Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod NOVEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” [Saint John 10:27] “Advice” There is no shortage of advice that comes your way, challenging you to become a better you. Here is a sample: “You need to associate with people that inspire you, people that challenge you to rise higher, people that make you better. Don’t waste your time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important.” It’s bad enough that the world peddles such egotistical nonsense. But it is far worse when such narcissism is peddled by a Christian pastor. The above quote is from Joel Osteen, America’s most popular “preacher.” Taking to heart his advice, it would seem that our calling is to be self-absorbed go-getters who look out for number one, feeding the vanity within. Ignore this worldly garbage masquerading as advice. Imagine Jesus Christ becoming man to serve Himself and His own destiny. If He had associated only with people that inspired Him, challenged Him to rise higher, made Him better, or added to His growth, He would have lived a life of solitude. But “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). Jesus had compassion on the crowds. He healed every disease and affliction among the people. He taught the lowly. He showed mercy to the least, the last, and the lost. And then He died for poor miserable sinners like you and me. Having been forgiven our sin, our selfishness, and our vanity, our calling as Christians is one of love and service to the neighbor, even when that neighbor does not inspire us, challenge us, make us better, or add to our growth. That’s why Jesus teaches us to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:24) and to “invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind … because they cannot repay you” (Luke 14:13-14). Why Paul reminds us to “remember the poor” (Galatians 2:10), to “serve one another” (Galatians 5:13), and to “set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). Why Peter bids us to “have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind” (1 Peter 3:8). Why James exhorts us to “visit orphans and widows in their affliction” (James 1:27) and “show no partiality” (James 2:1). Christ-like love reaches out to all those whom God places in your path—friend and enemy, rich and poor, those who inspire you and those who don’t. As Joseph forgave and provided for the very brothers who hated him, sold him into slavery, and brought grief upon their father, so you are called to reach out in love and service to all. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). That’s not advice. It’s your calling, your vocation, your joy. Forgiven by Christ, you forgive. Loved by Christ, you love. Served by Christ, you serve. Not for your own benefit, but for your neighbor’s benefit and to the glory of God! Pastor Mumme An Apology In a newsletter article a few months back, I looked at two of Jesus’ parables: the parable of the hidden treasure and the parable of the pearl of great value (Matthew 13:44-46). After describing the interpretation that Jesus is the treasure and the pearl, I concluded by stating that this interpretation is “not faithful to God’s Word.” This conclusion was wrong, not factual, and had no basis in Holy Scripture. The interpretation that Jesus is the treasure and the pearl is a valid interpretation. God’s blessings on our ongoing study of His Word and reception of His gifts! Membership Update Calendar Please make the following update to your pictorial directory and/or address books: Louise Anderson Heritage Woods 550 Kildeer Drive, Apt. 255 Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Week of Trinity 20 Sun, Nov 2, 9:00 am Sun, Nov 2, 10:30 am Tue, Nov 4, 5:00 pm Tue, Nov 4, 7:00 pm Wed, Nov 5, 4:30 pm Wed, Nov 5, 7:00 pm Sat, Nov 8, 4:00 pm Divine Service Bible Study & Sunday School Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Elders Meeting Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Adult Choir Practice Chili & Game Night Tom Novy tnovy@comcast.net Maredith Robertson robomom3@att.net Week of Trinity 21 Sun, Nov 9, 9:00 am Sun, Nov 9, 10:00 am Sun, Nov 9, 10:30 am Sun, Nov 9, 12:00 pm Tue, Nov 11, 1:00 pm Tue, Nov 11, 5:00 pm Wed, Nov 12, 4:30 pm Wed, Nov 12, 7:00 pm Sat, Nov 15, 8:30 am Sat, Nov 15, 9:00 am Sat, Nov 15, 10:00 am Sat, Nov 15, 11:00 am Prayer Service Thrivent Meeting Bible Study & Sunday School Council Meeting Women’s Bible Study Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Adult Choir Practice Men’s Bible Breakfast Youth’s Christmas Practice Altar Guild Meeting Ladies Aid Meeting Week of Trinity 22 Sun, Nov 16, 9:00 am. Divine Service Sun, Nov 16, 10:00 am Voters Meeting Sun, Nov 16 10:30 am Sunday School Tue, Nov 18, 9:00 am Pastor @ Circuit Meeting Tue, Nov 18, 5:00 pm Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Tue, Nov 18, 7:00 pm Book of Concord Study Wed, Nov 19, 11:00 am Pastor @ NICL Study Wed, Nov 19, 4:30 pm Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Wed, Nov 19, 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice Sat, Nov 22, 9:00 am Youth Christmas Practice Final Week of the Church Year Sun, Nov 23, 9:00 am Sun, Nov 23, 10:30 am Tue, Nov 25, 5:00 pm Wed, Nov 26, 4:30 pm Wed, Nov 26, 7:00 pm Wed, Nov 26, 8:00 pm Thu, Nov 27 Sat, Nov 29, 9:00 am Divine Service Bible Study & Sunday School Youth Catechesis (1st Year) Youth Catechesis (2nd Year) Thanksgiving Eve Service Adult Choir Practice Thanksgiving Day Youth Christmas Practice Week of Advent 1 Sun, Nov 30, 9:00 am Divine Service Sun, Nov 30, 10:30 am Bible Study & Sunday School November Birthdays 01 01 02 02 03 06 08 08 09 12 15 16 19 20 21 22 26 Cris Ruisz Conner Schilling Laurrie Bingenheimer Carolyn Stronczek Kristina Learnahan Jill Olifirowicz Jolene Delaney Tom Novy Cassie Cruz Diane Weaver Kim Stache Edward Cruz Teri Novy Dolores Bauman Lori Mumme Anthony Simonetti Louis Pallek Baptismal Anniversaries 02 05 12 14 18 19 26 26 28 Gregory Mazurkiewicz Robert Thornton Spenser Fox Meghan Zeller Paula Weberling Linda Shurhay Katie Olifirowicz Kyle Olifirowicz Quentin Parmenter Wedding Anniversaries 02 06 13 24 Mike & Jill Olifirowicz Ron & Cris Ruisz Mike & Kim Stache Bob & Cindy Simonetti 2 All Saints’ Day We will be celebrating All Saints’ Day on Sunday, November 2. Concerning this feast day, Treasury of Daily Prayer states: This feast is the most comprehensive of the days of commemoration, encompassing the entire scope of that great cloud of witnesses with which we are surrounded (Hebrews 12:1). It holds before the eyes of faith that great multitude which no man can number: all the saints of God in Christ—who have come “out of the great tribulation ... who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9, 14). As such, it sets before us the full height and depth and breadth and length of our dear Lord’s gracious salvation (Ephesians 3:17-19). It shares with Easter a celebration of the resurrection, since all who have died with Christ Jesus have also been raised with Him (Romans 6:3-8). It shares with Pentecost a celebration of the ingathering of the entire Church catholic—in heaven and on earth, in all times and places—in the one Body of Christ, in the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Just as we have all been called to the one hope that belongs to our call, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:4-6). And the Feast of All Saints shares with the final Sundays of the Church Year an eschatological focus on the life everlasting and a confession that “the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18). In all of these emphases, the purpose of this feast is to fix our eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, that we might not grow weary or fainthearted (Hebrews 12:2-3). God’s House: Your Home “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” [Psalm 122:1] God’s house is our true home, for here our Father through His Son and in His Spirit gathers His children together to speak to them, feed them, and care for them. Join us on Sunday, November 9 as we extend the hospitality of Christ to our congregation, preschool, and community under the theme “God’s House: Your Home!” Who will you invite? Let’s fill God’s house with members, family, friends, and neighbors. What’s more, let us continue to pray for our community and reach out in love and service to our neighbor. “O LORD, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells.” [Psalm 26:8] Thanksgiving Eve Vespers Join us on Wednesday, November 26, beginning at 7:00 p.m., for a Thanksgiving Eve Vespers service in which we thank and praise God for all His blessings of body and soul. He has given us His Son, forgiveness, life, and salvation. He has given us countless physical blessings as well. Join the lone Samaritan in returning to Christ to thank Him for His grace and mercy. Advent The new church year begins with the First Sunday in Advent. Accordingly, our Advent focus on Christ’s threefold coming will begin on Sunday, November 30. Christ came in mercy to save us. Christ still comes in mercy to deliver His good gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation. And Christ will come again in glory to take us home. Join us on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings this holy season and be built up in Christ. Bible & Lutheranism Studies Sunday Bible Class Topic: Hebrews When: Sunday mornings @ 10:30 a.m. Where: Luther Hall Men’s Bible Breakfast Topic: Ecclesiastes When: Saturday, November 15 @ 8:30 a.m. Where: Steak & Shake Women’s Bible Study Topic: Lutheranism 101, chapters 22-23 When: Tuesday, November 11 @ 1:00 p.m. Where: Luther Hall Book of Concord Study Topic: Large Catechism, Lord’s Prayer, 7th Petition When: Tuesday, November 18 @ 7:00 p.m. Where: Luther Hall 3:fifteen Youth Study Topic: Christmas Study & Party When: early December Where: Luther Hall 3 Hymns of the Day Each Sunday we sing a hymn of the day, which summarizes the Scripture readings and anticipates the sermon. As many Christians like to use this hymn in their devotions during the week leading up to a given Sunday, we are including them here for you convenience. You are encouraged to read through or sing these hymns at home (even with your children!). Sunday, November 2 All Saints’ Day LSB 677 “For All the Saints” Sunday, November 9 Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity LSB 605 “Father Welcomes” Sunday, November 16 Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity LSB 611 “Chief of Sinners Though I Be” Sunday, November 23 Last Sunday in the Church Year LSB 515 “Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers” Sunday, November 30 First Sunday in Advent LSB 332 “Savior of the Nations, Come” Sunday School Update Thank you to everyone for bringing your children to Sunday School. Our goal is to help prepare your kids to learn and understand our faith and become prepared for confirmation. A quick glimpse into our service: We open with the invocation and Luther’s Morning Prayer (I am impressed how quickly the children learn this wonderful prayer). If a child has a birthday that week, we have them count their pennies (one penny for each year old) and then sing “Happy Birthday.” Then we collect an offering—children usually are playing with their offerings so we limit the distractions early. A song is then sung, accompanied by Mr. George (church organist). We’ll discuss the Bible story from last week, recite one of the Ten Commandments, and talk about what we’ll be studying that day. We close with the Lord’s Prayer and then dismissal to the individual classes, where the children study the Bible story more in-depth at an age appropriate level. Sunday School ends at the same time that the adult Bible Study ends (so you can stay and learn while your children learn, too). Please ask me if you have any questions about the program. Thank you and THANK YOU to the teachers and substitutes. Congregational Voters Meeting Join us on Sunday, November 16, for a congregational voters meeting. We will be electing four officers to the Church Council, two members to serve on next year’s nominations committee, and approving the 2015 budget. As a reminder, all those who meet the constitutional criteria for voting membership must ‘sign’ the constitution in order to vote. Signature forms will be available before the meeting and remain valid as long as one remains a voting member. Daylight Savings Time Remember to “fall back” by setting your clocks one hour backward before you go to bed on Saturday, November 1. Tim Parmenter, Superintendent Sunday School Christmas Program November is here which means it is time to think about Christmas. This year our program is titled, “For the Glory of the King.” Practices will begin on Saturday, November 15 at 9:00 a.m. and we will meet each Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. until the day of the program. Practices should only take one hour. Our program will be on Sunday, December 14 at 2:00 p.m. (The time may change since we are still very early, but the day will remain the same) and will involve Sunday School children and Little Lambs children. I am hoping to have scripts and music available by November 2, if you would like to start learning the music and words early. If you have not talked with me yet, and would like your child to be involved, please contact Terri Kreier at 630-248-6708 or tkreier@comcast.net. Children starting at age 3 to 12+ are invited to participate. I am looking forward to sharing this tradition with your families! 4 Little Lambs Preschool The month of November begins with our Little Lambs singing in church on Sunday, November 9. We look forward to including our preschool families in our church service. We will also be collecting items to send to our service men and women as we discover the symbols of America early in the month. Later we will be learning about the first Thanksgiving. Little Lambs will also be participating in the Lutheran Child and Family Services Toy Drive for Christmas. We will be collecting toys, games and books for children in their foster care programs. Church members are also invited to participate. Look for the box marked ‘Toy Drive’ to place your donations. We will accept donations through Sunday, December 7. Chili & Game Night Our youth group invites you to join them for Bingo, Texas Hold’em, and a delicious chili dinner in Luther Hall on Saturday, November 8, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for Bingo winners, and gift cards will be awarded for the Texas Hold’em champion and runner-up. Money raised from this fundraiser will help our youth attend next summer’s Higher Things youth conference. Cookbook The Youth Group is putting together a church cookbook to raise funds for their conferences and activities and would love your help. Please drop off or email us a copy of your favorite recipes in the next few weeks. A digital photo of the finished item to accompany each recipe is also welcome. Let us know if you have any questions. • • • Ladies Aid In lieu of gifts we are asking for monetary donations for the Rev. May family, missionaries in Africa. (There is a huge duty tax on all gifts received.) Please give all donations to Liza Cruz via cash or check (made payable to Divine Shepherd Manna). Thank you. Please continue to support the Manna Card Program. Not only are these cards good for gift giving, but also for everyday purchases (food, gas, etc.). Profits from this fundraiser are used to supplement various church projects. Turn in dates are November 9, 16, 23, & 30 and December 7 & 14 with pick up the successive Sunday(s). December 14th is the last order date until mid January. It’s not too early to order gift cards for the upcoming ‘Giving Tree’ that helps those less fortunate in our congregation. In early November Ladies Aid will sponsor the ‘Giving Tree’ for Christmas. If you know of someone in the congregation or immediate family in need, please give his/her name(s) to Pastor Mumme or Lisa Cruz. Manna gift cards help the person in need and benefits our Ladies Aid group and church. We have pre-purchased Starbucks, Walmart, and Maggiano’s gift cards. We will have them on hand on Sunday mornings. Anyone ordering Manna cards or pre-purchased cards may direct half of their profits to a church fund of their choice. They could email the info to dslcmanna@yahoo.com or just write it on the order form. If you have a relative or friend serving overseas in the military, please give their name and address to Karen Moritz by early November so we can send them a ‘goodie box’ this holiday season. Monetary and/or goodie donations are always accepted. All women are encouraged to attend the November 15 meeting at 11:00 a.m. Carolynn Mazurkiewicz (carebri58@sbcglobal.net) Lori Mumme (lmumme@me.com) Nadine Parmenter (naparmenter@gmail.com) 5 Thrivent Financial Thrivent would like to thank everyone who attended the Oktoberfest and contributed to the bounty of delicious food. $267 was raised and will be given to the youth group for their upcoming Higher Things conference. Thank you for your generosity. If you have not taken advantage of donating your Choice Dollars yet, here is information from Thrivent in Appleton on how to have funds transferred on a continual basis. Either on a quarterly or annual basis you must donate your Choice Dollars or they will stay at Thrivent. If a donation is requested this month all monies held will be transferred. If you are unable to make the transfer on the computer, you can phone Thrivent directly and they will do as you request them to transfer. The phone number is 800-847-4836. This is why we give generously of our income to the work of the church. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, we are strengthened to emulate the generosity of our heavenly Father by being generous ourselves. We give to the work of the church because we have witnessed the generous giving of our Father in heaven. More than that, we are recipients of it. It is because we have received God our Father’s gifts that we desire to give ourselves. And His gifts are not just spiritual. They are temporal and earthly as well. His generosity knows no bounds. Therefore we sit down at the beginning of the year, the beginning of the month, or the beginning of the week, and set aside a generous portion of God’s daily bread for His work in the church. Not because He has commanded us so to do. But rather because we, as His children by grace, want to emulate His generosity in our own lives. He is our Father; we are His children. And children want to be like their parents. LCMS Stewardship Ministry Prayer Chain Several members of our congregation are part of a church prayer chain. If you would like to join them in praying for our congregation’s special needs, please contact Bobbie Light at 630251-7860 or Pastor Mumme. Generosity Financial Peace University Have you ever noticed how children emulate their parents? Children watch their parents and they do what they see them doing. This is how they learn to speak. But children copy their parents even on a more mundane level. They watch how their parents cross their legs, how they fold their hands, how they stand and sit and walk, how they do and say most everything. We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-week class on money taught by America’s most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. FPU presents biblical, practical guidelines about handling money, as well as the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, spending and saving, planning for the future, and more. We plan to bring FPU to Divine Shepherd in early 2015. Watch for more info. We are the children of God by grace, through faith. In Holy Baptism, God the Father declares of us what He declared of Jesus at His Baptism in the Jordan, “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God the Father claims us as His own. He takes away all our sins, and in exchange He gives us His righteousness, His purity, His holiness, and His Spirit, by which we cry out, “Abba, Father.” We are born again, born from above, born of water and the Spirit, to a new life in Christ as His children. 6 Poinsettia Orders Sunday Treats Please consider ordering a poinsettia to beautify the sanctuary during the Christmas season. Cost of either a white or a red flower is $12. In lieu of a poinsettia, you may make a monetary donation to the Altar Guild fund. Order forms with payment (checks made payable to Divine Shepherd or cash) must be turned in to Karen Moritz by Sunday, November 16. Do you enjoy treats and fellowship after Sunday services? If so, please consider signing up on any given Sunday(s). Empty slots means no treats. Consider bringing fruit and/or crackers and cheese for our diabetic members. The 2014 signup sheet is posted on the Luther Hall bulletin board. Monetary donations are accepted to defray the cost of drinks and supplies. Bulletin Covers & Altar Flowers The November–March bulletin chart is posted in the narthex. Sign up for any open Sunday(s) to celebrate a special occasion or to honor or remember someone. Cost of bulletin covers is $10. The 2015 flower charts are posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. This is a wonderful way to help beautify God’s house, celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or remember a departed loved one. Traditionally flowers are not used during the penitential seasons of Advent and Lent. We typically have special floral arrangements for certain festivals: palms on Palm Sunday, spring flowers on Easter Sunday, red bouquets on Confirmation, and poinsettias on Christmas. That leaves nearly 40 open Sundays. If you would like to contribute flowers to help beautify the sanctuary on a Lord’s Day, please add your name to any open Sunday on the flower charts. Prices are $40, $45, or $50 for two bouquets (subject to change). If you sign up, Karen Moritz will contact you to get your price range, flower request, and a brief note to place in the worship bulletin. When the worship service is over, you are welcome to take your bouquets home or you may leave them at church for the following Sunday or for pastor to take to homebound or hospitalized members. Contact Karen if you have any questions. Altar Guild would like to thank everyone who purchased flowers to beautify the altar during 2014. Printer Cartridges & Mobile Phones Our youth group is collecting used toner and ink cartridges (from all types of printers), old mobile phones, etc. Check to see if your employer is willing to donate their items no longer in use. Items should be placed in the marked container in the bookshelves near the Luther Hall entrance door. Not only will these items will be recycled, our youth will receive a few dollars for them as well. Thanks! Cleaning Unfortunately, we do not own self-cleaning toilets or sinks, our carpet does not eat crumbs, and our trash bins have not been trained to walk out to the dumpster and empty themselves. That is where your generosity comes in! We are looking for 1-3 additional volunteers to come in and do some light cleaning (dusting, vacuuming, emptying trash bins, etc.) one Friday or Saturday per month. You will be paired up with another volunteer. Contact Talma Krause if you are willing to help. A big thank you to the volunteers who have cleaned the church this year. Important Phone Numbers Church Office: 630-759-5300 Preschool: 630-759-3995 (Terri Kreier) Pastor Mumme: 815-676-4444 Prayer Chain: 630-251-7860 (Bobbie Light) Newsletter: 630-759-3188 (Karen Moritz) (items are due November 26) Treasurer’s Report As of Sep. 30 Income Expenses Actual $113,387 $143,039 Budget $143,683 $146,243 7 Organ Concert & Hymn Festival A Hymn of Thanks and Praise Saint Matthew Lutheran Church in Lemont, as part of their 140th anniversary celebration, is hosting an organ concert and hymn festival on Sunday, November 16 at 3:00 p.m. This is being led by Jason Randall (organist at Saint Matthew) and Christine Stocker (assistant organist here at Divine Shepherd). Saint Matthew is located at 305 Lemont Street in Lemont; parking is available on the surrounding streets. Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things has done, In whom His world rejoices; Who from our mothers’ arms Has blest us on our way With countless gifts of love And still is ours today. Veterans Prayer Lord, we lift up all the veterans and the loved ones left behind who have answered the call to duty on land and sea and in the air. Because of Your kindness toward us, we live in freedom today through the sacrifices our veterans have made. We thank You for letting us live in this beautiful land, where only love of You and family take precedence over love of country. We thank You for the victories that have been given to us and the liberty we now enjoy because of the courageous service of our veterans. Bless us and bless our land, that we always may be the “land of the free and home of the brave.” In Jesus’ name. Amen. Oh, may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us And keep us in His grace And guide us when perplexed And free us from all ills In this world and the next! All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With them in highest heaven, The one eternal God, Whom earth and heaven adore; For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore. [LSB 895] Thanksgiving Prayer Father, we are overwhelmed by Your bounteous love and mercy. You have provided us with food, homes, clothing, family, friends, and freedoms. You have blessed us with Your Word. Through Baptism, we are blessed to be Your children. We have this blessing of forgiveness from Your Son, through His body and blood. We are blessed to receive the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Thank You for all of these blessings. Amen. Portals of Prayer Our Sincere and Humble Thanks American’s citizens, especially Christians, can be very grateful that this nation has chosen a time for annually giving thanks. We know about the pilgrims’ first celebration with help from their Native-American neighbors. However, it was George Washington, the “father of our great country,” who issued the first official presidential proclamation. Washington assigned November 26, 1789 “to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” He called upon the people to offer “their sincere and humble thanks” to God. He also asked citizens to pray to “the great Lord and Ruler of Nations” that God might “pardon our national and other transgressions.” 8
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