SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 Simulation of Hybrid Solar-Wind Energy Storage System and Its Power Control in the Modern Power System Krishna Yadav*1, Neelima*2 M-Tech Student Department of EEE, VBIT, Aushapur, Ghatkesar, R.R (Dt), Telangana, India. Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, VBIT, Aushapur, Ghatkesar, R.R (Dt), Telangana, India. ABSTRACT This paper presents a hybrid solar energy management strategy for a wind photovoltaic micro-grid with an energy storage system (ESS) and it injected to PV array on the DC-link. The power or energy storage system consists of a battery and a super capacitor is interface to the DC-link for the bi-directional DC-DC converters. To cascade PI or PID controller is used to regulate current supplied by the ESS. The proposed Fuzzy logic controller is for efficient power sharing between the battery and the super capacitor. This designed simulation model is used for the microgrid operation. In this paper the proposed system power supplied to grid is maintain reference value during changes in wind speed and solar radiation. The simulation results are shows the ESS improves the DC-link voltage stability during three phases to ground faults. Keywords: DFIG, Energy Storage System, micro-grid. I. INTRODUCTION Wind power plants require the presence of fast and flexible control of other generators in the power system so as to balance power generation with demand. The impacts of wind power integration that need to be considered include reactive power generation/voltage support, fault ride through capability, frequency control, and dispatch of conventional generating units [1]. A hybrid wind-PV microgrid with storage has a great potential to provide higher quality and more reliable power than a system based on a single resource [2]. In the recent past there has been an increased use of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) in wind energy conversion systems due to its special features. The unique capabilities of DFIG are: (1) it can supply power at constant voltage and frequency; (2) the rotor can operate in both sub-synchronous or supersynchronous speeds; (3) the rating of the power converter is approximately 30% of the rated wind turbine power; (4) the generated active and reactive power can be independently controlled; and (5) high efficiency and reduced mechanical stress on the wind turbine. The operating performance of the DFIG depends on the stability of the DC bus voltage, especially during faults [3]. Large voltage fluctuations also lead to increased power losses in the power converters and injection of harmonics into the grid. Crowbar based solutions are the most commonly used for protection ISSN: 2348 – 8379 of power converters [4, 5]. The crowbar protection is also enhanced by a DC chopper circuit with a resistor across the DC bus [6]. The resistor is used with the crowbar to stabilize the DC-bus voltage by dissipating excess power. The shortcomings of the crowbar circuits are: loss of DFIG active and reactive power controllability and magnetization is carried out by the stator [4], and the need for extra hardware in the DFIG which increase cost and reliability [7]. This study investigates the performance of the DFIG and the stability of the DC bus voltage when a PV array and an energy storage system are integrated on the DC bus. An initial study in [8] proposes integration of two sets of rechargeable batteries on the DFIG back-to-back converter DC-bus in a wind power generation scheme. One battery set is used to supply rotor currents while the other is used to smooth out wind turbine power output. Integration of PV array and battery storage on the DFIG DC-bus is presented in [9]. The battery in [9] is directly connected to DC-bus and is used to control the DCbus voltage. In this work, the energy storage system consists of a battery and a supercapacitor. Integration of battery and supercapacitor storage units offers a complementary scheme due to their different power and energy densities. A battery has a high energy density but requires accurate regulation of charge/discharge current within manufacturer Page 24 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 specified range in order to increase its lifetime. A supercapacitor has high power density and longer lifetime but has the disadvantage of being more costly and having low energy density. II. RELATED WORK Out of the above natural sources wind energy conversion systems include less conversion equipment, land need, less maintenance, direct coupling of wind turbine to generator shaft. There So many WECS technologies available classified as: fixed speed and variable speed WECS. Fixed speed employed Squirrel Cage Induction Generator(SCIG) as mechanical to electricity conversion element with soft starter technology simple to construct but may affect steady state stability of power system under unbalanced conditions such as gust in wind, voltage dip in the bus bar voltage , and Need a stiff power grid and not tolerated by weak Grid [1-6].Variable speed WECS employed mainly two technologies such as SCIG in which Capacitor bank and softstarter are replaced by a full scale converter. It requires 100% rating of power stability equipment (FACTS for power factor correction) as that of generator rating. It gives still less effective steady state stability measures as constrained by high cost of converter[1,4,5]. Second technology of variable WECS is Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind power to electricity conversion element as shown in fig. 1. This technology becomes so much popular and opted by maximum number of countries in the world. There are following advantages listed for DFIG based WECS [4-6]: Converter system provides reactive power compensation and smooth grid integration. The market shareof DFIG systems (75%) many times the any other types of WECS. Around 86% patents are on controlling of DFIG. Woodward filed 10 patent applications in the same field in year 2010, as it has no previous record of Intellectual Property activity. Converter Rating is only 25%-30% inDFIG as compared to 100 % of total nominal power of the generator. Stator feeds the remaining 70%-75% of total power directly into the grid. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Fig. 1DFIG with power converter. In the present scenario due to penetration of large number of DFIG based WECS and interconnection to main grids gives rise to new steady state stability challenges for the researchers and scientists due to some power regulating issues under unbalance conditions such as Voltage sags or faults which occur in the network makes performance poor, fault ridethrough(FRT), Low voltage ride through (LVRT) capabilities of DFIGWTs under transient periods, Inter area oscillations in long distance transmission to keep up constant output power to grid and to extract maximum power from continually fluctuating power, Sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) occurred in series compensated electrical networks becomes new area of research with DFIGWTs connected to series compensated networks, Large oscillations of the DClink voltage cannot be avoided as the grid side converter controller was not optimized, Suitable choice of Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT for converter equipment) thermal impedances, SmallSignal Stability Problems and steady state problems. Some other issues are also taken as research finding by the researchers such as converter's battery energy system optimization (BES), stator's harmonic current control, Direct torque control, amplitude frequency control, load frequency control, open loop rotor control, Control based inertia contributed by DFIG, Hysteresis-Based Current Regulators and Dynamic Stability control using FACTS. This paper gives an overview on the some emerging issues related with DFIG based WECS taken by the researchers in past and novel technologies proposed by them. There are around thousands of research IEEE activities (Research Publications) on DFIG control aspects Page 25 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 during past few decades. Fig. 2 shows the major IEEE's IP Activities on DFIG in approximation. III. PROPOSED WORK The Emerging Issues and their Control of DFIG based WECS are shown in the above fig.2 and described one by one as follows: (a) Coordinated control of frequency regulation capability. A (DFIG)-based WECS not provide frequency response because of the decoupling between the output power and the grid frequency. Power reserve margin also problem for DFIG because of the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) operation. [8] presented a novel frequency regulation by DFIGbased wind turbines to coordinate inertial control, rotor speed control and pitch angle control, under low and high wind speed variations. (b) Battery Control Operation (BESS) [9] presented a new based on battery energy storage system (BESS) and tried to reduce the power fluctuations on the grid for uncertain wind conditions and also, compared with an existing control strategies like the maximum power point extraction at unity power factor condition of the DFIG.[10] presented the modified rotor side of DFIG with DC link capacitor is replaced with the BES. The co-ordinated tuning of the associated controllers using bacterial foraging technique (based on eigen-value) to damp out power oscillations.Furthermore, an evolutionary iterative particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach for the optimal wind-battery coordination in a power system was proposed in [11], [12]. (c) Stator Current Harmonic Control [13] proposed a sixth-order resonant circuit to eliminate negative sequence 5th harmonic and positive sequence 7 th harmonics currents from fundamental component of stator current. A stator current harmonic control loop is added to the conventional rotor current control loop for harmonic suppression. The affects of voltage harmonics from the grid on the DFIG are also have been discussed in [14]–[17]. Resonant controllers have been widely used in harmonic control and unbalanced control for both DFIG and power converter systems [17], [18]– [25]. The use of resonant circuits aims to achieve high bandwidth at certain frequencies and also eliminate current harmonics in the three-phase power converter systems [16]–[20] and the DFIG [17] during grid voltage distortion. In [22]–[24], the resonant controllers are used to keep the current output balanced during a grid voltage imbalance. (d) Fault Ride Through A grid fault posed an overload condition to DFIG when it trying to stabilize the wind farm. This would check the fault ride through capability of the DFIG. ISSN: 2348 – 8379 [26] Proposed the dc-link chopper-controlled braking resistor with the supplementary rotor current (SRC) control of the rotor side converter of the DFIG and series dynamic braking resistor (SDBR) connected to the stator of the DFIG. [27,28] a study focused on stabilizing FSWT without using any FACTS device. A series dynamic braking resistor (SDBR) was used to improve the FRT of large wind farms composed of IGs in [29], while in [30] the SDBR was connected to the rotor side converter of the DFIG to improve its Fault Ride Through capability. A superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) [31], passive resistance network [32], and series anti-parellelthyristors [33] connected to the stator side of a grid connected DFIG. [34] proposed a new control strategy using a dc-chopper inserted into the dc-link circuit of the DFIG and a small value of SDBR connected in series in the stator of the DFIG, the former of which acts as a damping load to suppress the dc-link voltage during a grid fault. (e) Regulation of active/reactive power [35] DFIG is a electromechanical device and is modelled as non-linear system with rotor voltages and blade pitch angle as its inputs, active and reactive powers as its outputs, and aerodynamic and mechanical parameters as its uncertainties. A controller was developed that is capable of maximising the active power in the maximum power tracking (MPT) mode, regulating the active power in the power regulation (PR) mode for simultaneously adjusting the reactive power to achieve a desired power factor. For MPPT adaptive controls [35–38] and fuzzy methodologies [39–41] were proposed despite not knowing the Cp-surface. In [42] developed a non-linear controller that simultaneously enables control of the active power in both the MPT and PR modes with aerodynamic and mechanical parameters were known. [43] presented a dynamic model of BDFIG with two machines‘ rotor electromechanically interconnected. The method used to extract maximum power at any given wind speed is to implement maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm based on the various control strategies for the VSR have been discussed in [44-46]. It has been demonstrated in [43] that the proposed BDFIG system can be used for the large off-shore wind energy application with reduced system maintenance cost. [47] proposed a modelbased predictive controller for a power control of DFIG and internal mode controller [48], [49] have satisfactory performance when compared with the response of PI, but it is difficult to implement one due to the formulation of a predictive functional controller and the internal mode controller. Fuzzy based DFIG power control can be realized [50, 51]. Page 26 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 (f) Voltage Unbalance Control [52] Wind energy is often installed in rural, remote areas characterized by weak, unbalanced power transmission grids. Voltage unbalance factor (VUF) is defined as the negative sequence magnitude divided by the positive sequence magnitude. The control topology is fairly standard (based on statorvoltage-oriented dqvector control is used. This orientation can be called ―grid flux oriented‖ control [52]. [53] implemented new rotor current control scheme which consists of a proportional–integral (PI) regulator and a harmonic resonant (R) to suppress 5th and 7th harmonics. The steady-state and transient response of DFIG-based wind power generation systemunder balanced [53]–[56] and unbalanced [57]–[64] grid voltage conditions have been well understood. [61] and [62] proposed proportional– integral (PI). plus resonant tuned at twice the grid frequency current controllers for both grid- and rotorside converters. For instance, standards IEEE-519– 1992 [65] and ER G5/4–1 [66] have, respectively, recommended different practices and requirements for harmonic control in electrical power systems. As indicated in [67] and [68- 69], the presence of harmonics in the supply system results in torque pulsations and increased copper and iron losses in electrical machines. [70] presented a feedback/feedforward nonlinear controller for DFIG. The mechanical and electrical parts of the wind turbines are considered separately in most of the current literature: [71]–[88] considered only the mechanical part, while [96]–[103] considered only the electrical part, focusing mostly on the DFIGs. [104] considered both these parts, its controller was designed to maximize wind energy conversion, as opposed to achieving power regulation (i.e., only operate in the MPT mode). (g) Direct Torque Control Direct power control (DPC) was based on the principles of direct torque control [105], [106]. The DPC applied to the DFIG power control has been presented in [107]–[109]. This strategy calculates the rotor voltage space vector based on stator flux estimated and power errors. An alternative to DPC is power error vector control [110]. This strategy is less complex and obtains results similar to those of direct control of power. A anti-jamming control has been proposed by [111] to improve the controller performance. The predictive control is an alternative control technique that was applied in machine drives and inverters [112], [113]. Some investigations like long-range predictive control [114], general predictive control [112], and model predictive control [115]–[117] were applied to the induction motor drives. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Simulations are performed to verify the performance of the microgrid with the proposed power and energy management strategies. The first study investigates performance under normal operation with step changes in wind, solar radiation, and grid power demand. The next studies investigate performance during three-phase short circuit faults. Simulations are carried out in MATLAB/Simulink using a discrete fixed step solver and a time step of . The simulation model is implemented as shown in Fig. 9. The system sizing is shown in Table 2. 10 s 4.1. Response under normal operation The system is studied during normal operation with an initial wind speed of 10 m/s, solar radiation of 0.5 kW/m2, ambient temperature of 25 oC, and a grid power demand of 1.0 p.u. The initial battery and supercapacitor state of charge are 70% and 50% respectively. Simulations are carried out with the following step changes: at t=1s solar radiation step change from 0.5 to 1.0 kW/m2 at t=1.5s grid power demand step change from 1.0 to 0.7 p.u., and at t=2s simultaneous wind speed, grid power demand , and solar radiation step changes from 10 m/s to 15 m/s, 0.7 to 1.0 p.u., and 1.0 to 0.8 kW/m2 respectively. The system response is shown in Figs. 10-12. It is observed in Fig. 10 that during start-up the system reaches steady state at t=0.3s and is able to supply the required power to the grid. The slow variations in power generated by the DFIG stator (Ps) due to the large wind turbine time constant is compensated by power supplied to the grid via the grid side converter Pgc. Between t=0.3s and t=1.5s, power is supplied to the grid from the energy storage. Fig. 11 Fig.2.Wind constant power 1 W1,w2,w3 scope ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Page 27 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 Fig.3.Pw1 scope Constant power 1 ess Fig.6.Vabc p2,, Iabc p2 W1,w2,w3 Fig.7.Vabcp3,, iabcp3 Fig.4.Vabc-b575,,Iabc-b575 Fig.8.Vdcess1,, vdcess2,,vdcess3 Fig.5.Vabcp1,, Iabcp1 ISSN: 2348 – 8379 Page 28 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – volume 1 Issue 9 –November 2014 Fig.9.Constant power1 ess powertracking V. CONCLUSION [6] L. Fan, S. Yuvarajan, and R. Kavasseri, ―Harmonics analysis of a DFIG for a wind energy conversion system,‖ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers.,vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 181–190, Mar. 2010. [7] J. Hu, H. Nian, H. Xu, and Y. He, ―Dynamic modeling and improved control of DFIG under distorted grid voltage conditions,‖ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 163–175, Mar. 2011. [8] M. Liserre, R. Teodorescu, and F. 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Lipo, Vector Control and Dynamics of AC Drives, Oxford University Press, 2000. This paper proposed a solar energy management strategy for hybrid solar-wind energy of micro-grid with an energy storage system and PV array for current injection in DC-link. Energy storage system consists of a batter and a super capacitor is connected to DC-link through a bi-directional DCDC converter. And then to cascade PID controller is used to regulate current to DC-link. The proposed fuzzy Logic Controller is an efficient power sharing between battery and super capacitor. By using this proposed scheme the active power is supplied to the grid due to the variations in wind speed and solar radiations is minimized. Then the power controllability is stabile. REFERENCES [1] T. Y. Lee, ―Optimal wind battery coordination in a power system using evolutionary iterative particle swarm optimization,‖ IEE Proc.-Gener Trans. Distrib., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 291–300, Mar. 2008. [2] T. Y. 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