In this issue
MLLA Mission Statement ~ 06
Officers, Board, Chairpersons ~ 06
MLLA General Information ~ 07
President’s Report ~ 08
Help Needed Corner ~ 09
MLLA Membership Application ~ 09
Social Buzz Corner, Upcoming Events ~ 10
Lake Sweatshirts for sale ~ 10
Event Recaps & Reviews ~ 11
Breakfast with Santa Event Info ~ 12
Fishing Corner ~ 12
Environmental Corner ~ 12
Riparian Corner ~ 13
Electronic Newsletter ~ 14
Business & Advertiser Support ~ 14
Street Ambassadors ~ 15
Gun Range Noise Reduction Update ~ 15
ML & SA Newsletter Subscription ~ 16
Allstate Boat Insurance ~ 02
Pontiac Lake Inn ~ 03
American Marine ~ 19
Repair Plumbing Co. ~ 04
Buckshots Bar & Grill ~ 18
Safety Technology International, Inc. ~ 18
Discount Marble & Granite ~ 03
Square 1 Home Inspections ~ 04
Lake Estate Insurance ~ 05
Ultra Concentrated Control ~ 17
Michigan First Mortgage ~ 03
Wing Lauk Chinese Restaraunt ~ 03
Morgan & Milzow Realtors ~ 04
North Bloomfield Properties ~ 17
Maceday-lotus lakes association
Maceday-lotus lakes association
MLLA Misson statement
MLLA FAcebook group
Maceday-Lotus Lakes Association is the
community whose mission is to bring
together the residents of Lotus and Maceday
Lakes, in the common interest, to protect
the environment, promote the safety of the
lakes, and to share common social interests.
President ~ Heidi Nettler
Join our Facebook group and participate in discussions, browse and share
pictures of past events and our lakes, and meet your fellow riparians online. To find our group, simply enter “Maceday Lotus” in the search box
on top of the Facebook page. In the list of results, click the “Request to
Join” button behind the MLLA group and you will be added to the group.
board members
Secretary ~ Marilyn Merit
Iris Barbu
Robin Erkfritz
Don Healy
Al Jacobson
Jennifer Lefferts
Carol Tackett
Vice President ~ Jim Oldford
Treasurer ~ Dave DelVecchio
Advertisements ~ Jennifer Lefferts
Communications ~
Al Jacobson & Heidi Nettler
Newsletter Editor ~ Dave DelVecchio
Facebook ~ Jan Hesse
E-mail & Web ~ Al Jacobson
Lake Safety ~ Don Healy
Social ~ Iris Barbu & Carroll Oldford
Fireworks ~ Al Jacobson
Membership ~ Dave DelVecchio
Street Ambassador ~ Carol Tackett
Political Action ~
Heidi Nettler & Jim Oldford
Welcome ~ Amy Vernon
Environmental ~
Marilyn Merit & Robin Erkfritz
Newsletter Design ~ Haileé Hovis
Check out our website at: The site includes the latest issue of
the newsletter, helpful links for riparians, lake facts and information, and a
place to check for lost and found items. You can also check the website for
the latest updates for events such as rain dates.
New neighbors?
Notify us of a new lakefront neighbor. Email Dave DelVecchio (cddelv@ or Amy Vernon ( so that we can get a
welcome bag to them.
business ads available
Book your ads in three or six issues. Options range from 1/8 page ads to
1/2 page size. Call Jennifer Lefferts for more information.
Free business advertising!
Add your business items to our new neighbor welcome bag.
General Information email
Do we have your current email address?
If you would like to be on our list for notices of upcoming social happenings, get-togethers and lost or found items, please submit your email
address to Al Jacobson at
~ Prepare directories for mailing (stuff envelopes, label, and stamp)
Heidi Nettler
MLLA President
rite newsletter articles (history of lakes or area, interesting vacations,
recipes, lawn care tips, lake fun, etc.)
Dear Lake Family,
This is such a great time of year to reflect on
friends, family and life. We are truly blessed
to live on such beautiful lakes and be in
such a great community. I wish all of you a
fabulous Thanksgiving and a Holiday filled
with Love, Fun and Happiness!
Thanks to all the dedicated people that
worked on helping to contain the Phragmites this Fall. This is an on going project
but we made a huge dent in helping this
horrible invasive species from populating
our lakes. I hope everyone took the time to
get educated about these weeds and have
now paid attention to how they are growing all over ~ and it will keep getting worse
if they are not stopped.
We are making good progress with the
Township and other lakes in creating our
Waterford Lakes Association Group. We
currently have 11 lakes involved but looking to get all 32 Waterford lakes represented. Please help us spread the news! It looks
like we will be in the January/February
Oakland Lakes Magazine. We need another
representative from Lotus Lake (goal is to
have two per lake). Please let me know if
you are interested in joining this group.
Our next meeting is January 28th at 6 p.m.
Can you please reach out to any new neighbors to welcome them and help them get
acquainted to lake living and our community? Also, please let us know who they are so
we can welcome them too! You guys have to
be the ears and eyes for us on this and many
other things! FYI, we are still looking for
Street Ambassadors for a few of the streets
to help us with this and a few other things.
Also, I hope they are wrong about this
winter’s forecast! However, if they are not,
please reach out and help people in need. Especially watch out for our seniors who might
need help with ice/snow removal, getting
groceries or just want some company.
The Social committee is planning the 2015
calendar. It’s a very dynamic group and
they are always looking for more members
or ideas. A special welcome to our newest
member, Veronica Tisler. Please join us for
our Santa breakfast. It’s a very fun event ~
Riparian and MVCC’s children and grandchildren are welcome!
Enjoy the beauty and fun of winter on our
lakes and in Michigan! Remember to please
be smart ~ ice can be very deceptive and
not safe! For the lucky people going somewhere warmer.. ENJOY the warmth for all
of us staying here!
elp with future social events (plan, shop, set up, cook, take pictures,
check in/welcome, write articles about event, clean up, etc.)
ecome a Street Ambassador (help welcome new neighbors, inform/
hand deliver important information, promote events) for a small group of
your neighbors. Please see article for street representatives still needed.
ecome a WinterFestival Committee Member or Chairperson
~ Look at new ideas for improving communication, help with communications, gather articles or be a Communication Committee member or
~ Represent Lotus Lake for the Waterford Lakes Association.
It’s a great way to get to know people. Please contact Heidi Nettler at or 248-425-9300 if you can help in any way.
THe association wants you!
Please send the following information with your payment:
First Name:
Last Name:
Spouse’s Name (if applicable):
Lake Address:
Mailing Address (if different):
Home Phone:
Email Address:
Membership dues ($45):
Fireworks donation:
Total enclosed:
Iris Barbu and Carroll Oldford
Social Committee Chairpersons
Looking out the window at another
beautiful sunset but this one has accents
of fall colors reflecting off the water –
how fortunate we are to be able to live
on our lake. Another reason to feel grateful is the great response we have had all
year to our social events. This year, Social
Committee was asked to move closer to
being self-supporting and with your help
we were able to do so. Together with a
nominal fee charged for the May Cookout, our Ipad Raffle, the Sweatshirt Sales
and the huge success of our Boat Rally,
the Social Committee will end 2014 in
the black. Therefore, on behalf of all of
us on the Social Committee, thank you!
sweatshirts for sale
Great Christmas gifts!
Zipped Hoodies~
Adult $35 & Kids $30
Crewneck Sweatshirts~
Adult $30 & Kids $25
Black with pink logo
Pink with black logo
Gray with blue logo
Black with blue logo
To order sweatshirts, contact Maureen
Healy at or
Proceeds go to the MLLA Social Fund.
We would also like to thank the numerous people who stepped up to either
chair or helped out on a committee. You
gave generously of your time to make
every occasion a successful one. We presented eleven events on the lake this year
– and without all of you that could not
have ever happened. Thank you!
Moving forward please mark your calendars:
Saturday, December 6th: Santa Breakfast. Please see flyer on page 12 of this
newsletter for further details.
Wishing everyone safe, joyous holidays.
upcoming events
Save the Date
Breakfast With Santa at MVCC:
(see page 12 for details)
Saturday, December 6th
WinterFest at MVCC:
Saturday, February 28th
Details to follow in January
Newsletter, Facebook, and Email
Event recaps & reviews
2nd Annual Clinton River Cleanup Update
By Carol Tackett
On Sept 20th volunteers gathered with their
kayaks and a fishing boat to collect trash
from the Clinton River. The sun was shining
and it was a beautiful day to volunteer for
this good cause. The Clinton River Watershed Council provided donuts and coffee
before we launched into the river next to
Buffalo Wild Wings on M-59 near Crescent
Lake Road. The Clinton River Watershed
Council also provided gloves, garbage bags
and trash grabbers. Waterford Township
donated a dumpster, waders and trash grabbers. The team first went upstream cleaning
up trash and then some headed downstream.
We collected 500 pounds of trash including
tires, an ottoman, a baby car seat, buckets
and lots of plastic bags and plastic bottles.
Afterwards we headed into Buffalo Wild
Wings for a free luncheon provided by manager Tom Parsons who received a round of
applause by the hungry and exhausted group
of volunteers.
This is a great cause and we will be recruiting
you next fall to assist! This is also a great
networking opportunity and a terrific way
to get to know more people around the lake.
Please do not forget to register your Kroger card to donate 5% of your purchases to
the Clinton River Watershed Council.
MACEDAY and lotus Lakes
The Environmental Committee appreciates the concern expressed by residents
about the Phragmites on Blain Island
Road. Phragmites is an invasive plant that
aggressively crowds out cattails and other
native wetland plants.
By Jack Taylor
Thank you to 38 Riparians who donated
their time and effort to benefit our lakes.
Every home will benefit.
Jay looks forward to fishing in Maceday
Lake when he is visiting Michigan.
He trailers his boat from Woodridge, IL.
This prized fish was caught this summer.
Keeping our lakes high quality
~ Report any Phragmites you see on our lakes
~ Limit lawn fertilizers
No phosphorus, No nitrogen
~ Get your boat haulers to clean their trailers
when traveling between lakes
~ Clean kayaks if they
have been on another lake
~ Don’t put grass clippings and leaves in the lake
Contact the Environmental Committee for
more information
Bernadine & Jack Taylor have been living on Lotus Lake for over 50 years…..
here are some memories.
We traveled from Detroit to Maceday Lake in the spring of 1957 to visit
Bernadine’s brother, Don Gasco and his family who lived on Maceday Lake.
We had noticed an advertisement in a Detroit paper showing a house for
sale on Lotus Lake, so we decided to look at it. Although that house was
not for us, we noticed a lot for sale. We were shocked they only wanted
$3,900.00 for it so we bought it!!
The next thing, of course, was to build our house on Lotus Drive, which we did
and moved to Lotus Lake in 1958. Soon we were involved in the Lotus Lake
Beach Association, which was where we met a very interesting person from
the past - Roy Carpenter. Mr. Carpenter owned the whole area at one time
including the bottom of Lotus Lake (so he said?). He did threaten to put a
fence around the lake so we could not have access. We told him to go ahead we
would take it down as fast as he could put it up. As it turned out he was helpful
to our association and incidentally he was the person who sold the property
to the township so they could build the water tower for our water system. The
beach association held a boat parade and party at the beach every Labor Day.
We hired Ricky the Clown, a TV personality at the time, to entertain the kids.
At that time there were only 3 or 4 pontoon boats on the lake and we built one
in our basement to add to that number.
From the time Bernadine’s brother Don took us for a ride around both lakes in
1957 till now while we can still drive our own boat, we always have enjoyed the
view on Maceday and Lotus lakes. We also love the fact our daughter Margie
and Ron Gobler along with Grandson Brent Gobler live on Maceday Lake and
Granddaughter Tasha, Adam Smith & our new Great Granddaughter Reese
Nichole live on Lotus Lake directly across from our home.
There is nothing like our Lotus and Maceday Lakes… Best in Oakland County!
We welcome other additions that some of our more established
Riparians may remember or any other items you would like to share in
our newsletter’s “RIPARIAN CORNER.”
Electronic Newsletter &
Business Advertiser Support
Gun Range Noise Reduction
Project Status
Street Ambassadors
MLLA Communications Committee
By Jack Stockbridge
We still need some volunteers to assist as
Street Ambassadors. We appreciate those
that have volunteered for this mission.
The streets still needing an ambassador
are Andersonville, Lake Forest, Lotus, Iris,
Dorothy Lane, Longworth, and Rich.
In the past there were people that preferred MLLA newsletters e-mailed to
them rather than sent via US Mail. In
order to save printing and mailing costs,
please let us know if you prefer to receive
only an electronic version in the future.
If we have enough interest, we will look
into investing into an application that
would provide a very impressive electronic
version plus have live links to additional
information of interests to our lakefront
residents, MLLA flyers/registration forms
and to our advertisers web sites.
Please send an email to Maceday.Lotus@ with your Name, Street Address
and e-mail address if you prefer to receive an
electronic version in the future (instead of
hard copy via US Mail).
Please support the businesses that advertise in our newsletter. They make it possible for us to publish our newsletter for all
of our Riparians. Please mention that you
saw their ad in our newsletter and thank
them for their support.
The Gun Range Noise Reduction Project
continues to move forward. Another major
point in the construction is finished ~ the
roof and now all the sidewalls are in place. The project is being done with the work
team that also maintains the State ranges. The enhancements are being scheduled
around the regular repair work that gun
ranges need. All the materials are delivered,
the progress is steady and the quality of the
work is outstanding.
By Carol Tackett
What do the Street Ambassadors do?
We would like them to offer the first welcome to new families on the street and then
get this information to our “New Member”
board person. Additionally, they would
assist with passing out special information/
As each of the phases of the project are
flyers or helping to promote upcoming
completed, different areas of the communi- events. And finally, they would be the eyes
ty will hear different levels of benefits. This and ears on their street for any ideas or
last week, a very appreciative person from
issues that might be helpful.
Van Norman Lake visited the range and
Please call Carol Tackett at 248-396-9985
said they no longer hear the guns.
if you would like to volunteer.
The next phase will be to install noise absorbing insulation and then baffles to re-direct the noise back into the noise absorbing
material. The Range Staff really appreciates
hearing directly from the community on
how much we appreciate their work and
efforts. A project like this only moves forward with the community’s support. The
Range Staff ’s impressive support has been
there from the very start. Other priorities
are being set aside so our community can
benefit. Please stop by the gun range, take a
look at the project, and tell them thank you
from all of us!
Michigan Lake and Stream
To better understand the issues and concerns of our lakes the MLLA is a member of
the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations,
Inc. ML&SA publishes a quarterly magazine, The Michigan Riparian Magazine. As
part of the membership we subscribe to the
Riparian Magazine.
“Michigan Lake and Stream Associations,
Inc. is a non-profit, state-wide organization
dedicated to the preservation, protection and
wise management of Michigan’s vast treasure of inland lakes and streams. We achieve
our mission by supporting riparian associations as well as the collective and individual
educational, stewardship and conservation
initiatives of our members which include lake
and stream associations, concerned citizens,
commercial and non-profit businesses as well
as our public and private collaborative partners...The primary goal of ML&SA is to assist
lake, river and stream and watershed associations as well as individual riparian property
owners in water resource friendly techniques
and methods of protecting their investment in
waterfront property.” ~ ML&SA Website
You as a riparian on Maceday or Lotus can
also get the Riparian Magazine now. If you
would like to look at past issues you can go
to: We suggest everyone who wants information about the future
of our lakes subscribe to this source, for only
$14.00/year it is well worth it!
“My first four wives claimed I loved boating and fishing more than them. Which is
ridiculous. By the way, happy anniversary.”