E-nr:74 630 60 / 74 630 61 74 630 62 / 74 630 63 (Ø57mm bits) connect to the 12V DC driver ansluts till en 12V DC transformator 57mm 57mm 9mm min 3mm 68mm connect to the 12V DC driver ansluts till en 12V DC transformator 13mm 68mm 1. This LED-fixture should be parallel connected and be connected to a transformer 12V/DC. Warning! If the fixture is not correct connected it might be damaged. Always follow the transformer’s manual regarding the max length. 2. Observe prescribed distances while assembly. 3. Please acknowledge that light from LED is very bright, please do not look directly into the LED light. 4. Please connect the LED spotlights to the driver before connect the driver to the mains-otherwise the LED can be destroyed. 5. Do not exceed the drivers maximum load. 6.The cables should not be extended because of guarantee reasons. 7.Only parts belonging to the system are allowed to be used because of guarantee reasons. 1. Den här LED-armaturen ska parallellkopplas och anslutas till en liksp ä nningstransformator 12V/DC. Varning! Om armaturen kopplas fel kan den gå sönder. Var noga med att följa transformatorns anvisningar om max ledningslängd. 2. Observera föreskrivna mått innan montage. 3. Ljuset från en LED spotlight är starkt, undvik därför att titta rakt in i ljuskällan. 4. Anslut LED armaturen till transformatorn innan transformatorn ansluts till nätspänning annars kan LED armaturen gå sönder. 5. Överbelasta inte transformatorn. K6148-13 WSM0553-51-R(70g书写纸,A4版面 B版) I P44
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