IAGP International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes Under the Auspices of HELLENIC REPUBLIC Ministry of Culture and Sports 1st IAGPInternational Congress on Research and Group Psychotherapy and Processes on chronic stress iagpresearchcongress.gr 20-23 November 2014 AEGLI ZAPPEION ATHENS - GREECE Scientific Program ORGANIZATION GENERAL INFORMATION President of the Congress: Dr. Catherine Mela (Greece) Co-President of the Congress: Prof. David Gutmann (France) Organizing Committee Chairing by: Mela Catherine (Chair of IAGP Research Committee and member of IAGP Board of Directors) Kalantaridou Sophia (University of Ioannina, Greece) Makrigiannakis Antonis (University of Crete, Greece) VENUE AEGLI ZAPPEION, ATHENS-GREECE Zappeion Gardens GR 105 57 Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 3369300 Fax: +30 2103252952 E-mail: info@aeglizappiou.gr Website: www.aeglizappiou.gr LIST OF TOPICS 1. Group Psychotherapy and Research 2. Group Analysis and Research 3. Psychodrama and Research 4. Management and Research in Organizations and at Work (Psychosocial Risks at Work during Crisis) 5. Social Research •Research on Social Trauma and Chronic Stress •Financial crisis and Chronic Stress •Chronic Stress and Immigration •Trans-cultural Epidemiology and Chronic Stress •Gender issues and Chronic Stress •Bullying and Chronic Stress •Meta-traumatic Chronic Stress after Wars and Physical Disasters •Chronic Stress in the PTSD and Trauma Resolution 6. Clinical and Laboratory Research on •Psycho-Neuro-immunology •Psycho-Neuro-Endocrinology •Fertility and Reproduction -Impact of chronic stress during pregnancy -Chronic stress influence in future generation and Social Unconscious •Psycho-Oncology 7. Brain Plasticity •Alterations provoked by Chronic Stress in Cognitive and Learning Brain Functions •Chronic Stress and Psychosomatics •Chronic Stress and Depression in Dementia •Chronic Stress in Memory Modifications •Modification of Brain Plasticity by Group Psychotherapy 8. Family & Couples Research 9. Results of the Combination of Group Psychotherapeutic Techniques in Clinical Practice 10. New Experi(m)ental Group Techniques in Chronic Stress Treatment (homogeneous, short term, etc) in various populations 11. PTSD and Chronic Stress 12. Drug Abuse and Chronic Stress 13. The Contribution of Art in Chronic Stress Treatment in Groups 14. Chronic Stress and Education 15. Dreams and Chronic Stress 16. Internet Therapy and Chronic Stress 17. Psycho-geriatrics DATES & HOURS Thursday, 20 November, 2014 Friday, 21 November, 2014 Saturday, 22 November, 2014 Sunday, 23 November, 2014 Starting at 09.00 08.00 08.00 08.00 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language of the Congress is English. Simultaneous translation (interpretation) will be provided only for plenary sessions. OFFICIAL WEBSITE Find all useful information and updates about the Congress at www.iagpresearchcongress.gr Contact: info@iagpresearchcongress.gr Newsletter: If you wish to receive information and be updated about congress issues, you may subscribe in the newsletter subscription form available on the website. ORGANIZING - ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE/ SECRETARIAT Conferre Ltd 4th klm Ioannina-Dodoni Avenue, GR 451 10 Ioannina, Greece Tel: (+30) 26510 68610 Fax: (+30) 26510 68611 E-mail: info@conferre.gr Website: www.conferre.gr DMC – HOUSING BUREAU Mideast Travel Worldwide Ltd 105 – 107, Vas. Sofias Avenue GR 115 21, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 211 211 8888, Fax: +30 210 642 6147 Email: mice@mideast.gr, mideast@mideast.gr Website: www.mideast.gr KEY DATES Early Pre-Registration Deadline: October 16, 2014 Abstract Submission Deadline: October 10, 2014 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection of Abstracts: October 30, 2014 Availability for Accommodation Booking: September 15, 2014 Final Programme available via website: November 3, 2014 REGISTRATION Registration Fees (Euro, incl. VAT 23 %) Registration Category Late Pre-Registration from 11/10/14 to 16/11/14 On-site Registration from 17/11/14 & onwards Non members 320,00€ 350,00€ Members1 300,00€ 320,00€ 90,00€ 120,00€ 90,00€ 110,00€ 1 Day-Ticket Students3 2 1. Registration Fee for non members & members includes: · Admittance to the academic programme · Admittance to the social dreaming matrix groups and the large group · Congress Material · Certificate of Attendance · Refreshments during the Congress · Participation in the Welcome Reception 2. Registration Fee for day ticket includes: · Admittance to the Scientific Sessions of the day · Congress Material · Certificate of Attendance for the one day sessions · Refreshments during the day 3. Registration Fee for Students includes: · Admittance to the academic programme · Admittance to the social dreaming matrix groups and the large group · Congress Material · Certificate of Attendance · Refreshments during the Congress ACCOMMODATION AND TRAVEL SERVICES For any Accommodation or Travel Services you may require before, during and after the Congress please contact Mideast Travel at +30 211 211 8888, mice@mideast.gr. Thursday, November 20, 2014 Olympia III, IV Olympia I Olympia II Prive Hall 09:00-10:00 OPENING CEREMONY 10:00-11.30 Morning Plenary Session David Gutmann (France) President of IAGP Conductor: Kate Bradshaw Tauvon (IAGP Secretary, Sweden) 11:30-12:00 Coffee Break 12:00-13:30 International Track: Humanism and Human Rights Chair: Jorge Burmeister (Spain/Switzerland, Immediate Past President of IAGP, President of Academy of Granada) TBA Konstantinos Papaioanou (Greece) Chair of the Greek National Commission of Human Rights in Europe Austerity and Human Rights: a trauma for Europe? Ellie Varhalama (GSEE, National Commission for Human Rights, Greece) The Collective Perception of Psychosocial Risks at Work Heleni Takou (Greek Union of Human Rights, E.E.D.A. of UN) TBA Round Table Round Table Round Table Chair: Prof Nikolaos Takis (Deree College, Greece) Resonance of Greek war in the current reality of the financial crisis through the case of an adolescent drug user Chair: Apostolis Aggelopoulos (HOPE in GA, Greece) George Pavlopoulos (HOPE in GA, Greece) The Thesis, “The Presence of Difficult People” into Working Groups or Organizations is Undoubtedly a Global Event that we all do 'Experience' in our Lives The Contribution of Art in Chronic Stress Treatment Co-Chair: Gregorio Armañanzas Ros (IAGP, Spain) 79 Years of Silenceabout Spanish Civil War. Silence in the trans generational transmission of Trauma Ivan Urlic (IAGP, EGATIN, Croatia) Silent screams and inner tears:On Indelible Traces of Violence and Injustice Aggeliki Passia (HOPE in GA, Greece) Lost in Words: Projective Identification and Trans generational Transmission of Family Trauma 13:30-15:00 Break 15:00-16:30 Experiental workshop: Leandra Perrotta (FEPTO, University della Valle D' Aosta, Italy) Trauma and Recovery Through Dance Movement Therapy Experiental workshop: Nena Vlassa (Athens Psychodrama Institute, Greece) Working with Psychodrama on Chronic Stress 16.30-17.00 Coffee Break 17.00-18.30 Evening Plenary Session: Prof Christer Sandahl (Sweden) Past IAGP President Manoussos Barbounis (HOPE in GA, Greece) Financial Crisis: Triggering Destruction or Causing Creation in Production Structures Stefanos Kantounis (HOPE in GA, Greece University of Derby, UK) The impact of the current socio-economic crisis inGreece: burn-out among group -analyst therapists: a qualitative study Wladimir Stroh (Higher School of Economics, Russia) A Human in Extreme situations: Organizational Context Experiental workshop: Dr. Smaroula Pandelis (Hellenic Institute of Communication and Human Relations, Greece) Stress enough is enough Chair: Leandra Perrotta (FEPTO, Italy) Dance Therapy Co-chair: Liolios Konstantinos (HOPE in GA, Greece) Group Analytically Oriented Art Therapy Groups for Various Psychopathologies Speakers: Dimitrios Giakoumakis (IAGP, Greece) Anastasia Papachristou: The Interpersonal and Transpersonal Group Analytic Relationship between Group Analysis and Music Therapy as a Therapeutic Method in Alzheimer 's disease Spyridon Loutsos (HOPE in GA, EGATIN, IAGP, Greece) Combination of Tasks in Two Group Analytic Closed Groups Experiental workshop: Refaat Mahfouz Mohamed Ayman Bakheet, Ahmed Kamal, Mohamed Taha, Nashaat Adel, Mohamed Helmy (Minia University, Egypt) The Four- Step Integrative Model for Group Psychotherapy: Rationale and Techniques in Chronic Stress Conductor: Prof Makrigiannakis A. (University of Crete Greece) 18.30-20.00 OPENING LECTURE: Prof. Chrousos G. (Professor & Director of the Departement of Pediatrics at the Athens University of Medical School, Chair of the UNESCO Adolescent Health Care Departement ) The Profound Impact of Stress on Contemporary Humanity 20.30 WELCOME RECEPTION Friday, November 21, 2014 Olympia III, IV 08:00-09:30 09:45-11:15 Morning Plenary Session Heloisa Fluery (IAGP, Febrap, Brazil) Sociodrama Applied to Social Therapy: A Perspective from the Neuroscience Conductor: Prof Noha Sabry (Egypt) Olympia I Prive Hall Olympia II Social Dreaming and Soma Sensing Matrix Conductors: David Gutmann (France), Louise Edberg (Sweden) 11:15-11:45 Coffee Break 11:45-13:15 Round Table Chair: Prof. Hannes Krall (University of Klagenfurt, FEPTO, Austria) Research in Psychodrama: Building practitioner research networks Co-chair: Fleury Heloisa (IAGP, Febrap, Brazil) Psychodrama and Research in different cultures Speaker: Jutta Furst (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Enhancing Research in Psychodrama Training 13:15-15:00 Break 15:00-16:30 SYMPOSIUM 1.A: RESEARCH ON NEURONIMMUNE- SCIENCE AND GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY: Round Table Stress and Transcultural Issues Chair: Cecilia Maria Orozco (IAGP, Colombia) Stressors in Transcultural Process and Psychosocial Contexts Co-chair: Nikos Stathopoulos (IAGP, HOPE in GA, Greece, Athens Interdisciplinary Center for families & Children) Financial Crisis in Greece: Psychosocial Changes in Family Life SYMPOSIUM THE ATHENIAN INSTITUTE OF ANTHROPOS (Greece) Mina Todoulou Antonis Antoniou Maria Giourgi Maria Karpodini The Group Process as an powerful catalyst in crisis context: An Example from a Comenius Reggio School Intervention Program at Renti Region 2 days Ongoing Workshop: Round Table Round Table Chair: Marcia Karp (BPA, UK) Conductor: Prof. Maurizio Gasseau (IAGP, University of Valle d' Aosta, Italy) Jungian Psychodrama on Dreams as a Tool for Conflict Transformation in Transcultural Groups Speakers: Dr. Mohamed Taha Nashaat Adel Ahmed Kamal (Minia Faculty of MedicineEgypt) The Creative Process of Group Psychotherapy: A Transcultural Perspective Dr Galabina Tarashoeva (IAGP, FEPTO, Mental Health of Sofia, Bulgaria) TranSpace: Transitional Spaces for Empowering Disabled and Disadvantaged Children and Young People to Protect Themselves from Community-based Violence Round Table Chair: Michael Wieser (Alpen Adria Universitaet Chairs: Klagefurt/ Graz/ Wien) Dr Catherine Mela Empowerment of Women (IAGP, Research Committee, Environment (EMPOWER): Greece) & Results of the European Dr. Frangiskos Xepapadakos Daphne Project on Women (University of Zurich, Clienia Groups Clinic, Switzerland) Chair: Prof. Maurizio Gasseau (IAGP, University of Valle d' Aosta, Italy) Tools for the study of Group Processes in Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Co- Chair: Ilias Vlachos (HOPE in GA, University of Athens, Greece) Speakers: Anna Paukova (Higher School of Economics, Russia) Olympia III, IV Speakers: Dr. Catherine Mela (IAGP, Greece) Neuron Modulation of Chronic Stress in Group Psychotherapy Epilepsy as an expression of unsolved conflicts: A 15 years pilot study Olympia I Co-chair: Heloisa Fleury (IAGP, Febrap, Brazil) The challenge to Apply Sociodrama as a Qualitative Research Tool Speakers: Tarashoeva G. Daphne Aretaki (Sofia City, Mental Health (Hellenic League Against Bulgaria), Rheumatism, HOPE in GA, Greece) Short Term Support Groups for Testoni,I. (University of Padova) People with Rheumatic TBA Diseases: A Preliminary Qualitative Exploration of Vieira F.M, Members' Experience Torres S., Moita G. Paraskevi Lali (University of Porto, Portugal) (HOPE in GA, Greece, Aretaieion The Psychodrama in the University Hospital, Athens, treatment of Obesity Greece) Efficasy & Therapeutic Prof. Erifyli Argyra Process. Rania Levidi (Aretaieion University Hospital, Heloisa Fleury, Athens, Greece) (IAGP, Febrap, Brazil) Group Psychotherapy in Najjar Abdo Carmita Elena Patients with Chronic Pain: (University of Sao Paolo, Research in a Pain Centre of a Brazil), General Public Hospital Effect of Thematic Group Eleni Gkreka Psychotherapy on Sexual Papamanousaki K., Function during the Simarli M., Mela C. Menopausal Transition: A (HOPE in GA, Greece) Pilot Study Evaluating Organic Disorders in Group Analytic Psychotherapeutic Process through the Parameters of Time and Living. Conditions: Evaluation of 72 Patients. Prive Hall Co- Chair: Prof. Furst Jutta/Hannes Krall (University of Innsbruck, University of Klagenfurt, Austria) Enhancing Research into a Psychodrama Psychotherapy Training Program Speakers: Prof. Noha Sabry (University of Cairo, Egypt) Evidence Based Practice: Could Psychodrama Research bridge the Gap? Dr. G. Lococo (Italy) Research on Psychodrama and Group Analysis: what specific tools to use them Dr. Loverso G. (Universita di Palermo, Italy) Maurizio Gasseau (University of Valle d' Aosta) Empirical Research about Groups: Qualitative and Quantitative Instruments Olympia II “Too Much Choice” and “too much information”: The Relationship between two of Modern Stressors. Michele Battuello Enrica de Simoni, Andriana Rubinace, Floriana Florio (Studio Integrato di Psicoterapia, Italy) Combined Individual/Group Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Summary of Methodological Construction Tatiana Kryukova Natalia Shipova, Olga Ekimchik (Kostroma State University, Russia) Psychodramatic Work with Chronic Stress in the Situation of Partners' Infidelity Zámečník Petr Veronika Kureckova Řezáč Pavel (Transport Research Centre, Czech Republic) Specifics of group work with traffic offenders 16:30-16:45 Coffee Break 16:45-18:15 Ongoing workshop 1 Conductor: Jorge Burmeister (IAGP, Academy of Granada, Spain, Switzerland) Spirituality, Agapi & Art: The Practice of Transcultural Humanism Ongoing workshop 2 Ongoing workshop 3 Conductor: Ivan Urlic (IAGP, EGATIN, Croatia) "Feeling hurt - considering forgiveness ... The challenge to take it seriously" Conductor: Maria Van Noort (IAGP, The Netherlands) Chronic Stress and Group Dynamics 18:30-20:00 Evening Plenary Session Dr Frangiskos Xepapadakos (University of Zurich, Clienia Clinic, Switzerland) In collaboration with Max Planck, Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany Normal ageiing or illness? The impact of chronic stress and Neurodegenarative Processes in Mental Functions and Cognitive Performances Conductor: Dr Mela Catherine (Chair of IAGP Research Committee, Board Member of IAGP, IAGP Academy of Granada, IOGAP, Greece) 20.00-21.30 Large Group Conductors (Sweden): Göran Ahlin (Group Analysis), Christer Sandahl (Management), Kate Tauvon Bradshaw (Psychodrama) & Sophia Symeonidou (Greece) (Psychodrama) 2 days Ongoing workshop Conductor: Dionyssis Sakkas, Polemi-Todoulou Mina (AKMA,Greece) Myths and Ancient Tragedies: How they can be actualized in Working and Training Contemporary Contexts Saturday, November 22, 2014 Olympia III, IV 08:00-09:30 09:45-11:15 Morning Plenary Session Jorge Burmeister (Immediate Past President of IAGP, President of Academy of Granada, Spain, Switzerland) Current Situation and the Future Challenges of Group Psychotherapy & Group Processes Worldwide: The role of IAGP Conductor: Dr Kritikou Margarita (Past Board Member of IAGP, Founder of IAGP Transcultural Section, IOGAP, HOPE in GA, Greece) 11:15-11:45 Coffee Break 11:45-13:15 SYMPOSIUM 1.B: RESEARCH ON NEURONIMMUNE- SCIENCES AND GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY: Part II Chairs: Prof Sofia Kalantaridou (University of Ioannina, Greece) Prof Makrigiannakis A. (University of Crete, Greece) Speakers: Maria Cecilia Orozco (IAGP, Colombia) Infertility in Couples: A Systemic Approach About Dr Nashaat Adel, Dr Maha Ali, Dr Mohamed Helmy, dr Mohamed Ayman (Minia University, Egypt) True Feminity and True Masculinity According to Objects Relations Theory: The Concept and Applications in Dynamic Integrative Group Psychotherapy Olympia I Olympia II Social Dreaming and Soma Sensing Matrix Conductors: David Gutmann (France), Louise Edberg (Sweden) Round Table Round Table Chairs: Francesca Giannone (University of Palermo, Italy) Group Psychotherapy and Research Chair: Yaccov Naor (Israel, IAGP) Walking on a thin edge: Dialogue Work between enemies Ekaterina Mikhailova (IAGP, Institute of Group & Family Psychotherapy, Russia) Group Psychotherapy and Semio sphere: coping strategies dealing with chronic stress of Desement Speakers: Rainer Weber, Strauss Bernhard (University of Koln, Friedrich Schiller University, Germany) Therapeutic Factors in Group Psychotherapy. The search for the Holy Grail Veronika Kureckova, Řezáč Pavel, Zámečník Petr (Transport Research Centre, Evangelos Christou Czech Republic) (Greece,University of Ioannina, Chronic Stress of the Greece) Public Transport Drivers Stress Mechanisms and the Pathophisiology of Depression Dr Ilias Vlachos (University Of Athens,Greece) Correlation between Depression, Anxiety and Polymorph nuclear cells' Resilience in Ulcerative Colitis. The Mediating Role Heat Schock Protein 70 Prive Hall Co-chair: Natacha Navarro (Academy of Granada, AEP, IAGP, Spain) How can a therapist be traumatized? Dimitrios Giakoumakis Nikolaos Laos (Research Institute of European and American Studies, Greece) National Character, International Relationships Aristeidis Stournaras Maria Aspradaki (Mitos Institute, Greece) Non Directive Breath-Work: An Effective Way to treat Trauma 2 days Ongoing Workshop: Conductor: Prof. Maurizio Gasseau (IAGP, FEPTO, University of Valle d' Aosta) Jungian Psychodrama on Dreams as a Tool for Conflict Transformation in Transcultural Groups Olympia III, IV Olympia I Prive Hall Olympia II 13:15-15:00 Break 15:00-16:30 SYMPOSIUM "Couples' Groups: (Re) Creating Connection (Re) Creating Bonds" Presenters: 1. Kyriaki Polychroni, MA, CGP, ECP 2. Alexandra Dimitriadou, MSc 3. Ioanna Koukou, M.Med.Sc, ECP 4. Nikos Spiliopoulos, MSc, ICADC 5. Anastasia Vlahogeorgaki, MA, ICADC (EFT Greek Network and Athenian Institute of Anthropos) SYMPOSIUM 2.A: RESEARCH ON EXCLUSIONS: Chair: Dr. Margarita Kritikou (HOPE in GA, Greece) Exclusion and Acting out in Group Analysis Co-chair: Apostolis Aggelopoulos (HOPE in GA, Greece) Speakers: Prof. Ioanna-Despoina Bergiannaki-Dermitzaki (University of Athens, Greece) Gender Differences in Emotional and Social Characteristics and their impact in contemporary work stress Prof. Michael Madianos (University of Athens, Greece) Suicide, unemployment and other socioeconomic Crisis in Greece Round Table "CHRONIC STRESS? SOCIAL RESEARCH AND GROUP STRATEGIES" Chair: Prof. Cristina Martinez- Taboada (IAGP, University of Basque Country, Basque Red Cross, Spain) Dr Alberto Amutio (University of Basque Country, Spain) Chronic Stress? Social Research and Group Strategies: SocioCultural Stress, Mental Health & Group Intervention: The Ulysses Syndrome Experiental Workshop: Conductor: Yaccov Naor (Israel IAGP) Transgenerational Trasmission of Trauma Co-chair: Dr. Alberto Amutio (University of Basque Country, Spain) Professional Stress: Mindfulness and Group Dynamics Speakers: Chris Evans (IGA,London, NHS,University of Nottingham) Adding Evidence to Experience (AE2E): The Shape of Groups Accross their Life Spans, Diversity, Resilience and Numbers Kourmousi N., Alexopoulos E., Darviri C., Varvogli L. (University of Athens) Jobs Stress of Greek Educators of all Levels and Specialiies 16:30-16:45 Break (required time for hall’s reshaping) 16:45-18:15 Ongoing workshop 1 Conductor: Jorge Burmeister (Past President of IAGP, Academy of Granada, Switzerland) Spirituality, Agapi & Art: The Practice of Transcultural Humanism Ongoing workshop 2 Conductor: Ivan Urlic (IAGP, EGATIN, Croatia) Feeling hurt - considering forgiveness ... The challenge to take it seriously 18:15-18:30 Coffee Break 18:30-20:00 Evening Plenary Session Earl Hopper (Past President of IAGP, GAS, EGATIN, UK) 20:00-21:30 Large Group Conductors (Sweden): Göran Ahlin (Group Analysis), Christer Sandahl (Management), Kate Tauvon Bradshaw (Psychodrama) & Sophia Symeonidou (Greece) (Psychodrama) Ongoing workshop 3 Conductor: Maria Van Noort (IAGP, The Netherlands) Chronic Stress and Group Dynamics 2 days Ongoing workshop Conductor: Dionyssis Sakkas Mina Polemi-Toloudou (The Athenian Institute of Anthropos, Greece) Myths and Ancient Tragedies: How they can be Actualized in Working and Training Contemporary Contexts Conductor: Prof Sophia Kalantaridou (University of Ioannina, Greece) Sunday, November 23, 2014 Olympia III, IV 08:00-09:30 Olympia I Prive Hall Olympia II Social Dreaming and Soma Sensing Matrix Conductors: David Gutmann (France), Louise Edberg (Sweden) 09:45-11:15 Morning Plenary Session Prof. Ivan Urlic (Croatia, IAGP, EGATIN) From Violent to Empathic Civilization: Is the Forgiveness Attitude and Reconciliation Possible? Conductor: Zoe Voyiatzaki (Immediate Past President of EGATIN, Institute of Group Analysis, Athens, Greece) 11:15-11:45 Coffee Break 11:45-13:15 Round Table Chair: Dr. Giovanna Cantarella (APG, IAGP, National Health Service Milan, Italy) Sexual Seduction and Incestual Mentality Victims Group Treatment. A Clinical Research in Therapeutic Groups in Italy Co-Chair: Prof. Antonio D' Angio (EATGA- AEATG, Second University of Naples, Italy) The Unexplored Territory of the Sexual Unconscious in Transcultural Perspective Speakers: Maria Von Noort (IAGP, The Netherlands) Recurrent Themes in Inter Cultural Group Psychotherapy Ira Sarakinou (HOPE in GA, Greece) Adolescent Sexual Abuse, PTSD & Chronic Stress 13:15-15:00 Break SYMPOSIUM 2.B: RESEARCH ON EXCLUSIONS: Round Table YOUNG PROFESSIONALS SECTION PART II Chair: Spiros Loutsos (HOPE in GA, Greece) Chair: Reimer de Rooij (The Netherlands, IAGP) Co-chair: Hara Alexandri (HOPE in GA, Greece) Aspects of Scapegoating in Group Analysis Speakers: Prof. Maria Vassiliadou Evangelia Kontogianni (University of Athens, Eginition Hospital, Greece) Preventing Dysfunctional Preconception of Therapists John Eliopoulos (Greece) The Psychotic Patient: between Family and Hospital:The Fouceaudian Approach. Speakers: Themis Graikou (Trainee of the University of Athens, Greece) Chronic Stress and Molecular Health Pericleus Kalampakos (Greece, Trainee of the University of Thessaloniki) Chronic Stress and Criminality Olga Graikou (Cyprus Trainee of the Faculty of psychology in the European University of Cyprus) Chronic Stress and Gender Issues Round Table: Chair: Koukis Anastasios (ISPS Hellas, Greece) From Psychotic Dreaming to Dreaming Proper: the impact of Group Analysis on the Psychotherapy of patients Suffering from Psychoses Co-chair: Liolios Konstantinos (HOPE in GA, IAGP, Greece) The Depiction of Dreams as an Enhancer in the Therapeutic Impact of Group Analytic Art Therapy Speakers: Michele Battuello, Eliana Petrulli, Carla Locchi, Enrica De Simoni Florian Florio (Studio Integrato di Řezáč Pavel Psicoterapia, Italy) Zámečník Petr Combined Inividual/Group Veronika Kureckova Psychodynamic (Transport Research Centre, Psychotherapy:Patients' Czech Republic) Dream Progress leads and Perception of Young Aggressive defines the Therapeutic Drivers of Group Therapy Process Michele Battuello, Enrica De Simoni, Floriana Florio (Studio Integrato di Psicoterapia, Italy) Combined Inividual/ Group Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Unconscious Images of Separation from Individual Therapy to Proceed with the Group Therapy Only Olympia III, IV 15:00-16:30 Round Table Chair: Prof Mona Rakhawy Madani Adel, Hamdi Emad (IAGP, EAGT, University of Cairo, Egypt) Traditional/ Faith Group Healing: Exploration, Understanding and Potential Work. Co-chair: Ekaterina Michailova (IAGP, Russia) Social Trauma and Chronic Stress Speakers: Dimitrios Giakoumakis, Anastasia Papachristou (Greece) Religious Spirituality and Group Analysis Georgios Ladas (HOPE in GA, Greece) Psychology and Theology, A Call to Integration. Olympia I Round Table Round Table Chair:Natacha Navarro (IAGP, AEP, Academy of Granada,Spain) Bullying and Chronic Stress in adolescents Chair: Zoe Voyiatzaki (Immediate Past President of EGATIN, Institute of Group Analysis, Athens, Greece) Co- Chair: Gerassimos Repassos (HOPE in GA, Greece, Hellenic Association of Parents with Children suffering from from Reumatoid Arthritis) Chronic Sosial Stress in Suffering Children and their Families: the Contribution of Networking Patients and Health Proffesionals Association towards Chronic Stress Treatment Co- chair: Spyridon Loutsos (EGATIN, IAGP, HOPE in GA, Greece) Termination in Group Analysis Speakers: Baourda V., Brouzos A., Vassilopoulos S. (University of Ioannina, University of Patra, Greece) Development of Therapeutic Alliance, Group Climate and Perceptions of the Leaders, Facilitative Conditions during Psychoeducational Group for Children with Social Anxiety in Greece Prof.Hannes Krall (University of Klagenfurt, Austria) Integration of Research in Psychodrama Training Psychodrama with children who have chronic stress and their families 16:45-18:15 Experiental Workshop Goyo Armañanzas (Go Grupos y Organizaciones) Silence and Civil war Trauma 18:30-20:00 Ongoing Workshop 1 Conductor: Jorge Burmeister (Spain Switzerland Immediate Past President of IAGP, Academy of Granada) Spirituality, Agapi & Art: The Practice of Transcultural Humanism Prive Hall Experiental Workshop Aristeidis Stournaras Aspradaki Maria (MITOS Institute, Greece) Non Directive Breath-Work Olympia II Experiental Workshop: Conductor: Marcia Karp (MA, TEP, UKCP, BPA, UK) “Why do Brilliant People Kill Themselves?” Speakers: 1.Dimitra Skoufi-Katsidonioti (HOPE IN GA, OCEAN NGO, Greece) Stress in Education: Tool Team: A Large workgroup for Education through Drama Therapy. 2. Verveniotis K., Kosmoyanni A., Moschonas D., Tsegos I. (Institute of Diagnostic Psychology, open Psychotherapy Center, Greece) Does the Training have an Impact on Trainees Personality? 3.Ventouratou Ioulia, Roger Slee (HOPE in GA, University of London) the Social Unconscious Theory in Education: Approaching the School Education in Greece 4. Vassiliki Karagianni, Tsegos I., Mastrandrea C.,Mitroutsikou E., Panagopoulou K., Zerva E. (Institute of Group Analysis Institute of Diagnostic Psychology, Open Psychotherapy Center, Institute of Psychodrama /Psychotherapy, Institute of Family Therapy) Investigating A New Approach of Supervision Experiental Workshop Stylianos Lagarakis (Center of the Athenian Psychodramatic Encounters) Crisis of our Sexuality Encounters Ongoing workshop 2 Ongoing workshop 3 Conductor: Ivan Urlic (IAGP,EGATIN, Croatia) Feeling hurt - considering forgiveness ... The challenge to take it seriously Conductor: Maria Van Noort (IAGP, The Netherlands) Chronic Stress and Group Dynamics Experiental Workshop Irit Kaminsky & Einat Kaufman (Israel) Dealing with the Stress during War Times Olympia III, IV 20.15-21.45 21.45 Olympia I Large Group Conductors (Sweden): Göran Ahlin (Group Analysis), Christer Sandahl (Management), Kate Tauvon Bradshaw (Psychodrama) & Sophia Symeonidou (Greece) (Psychodrama) Prive Hall Olympia II WHO WE ARE IAGP is a truly international and global organization. The current Board of Directors comprises people from 24 countries. Our affiliate organizations and individual members are group psychotherapists and group processors from many different theoretical orientations from around the world. The following is a list of our officers for the 2012-2015 term. Executive Committee David Gutmann, D.E.S (France) – President Kate Bradshaw Tauvon, MA, GA Dip, TEP (Sweden) – Secretary Teresa von Sommaruga Howard, Dipl Arch, Mem IGA (UK/New Zealand ) – Treasurer Bonnie Buchele, Ph.D. (USA) – President Elect Jorge Burmeister, M.D. (Switzerland/Spain) – Immediate Past President Board of Directors Dena Baumgartner, PhD, TEP (USA) Isil Bulut, PhD (Turkey) Giovanna Cantarella, PhD (Italy) Hsien-Hsien Chiang, RN, MSN (Chinese Taipei) Sue Daniel, MAPS, TEP (Australia) Macario Giraldo, PhD (USA) Assie Gildenhuys, PhD (South Africa) Richard Beck, LCSW, BCD, CGP, FAGPA (USA) Jun Maeda, MA (Japan) Cristina Martinez-Taboada Kutz, PhD (Spain) Catherine Mela, MD, PhD (Greece) Ekaterina Mikhailova, PhD (Russia) Maite Pi Ordónez, MD (Spain) Enrico Reo, PhD (Italy) Esther Stone, MSSW (USA) Mona Rakhawy, MD, PhD (Egypt) Galabina Tarashoeva, MD (Bulgaria) Ivan Urlić, MD, PhD (Croatia) Marianne Wiktorin, MA (Sweden) Xu Yong, MD (PR China) Section Chairs Chair, Family Therapy Section Maite Pi (Spain) Chair, Psychodrama Section Yaacov Naor, MA, CAGS, TEP (Israel) Chair, Analytic Group Section (formerly Group Analysis Section) Ljiljana Milivojević, MD, MS, PhD (Serbia) Chair, Transcultural Section María Cecilia Orozco, MSFT (Colombia) Chair, Organizational Consultancy Section Roberta Mineo PhD (Italy) Chair, Young Professionals Section Reimer de Rooij, MSc. (Netherlands) Consultative Assembly of Affiliate Organizations (CAOA) Michael Wieser, Mag Dr (Austria) and David Gutmann, D.E.S. (France) Membership Chairs Dena Baumgartner, PhD, TEP (USA) and Cristina Martinez-Taboada Kutz, PhD (Spain) Honorary Archivist Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger, TEP, PhD (France) Past Presidents Samuel B. Hadden M.D. (USA): 1973-1977 Raymond Battegay, M.D. (Switzerland): 1977-1980 Malcolm Pines, M.D. (UK): 1980-1984 Jay W. Fidler, M.D. (USA): 1984-1986 Grete Leutz, M.D. (Germany): 1986-1989 Fern Cramer Azima, Ph.D. (Canada): 1989-1992 Alberto C. Serrano, M.D. (USA): 1992-1995 Earl Hopper, Ph.D. (UK): 1995-1998 Roberto de Inocencio, M.D. (Spain): 1998-2000 Sabar Rustomjee, FRANZCP (Australia): 2000-2003 Christer Sandahl, Ph.D. (Sweden): 2003-2006 Frances Bonds-White, Ed.D. (USA): 2006-2009 Jorge Burmeister, M.D. (Switzerland/Spain): 2009-2012 IAGP is dedicated to the inspirational thinking and action of JL Moreno, MD (USA) and SH Foulkes, MD (UK)
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