israeli East Asian Studies, Hebrew University, 24 February 2002.
2001 - “The Empire Strikes Again?” or Does it Not: Will the Bush Administration
Entrap the Asian Allies with BMD?. Presented at the CISS/ISA Third
International Conference, June 25-26, 2001, Heidelberg, Germany.
2000 - D.J.’s Missile Policy: Working Between the Internal and External. Presented at
"Korea 2000: The Kim Dae-Jung Government After Two Years in Office"
Conference, 30 May 2000, Heidelberg, Germany.
2000 - Japan’s security independence: the BMD Case. Presented at the "8th Annual
Japan Politics Colloquium” Centre for the Study of Globalization and
Regionalization, University of Warwick. 5-7 September 2000.
1999 - TMD: is it the Right Solution for South Korea? Presented at the "Regional
Stability and Instability a Decade After the Cold War". ISSS Annual Meeting:
11-13 November, 1999, Washington DC.
Other academic activities:
2010-2012 - Articles at Maariv, Ynet, Globes, Israel Defense, Walla, foreign media
and interviews for the Israeli channels 1,2, 10 and the Israeli radio
channels on Korean issues.
2010 - Co-organizer of the 60 years to the Korean War conference, Tel-Aviv
University, 21 June 2010.
2009 – Organizer of Korean Film Hub at the Tel-Aviv University – The Korean Film
Council (KOFIC)
2008 – "Korea – business culture" Invited speaker at the "Cross-Culture Management
Course – International MBA" November 2008, Interdisciplinary Center
2007 – "International Alliances" lecture at the Department of Sociology, Political
science and Communication, May 2007, Open University.
2007 - “Korea – Culture,” Invited speaker at the study day: ‘Land of the Morning
Calm – Korea: Characteristics, Trends and Business Opportunities’ at the
Open Enrollment Program for Executives, Businessmen and Decision Makers,
January 2007, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.