St. Margaret Mary Parish November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

St. Margaret Mary Parish
November 9, 2014
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
1450 Green Trails Dr.
Naperville, IL 60540 630-369-0777
5:00 pm
7:30 am
10:45 am
9:00 am
12:15 pm
Weekdays Monday-Saturday 8:15 am
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Parish Office:
Religious Ed. Office:
All Saints Catholic
1155 Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60540
961-6125 or
New Parishioners:
Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me;
and those who welcome me welcome the
one who sent me.: (Mt 10:40)
St. Margaret Mary Parish wishes to welcome
everyone to our community as Jesus would.
For information, please call the parish office.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 to
4:30 PM or anytime by request.
Food for the Journey
Scripture Readings for the Week
Sacrament of Baptism:
2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month following
the 12:15 Mass. Please call Parish Office to
make arrangements for Baptism and required
Preparation Meeting.
Sacrament of Marriage:
Six months preparation required. Parish
music policies, which reflect Diocesan
guidelines, are to be followed.
Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6;
Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]
Pastoral Care at St. Margaret Mary
Hospital to let them know your
desire to be anointed.
Homebound Services—A
Pastoral Care Minister can be
scheduled to give communion once
a week to a loved one while he or
she is homebound following an
operation or for some other reason
they cannot join the faith
community to celebrate the
Sunrise Assisted Living,
Naperville—We provide a
prayer service with communion
once a week at the Sunrise facility
in Naperville.
If you are in a different
hospital other than
IMPORTANT— The old “Last Edward—Most hospitals have a
Rites” were actually a combination
of Reconciliation, the Anointing of
the Sick and Viaticum (final
communion), and is no longer
performed. After Vatican II, the
Catholic Church moved the
Anointing of the Sick back to its
traditional and respected place. The
Church encourages anyone who is
seriously ill or undergoing major
surgery to prayerfully ask for God’s
blessing and healing presence in the
Sacrament. You can receive the
Anointing of the Sick at any time
and more than once. It is not
performed after a person has died,
Edward Hospital
Communion—Each parish in
Naperville takes one day a week to
give communion to those Catholics
who are in Edward Hospital. St.
Margaret Mary Pastoral Care
Ministers give out communion each
Monday. It is important when you
are admitted to Edward Hospital for
you to let the person registering you
know that you are Catholic. Also, if
you wish to receive the anointing of
the sick, let the registrar know at
that time or have a family member
contact the Clergy Office at the
God’s Share
The first reading says that water will help people live
and make salt water fresh. How can living a stewardship
life help us really be alive and make our lives fresh this
Weekly Collection
Weekly Mass
Year to Date 7/1/2014 to
Budget Goal:
Automated Giving:
Over/(Under) Goal:
and a person need not be near death
to receive it. It can be received
anytime during an illness or before
major operations or during difficult
Clergy Office. You can contact or
have a family member contact the
Clergy Office of the hospital and
ask to receive communion or the
Anointing of the Sick.
If you have any questions please
contact the Parish Office 630-3690777 and
ask for
Pause … and in
the stillness of
your mind find
space to renew
your spirit
reflect, and reconnect with
God’s grace.
The women of St. Margaret Mary
are invited to a weekend of
renewal Jan. 24 and 25, 2015.
The Christ Renews His Parish
retreat is a wonderful opportunity
to pause from the busyness of our
lives to nurture your spirit.
For more information or to
register, please contact:
Susan Martin
Come to the Stable:
Personal Journeys to the
Speakers: Kathy Morrison,
Cabrina Attal, Peggy Nowicki
and Margie Reilley
Wednesday, December 10
Cultivating Stillness in
the Season of Advent
Speakers: Fr. Paul, Chris
Corbett, Patty Curran
Wednesday, November 19
7:30-9:00 pm
In the COR Center
9:15 to 11:15 AM
In the Upper Room
Advent At-Home
Directed Retreat
November 30-December 5
What is a directed retreat?
It is a personalized experience.
Instead of retreat talks given to an
entire group, you meet
individually each day/evening for
1/2 hour with a spiritual director
at a time that is convenient for
How does this take place at St.
Margaret Mary?
A Christmas celebration for all men
and women!
This morning affords us the
opportunity to come together to
relax, take a deep breath, and
delight in this season of the Lord.
We do this through praying,
listening, sharing, singing Christmas
hymns and enjoying delectable
snacks and hot beverages
Fee: $5.00
In a frenetic world of electronic
devices, instant messaging, constant
noise and motion, human beings
have a basic need for spiritual rest,
renewal, and reflection. This
presentation will describe the
necessity of the Advent Season for
those seeking to follow Christ.
Practical ways of cultivating
stillness for individuals and families
will be suggested.
Reservations by
Friday, December 5
Call 630.369.0777
A team of certified Spiritual
Directors will come to SMMP for
five days (November 30December 5.) The retreat, which
is done at home, will begin with a
group meeting on Sunday,
November 30 from 7 to 8:30 pm
and will conclude on Friday,
December 5.
During the five days, each person
on the retreat will have a halfhour conversation with the retreat
director. The conversations will
be held at the parish during the
day or evening, at your
convenience. Your retreat
director will suggest material for
you to pray with and give you
assistance on how to pray with
scripture. The only requirement
is your commitment to pray for
approximately one half-hour each
day of the retreat and meet with
your retreat director.
Donation: $75
Childcare available
To register: call 630.369.0777 by
November 21.
Join us Sunday November 9
for our end of year
Inter-Faith Music-Feast
All Are Welcome?
Seeking to Love Without
Speaker: Tom Cordaro
Wednesday, November 12
9:15 to 11:15 AM
In the COR Center
5pm – 7:30pm,
St. Margaret Mary Parish Center
~ All faiths are warmly welcomed ~
In celebration of our year of community interfaith dialogues,
a year of breaking down the mysteries between us, and a
year of building our friendships, we invite you to our
2nd annual Interfaith MusicFeast.
Here are the details
1) RSVPs: to
2) We need performers! If you can play or sing a song, or
recite a poem, or share a fable from your tradition, please let
Mimi know so you can be scheduled into the evening. We
will have a microphone available, as well as a laptop and
3) Children and Family? – Yes, Bring them  We’d
especially like to hear some of the great children’s choirs in
the area.
4) PotLuck: We ask all to bring a vegetarian dish to share,
along with your own warmers and serving utensils as
needed. If your last name starts with A-I – bring an entrée; if
your last name starts with J-Q – bring a side dish; and if your
last name begins with R-Z – bring a dessert
This presentation will explore what
it means to be a Catholic parish
where all are welcome and loved
unconditionally regardless of race,
class, national origin, lifestyle or
moral choices. More specifically it
will address the call and challenge
of welcoming and loving members
of the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and
transgender community and
divorced and remarried Catholics.
Tom will share his personal struggle
to respond to the prompting of the
Holy Spirit while being faithful to
the Church. It is not a presentation
of the doctrinal teaching of the
Church regarding marriage or
sexual orientation.
Youth Ministry
together with
The Mental Health and Wellness Ministry
Ending the Silence Program
Monday Nov. 24th @ 6:30—7:30 p.m.
*** FREE ***
It is NAMI’s (National Alliance on Mental Illness) belief that this generation of students is well-positioned to
eradicate the stigma associated with mental illness through education and advocacy. It is also our repeated
experience, over six years of “Ending the Silence” presentations to tens of thousands of students in over half of
DuPage County high schools and now junior high levels, that students are aware of mental illnesses among
their classmates, family and friends...they are concerned about how to react and how to be of help...and they
react positively to having open discussion and access to additional information.
 Delivered by a trained two-person team, one of whom is a young adult living in recovery
with a mental health condition.
 Includes presenter stories, educational slides, videos and discussion.
 Provides pre-teens and teens with resources and tools to help themselves, friends or family
members who may be experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.
Simultaneous adult panel discussion— A condensed version of the youth presentation will be given to the
adults, followed by witness sharing and Q&A. The presentation is very introductory in nature and focuses on
defining stigma, discussing what is within age-appropriate limits for thoughts/feelings/behaviors and what falls
into the clinical range for certain mental health issues. Please call the parish youth ministry office and register.
We hope to have some materials for parents/adults to preview before the evening of the event. The panel will
consist of clinical counselors, pastoral staff, a young adult who is in recovery and a parent who has journeyed
with their child.
Any youth in
Junior High or Senior
High School
is encouraged to
attend, and we
welcome ANY
interested adult !
Youth presentation will be in the Upper Room
Adult Panel Presentation will be in the COR Center
RSVP to Dan Lawler @ 369-0833 or by Wed. Nov. 19th
Loving Jesus, Brother and Friend, show us how we can be your Body in the
world today
First Reconciliation
Our second “parent and child” meeting is (choice of) Tuesday, November 11th or Wednesday, November 12th at 7:00.
Attendance by the children with at least one parent is expected. The celebration of the sacrament is scheduled for
December 2nd and 3rd at 7:00 pm.
First Communion Parent Retreat
We have created a half day retreat program that delves into the traditions of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Each presentation will challenge parents to understand how the sacred is woven into their lives. The remaining sessions
are Sundays, January 11th or February 1st from 12 -4 pm. We will begin with prayer and an introduction then lunch will
be served. We are asking that at least one parent from each family attend one session during the year. Pre-registration is
First Communion
Registration information for First Communions will be mailed in January 2015.
Children’s Liturgies
On Saturday, November 22nd, the 1st to 5th graders in our religious education program will be hosting the 5:00 Mass.
On-line registration will be available on the Education page of the parish website We will also be
emailing information to all of the parents of children in our program. Any adult interested in assisting with the Mass
please contact the Parent Coordinator at
Thanksgiving Break
Classes will be canceled for the week beginning Monday, November 24th and will resume on Monday, December 1st.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The program is offered during the Saturday 5:00 Mass and the Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 Masses. After opening prayers
children are invited to attend "Liturgy of the Word." Children in kindergarten through third grade are invited to
Please contact Sue Davey at 369-0833 with any questions.
Pro-life information on the L.I.F.E. table in the Atrium.
A number of pamphlets on various pro-life issues are available on the Pro-L.I.F.E. table
in the atrium. The pamphlets cover a variety of issues such as abortion, capital
punishment and end of life issues.
Other topics include contraception, domestic violence and others are also available. Stop by the table and take those
of interest to you.
November Business Breakfast
Ethics Beyond Legality
November 15
8 to9:30 am
In the Cor Center
Frank Bucaro
The focus will be on:
1. Compliance is not ethics and ethics is
It seems that media reports of companies
being fined, or accusations of unethical or not compliance.
2. The Lack of Moral Awareness.
illegal behavior, are just about a daily
3. "Shades of Gray" ethical thinking.
feature in news reports. We may even find
4. The Death of Bland Training.
ourselves asking "how" and "why" this
5. The Leadership Quagmire.
could still be happening with so many
organizations focusing on "doing the right Frank holds the prestigious award of
thing" and touting a strong ethical culture. CPAE (Council of Peers Award of
Most folks would agree that solid ethical
business practices are desirable, good and
necessary for business. This program will
explore the five challenges that threaten
the reputation of an organization, and will
present solutions to keep the focus on
solid values and staying on the ethical
high road.
Excellence) and the CSP (Certified
Speaking Professional) designation
through the National Speakers
Association. He is the author of the
upcoming book: If Good Ethics is Good
Business, What's the Problem? Frank is an
Associate Member of the Wheaton
Franciscans, professing the values of St.
Some members of our parish are going
though difficult economic times because
of layoffs and other financial crisis. As a
parish with a heart we have always
reached out to help people in need. This
year we are asking parishioners to also
help members of our parish family who
need help.
If you know of a parish family that could
use financial help this Christmas season
please call Tom Cordaro at 369-0777.
If you would like to help parish families
in need please send $40 gift certificates
from Target, Jewel, K-Mart, Sears,
Kohl’s and Penney’s to “Parishioners
Helping Parishioners”, St. Margaret
Mary Parish, 1450 Green Trails Dr,
Naperville, IL 60540, or drop them off at
the parish office 9:00 am—5:00 pm
Called to Live as Citizens of the Kingdom
With Open Hearts & Open Arms
Parish Social Mission Week: November 23-30
From Poverty to Self-Sufficiency: Raising the Minimum Wage
On the weekend of November 22/23rd we celebrate the
Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ: King of the Universe. It is
a time for us to reflect upon our relationship with Jesus. Is
Jesus only lord of our Sundays or is he lord of our entire
week? Is he only lord of our interior lives or is he also lord
of our social, economic and political lives? To whom or
what do we owe our ultimate allegiance? What does it
mean to declare that Jesus is King?
wage” or even a “living wage.” Instead our Church advocates for a “family wage”. The reason for this is that the
Church understands the importance of a just wage as a
means of protecting and sustaining families. Having a
just wage also is crucial for young people in order for
them to start a family. Increasing wages for the poorest
amongst us is a Pro-Family issue.
As St. John Paul II stated in his encyclical, On Human
Labor: “Just remuneration for the work of an adult who is
responsible for a family means remuneration which will
suffice for establishing and properly
maintaining a family and for providing security for its future. Such remuneration can be given either
through what is called a family
wage-that is, a single salary given
to the head of the family for their
work, sufficient for the needs of the
family without the other spouse
having to take up gainful employment outside the home-or through
other social measures such as family allowances or grants to mothfathers devoting themselves exclusively to their families. These
grants should correspond to the
actual needs, that is, to the number
of dependents for as long as they
are not in a position to assume
proper responsibility for their own lives.”
Our parish social mission week starts this Christ the King
feast day and is grounded in the belief that Jesus is sovereign over our economic lives. As
citizens of the kingdom we are
called to work for the transformation
of our economic system; bringing it
more in line with the values of our
faith and the principles of Catholic
Social Teaching. We do not seek to
impose our faith and values on others; but we believe that we can contribute to the political process of
seeking the common good.
Often political discourse about reducing poverty is framed around the
issue of the social safety net. Is it
too large? Is it to small? Does it help
those in need or does it foster dependency?
The issue of raising the minimum wage is different. If people were paid enough to take care of their own needs they
would not need a social safety net. Increasing the minimum wage reduces dependency on government assistance and it fosters greater self-sufficiency. This is why
raising the minimum wage has support across party lines.
(Polling shows that more than six in ten Americans support the idea.)
Catholic Social Teaching does not talk about a “minimum
This parish social mission weekend we will be inviting
parishioners to sign postcards directed to the state senators and representatives asking them to raise the minimum wage in Illinois. We will be publishing more information about this campaign in future bulletins.
Fr. Paul’s Homily
Blindness and Scrupulosity
Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Mt 23:23-26
8:15 AM
(A lack of recognition where there should be recognition.
A tendency people have of over focusing on something small and ignoring really major things.)
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, have to have holy feelings. And you
have to therefore confront those that
you hypocrites.”
The English word “hypocrite” has the could lead you into, shall we say,
murder or adultery or theft or
connotation that does not necessarily
come from the Greek. In English when whatever. You have to confront them
as thoughts. You have to confront
we say someone is a hypocrite, we
them as feelings. That’s the first part.
mean someone is deliberately
That’s hypocrite as “actor,” which
duplicitous, saying one thing, but
doing another. That’s not implied here. actually is the meaning of the Greek
word—“actor.” An actor cares about
Rather what is being applied is that
the role, the words, the part he or she is
there is a blindness—there is a
playing, not what he or she is actually
blindness. There’s a lack of
thinking inside. So that’s the first part.
recognition where there should be
Now this scrupulosity, what’s it
about? Well, it’s a tendency people
have of over focusing on something,
something small, something petty,
little, a gnat, “straining the gnat.” And
that goes along with ignoring really
major things. It is a kind of behavior
that is actually in the books of modern
psychology. They do talk about it. It’s
a problem. It besets some people.
So what is the “camel”? Here the
camel is ignoring judgment and
mercy and fidelity. That’s something
The second part, “hypocrite” can also big. It’s being ignored. Some people
recognition. There is a paying
say, “Well, we are not talking about
mean “hyper critic.” This hyperattention to what is external, the
the ‘elephant in the room.’” Well, this
outside of the cup, and no awareness of criticism is “straining the gnat and
is saying some people don’t see the
swallowing the camel,” also called
what’s going on inside the cup.
elephant in the room. Not everyone
This of course is a metaphor for human
sees the same thing. There are ways
consciousness. The outside of the cup
we can blot out all kinds of reality.
is outward comportment, behavior,
But in order to do that, we have to
following the Law. The inside of the
overdo something else. We have to
cup is one’s mind. What is the origin
text: blind guides. The blindness is not really focus on something small and
of all evil? It’s the mind. The mind
really blameworthy, but trying to be a insignificant. Again, this is not
conjures up evil way before it ever
something deliberate. No one would do
becomes an external act. This is what guide is, if you are blind. It’s not
this deliberately. But it’s a flaw that
Jesus is getting at. If you really want to
one has to deal with; and not to deal
be holy, “Your holiness has to surpass
with it, that’s a problem. “Cleanse
that of the scribes and the Pharisees,”
Matthew’s Gospel. It’s meant for
first the inside of the cup”—take care
meaning your holiness can’t just be
of all these issues; face yourself—“so
outward. It has to be inside of you.
the outside also may be clean.”
You have to have holy thoughts. You
no business trying to guide others.
Thanksgiving Donations Needed
Once again we are asking for donations of Thanksgiving Food Certificates and turkeys to be
given to needy families. Food Certificate donations may be dropped in the collection basket
or brought to the parish office. Turkeys may be brought to the parish office.
Please drop donations
off by November 24
For further information, or to donate a turkey or food certificate, call Maureen Guttosch,
630-347-8040 or
Welcome Catechumens!
At a special ceremony on Nov. 2, at the 9:00 Mass, four Inquirers were introduced to our faith community. They were blessed and received a Bible and a
Cross—symbols of our faith. They are now referred to as Catechumens,
“official learners of the Catholic faith.”
Please pray for the following
men who are making the Christ
Renews His Parish Retreat this
Juan Cabrales
Clyde Kapuinski
Joesph Nemethy
Robert Kemph with sponsor John Schmitt
John Anderson
Charles Bellock
Virgil Banowetz
Mina Chillemi
Richard Henke
Neil Gorman
Bud Benson with sponsor Mary Ricci
Looking for a way to
volunteer to help your
Parish without leaving the
comfort of your own home?
Look no further — we need
a new Chair of Church
Linen Laundering that fits
your schedule.
Danny Champion with sponsor Rick Peterson
Former committee chair Joanne
Fries retired after serving since
June, 1993 and will be available
for advice.
Clean altar linens not only look
nice, but they are vital to
Eucharistic preparation. WE
Please help! Call the office at
630.369.0777 for more
information or to volunteer.
Jerry Kyle with sponsor Mike Mayor
Masses for the Week
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
November 15
November 22
Monday— November 10 — St. Leo the Great
8:15— Thomas Fiaush — Chuck & Mary Anne Shire
Tuesday— November 11— St. Martin of Tours
8:15— Carrie Chojnowski — Family
Wednesday— November 12 — St. Josaphat
8:15— Nicolas Mercadante — Family
Thursday— November 13 — St. Francis Xavier
8:15— Stanley Kijek — Dolores Kijek
Friday— November 14
8:15— Barbara Flint & Parents — Family
Saturday— November 15
8:15— Tim Sassone — Sikorcin Family
5:00— Stephanie O’Brien — Mother
Sunday— November 16
7:30— Anna Tatarynowicz — Arlene & Sam Serio
9:00— Evelyn & Bert Weiss — Shari Champion
10:45*— Michael Gustafson — Betty & Dick O’Toole
12:15— For The Parish Family
*Interpreted for the deaf
Fr. Paul
Fr. Paul
SMM Parish Notes
Nursery—service for toddlers and preschoolers is
available in Room 16 on the upper level during the 9:00
and 10:45 Sunday Masses.
Pastoral Care for the Homebound—Please notify
the parish office, 369-0777, of any parishioner who is
hospitalized or homebound so we can visit, bring the
Eucharist, and pray for them. Hospitals do not notify
us of parishioners’ admittance.
Audio Sets Available for Mass—Each of these units
is a small receiver with an ear piece and volume control.
Any audio transmitted through the microphones at Mass
is received and amplified through the ear piece. If you
are hard of hearing and would benefit from the audio set,
please see one of the greeters before Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers
D. Maguire
P. Rummer
D. Wiedeman
A. Malloy
T. & J. Kerr
T. Brandenstein N. Kordzinski
G. McArdle James Schatz
W. Jones
Kevin Findlay
Delaney Chitwood
B. Ryan
L. Carsello
Deacon Fred
Fr. Paul
K. Lorenc
V. Kosirog
A. Prendergast
L. De Los Reyes T. Zakosek
M. Palmquist
R. Ruesch
B. & P. Bonkalski
M. Biskup
R. Meeker
Jessica Schoder
Shannon Kosirog
M. Ciccarelli
Deacon Terry
Fr. Julian
R. Eckstein
P. O’Brien
N. Gorman
J. Churilla
A. Espinos
K. Fernandez
E. & S. Talbot
M. Doyle
T. Galer
C. O’Gara
M. Nolan
J. Jeffreys
Deirdre Curran
Scott Stiff
Jerome Perales
K. Mc Cann
A. Hawley
T. Hawley
P. Curran
C. Dupont
M. Van Etten
P. La Bore
G. Goyette
T. Maicke
S. & A. Jaworski
A. Pardun
J. Doran
Christian Bonner
Emily Dulik
Bridget Curran
J. McAvoy
P. Keenan
Deacon Joe
J. Gerding
G. Scriba
M. Mankus
A. Moore
J. Walendziak
G. Rotko
B. Rurik
M. Curley
Annamarie Policht
Erin Kennelly
Deacon Joe
Fr. Paul
W. Hassett
R. Willey
M. Perich
C. Kaduk
Deacon Terry
Fr. Paul
St. Margaret Mary Parish
First Reading — I saw water flowing out of
the temple; wherever the river flows, every
living creature shall live (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9,
Second Reading — Do you not know that you are the temple
of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians
3:9c-11, 16-17).
Gospel — Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it
up (John 2:13-22).
First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be
praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31).
Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of
the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6).
Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give
you great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]).
“Learn the heart of God from the word of God. “
—Pope St. Gregory
Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777
Parish Staff
Art & Environment Coordinator
Mary Lou Krauss
Pat Henke
Business Manager
Michael Prus
Building Manager
Bob Stezowski
Ziggy Owiesek
Deacons (Permanent)
Deacon Joe Ferrari
Deacon Don Helgeson
Deacon Ken Miles
Deacon Fred Straub
Deacon Terry Taylor
Justice/Outreach Minister
Tom Cordaro
Liturgy Coordinator
Deacon Ken Miles
Music Director
John Schlaman
For several weeks, we have considered penance as a sacrament of forgiveness, and yet there are two other sacraments
in this category. The first, of course, is the Eucharist itself.
The other is the sacrament of the sick, long associated with
The Letter of James sets out the deep tradition for caring for the sick: sending for the priests, who will pray and
lay their hands on the sick ones, anointing them with oil,
and giving them forgiveness. Long before other rites of penance developed, the sacrament of the sick was therefore a
profound experience of forgiveness. Jesus often healed the
sick, nearly always as a visible sign of forgiveness of sin.
The tradition didn’t unfold smoothly, however, and within a
few centuries the oil of the sick was taken home to be applied by caregivers as a salve, or even to be drunk as a medicine. As early as the second century, bishops were therefore
urging that priests should be the ones to visit those separated
by illness from the Sunday assembly. Thus the practice of
consigning the Eucharist and the oil of the sick to the nonordained faithful to bring home was relatively short-lived.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Sue Carroll
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F.
Pastoral Council President
Barbara Zdon
Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor
Julian von Duerbeck, OSB, Weekend Asst.
Jonathan Foster, OFM, Weekend Asst.
Rosalie Fall & Rita Thompson
Director of Religious Ed., Pre-school - 5
Sue Davey.
Director of Youth Ministry
Dan Lawler
Religious Education Secretary
Arlene Serio
Religious Education Staff Assistant
Debbie Brutlag