November, 2014 FRANKLIN SENIOR CENTER 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-520-4945 Fax: 508 520-4917 Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm FREE WIFI COMMON GROUNDS CAFÉ Breakfast 8:30-10:00 am Lunch 11:30-1:00 pm CAFÉ is C L O S E D on Nov. 7 & 21 BEN’S BOUNTY GIFT SHOP Mon thru Fri; 10 am - 2 pm Hand knitted baby clothes and lots of great bargains! FILM EXPLORES INNOVATIVE THERAPIES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR THOSE WITH DEMENTIA I Remember Be+er When I Paint, narrated by Olivia de Havilland, is the first interna&onal documentary about the posi&ve impact of art and other crea&ve therapies on people with Alzheimer’s and how these approaches can change the way we look at demen&a. Among those featured are Yasmin Aga Khan, president of Alzheimer’s Disease Interna2onal and daughter of Rita Hayworth, who had Alzheimer’s, and Pulitzer Prize winning author, Dr. Samuel Gandy, who explains that crea&ve ac&vi&es engage areas of the brain that are not damaged by the disease and reawaken a sense of personality, iden&ty and dignity. The film, will be presented by Peggy Cahill, Program Coordinator at Ar2sts for Alzheimer’s with a discussion to follow, on Tuesday, November 18 at 1:30 p.m. at the Franklin Senior Center. All are welcome; call to sign up. JOIN US FOR EVENING HOURS This month’s evening hours are scheduled for November 6 & 20. Join us and enjoy access to the Pool Table, Library, Computer Lab, Gi1 Shop, and Game Rooms as well as the following ac&vi&es: Thursday, Nov. 6: Yoga ($3) and Open Art Studio (free) at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20: Yoga ($3) and Open Art Studio (free) at 6:00 p.m. Intro to Genealogy (free) will be offered at 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Learn how easy it is to find your roots with our experienced instructor, Toni Picariello. Bring your laptop if you have one. If not, access is available in our computer lab. Please call to sign up A SEASON FOR TEMPTATION; RESISTING THE URGE TO SPLURGE & HOLIDAY HOLD “EM As the holidays approach it gets more challenging to make healthy food choices! Join us on Friday, Nov. 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon as our Wellness Nurse, Linda Has&ngs offers insight into healthy ways to survive the holiday food challenges and minimize holiday stress. Along with this presenta&on is “Holiday Hold ‘Em”. Anyone interested in this contest will be weighed before the presenta&on and then reweighed the first week in January. If you are able to make it through the holidays with a weight gain of fewer than two pounds, (or if you maintain or lose), you will be entered into a $50 gi1 card raffle. Call to sign up. Daily Activities… MONDAY 9am-2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 9am&1pm Pain&ng with Aivars Zandbergs 9:30am Italian Conversa&on Group 10am Mexican Train Dominoes 10am Asian Mah Jong 11am Book Discussion Group reviews The Monuments Men by Robert Edsel; 11/3 12pm Zumba Aerobics/$3, free for Y mbrs 1pm Chair Volleyball 1pm American Mah Jong 1:15pm Monday Movies: see page 5. 6pm Cribbage TUESDAY 9am 9:30am 9:30am 10am 10am 10:45am 12:30pm 1pm 1pm 1pm Cribbage Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 Busy Bee Cra1s Manicures with Rona /$8, by appt. Quil&ng for Beginners Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 11/18 - Legal Clinic w/Fran Small by appointment. Bingo! Eye Health Support Group; Nov. ???? Beginners Cribbage Lessons The Senior Center’ will be closed on November 11, 27 & 28 WEDNESDAY 8:45-10am Blood Sugar Tests (2nd/4th Wed.) 9am 9am 9am 10am 10am Trailblazer Walking Club SHINE Counselor (by appt.) Reiki & Reflexology; 11/19 Quil&ng/KniJng Instruc&on Scrabble 10am Chair&Mat Yoga; Susan Winters/$3 10:30am Line Dancing w/Mary Lennon/$2 11:15am Medita&on with Susan Winters/$2 12 - 2pm 1 - 3 pm 1pm 2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 Senior Scribblers (Wri&ng Group) Line Dancing with Clare Shea/$4 Chess Club; 3rd Wed; Nov. 19 4pm Caregivers Support Group; see pg. 5 THURSDAY 9am-1pm Free Blood Pressure Tes&ng 9am Cribbage & Bridge 9:30 Busy Bee Cra1s 9:30 Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 10am Current Events Discussion Group (2nd & 4th Thursday of month) 10:45am Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 12pm Tai Chi /$5, free for ‘Y’ members 1pm Bingo! * The Page Turners discuss “T *1pm Walking ClubOpen meets at Town Common; weather permitting. Art Studio with Diana V. FRIDAY 10am Whist & Woodcarving 11am Zumba Aerobics/$3; free for Y members 1pm TOPS Weight Loss Support Group 1-3:45pm Podiatry Clinic (by appointment) 1pm Pokeno 2pm The Silvertones, Senior Chorus Upcoming Events... Tues., Nov. 4: COUNCIL ON AGING MEETING at 9:00 a.m.; rescheduled due to the Veterans Day holiday. The public is welcome to aQend. Thurs., Nov. 6: EVENING HOURS un&l 7:30 p.m., see page 1 for details. Mon., Nov. 10: VETERANS ARE INVITED to aQend a special assembly at the Horace Mann Middle School at noon to honor veterans. Please call the Center to sign up for this event. Wed., Nov. 12: OIL PAINTING WITH VAIL PAGLIARANI at 1:00 p.m. Vail is a coastal marine and landscape painter who works with oils. Please call to sign up or for more informa&on. Fri., Nov. 14: RESISTING THE URGE TO SPLURGE at 11:00 a.m.; see page 1. Tues., Nov. 18: THE EYE HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP meets at 1:00 p.m. All are welcome. Thurs., Nov. 20: INTRO TO GENEALOGY at 6:45 p.m. Learn how easy it is to trace your family tree along with other evening ac&vi&es; see page 1 for details. Fri., Nov. 21: ANNIVERSARY PARTY celebra&ng 7 years in our new building with the Rat Pack! Impersonator, Vic Solo returns with Old Blue Eyes, Dino, Sammy Davis and more at 10:30 a.m. Luncheon is delicious Lasagna. Tickets are $6 and must be purchased by 11/14. Tues. Nov. 18: “I REMEMBER BETTER WHEN I PAINT”, a film about the posi&ve impact of art on people with demen&a, will be shown at 1:30 p.m.; see page 1. Mon. Nov. 24: “GIVING WISELY TO CHARITIES” will be presented by Taylor Roy of the BeGer Business Bureau at 1:30 p.m. Learn the different types of chari&es and the most important ques&ons consumers and donators should ask before dona&ng. Please call to sign up. Fri., Dec. 5: FRANKLIN PATROLMAN’S HOLIDAY DINNER is scheduled for Friday, December 5, at 11:00 a.m. Entertainment by The Silvertones. Call the Center to sign up for this free Turkey Dinner. Sat., Dec. 6: THE LIONS CLUB hosts their annual Senior Luncheon with two sea&ngs, at 11 a.m. & 1:00 p.m., at the Bellingham Senior Center. Please call the Center to reserve your spot for this free luncheon. COMING SOON: • FRANKLIN SENIOR CENTER HOLIDAY PARTY is planned for December 12 with the fabulous jazz singer, Carol Shaughnessy. Call to sign up! CHARLES F. OTERI & SON Franklin Funeral Home 33 Cottage St., Franklin, MA 02038 (508) 528-0011 Charles F. Oteri/Sean A. Oteri, Licensed Directors Thinking of Selling? Call us today for a FREE consultation ATTENTION CAREGIVERS! The Franklin Senior Center now offers a trained Companion to stay with your loved one so you can have some &me off. Our Companion Caregiver Program can help and the first visit is free! Please call Elaine at (508) 520-4945. Visiting Practitioners, LLC. Lyn O’Brien, PhD RN/NP Comprehensive Medical Care at Home (508) 530530-3140 Website: KEEFE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. “Personal and Professional Service since 1913” RealLiving Realty Group Matt Kelly 508-520-1600 Mike Colombo Auto · Home· Business · Life· Financial Planning Bob Keras/Peter Brunelli 51 West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038 508 528-3310/ Information & Referral... • • • • • • • • FUEL ASSISTANCE APPLICATIONS are available. If you are already on the program, you should have received a re-applica&on, which can be returned directly to Self Help, Inc. with your income verifica&on for this year. If you would like to apply for the program, please contact Erin Rogers. MOBILE FOOD PANTRY - You can get fresh healthy food here at the Senior Center through the Franklin Food Pantry’s new Mobile Food Pantry! To sign up for the program, call Erin Rogers. ATTENTION VETERANS WIDOWS! If you are a veteran’s widow with income (from all sources) of less than $1,600 monthly, please contact Veteran’s Agent, Bob Fahey at 508 520-4973 to explore possible state benefits. HELP TO FEED A HOMEBOUND NEIGHBOR by volunteering a couple of hours weekly to help pack and/or deliver lunch to older adults or disabled persons in Franklin. Travel reimbursement is available for drivers. Please call Tri-Valley at 1-800-286-6640. THE PRESCRIPTION ADVANTAGE PROGRAM is a state-sponsored prescrip&on drug insurance plan for MassachuseQs seniors and disabled residents. For people on Medicare, Prescrip&on Advantage helps pay Part D Prescrip&on Drug Plan costs. For people not on Medicare, the program provides primary prescrip&on drug coverage. The program has a new web site with benefit and eligibility informa&on along with the most recent applica&on forms and rate sheets and a secure, user-friendly on-line applica&on. Go to: www.prescrip& ADAPT YOUR HOME: The Home Modifica2on Loan Program, a program of the MassachuseQs Rehabilita&on Commission (MRC) is state-funded loan program that can help MassachuseQs’s residents live more independently at home. The program provides: 0% and 3% loans (up to $30,000) and generous income guidelines. Approximately 90% of homeowners qualify for a 0% loan. Interest free loans have no monthly payments and repayment is required when the home is sold or transferred! The program funds: kitchen and bathroom adapta&ons, wheelchair li1s and stair-li1s, hard-wired alarm systems, safety windows and fences. For more informa&on, visit or, call Susan Gillam at 617-204-3739. DO YOU NEED GRAB BARS or other adap2ve assistance? The SAFE & SECURE AT HOME PROGRAM provides an in-depth assessment of your home environment to iden&fy risks for dangerous, life-threatening falls. Our Health & Wellness Nurse, Linda Has&ngs, makes the assessment. If fall risks are iden&fied, free grab bars or other adap&ve assistance can be provided. FREE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES are available at the Center; walkers, commodes, wheelchairs, shower chairs, adult diapers, etc. Come by to sign out items. - FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ABOVE, CALL ERIN ROGERS (508) 520-4945 FOR TRANSPORTATION, call Kiessling Transit at 1-800-698-7676, Option 1 FOR HOME DELIVERED MEALS, call Tri-Valley Elder Services at 1-800-286-6640 Supportive Day Program... Monday Matinee... The Sunshine Club at the Franklin Senior Center offers frail elders individual aQen&on and the company of others. Fun ac&vi&es, lively discussions and gentle exercise make for a s&mula&ng day. If you care for a loved one who is frail, socially isolated, has low vision or demen&a, come visit! To learn more, call Carol AdileQo or Donna Haynes at (508) 520-4945. Movies are shown on Mondays at 1:15 p.m. Nov. 3: Heaven is for Real (R) A1er the near-death experience of their son, his parents are amazed as he details his journey to heaven and talks about things that happened before his birth...things he couldn't possibly know; with Greg Kinnear & Kelly Reilly. Nov. 10 The Fault in Our Stars (PG) A teenager and her boyfriend bond over their health issues and journey to Europe to meet an acclaimed author; with Shailene Woodley & Laura Dern. Nov. 17: The Million Dollar Arm (PG) A sports agent finds two young Indian cricket pitchers he hopes to turn into major league baseball stars. Based on a true story; with John Hamm & Assif Mandvi. Nov. 24: Begin Again (R) A singer meets a disgraced record-label exec who is cap&vated by her talent. A transforma&ve collabora&on ensues, set to the stunning soundtrack; with Keira Knightly & Mark Ruffalo. A CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP is offered on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Par&cipa&on in the Suppor&ve Day Program is not required for the Support Group. Please call to sign up for the Support Group; you can make a reserva&on for respite care during the mee&ng. This program is supported, in part, through a grant from the Execu&ve Office of Elder Affairs. With Sincere Appreciation... The Friends of Franklin Elders for funding the luncheon at the Stroke Awareness Program, the entertainment at our October party and our Veterans Breakfast!!! THANK YOU! Papa Gino’s for dona&ng pizzas for the WMRC Senior Expo. Carol & Lee Ellsworth for a generous dona&on in memory of Rosemarie DiTullio. Joan & Dick Rodgers for a generous dona&on in memory of Rosemarie DiTullio. Linda Poole Huempfner for a generous dona&on in memory of Anna Bagley. Bob & Dot Fahey, Louise Vozzella, Ann & Anthony Victoria, Susan Sweeney, Janet Isabelle, Joanne & James Moss, Sally A. Pelle2er, Edward Thaler & Sally Pelle2er for generous dona&ons in memory of Bob Gagnon. FISH of Franklin for a generous dona&on in memory of Stella Jeon. Debbie VonRueden, Fran Allison, Val Carrachino, Carol Suddath, Marie Murphy, Myrna Pasquantonio, Ellie Wheeler, Sue Gurrie, Claire Long, Marie Keville, Roberta Langevin, Jane Christy, Sue Winters, Judith Wheaton, and Janet Milici for dona&ng items to our Gi1 Shop. Got Photos! CAPTURED PICTURES tells your stories! We digitalize your photos into Photobooks & more! Gather your photos in the attic, closets, cell phones, old albums & boxes. We scan photos, slides & negatives to digital then organize onto a DVD. Seniors get 10% off! Call Phil or Patty (617) 872-7954 We are open nites!! See page 1. Terrific Trips... Date Wed., Nov.5 Destination Details Cost Enjoy the many collections of this museum, including $17 per person includes ad(Includes an exhibition of ar- the newly acquired collection of armor from the Hig- mission and transportation. mor from the Higgins gins Armory. Lunch at Peppercorn’s Grille. Worcester Art Museum Armory) Wed. Nov.12 Wed., Nov. 19 Wed., Dec. 3 The Lettermen in Concert This popular group from the 60’s performs their hits at Garde Arts Theater including, Goin Out of My Head/Can’t Take My Eyes & Mohegan Sun Off of You, Put Your Head on My Shoulder, and more! w/ $20 gaming package and $10 meal voucher Tour of the State House $64 per person, includes transportation, show & gaming package. Ticketed event – no refunds after 10/10/14. Enjoy this guided tour of this beautiful, historic build- $5 per person; transportation ing with Rep. Jeff Roy and learn about how our state only. government works! Lunch at Faneuil Hall. A Very Merry Christmas These incredibly talented tenors will bring you to $64 per person; all inclusive. with The Sicilian Tenors, tears with their soaring voices. Luncheon is Stuffed Demetri’s, Foxborough Chicken or Baked Schrod. Twin River Enjoy simulcast races and slots! $5 per person, transportation only. Wed., Jan. 7 LUNCH Restaurant 45, Medway Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person; transportation only. Wed., Jan 21 LUNCH The Cracker Barrel, Wrentham Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person; transportation only. Wed., Feb. 4 LUNCH Eagle Brook Saloon, Norfolk Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person; transportation only. Wed., Feb. 18 Twin River Enjoy simulcast races and slots! $5 per person, transportation only. Wed., Dec. 10 Wed., Mar.11 Tony Kenny Irish Cabaret A great St. Patrick's Day program featuring the $64 per person, all inclusive At Venus DeMilo stunning vocals of Tony Kenny, Bernadette Ruddy, Lunch choice is: Corned Beef the Dublin City Dancers and Richie Hayes’ golden & Cabbage or Baked Schrod voice & comedic fun! Wed., Mar. 18 LUNCH Mickey Cassidy’s Restaurant, Medway May 29 – June 5 Boston to Bermuda Cruise with Norwegian Cruise Line Winter dinners - have lunch with friends! $3 per person, transportation only. 8 days & 7 nights, including roundtrip motorcoach $999 ppdo transportation to Boston Pier, all meals on board ship, travelers insurance, cocktail party, luggage handling, drivers gratuities and tour guide. TRIP POLICY: Recreational trips are available for seniors, 50 years of age and over, and disabled residents. Franklin residents are given preference for sign up for two weeks after the trip is published in The Franklin Connection. Payment for day trips is due upon sign up at the Senior Center. Disabled, non-senior riders are required to provide documentation verifying their disability. Seventy-two hours notice (3 business days) is required to receive a full refund for day trips. Conditions vary for overnight trips. For more information, please call (508) 520-4945. Friends of Franklin Elders... MEMORIAL DONATIONS Barbara Deely in memory of Be+y Snyder & Virginia Dellorco Valerie Blaine in memory of Louie Blaine THE FRIENDS OF FRANKLIN ELDERS, INC. The Friends of Franklin Elders is a private, non-profit organiza&on whose purpose is to supplement local and state government funding of the Franklin Senior Center by providing funds for programs, services, and equipment. The Friends also publish The Franklin Connec3on. Thanks for your generous dona&ons! The next mee&ng of the Friends of Franklin Elders is our annual mee&ng, scheduled for Friday, November 21, at 9:30 a.m. The public is welcome to aQend! Jim & Bernice Adams in memory of Kevin Murphy Pearce & Maureen Murphy in memory of Robert Adams Mary Ginivan in memory of Stella Jeon Alfred Santospago in memory of Carl Santospago Clare Flynn in memory of Bob Gagnon Marie Dalo in memory of Charlie & Rose Solbo Joan Fontaine in memory of Ma+hew & Bruce Fontaine David & Marie MacSwain in memory of Paul Molloy & Bob Gagnon Barbara A. Deely in memory of Bob Gagnon & “Al” Deely Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Ron Higginbo+om, Chairman Marge Capezza, Secretary Julie Garilli, Treasurer Natalie Caldwell Mary Ginivan Jackie Higgins Paula Lombardi Judy Pfeffer Helen Power Nan Ra<er Por3a Tang Elaine & Dan Love+ in memory of Rosemarie DiTullio Kenneth M. Soltz in memory of Rosemarie DiTullio Gail Borstell in memory of Miriam Baldwin Jack & Cindy Rossini in memory of Rosemarie DiTullio Theresa Trapasso in memory of Rosemarie DiTullio “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing has happened.” - Winston Churchill FRANKLIN COUNCIL ON AGING Officers: Chairman……..……………… Ken Norman Vice-Chairman…...…...……....Paul O’Connell Secretary………….…………..Barbara Deely Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Pre-Sorted c/o Franklin Council on Aging 10 Daniel McCahill Street Franklin, MA 02038 Standard Franklin, MA Permit No. 13 Members: Bob Crowley, Mary Hick, Lyn O’Brien Suzanne Wade & Lester Quan Staff: Director ………………..……….……...Karen Alves Program Coordinator…….…….…….Sue Barbour Vet’s Agent……………………....……..Bob Fahey Outreach Worker……………………...Erin Rogers Supportive Day Coordinators……...Carol Adiletto & Donna Haynes Supportive Day Program Aide…...Donna Brunelli Health & Wellness Nurse…………Linda Hastings Receptionists………..……….…..…...Claire Lewis Gloria Gelineau Respite Supervisor………………...Elaine Owens Respite Companions………....Karen Calabrese Driver…………………….....………..Phyllis Molloy Grill Cook.………………………….....Paul Ledwith The Franklin Connection is distributed with funds provided by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and the Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Franklin Senior Center “Independence, Information, & Connection!” The Franklin Council on Aging meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. This is an open mee3ng; the public is invited to a+end. The mission of the Franklin Council on Aging is to enhance the independence and quality of life for Franklin older adults by: ♦ Iden3fying the needs of this popula3on and crea3ng programs that meet those needs. ♦ Offering the knowledge, tools and opportuni3es to promote mental, social and physical well-being. ♦ Advoca3ng for relevant programs and services in our community. ♦ Serving as a community focal point for aging issues and as liaison to local, state and Federal resources for older adults and their families. And On The Lighter Side... BEDSIDE MANNER A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph’s Hospital and &midly asked, “Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a pa&ent is doing?” The operator said, “I’ll be glad to help, dear. What’s the name and room number of the pa&ent?” The grandmother, in her weak, tremulous voice said, “Norma Findlay, Room 302.” The operator replied, “Let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse’s sta&on.” A1er a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said, “I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well; her blood pressure is fine, her blood work came back normal and she’ll be discharged tomorrow.” The grandmother said, “Thank you. That’s wonderful. I was so worried; God bless you for the good news.” The operator replied, “You’re more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?” The grandmother said, “No, I’m Norma Findlay in Room 302, and no one tells me nothing around here!” THIS & THAT • • • • • I exercise by pushing my luck! Dear vegetarians, if you’re trying to save the animals, why are you ea&ng their food? Life is too short to be serious all the &me, so if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me… I’ll laugh at you! If we weren’t meant to have a midnight snack, why is there a light in the fridge? My favorite thing about camping is when I don’t.
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